
Opening: The regular meeting of the Pinchbeck Elementary School PTA Board was held on May 8, 2007 in the school library. The meeting was cal ed to order at 5:30pm by the President, Amy Farina. Approval of Minutes: The minutes from the April 24, 2007 meeting were approved. Vice-President – Michel e West reported that there wil be a Mad Science program for the 1st grade in June. The International Picnic is May 15 at 5:30. One family wil be performing a Scot ish dance. At 6:30 the 1st and 2nd graders wil have a performance. Hospitality needs help watching over the tables from 5:30-6:00. Treasurer – Ashley Lingle reported that there is not much change from last meeting. She reminded everyone to turn in receipts for year- end so it wil go against this year’s budget. After School Enrichment – Marie Ramkey reported that the program has some money left over in the budget which she would like to rol over to next year and use for scholarships. There was discussion over how to give scholarships, amount, how many per year, etc. In order to move the funds to next year, it wil need to be built into the budget. Graf Scholarship – Heidi Jadlowski reported that there was only one applicant for the scholarship and they did not qualify. Discussion on how to let kids know about the scholarship fol owed. It was suggested to put it in the school newspapers or on the daily announcements at Hospitality – Desserts are needed for the end of school luncheon. Pinchbeck Press – There wil be a mini press issued in May. Amy Farina wil e-mail everybody with the deadline. It wil probably be Room Parents – Teacher Appreciation Week is going very wel . The teachers were very excited and appreciative of the lounge Ways & Means – Steve Baker reported that the last Chick-Fil-A night wil be held May 10. We have been doing pret y wel with these. Yearbook – Forms for those that have not ordered books yet wil be sent home. Faculty Representative: Tracy Fabricant reported that the teachers love the new lounge and send their thanks. Principal’s Report: Mrs. Jones reported the fol owing: • 45 kindergartners are registered for next year. They wil have a sneak peak on May 16. • Volunteer Reception was held April 30. • 5th graders took a field trip to Byrd Middle School • 3rd graders had a field trip to Moorefield Mines. • 2nd graders had a Jamestown outreach program. • SCA applications are out and due May 11. • The school wil have 15 Longwood practicum students beginning May 14 for 3 weeks. Old Business: Ashley Lingle and Karen Beebe met with the Innisbrook representative and give a sample book which was passed around. Mink and Co has guaranteed that we wil make $12,000. Karen Beebe liked that Mink delivered the product to everyone’s home. Steve Baker tried to contact the Sal y Foster rep and has not received a cal back. Steve Baker made a motion to go with Innisbrook for wrapping paper fundraiser next year. Heidi Jadlowski seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous. Other old business concerned the televising of the school board meeting. There was some discussion on the mat er and it was determined that we cannot take a position until we get more information such as funding, who New Business: Amy Farina reported that she was contacted about having a spirit night at Cool Beans (cof ee and ice cream). It was decided to look into it in the fal . Ms. Farina need help shopping for the Staf Service Awards. There are 7 ten year gifts and 1 fifteen year. Jennifer Barnet volunteered to help. Also, volunteers are needed for the audit commit ee. Jennifer Barnet and Karen Beebe volunteered. Amy Farina suggested Karen Gothard as a potential for the general member. A breakfast commit ee for SOL testing June 4-8 is needed. It was suggested to ask Einstein’s The decision on what to do with the leftover funds wil be made at the next meeting. The meeting wil be held June 11 at 6pm at Amy Farina’s home. She wil provide drinks and we should al plan on bringing a dish to share. A few suggestions for Field Day: Ashley Lingle suggested having a standard color for teachers so they don’t need to buy a new one each year. Marie Ramkey suggested having a cof ee stand for teachers and parents. Steve Baker suggested finding a way to pay for the teacher’s shirts. Announcements: Amy Farina made the fol owing announcement: • May 7-11 is Teacher Appreciation Week • The International Picnic is May 15 from 5:30-7:30 • June 15 is the last day of school. It is a half day for students. • The next Board meeting wil be held at Amy Farina’s house, 12513 Cambie Pl, June 11 at 6pm. Please bring a dish to share. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:15.


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THE CITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND MENTAL HYGIENE _______________________________________________________________ 2007 New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) Health Advisory # 34: Influenza Update • Influenza Advisory o Three culture-confirmed influenza infections have been reported in NYC to date this season. However, there is not y

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