
The Effects of Drugs on Bugs: An
Independent Study
Have you ever wondered about the effects of drugs on bugs and how that information is used in the field of Forensics? I was fortunate last se- mester to explore these questions when I designed (with the help of my mentor) a Forensic Science Independent Study in the fields of toxicology and entomology. It was a great experience, giving me weighed and measured. The results from this ex- the opportunity to apply material used in previous periment indicated that Carisoprodol had little to classes, to practice new laboratory skills and to no effect on the life cycle of Phormia regina, indi- learn more about these two fields. My experiment cated by no change in their developmental timing was an extension of what Michelle Peace has been and no significant difference in larval length. doing in her forensic toxicology laboratory. She Even though Carisoprodol had no effect on has been working in the area of entomotoxicology, the fly’s life cycle, the experiment is significant which is the use of insects as alternative toxico- because a carbamate like Carisoprodol has not logical specimens. It was decided that I would been tested before in this manner. This experiment study the effects of Carisoprodol, which is sold could be done with another species of fly and have under the trade name Soma®, on the life cycle of a different results. Also, another person doing an fly species. Carisoprodol is a muscle relaxant that independent study could take the maggots that I collected and determine if Carisoprodol accumu- lated in the maggots or if a metabolite of the drug termine if the drug, Carisoprodol, affected the is present. The presence of Carisoprodol would be growth cycle of the species Phormia regina (also significant to a toxicologist because if a body known by the common name of the Black Blow found at a crime scene was devoid of tissue, the Fly), when the larvae of this species ingested vary- toxicologist could test maggots to determine if the ing concentrations of the drug. Any significant deceased had Carisoprodol in his or her system. changes in growth cycle would mean changes in My study showed that a forensic entomologist the post mortem interval (PMI) of the deceased for would not have to adjust the PMI based on the someone who had large concentrations of the drug presence of the drug because the insect’s life cycle in their system when they died. Colonies of Phor- mia were reared on sugar and water and then given I have been invited to write my results and pork loin to induce ovipositing of eggs. The eggs present them at a regional conference. Independent were then placed on drug-laden meat and reared studies give students the opportunity to make a until the larvae reached the third instar. The larvae contribution to science and to explore future were then preserved at -20 ˚C and later were What is a Ram Pal Anyway?
Greetings from Your Student Club
If you are looking for a cool way to be of ser- vice to the university and a way to strengthen men- toring and teaching skills, then I recommend that you consider the Forensic Science Ram Pal Program. work yet again! However, there are some other Last fall, I participated in this pilot mentoring pro- things to put on your “To Do” list, such as get gram. I attended weekly VCU 101 lectures com- involved with the Forensic Science Student prised of forensic science freshmen and was assigned Club. This club not only enriches your unique to a group of students taking the 10-week course. education here at VCU, it also makes you an Each week after lecture, we organized into our all-around more appealing applicant for pre- groups for a “break-off” period where we discussed professional programs. It also is a great way to topics pertaining to the lecture and any other student concerns. Our primary role as Ram Pal mentors was to make ourselves available for the students’ ques- Graduation Committee to assist in the first-ever tions regarding university services, academics, and Forensic Science program graduation ceremony any other concerns brought to our attention. this May. A sign-up sheet for those interested in Most topics chosen for our discussions were this committee will be brought to each one of very important to all freshmen, while some were more specific to freshmen in the Forensic Science Program. As a Ram Pal, it is a relief to realize that Wednesday 2/25 from 4:00-5:00 p.m., Forum
you don’t have to have the answers to all potential questions, understand all university policies, or be Russ Chandler, Division Chief for VA Fire familiar with all of the services offered at VCU. The Marshal Academy, “Case Studies in Fire Inves- Ram Pals were able to consult their own mentors, the VCU 101 instructors, for aid in providing the assis- Monday 3/29 from 2:00-3:00 p.m., Location
While the Ram Pal mentorship program pro- vided important information to the students, it also Blair Miller and his K-9 companion, Thor, brought a diverse group of people together, sharing an interest in forensic science, to form study groups, create lasting student-teacher relationships, and be- Thursday 4/8 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Location
gin new friendships. It was a rewarding experience TBA, Art Westveer, Behavioral Science Unit and the most important knowledge I gained from be- ing a Ram Pal was that first-year experiences are just as unique as the individual experiencing them. Please join us on the above dates to meet these Ram Pals Needed for 2004-05
The Forensic Science Program is currently seeking Ram Pals for fall 2004. For information and/or an application, e-mail your request to [email protected]. Applications are due Friday, March 12, 2004. A Plan for Your Career Development
If you have not already met with Shajuana The University Career Center’s Career De- Payne, counselor for Forensic Science ma- velopment Plan recommends specific career plan- ning steps based on your classification. These steps can easily be turned into building blocks to Join your profession’s professional organi- help you make the connection between your major Register with the Career Center’s online re- Talk with professors about your interests Attend Career Fairs and talk with employers Come to the Career Center (907 Floyd Ave- Identify internship or Co-op opportunities Apply for externships through the Alumni 130) and take SIGI Plus, designed to help you identify skills and interests and how Take on-line computer tests such as Career Senior Year Work with Shajuana Payne to plan strate- Spend time in the Career Center Resource Revise your resume to include internships or Sign up for on-campus interviews with com- Continue to read more about careers in your Attend more Career Fairs at other locations Visit websites devoted to Forensic Science Let the faculty in your major know what Payne, the Career Center counselor for Fo- Explore potential organizations that offer Advance Registration
Work with your career counselor to begin is for Advance
Registration and
Advising. Plan to see your
Registration dates are as follows: Seniors April The Effect of Drugs on Bugs (cont.)
Ask an Advisor
career interests. Seniors who want to do an inde- “How can I get work experience in this pendent study must meet with the professor they field while I am attending school.” want to work with beforehand and discuss the logis- tics and the timeline for the experiment. Students There are several ways to do this. First, FRSC
must make sure they have time in their schedule as 493, Forensic Science Internships are available
it is usually time consuming. It can be a great ex- for Forensic Science seniors who have completed 27 credits in the core program and have a 2.75 cu-mulative grade-point average. For more informa- Important Dates
tion, visit http://www.has.vcu.edu/forensics/intern. The deadline for a fall 2004 internship application Second, VCU’s Cooperative Education Pro-
gram allows you to combine paid work experience
March 12 - Ram Pal application deadline with classroom learning. Interested students should visit the University Career Center’s web March 22 - Summer advance registration page at http://www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/dsa/coop/ March 26 - Last day to withdraw with a mark of Third, VCU’s Office of Alumni Activities of-
“W.” Talk with financial aid before withdrawing fers a week-long externship program which pro- vides students the opportunity to shadow someone on the job for a week. This program is offered dur- March 29-April 2 - Advising for fall semester ing winter and spring breaks, and the application April 5 - Fall registration begins Fourth, there are several governmental intern-
ship programs which may be of interest to Foren-
April 19 - Deadline to apply for fall and summer (a) The FBI Honors Internship Program at http:// (b) Federal Law Enforcement Training Center’s College Intern Program (FLETC) at http:// (c) The Department of the Navy’s Naval Crimi- nal Investigative Service’ Student Internship pro- May 22 - Commencement and Diploma Ceremony Applications for these federal programs are extensive; those interested are encouraged to be- Need Help? Free tutoring for math and science
classes is available every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evening from 5-7 pm in the Learning Center at the Education Annex, 109 N. Harrison More about Bugs
street. Just walk in. Includes MATH 141, 151; BIOL 151-52; BIOL 218; CHEM 100; 101-02; offer help on note-taking, test-taking, stress man- agement, and other study strategies. Visit http:// www.pubinfo.vcu.edu/calendar/searchKey.asp?

Source: http://www.has.vcu.edu/forensics/pdfs/fsnewsletter041.pdf


Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry, 2006 / 21 (2) 181-188 EFFECT OF OCIMUM SANCTUM (TULSI) AND VITAMIN E ON BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS AND RETINOPATHY IN STREPTOZOTOCIN INDUCED DIABETIC RATS Halim Eshrat M. and A. K. Mukhopadhyay Department of Laboratory Medicine, AII India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110029, India ABSTRACT This study was carried o


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