Bemidji High School Industrial Technology Standards – revised 2010
Advanced Construction Technology
Grades 9-12
J The nature and development of technological Students learn how residential buildings are designed to fit within its knowledge and processes are functions of the surroundings and how the design and building materials are based on its L Inventions and innovations are the results of Students learn where most frequent problems occur in construction and what is being done to solve and improve the issues. M Most development of technologies these days is Students learn the cost of various building materials and how construction driven by the profit motive and the market. companies make daily decisions concerning material cost effectiveness which ultimately determines the profit. W Systems thinking applies logic and creativity The home students build wil be occupied by a home owner. Everything with appropriate compromises in complex real- they work on has to be done carefully and thoughtfully to add to the final Z Selecting resources involves trade-offs between Students work with a variety of construction materials and tools that competing values, such as availability, cost, differ in quality, cost, availability, and function. Students also learn how certain building sizes are more cost effective as a result of availability of material sizes. BB Optimization is an ongoing process or Students read floor plans and discuss efficiency of square footage usage, methodology of designing or making a product as well as home traffic flow. They will also understand how homes need and is dependent on criteria and constraints. certain rooms, and those rooms need to be of minimum sizes and still all fit in a home using minimal square footage. CC New technologies create new processes. Students are always being exposed to the most up to date materials being produced. As those new materials are used on the construction site, new methods of use need to be practiced. DD Quality control is a planned process to ensure Students are given the responsibility to build within given specific that a product, service, or system meets parameters and that their work needs to pass an actual building EE Management is the process of planning, Students work on the job-site in groups. Each group general y has a leader who receives specific instruction and then is responsible for his or her group for that specified task. International Technology Education Association STL Standards and Benchmarks: Bemidji High School Industrial Technology Standards – revised 2010
Advanced Construction Technology
Grades 9-12
H Changes caused by the use of technology can Students use a variety of different building materials and tools. Those range from gradual to rapid and from subtle to varieties give students comparisons of existing and new/improving technologies and how they affect their building project. I Making decisions about the use of technology Students learn the endless options of methods and materials used in involves weighing the trade-offs between the construction. With options come discussion concerning positives and G Humans can devise technologies to conserve Many of the materials students use to build the homes are from recycled water, soil, and energy through such techniques materials. Material conservation is always being discussed when they are H When new technologies are developed to Students learn the various types of home-energy systems including reduce the use of resources, considerations of central-air, air exchangers, geothermal, heat pumps, plenum heaters, J The alignment of technological processes with Students learn geothermal concepts which include taking air from natural processes maximizes performance and underground and using that air to begin heating or cooling a home reduces negative impacts on the environment. J A number of different factors, such as Students discuss the effect the economy had on the housing market sales advertising, the strength of the economy, the and trends. Students also work with a local company who fund the project whose goals and demands have to be met by the students and contribute to shaping the design of and demand instructor. for various technologies. H The evolution of civilization has been directly Students learn why new tools and materials are developed in their daily affected by, and has in turn affected, the work as they face difficulties and realize that building techniques can development and use of tools and materials. I Design problems are seldom presented in a Students are required to build a home from a blueprint designed by an architect. There are always oversights and unforeseen problems with all designs and are not obvious until long after the building begins. K Requirements of a design, such as criteria, Students learn how the design of a home is influenced by the balance of constraints, and efficiency, sometimes compete square footage, utility efficiency, and cost. with each other. M Identify the design problem to solve and decide There are always problems and flaws in the process of building a home. Students are required to identify faults within their work and decide if it needs to be changed, repaired, or completely re-done. International Technology Education Association STL Standards and Benchmarks: Bemidji High School Industrial Technology Standards – revised 2010
Advanced Construction Technology
Grades 9-12
Students receive many written instructions including blueprints that they communicate them to different audiences using are required to read, interpret, and communicate specifications to other appropriate oral and written techniques. K Synthesize data, analyze trends, and draw The designs of homes are very dependent on current trends, region to be conclusions regarding the effect of technology built, and consumer demands. Students are required to build a home that on the individual, society, and environment. is current with these design constraints as well as realize other options and how they would affect the overal function of the house. J Energy cannot be created nor destroyed; Students have to properly insulate, heat, seal, and waterproof the home however, it can be converted from one form to because building in Minnesota requires strict energy usage techniques to withstand the cold temperatures and abundance of moisture. Students learn that energy usage is very important and how to manage the efficiency of energy used. K Energy can be grouped into major forms: Students work with subcontractors who demonstrate the use of thermal, thermal, radiant, electrical, mechanical, radiant, and electrical energy in the home being built. N Power systems must have a source of energy, a Students work on a home which is a perfect example of complete power system. Students use and work around al these system components and identify their uses and how they affect the home. K Structures are constructed using a variety of Students are required to perform and complete all of the subsystems of construction including but not limited to: wall framing, floor systems, roof framing, roof covering, window installation, siding, insulation, electrical, heating, plumbing, drywall, finish carpentry, floor coverings, landscaping, and excavation. L The design of structures includes a number of The home the students build has to be within specified parameters given M Structures require maintenance, alteration, or Students build a house in a manner in which is can later be improved, renovation periodically to improve them or to N Structures can include prefabricated materials. Several of the materials used by the students are prefabricated to improve efficiency, speed, and consistency. International Technology Education Association STL Standards and Benchmarks:


Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis Autorin: Dipl.-Päd. Nicole Rolfsmeier Datum: 04. November 2005 (aktualisiert 16. Dezember 2013) Vorbemerkung Die Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis gilt al gemein als harmlose Bagatel erkrankung, die keine oder kaum Beschwerden verursacht und die beobachtet, aber nicht unbedingt behandelt werden muss. Oft ist sie tatsächlich nur ein Zufal sbefund bei einer umfangreicheren Ro


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