Peran epw_s_int

T.038-3330222 F.038-3331878 E-mail: [email protected] Description
Peran EPW Sealer is a 2-component water-soluble epoxy,
and is available as transparent or pigmented with a gloss
or matt finish. It is applied in thicknesses of 150-250 µm.
A normal thickness after two coats is approx. 175 µm.
Peran EPW Sealer is a simple and wear-resistant floor
paint for light-industry, warehousing, cellars, boiler
rooms, access balconies and balconies in general, etc.
• Wear-resistant, dust-free and easy to clean
• Excellent alternative on smooth concrete surfaces
• Rapid installation
• Good chemical resistance and watertight
• High dry content
• Fire safety characteristics: complies with class G
in accordance with type approval certificateNo. 1721/75 SITAC System guide
The above table shows how well the systems comply with differentcharacteristics. A scale of 1–5 indicates how well the characteristics arecomplied with, where 5 is the best value.
System design
The above colours may differ somewhat from reality (the closest NCS number is inbrackets). Contact our Customer Services for a true colour sample or a special colour.
Peran AB SE-284 80 PerstorpTel +46 435 380 00 • Fax +46 435 314 98Peran AB is a division of Flowcrete Group plc Planning Guidance
Environmental Considerations
New concrete floor: Laitance is removed, e.g. with a diamond-
The end product is assessed as presenting no danger to health Old concrete floor, possibly with worn or loose paint: Wash if
Seamless bonding and high surface impermeability provide necessary, and use a diamond-grinder to produce a clean significant benefits in terms of hygiene and the environment.
The surface is easy to clean and requires little use of chemicals.
The product’s high resistance to wear ensures a long service- Older epoxy or acrylic coatings with satisfactory adhesion:
life and reduces the need for repairs and maintenance.
Wash if necessary, and diamond-grind, blastor scour.
The surface provides an excellent underlay for future renova-tion treatment with Peran Systems.
Note the following: The quality of the concrete in the substrate
should correspond to the relevant tolerance classes and the
Technical Information
requirements for operations in the room. Contact the supplier for Application temperature (hardened system) between advice if there are impurities, such as oils etc., in the concrete.
Take preventive measures to prevent rising damp in floors atground level. This implies the requisite drainage and capillary Peran EPW Transparent
barrier, and where appropriate insulation, to prevent both Can be painted over after 6 hours at 18°C capillary absorption of water and water vapour pressure Can be walked on after 12 hours at 18°CCompletely hardened after 5–7 days • The requisite filling is implemented with Peran epoxy filler or special cement filler. Check that slopes and gradients are Peran EPW Pigmented
Can be painted over after 12 hours at 18°C • Maximum permitted moisture in the substrate is 97% RH.
Can be walked on after 12 hours at 18°CCompletely hardened after 5–7 days Specification Text
Peran EPW Sealer

Dry content by weight
Supplier: Peran AB.
Telephone: Customer Service +46 435 380 00.
Peran EPW Pigmented Gloss: approx. 60%Peran EPW Pigmented Matt: approx. 65% Colour No. xxx. Thickness: e.g. 175 Ïm. Gloss or matt finish.
Preparatory work and application in accordance with the Products included in the System:
Peran EPW Transparent, orPeran EPW Pigmented The work should be performed by an authorised Perancontractor and with documented quality assurance.
Cleaning & Maintenance
The surface is kept clean by brushing, vacuum cleaning, wet
mopping, or with a scouring machine with a revolving brush.
Detergent with a pH of between 3-14 in dosed form can be used.
Strong solvents such as acetone and thinners etc. should not be
Damaged or worn coatings are best rectified by an authorisedPeran contractor.
Phone +46 435 380 00 • Fax +46 435 314 [email protected]


Vortrag_handout [schreibgeschützt]

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