Java Bytecode to Native Code Translation:
The Caffeine Prototype and Preliminary Results
Cheng-Hsueh A. Hsieh John C. Gyllenhaal Wen-mei W. Hwu Center for Reliable and High-Performance Computing Abstract
exists behind efforts to create such a software distributionlanguage. The progress, however, has been very slow due to The Java bytecode language is emerging as a software distribution standard. With major vendors committed to On the legal side, many software vendors have been porting the Java run-time environment to their platforms, skeptical about the ability of the proposed software distribution programs in Java bytecode are expected to run without languages to protect their intellectual property. In practice, modification on multiple platforms. These first generation run- such concern may have to be addressed empirically after a time environments rely on an interpreter to bridge the gap standard emerges. Although the protection of intellectual between the bytecode instructions and the native hardware. property in software distribution languages is an intriguing This interpreter approach is sufficient for specialized issue, it is not the topic addressed by this paper. For the applications such as Internet browsers where application purpose of our work, we expect Java to be accepted by a performance is often limited by network delays rather than sufficient number of software vendors in the near future to processor speed. It is, however, not sufficient for executing general applications distributed in Java bytecode. This paper On the technical side, the performance of programs distributed in a universal software distribution language has presents our initial prototyping experience with Caffeine, an been a major concern. The problem lies in the mismatch optimizing translator from Java bytecode to native machine between the virtual machine assumed by the software code. We discuss the major technical issues involved in stack distribution language and the native machine architecture. The to register mapping, run-time memory structure mapping, and task of bridging the gap is made more difficult by the lack of exception handlers. Encouraging initial results based on our source code information in the distributed code in order to protect intellectual property. As a result, software interpretershave been the main execution vehicles in the proposed standards. The disadvantage of software interpreters is poor 1. Introduction
performance. This disadvantage has been partiallycompensated for by the fast advance of microprocessor speed.
The software community has long desired a universal For applications such as Internet browser applets where overall software distribution language. If such a language is widely performance is often more limited by network delays than supported across systems, software vendors can compile and processor speed, sacrificing processor performance in favor of validate their software products once in this distribution reducing software cost has become acceptable. This is, language, rather than repeating the process for multiple however, not true for general applications.
platforms. Software complexity is rapidly increasing and This paper presents our initial prototyping experience with validation has become the deciding factor in software cost and Caffeine, an optimizing Java bytecode to native machine code time to market. Therefore, substantial economic motivation translator. Although our techniques are presented in thecontext of handling Java, they are applicable to other software distribution languages such as Visual Basic P-code. We are by no means arguing that Java is the ultimate software distribution Copyright 1996 IEEE. Published in the Proceedings of the 29th Annual language. Rather, we intend to develop a strong portfolio of International Symposium on Microarchitecture, December 2-4, 1996, Paris, France.
Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish techniques from our Java implementation efforts that will this material for resale or redistribution purposes or for creating new collective works contribute to the creation and acceptance of whatever language for resale or redistribution of servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of becomes the final standard. The objective of this work is to run this work in other works, must be obtained from the IEEE. Contact: Manager, the translated code at nearly the full performance of native code Copyrights and Permissions /IEEE Service Center / 445 Hoes Lane / P. O. Box 1331 /Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, USA. Telephone: + Intl. 908-562-3966 directly generated from a source representation such as the C comparison between these approaches and native code execution are presented in Section 7.
Due to space limitations, we will limit our discussion to Interpreters are the most widely understood approach to three critical issues involved in the translation process. The execute Java bytecode programs. A software interpreter first issue is the mapping of the stack computation model of the emulates the Java bytecode Virtual Machine by fetching, bytecode Virtual Machine to the register computation model of decoding, and executing bytecode instructions. In the process, modern processors. A performance enhancing algorithm that it faithfully maintains the contents of the computation stack, takes advantage of the register computation model is presented.
local memory state, and structure memory. The Java interpreter This algorithm requires analysis to identify the precise stack from SUN Microsystems is available to the public [2].
pointer contents at every point of the program. In addition, Just-in-time compilers do on-the-fly code generation and most compilation infrastructures require that each virtual cache the native code sequences to speed up the processing of register contains just one type of data, and that virtual registers the original bytecode sequences in the future. The current do not overlap. We present a live-range-based register- generations of just-in-time compilers do not save the native renaming algorithm that can resolve such inconsistencies in code sequences in external files for future invocations of the non-pathological cases. The second issue is mapping the same program. Rather, they keep the native code sequence to bytecode memory organization to the native architecture. A speed up the handling of the corresponding bytecode sequence more efficient memory organization than the one used by the during the same invocation of the program. Thus, they take Java interpreter is introduced. The third issue is how to advantage of iterative execution patterns such as loops and translate the exception handling semantics of Java. We recursion. At the time of this work, Borland [12] and Symantec describe the preliminary method used by Caffeine and some of [13] had both announced just-in-time compiler products, and the Symantec JIT compiler is used in this paper. Due to the A prototype of Caffeine has been developed based on the code generation overhead that occurs during program execution, IMPACT compilation infrastructure [1]. The prototype is just-in-time compilers are still intrinsically slower than sufficiently stable to handle Java bytecode programs of substantial size. This paper presents some initial experiments Optimizing native code translators use compiler analysis to comparing the real machine execution time of Java bytecode translate bytecode programs into native code programs off-line.
programs using the SUN Java interpreter 1.0.2, the Symantec This is the least understood approach among the three Java Just-in-time (JIT) compiler 1.0, and the IMPACT Java to alternatives. Without extensive analysis and transformation X86 native code translator 1.0 running under Windows 95.
capabilities, the native code generated may not be much better Also included in the comparison is the execution time of than that cached in the just-in-time compilers. Therefore, equivalent C programs directly compiled by the Microsoft optimizing native code translators must perform extensive Visual C/C++ compiler 4.0 into X86 native code. Preliminary analysis and optimization in order to offer value beyond just-in- results show that the optimizing translator is currently capable time compilers. Such analysis and transformations tend to of achieving, on average, 68% of the speed of the directly make the translation process more expensive in time and space.
In general, only those applications that will be repeatedly The remaining sections are organized as follows. Section 2 invoked or those applications whose execution time is much introduces different approaches to execute Java bytecode longer than the translation time should be translated. Thus, programs and an overview of our translation steps. Section 3 optimizing native code translators will not eliminate the need presents the stack computation model used by Java followed by for interpreters and just-in-time compilers.
a proposed stack to register mapping. An overview of the stack Figure 1 shows an overview of the steps in our prototype analyses required to perform and validate this mapping is optimizing native code translator. The Java class files [4] introduced in Section 4. Section 5 discusses the run-time required to execute the program are identified and decoded into memory model adopted by the SUN Java interpreter and sequences of bytecode operations, which are later used for presents a more efficient organization. Complications due to construction of an internal representation (IR), called the Java exception handling are discussed in Section 6. Preliminary IR, which is organized into functions and basic blocks. The performance results are presented in Section 7. Section 8 construction of the Java IR is straightforward due to the provides some concluding remarks and directions of future absence of indirect jumps, indirect calls, self-modified code, embedded data, and branch target alignment “filler” code inbytecode. Due to the nature of the Java Virtual Machinespecification [4] and the class file format, data recognition is 2. Background
also straightforward. Thus, the information recovered fromJava bytecode ensures complete control flow graph We will not cover the Java bytecode Virtual Machine model in this paper due to space limitations. Interested readers are The IMPACT low-level intermediate code (Lcode) serves as referred to the Java web site [2] and a large collection of Java a machine-independent IR for our prototype translator.
literature [3-11]. We will instead introduce three competing Translation from the Java IR to an efficient Lcode IR requires and sometimes complementary approaches to execute Java extensive analyses, as discussed in Section 4. The stack bytecode programs: interpreters, just-in-time compilers, and computation model is mapped to a more efficient register optimizing native code translators. A preliminary performance computation model. Bytecode operations which do not havecorresponding Lcode operations are translated into sequences of InliningData Dependence Anal.
Interclass AnalysisClassic Optimization Figure 1. Java bytecode to native code translation steps.
Stack operations
Translated code
efficient object code distribution over the Internet. Beside theoperand stack, the Java Virtual Machine also provides a memory array, called the local variable array, for storage of No stack analysis is required if the translated native code maintains a run-time operand stack in memory and manipulates it in the same way that the interpreter does. This straightforward approach is able to handle any situation that theinterpreter can handle. The run-time cost of this straightforward approach, however, can be expensive due to the example without stack to register mapping.
unnecessary memory traffic caused by inefficient registerutilization. In Figure 2, the stack operations and thecorresponding unoptimized translated intermediate code are Lcode operations or into function calls to the emulation library.
presented side-by-side for an add operation to illustrate this After the Lcode IR is constructed, it is optimized by the X86 approach. A load/store architecture is assumed in this example.
compilation path in the IMPACT compiler to generate assembly Note that the original add operation pops two operands off the code and then an executable which runs under Windows 95.
stack, adds them, and pushes the result back on.
The Lcode IR construction phase is generic and will be Optimizations can be performed on the translated code to retargeted to other code generation paths supported in IMPACT eliminate some of the loads (pops) and stores (pushes).
However, many will still exist due to the use of stackoperations across basic blocks. Global removal of unnecessary 3. Stack to Virtual Register Mapping
loads and stores requires an analysis equivalent to thatdiscussed in Section 4 and is not the focus of this paper.
3.1 Stack Computation Model
3.2 Register Mapping:
Java bytecode Virtual Machine uses a stack computation Register Mapping and Renaming
model to avoid making assumptions about the architecturalregister file size available to the interpreter [4]. Source The performance of the translated code can be improved by operands are fetched from the top of operand stack and the mapping the run-time stack to the virtual register file. The result is pushed back on. The instruction size in this model is approach used by Caffeine is to assign each stack location a small since the operands are implicitly defined and require no unique virtual register number. Register allocation is later used operand fields in the instruction encoding, which facilitates Translated
After copy prop. &
Dead code removal
Figure 3. Translated intermediate codeexample with stack to register mapping.
Figure 5. Stack balance analysis example.
neighboring register r3. Because Java has no union and all type conversions are made explicit, accesses to different types should never alias. Bytecode generated from a valid Javacompiler should always have the type state property [6] thatguarantees neither type conflict nor aliasing problems should Figure 4. Example of type or size mismatch occur. An algorithm presented in Section 4.2 is used to validate this assumption and to disambiguate virtual registers which hold different types in this mapping scheme.
Second, parallelism may be lost for wide-issue machines because different variables use the same stack location in the to allocate the virtual registers to physical registers during the original Java bytecode and get assigned to the same virtual code generation phase. After this register mapping, a push to register in this mapping scheme. This reuse of the virtual the operand stack is translated to a move to the register registers introduces artificial output and anti-dependencies.
assigned to the stack location pointed to by the current stack The same algorithm used to disambiguate virtual registers pointer, and a pop is translated to a move from the register which hold different types can be applied to perform global assigned to the stack location. This algorithm can only be virtual register renaming to remove the artificial dependencies.
applied when a constant stack offset can be determined forevery push and pop at translation time. Algorithms todetermine when this transformation can be applied are 4. Stack analysis
discussed in Section 4.1. The local variable array can bemapped to virtual registers using the array indices. Figure 3 4.1 Stack balance analysis
shows the translated code using this approach for the same addoperation as Figure 2. The moves of operands to virtual For our register mapping scheme to function correctly, the registers r1 and r2 before add will be forward copy propagated position of the stack pointer must be a known constant for each if possible. They are then removed as dead code if they are not operation at translation time. Although bytecode generated from valid Java compilers should satisfy this property [6], we There are two issues associated with this approach that need can not assume all loaded bytecode came from valid sources.
to be resolved. First, variables with different types or different A basic block may push more items on the stack than it sizes may be pushed to the same stack location and thus consumes, and vice versa. The residue of each basic block, assigned to the same virtual register, causing some virtual which is defined as the total number of pushes minus the total registers to hold multiple types of operands or to alias with number of pops in the block, is computed first. The control adjacent registers. In Figure 4, a push of 4-byte float onto flow graph is then traversed depth-first and each node is stack location 3 is translated to “r3 Å float_value” in this marked “visited” along the path from the first block. The stack register mapping scheme. At another point in the program, a 4- pointer position upon entering a block is equal to the byte integer could be pushed to the same stack location and be accumulated residue. If a marked basic block is revisited, the translated to “r3 Å integer_value”. As a result, register r3 accumulated residue is checked against the stack pointer holds two different types, which is not allowed in many position in the revisited block. If they disagree, the stack to compiler infrastructures. Another conflict arises if an 8-byte register mapping cannot be applied to this control flow graph.
double is pushed to stack location 2 and 3. The translated In such cases, Caffeine reverts to the stack model. The statement “r2 Å double_value” causes register r2 to alias with accumulated residue is also checked against zero whenever a External
Heap Memory
Shared Memory
Figure 6. Example of where stack based approachmust be used.
Figure 8. Run-time memory organization used byJava interpreter.
possible, using the technique presented below. The live rangesof each register can be characterized by their def-use chains.
Since the access of a double also takes the next contiguousmemory word, the normal reaching-definition analysis [16] isslightly modified to take this effect into account. To bespecific, the definition of r2 by an 8-byte double in Figure 4also reaches the contiguous register r3.
For each register rx, the identified def-use chains are grouped into non-overlapping live ranges. In Figure 7,operations op1, op3, and op5 define the register rx andoperations op2, op4, and op6 use the same register rx. The def- use chains for register rx are 1Æ 2, 1Æ 4, 3Æ 4, and 5Æ 6 asshown. Each connected graph forms a non-overlapping liverange of register rx. As a result, op1, op2, op3, and op4 form a leaf block (a block with no successor) is reached to ensure that live range (LR#1) while op5 and op6 form another (LR#2).
the stack is balanced in each control flow graph. This Register rx in each live range is renamed to a different register algorithm runs in linear time in the number of basic blocks and id. If the type of register rx is not consistent inside a live range control flow arcs. Figure 5 shows a control flow graph whose after this renaming, the stack to register mapping cannot be blocks are numbered in the order that they are visited by this applied and the translation falls back to the stack computation algorithm. In this example, we assume blocks 4 and 13 have a residue of one, and blocks 9, 11, and 12 have a residue ofminus one. All paths from block 1 to block 10 are stackbalanced. The position of the stack pointer for each block is 5. Run-time memory organization
also a known constant. Specifically, the stack pointer at theentrance to blocks 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 12 points to location Java programs are name-binding rather than address-binding one. For the rest of the blocks, the stack pointer initially points and thus allow flexibility in the run-time memory organization implemented by the interpreter. Dynamically allocated objects An example of when register mapping cannot be currently in the heap can be roughly categorized into class objects and applied is shown in Figure 6. Depending on the path traversed, array objects. Figure 8 illustrates the heap memory the stack offset for the pop is either zero or one. For this case, organization used by the SUN Java interpreter. In this the stack based method needs to be used. However, since we organization, neither a class object nor an array object points are using a valid Java compiler, the register-based approach can directly to its associated data. Rather, there is an 8-byte handle in between. Accesses to both class instance data and arraybody require two levels of indirection. Accesses to the method 4.2 Live range disambiguation and register renaming
block for method invocation need three levels of indirection.
Since these access events take place frequently during programexecution, such high levels of indirection can cause significant The mapping of stack locations and local variables to registers could have type and size conflicts as discussed in The enhanced memory model proposed in this paper (in Section 3.2. Variables of different types which reside in the Figure 9) reduces the amount of indirection by combining the same virtual register are separated into separate registers, when External
Heap Memory
Shared Memory
Figure 9. Run-time memory organizationused by Java bytecode translator.
Figure 10. Example of exception handing.
Otherwise incomplete flow analysis may lead to incorrect class instance data block and the method table into one object block. The reference to object block now requires only one Third, during optimization and scheduling, an instruction level of indirection. Since the class run-time type information inside the try-block cannot be moved outside its try-block in our implementation is of constant size, the method block can without enlarging the try-block in general. However, if the try- be accessed by a constant offset from a pointer to the class block has to be enlarged, to avoid changing the program descriptor. The method_ptr in Figure 8 is thus eliminated, behavior, the added instructions should not cause exceptions which reduces a method block reference to two indirection that can be captured by the try-block’s handler.
levels. The enhanced model also consumes less memory.
Fourth, for maximum portability, exception handling Changes made to the run-time library, which is source licensed support in the Java interpreter does not rely on the underlying from SUN, to support this enhanced memory model are architecture or operating system. Thus, the interpreter minimal due to the library’s heavy use of preprocessor macros explicitly checks for null references, array index bounds, divide by zero, etc. It is expensive and often unnecessary for thetranslated code to do all of these explicit checks. Caffeinecurrently explicitly checks array index bounds in the translated 6. Exception Handler Considerations
code. This checking costs about 10% of the performance acrossour benchmark programs. Optimization opportunities exist to Exception handlers are sections of code that are reached conduct analysis to eliminate unnecessary explicit checks.
when a run-time exception occurs. The try-block in Java is Previous work has shown that program analysis can be done to designed to enclose statements which may cause run-time determine if it is possible for a load or store to ever have an exceptions. Exceptions which occur within a try-block are address of zero or to ever access outside of its intended array, captured by an associated catch-block of the same exception etc., for the purpose of speculative code motion [20].
type. A Java method can have many exception handlers The benchmarks presented in Section 7 do not cause cascaded together to guard ordinary code, or to guard other exceptions and thus do not exercise the exception handler handlers. In Figure 10, block 14 is an exception handler that capabilities of Java. Although Caffeine does not currently guards its try-block consisting of blocks 4 to 8. There are four support many of these capabilities, we believe that the issues that must be addressed during translation.
underlying hardware architectures can be used to support the First, after exception handling, control may be transferred remaining exception-handling capabilities without affecting back to the original program (e.g. in Figure 10, block 14 Æ 10). As a result, exception handlers need to be connected tothe control flow graph as shown in Figure 10.
Second, an exception handler might use local variables 7. Benchmarks and Preliminary Results
defined before its associated try-block. In Figure 10, thedefinition of local variable entry LV[1] reaches the use in A suite of six integer programs was selected to evaluate our exception handler block 14. A pseudo arc, shown as a dotted prototype translator. There were currently no standard Java line, and a null block preceding the try-block are created to benchmarks generally available at the time of this work. For allow live variable information to be passed to the handler.
each program, we hand translated the C source code intoequivalent Java source code. By equivalence we mean that the SUN (interpreter)Symantec (JIT)Caffeine (Stk-Orig.Mem) Caffeine (Reg-Orig.Mem)Caffeine (Reg-Enh.Mem) Percentage of C performance 20.0%
Figure 11. Experiment results on different approaches. All numbers are relative speed to the equivalentC code compiled by Microsoft Visual C/C++ compiler with optimization level two.
algorithm, data structures, and operand types used in the Java over the stack model. The final Caffeine model (Reg.- code and the C code are the same. Due to the fundamental Enh.Mem) also uses the proposed memory organization differences between C and Java with regard to the object- instead of the interpreter’s memory organization. This results oriented concept, array accessing, array index bounds checking is a 7% performance improvement. This final model of our and library routines, an exact correspondence is not always prototype Java native code translator Caffeine is capable of feasible. When this occurred, we modified the C program so generating code that runs on average at 68% of the speed of the that it could be translated with close correspondence. The Java equivalent C code, 4.7 times faster than the Symantec Java JIT sources thus generated are then compiled into Java bytecode by compiler, and more than 20 times faster than the Java interpreter. For these preliminary results, the Caffeine Figure 11 shows preliminary results that compare the real translated code is optimized using classic C code optimization machine execution time of Java bytecode programs using the techniques without profiling and inlining.
SUN Java interpreter, the Symantec Java Just-in-time compiler(JIT), and different configurations of the IMPACT Java to X86native code translator Caffeine. All of the programs are 8. Conclusion and Future Work
executed on an Intel Pentium processor running Windows 95.
Performance is shown in Figure 11 as a percentage of the In this paper, we presented our initial prototyping benchmark performance for the equivalent C code compiled by experience with Caffeine, a Java-bytecode-to-native-machine- the Microsoft Visual C/C++ compiler with optimization level code translator, to demonstrate the feasibility of efficient two. The first Caffeine model (Stk.-Orig.Mem) uses the stack universal software distribution languages. The preliminary computation model and the interpreter’s memory model. The results show that it is capable of achieving 68% of the speed of performance is, on average, 2.8 times higher than the JIT the native code directly compiled from the equivalent C code.
compiler. This is because of the optimizations that remove Besides the fact that it removes the interpretation overhead, unnecessary pushes and pops, and because no initial code- much of the performance gain over the SUN Java interpreter generation is required. The second Caffeine model (Reg.- comes from the stack to register mapping, which fully utilizes Orig.Mem) uses the register computation model instead of the the register computation model of modern processors. The stack model. This results in 55% performance improvement requirements and algorithms for the stack to register mapping were presented and discussed. Although these requirements [3] James Gosling and Henry McGilton, The Java Language will hold for all Java bytecode generated by a valid Java Environment, A White Paper, Sun Microsystems Computer compiler, the stack computation model is kept as a fall-back when these requirements are not met. The penalty for using the [4] The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Release 1.0 Beta stack model is about a 35% performance degradation.
DRAFT, Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, August We also presented and compared two different run-time memory organizations. Preliminary results showed that a 7% [5] The Java Language Specification, Version 1.0 Beta DRAFT, performance gain can be achieved by moving the data Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, October 30, associated with dynamically allocated objects closer to their [6] James Gosling, Java intermediate Bytecodes, ACM Several aspects of translating Java bytecode to native code SIGPLAN Workshop on Intermediate Representations, that were not exercised by these benchmarks are now being investigated. These aspects include garbage collection, Java’s [7] Arthur van Hoff, Sami Shaio, and Orca Starbuck, Hooked extensive exception handling capabilities, threading support, on Java, Addison-Wesley, December 1995.
and the use of the Java graphic library.
[8] David Flanagan, Java in a Nutshell, O’Reilly & Associates, In addition, substantial ongoing efforts are focusing on removing indirection overhead for method invocation. By [9] Gary Cornell and Cay S. Horstmann, Core Java, The doing interclass reaching-definition analysis, we should be able Sunsoft Press Java Series, March 1996.
to trace the class type of a current object from its definition and [10] Michael C. Daconta, Java for C/C++ Programmers, convert, if possible, the indirect method invocation to an Wiley Computer Publishing, March 1996.
absolute method invocation. Inlining is also made possible by [11] Ken Arnold and James Gosling, The Java Programming this conversion. Another direction for research is to perform Language, Addison Wesley, May 1996.
better memory disambiguation by taking advantage of well- [12] Borland C++ Development Suite, Borland International, protected class boundaries to eliminate dereferencing overhead.
We also observe that the array index bounds checking as [13] Café – Visual Java Development and Debugging Tools, required by Java semantics is a major source of performance Symantec Corporation, 1996, degradation. We feel that with aggressive analysis, most of [14] Tim Wilkinson, KAFFE – A JIT virtual machine to run these checks can be removed. We would also like to target other platforms and make use of more advanced instruction- level parallelism enhancing techniques such as predication and [15] Guava – High-performance Environment for Running Java Programs, Softway Pty. Ltd., 1996, Acknowledgments
[16] Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffery D. Ullman, Compiler – Principles, Techniques, and Tools, AddisonWesley, March, 1988.
The author would like to thank Daniel M. Lavery for [17] Jeffery Richter, Advanced Windows - Chap.9 Thread proofreading the various versions of this paper, all the members Synchronization and Chap.14 Structured Exception of the IMPACT research group, and the anonymous reviewers Handling, Microsoft Press, 1995.
whose comments and suggestions helped to improve the quality [18] Matt Pietrek, Windows 95 System Programming Secrets, This research has been supported by the National Science [19] Walter Oney, Extend Your Application with Dynamically Foundation (NSF) under grant MIP-9308013, Intel Corporation, Loaded VxDs Under Windows 95, MSJ, May 1995.
Advanced Micro Devices, Hewlett-Packard, SUN [20] Roger Alexander Bringmann, Enhancing Instruction Level Microsystems, NCR, and the National Aeronautics and Space Parallelism Through Compiler-Controlled Speculation, Administration (NASA) under Contract NASA NAG 1-613 in Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science, cooperation with the Illinois Computer Laboratory for University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1995.
Aerospace Systems and Software (ICLASS).
[1] P.P. Chang, S. A. Mahlke, W. Y. Chen, N. J. Warter, and W. W. Hwu, IMPACT: An architectural framework formultiple-instruction-issue processors, Proc. 18th Ann. Int’lSymp. Computer Architecture, (Toronto, Canada), pp.
266-275, Jun 1991.
[2] JavaTM – Programming for the Internet, Sun Microsystems,


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This is a sample translation only—the information provided here is not intended to replace the advice of medical professionals. Please note that the brand name has been changed. German 2 Verschreibungsstatus/Apothekenpflicht 2 Prescription status/pharmacy requirement Cellulose, Maisstärke, Natriumcarboxymethylstärke, Cellulose, corn starch, sodium starch glycolate, Talkum, Stearinsäure, M


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