Microsoft word - peter_gustafik_cv_english.doc

gen. Svobodu 40, 90201 Pezinok, Slovakia e-mail: [email protected] tel.: +421 905 532 576 February 2000 - present Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia • trainer, facilitator and consultant for not-for-profit organizations, businesses, and other institutions, specializing in soft skills development, intercultural communication, business planning etc.; • designing, implementing, and evaluating short-term training programs for not-for-profit organizations, businesses or other institutions; • co-ordinated the publication project for English and Russian versions of Reader for Nonprofit Organizations; also worked as English-language editor; • facilitation of round tables, workshops, open space events, and conferences; • development of fundraising plans and income-generation plans for nonprofit organizations; Training experience specifically relevant to multiculturalism and diversity • 2009: Trainer in two-trainer team delivering five training courses (total of training 9 days) on topics of intercultural communication to 24 young leaders across Slovakia (organized by the British Council) • 2009: Lead facilitator of a team of 7 facilitators at a three-day international conference on intercultural communication for 70 participants from 10 countries (organized by the British Council) • 2004-2008: Instructor for ethnically mixed groups at experiential courses (organized by the Peter Gustafik Translations ( • working as a freelance translator and interpreter from English into Slovak and Slovak into • clients have included a number of translation agencies in EU and USA as well as publishing houses in Slovakia, language resarch institutes, non-profit agencies, advertising agencies, and embassies based in Bratislava and Vienna; • providing editing and quality assessment services; • coordinating translation teams of up to 4 translators for translation and linguistic validation • performing technical translation of manuals, MSDS documents, and technical specification • working with advertising agencies in creative adaptation of ad copies into Slovak language; • translating subtitles for educational videos. August 1992 - May 1995 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA School of Arts and Sciences, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics September 1991 - May 1992 Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia School of Management - two semesters before transferring to Cornell University Long-term education of consultants in the non-profit sector co-authored the book Nonprofits and Profit in Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia co-authored the Business Handbook for Nonprofit Organizations in Partners for Democratic co-authored the Reader for Advanced Nonprofit Organizations in Partners for Democratic REVIA Community Foundation, Pezinok, Slovakia Board member of REVIA Community foundation June 2003 - present OUTWARD BOUND Slovakia Outdoor trainer for noncommercial experiential education courses • certificates earned: Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English – grade A, official state English Language Exam of the Slovak Republic • Italian: active and passive - lower intermediate • Russian: passive - intermediate • German: passive – lower intermediate • Microsoft XP • Microsoft Office 2003 • SDL Trados 2007 • Wordfast • FTP server • DSL internet connection • Touch-typing • Web site development


Microsoft word - schuster's review of marinoff edited and corrected by scs.–

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