
August 6th, 2012 – 6:30 P.M.
9180 Lexington Avenue
Lexington, MN 55014

1. Call to Order

A. Roll Call
Chairperson Mitlyng called to order (at the water garden) the Regular Park Board
Meeting of the City of Lexington of August 6th, 2012. Commissioners Present: Ames,
Cummings, Feider and Hylton. Also Present: Administrator Heifort

2. Tour:
Park Board members felt it was more logical to do the inspections on the south side of
Lake Drive first, then to do Memorial Park and to finish up with the Lovell Building.
The inspections commenced.
1. Water Garden
• Members would like the edge facing the liquor store to be straightened. Administrator Heifort believes she has a tool that could assist P.W. with this task. • Members will come in “pairs” to weed (for one hour) over the next • A discussion was held regarding some of the different types of flowers • Members felt there could be more Cone, Echinacea and Gaillardia • Some of the flowers will need to be divided this fall when they are • Commissioner Feider will do some research regarding the name of the 2. Lovell Building Planter – Lovell Road and Lexington Avenue
• Members inquired as to what happened to the bench that had previously been located at the “West Entrance”. • Members commented that it needed to be swept up by the “West • Members questioned why there was a partial / section of fence (wire) • The two planters without flowers (South entrance) were not out there when the initial planting was done (? Can they be put back into storage). • South side of south entrance needs some additional black dirt - has 3. Memorial Park
• Members noted that they have asked repeatedly to have a push off plate attached to the slider. Staff will follow-up. • Would like two additional benches (same type as “TOT” park has) to be installed next to play area for parents to sit on while child is playing. • Members wanted to thank P.W. staff for putting down all of the wood • Flag Pole area is very over grown and needs to be re-done when it gets
4. Dwayne Park
• There were multiple sandburs that need to be treated. • Edging/boards around perimeter needs to be fixed / replaced. • Members would like to take time this fall and winter to come up with an overall plan for this area and start implementation in 2013 spring/summer. Some of the ideas mentioned included: • Half basketball courts (different height baskets) • Sand play area (area to play in with toy trucks etc.) • Swings and Monkey Bars • Some different types of trees / lilacs • ? Apply for CDBG Funds for park renovation • ? Should apartment building owners be contacted to see if they would contribute financially for a renovation. • Remove Volley Ball net – no one uses it. 5. Tot Park
• Members would like street sign put up • Sandburs should be treated • Grass in play area should be treated/removed • During fall/winter would like to develop a landscape plan i.e.; add some Park Board inquired as to the cities intent for the berm next year i.e. perennials or
annuals. Staff will follow-up.
3. Adjournment
cc: Assistant Administrator Pitchford
Public Works Staff


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