No summary can take the place of careful discussions with your health care professionals. Few patients consider visual symptoms as being related to their medicine. However, when you realize that your eyes are really just an extension of your brain, an organ which is extremely sensitive to many drugs, it is not surprising that vision can be impaired by a host of medications. The National Registry of Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects has published the following list of drugs which might be associated with macular degeneration. The drugs with more tenuous links to macular degeneration are followed by a question (?) mark. The generic name is in bold type and followed by various proprietary names from around the world. If you have any questions or want more information about any drug on this list and its possible links to macular degeneration, talk to your prescribing physician and/or ophthalmologist. You may also want to discuss whether the use of a drug on this list outweighs the increased risk of side effects compared with other treatments. Be sure to mention any prescribed or over the counter medications and other supplements you're taking. Describe any side effects you may have experienced. Remember, no summary can take the place of careful discussions with your health care professionals. Macular Edema
Defiltran (Fr.), Diamox, Diazol (S. Afr.), Didoc (Jap.), Diuramid (Pol.), Glaucomide
(Austral.), Glaupax (Swed.), Hydrazol
Allopurinol (?)
Bloxanth (Canad.), Epidropal (Germ.), Foligan (Germ.), Lopurin, Urosin (Germ.),
Zyloprim, Zyloric (G.B.)
Aluminum Nicotinate
Betaxolol (?)
Colipar (Fr.), Fenilor (Belg., Germ.)
Chymotrypsin (?)
Alpha Chymar, Alphacutanee (Fr.), Alphlozyme (Fr.), Catarase, Chymar (G.B.), Chymar-
Zon (G.B.), Enzeon, Kimopsin (Austral., Jap.), Quimotrase (Canad.), Zolyse, Zonulyn
(Canad.), Zonulysin (G.B.)
Daranide, Oralcon (Swed.), Oratrol
Dipivefrin (?)
DPE (?)
Adremad (Fr.), Adrenalin, Adrenaline (G.B.), Adrenatrate, Asmatane, Asmolin, Asthma
Meter, Bronkaid, Dysne-Inhal (Canad.), Dyspne (Austral.), Glin-Epin (Austral.),
Glycirenan (Germ.), Intranefrin (Canad.), Liadren (Ital.), Medihaler-Epi, Micronefrin,
Primatene, Suprarenin, Sus-Phrine, Vaponefrin, Adrenaline (G.B.), El/2, E2, Epifrin,
Epinal, Epitrate, Eppy, Glaucon, Glauconin (Swed.), Glaufrin (Swed.), Lyophrin (G.B.),
Mistura E, Mytrate, Simplene (G.B.)
Fulcin (G.B.), Fulvicin-P/G, Fulvicin-U/F, Grifulvin V, Grisactin, Grisefuline (Fr.),
Grisovin (G.B.), Grisowen, Gris-PEG, Lamoryl (Swed.), Likuden M (Germ.)
Indomethacin (Indometacin) (?)
Amuno (Germ.), Confortid (Swed.), Imbrilon (G.B.), Inacid (Span.), Indacin (Jap.),
Indocid (G.B.), Indocin, Indomee (Swed.), Infrocin (Canad.), Metindol (Pol.), Mezolin
Iodide and Iodine Solutions and Compounds
Aqueous Iodine Solution (G.B.), Compound Iodine Solution, Iodex (G.B.), Jodex
(Germ.), Lugol's Solution, Pima, Solute Iodo-Iodure Fort (Fr.), Strong Iodine Solution,
Teinture d'Iode (Fr.), Trivajodan (Germ.), Weak Iodine Solution (G.B.), Iodine Solution
Budoform (Austral.), Chinoform (G.B.), Clioquinol (G.B.), Enteroquin (Austral.),
Enteritan (Ital.), Entero-Valodon (G.B.), Entero-Vioform (G.B.),
Iodochlorhydroxyquinoline (Ind.), Vioform
Iodoquinol (Diiodohydroxyquinoline)
Diiodohydroxyquin, Diodoquin, Direxiode (Austral., Fr.), Embequin (G.B.), Floraquin,
Florequin (Swed.), Ioquin (Fr.), Moebiquin, Panaquin, Vaam-DHQ (Austral.), Yodoxin
Iothalamate Meglumine and/or Sodium
Angio-Conray, Cardio-Conray (Austral., G.B.), Conray, Contrix (Belg., Fr.), Cysto-
Conray, Gastro-Conray (Austral., G.B.), Retro-Conray (Austral., G.B.), Sombril (Span.),
Iothalamic Acid
Levobunolol (?)
Naproxen (?)
Anaprox, Naprosyn, Naxen (Mex.), Proxen (Aust., Germ., Switz.)
Niacin (Nicontic Acid)
Acidemel (S. Afr.), Diacin, Efacin, Niac, Nicangin (Swed.), Nico-400, Nicobid, Nicocap,
Nicolar, Niconacid (Germ.), Ni Cord, Nico-Span, Nicotinex, Nicyl (Fr.), NiSpan, SK-
Niacin, Span Niacin, Vasotherm, Wampocap
Nicamid (Switz.), Nicobion (Fr., Germ.), Nicotamide (Fr.)
Nicotinyl Alcohol
Phenylephrine (?)
Neo-Synephrine, Ak-Dilate, Ak-Nefrin, Alcon-Efrin, Degest (Austral., Canad.), Dilatair,
Efricel, I-Care (Austral.), Isopto Frin, Isopto Phenylephrine (Austral.), Mistura D,
Mydfrin, Neo-Synephrine, Ocu-Phrin, Ocugestrin, Prefrin, Tear-Efrin
Bi-quinate (Austral.), Coco-Quinine, Dentojel (Canad.), Quinamm, Quinate (Austral.),
Quinbisan (Austral.), Quine, Quinsan (Austral.)
Radioactive iodides
Iodotope I-125, Iodotope I-131, Iodotope Therapeutic, Sodium Iodide (I-125), Sodium
Iodide (I-131)
Timolol (?)
Betim (G.B., Neth., Scand.), Blocadren, Blocanol (Fin.), Proflax (Arg.), Temserin
(Germ., Gr.), Timacor (Denm., Fr.), Timoptic, Timoptol (Austral., Fr., G.B., Neth., N.Z., S. Afr.) Macular or Paramacular Degeneration
Allopurinol (?)
Bloxanth (Canad.), Epidropal (Germ.), Foligan (Germ.), Lopurin, Urosin (Germ.),
Zyloprim, Zyloric (G.B.)
Basoquin (G.B.), Camoquin, Flavoquine (Fr.)
Colipar (Fr.), Fenilor (Belg., Germ.)
Aralen, Arechin (Pol.), Avoclor (G.B.), Chlorocon, Chlorquin (Austral.), Malaquin
(Austral.), Malarex (Denm.), Malarivon (G.B.), Nivaquine (G.B.), Resochin (G.B.),
Roquine, Siragan (Aust.), Tresochin (Swed.)
Clonidine (?)
Catapres, Catapresan (Germ., Swed.), Catapressan (Fr.), Dixarit (G.B.) Isoglaucon
Griseofulvin (?)
Fulcin (G.B.), Fulvicin-P/G, Fulvicin-U/F, Grifulvin V, Grisactin, Grisefuline (Fr.),
Grisovin (G.B.), Grisowen, Gris-PEG, Lamoryl (Swed.), Likuden M (Germ.)
Ercoquin (Norw., Swed.), Plaquenil, Plaquinol (Port.), Quensyl (Germ.)
Ibuprofen (?)
Advil, Algofen (Ital.), Amersol (Canad.), Andran (Jap.), Anflagen (Jap.), Apsifen (G.B.),
Bluton (Jap.), Brufanic (Jap.), Brufen (Austral., Belg., Fr., G.B., Germ., Ital., Jap., Neth.,
S. Afr., Scand., Span., Swed., Switz.), Donjust B (Jap.), Ebufac (G.B.), Emodin (Arg.),
Epobron (Jap.), Focus (Ital.), IB-100 (Jap.), Ibu-Slo (G.B.), Ibuprocin (Jap.), Inflam
(Austral.), Inza (S. Afr.), Lamidon (Jap.), Liptan (Jap.), Medipren, Motrin, Mynosedin
(Jap.), Nagifen-D (Jap.), Napacetin (Jap.), Nobfelon (Jap.), Nobgen (Jap.), Nuprin,
Pantrop (Jap.), Rebugen (Ital.), Roidenin (Jap.), Rufen, Trendar
Indomethacin (Indometacin) (?)
Amuno (Germ.), Confortid (Swed.), Imbrilon (G.B.), Inacid (Span.), Indacin (Jap.),
Indocid (G.B.), Indocin, Indomee (Swed.), Infrocin (Canad.), Metindol (Pol.), Mezolin
Budoform (Austral.), Chinoform (G.B.), Clioquinol (G.B.), Enteroquin (Austral.),
Enteritan (Ital.), Entero-Valodon (G.B.), Entero-Vioform (G.B.),
Iodochlorhydroxyquinoline (Ind.), Vioform
Diiodohydroxyquin, Diodoquin, Direxiode (Austral., Fr.), Embequin (G.B.), Floraquin,
Florequin (Swed.), Ioquin (Fr.), Moebiquin, Panaquin, Vaam-DHQ (Austral.), Yodoxin
Bi-quinate (Austral.), Coco-Quinine, Dentojel (Canad.), Quinamm, Quinate (Austral.),
Quinbisan (Austral.), Quine, Quinsan (Austral.)
This List has been compiled by the
National Registry of Drug-Induced Ocular Side Effects
Oregon Health Sciences University
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, Oregon 97201



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