Good bacteria

Organic Herbal Drink
.Carsten Vagn Hansen, doctor and health consultantPublished in:Århus Stiftstidende, in Århus, DenmarkDate: Monday, 30. August 2004 The Good Bacteria
Bacteria are necessary for our well being. If we do not have bacteria on our skin we get infections and skin diseases. If we lack bacteria on our mucous membrane and intestines we will soon die of infections because we lose our resistance – the immune system is to a high degree stimulated by the intestinal bacteria flora. We also know that pigs, which are brought up under bacteria free conditions, the so called SPF pigs, are very sensitive and get ill quickly when exposed to a normal environment.
We have heard a lot about antibiotics and most of us have been filled with them, especially as children. It has been said that the invention of penicillin has been a great life saver of the human kind, but the truth is that the mortality due to contagious diseases has not decreased further since the introduction of penicillin. The vast reduction of mortality caused by bacteria and other micro-organisms, which has been seen over the last 100 years, is mainly due to better living conditions with better housing, healthier food, improved working conditions and social environment, not due to penicillin or other antibiotics. Furthermore, antibiotics weaken our natural resistance to new infections.
Instead of antibiotics we need probiotics. They are natural and healthy micro-organisms, predominantly lactic acid bacteria which are very important for our intestines, digestion, intestinal functions, for absorption of nutrients and the immune system.
Modern food lacks healthy bacteria as we boil and fry much of our food and rarely eat marinated and fermented vegetables with lactic acid cultures, which can be found in the German, Greek and vegetarian diets. If people eat yoghurt or other sour milk cultures, which often contain a lot of sugar, it hampers and kills the lactic acid bacteria. If we ate only fresh, raw and natural foods, which have not been ruined by pesticides, long-time storage, heating, preservatives, additives, and if we lived in a more natural and unpolluted environment, we would not need probiotics. We would get them for free through our food.
The Abilities of Probiotics
In societies where traditional food has been consumed for thousands of years the diet has consisted of yoghurt, kefir, lactic acid fermented vegetables such as sauerkraut, millet, tempeh, miso or thick milk. All contain bacteria. Thick milk is simply raw milk, which has been left standing over night. If milk is not ruined through homogenizing and pasteurising it contains both the good bacteria and enzymes that are necessary to digest it. Today we need to buy the healthy bacteria to get enough of them. Lactic acid bacteria facilitate a better digestion of lactose – milk sugar which most people over three years of age cannot tolerate. They produce precious digestive enzymes, for example lactic acid. The stomach is emptied over a shorter period so the digestion functions better and the nutrition is absorbed in a better way. For example the absorption of minerals and fatty acids is improved. The bacteria form folic acids and other B-vitamins. The immune system is stimulated and probiotics protect against disease causing micro-organisms like candida fungus, salmonella, listeria, campylobactor and yersinia bacteria. They re-establish a healthy intestine bacterial flora after treatments with antibiotics and thereby strengthen the resistance towards new infections, like inflammation of the bladder. Probiotics improve the mucus formation in the stomach and intestines and thus alongside a healthy diet prevent leaky intestine mucus and the absorption of bits of not totally decomposed food. They possibly also prevent cancer through decomposing cancer causing nitrosamines. They prevent bad breath, diarrhoea and constipation. They prevent intestinal gas through decomposing the sugar and also methane-producing bacteria. Children do not get food allergies and child eczema as easily if their intestinal flora is healthy. For people who are having surgery it is important that their intestines contain an optimal intestinal bacterial flora. The intestinal flora changes within a few hours in sick people, for example due to decreased food intake, lack of oxygen in the intestines, use of strong antibiotics and due to the illness itself. In these cases it is particularly important to add the good micro-organisms to prevent the body’s defence mechanism from collapsing. When people do not have problems with their intestines and digestion and absorb the nutrients without problems they get a lot of energy and keep healthy. The self-healing energies are increased.
How do we get them?
We can get probiotics through eating good sour milk products without sugar but rather with for example dried fruit. Frozen lactic acid bacteria can also be bought and they will come to life when they reach the stomach and intestines, where there is warmth and nutrition. They should not be taken with food though since the stomach acid will ruin them. They are also available as tablets, capsules and oral tablets. The latter are good to prevent reflux and acidic stomach but one can also empty the capsule in the mouth. There are several good lactic acid bacteria, for example lactobacillus acidophilus, which is the most common micro-organism in the small intestine whereas the bifido bacteria are the most important ones in the large intestine. Another possibility is Vita Biosa, which is not to be considered as a natural medicine but rather as a food product with very good physiological effects. They are normal and healthy micro-organisms from nature, predominantly lactic acid bacteria with added herbs. Combined, Vita Biosa, like other probiotics has a very good effect on our intestines, digestion and intestinal functions, on the absorption of nutrients and the immune system. Plants that are added to Vita Biosa grow more and become more powerful. This has been clearly proved by the inventor, the Japanese professor Teruo Higa from Okinawa. He could further cleanse water from the library toilets with his effective micro-organisms so it could be drunk two weeks later. Danish farmers experienced very good effects on their crops and animals and began to drink Vita Biosa themselves and experienced a strengthening and good effect against different diseases and pains. It is best to drink Vita Biosa in the morning or between meals so most micro-organisms survive the stomach juices. Vita Biosa also improves the healing of wounds and in lotion it is good for the skin, which also needs a healthy bacterial flora. It is important to maintain the functions of the healthy bacteria by eating healthy so that the bacteria have something to live of and are not overpowered by for example candida fungi, which are fed with fine white bread, sugar and yeast containing food. For the bacteria of the large intestine it is good to eat fibre rich food and take supplements of short chained sugar substances in the form of oligosaccharides as for example fructooligosaccharide (FOS) which is a perfect sweetener that is not absorbed by the body. If one has many bifido bacteria in the large intestine, toxic decomposing products that are formed during fermentation in the large intestine, are counteracted. With age the amount of bifido bacteria in the large intestine is reduced and some are of the opinion that this is a contributing factor to ageing, bad immune system and diseases like cancer and arthritis. We have to cooperate with the good micro-organisms not counteract them. They are essential to our lives.
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