The Calcium Bomb: The
Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease &
Cancer by Katja Hansen
IF YOU HAVE HEART DISEASE, ARTHRITIS, or CANCER, youve probably got calcification -- one of the most widespread harmful conditions in existence, and found with diseases like osteoporosis and Alzheimers. Doctors have long known that something in our body misuses calcium to make us sick; they just havent known why, or how to treat it. Until now. I f youve never heard of calcification or dont know what it does, youll find crucial answers in The Calcium Bomb, including medical sciences recent discovery of a particle -- a nanobacterium so smal it chal enges the very definition of life -- that makes otherwise good calcium go bad, and which has also been discovered in other incurable diseases. Until recently scientists didn’t know that it existed or what it did. But now they are beginning to understand what it is. and how to treat it. IF YOURE YOUNG AND HEALTHY, your own Calcium Bomb may already be ticking. The Leading Causes of Death list is intimately linked to calcification-associated illnesses like heart disease -- and the U.S. Surgeon General estimates that getting rid of heart disease alone wou ld increase the average lifespan by five years. THE GOOD NEWS: Many patients are improving with new treatment aimed at heart disease calcification. Will it work for arthritis, injuries, and some cancers where the time bomb also lurks? In easy-to-understand terms, this book explores the hotly contested evidence. Features: * Notes: The book discusses how a newly discovered microorganism, nanobacteria, are responsible for the plaque that accumulates within our tissues as we age. Plaque buildup is what causes heart disease, and other circulatory issues. Beyond that it describes how the use of EDTA suppositories and the antibiotic tetracycline have been used remove plaque from arteries and restore health to many who would certainly die without this therapy. There is some controversy in that nanobacteria are not currently scientifically accepted as being living organisms, and that they are not accepted as the c ause of arterial plaque formation. The authors give compelling evidence that they are organisms and they do cause plaque formation. Beyond the scientific argument about nanobacteria, there is no debate that arterial plaque and calcification are major contr ibutors to heart disease, and that EDTA chelation therapy can remove this plaque in many people. The book gives numerous examples of those who have been saved from this therapy, and it provides references to where this therapy can be obtained. It does downplay the effectiveness of oral EDTA chelation, and it highly recommends the use of tetracycline. In that, it seems to favor a therapeutic regimen that is currently available through only one source, and at a premium price. I am trying to give useful infor mation here rather than a simple review. I have researched this to quite an extent and believe that oral EDTA chelation is fairly effective, it is much easier to take, and it is a lot cheaper than the suppositories they recommend. Beyond that garlic and curcumin, are very safe and effective herbs that offer some anti-plaque benefits. This is one of the best books I have ever read. It is very thoroughly researched and referenced. Currently the web site simply displays a message stating that the authors are working on an updated version of the book. I will certainly buy it as soon as it's available. I am disappointed that this book is already out of print and that currently it is selling for such a premium price. If you suffer from life threa tening heart disease then by all means buy it, it will be worth every penny to you. If you have more of a scientific interest then you may wish to wait for the updated version or research EDTA chelation therapy on the web. I would prefer that the future version of the book focus more on methods of removing plaque from the body and less on the scientific debate over nanobacteria. For More 5 Star Customer Reviews and Lowest Price:


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