Microsoft word - paket mcu juli 2009.doc

Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :
1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history.
2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination.
5. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC,WBC, Diff, ESR, • 2 jam setelah makan / 2 hours after meals. • Protein total, albumin, globulin / Total protein, albumin, globulin . • Bilirubin total , direk, indirek / Total bilirubin, direct, indirect. • Alkali fosfatase / Phosphatase Alkali • SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT / AST, ALT, Gamma GT. • Kolesterol total / Total cholesterol. f. Urin Lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment, h. Serologi VDRL / Serology VDRL . * Untuk wanita : dianjurkan pemeriksaan kandungan dan tes Pap’s Smear For women : Gynaecologic examination and Pap’s Smear test are recommended * Untuk Pria : usia diatas 50 tahun dianjurkan pemeriksaan PSA For men over 50 years, PSA test is recommended * Puasa 12 jam diizinkan minum air tawar sampai dengan 4 jam sebelum pengambilan darah Fasting 12 hours permissible to drink fresh water only up to 4 hours before blood test * Medical Check Up dilakukan setiap hari kerja mulai jam 08.00 Medical Check Up is available from 08.00 Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :
1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history .
2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination. 3. EKG / ECG. 4. Foto dada / Chest X-ray . 5. Uji Treadmill / Treadmill exercise test / Bone Densitometri / Bone Densitometry 6. Pemeriksaan USG abdomen atas bawah / Upper & Lower Abdominal Ultrasound 7. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC, WBC, Diff, • 2 jam setelah makan / 2 hours after meals. • Protein total, albumin, globulin / Total protein, albumin, globulin • Bilirubin total, direk, indirek / Total bilirubin, direct, indirect • Alkali fosfatase / Phosphatase Alkali • SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT / AST, ALT, Gamma GT • Kolesterol total / Total cholesterol f. Urin Lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment, i. HBsAg, Anti HBs / HBsAg, Anti HBs * Untuk wanita : dianjurkan pemeriksaan kandungan dan tes Pap’s Smear For women : Gynaecologic examination and Pap’s Smear test are recommended * Untuk Pria : usia diatas 50 tahun dianjurkan pemeriksaan PSA For men over 50 years, PSA test is recommended * Puasa 12 jam diizinkan minum air tawar sampai dengan 4 jam sebelum pengambilan darah Fasting 12 hours permissible to drink fresh water only up to 4 hours before blood test * Medical Check Up dilakukan setiap hari kerja mulai jam 08.00 Medical Check Up is available from 08.00 Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :
1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history.
2. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam / Examination by Internal Medicine Specialist.
3. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Bedah Umum ( termasuk proktoskopi) / Examination by Surgeon ( included Proctoscopic Examination). 4. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Mata (termasuk refraksi, funduskopi) / Examination by Opthalmologist ( included Refraction and Funduscopy ). 5. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis THT / Examination by ENT Specialist. 6. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Syaraf / Examination by Neurologist 7. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Gigi / Examination by Dentist. 8. EKG / ECG. 9. Pemeriksaan fungsi paru / Spirometry (Lung Function Test ) . 11. Foto Dada / Chest X-ray. 12. Foto Cervical / EEG / Cervical X – ray / EEG 13. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC,WBC, Diff, ESR, • 2 jam setelah makan / 2 hours after meals • Protein total, albumin, globulin / Total protein, albumin, globulin • Bilirubin total, direk, indirek / Total bilirubin, direct, indirect • Alkali fosfatase / Phosphatase Alkali • SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT / AST, ALT, Gamma GT • Kolesterol total / Total cholesterol f. Urin Lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment, g. Tinja rutin / Faeces h. Serologi VDRL / Serology VDRL * Untuk wanita : dianjurkan pemeriksaan kandungan dan tes Pap’s Smear For women : Gynaecologic examination and Pap’s Smear test are recommended * Untuk Pria : usia diatas 50 tahun dianjurkan pemeriksaan PSA For men over 50 years, PSA test is recommended * Puasa 12 jam diizinkan minum air tawar sampai dengan 4 jam sebelum pengambilan darah Fasting 12 hours permissible to drink fresh water only up to 4 hours before blood test * Medical Check Up dilakukan setiap hari kerja mulai jam 08.00 Medical Check Up is available from 08.00 Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :
1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history.
2. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Penyakit Dalam / Examination by Internal Medicine Specialist.
3. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Bedah Umum (termasuk proktoskopi) / Examination by Surgeon 4. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Mata (termasuk refraksi, funduskopi) / Examination by Opthalmologist (included Refraction and Funduscopy Examination). 5. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis THT / examination by ENT Specialist. 6. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Syaraf / Examination by Neurologist. 7. Pemeriksaan gigi oleh dokter gigi / Examination by Dentist. 9. Uji Treadmill / Treadmill exercise test / Bone Densitometri / Bone Densitometry 10. Pemeriksaan fungsi paru / Spirometry (Lung Function Test ). 13. Foto Cervical / EEG / Cervical / X-ray / EEG 14. Foto Panoramik / Panoramic X - ray 15. Pemeriksaan USG abdomen atas bawah / Upper & Lower Abdominal Ultrasound 16. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC, WBC, Diff, • 2 jam setelah makan / 2 hours after meals • Protein total, albumin, globulin / Total protein, albumin, globulin • Bilirubin total, direk, indirek / Total bilirubin, direct, indirect • Alkali fosfatase / Phosphatase Alkali • SGOT, SGPT, Gama GT / AST, ALT, Gamma GT d. Profil lemak / Lipid profile : kolesterol total, HDL, LDL Triglyceride / Total Cholesterol, HDL, LDL, Triglyceride e. Faal ginjal / Renal function: g. Urin Lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment,Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) i. Serologi VDRL / Serologi VDRL. j. HBsAg, Anti HBs / HBsAg, Anti HBs k. Anti HCV total / Anti HCV total l. CEA, AFP / CEA, AFP 17. Konsultasi Gizi / Consultation by a Dietitian * Untuk wanita : dianjurkan pemeriksaan kandungan dan tes Pap’s Smear For women : Gynaecologic examination and Pap’s Smear test are recommended * Untuk Pria : usia diatas 50 tahun dianjurkan pemeriksaan PSA For men over 50 years, PSA test is recommended * Puasa 12 jam diizinkan minum air tawar sampai dengan 4 jam sebelum pengambilan darah Fasting 12 hours permissible to drink fresh water only up to 4 hours before blood test * Medical Check Up dilakukan setiap hari kerja mulai jam 08.00 Medical Check Up is available from 08.00 Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :
1. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination.
2. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Kandungan / Examination by Gynaecologist.
3. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Bedah Umum ( termasuk Proktoskopi ) / Examination by Surgeon ( Included Proctoscopic Examination ) 5. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC, WBC, Diff, b. Urin Lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment,Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) c. Darah Tinja / Occult blood in the stool. d. Penanda Tumor / Tumor Marker : 6. Salah satu USG / Mamografi payudara Either one breast USG / Mammography 7. USG Abdomen atas bawah / Upper and Lower Abdominal Ultrasound * Untuk wanita yang sudah menikah dianjurkan pemeriksaan Pap’s Smear For married women examination of Pap’s Smear is recommended
1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history
2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination 3. Foto dada / Chest X- ray 4. Laboratorium Sederhana / Simple Laboratory test a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haemotology ( Hb, Ht, RBC, WBC, Diff, b. Urin lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobinologen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment , ANAK / CHILDREN
1. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Anak / Examination by Pediatrician.
2. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis THT / Examination by ENT Specialist. 3. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Mata / Examination by Opthalmologist. 4. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Gigi / Examination by Dentist 5. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haemotology ( Hb, Ht, RBC,WBC, Diff, ESR, b. Urine lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment, Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :

Wanita / Female
1. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination. 2. Konsultasi dokter Spesialis Kandungan / Consultation by Gynaecologist 3. USG Kandungan / Pelvic USG 4. Foto dada / Chest X-ray 5. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium/ Laboratory test : a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC, WBC, Diff, c. Gula darah sewaktu / Blood Sugar at random f. Skrening Talasemia / Thalasemia Screening • Anti HCV total / Anti HCV total h. Urine lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment, Urobilonogen, Bilirubin ) * Tidak perlu puasa / Fasting is not requiredPria / Male
1. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination. 3. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium/ Laboratory examination a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC, WBC, ESR,Platelets ) b. Golongan darah / Blood Group c. Gula darah sewaktu / Blood glucose at random f. Skrening Talasemia / Thalasemia Screening • Anti HCV total / Anti HCV total h. Urin lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Sediment, Urobilonogen, Bilirubin ) * Tidak perlu puasa / Fasting is not required Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :

1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history. 2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination. 4. Pemeriksaan USG Abdomen atas bawah / Upper & Lower Abdominal Ultrasound 5. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test a. Darah Perifer Lengkap ( Hb, Ht, Eri, Leko, Diff, LED, Trombo ) / Haematology ( Hb, Ht, RBC,WBC, Diff, • Protein total, albumin, globulin / Total protein, albumin, globulin . • Bilirubin total , direk, indirek / Total bilirubin, direct, indirect. • Alkali fosfatase / Phosphatase Alkali • SGOT, SGPT, Gamma GT, CHE / AST, ALT, Gamma GT.CHE • Anti HCV total / Anti HCV total Puasa 6 jam sebelum USG Abdomen / Fasting 6 hours before Abdominal USG PAKET PROSTAT / PROSTAT PACKAGE

1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history . 2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination. 3. USG Buli, Prostat dan Uroflowmetri / Bladder, Prostat USG and Uroflowmetry 4. Laboratorium / Laboratory test b. Urin Lengkap ( Protein, Glukosa, Sedimen, Urobilinogen, Bilirubin ) / Urine ( Protein, Glucose, Metropolitan Medical Centre
Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Kav.C-21, Jakarta Selatan 12940 Tel : 5203435 (hunting), Fax : 5203417, Unit Gawat Darurat : 5273473 E-mail : [email protected], Homepage :
1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history. 2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination 3. Pemeriksaan oleh dokter Spesialis Kandungan / Examination by a Gynaecologist 5. Mammografi / Mammography 6. Bone Densitometri / Bone Densitometry 7. Pap’s Smear / Pap’s Smear 8. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test a. FSH / FSH b. Estradiol / Estradiola Kolesterol total / Total cholesterol Puasa 12 jam diijinkan minum air tawar sampai 2 jam sebelum pengambilan darah Fasting 12 hours permissible to drink fresh water only up to 2 hours before test PAKET OSTEOPOROSIS / OSTEOPOROSIS PACKAGE

1. Riwayat kesehatan / Medical history. 2. Pemeriksaan fisik / Physical examination 3. Bone Densitometri / Bone Densitometry 4. Pemeriksaan Laboratorium / Laboratory test c. Kalsium ion / Ion Calcium


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