Rebates Lab
Rebate Overview
Note rebate code and statusautomatically assigned Any invoices prior to thisdate will not load against therebate.
Make sure this is the first day of a period (eg 1st of themonth for monthly rebates) Any invoices after this datewill not load against therebate.
If there is no end daterequired, set this to a distantdate eg 31/12/19 OwnerResponsibilityNext ActionAction Date Financial Details
This is where the valuesdefining how the rebateoperates are entered ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM Enter the customer code toreceive payment.
If paid by credit note, thiscustomer must have avalid bill-to customer codeassigned.
If paid by voucher, thiscustomer must have a validsupplier code assigned.
Leave blank to generate aseparate payment to eachcustomer on the rebate.
EX(Rebates are calculated ex-tax. If GST is required onthe payment, it is added tocredit notes and/or vouchersat the time the rebate run isposted.) CN to pay by Credit NoteVO to pay by Voucher 1 to calculate as a valueper unit sold (eg for royaltypayments)2 to calculate as apercentage of value A calculate on sum ofcustomersI calculate on each customer For Calc Unit 2(percentage), what value isused for the calculation?C CostI Invoiced Price (ie netinvoice value)L List Price (ie gross salesvalue) Must be blank(this is the only field on thisscreen which must be leftblank unless Calc Base =List Price) ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM What cycle is used forcalculating the rebate:D DailyM MonthlyP Financial PeriodW Weekly The number of periodsbetween calculations(usually 1) Not used, but must not beblank so F2 and pick thefirst value How many cycle periodsbetween payments.
For quarterly rebates, CalcInterval is 1, and PaymentInterval is 3.
N for flat % or $ rate.
(There is capability to setup rebates with break valuesbut this is not normally usedbecause this type of rebatedoes not accrue.) Not used, but must not beblank so F2 and pick thefirst value No(Set this to Yes if claimvalues should be subtractedbefore calculating therebate. The types of claimto subtract are set up inan F6 option of DivisionMaintenance) Add Customers
ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM Enter the customer numberif using specific customersOtherwise leave blank If using customer groupor Pre-Defined CustomerGroup, enter a descriptionhere Enter a customer groupif that is how customersare to be selected for therebate. Otherwise leaveblank.
Enter a pre-definedcustomer group if thatis how customers areto be selected for therebate. Otherwise leaveblank.
Add Breaks
Add Budgets
Add the rebate budget(determines the account andcost centre to be debited bythis rebate) Need to approve the perioddetails, then F4 to exit ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM Confirm the Rebate
Changes the status to 5(confirmed and approved) Rebate Finish : A few years in the future Rebate Type : Select a value from available types ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM Enter the invoice number from & to using Output to Page Output to Page using note invoice successfully processed Strictly speaking you should run before running RebateAccruals. Because there is only one rebate in the system and this is the first period it doesno matter on this occasion.
ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM Enter the invoice number from & to in; output to Page Output to Page using; note invoice successfully processed ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM The credit memo above has now been created for the customer ID: 5161-QADR2 | Version: 19 | Date: 2/1/08 10:22:13 AM



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