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National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS-AP) - Horticulture- Scheme of Coffee Plantation in Paderu- implementation Arrangements-Orders-issued. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PANCHAYAT RAJ AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT (RD-II) DEPARTMENT 1) G.O.Ms.No.27, PR&RD (RD-II) Dept, dated: 28.01.2006 2) Minutes of meeting on Coffee Plantation held on 07.06.08,O/o Commissioner, Rural Development, Hyderabad. 3) RC.No.44//2007/A2, dated: 06.12.07 of Project Officer, ITDA, Paderu. 4) Lr.No 1752/Horticulture/Coffee/08,dated 17.12.2008 of Commissioner, Rural Andhra Pradesh Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme under the provision of NREGS Act 2005 vide reference cited above envisages creation of durable assets that enhances the livelihood resource base of the rural poor. Category 4 works under schedudle1 of the Act gives an opportunity for the farmers from BPL families to take up Horticulture and land development to increase the productivity of the marginal lands of the rain fed regions. Government has initiated Horticulture plantations in poor people land from 2007-08 under NREGS in convergence with National Horticulture mission and AP Micro irrigation Programme. The Programme was initially promoted for four Horticulture crops and expanded to 13 crops in 2008-09. In the reference 3rd read above, the Project Officer ITDA, Paderu submitted the proposals for inclusion of Coffee plantation under NREGS in
convergence with TRICOR (Tribal welfare Department) in the agency areas of
Paderu as the region is suitable for cultivation of coffee. Since 1985 the coffee
plantations are taken up by the ITDA farmers in an area of 82,391 acres with
active support of TRICOR and Coffee Board. Average annual income from
coffee is about Rs 8000 to 10000 per acre.
Salient Features of the Proposals are:
1. The proposal seeks to converge the strengths and resources of 3 Departments of Government namely Department of Rural Development, Tribal Welfare Department and Coffee Board to formulate a comprehensive scheme for raising coffee plantation including maintenance until plantation reaches commercial age. 2. Raising of nursery for Coffee, Advance shade & Pepper and shade plantations are proposed to be assisted by TRICOR (Tribal welfare department) and raising of Coffee plantations shall be assisted by NREGS. Coffee Board will provide technical oversight and capacity building to farmers and marketing tie up. 3. Pepper is proposed as inter crop in coffee plantations. About Rs.20,000- 30,000 per acre is expected annual income. 4. In order to support plantation activity on long term basis, it is also proposed to raise Coffee and shade plant nurseries in Paderu. 5. In next five years starting from 2009-10, it is proposed to cover 1.00 lakh acres of Coffee in Paderu agency area @ 20,000 acres every year 6. The total cost of raising nursery and plantation for 1.00 lakh acres including maintenance is estimated to be Rs 297 crores which will be funded by Tribal Welfare Department and Rural Development Department under existing programmes. Commissioner Rural Development has scrutinized the proposal with reference to NREGS guidelines and submitted the proposals for approval of the coffee project to be taken up in Paderu agency area. The project is prepared under NREGS in convergence with TRICOR (Tribal Welfare) and Coffee board of Visakhapatnam. The Government after careful examination of the proposals submitted by the Commissioner Rural Development for cultivation of coffee plantation in Paderu agency areas here by accord permission for taking up 1.00 lakh acres of Coffee plantations. Plantation shall be taken up only in the villages identified to be suitable for taking up Coffee plantations by Coffee board and ITDA Paderu. Every year during November-December, PO ITDA Paderu shall take up an independent third party evaluation of the plantation done in the previous financial year to verify survival, conditions of plantation and other quality issue. Government hereby constitutes a State level committee on Coffee plantation. The composition of the committee shall be as follows: The committee shall provide policy support to the programme from time to time. The committee shall also consider the findings of the 3rd party evaluation and take decisions there on to strengthen the programme. The scheme for Coffee plantation in Paderu is annexed to this G.O. A copy of this order is available on the internet and can be accessed at (BY ORDER AND IN THE NAME OF THE GOVERNOR OF ANDHRA PRADESH) To The Commissioner, Rural Development, A.P. Hyderabad The Commissioner, Tribal welfare, A.P. Hyderabad The District collector and Magistrate of Visakhapatnam District The Project Officer, ITDA, Paderu, Visakhapatnam District The Regional Manager Coffee Board, Visakhapatnam The Project Director, DWMA, Visakhapatnam District The Chief Executive Officer, Zilla Parishad Visakhapatnam District. The Commissioner, AMR – A.P. Academy for Rural Development, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. Copy to: O.S.D. to Minister for Rural Development. P.S. to Prl. Secretary to Government (RD) P.R. & R.D. (Genl.) Department (2 copies) S.F./S.C. SCHEME FOR COFFEE PLANTATIONS IN PADERU

Paderu in Vishakapatnam District is a tribal belt with annual rainfall of 1250 mm at an altitude of 3650 feet MSL. Warm weather with high rainfall for a period of 6 months is congenial for coffee plantations. The rich forest cover in the tribal area dwindled due to podu cultivation and the poor tribal farmers with primitive cultivation and low productivity force the farmers to work as daily labourers. Coffee plantation programme in ITDA was initiated in 1985 with the help of Coffee Board and of late pepper as an intercrop is yielding good returns to the farmers with very little investment. Organic Coffee of Araku in Paderu has good market potential with brand name ”Araku Emerald”. Every year about 10,000 acres of new plantations are raised by ITDA which is low compared to the demand. Further the old low yielding plantations need to be replanted. To encourage coffee cultivation with pepper as intercrop tribal farmers are provided with 100% assistance under TRICOR and National Rural Employment Guarantee scheme (NREGS)
About the crop: Coffee (Coffea Arabica) is the second important commodity
in the world trade after petroleum products. Coffee is grown under the shade of forest cover and a well distributed annual rain-fall of 1600 to 2500mm and good shade of ever green trees are ideal for its cultivation. it grows well at elevations between 900 to 1200 meters with a temperature of 15 to 25 C and 70 – 80% relative humidity. The blossom showers during March – April (25 to 40mm) and the backing showers during summer months April – May (50 to 57mm) are congenial for better fruit-set and development. The climatic conditions prevailing in Paderu belt of Vizag district is most suitable for coffee cultivation, particularly organic coffee. 1. Objective of supporting coffee plantation:

• To strengthen the livelihood resource base of the poor tribes by creating • To control soil erosion and other ecological problems of Jhum (Podu) 2. Non-Negotiables:
a) Small and marginal farmers from BPL families with minimum coverage of 75% b) Cluster approach c) A given plantation should have at least 75% survival to be eligible for maintenance in second year and 90% survival to be eligible for maintenance from third year onwards. d) Execution of work through CIGs

3. Criteria for selection of farmers:

a) Small and marginal farmers belonging to BPL families with minimum b) Farmer should have title over Land. c) Assistance limited to 5 acres per family 4. Proposed major activities in the Scheme

The ITDA, Paderu is the nodal agency for the implementation of the Project.
A) Raising of Advance Shade Plantations
Coffee is a shade loving plant and economic yields will be obtained only if grown under shade. A shade tree should be fast growing and spreading to allow a uniform amount of filter light. Its root system should be deep, so that it does not
compete with coffee plant for food and moisture. Hence shade plants like Silver oak,
mango wild variety, Jack fruit, Jamun and Kamala plants can be grown as shade
plants. Detailed list of tasks which will be assisted is given below.
i) Raising of Nurseries for Shade plantations (Assistance under TRICOR)
1. Land leveling and preparation of nursery beds 2. Cost of seed 3. Watering 4. Transport of seedling 5. Cost of poly-bags 6. Bag filling and trans-planting of seedlings 7. Cost of tools and implements 8. Pandal erection for providing shade in secondary nursery ii) Raising Shade plantations (Assistance under TRICOR)
1. Bush clearance 2. Line marking and pit digging 3. Transport of plant material 4. Filling pits and planting 5. Soil working 6. Fire path B) Raising of Coffee plantations with Pepper as intercrop
The primary nursery is raised in beds of 1 m x 6 m. The seeds germinate in about 46 days. The seedlings are transplanted in secondary nursery beds when seedlings are 3 months old. 8 months old seedlings are generally used for planting purpose. The season of planting is September to October. 8 months old seedlings are planted in the main field with a spacing of 2 m x 2 m under shade. 3 years of silver oak is suitable as a shade plant to coffee. Pepper is grown as inter crop in coffee plantations. Average yield of pepper is about 200-300 kg per acre with an average income of Rs.20, 000-30,000 per acre. Detailed list of tasks which will be assisted is given below. i) Raising of Coffee & Pepper Nurseries (Assistance under TRICOR)
1. Land preparation 2. Raised primary and secondary nursery beds 3. Cost of poly-bags, bag filling, watering 4. Collection of Jungle soil & organic manures 5. Cost of seed material (coffee seed & other, pepper cuttings) 6. Transport of seedlings 7. Pandal errection & arranging of poly bags 8. Plant protection 9. Weeding &Wee 10. Watering 11. cost of tools and implements ii) Raising Coffee Plantations (Assistance under NREGS)
1. Bush clearance 2. Line marking & Pit Digging 3. Filling of pits & Planting 4. Cost of mixed plants 5. Cost of live fencing 6. Bench terracing and fire path 7. Weeding and soil working 8. Cost of Bio-fertilizers and Bio plant protection 9. Fire path 10. Shade regularation & De suckering 11. Technical guidance to Para worker TRICOR will fund nursery raising for shade plants, raising of shade plantation, raising of coffee and pepper nurseries. Under NREGS, Rural Development will fund raising coffee plantation which includes maintenance for 4 years i.e., till the plants are ready for harvesting the produce. List of tasks for which farmers will be assisted is given below. Coffee board shall provide technical guidance to field functionaries and farmers in scientific cultivation, processing and marketing.

5. Maintenance:

Maintenance for 4 years will be provided under NREGS, including the planting Details of Raising Nursery for shade Plantations (Annexure-I), Raising of nursery,(Annexure-III) and Raising of Coffee plantations (Annexure-IV)
6. Roles and Responsibilities:

a) ITDA Paderu
It is the nodal implementing agency It shall formulate/prepare action plans and get the approval from Identify the tribal farmers having the suitable lands in a contiguous area Impart training to the farmer on cultivation, processing and marketing Maintain the accounts of the project. Submit the progress reports and the information as and when required by the Department of Rural Development for sanction and release of funds. b) Department of Rural Development
It shall process the inputs provided by Project Officer, ITDA, Paderu and provide the funds for the assistance under NREGS. c) Coffee Board
It shall provide the technical guidance to the field functionaries, Officers and farmers for the cultivation on latest scientific practices Supervise the activities and guide the farmers in adopting the scientific Train farmers in processing the coffee Provide infra-structure facilities to the group of farmers Guide the farmers in marketing the produce
7. Implementation Arrangements:
FA of NREGS with Coffee Liaison worker collects applications from farmers and verifies with reference to criteria and fills the data input sheets for the eligible farmers. Farmers taking up the Coffee crop will be formed into a Common Interest Group (CIG). The verification shall be done by Project Horticulture officer with reference to soil suitability.(PHO) Data input sheets are prepared for the recommended farmers as a Common Interest Group. The works (equal to number of CIGs in a village) are placed before the Gram Panchayat for approval. The approved works are forwarded to Additional Programme Officer (APO) at mandal level. The estimates are generated for each work (CIG wise) at the Mandal The works along with estimates are forwarded to PO, ITDA / Dist. Collector shall accord administrative sanctions. Technical sanction will be accorded by the Project Horticulture Officer. Once the works are in shelf, APO will issue work commencement letters, muster rolls and measurement book. F.A / T.A will give alignment / mark out for pit digging as per specifications. Measurements will be taken by F.A and check measurements by T.A. Super check shall be done by Project Horticulture Officer. Raising shade plantations, planting coffee in shade plantations which are ready, raising intercrops, live fencing should be completed as per the schedule. Fencing shall be completed before planting activities. In order to facilitate smooth execution of works, the farmers should be formed into a common interest group (CIG). CIG members select one Para worker from among them to liaison between farmers, NREGS, ITDA A) Roles and responsibilities of Para-worker
He/She should be active and interested in taking up the responsibilities of the Shall conduct group meetings regularly atleast once in a fortnight (once in a week during planting season) and ensure all members are present, Shall record decisions taken in the meetings and act accordingly Shall be able to adopt and demonstrate the scientific practices in his field as Shall communicate all instructions and learning received from time to time so Shall maintain transparency in maintenance of accounts. Shall maintain all prescribed records and submit vouchers for the expenditure on fort-night basis for settlement of advances. A joint account shall be opened for each CIG. Para-worker and one of the farmers shall be the joint signatories. The advances are released into the CIG account for the activities to be carried out by farmers in two or more installments as per seasonality. Para-worker shall release the amount to the farmers to carry out the operations in their fields. The Para-worker shall demonstrate the activities in his field and thus guide the farmers to do in their fields. Para-workers shall collect the vouchers from the farmers for the activities completed and submits to the field assistant once in a fortnight for settlement of advances received by the CIG. B) Following records / registers shall be maintained by CIG
1) Minutes book 2) Cash book 3) Ledger 4) Vouchers 5) Stock issue register Each farmer shall be given a farmer card showing the details of activities, the assistance amount to be received for the area planted and the amount actually received. C) Role of Coffee Liaison Worker ( CLW)
For every 4 to 5 villages one CLW will function and coordinate plantation activities with the assistance of the FA / TA Give technical advice in the maintenance of the plantations and organize To Co-ordinate with FA, A.P.O. and P.H.O. The Para-worker and Coffee Extension Worker will be thoroughly trained on all aspects of coffee plantation by Coffee board. 8. Procurement of Plant Material
Since plant material forms a vital part, all procurement will be done under the guidance of Coffee board. Plant material shall be procured under guidance of Coffee board. Coffee board shall provide necessary guidance to ITDA on improved varieties suitable for the area and facilitate in procuring the plant material from authorized agencies. The required plant material for shade plantations inter crop (pepper) and coffee plantations shall be raised in the vicinity of plantations by the tribes. The
assistance given for all the material components viz., plant material and bio-fertilizers
etc., under NREGS, the guidelines already issued shall be followed.
Fund Flow

10. Registers and Records to be maintained:

A) Nursery level:
B) Village level:
1. Plantation Register 2. Administration and Technical sanctions, Work commencement letters for 3. Muster rolls and material procurement sheets
4. Plantation activities monitoring Register
C) Mandal level:

1. Administration and Technical sanctions, Work commencement letters for
2. Muster rolls and vouchers
D) Project level:

11. Monitoring:

Technical Assistant, Coffee Liaison worker (CLW) and field assistant shall inspect 100% plantations taken up under NREGS. PHO, APO & MPDO shall inspect 50% of the plantations in the Mandal atleast once in a quarter. P.O., ITDA and PD, DWMA shall inspect atleast 10% of the plantation blocks randomly in a quarter. PHO and MPDO shall review the Coffee plantations on scheduled week days with mandal staff and CLW. Project Officer, ITDA/P.D., DWMA shall conduct common monthly meetings with MPDOs. Annexure-I
A) Shade Plantations -
1)Detailed Estimate of Raising advance Shade Nursery (2.0 Lakhs)
Labour Material
A) Primary Nursery
Land Preparation -raising of primary beds 0.25x3.3x1mt beds) Preparation of beds, Seedsowing, Collection of paddy straw etc., ) Transport of Primary Nursery (Naked) seedlings to secondary Nursery manually @ 10000 seedlings perday Total (A)

B) Secondary Nursery

Total (B)
1200 160000
Grand Total (A+B)
2) Detailed Estimate of Raising Shade Plantations
Spacing 2x2 mts
Name of the item
Labour Material
B)Coffee Plantations
1)Detailed Estimate of Coffee Nursery (2.0 Lakhs+10%

I) Primary Nursery
Land Preparation -raising of primary beds ( 0.25x3.3x1mt beds) (Collection of Jungle Soil, Preparation of beds, Pandal errection, Seedsowing, Collection of paddy straw etc., ) Transport of Primary Nursery (Topi stage) seedlings to secondary Nursery manually@ of 4000 seedlings per day SubTotal (A)

II) Secondary Nursery

Sub Total (B)
Total (A+B)
III) Pepper Nursery( @ 10% of the Coffee Nursery)
2)Detailed Estimate of Raising Coffee plantations
Spacing 2x2 mts
Name of the item
Labour Material

2nd year Maintenance

Name of the item
Material Total
3rd year Maintenance
Name of the item
Labour Material Total
4th year Maintenance
Name of the item
Labour Material Total
Abstract (Coffee estimates)
Grand Total


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Asian J. Pharm. Tech. 2013; Vol. 3: Issue 1, Pg 34-36 [AJPTech.] ISSN- 2231–5705 (Print) ISSN- 2231–5713 (Online) RESEARCH ARTICLE Dyeing of silk with discarded tetracycline hydrochloride drug Prashant Gangawane1, Dr. (Mrs.) Usha Sayed2 1Research Scholar, Department of Fibers and Textile Processing Technology, Institute of Chemical

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