Microsoft word - volume 10 april 2008.doc

Volume 10, Issue 2 April 2008
A Publication of Multiple Sclerosis Resources of Central New York, Inc. ®
Message from the Executive Director:
Spring is finally here! As I write this The 10th Anniversary MS Dinner of Hope though, the weather is rainy and cold. A was held on April 1 at the Empire Room, typical start to springtime in Central New President, Bill Jackson as our sole “Crusader for a Cure” and our volunteer Plans are underway for many educational award went to my daughter Kimberly for her programs this Spring. We are focused on tireless efforts and commitment to MS offering the best educational programs with Resources. Bill Jackson has been the the most up-to-date information to you. driving force of MS Resources and we were Specific flyers will be mailed to you so happy that on the 10th Anniversary we regarding locations, topics and speakers. could bestow this honor upon him. It was a We hope that you will join us for at least one wonderful night and we thank all our guests, program and bring a family member or sponsors and volunteers. Special thanks to friend along to gather information. Liz Ayers and Lucy Paris for all their help. Is there a campaign underway where you See you at a Service Program this Spring! work, such as the United Way or SEFA? You can designate MS Resources as your charity of choice. We do receive donor designation funds from these sources. Check with your HR Director to find out how you can designate MS Resources on Many thanks to everyone who participated in the Syracuse Walk. Though the weather was inclement in the morning, we still had 425 walkers! That’s great, we are so grateful to each and everyone of you. Also special thanks to all our volunteers, without you we would not be able to pull off this event so easily and to all our event sponsors, we applaud your continued interest and Recovery from Optic Neuritis
discomfort. This treatment can also help you recover your vision faster, but it doesn’t The prognosis following optic neuritis is appear to affect the extent to which you will generally good. Most people regain normal vision 2 months, and as long as 6 months, costeroids have also been found to reduce after an episode of optic neuritis. People the risk of developing MS in the following 2 with MS or neuromyelitis optica, however, year period in those patients who have MRI may experience recurrent attacks of optic lesions (Beck et al., 1993). Corticosteroid neuritis after they have recovered from the therapy is administered by vein for 3 days. initial episode. Other people without any After IV therapy, an oral prednisone taper is underlying conditions also may have recur- given for several weeks (Beck et al., 1993). rent optic neuritis; these people have a better prognosis for their vision in the long term than do people with neuromyelitis optica (Beck, Cleary, & Backlund, 1994; Beck & Trigeminal Neuralgia
The affected optic nerve becomes pale after Trigeminal neuralgia is probably the most optic neuritis and the affected pupil may not characteristic acute pain associated with react as well to light. Although visual acuity MS; it affects 1 to 2 percent of people with returns close to normal, residual visual sym- the disease. It occasionally occurs on both sides of the face (bilateral), but it is more people with optic neuritis can have some common on only one side of the face (uni- lateral). It is due to a plaque, with demye- people may experience decreased contrast lination or scarring of the fifth cranial nerve. sensitivity, defective color vision, subtle It is very important to recognize trigeminal visual field defects and reduced brightness neuralgia and to differentiate it from facial sensitivity. Some practical strategies in pain caused by dental caries or periodontal dealing with these visual problems will be outlined in the next section (Beck et al., gone multiple tooth extractions before the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia was finally made. The treatment of trigeminal neuralgia is aimed at reducing abnormal firing along the fifth cranial nerve. Carbamazepine (Teg-retol) is frequently used to treat this con-dition. This drug can be effective in higher doses, but sometimes the side effects (leth- argy, mental cloudiness) can become intole- Treatment of Optic Neuritis
rable. The most frequently reported side Acute Treatment of Optic Neuritis effect is fatigue, which also can be extreme- Optic neuritis usually gets better on its own. Corticosteroids help reduce inflammation in manage trigeminal neuralgia include preg- the optic nerve to reduce ocular pain and clonazepam (Klonopin), baclofen (Lioresal), Multiple Sclerosis and Depression
rontin), amitriptyline (Elavil) and opiate an- Depression is very common in people with MS. In fact, symptoms of depression severe that amitriptyline was more effective in affect up to half of all people with MS at azepine. If trigeminal neuralgia is due to an exacerbation of MS, treatment with IV ster- Depression may be the result of a difficult situation or stress. It is easy to understand neuralgia, with frequent attacks during the how having MS, with its potential for pro- course of the disease. Misoprostol (Cyto- gressing to permanent disability, can bring tec), a long-acting prostaglandin-E analogue (prostaglandins are thought to influence ner- ve transmission; an analogue is a product that is similar to the original) has been found destroy the insulating myelin that surrounds to be safe, and may be effective either alone nerves that transmit signals affecting mood. Depression is also a side effect of some Surgical intervention may be required if the drugs used to treat MS, such as steroids. pain becomes persistent and disabling and does not respond to management with oral Everyone at one time or another has felt invasive (without actually entering the body, invasive (entering the body), or chemical. It feeling of sadness becomes intense, lasting involves destroying the nerve cells and ad- for long periods of time and preventing a jacent root, either permanently or tempo- person from leading a normal life. This is rarily. Temporary chemical destruction of depression, a mental illness that, if left the nerve may be accomplished with an in- untreated, can worsen, lasting for years and jection of glycerol into the affected area. causing untold suffering. It is important to Radio-frequency thermal rhizotomy (inter- recognize the signs of depression, which ruption of the nerve) can be effective and may eliminate the need for high doses of radiation to deaden the affected nerves, and its benefits may last for weeks to several Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness months. This procedure is performed by a mended when all other measures have been unsuccessful. It may need to be repeated. negatively affecting your life—causing MS and Pain-It’s not unusual to experience difficulties with relationships, work issues or physical pain when you’re living with MS. family disputes—and there isn’t a clear In addition to the common causes of pain, we’ll talk about pain management options, including things you can do to reduce pain’s Once you decide to seek medical help, start with your primary care doctor. He or she medicines or another illness are not causing your symptoms. Your doctor may prescribe treatment or refer you to a mental health Options for Managing Spasticity-Managing thorough assessment so that an effective coordination and energy level. We’ll discuss several treatment options that can help foster freedom of movement through Several antidepressant drugs are available, reduced muscle tension and stiffness. Antidepressant drugs are most effective in Augusta MS Center, Associate Professor of treating depression in people with MS when WebMD. Multiple Sclerosis and Depression. Teleconferences
The Role of Exercise in Managing MS-It can improve stamina, increase energy, and help RSVP required.
you cope with stress. Find out why exercise One number for all-1-800-823-1880. Call
today to set up a reminder call so you don’t
is so essential to managing your MS and miss the teleconference. Or simply call in how to get started on a training program of on your choice of teleconference nights to Dr. Karla Ledoux-Coton, Neurological Specialties, University of S. Florida Medical Live Webevents
“What’s on the Horizon for MS Research” happening in MS Research? Join us for this Wednesday, May 28, 2008 8PM EST
Hit the Books! Understanding the Research help you achieve balance and live your life in full. Each educational session, hosted by an MS expert, will focus on a new topic and helpful tips and a fresh outlook. Throughout the year-long series of monthly webevents, Specific Flyers for each program will be with relapsing MS, will lead interactive mailed directly to you. Please RSVP by the relevant topics. Please visit the above website to register and receive more information. Brought to you by EMD Serono, Inc. and Upcoming Service Programs
Support Group Information
Interested in sharing experiences about MS, May 8, 2008 – Holiday Inn – Utica Business
Park, New Hartford NY
come with family or friends to a meeting.
“Alternative Therapies in MS” with Sandy Syracuse Area-
complementary therapies used in treating Fayetteville-Manlius Area-
7164 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville 7PM-8:30PM Activities Room May 15, 2008 – Barbagallo’s Restaurant –
Molloy Rd, East Syracuse NY
Madison County Area-
Healthcare, Microwave Filter Co., Carbone Romano’s Review –
*New place*
A Book review of “Don’t Leave Me This Auburn/Cayuga County Area-
You’ll Be Sorry)” by Julia Fox Garrison Denny’s Restaurant – Grant Ave.
7PM Coffee, etc. on your own.
When I saw this book on the public library’s display shelf, I was amused by the title and Syracuse Area Social Gathering-
looking author staring out from the cover. I thinking (“Yeah, you’ll be REAL sorry!”), Oswego County Area-
was about. It’s an easy-reading, inspiring autobiography of thirty-something Julia, who was having a regular, ordinary workday when early symptoms of a cold send her in search of some over-the-counter medicine 4th Annual Mission Steps Walk
from a co-worker. Before the day gets much farther along, Julia experiences excruciating pain in her head that she describes as waves of white pain that take her breath away. Sangertown Square on April 27, 2008. You She’s rushed to the hospital, where she’s informed that she’s had a massive brain dollars to support programs and services so hemorrhage, and that she will most likely necessary in Oneida County. You also will die, (the straightforward approach!) The raise awareness about the disease of MS and author writes this book in the second person, its prevalence in the Oneida County area. and that voice helps the reader feel the fear Join us for this event held completely inside, (Stroke victim or not, perhaps you can relate free of rain, traffic and uncut curbs. Let us to that otherworldly feel of stretchers and all join forces and show our friends in the Oneida County area who live everyday with providers, and those names are, Dr. Jerk, Dr. Pledge minimum is $30, walk ons welcome. reflecting the obstacles and opposition they each pose to her health’s progress. You might be amazed at some of shenanigans she encounters, but then again, maybe not. Only Dr. Neuro provides insight and hope; I think that’s what this book imparts to the reader, Announcement
Julia is a courageous spirit, and her story compels us to find that same fighter spirit in ourselves; to challenge our own health care North Medical. Best of Luck Rose in your providers to think beyond the pages of their encouragement for us. This story will not Memorial Donations
only have your empathizing with Julia’s plight, but it will have you cheering her the deceased on a slip of paper and send it in (This book is not currently part of the MS Resources library, but you can get it at the acknowledgement to anyone in their family announcing the donation. We are grateful to Women’s Weekend Get-Away
program and special thanks to all the funeral homes who display our envelopes at their is scheduled for June 13-15th at the White Eagle Conference Center in Hamilton, NY. honor of someone or in tribute to a friend, If you are interested in attending, please request an application. Keep in mind that special birthday, anniversary or special only those returned applications will be reserved a space, so get it back to us ASAP. person’s name to be recognized and their address and we will send our tribute letter to interested; however our space is limited so you need to act fast. We cannot hold a place Lending Library
completed application. We will do whatever updated with new books, videos, etc. There is a listing on the agency website, however, if there is a book or tape that you are looking for and it is not listed, please contact the will follow to those persons who have been Office and we will see if we have it or if we can order it for you. Books, tapes and other application today. (Room availability based materials may be checked out for a 4 week period. We can extend that if necessary. 10’s Campaign Coming this Fall
Are we still generating curiosity about the Fall 10’s Campaign? We hope that we have Details and entries will be announced at the [email protected]
Flyers will be sent regarding the picnic in Multiple Sclerosis Resources of Central
New York, Inc.
® is a source of information
concerning topics on Multiple Sclerosis.
The information provided to you is derived
from professionals in the field and do not
represent our recommendations or opin-
ions. We do not endorse any products,
services or specific treatments. For the best
advice for you, please consult your

Multiple Sclerosis Resources of Central
New York, Inc. ®
PO Box 237

6743 Kinne Street
East Syracuse, New York 13057
Return Service Requested


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New anti-smoking treatments: anything to get fired-up about? Janet Webb, BSc(Pharm), MSc Last December a systematic review summarizing recent evidence of effectiveness of smoking cessation strategies, compiled for the National Institutes of Health, was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.[1] The authors concluded that pharmacotherapy, either with or without counselling, can signifi

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