Session – Designing Search Queries Worksheet
When attempting to complete the following exercises remember: 1) Sometimes the entry term and the resulting MeSH term will be one and the same term. 2) Sometimes an entry term can be matched to the subheading of a MeSH term that relates to one of your other entry terms.
Exercise 1 – Situation Statement: You want to locate articles that have statistical data about
cigarette smoking by teenagers who live in Arab countries.
First, rephrase the information needs expressed in the situation statement as a question.
Here is an example of how you can reword the situation statement into question format: What
are the statistics on cigarette smoking by teenagers who live in Arab countries?

Now, select the appropriate terms from the question to use as entry terms with which to search
the MeSH database. (Hint: you should select 4 terms)
What is one of the four terms? __________________________________
What is another of the four terms? __________________________________
What is the third term? __________________________________
What is the fourth term? __________________________________
Continuing on with Exercise #1 –

What is the MeSH term for the entry term “teenagers”? _____________________
What is the MeSH term for the entry term “Arab countries?” ___________________
What is the MeSH term for the entry term “smoking” or the more precise entry term “cigarette
smoking”? _________________________________
What is the subheading available from the MeSH record for the term “smoking” that you would
apply to answer the question? _______________________________

Continuing with Exercise #1 –

After adding each of the MeSH terms (including the MeSH with the subheading relating to
statistics) in the “PubMed search builder” box, click on “Search PubMed”. After the results page
loads in the PubMed interface, limit the “Article Types” to “Systematic Reviews.” How many
results do you receive? __________
Continuing with Exercise #1 –

What is the name of the country mentioned in the title of the 2nd search result?
Exercise 2 – Situation Statement: You want to find articles that discuss whether Vitamin A
helps prevent macular dystrophy in the elderly.
First, rephrase the information needs expressed in the situation statement as a question.
Here is an example of how you can reword the situation statement into question format: Does
Vitamin A help prevent macular dystrophy in the elderly?

Now, select the appropriate terms from the question to use as entry terms with which to search
the MeSH database. (Hint: For one of your entry terms, select the MeSH term that limits the age
range of the elderly to 65 through 79 years.)
a) What is your first entry term? ______________________________________ b) What is your second entry term? _____________________________________ c) What is your third entry term? _______________________________________
Continuing with Exercise #2 –

As it relates to your search query, and after reviewing the scope notes for the various MeSH
term options, what is the appropriate MeSH term for the entry term “Vitamin A”?
a. Retinaldehyde
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin A deficiency
d. Tretinoin
Continuing with Exercise # 2 –

As it relates to the question, and after reviewing the scope notes for the various MeSH term
options, what is the MeSH term for the entry term “macular dystrophy”?
a. Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy
b. Bests Disease
c. Macular Dystrophy
d. Macular Degeneration
Continuing with Exercise #2 –
As it relates to the question, and after reviewing the scope notes for the various MeSH term
options, what is the MeSH term for the entry term “elderly” for people 65 through 79 years old?
a. Aged
b. Frail Elderly
c. Health Services for the Aged
d. Aged, 80 and Over
Continuing with Exercise #2 –

After adding each of the MeSH terms in the “PubMed search builder” box, click on “Search
PubMed”. After the results page loads in the PubMed interface, limit the results to articles in
English. How many results do you receive? ______________
Continuing with Exercise #2 –

From the results of citations to articles in English, what is the year of publication of the earliest
listed result (the oldest article)?
Exercise 3 – Situation Statement: You want to find articles discussing the possibility that
secondhand smoke causes breast cancer in young adults.
First, rephrase the information needs expressed in the situation statement as a question.
Suggested rewording of the situation statement into question format: Does secondhand
smoke cause breast cancer in young adults?

Now, select the appropriate terms from the question to use as entry terms with which to search
the MeSH database.
Select the appropriate terms from the question to use as entry terms with which to search the
MeSH database. Then enter each entry term and its corresponding MeSH term here:
What is your first entry term? ______________________________
What is your second entry term?____________________________
What is your third entry term? ______________________________
Continuing with Exercise #3 –

What are the three MeSH terms that result from your search on the entry terms? (Hint – for the
breast cancer entry term result, pick the most general MeSH term according to the various
MeSH option scope notes.)
Continuing with Exercise #3 –

Using the PubMed Search Builder box in the MeSH interface, search on the MeSH terms that
were returned for your three entry terms and limit the results to articles published in the year
2010. How many results do you receive? ______________
Continuing with Exercise #3 –

After limiting the results of the search query to articles published in the year 2010, copy and
paste below the title of the article shown in Result #2.
Exercise 4: Leaving one space only between each word, list only once and in
alphabetical order
all the PubMed Stopwords that appear in the following sentence:
We found some cases in which children who lived in houses located almost a mile from the
polluted river were just as likely to develop asthma as were any children who lived right by the
river bank.


Official Journal of the European Communitiesadapting to technical progress for the 27th time Council Directive 67/548/EEC on theapproximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to the classification,packaging and labelling of dangerous substances(*)THE COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES,Having regard to the Treaty establishing the EuropeanThe texts in Annexes I a

Conversazione introduttiva in merito alla ricerca

Scuola di Dottorato di ricerca Università degli Studi di Pisa “Studi per la pace e risoluzione dei conflitti” Sezione Analisi e risoluzione dei conflitti nelle relazioni interpersonali e interculturali Relazioni interpersonali e microconflittualità Progetto di ricerca “Strategie formative per la gestione costruttiva dei conflitti. Sviluppo delle competenze comunicativ

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