Bone Marrow Transplantation (2004) 34, 729–738& 2004 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0268-3369/04 $30.00
Quality of life assessment in patients undergoing reduced intensityconditioning allogeneic as compared to autologous transplantation: resultsof a prospective study
M Dı´ez-Campelo1, JA Pe´rez-Simo´n1, JR Gonza´lez-Porras1, JM Garcı´a-Cecilia2, M Salinero1,MD Caballero1, MC Can˜izo1, EM Ocio1 andJF San Miguel1
1Servicio de Hematologı´a, Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Paseo de San Vicente, s/n, Salamanca, Spain; and 2Statistic’sDepartment, Faculty of Psychology, Segovia, Spain
Patients’ preferences are increasingly being considered in
The aim was to analyze quality-of-life (QOL) during the
decision-making regarding treatment options, so that
first year post transplant in 47 patients undergoing
currently, no option shouldbe pressedon patients without
reduced-intensity conditioning (RIC) allotransplantation,
providing information about the potential benefits and
and to compare these with a similar subgroup of patients
harm.1,2 While choosing the best treatment option basedon
receiving autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT).
adequate evidence is possible for different diseases,3,4 risk
We used self-reported questionnaires. Each answer scored
groups of patients5 or disease status,6 evidence regarding
from 0 (not at all) to 4 (very much), with higher scores
outcome cannot always be offered.2 In particular, con-
indicating worse functioning. Mean value of physical
siderations concerning outcome must take into account
categories among RIC transplants ranged between 1.23
more than just patient survival. Moreover, even when there
and 0.77 indicating that patients scored very low for
is sufficient evidence in terms of survival, issues regarding
physical symptoms. Patients undergoing ASCT had
the long-term side-effects of intensive therapies are of
higher scores in questionnaires performed early after
tremendous importance for patients and their relatives,7
transplant and then gradually improved (Po0.001).
especially when treatment options include aggressive
Overall, when we compared physical functioning scores,
therapeutic approaches. Unfortunately, although several
allo-RIC did significantly better (P ¼ 0.049). Neverthe-
studies have evaluated quality of life (QOL) of SCT
less, while allo-RIC scores were significantly better for the
recipients in recent years, information remains inconclu-
first three questionnaires, ASCT patients did better in the
sive. In this sense, while some authors have reportedgood
last two questionnaires. These findings are in accordance
physical andfunctional recovery after SCT,8,7,9–11 other
with the toxicities observed in both subgroups which are
studies have described important functional impairments
lower in the RIC group early after transplant. No
such as fatigue, psychological distress and sexual dysfunc-
significant differences were observed between either
tion.12,13 In addition, most of these studies are cross-
subgroup for any of the functional, social/ family,
sectional, and other, longitudinal studies analyzing post
psychological distress and satisfaction with doctor/nurse
transplant QOL over time are required.14 Finally, previous
relationship items. We have observed similar QOL among
cross-sectional studies have shown that QOL might be
patients undergoing RIC-allo as compared to ASCT
impairedafter allogeneic transplantation more significantly
although GVHD remains an important ‘event’ in QOL.
than in autologous especially in the case of severe chronic
Bone Marrow Transplantation (2004) 34, 729–738.
graft versus host disease,14–18 although as yet, there have
been no longitudinal studies comparing QOL after auto-
logous andallogeneic transplantation.
quality of life; QOL; reduced intensity con-
In an effort to reduce the morbidity and mortality
ditioning; nonmyeloablative; allogeneic transplant
associatedwith allogeneic transplantation, several groupshave recently developed nonmyeloblative or reducedintensity conditioning regimens (RIC) designed to beimmunosuppressive rather than myeloablative in order toreduce the toxicity associated with high-dose chemother-apy, while maintaining the therapeutic effect of theprocedure through a graft versus leukemia reaction.19,20
Correspondence: Dr M Dı´ez-Campelo, Servicio de Hematologı´a,
These RIC transplants have extended the use of allogeneic
Hospital Universitario de Salamanca, Paseo de San Vicente, s/n, 37007
transplantation to patients with a high risk of transplant-
Salamanca, Spain; E-mail: [email protected]
relatedmortality (TRM) due to age or other concurrent
Received2 March 2004; accepted2 June 2004Publishedonline 6 September 2004
In the present study, for the first time, QOL was analyzed
during the first year post transplant in patients undergoing
RIC allogeneic transplantation, andwe comparedthis
cohort of patients with a similar group of patients receiving
autologous SCT (ASCT) in the same institution during thesame periodof time. By d
patients with a suitable donor undergo RIC only in the
event of advanced age or concurrent medical condition
which increases the risk of morbidity and/or mortality after
conventional myeloablative conditioning (CMC) regimen.
For this reason, we did not compare RIC vs CMC since
pretransplant characteristics of both subgroups of patients
are significantly different, thus hampering any conclusion
regarding comparison of QOL after transplantation. For
this reason, we chose to compare RIC patients with a
similar group of patients without a suitable donor under-
going ASCT. Moreover, ASCT is considered a procedure
associatedwith a low morbidity andmortality thus making
this subset of patients an interesting group to compare with
RIC in terms of QOL. For this purpose, we usedself-reportedquestionnaires21 that patients completedatdifferent time-points after transplant. Questionnaires meet
nancies.20 GVHD prophylaxis consistedof cyclosporine A
requirements of validity, sensitivity and reliability for
(CsA) plus short-course methotrexate (MTX). Acute and
assessment of various issues such as physical, functional,
chronic GVHD were graded by established criteria.26
In addition, 70 out of 95 patients receiving autologous
stem cell transplant (ASCT) during the same period whogave their consent to enter the study were included. Onlypatients to be monitoredat our institution after the
procedure were invited to enter the QOL study. Patientcharacteristics are shown in Table 1. In all, 37 patients
receivedBEAM27 as the conditioning regimen. Other regi-mens usedwere: busulfan plus melphalan (eight patients),
Between January 1999 andJanuary 2003, 47 out of 60
cyclophosfamide plus carboplatin plus thiotepa (six patients),
patients at our institution undergoing an RIC peripheral
melphalan (11 patients), busulfan plus cyclophosfamide
bloodstem cell (PBSC) transplant (allo-RIC) from an HLA
(seven patients) andCy plus TBI (one patient).28,29
identical sibling, gave their consent to participate in this
Patients receiving RIC andASCT receiveda mean of 2 vs
study. Patients gave written informed consent for inclusion
3 lines of chemotherapy prior to transplantation. While no
in the protocol, which was approvedby all local ethical
significant differences were observed between the two
review boards and the Spanish Drug Agency (protocol 99-
groups in terms of median age, patients undergoing allo-
0151). Eligibility criteria for entry into this RIC included
RIC hada more advanceddisease status as comparedto
patients with a myeloidor lymphoidmalignancy potentially
those undergoing ASCT (21 vs 4% high-risk patients,
treatable with an allogeneic transplant, who were 45 years
respectively; Po0.001). In addition, significant differences
oldor more and/or who were at high risk of transplant-
were observedin terms of diagnosis (P ¼ 0.002, Table 1).
relatedmortality (TRM) according to their pretransplantevaluation.24–27 Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1.
Disease phase at transplant was categorizedas early, lowrisk (acute leukemia or poor-risk myelodysplasia in first
Informedconsent was requiredfor the prospective QOL
complete remission, first chronic–phase CML, lymphoid
study. All eligible patients received the questionnaires on
malignancy in first remission), intermediate (acute leukemia
days þ 7, þ 14, þ 21, þ 90, þ 180, þ 270 and þ 360 post
or myelodysplasia in second or more complete remission,
transplant. Questionnaires included 55 items divided into
six domains assessing physical and functional environment,
malignancy in secondor more remission, untreated
social/family well-being andpsychological d
standard-risk myelodysplasia) and advanced, high risk
satisfaction with the doctor/patient and nursery/patient
(refractory or relapsedacute leukemia or myelodysplasia,
relationship. Each answer was evaluatedfrom 0 (not at all)
blastic-phase CML, refractory or relapsedlymphoid
to 4 (very much) with higher scores indicating worst
malignancy andall secondtransplants). Donors were sex-
functioning except for the items relatedto functional well-
matchedin 51% cases andmismatchedin 49%.
being andrelationships (social andfamily well-being and
Two RIC regimens basedon fludarabine 150 mg/m2 plus
patient/nurse or patient/doctor relationship) where higher
melphalan 140 mg/m2 or fludarabine 150 mg/m2 plus
scores indicate a better functioning. The questionnaire was
busulfan 10 mg/m2 were used, the former regimen recom-
basedon FACT-BMT (version 3),22–25 including additional
mended for lymphoid and the latter for myeloid malig-
items regarding graft-versus-host-disease symptoms.
QOL in RIC allogeneic transplantationM Dı´ez-Campelo et al
In order to perform a longitudinal assessment of QOL
during the first year after transplant, patients received the
questionnaires at seven time points, as previously specified. For cross-sectional comparisons between values obtained
at the different time points, univariate ANOVA tests were
performed. For longitudinal comparisons, an intrasubject
model (time) was defined in order to guarantee equivalence
between groups, thereby configuring a mixedfactorial or
split-plot model30,31 in which the variability attributedtoindividual characteristics was eliminated by the maximum
blocking design.32 As a statistical model for the General
Model Line, a two-way, Measurement Repeated MultipleAnalysis (MR-MANOVA two way) was performedto
compare the differences between both subgroups in terms
of mean values considering the whole period analyzed,
since the theoretical conditions (independence, normality,
homoscedasticity, covariant equality and sphericity) were
met andbecause the possible significance of the intrasubjectfactor (time) was sought in combination with the different
All factors which significantly influencedQOL on
univariate analysis were included in a multivariate analysis.
comparedto patients receiving allo-RIC (Table 2). No
Since the variables ‘type of transplant’ and‘graft versus
other severe toxicities were observedin either of the two
host disease’ are mutually exclusive (where ‘type of
transplant’ ¼ ‘autologous’, GVHD does not apply), a
With a median follow-up of 281 days (range: 21–2196
multivariate analysis was performedinclud
days) 17 patients have died and 17 have relapsed. Projected
transplant,’ but excluding GVHD and then a second
event-free survival (EFS) at 3 years is 51% for patients
multivariate analysis was performedwhich includ
undergoing RIC allogeneic transplant and 54% for those
GVHD but not the type of transplant.
receiving autologous transplantation andrelapse rates did
As far as the validation of the questionnaire was
not significantly differ between either subgroup (21 vs 13%,
concerned, items other than those already included in
ptns). Among allo-RIC patients acute graft versus host
FACT-BMT, were selectedandsubjectedto the Internal
disease (aGVHD) appeared at a median of 35 days (range:
Validity of the Construct once the conditions necessary for
the use of a Factorial Analysis were in place (sphericity test:
(11% grades III–IV). Chronic GVHD flared at a median of
P ¼ 0.000 andKMO ¼ 710). After confirming that the
168 days (104–420) with overall cumulative incidence of
factors did not correlate between each other the Principal
66%. All patients included in this study who developed
Components extraction methodwith Equamax rotation. In
the last solution after rotation, three groups of variableswere foundwhich includ
superior to 0.515, which wouldaccount for the 61.483%
total variability observedin the questionnaire. This ledus
to conclude that the Structural Validity of the scale had
tioning categories, 13 items were analyzed. Mean values of
physical categories among RIC allogeneic transplantsrangedbetween 1.23 and0.77, which indicates that, overall,patients scoredvery low for physical symptoms. Asobservedin Figure 1, mean values d
change during the year post transplant (P ¼ 0.34) in thissubset of patients since scores were low even on the
questionnaires performedvery early after transplant in
Although the number of CD34 þ cells infusedd
contrast to patients undergoing ASCT who had higher
significantly differ between either subgroup (2.3278.95 and
scores on questionnaires performedon days þ 7 to þ 28
4.3872.41 s.d. Â 106 CD34 þ cells/kg for ASCT andallo-
RIC, respectively; P ¼ 0.53), granulocyte engraftment was
subsequent controls (scores ranging from 1.63 to 0.51,
significantly faster among patients receiving autologous
Po0.001). Overall, when we comparedmean physical
transplantation (Table 2). Both subgroups also differed
functioning scores during the first year after transplant
regarding fever episodes (100 and 64% of patients receiving
between allo-RIC andASCT patients, the former group did
ASCT andRIC allogeneic transplant developedany fever
significantly better (Figure 1n, P ¼ 0.049). Nevertheless, it
episode, Po0.001) andfinally, patients receiving ASCT
shouldbe notedthat while allo-RIC scores were better for
hadsignificantly more mucositis andnausea/vomiting as
the first three controls performedearly after transplant,
Scores of physical well-being categories along the first year post transplant. (a) Lack of energy (V1); (b) shortness of breath (V2); (c) needof rest
(V3); (d) nausea (V4); (e) uncompliance of family duties due to physical limitations (V5); (f) pain (V6); (g) pain interferes in daily activities (V7); (h) anysymptom relatedto therapy (V8); (i) I feel sick (V9); (j) I needto stay in the bed(V10); (k) itching (V11); (l) any ocular disturbances (V12); (m) anydisturbances in mouth (V13); (n) evolution of the mean score of all categories. Days after transplant: (1) d ay þ 7 after infusion; (2) d ay þ 14; (3) d ay þ 28;(4) day þ 90; (5) day þ 180; (6) day þ 270; (7) day þ 365.
patients undergoing autologous transplant did better in the
receiving RIC allogeneic transplant (Figure 1k, l, m).
þ 365, so that both curves crossedaroundd
Finally, on day þ 365, 9.5% of patients receiving allo-
which coincides with the median day of cGVHD flare.
RIC, as comparedto 5.5% among ASCT patients
More specifically, in the early post transplant period,
(P ¼ 0.54), scored ‘quite a bit or very much’ to the item ‘I
patients undergoing ASCT had worse scores regarding
have shortness of breath,’ while 32.3% of allo-RIC vs
lack of energy, needfor rest, nausea, pain or symptoms
59.1% of ASCT patients (P ¼ 0.01) scored ‘quite a bit or
relatedto therapy as specifiedin Figure 1a, c, d, f, g andh.
very much’ to the item ‘I need to rest’.
This is in accordance with post transplant toxicities
Other variables with significant influence on mean
physical well-being are summarizedin Table 3. Fever,
cantly later questionnaires for ASCT patients, overall,
mucositis andnausea/vomiting influencedphysical well-
significant differences persisted in favor of allo-RIC
being on days þ 7, þ 14 or þ 28, while none of them had
patients in the longitudinal comparison during the first
an impact after that time-point in cross-sectional analysis.
year post transplant regarding lack of energy, need of rest
Nevertheless, mucositis andnausea/vomiting didinfluence
andnausea. By contrast, upon analyzing variables related
the overall physical well-being during the first year post
to GVHD symptoms such as itching, ocular or mouth
transplant as assessedby longitudinal analysis (Table 3 and
disturbances, we observed that, except for an initial benefit
Figure 2a, b). In addition, as shown in Figure 2c and d,
aGVHD adversely affects QOL in the cross-sectional
QOL in RIC allogeneic transplantationM Dı´ez-Campelo et al
Variables with significant influence on physical well-being during the first year post transplant
P long refers to differences between auto and RIC along the year post transplant. P-value in each time-point refers to differences observed between meanvalues in that specific day post transplant. aP ¼ 0.032 when we comparedresults from day X+90. Boldtype indicates statistically significant values (lower than 0.05).
Mean physical well-being along the first year post transplant according to the development of mucositis grades 1,2 (a); nausea/vomiting grades
1,2 (b); acute graft versus host disease (c) andchronic graft versus host disease (d). Days after transplant: (1) day þ 7 after transplant; (2) day þ 14; (3) day
þ 28; (4) day þ 90; (5) day þ 180; (6) day þ 270; (7) day þ 365.
analysis performedon the first four controls after
transplant, while cGVHD hadan unfavorable impact on
cluded for evaluating functional well-being (see Appendix
QOL from day þ 180 and onwards. In the longitudinal
A). No significant differences were observed between either
analysis, GVHD significantly influencedQOL during the
subgroup for any of the functional well-being items. Mean
value of functional categories rangedbetween 2.03 and2.52
All variables which significantly affectedphysical func-
among allo-RIC patients during the first year post
tioning on univariate longitudinal analysis were included in
transplant andbetween 2.04 and2.75 among ASCT
a multivariate analysis andmucositis plus type of
patients, so that in both groups mean scores slowly
transplant were the only variables which hada significant
improvedover the year post transplant. Nevertheless,
impact on physical well-being in the longitudinal analysis
14.3% of allo-RIC and26.3% of ASCT patients still had
(P ¼ 0.0003 for both). By contrast, when we excluded type
problems sleeping in the control performedon day þ 365
(P ¼ 0.29), while 38 vs 57.9% of allo-RIC andASCT
variable which retainedstatistical significance in multi-
patients scored ‘quite a bit or very much’ to the item ‘I’m
Variables with significant influence on mean functional well-being during the first year post transplant
aP ¼ 0.036 upon comparing QOL from day o/ ¼ +90. bP ¼ 0.02 when we comparedresults up to day +90. Boldtype indicates statistically significant values (lower than 0.05).
Regarding variables which could influence mean func-
were scored3 or higher andno differences were observed
tional well-being, only GVHD, both acute andchronic, had
between ASCT or allo-RIC patients. Scores did not
an adverse impact on functional well-being during the first
significantly change during the year post transplant.
Social/family well-being and psychological distress categor-
In total, 14 items divided into two domains were used
to assess social/family well-being andpsychological d
Although allogeneic transplantation is the best treatment
tress. Within the former domain, high scores (ie, better
modality for patients diagnosed with poor prognostic acute
well-being for social andfamily items) were obtainedfor all
leukemias or advanced stage hematological malignan-
questions (see Appendix A) even in the first controls
cies,1,3,4 its efficacy has been hamperedby significant
performedearly after transplantation, with mean scores
ranging from 2.7 and2.7 for ASCT andfrom 2.58 to 2.64
(TRM).33 Even with the chance of being cured, some
for allo-RIC in day þ 7 on d ay þ 365, respectively
questions remain crucial for these patients: Does the time
(P ¼ 0.29). In addition, no significant changes in mean
gainedhave sufficient quality? Is curative therapy with a
high mortality or persistent morbidity worth it? The answer
following transplant. By contrast, sexual well-being had
to these questions shouldcontribute to providing patients
low scores, ranging from 0.5 in the fist questionnaire to 2.2
with better information regarding quality of life which
in the questionnaire performedon day þ 365 (P ¼ 0.001).
wouldbe of great use for patients andtheir physicians in
In fact, this was the only item which significantly improved
standardizing practice regarding the decision-making pro-
during the first year post transplant. Finally, no significant
cess. Moreover, this information shouldbe available to the
differences were observed between ASCT and allo-RIC for
patients andtheir relatives in order for them to choose the
most appropriate treatment option.2 With this goal in
Regarding psychological distress, seven items addressing
mind, in 1999, we developed a questionnaire based on
symptoms of depression (see Appendix A) were evaluated.
FACT-BMT,22–25 including additional items regarding
No significant differences were observed between patients
graft-versus-host-disease symptoms. The questionnaire
undergoing ASCT or allo-RIC either in terms of depression
was validated as previously described. We designed a
or anxiety. Scores were low for depression and they did not
prospective longitudinal study in order to evaluate the
significantly alter over the year post transplant. In this
QOL among patients undergoing reduced intensity con-
sense, 0–13% of allo-RIC and4.3–23% of ASCT patients
ditioning allogeneic transplantation and compared these
answered‘quite a bit or very much’ to items relatedto
results to those obtainedamong patients receiving ASCT.
depression in the first questionnaire (day þ 7) as compared
RIC transplants have been developed to be immunosup-
to 5–5.6% of allo-RIC and9–13.6% of ASCT patients in
pressive rather than myeloablative,19,20 in an effort to
reduce the high mortality rate reported after conventional
Concerning symptoms of anxiety, again scores did not
allogeneic transplantation in patients of advanced age or
significantly alter during the year post transplant. Never-
with comorbidpretransplantation conditions.34 Moreover,
theless, mean scores were slightly higher than those
in addition to a lower TRM, in standard clinical practice it
observedfor depression with 22.6–45.2% of allo-RIC and
has been observedthat there is a significant improvement in
19–34.4% of ASCT patients who answered‘quite a bit or
QOL after RIC allogeneic transplantation although no
very much’ to items relatedto anxiety in the first
study has been reported to date far evaluating the impact of
questionnaire (day þ 7) as comparedto 26.3–44.4% of
this procedure on QOL of these patients. On the other
allo-RIC and9.1–42.9% of ASCT patients in the ques-
hand, according to previous studies, age may adversely
tionnaire performedon day þ 365 (P40.14).
affect QOL after transplant and, since most candidatesreceiving RIC allogeneic transplantation are of advanced
Doctor/patient and nurse/patient relationship.
age or have a concurrent medical condition, QOL assess-
relationship with doctors and nurses is concerned, all items
ment couldbe impaired.35 In addition, since this procedure
QOL in RIC allogeneic transplantationM Dı´ez-Campelo et al
may reduce TRM in patients with a poor performance
post transplant periodandsymptoms relatedto chronic
status, a higher subset of these patients may survive after
graft versus host disease adversely affected QOL after day
transplant thus adversely affecting overall QOL.
þ 180, which was approximately the median day of
Although it wouldbe reasonable to argue that the
cGVHD flare. In fact, items addressing cGVHD symptoms
optimal comparison in terms of QOL wouldhave been to
such as itching, ocular or mouth disturbances are variables
compare patients undergoing RIC vs conventional myelo-
which significantly contributedto the poorer QOL ob-
ablative conditioning (CMC) allogeneic transplantation, in
servedamong allo-RIC patients after day þ 180, andthus
our institution, patients with a suitable donor undergo RIC
effectedthe cross between the curves of ASCT andallo-
only in the event of advanced age or a comorbid medical
RIC patients at that specific time-point. Although not
condition which increases the risk of morbidity and/or
surprising, this is an important finding since the therapeutic
mortality after conventional transplantation. For this
effect of allo-RIC transplantation relies mainly on the graft
reason, by definition pretransplant characteristics of both
versus tumor effect and, in this sense, several studies have
subgroups of patients are significantly different. An
shown that cGVHD favorably affects event-free survival.37
alternative was to compare RIC patients with a similar
According to this and other studies,11 cGVHD shouldalso
group of patients without a suitable donor undergoing
be considered an ‘event’ regarding QOL of patients, so that
ASCT in the same periodof time. As a matter of fact,
in the future, more specific targets for the immune response
although some characteristics at transplant differ between
must be exploredin order to exploit the graft versus tumor
the two subgroups, none of these variables representeda
contraindication to receiving one or the other option and,
Quality of life scores were goodfor most of the items
furthermore, none of them significantly affectedQOL on
analyzed; the same scores were found for ASCT and RIC
univariate analysis. In addition, this comparison would
patients regarding fuctional environment, social and family
allow us to address the impact on QOL of the immune
well-being, psychological distress and satisfaction with
reactions inherent to the allogeneic transplant with low
doctor/nurse relationships. Nevertheless, this information
toxicity relatedto the chemotherapy in the RIC setting vs
shouldbe interpretedwith caution since, as has been
the side effects of the high doses of chemotherapy used in
pointedout,12,38 patients who have suffereda stressful
the autologous setting. Finally, ASCT is considered a
event, such as cancer diagnosis, are grateful for treatment,
procedure, which induces a low morbidity and mortality
which wouldbe reflectedin their QOL scores. This couldbe
thus making this subset of patients an interesting group to
a confusing variable in studies which have compared
symptoms of patients receiving bone marrow transplanta-
To the best our knowledge, the present study is the first
tion with those of healthy controls.39 By contrast, it would
of its kindto focus on QOL assessment after RIC
not affect either the comparison between ASCT andallo-
allogeneic transplantation. Moreover, so far, there have
RIC patients or the tendency or evolution of symptoms in
been no longitudinal studies comparing QOL after auto-
patients during the year following transplant. In addition, it
logous or allogeneic transplant especially during the first
shouldbe notedthat, as suggestedin previous studies, QOL
year after transplant,12,36 although cross-sectional studies
among patients receiving a SCT is especially hampered
have shown impairedQOL among patients receiving
during the first year post transplant, with improvements
allogeneic as comparedto those receiving autologous
observedduring the long-term follow-up for most patients
transplants mostly due to graft versus host disease-related
at 2 and5 years after transplantation.7,15 Interestingly, in
symptoms.14–18 In the present study, both subgroups of
our study, focusing on QOL during the first year post
patients receiving either autologous or RIC allogeneic
transplant, most patients gave low scores for fatigue or
transplants had a similar median age although, as expected,
weakness, which are some of the most common symptoms
diagnosis and disease status at transplant significantly
described among SCT survivors.12,40 More specifically
differed between subgroups. Interestingly, when we com-
9.5% of patients receiving allo-RIC scored ‘quite a bit or
paredphysical well-being items, those patients receiving an
very much’ to the item ‘I have shortness of breath’ on day
RIC allogeneic transplant hada significantly better QOL
þ 365 which is in contrast to previous studies describing
during the first year post transplant, thus showing the
72% of patients who reporteddistressing levels of fatigue at
favorable impact of RIC transplant on morbidity. Never-
20 months post transplant.41 Although in the current study
theless, it shouldbe notedthat, in the current study, among
a significant proportion of patients (32.3% of allo-RIC)
seven questionnaires, four were completedbefore d
scored ‘quite a bit or very much’ to the item ‘I need to rest’
these results again compare favorably to previous studies
showing that 30% of patients maintainedproblems with
months after transplant may have increasedtheir weight in
their energy level at 45 months post transplant.40 Other
the overall comparison even though scores were better
symptoms commonly described after SCT are problems
among patients receiving ASCT in the questionnaires
concerning sleep quality andpsychological distress.12,40 In
performed after that date. Not unexpectedly, items
this sense, Whedon et al42 have reportedmod
concerning high-dose chemotherapy-related toxicity such
severe psychological distress in 93% of patients, while other
as nausea andvomiting, lack of energy or needto rest had
authors have described symptoms of depression in 33–45%
significantly better scores in the allo-RIC group than in the
andanxiety in 48% of patients undergoing SCT.43,44 In the
ASCT group. By contrast, symptoms relatedto acute graft
current study, 0–13% of patients undergoing RIC allo-
versus host disease significantly hampered QOL among
geneic transplantation showedsymptoms of d
patients receiving RIC allogeneic transplants in the early
during the first year post transplant, which did not
significantly differ from those patients undergoing auto-
8 Chao NJ, Tierney K, Bloom JR et al. Dynamic assessment of
logous transplantation. By contrast, a higher percentage
quality of life after autologous bone marrow transplantation.
of patients hadsymptoms of anxiety, ranging from 22.6
to 45.2% among patients receiving allo-RIC andthis
9 HjermstadMJ, Evensen SA, Kvaloy SO et al. Health-related
incidence is similar to that reported in previous studies.
quality of life 1 year after allogeneic or autologous stem-celltransplantation: a prospective study. J Clin Oncol 1999; 17:
In the present study, we have observed a lower adverse
impact on QOL of RIC allogeneic as comparedto
10 Heinonem H, Volin L, Uutela A et al. Quality of life and
autologous transplantation during the first months after
factors relatedto perceivedsatisfaction with quality of life
transplant, which is due to a lower incidence of high-dose
after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Ann Hematol
chemotherapy-relatedtoxicity. By contrast, graft versus
host disease remains an important ‘event’ in terms of QOL
11 Kiss TL, Abdolell M, Jamal N et al. Long-term medical
among patients receiving RIC allogeneic transplant andits
outcomes andquality of life assessment of patients with
effect on QOL becomes evident at 9 months after
chronic myeloidleukemia followedat least 10 years after
transplantation. In conclusion, by the first time point in
allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20:
the decision-making process, impairment of QOL does not
12 Neitzert CS, Ritvo P, Dancey J et al. The psychosocial impact
hamper the allo-RIC approach as comparedto autologous
of bone marrow transplantation: a review of the literature.
transplantation at least in the periodanalyzedin the
Bone Marrow Transplant 1998; 22: 409–422.
current study. Studies analyzing QOL of these patients in
13 Kopp M, Schweigkofler H, Holzner B et al. Time alter bone
the long-term follow-up are warranted.
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line, please indicate how true each statement has been for
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I am botheredby side-effects of treatment.
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Cooperative Group. Ann Oncol 2003; 14: 140–151.
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I get emotional support from my family.
I get support from my friends and neighbors.
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Family communication about my illness is poor.
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I feel close to my partner (or the person who is my
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Have you been sexually active during the past year?
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wouldyou say your life Social/Family Well-Being
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38 Vickberg S, Duhamel KN, Smith MY et al. Global meaning
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My doctor is available to answer my questions.
39 Andrykowski MA, Greiner CB, Altmaier EM et al. Quality of
Looking at the above two questions, how much would
life following bone marrow transplantation: findings from a
you say your Relationship with the Doctor affects your
multicenter study. Br J Cancer 1995; 71: 1322–1329.
40 Andrykowski MA, Carpenter JS, Greiner CB et al. Energy
level andsleep quality following bone marrow transplantation.
Emotional well-being (not at all, a little bit, some-what,
Bone Marrow Transplant 1997; 20: 669–679.
41 Hann DM, Jacobsen PB, Martin SC et al. Quality of life
following bone marrow transplantation for breast cancer: a
comparative study. Bone Marrow Transplant 1997; 19: 257–
I am proudof how I’m coping with my illness.
I am losing hope in the fight against my illness.
42 Whedon M, Stearns D, Millis LE. Quality of life of long-term
adult survivors of autologous bone marrow transplantation.
Oncol Nursing Forum 1995; 22: 1322–1329.
I worry that my condition will get worse.
43 McQuellon RP, Craven B, Russell GB et al. Quality of life in
Looking at the above six questions, how much would
breast cancer patients before andafter autologous bone
you say your Emotional Well-Being affects your
marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplant 1996; 18:
44 Syrjala KL, Chapko MK, Vitaliano PP et al. Recovering after
allogeneic marrow transplantation: prospective study of
Functional well-being (not at all, a little bit, some-what,
predictors of long-term physical and psychosocial functioning.
Bone Marrow Transplant 1993; 11: 319–327.
I am able to work (include work in home).
My work (include work in home) is fulfilling.
I have concerns about my ability to have children.
I am enjoying the things I usually do for fun.
I am content with the quality of my life right now.
I regret having the bone marrow transplant.
Looking at the above seven questions, how much
Looking at the above 12 questions, how much would
wouldyou say your Functional Well-Being affects
you say these Additional Concerns affect your quality
Additional concerns (not at all, a little bit, some-what, quitea bit, very much)
Additional items regarding GVHD symptoms:
I am concernedabout keeping my job (include work in
I worry that the transplant will not work.
The effects of treatment are worse than I had
Pain hadinterferedin my daily activity.
DIRECTIONS TO LANSDALE PAIN MANAGEMENT FROM LANSDALE: Take Broad Street to Route 309. Make a left and head NORTH on 309. First traffic light is WALNUT STREET. Go through that light. Get into the left lane. You will see the “In Flight Restaurant” on your right. Second light is ADVANCE LANE. Get into left turn lane and turn LEFT. It will look like you are going into the Car Wash America (fo
MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN By Tim Chang o pain >6 months duration, o below the umbilicus o affecting daily activities accounts for 10% gynaecology visits 20% hysterectomies primary indication CPP 40% all laparoscopies performed fro CPP 40% cases there is NO obvious pathology in an adolescent there is increased likelihood of pathology∴ need to assess more aggressively A