Microsoft word - kiefer adaptogen handout.doc

1) “The use of the word ‘tonic’… has generally been displaced in the herbal literature by the Russian-coined term ‘adaptogen.’ This has been defined as an agent that increases resistance to physical, chemical, and biological stress and builds up general vitality, including the physical and mental capacity for work.”i 2) A tonic is “remedy utilized to restore strength and vigor; typically taken for an 3) A tonic is “a substance that exerts a gentle strengthening effect on the body”iii 4) An adaptogen is “a substance that is safe, increases resistance to stress, and has a balancing effect on bodily functions”iii 5) Adaptogens are “agents that are reputed to increase the body’s resistance to physical, chemical, and biological stressors.”iv i Tyler VE. Herbs of Choice: The Therapeutic Use of Phytomedicinals. New York, NY: Pharmaceutical Products Press; 1994. ii Blumenthal M, Busse WR, Goldberg A, et al. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. Austin, Tx: American Botanical Council; 1998 iii Murray MT. Healing Power of Herbs. Rocklin, California: Prima Publishing; 1995. iv Shulz, V., Hansel, R., Tyler, VE. Rational Phytotherapy; a physician’s guide to herbal medicine. 3rd ed. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag Publishers; 1998 Matching: Do you know your Latino plants?
Use (alphabetical by symptom or health Common Spanish plant names (and

English, if easily identifiable)
ajo (garlic), apio (celery), espino blanco “circulation”, for “heart”) Colic (childhood) anís (anise seed), manzanilla (chamomile), orégano (oregano), ajo (garlic), cebolla (onion), echinacea (echinacea), eucalipto (eucalyptus), hierba buena (peppermint) Dermatitis (including “skin problems” and llantén (plantain), mastuerzo, sábila (aloe sunburn) berenjena (eggplant), hierba del sapo, jugo meninito, nopal (prickly pear) ajo (garlic), hierba buena (peppermint), jengibre (ginger), limón (lemon or lime), menta (spearmint), nopal (prickly pear cactus), sábila (aloe vera) hierba buena (peppermint), papa (potato) hierba buena (peppermint), menta (spearmint) ajo (garlic), alpiste, apio (celery), espino blanco, hierba del sapo, pepino (cucumber), remolacha (beets), sábila (aloe vera) alpiste, berenjena (eggplant), chia (chia), hierba del sapo, linaza (flax) (peppermint), jengibre (ginger), manzanilla (chamomile), boldo, menta (spearmint), nopal (prickly pear), orégano (oregano), papaya (papaya), sábila (aloe vera) manzanilla (chamomile), menta (spearmint), orégano (oregano), cola de caballo (horsetail), pelo de elote (corn silk), sábila (aloe vera) ajo (garlic), camphor (camphor), llantén (plantain), maca, ruda (rue), uva (grapeseed oil) eucaliptus (eucalyptus), limón (lemon juice), miel de abeja (honey) anís (anise seed), epazote (wormseed), gordolobo (mullein), hierba buena (peppermint), hierba del perro, manzanilla (chamomile), orégano (oregano), paico (wormseed) ajo (garlic), canela (cinnamon), eucalipto (including sinusitis, colds, flu, bronchitis, (eucalyptus), ganoderma (reishi), laurel (laurel), orégano (oregano), sábila (aloe vera) arnica (arnica), calendula (calendula), cebolla (onion)‐ethno‐spring2013/
Tea infusion video‐tea‐activity/


EDITAL DE CONVITE Abertura: 05 de Junho de 2012. Modalidade: Convite nº 032/2012 Horário: ás 09:00 hs. Fonte de Recurso: Tesouro Municipal Tipo: Menor preço por global Local: Rua Rio da Prata, 662 – Centro, São L. M. Belos – GO (Prefeitura Municipal de São Luís de Montes Belos)O Município de São Luis de Montes Belos - Estado de Goiás, com sede na Rua Rio da Prat


European Heart Journal (2003) 24 , 946–955 Bupropion SR for smoking cessation in smokers with cardiovascular disease: a multicentre, randomised study S. Tonstada*, C. Farsangb, G. Klaenec, K. Lewisd, A. Manolise, A.P. Perruchoudf, C. Silagyg, P.I. van Spiegelh, C. Astburyi, A. Hideri, R. Sweeti a Department of Preventative Cardiology, Ulleva˚l University Hospital, N-0407 Oslo, Norw

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