"S" - Medical Articles:

Diario oficial de la república de chile

DIARIO OFICIAL DE LA REPUBLICA DE CHILE Página 10 Miércoles 9 de Diciembre de 2009 Nº 39.531 Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles Departamento de Cooperativas RUT Nº 7.651.661-8, en virtud de lo dispuesto por la resolu-ción Ex. Nº 142 de 26-12-2005, en actual vigencia.- Teresa AUTORIZA A LA SOCIEDAD CERTIFICADORA CA- ‘‘COOPERATIVA APÍCOLA RANCAGUA LIMI

Comunicazione diretta agli operatori sanitari su lariam (meflochina) per la chemioprofilassi della malaria e rischio di reazioni avverse neuropsichiatriche

NOTA INFORMATIVA IMPORTANTE CONCORDATA CON L’AGENZIA ITALIANA DEL FARMACO (AIFA) Comunicazione diretta agli operatori sanitari su Lariam (meflochina) per la chemioprofilassi della malaria e rischio di reazioni avverse neuropsichiatriche. Lariam® (meflochina) può indurre disordini neuropsichiatrici potenzialmente gravi. Le più comuni reazioni neuropsichiatriche alla mefloc


MEDICAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE □ Mr. □ Miss. □Mrs. □ Ms. □ Dr. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, WE SHOULD NOTIFY __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Relationship: _______________________________ Date of Birth (Day/Month/Year): ___ / ___ / ____ Address (Home): ____________________________ Name of Family Doctor __________________________

Microsoft word - smokeless tobacco statement.doc

1. Evidence exists now for its harm. A research team, led by Dr Paolo Boffetta at International Agency for Research on Cancer in France, analysed the results of 11 studies carried out in Sweden and North America on the use of smokeless tobacco products and the risk of developing or dying from a heart attack or stroke [BMJ]. They found a small increased risk of death from a heart attack or strok

Microsoft powerpoint - us18650vtc4 techdata_20120620_r0.

Lithium Ion Rechargeable Battery Technical Information Revision 0.1 29th June 2012 Model Number US18650VTC4 Cell Type Cylindrical Cell Name US18650VTC4 Sony Code 49922780 Sony Energy Devices Corporation Device Solutions Business Group / Sony Corporation 1. General 2. Performance 1.1 Name and Code at room temperature,2.5V cut off 1.1.

Microsoft word - growthoptimismjun12.doc

RODNEY’S RAVINGS take an open-minded and at times irreverent look at topical economic issues. Unlike our pay-to-view reports that are for the eyes of subscribers only, the RAVINGS are free and you may forward them to other p eople. You can signup to the RAVINGS on our website – http://www.sra.co.nz/lists/. The sa me distribution listed is used for the Property Insights repo

Liste plantes soniam (english).xlsx

LABORATOIRE SONIAM Biopôle de Bressol - 23260 FLAYAT - FRANCETél : + 33 0(5) 55 67 87 77 - Email : [email protected] Latin Name French Name Organic Water Extract Organic Oil Extract Artemisia absinthium Absinthe Agrimony Agrimonia eupatoria Aigremoine Medicago sativa Angelica Angelica archangelica Angélique Pimpinella anisum Bixa orellana

Management of polycystic ovary syndrome in childhood and adolescence

Clinical Practice Committee Publication RE SE ARCH I N Accepted: August 14, 2010 Published online: September 22, 2010 PÆDIATRIC S Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Childhood and Adolescence M. Ojaniemi a P. Tapanainen a L. Morin-Papunen b   a Department of Pediatrics and Adolescence, Institute of Clinical Medicine, and b Department of Obstetrics and Gynecolo

Vitamin e in the treatment of alzheimer’s disease

VITAMIN E & CHRONIC DISEASES: FROM RUGS TO RICHES ? INTRODUCTION Ever since its discovery in 1992, vitamin E has been the subject of controversy and indeed, for several decades many scientists were not even sure as to whether vitamin E was an essential nutrient for humans. It was not until the 60’s that deficiency states were documented in humans and it was not until the 80’s and

What's in a good medical kit

What's in a Good Medical Kit? Howard Donner, MD Organizing medical equipment for an expedition requires an enormous amount ofplanning and forethought. No matter how much equipment is hauled in, onecannot possibly prepare for every eventuality. What should one take? There is a wide range of opinions, from "nothing but atriangular bandage and Swiss army knife" to a collection that would

Microsoft word - multiloop-mir fop2 ds.doc

MultiLoop-MIRTM FTIR Fiber Optic Probe: Spectroscopy Outside the Box This MultiLoop-MIR system is perfect for analyzing liquids, pastes, and soft solids outside of the FTIR spectrometer sample compartment. It is used in conjunction with the Harrick FiberMate2 or other fiber optic coupler and includes two fiber probes with a set of ten ATR loop tips. This combination is designed for

Rsp 56-2.pdf

Hugo Pena Brandão e Carla Patricia Bahry Gestão por competências: métodos e técnicas para mapeamento de competências Hugo Pena Brandão e Carla Patricia Bahry Introdução A gestão por competências tem sido apontada como modelo gerencialalternativo aos instrumentos tradicionalmente utilizados pelas organizações. Baseando-se no pressuposto de que o domínio de certos


Multiple Sklerose Claudio Gobbi, Myriam Schluep, Guido Schwegler Die Multiple Sklerose (MS) ist eine rungen, charakterisiert durch das chronisch entzündliche demyelini- Auftreten neuer Symptome, oder Liebe Leserinnen und Leser sierende Erkrankung des zentralen die Verschlechterung bestehen- Nervensystems (ZNS). Nach wie der Störungen, die mindestens 24


2998-(2) Diário da República, 1.ª série — N.º 114 — 14 de junho de 2012 PRESIDÊNCIA DO CONSELHO DE MINISTROS benefício recebido pelo trabalhador, correspondendo a uma forma descentralizada de incentivar novas contratações, Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 51-A/2012 com baixos custos administrativos, e cuja concessão está condicionada à criação líquida d


                                   ZIOPHARM and Solasia Pharma Announce License and Collaboration Agreement for Darinaparsin in Asia NEW YORK & TOKYO (March 7, 2011) – ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. (Nasdaq: ZIOP), an oncology small molecule and synthetic biology drug development company, and Solasia Pharma K.K., a developer of Western oncology


"Corriere del Veneto" , 7 dicembre 2003 Dall'ombra allo spritz. Quando il popolo veneto diventò "buon bevitore" Il vino, i suoi significati e la tradizione popolare EDITRICE SANTI di Lorenzo Tomasin QUARANTA Magazzino: Via Muggia, 7 “Chi ben beve, ben dorme. Chi ben dorme mal no pensa. Chi mal no pensa, mal no fa. Chi mal no fa, in paradiso

Microsoft word - analgesics for go home _attach b3-p1-b_

Analgesics for “Go Home” post Spay-Neuter The following agents can be used for “go home” analgesics for spay and neuter patients : CANINE Analgesic agents for go home use : Realizing that an injection or oral administration of a separate analgesic may not be necessary depending on patient status, surgical technique, anesthesia/analgesic surgical protocol and perioperative drug use

Microsoft word - wsi conference report 8-25.doc

Disorders of Sexual Differentiation (DSD) A Consensus Statement A committee appointed by Arne Ljungqvist, MD, Chair of the International Olympic Committee Medical Commission has focused on what action current science would recommend if an athlete were diagnosed with a disorder of sexual differentiation (DSD). Their concern was with the elite athlete and whether some disorders might

apm 07-08-2006

PHARMAZEUTISCHE WISSENSCHAFT Anne-Kristina Frobel und Stephanie Läer Klinische Pharmazie und Pharmakotherapie Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Düsseldorf Besonderheiten der Pharmakotherapie bei Kindern Lektorat: Frau Apothekerin Daniela Hundelshausen, Brunnen-Apotheke, Hallenberg Herr Apotheker Dr. Jürgen Dittrich, Rathaus-Apotheke, Grünwald ABSTRACT: The medical care of the


Highly recommended New York – specifically Manhattan – is arguably the epicenter of the US litigation market. As the nation’s financial hub, New York generates a great deal of securities and banking-related litigation, but the following Big Apple firms are generally capable of handling any complex litigation matter that is thrown their Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson


Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 336 (2005) 1144–1149Induction of tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cellsRainer Girgert a,*, Hartmut Schimming b, Wolfgang Ko¨rner c, Carsten Gru¨ndker a,a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Go¨ttingen, D-37099 Go¨ttingen, Germanyb Facility for Electronic Equipment, University of Ulm, D-89075 Ulm, Germanyc Bava


ANOTHER HERBAL HEALER SENT US BY THE GOD OF HEAVEN ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: GOLDENSEAL / ECHINACEA What it is— Cayenne pepper belongs to the rhage . (Use it with an infusion with birthroot or star capsicum family, and its botanical name is capsi- cum annuum . It is the red chili pepper that is usedCayenne pepper (or cayanne pepper as it’sto add flavor in food and has high medicina

Studio active phone: (07) 829 5622

www.studioactive.yolasite.com; PO Box 4136, Hamilton East 3247; Ph/Txt: 0272015847; Email: [email protected] NEWSLETTER – AUGUST 2013 TUESDAY CLASSES From 3 September 2013 the class timetable for Tuesday is as follows: 3.30 – 4.00pm Zoe Young, Emerson Goldsmith, Brittney Hart, Lucy Scott, Olivia Carruthers,Greer Gemmell, Rachel Bryant, Yasmin Van der Lee, Casey Masters, Olivia McKay,

Coronary artery bypass grafting with a minimized cardiopulmonary bypass circuit: a prospective, randomized trial

Coronary artery bypass grafting with a minimized cardiopulmonarybypass circuit: A prospective, randomized trialMarc P. Sakwa, MD,Robert W. Emery, Francis L. Shannon, Jeffrey M. Altshuler, MD,Dawn Mitchell, RN,Objective: The study was designed to determine differences in blood loss and transfusion associated with a min-imized cardiopulmonary bypass circuit versus a standard bypass circuit. Metho

Copy of eh-elite listings.xls

Encyclopaedia Homeopathica Overview all book titles Book Title ALLEN Henry C. Keynotes and Characteristics with Comparisons ALLEN Henry C. The Materia Medica of some important nosodes ALLEN Henry C. The therapy of intermittent fever ALLEN John H. The Chronic Miasms, Psora & Pseudopsora ALLEN Timothy F. Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica (Vol. 1) ALLEN T

Science magazine

Kansas Standards Evolve Again UC Balks at Campus-Wide Ban on Eighteen months after its state educationboard adopted science standards promotingthe teaching of intelligent design (ID), Kansas Tobacco Money for Research is set to toss them out. Next month, a newlythe grant do not violate university policyaligned board expects to adopt standards thatUniversity of California (UC) has d


Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 and 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is characterized by abnormal sugar metabolism, causing hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). Chronic hyperglycemia adversely affects the body. In the vascular system, there can be events such as strokes and heart attacks caused by atherosclerosis. There can also be renal disease, peripheral neuropathy, and blindness. In the United States, DM is

Programm sept 24

Economic Success on the Basis of New Technologies Techno-Parks, ETH and Universities Present Fascinating Start-ups from Switzerland and the Russian Federation and Discuss Chances and Risks of Investments Economic Growth and Success are closely linked with technological innovation. Scientific ex-change between countries like Switzerland and Russia can be truly beneficial provided both par


Regioselective reduction of N-alkyl-3-sulfonyl glutarimides tod-lactams. Formal synthesis of (6)-paroxetine and (6)-tacamonineqChung-Yi Chen,a Bo-Rui Chang,a Min-Ruei Tsai,a Meng-Yang Changb,*aDepartment of Chemistry, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan, ROCbDepartment of Applied Chemistry, National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan, ROCReceived 19 Augu

Vet handout

Surgical Procedures: Rabbits cannot vomit. Teeth: Rabbits can develop molar spurs (sharp P.O. Box 903, Stn. B Therefore, they do not need to be fasted overnightedges) that may cause painful abrasions to the Finding a vet 515 Richmond St. before surgery. Some veterinarians like to removecheek or tongue. If your rabbit's eating habits London, Ontario N6A 4Z3 food from the ra


Urine Strip False Positive or Negative Causes False Positive Alkaline urine : False positives occur rarely in highly buffered or alkaline urine samples as the citrate buffer is overcome, resulting in a shift in pH. Titration of the sample to a more neutral pH and retesting could be done to overcome this problem, but is not routinely performed. The sulfosalicylic acid precipitation test (s


So Much Coffee, So Little Time: More on Caffeine in the Body Introduction Filtration of the blood by the kidneys is a major process in removing chemicalsfrom our bodies. Usually, the kidneys filter a fixed fraction of the chemical from theblood each time period. A second method for removal of chemicals from our body ismetabolism by enzymes from the liver; often, this method results in a

[reprinted from liberty with permission

[Reprinted from Liberty with permission. Liberty , Volume 17, No. 7, July 2003, pp. 11-12. E-mail letters to the editor Most drug prohibitionists oppose making marijuana a legal medicine, as well they should. Similarly, most people who believe drug prohibition should be repealed support making marijuana a legal medicine, as well they should not. Disease and medicine have nothing to do with ww


Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 282: E551–E556, 2002. First published October 30, 2001; 10.1152/ajpendo.00352.2001. Effect of ibuprofen and acetaminophen on postexercisemuscle protein synthesisT. A. TRAPPE,1 F. WHITE,1 C. P. LAMBERT,1 D. CESAR,2M. HELLERSTEIN,2 AND W. J. EVANS11 Nutrition, Metabolism, and Exercise Laboratory, Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging,Departments of Geriatrics and

Avis du conseil supérieur d’hygiène publique de france

DIRECTION GENERALE DE LA SANTE AVIS DU CONSEIL SUPERIEUR D’HYGIENE PUBLIQUE DE FRANCE SECTION DES MALADIES TRANSMISSIBLES Relatif à l'utilisation des antiviraux anti-neuraminidases en cas de pandémie grippale à virus influenza A/H5N1 suite à l’épizootie de grippe aviaire sévissant en Asie en situation de pénurie d'antiviraux antineuraminidase (avis électronique du


The Citizen Scientists United by the Net and emboldened by their numbers, parents of desperately ill children are funneling millions into research, building vast genetic databases, and rewriting the rules of the medical industry. They all remember the day of diagnosis. D day. Maybe they were in the delivery room, exhilarated and exhausted, when the terms - "cleft palate,"

Pagina tuttostoria

SARCOIDOSIS VASCULITIS AND DIFFUSE LUNG DISEASES 2012; 29; 151-154Sarcoidosis: vaginal wall and vulvar involvement F. Xu1*, Y. Cheng1*, R. Diao1, X. Zhou1, X. Wang1, Y. Ma2, W. Lv2, H. Shen1 1 Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, and 2 Department of Gynecology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang Universi-ty School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China Abstract. Sarcoidosis is a non-c


THE SOCIAL MARKET FOUNDATIONHEALTH COMMISSION – REPORT 2CThe Commission would like to thank Niall Maclean for his hard work in preparing this report. Members of the SMF Health Commission Lord David Lipsey is Chairman of the Social Market Foundation. He is also Chair of the British Greyhound Racing Board, and of Make Votes Count and of the Shadow Racing Trust; and is a Non-Executive Direct


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Artigos Teoria da Complexidade: Percursos e Desafios para a Pesquisa em Educação Adriana Marques Paderes* Professora das Faculdades de Valinhos - FAVe-mail: [email protected] Regina de Brito Rodrigues Sonia Regina Giusti Especialista em Recursos Humanos na Gestãode Negócios - Faculdades São Judas Tadeu Abstract Reflete-se, neste artigo, sobre os


About the Rick Hansen Institute A world without paralysis after spinal cord injury What We Do: • Lead collaboration across the global spinal cord injury community including SCI patients, researchers, clinicians and other stakeholders. • Provide resources and sharing advancements in infrastructure and knowledge developed in Canada with like-minded institutions in the US, Austra


Allen N. Sapadin, MD, and Raul Fleischmajer, MDTetracyclines are broad-spectrum antibiotics that act as such at the ribosomal level where they interferewith protein synthesis. They were first widely prescribed by dermatologists in the early 1950s when it wasdiscovered that they were effective as a treatment for acne. More recently, biologic actions affectinginflammation, proteolysis, angiogenesis


Alameda County Public Health Department H1N1 (Swine) Flu Frequently Asked Questions October 13, 2009 H1N1 Flu Basics Pandemic On June 11, 2009 the World Health Organization (WHO) raised H1N1 to Phase 6, pandemic level. This designation means H1N1 is being spread easily from person-to-person across the globe. Phase 6 does not address the severity of H1N1 il ness; it doe

Microsoft word - daily list 4 nov.doc

Alcohol etc. (Scotland) Bill – Stage 3 Before section 2 Jamie Stone (on behalf of the Subordinate Legislation Committee) As an amendment to amendment 1, line 52, at end insert— Before laying a draft statutory instrument containing an order under paragraph 6A(4) of schedule 3 or paragraph 5A(4) of schedule 4 before the Parliament under subsection (5), the Scottish Ministers must

Microsoft word - shibooklet _word_- final document draft.doc

“from a seed a flower blooms as do people who blossom in life”……. S.E.E.D. Eating Disorders Support Services Self Help Information Booklet Secretary Marg Oaten 207 Lambwath Road Hull HU8 0HS Tel No: (01482) 718130 website: www.seedeatingdisorders.co.uk email: [email protected] Charity No. 1108405 South London and Maudsley Nhs Trust

A seara nova e a primeira repblica

A SEARA NOVA E A PRIMEIRA REPÚBLICA Não sendo especialista nesta categoria de temas, atribuo este convite, que me deu muito prazer, ao facto de ter sido redactor da revista Seara Nova na década de 1960 e de poder ter algum interesse para os leitores de hoje o conhecimento dos pontos de vista de quem participou na sua produção diária e nela partilhou responsabilidades de direcção.


Appendix 2 - Commissioning Best Value Programme Cash releasing schemes Comments There are two elements to the Falls Programme; a new community falls pathway and NWAS deflections. The primary care falls pathway to pilot in two practices. This has been delayed as one of the practices originally identified has withdrawn from the process. A replacement practice has been identified but is likely

Microsoft word - publications.doc

La publication N° 39 Dans cette étude 39, sur le tableau sur la page 25 du rapport de la HAS, le traitement a été réalisé avec un mélange : « de Procaïne+ Lécithine + extrait artichaut +Aminophylline et Silicium ». La lécithine se nomme autrement Phosphatidylcholine. Par conséquent, cette étude ne peut absolument pas se figurer dans cette partie stipulée : IV. MESOTHERAPIE


Bidden or Unbidden God is present. My sisters and brothers, God is always workingin our lives whether we name him or not. What is most conspicuous about the Book ofEsther is the absence of God being named. Esther is the only book of the Bible that doesnot mention the word God. But God is present, God acts in the world, God’s work amongus is apparent in the story of Esther and in our daily li


Volume 364 Number 9435 August 21–27, 2004 The Lancet – London Editorial Articles 637 How complicit are doctors in abuses of detainees?665 Comparison of lumiracoxib with naproxen and ibuprofenin the Therapeutic Arthritis Research and GastrointestinalEvent Trial (TARGET), reduction in ulcer complications675 Comparison of lumiracoxib with naproxen and ibuprofen The Lancet

Rcscarcerato tripodi.pdf

calabria D A L P O L L I N O A L L O S T R E T T O suo interrogatorio reso il Pasquale Condello interrogato nega ogni addebito grande contenitore per i crimini altrui»I pizzini sono solo falsità dela stampa»tificassero il 41 bis accompagnato da un detto di chiamarmi “Antonio” senza pre- so che Condello Giandomenico è mio ni- rante il periodo della mia latitanza erocisare il


COMPARING TWO KINDS OF BLOOD PRESSURE PILLS: ACEIs and ARBs A Guide for Adults Fast Facts ■ ACEIs and ARBs are two of the many kinds■ Both kinds of pills (ACEIs and ARBs) do agood job of lowering blood pressure. problems. The main difference in side effectsis that ACEIs are more likely than ARBs tocause a dry cough. ■ ACEIs and ARBs do not affect cholesterol What d


Claus-Peter Czaya Terry and Susanne Waite [[email protected]] Gesendet: Montag, 20. M ärz 2006 02:38 "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@mta45-2.us4.outblaze.com Betreff: NIH Announces Kennedy's Disease Clinical Trial Wichtigkeit: Hoch KDA RESEARCH UPDATE _________________________________________ Date: March 19, 2006 To: All KDA Associates Subject: National Inst


Reinhold Schmitt, Gründer von «www.isa-casinos.de» Wie kommt man dazu ein Internet- Por tal für das Geldspiel zu eröffnen? Millionenfach wurde die isa-Casinos bereits angeklickt. Kostenlos. Ha ben leer ist. ISA gibt die Realität weiter und Sie als Spieler genug Geld verdient um sich ein solch aufwendiges Hob- by leisten zu können? Also ehrlich, haben Sie einen

Microsoft word - cv_0509.doc

Curriculum Vitae ANAVAJ SAKUNTABHAI M.D.(Thailand), M.D.(Newcastle, UK), D. Phil. (Oxon) Present address Present position Honorary Assistant Professor Qualifications Degree/Certification Graduation Institute The Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics Professional experience since graduation Position Duration Institute Laboratoire d


MEMORANDUM Minutes of the meeting of 21 November, 2005 M. Benotti D. Paquette S. Robbins K. Roberts W. Spitz S. Terracciano The minutes of the last meeting were not available. The USGS Albany Office is planning a USGD/DEC “Summit” in Troy. Although the exact date has not been set, representatives from the LI offices of the DEC and the USGD might want to attend since funding priori


Attractancy and Toxicity of an Attracticide for Indianmeal Moth, Plodia interpunctella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) CHRISTIAN NANSEN1 AND THOMAS W. PHILLIPS2 ABSTRACT Plodia interpunctella (Hu¨bner) is a serious and widespread postharvest pest on cereal products, dried fruits, candy, and pet food. Due to the strong positive anemotactic ßight response of P. interpunctella males to th

Pii: s8756-3282(01)00613-5

A Theoretical Analysis of the Contributions of Remodeling Space, Mineralization, and Bone Balance to Changes in Bone Mineral Density During Alendronate Treatment 1 Rehabilitation Research and Development Center, VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Palo Alto, CA, USA 2 Biomechanical Engineering Division, Mechanical Engineering Department, and 3 School of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford,

Jan 2010

JANUARY 2010 S O U T H STA F F O R D S H I R E CONTENTS weeks to respond if they do not want to have a SCR. The PCT provided 5 SCR awareness sessions for GP practice staff over the last 6 months to provide an understanding of the project. In order to secure the central funding to support this national initiative the PCT would need to complete the A Patient has asked for a report t

Microsoft word - baby d exec summary 2004.doc

D was born on 7.10.03 the fourth child of his mother and the third child of her relationship with his father, the couple were separated at the time of D’s death. Their relationship was characterised by domestic violence with several of those incidents being referred to the Police and Social Services. At the time of D’s birth his father was bailed with a condition not to approach his mother, h


Youth Hub Manager takes part in Best Practice Exchange visit to Hamburg, Germany In September 2012, key health, education and social care workers from statutory bodies and charities from Chicago in the US and Birmingham, UK visited Hamburg in Germany for 10 days for a Best practice exchange trip. This trip happens every year with key delegates from this sector, with each country taking it


The Robert Gray Intestinal Cleanse Programme for a complete colon cleanseUnhealthy foods and eating habits lead to a depletion of healthy bacteria. When this takes place, the distress of small, hard, scanty, difficult to pass or infrequent stools may register itself, as well as seemingly unrelated effects caused by toxins from harmful micro-organisms circulating throughout the body. Few people

Microsoft word - 9811-f16.doc

ANNO V - N. 16- PUBBLICAZIONE TRIMESTRALE NOVEMBRE 1998 Stampa ad esclusivo uso interno delle ULSSSocietà Italiana di Farmacia Ospedaliera SILDENAFIL (Viagra®, Patrex®) In questi ultimi mesi si è abbondantemente scritto ecatabolismo del cGMP nei corpi cavernosi. Vi èparlato del sildenafil primo farmaco orale per ilquindi un aumento di cGMP ed un mantenimentotrattamento dei di

For such a time as this

The Rev. «GreetingLine» Stanford Memorial Church October 1, 2006 And who knows whether or not you have come to the kingdom for Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one Though not immediately obvious, there seems to be a message in today’s readings about redeeming the time. With this in mind, I’m reminde


Media Relations Fernsehstrasse 1-4 8052 Zürich 2. bis 10. Juni 2012 in den Programmen von Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen Themenschwerpunkt Kultur: «Jean-Jacques Rousseau – einfach Leben.» Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 bis 1778) war zu Lebzeiten ein streitbarer Geist und polarisierte mit seiner Kritik an Kunst und Wissenschaft. Zu seinem 300. Geburtstag widmet die Kulturabt


Emergency Department Empiric Antibiotic Recommendations:  Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women  Complicated urinary tract infections  Intra-abdominal infections Restricted antimicrobials now stocked in the ED (but continue to require ID oversight): Cefepime (Maxipime) Ampicillin-Sulbactam (Unasyn)  Daytime (9am- 6pm) call the Antimicrobial Assistance Prog

Microsoft word - media release - internal audit survey 2013_020913

For immediate release 2 September 2013 Internal audit must gear up for a wider role Future responsibilities to include enterprise risk, information technology, governance and fraud As pressure mounts worldwide for internal audit functions to provide greater assurance over a wider area of the company’s operations, many internal auditors here find themselves under- equipped

Az egyéb szervezet megnevezése: szent lászló szolgálat alapítvány

Szent László Szolgálat Alapítvány Közhasznú Szervezet 5000 Szolnok, Malom u. 1. I./4. Bírósági végzés száma: 1.Kny.60.072/2009/6. Adószáma: 18843062-1-16 KIEGÉSZÍTŐ MELLÉKLET AZ ÉVES BESZÁMOLÓHOZ Kelt: Szolnok, 2013. április 17. ( Dr. Kató Ernő) Szent László Szolgálat Alapítvány Bírósági végzés száma: 1.Kny.60.072/2009/6.

Microsoft word - smpc septanest normal fr 2011_06

Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit DENOMINATION DU MEDICAMENT SEPTANEST NORMAL, 40 mg/ml + 5 microgram/ml, solution injectable COMPOSITION QUALITATIVE ET QUANTITATIVE Chlorhydrate d'articaïne . 40,000 mg Adrénaline . 0,0050 mg Sous forme de tartrate d'adrénaline Une cartouche de 1 ml contient 40,000 mg de chlorhydrate d'articaïne et 0,0050 mg d'adrénaline. Une cartouche de


Electrochemistry of the Lithium-Ion accumulators And notably the LiFePO4 SYCOMOREEN allows any reproduction of this document for non lucrative scientific research or school and pedagogic purposes. ↵ On the left : overall structure of a Lithium-Ion accumulator (Li-ion) with LiCoO2 type, but also valid for other variants : Cathode : Crystalline matrix of oxidized metal. The indus

Microsoft word - fattoriamalintoppo.doc

Le sei colonne del prospetto contengono i seguenti dati: numero di corda, vecchia segnatura (se presente), descrizionedegli atti, forma esteriore dell’unità, data iniziale, data terminale o altra nota cronologica. Elenco di consistenza Archivio della Fattoria di MalintoppoPrecedono i documenti riferibili alla famiglia dei proprietari, che hanno ovviamenteriferimenti anche alle tenute possedu


Applying Evidence-Based Guidelines to Primary Care Dermatology Friday 2:00 PM, Concurrent Session E, Workshop WE04 Presenters: Jessica Zmolik, MD; Laura Zakowski, MD; Shobhina Chheda, MD, MPH, FACP University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Findings: Open and/or closed comedones and inflammatory lesions, such as papules, pustules, and nodules Topical therapies: �


RESEARCH 16 February 2012 Sushant Dalmia, CFA SUN PHARMA Poonam Sanghavi Wyeth claims USD960mn damages for Protonix Sun Pharma has announced that in the on-going patent litigation on generic Protonix in the US district court of New Jersey, Wyeth (Pfizer) has submitted expert reports claiming damages to the tune of USD960mn (Rs42/share) from Sun Pharma. Wyeth has now claime


Sleep_19-20-V3N5 10/17/08 6:19 PM Page 19Sleep Diagnosis and Therapy 2008; V3 N5, P19-20 K. Hansen Care of Patients at Risk for Sleep Apnea Who Receive Sedation Sleep apnea is the most widely known sleep disorder besidespatient for the effects of sedation, it is critical to differentiateinsomnia. Estimates are that more than 18 million people havebetween sedation and sleepiness: does the pa


Nº 105, quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012Metronidazol, 100MG/G creme vaginal Prati DonaduzziEnvelope Sais para reidratação oral, envelope con- Prati DonaduzziBisnaga Sulfadiazina de Prata 1%, Creme c/ Prati DonaduzziOBSERVAÇÃO: A descrição completa do produto encontra-se disponível na Secretaria Municipal de DESPACHOS DO PREFEITO AVISO DE LICITAÇÃO(*) EXTRATO DO CONTRATO No-

Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of pericardial diseases - full text

tected by echocardiography after 20 weeks’ gestation14. Meyers DG, Meyers RE, Prendergast TW. The usefulness of diagnosticand is normally 2 mm or less in depth. More fluid shouldtests on pericardial fluid. Chest 1997;111(5):1213–21. 15. Eisenberg MJ, Dunn MM, Kanth N et al. Diagnostic value of chestraise questions of hydrops foetalis, Rh disease, hypoal-buminemia, and immunopathy or ma

Microsoft word - ginseng culturenew.doc

SOUTHERN EXPOSURE SEED EXCHANGE ® P.O. Box 460, Mineral, VA 23117 Phone: (540) 894-9480 Fax: (540) 894-9481 GINSENG CULTURE Checking Soil Requirements Ginseng requires a well-drained soil, which means a steep to moderate slope. Too much standing water will generate diseases and cause the roots to rot. Creating terraces by taking downed lumber and putting it on the up-hill side

An article from commentary, july-august 2006

An Article from Commentary , July-August 2006 Of Pills and Profits: In Defense of Big Pharma Peter W. Huber The more our health depends on their little pills, the more we seem to hate big drug companies. In The Constant Gardener (2000), John le Carré assigns to the pharmaceutical industry the role played by the KGB in his earlier novels. A villainous pharmaceutical company is using Ke



Foglio illustrativo

SUCRORIL 1g powder for oral suspension SUCRORIL 2g powder for oral suspension SUCRORIL 20g/100 ml oral suspension PHARMACOTHERAPY CATEGORY Peptic anti-ulcer agent. THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, acute gastritis, chronic symptomatic gastritis, gastropathies from FANS (non steroid anti-inflammatory drugs) reflux oesophagitis. CONTRAINDICATIONS Hyperse

Drugs that can affect blood glucose levels

Drugs That Can Affect Blood Glucose Levels Drugs That Can Cause Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar) GENERIC NAME (BRAND NAME) Abacavir (Ziagen®) Abacavir + lamivudine,zidovudine (Trizivir®) Acetazolamide (Diamox®) Acitretin (Soriatane®) Albuterol (Ventolin®, Proventil®) Albuterol + ipratropium (Combivent®) Ammonium chloride Amphotericin B (Amphocin®,



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A research study of the effects of flaxseed lignans on colon health Initial Questionnaire Please note: your participation is voluntary and any information you give us will be kept confidential. Your answers to this questionnaire will determine if you are eligible to participate in the study. Thank you for your time and interest. There are some characteristics, every day habits and me

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ผศ. กัณทิพย์ รัตนชาติชูชัย CHM 103 (1-2010) Problem Stoichiometry แสดงวิธีทํา 1. Which of the following equations are balanced? Balance any that need it. (a) The thermite reaction, used in welding: (b) The photosynthesis of glucose from CO2: (c) The separation of gold from its ore: Au + 2NaCN + O2 + H2O

Welcome to stockton unified school district

Welcome to Stockton Unified School District This presentation will explain your benefit coverage. Please ask any questions you may have at the end of the program. Stockton Unified School District This presentation is not a contract, but only a summary of your benefits. Please refer to the plan brochures for a full disclosure of SUSD Medical Benefit Plans  Kaiser Permanente (HMO


VUmc-compas toetsing Toets CAT B 2.2.3 /Cursusafhankelijke toets studiejaar 2011-2012 Naam cursus Hematolgie en Oncologie 08.45 uur – 10.45 uur ( extra-tijd half uur langer) 55 vragen: 1 twee-, 5 drie-, 48 vierkeuze en 1 juist/onjuist vraag Toegestane hulpmiddelen geen Studentinstructie (lees het goed door): MC-toets: kies het beste (volledig juiste en meest

Pii: s0738-081x(00)00189-9

Treatment of Subepidermal Immunobullous Diseases FENELLA WOJNAROWSKA, DMGUDULA KIRTSCHIG, MDNONHLANHLA KHUMALO, MD T hesubepidermalautoimmunebullousdiseases ispossibletoensurethatthepatientisnotbeingover are, with the exception of dermatitis herpetifor-mis, characterized by autoantibodies directedagainst components of the hemidesmosomal adhesion Bullous Pemphigoid complex whose funct


HEALTH HISTORY Have you ever had any of the following diseases or medical problems? (Please read thoroughly and circle “Yes” or “No”.) Yes No Heart Attack/Stroke Yes No Cancer/Chemotherapy Yes No Heart Murmur/Rheumatic Fever Yes No HIV+/AIDS Yes No Heart Surgery/Pacemaker Yes No Shingles Yes No Heart Valve (Artificial) Yes No Kidney Problems Y


Table 1. Important drug interactions netween P450 isoenzyme pathways and targeted therapies P450 isoenzyme Inducer or Substrate Reproduced with permission from ONCOLOGY Nurse Edition, 2/09, Anne Landry, Editor- full citation to come Inhibitors of CYP3A4 These drugs may increase serum levels of bexarotene- ketoconazole, itraconazole, erythromycin, gemfibrozil, grapefruit, grapefru

Kssm/275/09 6/7/2009

KERALA SOCIAL SECURITY MISSION GOVERNMENT OF KERALA UNDERTAKING TO CATER TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY NEEDS OF THE UNDERPRIVILEGED)Tender No: 370/ P1/11/ /KSSM Date: 11/11/2011 Contents of Bid Documents Instruction to Bidders:- The Bid is intend to supply medicine items under Vayomithram The Bid should be accompanied by Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the form of DD drawn in favour of

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Instruction This kit is only for scientific research, and shall not be used as a clinical diagnosis of use. This kit allows for the determination of resistin concentrations in Human serum, Urine and other biological fluids. Principle The kit assay Human Prednisolone, Ps level in the sample,add Human Prednisolone, Ps antibody to microtiter plate wells, after Incubating,add Biotinylat

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Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß Verordnung (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 (REACH) Druckdatum 1.09.2007 Überarbeitet 17.02.2009 (D) Killgerm Anti-Insekt RTU Stoff-/Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Angaben zum Produkt Handelsname: Killgerm Anti-Insekt RTU Art des Präparates: A n we n d u n g s f e r t i g e s L a n g z e i t i ns e k t i z i d z u m S p r ü h e n Anschrift des Lief


Practice parameter: Evidence-based guidelines for migraine headache (an evidence-based review) Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology Stephen D. Silberstein, MD, FACP, for the US Headache Consortium* Mission statement. The Quality Standards Subcommittee (QSS) of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) is charged with developing practice paramete

Mpharm 4 phar0037 law & ethics case studies

MPharm 4 PHAR0037 Law & Ethics Case Studies The aim of this study is to develop your-problem solving skills when faced with legal and ethical problems in pharmacy practice. Objectives Following your revision and completion of this background work you will be expected to:- • Understand the legal requirements of the Medicines Act 1968 concerning the appropriate supply of prescription only

The days of three forever

SUNDAY HERALD COLUMN — July 30, 2006 (HH0630) LORD LIFTIN’ LIPITOR “So what have they got you on, Don?” asked Glenn. “Search me,” I replied. “I wasn’t taking any pills at all before I had that heart episode two weeks ago, and now I’m on blood thinners, clot preventers, cholesterol dissolvers, pulse-droppers, and I don’t know what-all.” Half a dozen of us were si

Microsoft word - eee fs 2007 _2_.doc

PUBLIC HEALTH Eastern Equine FACT SHEET Encephalitis Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 What is Eastern Equine Encephalitis? Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) is a rare but serious disease caused by a virus. How is the EEE virus spread? The virus that causes EEE is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. In Massac

Resolución n° cd-siboif-618-2-mar9-2010

Resolución N° CD-SIBOIF-618-2-MAR9-2010 De fecha 09 de marzo de 2010 NORMA SOBRE ORGANIZACIÓN Y FUNCIONAMIENTO DEL REGISTRO DE VALORES DE LA SUPERINTENDENCIA DE BANCOS Y DE OTRAS INSTITUCIONES FINANCIERAS El Consejo Directivo de la Superintendencia de Bancos y de Otras Instituciones Financieras. CONSIDERANDO Que el artículo 7, de la Ley No. 587, ¨ Ley de Mercado de C

Management of spontaneous miscarriage

MANAGEMENT OF SPONTANEOUS MISCARRIAGE Adapted for Pakistan from the Green top RCOG guideline No: 20a, 2006 By the Guideline Committee of SOGP through consensus & literature review 1. Purpose and Scope Clinical guidelines have been developed to assist clinicians and patients in making decisions about appropriate management of miscarriages. Here we will mainly address the spontaneou

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ECE 750 - T11: Component Based Software Systems Developing an Autonomous Mobile Robot: A Component Based Approach Introduction: Robotics is an emerging, multidisciplinary field lending itself readily to component based design including component based software systems (CBSS). By using CBSS, rapid robot development at a low cost is possible. However, in order to do so, a software fra

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Original Research Paper Validity of the Multidimensional Ethics Scale for a Sample of Thai Physicians D.C. Malloy1 ,2, P. R. Sevigny 3, T. Hadjistavropoulos 2, 3, Paholpak, S.4, Abstract Research in ethical decision-making has received considerable attention in the realm of the business community in the last three decades due in part to numerous high profile scandals


Descrição: Autor(a): Ricardo de Souza Autor(a): Jefferson Costa Barbosa Réu: Alkade Games e Acessórios Réu: Goiás Cobranças P R O J E T O D E S E N T E N Ç A Trata-se de ação de indenização por danos materiais e morais em que os autores alegam, em síntese, a aquisição de produto junto aos réus que não foi entregue, apesar dos pagamentos dos valores através do cartão de crédito


Treatment Options for Patients with Type 2 diabetes - Prescribing Information PLEASE CHECK FULL SPECIFIC PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS FOR MORE DETAILED AND CURRENT INFORMATION: http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/please Monthly Cost Contraindications Cautions and monitoring requirements Advantages Disadvantages Metformin Stop if eGFR <30 Use with caution if eGFR

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49 CFR Lithium Batteries/ 172.102 Special provisions 188,189,190 188 Small lithium cells and batteries. Lithium cells or batteries, including cells or batteries packed with or contained in equipment, are not subject to any other requirements of this subchapter if they meet all of the following: a. Primary lithium batteries and cells. (1) Primary lithium batteries and cells are forbidden fo

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Author: Brian A Martin MSc CTA HPD MBACP Mountains Into Molehills is a free internet book which aims to build understanding of self and others. It integrates relevant theory with practical step by step guides to coping with stressful situations, and handling difficult situations assertively. Chapter One: Emotional Intelligence Self Awareness - Understanding Self And Others 2. Ten p


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St. Mary Medical Center 2013 PRESCRIPTION DRUG PROGRAM Caremark consistently strives to provide you with the highest quality prescription benefits program available. Caremark offers a network of over 54,000 pharmacies in the United States for your retail prescriptions, including CVS, Eckerd, Kinney, Kroger, Publix, Revco, Rite Aid, Stop and Shop, Walgreen’s, Wal


Principles of Pulse Oximetry FIG. 1 Introduction Pulse oximeters provide a spectrophotometric assessment of functional arterial hemoglobin oxigenation (SpO2). Pulse Oximetry is based hemoglobin (Hb) and oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2) differ in their absorption of red and infrared light. Second, the volume of arterial blood in tissue (and therefore light absorption by the hemoglo

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Journée d’information des professionnels de l’urgenceUniversité Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)Aspects cliniques• Épidémiologie clinique• Forme clinique habituelle• Grippe compliquée• Grippe et terrain• Démarche diagnostique• Évolution Aspects thérapeutiques• Traitement • Vaccination • La grippe est une maladie contagieuse +++• Réplication virale dans le

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Your selected document This is the abstract of a study selected by Drug and Alcohol Findings as particularly relevant to improving outcomes from drug or alcohol interventions in the United Kingdom. It was not published by Drug and Alcohol Findings. Unless permission has been granted, we are unable to supply full text. Click on the Title to visit the publisher's or other document supplier's

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Valuing Viagra: What Is Restoring Potency Worth?Printed from ACP Online. Document URL: http://www.acponline.org/journals/ecp/julaug99/kwok.htm Close this window Effective Clinical Practice Valuing Viagra: What Is Restoring Potency Worth? Effective Clinical Practice, July/August 1999. For author affiliations, current addresses, and contributions, see end of text. Context. The use

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Blood Recipient Stories Suzi's story: "I was the recipient of a blood transfusion two years ago. Our baby girl was delivered two months early by paramedics in the back of an ambulance as we were on our way to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital, I had some compli-cations and was taken into surgery the next day. Before my surgery I was given a blood transfusion. I was releas


Meer over ontstaan en werking van Ginseng extractum Panax Ginseng is de wetenschappelijke naam voor een plant uit de familie waartoe ook onze klimop behoort. Panax vinden we terug in 'panacee' (middel voor alle kwaaltjes), Ginseng is afgeleid van het Chinese 'ren shen', wat zoiets als man-wortel betekent, verwijzend naar de menselijke vorm van de Ginsengwortel. In Korea was de jaarlijkse zoekt


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Vorwort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viiiDank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiEinleitung. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii TEIL I · Die Depression 1. Das schwarze Loch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Original article: applied kinesiology for treatment of women with mastalgia

The Breast (2001) 10, 15–19# 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltddoi:10.1054/brst.2000.0176, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com onApplied kinesiology for treatment of women with mastalgiaW. M. Gregory,1 S. P. Mills,2 H. H. Hamed1 and I. S. Fentiman11Hedley Atkins Breast Unit, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK; 2Association of Systematic Kinesiology, Surbiton,Surrey, UKS U M M A R Y. To deter

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Medicines Q&As Is there an interaction between warfarin and proton pump inhibitors? Prepared by UK Medicines Informationharmacists for NHS healthcare professionals Before using this Q&A, read the disclaimer at Background Warfarin is the anticoagulant of choice in the UK for a number of conditions including prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), treatment of DVT an

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Medical Problems, Treatments, and Professionals Fred R. Volkmar, M.D. Raising a healthy child is one of the most difficult - and rewarding - challenges any parent can tackle. For parents of children with autism, the rewards are just as great as for other parents. The difficulties, however, can be more daunting because you have to take autism into account in almost all decisions you make


RESUMO CVEspecializado em dramaturgia realizei trabalhos em televisão dirigindo novelas, especiais e programas. Estive em emissoras como Rede RECORD, SBT, BAND, Rede Globo, RedeTV!, Canal 21 e a extinta Rede Manchete. Além dos trabalhos para TV fiz publicidade, institucionais, eventos internacio-nais e filmes “curtas metragem” fora do Brasil, onde cursei workshop de cin-ema em Cambridge / U


Prof. Dr méd. Stefan Zeuzem Hépatite B Risques, prévention et traitement European Liver Patients Association F. De Renesselaan, 57B - 3800 Sint-Truiden, Belgium email: [email protected] Cette brochure doit vous aider à en savoir plus sur votremaladie et et à mieux vivre avec. Elle doit vous encoura-ger à maintenir un mode de vie normal avec vos sembla-bles et ne pas développe

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When Should your Child Stay Home from School? General Guidelines for When not to Report to School Good attendance at school is important in order for a child to do well. However, there will be times when your child is really too ill to attend. Either they are contagious to the other students or they feel so poorly that they would gain nothing from being at school. The following symptoms can

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Fornire Energia rapidamente ed in modo duraturo (ENERGIA RAPIDA) Integratore energetico ipertonico con glucidi sequenziali a rapida assimilazione, alanina, elettroliti e ginseng Confezione da 10 flaconi monodose da 25 ml € 18.00 Prodotto Notificato al Ministero della Salute in data 13/01/03* ai sensi del D.L.vo n° 111 - 27/01/92 e successivi. Assunto al bisogno dur


Current reviews of allergy and clinical immunology(Supported by a grant from GlaxoSmithKline, Inc, Research Triangle Park, NC)Statistical errors in immunologic researchThis activity is available for CME credit. See page 22A for important information. Medical research articles have always been subject to errorsin reporting statistical results. Although most of these areminor, they raise questi

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Protokoll för SSVIRs årsmöte på Hotell Nordkalotten, Luleå, 2001-04-24. §1. Val av mötesordförande. Ordförande Jan H Göthlin valdes till mötesordförande. §2. Val av mötessekreterare och en justeringsperson. Mats Lindh valdes till mötessekreterare och Kamelia Kostova till justeringsman. §3. Godkännande av dagordning. Dagordningen godkändes av årsmötet §4. Verks

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Landesarbeitsgruppe Borreliose und FSME Baden-Württemberg e.V. c/o Landesgesundheitsamt, Wiederholdstraße 15 70174 Stuttgart Merkblatt 2 Antibiotische Prophylaxe nach Zeckenstich - ja oder nein? Grundlagen Nach bisherigen Schätzungen (Literatur: Magid) hat man angenommen, dass nur einmal pro 100 bis 400 Zeckenstiche eine Borrelieninfektion übertragen wird. Dabei wurde nicht unters

South texas project selects sargent & lundy as owner's engineer

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Kelly Cripe SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT SELECTS SARGENT & LUNDY AS OWNER’S ENGINEER STP moves forward on construction of two additional nuclear reactors Wadsworth, Texas (May 14, 2007) – On track to be among the first nuclear construction in the United States in nearly 30 years, The South Texas Project selected Sargent & Lundy LLC, a

Postoperative instructions following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction

Postoperative Instructions Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Steve Bernstein, MD Medications: You have been given two prescriptions. The first is Naprosyn. This is an anti- inflammatory medication that I use to help minimize the swelling in order to facilitate an early return to motion. The Naprosyn should be taken as directed until you finish the prescri

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WEEKLY COMMENTARY 29 NOVEMBER 2010 Overview  European markets extended their losses last week amid uncertainty about the fate of peripheral Eurozone countries. Bank shares fell sharply on fears that even the highest-ranked bondholders may be faced with losses.  Bank troubles in Ireland culminated in a formal request for international aid, in which the European Uni


Termo de Consentimento Informado Ipratrópio, Formoterol, Formoterol+Budesonida, Salmeterol+Fluticasona e Tiotrópio. Eu,______________________________________(nome do(a) paciente), abaixo identificado(a) e firmado(a), declaro ter sido informado(a) claramente sobre todas as indicações, contraindicações, principais efeitos colaterais e riscos relacionados ao uso dos medicament

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Votre installateur vous propose ses promotions. Uw installateur biedt U zijn promoties aan. 2005/Ren/1 R E N O V A B U L E X Cuve en tôle émaillée "Silicex" Stalen geëmailleerde "Silicex" kuip Te installeren onder druk of vrije uitloop Thermostat règlable à bulbe, pos. hors gelForme cylindrique, habillage en tôle laquée Afgeronde vorm, gelakte staalp

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DRAGAN POPOVIC Department of Chemistry, University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616, USA (530)754-8695 (office); (530)752-8995 (fax) EDUCATION Ph.D. Chemistry magna cum laude, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany, 2002 Dissertation: “Modeling of Conformation and Redox Potentials of Hemes and Other Cofactors in Proteins”, available online: http://w

Cataract questionaire

Cataract Questionnaire The term “cataract” refers to a cloudy lens within the eye. When a cataract is removed, an artificial lens is placed inside the eye to take the place of the human lens that has become the cataract. Occasionally, clear lenses that have not yet developed cataracts are also removed to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contacts. This questionnaire wil assi

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MODELO DE BULA DO PACIENTE IDENTIFICAÇÃO DO MEDICAMENTO COVERSYL  4mg perindopril 4mg APRESENTAÇÕES: Embalagem contendo 15 ou 30 comprimidos de 4mg. USO ORAL USO ADULTO ACIMA DE 18 ANOS COMPOSIÇÃO: Cada comprimido de COVERSYL (perindopril) 4mg contém: perindopril, sal de terc-butilamina. 4,00 mg. correspondente a 3,338 mg de perindopril(DCB 06994). excipiente


Battery test chambers The storage of electrical energy has always posed a technological challenge. Even though there have been significant developments over the past decade, the challenge is still on, with the goalposts being moved continuously by the new needs emerging in various application sectors, such as the necessity for increasingly compact, lig


PHOTODYNAMIC TREATMENT (BLU LIGHT WITH LEVULAN) A procedure is now available that treats active acne as well as older acne leaving your skin smoother. The procedures are called Photodynamic Acne Treatments using Levulan. The Photodynamic Acne Treatment is a process by which a photosensitizing agent (Levulan) is applied to your skin. The Levulan is then activated with a specific wavelength

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Begravningsverksamhetens samråd med företrädare för icke kristna – minnesanteckningar Tid och plats: måndag 14 maj kl 16.00 - 17.30, förvaltningens kansli, ordförande för begravningsdelegationen Inledning och bakgrund Begravningsdelegationens ordförande Lars Ridderstedt inleder och hälsar alla deltagare välkomna och redogör för bakgrunden till dagens samråd. Sv


Arent de Gelder 1645 – 1727 Esther en Mordechai schrijven de eerste Poerimbrief olieverf op doek (102 × 152 cm) — ca. 1685 Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister, Dresden Dit werk is gekoppeld aan Esther 9:20 De joodse inwoners van het rijk van de Perzische koning Ahasveros hebben wraak kunnen nemen op hun vijanden, de aanhangers van de listige Haman. Mordechai en Esther vinden dat de ge


Springer, Roxanna. “Itchy Skin – Why? What? Next?” 31.2 (June 2003) : 20-22. A discussion of canine skin problems, their causes, and some treatment suggestions. Skin disorders Itchy skin (pruritis) is a problem for many dogs, including mixed breeds and wild canids. The associated scratching, rubbing, chewing, or licking is a problem for many dog owners. Why is skin itchy? What do we do

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New e-mail protections are now available to ensure the safety, privacy and security of corporate networks, data and personnel. The increased sophistication, versatility and effectiveness of e- mail security solutions have been paired with improved ease-of- use, providing a transparent, simply managed barrier against spam, phishing and other inbound e-mail-based attacks as well as outboun

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Wendy Patrick Mazzarella Deputy District Attorney 330 W. Broadway, Suite 1200 San Diego, California 92101 (619) 531-3260 [email protected] Wendy Patrick Mazzarella is a Deputy District Attorney in the San Diego District Attorney’s Office. Before joining the District Attorney's Office Ms. Mazzarella was a Deputy Public Defender for San Diego County. Most of her


TEXTO ÍNTEGRO DE LA LEY DE EXTRANJERIA (En vigor desde 23-01-2001) LEY ORGÁNICA 8/2000 , de 22 de diciembre, de reforma de la Ley Orgánica 4/2000, de 11 de enero, sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración social. (Publicada en el BOE 23.12.2000) JUAN CARLOS I REY DE ESPANA A todos los que la presente vieren y entendieren. Sabed Que las Corte


Breves consideraciones sobre la preparación de soluciones por Guerrero Hernán Llega el momento en que todos comenzamos a buscar artículos de bricolaje o DIY (do it yourself – hágalo usted mis- mo), o bien los peces se enferman y se debe medicar. También sucede que uno, no conforme con los kits analíticos comer-ciales o fertilizantes comerciales, decide prepararlos “a medida�


QUARTERLY AND YEAR END REPORT British Columbia BC FORM 51-901F (previously Form 61) Securities Commission Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act : The personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of and used for the purpose of administering the Securities Act . Questions about the collection or use of this information can


BCSS Southampton & District Branch January 2007 Newsletter British Cactus & Succulent Society Branch Secretary Newsletter Editor 79 Shirley Avenue 29 Heathlands Road Shirley Southampton & District Branch Newsletter January 2007 With Steve Hammer being the speaker at our Editorial . 1 March meeting , we are likely to attract a significant Announcements. 1 numb


Projectnr Hoofdaanvrager Projecttitel Universiteit Topsector Financier A technical and commercial feasibility study of a new technology for controllable catalyst Light concentrator systems in solar energyMucoSIS, mucosale vaccins om infectieziekten te RE-phrase, chat-by-click conversation technologyLaserkristallisatie van calcium fosfaat coatings Commercial opportunities fo


᭧ The Cooper Ornithological Society 2004FACTORS RELATED TO FECAL ESTROGENS AND FECALBRIAN E. WASHBURN1,3, DOUGLAS J. TEMPEL2, JOSHUA J. MILLSPAUGH1,4, R. J. GUTIE´RREZ2 1Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences, University of Missouri, 302 A-BNR Building, 2Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 We estimated concentrati

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2012 PROGRAM SCHEDULES October 23, 2011 (Sunday) October 24, 2011 (Monday), Academic Hall, Ren Min University Opening Ceremony Chairs: G.S. Bañuelos & X.B. Yin Guest Speech The Functional Agriculture in China: Present and Future Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Session 1 Selenium in Soils and the Need for Biofortification of CropsSources and Transformations of Selen

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Mineral & Soft Drinks offen Passugger Bier vom Fass Calanda Edelbräu Calandabräu | Chur 30cl Palü Bier Brauerei Engadiner Bier | Pontresina 30cl Hefe Weizen Hacker Pschorr Brauerei Hacker Pschorr | München 30cl Naturtrübes Lagerbier Brauerei Engadiner Bier | Pontresina Hubertus Dunkles Spezialbier Brauerei Eichhof | Luzern Calanda Senza Alkoholfrei Calandabräu | Chur Erdinger

Microsoft word - energy_announcement_web_071813.doc

Sambazon Discusses Natural Variations of Caffeine Levels in Energy Drink Products San Clemente, Calif. (July 19, 2013) – Sambazon, the pioneer of Açai and organic Amazon Superfoods™, recently addressed variations in caffeine levels that may have occurred in its Amazon Energy™ products between 2009 and 2012. Cans of Amazon Energy™ indicate that the 12 oz. beverage contains 80 m


The following is a partial article found on Reading Eagle written by Jayson Burdereck: Know the Difference Between Common Winter Illnesses, How To Avoid Them And How To Treat Them Common winter illnesses can have similar symptoms. And one illness can easily lead to another one as the body struggles to fight off the first one. So how do you tell the difference between these ailments, how do

Microsoft word - 02-7-10 bartender, another shot of soma.doc

George Harris“Bartender, Another Shot of Soma”South ChurchNew Britain, ConnecticutSomething exciting happened at Bible study this week. Before I tell you about thisexciting thing, I should give you a little background about our Bible study. Rick Coffey and Imeet every Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. with a devoted group of ten to twelve churchmembers. Rick leads the first half of our time toget


STANSW Young Scientist Awards 2012 Winners Awards Ceremony: University of Western Sydney, Bankstown Campus Friday, 26 October 2012 Keynote Address: Dr Anne Musser, Palaeontologist, Australian Museum Models and Inventions MAJOR AWARD WINNERS YEARS 3-6 James De Mellow, Eastwood Public School, The G phone Macinley Butson, Mt Keira Demonstration School, A spoon full of medi


COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYVLANIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE XXXXXXXXXX W05-2989/922 6/29/2005 7/27/2005 AND NOW , after careful review and consideration of the Recommendation of the Administrative Law Judge, it is hereby ORDERED that the Recommendation be adopted in its entirety. Either party to this proceeding has fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of this dec

1 strike through part „packed with equipment” if necessary

Transport document for STIHL Lithium Ion Batteries This document is for packages marked: Lithium Ion Batteries Handle with care! In the event packages are damaged, special procedures (including inspection and repacking) must be followed. Refer to the procedures below. Hazards: • Damaged batteries can leak. Contact with liquid inside battery may be irritating • Liquid insi

Microsoft word - contemporary clinical trials.docx

Volume 32, Issue 5, September 2011, Pages 675–684 The GiSAS study: Rationale and design of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial on aripiprazole, olanzapine and haloperidol in the long-term treatment of schizophrenia ☆  a Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry Unit, ‘Mario Negri’ Institute for Pharmacological Research, Via La Masa 19, 20156 Milan, Italy  b L

Dana l

DANA CHARLES McCOY _____________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION 2008 – present PhD candidate, Psychology & Social Intervention Concentration in Quantitative Analysis New York University (NYU) Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development Department of Applied Psychology Dissertation Committee: C. Cybele Raver (C

Methicillin-resistant staph aureus (mrsa) which is community a

HEALTH MINISTRY Isaiah 26:3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” Brain Fog Research shows that neither aging nor senility is typically to blame for clouded thinking. Forgetfulness, attention lapses and other complaints about mental sharpness are more closely related to mood and general mental health. It could stem fro

Microsoft word - pre - pliegos.doc



PATHOZYME PROGESTERONE Ref OD487 Enzyme Immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Progesterone in human serum or plasma. Store at 2oC to 8oC. DO NOT FREEZE. For in-vitro use only. INTRODUCTION MATERIAL REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDED Progesterone is a C21 steroid which is synthesised from both Micropipettes: 100l, 200l, 1000l and 5000l tissue and circulating cho

Microsoft word - avelsvärdering versionviii.doc

DOKUMENTET ÄR ”AVELSVÄRDERING VERSION VIII” 2008-02-11 . 1 NATIONELL AVELSVÄRDERING . 2 Avelns grundprincip . 2 Avelsvärde . 2 Säkerhet i avel . 2 Genetisk framgång . 3 BLUP . 4 Skattat avelsvärde och relativt avelsvärde . 4 Olika modeller av BLUP . 5 Olika typer av index . 5 AVELSVÄRDEN FÖR PRODUKTIONSEGENSKAPER . 6 Mjölkindex . 6 Köttindex


CURRICULUM VITAE Prof. Dr. Pop I. Monica-Daniela Telefon : 021 210 78 64; 021 319 27 53 Data si locul nasterii : 22.06.1953, Cluj-Napoca, judetul Cluj. Stare civila: Casatorita din 1981 cu Dr. Ing. Mircea Pop, cercetator stiintific principal la Academia Romana – Centrul de Chimie Organica C.D. Nenitescu. Un copil, Suzana-Letitia (n. 1987), doctoranda in Stiinte Politice. Ed

Microsoft word - what will happen after my first sleep study - revised jan 2013.docx

THE SLEEP DISORDERS CLINIC Raymond Gottschalk MB ChB FRCP(C) D.ABSM Medical Director, Quality Advisor 55 FRID STREET, UNIT 7 282 LINWELL ROAD, SUITE 202 HAMILTON, ONTARIO L8P 4M3 ST. CATHARINES, ONTARIO L2N 6N5 TELEPHONE: (905) 529-2259 TELEPHONE: (905) 646-8582 FAX: (905) 529-2262 FAX: (905) 529-2262 WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER MY FIRST SLEEP STUDY? 1. I


SuperSlim - Quick Review Product Fact Sheet SuperSlim XXX (based on an ancient Chinese herbal recipe) Ingredients: Bigarade Orange, Indian Lotus, Cassia seed, Alilsma orientalis, L-carnitine, Aloe, Evening Primrose, Cumin, P57, Psyllium Husks Function: The Synepherine-p active ingredient places the metabolism in overdrive and results could range from not being able to metabolise the

Bowel management

Bowel Management The purpose of the bowel is to absorb food to supply energy to your body and eliminate waste matter. Your stomach prepares food for digestion, the small bowel absorbs the food your body needs, and the remaining waste matter passes into the large bowel, or colon, where extra water is removed. Food and waste matter is propelled along the small and large bowel by a wave lik

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Kopfschmerzen in der Schwangerschaft Kopfschmerzen während der Schwangerschaft sind nicht ungewöhnlich, vor allem in den ersten 3 Monaten. Falls Sie bereits vor der Schwangerschaft mit Kopfschmerzen zu kämpfen hatten, ist es in der Schwangerschaft oft noch schlimmer. Eine häufige Ursache dafür wird in der plötzlichen Hormon-Flut und Kreislaufumstellung vermutet, was auch durc


JUNE 2013 GENERAL NEWSLETTER by SALLY-ANN CREED Integrative Functional Nutritional Therapist & Lifestyle Coach Post Grad Dip Clinical Nutrition, International Academy of Nutrition, Sydney, Australia Diploma: in Functional Medicine, IFM, USA Graduate : Applied Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice, IFM (USA) 2012 Diploma : Nutritional Supplementation, In

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INFINITY OWNER’S MANUAL (To Be Retained by Owner After Installation by Authorized Savaria Concord Dealer) The Infinity Residential Elevator must be installed, maintained and ser viced by an authorized SAVARIA CONCORD DEALER only! Under no circumstances is anyone other than a trained and authorized Savaria Concord Dealer to install, adjust, service or modify any mechanical


Eric Konigsberg, “Made in the Shade,” New Yorker, 1/22/2007, Vol. 82 Issue 46, p42-49, 8p, 1c How wasabi became the new black, and other tales from the color industry You could say that Leslie Harrington owes much of her success to the rise of wasabi green. Harrington is a color consultant who helps manufacturers determine the palette of their products and packages. Her clients have includ

English abstracts.doc

Bulletin of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology MS-02 Insulin Resistance in the Development of Metabolic Syndrome in Females with Abnormalities in Reproductive Sphere R.M.Mamedgasanov, G.R.Fatalieva, S.S.Safarova, S.E.Meshadieva Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan Backgrounds and aims: The aim of present investigation was the relation of hyperandrogenem


This is the first of a series of articles about aviation medicine. Many would-be pilots forego flight instruction because they erroneously believe that they could not pass an FAA flight physical. For example, some people still believe that one needs 20/20 vision to become a pilot. This is not true. Other pilots are unable to pass the physical when they first see an Aviation Medical Examiner (AM

Microsoft word - service innovation q&as.org.doc

Successful service firms compete through innovation because how a service is designed and delivered is in large part not protected by patent or copyright. This set of ten questions and answers explains what service innovation is and the interaction between cultural values and innovation processes. 1. What is service innovation? A new service idea is an innovation if it: • Is an intentional cha


Symphony Health Solutions AlphaPulse Study Highlights: Physician Reaction to new ACC/AHA Cholesterol Guidelines Background: On November 12, 2013 the ACC and AHA published new guidelines on the treatment of cholesterol to reduce cardiovascular risk in adults. In the last two weeks there has been a lot of discussion about the new guidelines in professional publications as well as the l

Senate daily journal

OFFICIAL JOURNAL Messages from the Governor The following messages from the Governor were received and STATE OF LOUISIANA STATE OF LOUISIANA SEVENTH DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Twenty-Eighth Regular Session of the Legislature The Honorable President and Members of the Senate Under the Adoption of the Constitution of 1974 In compliance with Article IV, Section 5(H)(3) of the Louisiana


Société Suisse de Médecine Tropicale et de Parasitologie Société Suisse de Médecine Tropicale et de Parasitologie Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Tropenmedizin und Parasitologie Società Svizzera di Medicina Tropicale e di Parassitologia Società Svizzera di Medicina Tropicale e di Parassitologia Swiss Society of

Mca hsapharmacyformulary

Santa Cruz HSA Pharmacy Drug MCA Formulary Updated on 9/23/13 9:51:15 AM Allergy/Cough and Cold Opioid Agents (These are restricted to Anticonvulsants Agents 30 Day Supply) Antihistamines Cough Syrup (codeine) Analgesics Analgesic Comb Agents (Restricted to Antialcoholic Agent Antidepressant Agents #60/month;up to #120with TAR) Antialcohol

Microsoft word - mohs brochure- chestnut hill

____________________________________________________________ MOHS' MICROSCOPICALLY CONTROLLED SURGERY Thomas E. Rohrer, M.D. Mohs' and Dermatologic Surgery Skin Care Physicians of Chestnut Hill 1244 Boylston Street, Suite 302 Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 Appointments: (617) 848 - 1620 Main number: (617) 731 - 1600 _____________________________

Microsoft word - how to come back alive.doc

HOW TO COME BACK ALIVE! CONTENTS 1 Be wise - immunise ! 11 AIDS - What you need to know Further copies of this booklet can be obtained from - Intedrnational Teams, 102 Javelin Avenue, Castle Vale, Birmingham B33 7LW Tel/Fax 0121 441 3028 INTRODUCTION The information and advice in this booklet is drawn from publications by Inter-Health, Tear Fund and our own re

White lithium grease msds

VALCO CINCINNATI CONSUMER PRODUCTS INC. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MATERIAL NAME: WHITE LITHIUM GREASE PART NUMBERS 795XX903 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO.: PRODUCT INFORMATION NO.: DATE ISSUED _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I – GENERAL INFORMATION ________________________________________


A fibromialgia é uma doença crônica, caracterizada por dor muscular difusa, “mialgia”, e dor excessiva em muitas áreas do corpo. Afeta músculos, tendões (liga os músculos aos ossos) e ligamentos (conectam osso ao osso). Muitos pacientes também apresentam cansaço intenso, distúrbios do sono, dor de cabeça e alterações do humor, como depressão e ansiedade. É considerada a causa


Articles Male circumcision for HIV prevention in men in Rakai, Uganda: a randomised trial Ronald H Gray, Godfrey Kigozi, David Serwadda, Frederick Makumbi, Stephen Watya, Fred Nalugoda, Noah Kiwanuka, Lawrence H Moulton, Mohammad A Chaudhary, Michael Z Chen, Nelson K Sewankambo, Fred Wabwire-Mangen, Melanie C Bacon, Carolyn F M Williams, Pius Opendi, Steven J Reynolds, Oliver Laeyendecke


Regulating NeedDeciding on public financial intervention withinthe fields of healthcare and development aidAnna Krohwinkel-Karlsson and Ebba SjögrenRegulating NeedDeciding on public financial intervention withinthe fields of healthcare and development aidAnna Krohwinkel-Karlsson and Ebba SjögrenScore working paper 2006:1ISBN 91-89658-38-8ISSN 1404-5052 Deciding on public financial intervent

Prandin gola di pietra

Sergio Audano, Gianni Caccia, Maria Grazia CaenaroClaudio Cazzola, Lorenzo Fort, Letizia Lanza Recensioni, note critiche, extravaganze La manipolazione e/o la riproduzione (totale o parziale)e/o la diffusione telematica di quest’operasono consentite a singoli o comunque a soggetti non costituiti come impresedi carattere editoriale, cinematografi co o radio-televisivo. Luigi Lambertini,


SF2A 2008C. Charbonnel, F. Combes and R. Samadi (eds)THE TIMESCALE FOR GIANT PLANET FORMATION : CONSTRAINTS FROM THEROTATIONAL EVOLUTION OF EXOPLANET HOST STARSThe timescale over which planets may form in the circumstellar disks of young stars is one ofthe main issues of current planetary formation models. We present here new constraints on planet formationtimescales derived from the rotatio

Microsoft word - an overview of setting occupational exposure limits 2.doc

An Overview of Setting Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) for Pharmaceuticals Robert H. Ku, Ph.D., CIH, Principal Toxicologist [Published in Chemical Health & Safety , January/February 2000] Setting appropriate occupational exposure limits is an integral component in assuring the health and safety of workers Introduction Occupational exposure limits (OELs) 1 for the pro


PROHIBITED LIST INTERNATIONAL STANDARD The official text of the Prohibited List shall be maintained by WADA and shall be published in English and French. In the event of any conflict between the English and French versions, the English version shall prevail. This List shall come into effect on 1 January 2013- The 2013 Prohibited List 10 September 2012 THE 2013 PROHIBITED L


SPP 2013-14 Board of Directors Shirt Tales September 2013 visit our website at www.shallowfordpreschool.net Director’s Report Welcome back! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve as the Acting Director at SPP for the 2013-2014 school year! I began my experience with SPP by working Summer Fun camps over 24 years ago! I am a former high school teacher and assis-t

Aanvang arenberg doctoral school

https://set.kuleuven.be/phd/form/doctoraatsopleiding/entry.phpPlease complete the form below. By clicking on ‘submit’ below, the supplied information will be saved in the database of the administration. We apologize forasking you to fill out the same information twice; we are currently looking for a solution. Please note: after you click on 'submit', you w


INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 5(3):272–277 © 2001 IUATLD Pulmonary resection in the treatment of patients with pulmonary multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Taiwan C-Y. Chiang,* M-C. Yu,* K-J. Bai,* J. Suo,* T-P. Lin,* Y-C. Lee† * Chronic Disease Control Bureau, Department of Health, Shen-Keng Shiang, Taipei County, † Department of Surgery, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Tai


The new england journal of medicine d r u g t h e r a p y Therapeutic Strategies for Rheumatoid Arthritisheumatoid arthritis, a chronic, systemic, inflammatoryFrom the Department of Internal Medicine,University of Nebraska Medical Center;autoimmune disease, has as its primary target the synovial tissues. When thedisease is unchecked, it leads to substan


Datos personales Datos Laborales Cargo actual : Profesor adjunto dedicación exclusiva. Departamento de Química Domicilio laboral: Avenida Alem 1253 (8000) Bahía Blanca. Sector Química Analítica. Departamento de Química. INQUISUR (UNS-CONICET). Teléfono laboral : +54 291-4595100 Int. 3535 Formación Académica Químico : Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca. 28-1


Cresophene, Unwanted effects If you develop any side effects and they are severe or they get worse, orlast for more than a few days, contact your dentist. Solution for dental use Storing your medicine It is most unlikely that you will be given this medicine to look after. Yourdentist will not use any of the solution after the expiry date printed onthe container. If you have any medici



Microsoft word - bachelor of pharmacy.doc

BACHELOR OF PHARMACY Course code Course Title L T P Credits Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Inorganic Pharm. Chemistry) Pharmaceutical Chemistry-I (Inorganic Pharm. Chemistry) Practical Pharmaceutics –I (General Pharmacy) Practical COMP-401 Basic Electronics & Computer Applications COMP-402 Basic Electronics & Computer Applications Practical Total Credits Co


REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE Objective Physiologic Changes and Associated HealthBenefits of Chiropractic Adjustments in Asymptomatic ABSTRACT documenting objectively measured health benefits in subjects Objective: To review existing literature documenting objec- to which no symptomatic presentation was described. tively measured physiologic changes and their associated health Conclusion:

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Long-acting selective H1 receptor antagonist for treatment of allergic Claritin® Dry Syrup 1% Launched -Includes Pediatric Indication for Children Ages Three and Older- Schering-Plough K.K. (Headquarters: Osaka, President: Masao Torii) and Shionogi & Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka, President: Motozo Shiono) today launched Claritin® Dry Syrup 1% (generic name: Loratadine dry syrup


City of St. Charles R-6 School District 400 N. Sixth St., St. Charles, MO 63301 Contact: _________________________ Fax: __________________ Student Name: ___________________________ D.O.B.: _________ School Yr: _________ Allergy with possible anaphylaxis reaction:________________________________________ Other know food or medication allergies: ______


Brief Original Article Ribavirin therapy for Chikungunya arthritis Rajan Ravichandran, Manju Manian. Madras Institute of Nephrology, Vijaya Heath Centre, N.S.K Salai, Chennai-600026, India. Abstract Background: Chikungunya is an acute viral infection presenting with a febrile episode and severe arthralgia, swelling of soft tissues, especially around the ankles. Many pati

Dsc measurement of pharmaceuticals

TA no.79 DSC Measurement of Pharmaceuticals 2007.9 - Crystal polymorphism and crystallinity - In this brief, we measure Carbamazepine, an an-Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been tiepileptic drug, and ursodeoxycholic acid, a chol-added as a general testing method to the Japanese eretic drug, to ascertain the differences of crystal Pharmacopoeia and is widely used to e


Simplified Measurement of Partition Coefficient by Means of the Pretreatment Function in the Auto-sampler Yusuke OSAKA, Keiko YAMABE, Yoshiaki MAEDA, Junichi MASUDA, Masatoshi TAKAHASHI and Yoshihiro HAYAKAWASHIMADZU CORPORATION, 1 Nishinokyo-kuwabaracho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8511, Japan Introduction A partition coefficient is a parameter reflecting hydrophobicity o


NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For More Information Contact: SCRA MUSC Innovation Center, Charleston Welcomes 5th New Tenant: Iverson Genetic Diagnostics, Inc. Iverson Genetic Diagnostics 3rd Annual Shareholders Meeting this Saturday, July 17th, 9:00 a.m. Media welcome to attend open sessions of Meeting More Information about the Shareholders Meeting at the e

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Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications Edexcel and BTEC qualifications come from Pearson, the world’s leading learning company. We provide a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and specific programmes for employers. For further information, please call our GCE line on 0844 576 0025, our GCSE team on 0844 576 0027, or visit our qualifications website at


CAR001|2.1|0601 algoritmo Tachicardie ADULTI Informazioni su questo documento Cronistoria Avvertenza - Limitazioni d’impiego Il presente algoritmo può essere applicato solo dal personale medico L’utilizzo dell’algoritmo da parte del personale infemieristico è approvato per gli infermieri che hanno seguito il corso di formazione ed ottenuto il relativo attestato e l’auto

Antibiotic selection guide

SINAI ANTIBIOTIC SELECTION GUIDE DISCLAIMER: Clinical recommendations in this guide are offered as general empiric therapy based on nationally accepted guidelines and adjusted according to Sinai antibiogram. Clinical judgement and cultures results / susceptibilities should always guide the physician in the selection, dosing, and duration of antimicrobial therapy individual patients. All antimi


This is a chapter excerpt from Guilford Publications. Sexual Dysfunction, Second Edition: A Guide for Assessment and Treatment, John P. Wincze and Michael P. Carey, Copyright © 2001 1 Overview of This Book Interest in sexual behavior increased dramatically in the last two decades. During the 1980s (and continuing to the present), the emergence of HIV andAIDS raised awareness of the health

Nanotherapeutics receives u.

Nanotherapeutics Receives U.S. Department of Defense . http://www.centredaily.com/2010/11/03/v-print/23147. ALACHUA, Fla. — Nanotherapeutics, Inc. announced that it has been awarded a contract bythe U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to support a clinical trial for treating dehiscedsurgical wounds with the Company’s NanoDOX® Hydrogel, a topical doxycycline hydrogelfor chronic wounds. Nano

Microsoft word - suspension trauma.doc

SUSPENSION TRAUMA Suspension trauma, or orthostatic intolerance, is a natural human reaction to being upright and immobile, where a complex combination of blood pooling in the legs and cardiorespiratory restriction leads to unconsciousness. It can be caused by suspension in a harness (deliberate or accidental), when trapped in a confined space, when secured to a vertical stretcher or litter -


The aim of this section is to prepare the neuro- everyday neurological practice and to give him logist-in-training for the FMH examination, toor her updates on recent controversies in clinicalconfront her or him with specific problems ofContributions and correspondence to PD Dr. med. Hans H. Jung, Depar tment of Neurology, University Hospital Zurich, Frauenklinikstrasse 26, CH-8091 Zurich, ha


Below is a list of abbreviations that may appear on the following pages in the Requirement/Limits columnthat tells you if there are any special requirements for coverage of your drug. List of Abbreviations PA: Prior Authorization. The Plan requires you or your physician to get prior authorization for certain drugs. This means that you will need to get approval before you fill your prescrip


SOGC CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline No. 248, September 2010 (Replaces No. 74, July 1998) Guidelines for the Evaluation and Treatment of Recurrent Urinary Incontinence Following Pelvic Floor Surgery Abstract This clinical practice guideline has been prepared by the Objective: To provide general gynaecologists and urogynaecologists Urogynaecology Committe


L’homme et la femme : pourquoi tant de haine ? L’amour n’est-ce que de l’amour propre ? Un père, une mère, ça serre, ça sert oui, mais ça sert à quoi ? Comment passer par le complexe d’Oedipe sans y laisser un oeil ? La castration, est-ce qu’on peut y couper ? Pourquoi resterions-nous appétissants, si c’est pour se faire bouffer ? Bref autant de questions de survie, propres

Microsoft word - proposed.doc

ATTENTION PHARMACIST: Detach “Patient’s Instructions for Use” from package insert and dispense with the product. Combivent® (ipratropium bromide and albuterol sulfate) Inhalation Aerosol Bronchodilator For Oral Inhalation Only Rx only Prescribing Information DESCRIPTION COMBIVENT Inhalation Aerosol is a combination of ipratropium bromide (as the monohydrate)

Offer to lease

SHAUGHNESSY NEWSLETTER PROPERTY OWNERS’ FALL, 2004 ASSOCIATION “Working to enhance the value and quality of living in historic Shaughnessy” CURRENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CURRENT MEMBERSHIP: 550 AND GROWING ! York House School Expansion Rezoning is willing to do and what the neighbours need to protect the livability of their neighbourhood. Primarily, the


Sheltered vs. Supported Employment: A Direct Comparison of Long-Term Earnings Outcomes for Individuals with Cognitive Disabilities John Kregel and David H. Dean The long-term earnings impact of sheltered and supported employment on 877 individualswith cognitive disabilities was investigated through the implementation of a comprehensiveanalytical framework for assessing employment outcom


Deutscher Schachbund engagiert sich gegen Doping vergewissern, dass jedes Medikament, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel oder sonstige Präparate, die Sieeinnehmen, keine verbotenen Substanzen enthält. Im Serviceteil dieser Broschüre finden Sie auf denSeiten 18 und 19 einige Beispiele für verbotene und erlaubte Medikamente. Auf der Hauptausschusssitzung des Deutschen Schachbundes in Dresden am 22.


Ameluz® PRESCRIBING INFORMATION hours after application of Ameluz ® . Special warnings and expected as the therapeutic principle of photodynamic Ameluz® 78 mg/g gel. Active pharmaceutical ingredient: precautions (please see SPC for further detail) : No therapy is based on phototoxic effects of protoporphyrin IX 5-aminolaevulinic acid (as hydrochloride). Please refer to experi

Microsoft word - 7 antidoping.rtf

Club Information Manual Section 3.7 Dec 2001 ANTI-DOPING POLICY Operational Manual 4.2 What is the Federation ’s Position on Doping?Investigation of a Doping Offence and Referral to HearingHow wil the Federation Enforce Sanctions?Review of a Finding of a Doping Offence or a SanctionIn this Policy: "AIS" means the Australian Institute of Sport. "ADCO" means the An

Microsoft word - biometria es adatvedelem 0114.doc

Szabó Máté Dániel: BIOMETRIKUS AZONOSÍTÁS ÉS ADATVÉDELEM A személyes adatok védelmével foglalkozó szakemberek manapság nem tehetik meg, hogy nem vesznek tudomást a biometriai személyes adatok újfajta felhasználási módjai számának robbanásszerű növekedéséről. A biometrikus azonosítást alapul vevő technológiák utóbbi években megfigyelhető gyors fejlődése

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PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release ORGANIC INDIA TULSI TEAS SINGAPORE, 31 MAY 2010 –– SuperNature is pleased to announce the arrival of an exclusive range of herbal teas from Organic India, an ethical company that provides opportunities and employment to Indian farmers and communities. Organic India’s nine different flavoured Tulsi Teas are picked from the Holy Basil plan

Microsoft word - 115 - preparación de miralax - 6-15-10

Preparación de Miralax para colonoscopía y cirugía: Compras – en farmacia / no necesita receta Una semana antes de su procedimiento: DEJAR DE TOMAR medicinas que causan sangramiento : Plavix, Coumadin, Aspirina. DEJAR de tomar anti-inflamatorios: Empirin, Ecotrin, Exedrin, Bufferin, Ascriptin, Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, Medipren, Nuprin, Naprosyn, Naproxen, Sulindac, Piroxicam, Feld

Pyridostigmine in the treatment of postural orthostatic tachycardia: a singlecenter experience

Pyridostigmine in the Treatment of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia: A Single-Center Experience KHALIL KANJWAL, M.D.,* BEVERLY KARABIN, PH.D.,* MUJEEB SHEIKH, M.D.,* LAWRENCE ELMER, M.D., PH.D.,† YOUSUF KANJWAL, M.D.,* BILAL SAEED, M.D.,* and BLAIR P. GRUBB, M.D.* From the *Electrophysiology Section, Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, The University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio; and �


hat die 78. Kammer des Sozialgerichts Hannover auf die mündliche Verhandlung vom 8. August 2012 durch die Vorsitzende, Richterin am Sozialgericht J. , und die ehrenamtlichen Richter K. und L. für Recht erkannt: 1. Die Klage wird abgewiesen. 2. Die Klägerin trägt die Kosten des Rechtsstreits. 3. Der Streitwert beträgt 628,42 Euro. Die Klägerin wendet sich gegen einen Regress wegen Verordn


Curriculum Vitae 1-Ètat civil Nom : BENJILALI Prénom : Bachir Date de naissance : 1949 Nationalité : marocaine 2-Formation universitaire et post-universitaire : Ingénieur ENSIA(Massy – France) : 1974 Ingénieur IAV ; Option : Industries Alimentaires : 1975 DEA ; Sciences des aliments (ENSIA – Massy) : 1976 Doctorat-ingénieur ; technologie alimentaire (ENSIA-Massy) : 1981

Microsoft word - herbalmethodspaper_jbi-resubmit_2-28[1]

Identifying potential adverse effects using the web: a new approach to medical Adrian Benton, BAa,*, Lyle Ungar, PhDc, Shawndra Hill, PhDb, Sean Hennessy, PharmD, PhDa, Jun Mao, MD, MSCEa, Annie Chung, BAa, Charles E. Leonard, PharmDa, John H. Holmes, a University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA b University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA c Universi


Compositional Interchange Format for HybridSystems (CIFThe main purpose of the Compositional Interchange Format (CIF)[1], that hasoriginally been developed in HYCON, see [2] and [3, 4, 5, 6], is to establishinter-operability of a wide range of tools by means of model transformations toand from the CIF. In addition, the CIF provides a generic modeling formalismand tools for a wide range of untimed


Lashkar-e-Taiba Attacks in Jammu & KashmirA. Mannes2,3, J. Shakarian2, A. Sliva1,2,3,4 and V.S. Subrahmanian1,22Institute for Advanced Computer Studies & 3School of Public Policy4 Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115. Abstract—Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT for short) is one of the deadli-a much larger number—over 2,000—of such rules) usingest terrorist groups in the world. With ove


Sermon preached by the Rev. William Bell, MD, BCC on The Twenty-Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, November 17, 2013 Jesus said, “As for the things you are admiring, The time is coming when not even one stone will be left upon another. In the name God. Amen. People, I wish Jesus would appear here, right now! So I could show him St Anne’s church and all our fine things. I’d say to him “Wh

Food allergy protocol

STUDENTS WITH DIAGNOSED FOOD ALLERGIES/SENSITIVITIES REGULATIONS 1.1 Children entering school at the K-2 level should not be expected to self-advocate or use wise judgment with regard to their health. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to educate their child regarding his/her food allergies and any other health issues, and work collaboratively with school staff to promote t


Biotin for Hair Introduction Biotin is often the first line of defense in hair loss. Biotin is known for its value to hair, skin and nails, and particularly for growing hair. Hair growth is one of its most important and often used benefits. Biotin vitamin is part of a healthy diet for beautiful, healthy skin and hair. Biotin supplements are an easy way to make sure you get enough biotin to

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IS GIRTH MORE IMPORTANT THAN LENGTH? EXPERIENCES WITH FOLDED FLAP PALATOPLASTY FOR THE TREATMENT OF BRACHYCEPHALIC OBSTRUCTIVE AIRWAY SYNDROME (BOAS). Kat Crosse MA VetMB MANZCVS Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Palmerston North, New Zealand Introduction Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) is multifactorial, with respiratory and gastrointe


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Copyright � The Korean Academy Generalized Lichen Nitidus Successfully Treated with Narrow-bandUVB Phototherapy: Two Cases ReportLichen nitidus (LN) is an uncommon chronic inflammatory skin disease composedof numerous, tiny, shiny, flesh-colored papules that are predominantly observed onSeong-Hyun Kim, Ki-Bum Myung,You-Won Choithe chest, abdomen, glans penis and upper extremities. The di

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Purim Packages are Conduit for First Ever Collaborative Day Schools Initiative by Hodie Kahn Golda Meir once remarked that she never did anything alone; whatever she accomplished in Israel was accomplished collectively. Taking their cue from Golda, Greater Vancouver’ s day schools have joined together to accomplish something collectively, the first-ever Greater Vancouver Jewish Day Schools Purim

17[alpha]-ethinylestradiol: an endocrine disrupter of great concern. analytical methods and removal processes applied to water purification. a review

17a-Ethinylestradiol: AnEndocrine Disrupter of GreatConcern. Analytical Methodsand Removal Processes Appliedto Water Purification. A ReviewLudiwine Clouzot,a Benoıˆt Marrot,a Pierre Doumenq,b Nicolas Rocheaa LM2P2, UMR CNRS 6181, Laboratoire de Me´canique, Mode´lisation et Proce´de´s Propres, Universite´ PaulCe´zanne Aix-Marseille 3, Europoˆle de l’Arbois, Baˆt Lae¨nnec hall C BP


EDITAL DE CONVITE Abertura: 05 de Junho de 2012. Modalidade: Convite nº 032/2012 Horário: ás 09:00 hs. Fonte de Recurso: Tesouro Municipal Tipo: Menor preço por global Local: Rua Rio da Prata, 662 – Centro, São L. M. Belos – GO (Prefeitura Municipal de São Luís de Montes Belos)O Município de São Luis de Montes Belos - Estado de Goiás, com sede na Rua Rio da Prat

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Hunger Eaze™ NEW YORK (CBS) "Imagine not being hungry all day without feeling side effects typical of diet pills, like a racing heart or queasy stomach.” That is what Correspondent Lesley Stahl experiences when she takes just a few bites of the hoodia plant in the Kalahari Desert, for a report on 60 Minutes. " Only a few pieces of the Hoodia cactus would allow a


Letters in Applied Microbiology ISSN 0266-8254In vitro antiviral activity of Melaleuca alternifolia essentialoilA. Garozzo1, R. Timpanaro1, B. Bisignano1, P.M. Furneri1, G. Bisignano2 and A. Castro11 Department of Microbiological and Gynaecological Sciences, University of Catania, Catania, Italy2 Department of Pharmacobiology, University of Messina, Messina, Italyantiviral activity, essen


J Cosmet Laser Ther 2004; 6: 181–185 # J Cosmet Laser Ther. All rights reserved ISSN 1476-4172DOI: 10.1080/14764170410003057Cellulite: a review of its physiologyand treatmentCellulite – Fat – Endermologie –Phosphatidylcholine – Subcision –Mesotherapystates and in those patients receiving estrogen therapy forprostate cancer. Interestingly, the cellulite becomes moreCellulite desc

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ASTHMA und Sport Wenn beim Sport die Luft weg bleibt, ist nicht selten ein Phänomen schuld, das weit verbreitet ist: Asthma. Weltweit leiden über 100 Millionen Menschen an dieser Krankheit, die erst in den letzten 15 Jahren durch das Verständnis der Ursache und durch die Entwicklung neuerer Therapien wirksam bekämpft werden konnte. Wo früher ein Sportverbot als wichtige Maßnahme gegen ein As


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ANIMAL KINGDOM Animal Kingdom joins Visionaire as the second horse that owner Team Valor International has started in the Kentucky Derby. Visionaire finished 12th in 2008. Team Valor has had tremendous success, both in the US and aboard with their acquisitions. They are the most successful stable of partnership owned racehorses. At the helm calling all the shots is Barry Irwin. He has

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Scurion English Table of contents: Scurion® Manual . 3 Basic Function . 3 Working mode . 4 Protection from unintended switching . 4 Transport lock (TL) . 4 Function 1, Modify the number of light combinations . 6 Function 2, Blocking the programming mode . 6 Function 3, Voltage monitor for the battery . 6 Caution light! . 7 No impacts on batteries! . 7 No humidity on batteries! .

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ST. STEPHEN’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3669 HIGHLAND AVE., HFX., NS B3K 4J9 TEL: 493-5155 FAX: 493-5158 www.st.stephens.ednet.ns.ca [email protected] PRINCIPAL VICE PRINCIPAL Makiko Chiasson Rebecca Campbell November 19, 2013 Dear Parent/Guardian : We are noticing with more frequency, cases of head lice in the school. As head lice can be spread from person to person, we r


Deben analizar constantemente las consecuencias de sus actos y dejar de enseñar donde su enseñanza, sin dilación, será mezclada Amado Kuthumi, 26 de diciembre del 2006 YO SOY Kuthumi, quien ha l egado a ustedes hoy a través de nuestra mensajera. He venido a darles otra porción de nuestra Enseñanza que deben dominar, ya que ha l egado el momento. En el presente, cualquier manifestaci�

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INFORMED CONSENT FOR THE USE OF PURINETHOL (6 MERCAPTOPURINE) OR IMURAN (AZATHIOPRINE) Your physician has prescribed you a medication called 6-Mercaptoprine (6MP, Purinethol) or Imuran (Azathioprine). The purpose is to control inflammatory bowel disease (IBS), i.e Crohn’s disease, uncreative colitis, or liver inflammation. This medication is prescribed: 1. To reduce or eliminate the use


(This is Part II of a five-part series de- sewer lines in rural areas, to providing tailing the contributions of South Carolina’s Councils of Governments to the State’s economy and quality of life.) A Partnership of the People have forged fruitful local, regional and ated entities. Throughout the state, a to-ing the strategies identified in a strate-main

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ATTESTATION DE VENTE D’UN CHAT DE REPRODUCTION Contrat N° 2013.01 Conforme à la LOI n°2008-582 du 20 juin 2008 I / IDENTIFICATION DU CHAT PERSAN OBJET DE LA VENTE Le vendeur cède par la présente à l’acheteur : Un chat HEMY LOU née le 04/11/2012 Sexe : Femelle Couleur de robe : Silver shaded Couleur des yeux: Verts De race : De type Persan Identification puce N°


Intense treatment doesn't help diabetics By Marilynn Marchione, Ap Medical Writer, Sun Mar 14, 7:20 pm ET Key results from a landmark federal study are in, and the results are disappointing for diabetics: Adding drugs to drive blood pressure and blood-fats lower than current targets did not prevent heart problems, and in some cases caused harmful side effects. A decade ago, the federal governm


Lilly and TransPharma Announce Licensing and Development Agreement Lilly Gains Access to Transdermal PTH Program for Osteoporosis INDIANAPOLIS, IN and LOD, ISRAEL– Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE:LLY) and TransPharma Medical Ltd. today announced that the two companies have entered into a licensing and development agreement related to TransPharma's ViaDerm-hPTH (1-34) product for the treatm

Profile on artemisia plant processing for malaria & hemorrhoid medicine

251. PROFILE ON ARTEMISIA PLANT PROCESSING FOR MALARIA & HEMORRHOID MEDICINE TABLE OF CONTENTS B. PLANT CAPACITY & PRODUCTION PROGRAMME This profile envisages the establishment of a plant for Artemisia plant processing for malaria and hemorrhoid medicine with a capacity of 75 tonnes per annum. The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 64 tonnes per ann

Erectile dysfunction and the da vinci code.

From Max Sutherland’s Weblog: www.sutherlandsurvey.com Erectile Dysfunction and The Da Vinci Code. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr. Max Sutherland’s column is published monthly and posted on the web at e an advance copy by email - x Sutherland is author of the book hed in 8 languages) a


Catch it! Bin it! Profit from it! Swine Flu and those who did well On 30 September 2009, Professor David Salisbury, the Department of Health's Director of Immunisation, sent a detailed letter to the people who were responsible for our future wellbeing during thoutbreak. The recipients included all "Flu Directors and Co-ordinators" and "Pandemic Influenza Leads" in every health a

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AAI/State Center Symposium on Private Antitrust Enforcement April 18, 2007 First Discussion: Pre-Filing and Post-Complaint Issues The first panel focused on both pre-filing and post complaint issues, and focused on areas in which the states and private parties could cooperate more effectively. The program began with introductions by Bert Foer and Steve Houck explaining the purpose o


Cykelträning i grupp Klungcykling – tjusningen och faran Det mesta handlar om rent sunt förnuft. Eftersom vi är beroende av varandra när vi är ute och cyklar tillsammans är det viktigt att vi alla har samma syn på hur vår cykling skall gå till. Håller vi oss till de enkla reglerna så blir våra rundor trevligare, men också betydligt säkrare och mindre ansträngande. Ta dig t


Dossier thématique Activité physique M. Duclos1, J.-F. Gautier2 1 Service de médecine du sport et des explo- rations fonctionnelles, CHU Gabriel-Montpied, Clermont-Ferrand, & Laboratoire de nutrition humaine, INRA UMR 1019, Université d’Auvergne I, Clermont-Ferrand. 2 Service de diabétologie et d’endocrinologie, Hôpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, Paris, & INSERM UMRS U872,

Qigong for cancer treatment: a systematic review of controlled clinical trials

Qigong for cancer treatment: A systematic review of controlledclinical trialsMYEONG SOO LEE1, KEVIN W CHEN2, KENNETH M SANCIER3 & EDZARD ERNST11Complementary Medicine, Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter & Plymouth, Exeter, UK, 2Center for IntegrativeMedicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA, 3Qigong Institute, Menlo Park, USAAbstractQigong is


Bart, G. (2012). Maintenance medication for opiate addiction: The foundation of recovery Journal of Addictive Diseases, 31(3) , 207-225. doi: 10.1080/10550887.2012.694598 The purpose was to provide a topical review of the 3 medications approved by FDA for long-term treatment of opiate dependence: methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone. Further work is needed to directly compare each medicat


IMMERSION SERVICE LEARNING (ISL) TRAVEL HEALTH INFORMATION SOME QUESTIONS EVERY TRAVELLER HAS: Do I need shots? Which shots do I need? Where do I get them? Will I be exposed to any illnesses while I am there? How do I bring my syringes and insulin on the airplane? Can I get prescription drugs there if I need them? Should I bring some Advil, Imodium, Pepto Bismol, Gravol? Etc. H

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NATURALEZA MUERTA1 Notas sobre escenas ecopolíticas del fin de milenio Roberto Fernández La tecnología es la naturaleza desprovista de lujuria D. De Lillo, Ruido de Fondo , Editorial Circe, Barcelona, 1994, p. 349 De inicio, una pequeña reflexión sobre el título. Las naturalezas muertas nombran en el arte a un género de pintura descriptiva en donde el eje temáti

Guía de documentación

RESOLUCIÓN Instituto Psiquiátrico Dr. José Horwitz Barak FECHA 30 diciembre Nº VERSIÓN Titulo: Protocolo de Referencia y Contrarreferencia en Trastorno de la Personalidad Limítrofe RESOLUCIÓN Instituto Psiquiátrico Dr. José Horwitz Barak FECHA 30 diciembre Nº VERSIÓN OBJETIVOS . 3 DISTRIBUCIÓN . 5 7. RESPONSABILIDAD DEL ENCARGADO . 5 8


RESOLUCION Nº 044 SANTA FE, Cuna de la Constitución Nacional, 02 JUL 2012 Visto el Expediente Nº 02201-0001237-2- S.I.E. -Subs. Promoción Científica y Tecnológica-, mediante el cual se propicia el dictado del decisorio que adjudique un Aporte No Reintegrable correspondiente al Instrumento 2.3 en el marco del Programa 2 de los Programas de Promoción de las Actividades Científi

Tormenting 71 file-0

TORMENTING SEVENTY ONE An account of Pakistan army’s atrocities(Committee for Resisting Killers & Collaborators ofGa-16, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh. Phone : 8822985, 8828703Amal Das, based on noted painter Kamrul Hassan’s oil painting tilled ‘Bangladesh 1971’Courtesy : Muktijuddher Aalokchitro, an albam published by Liberation War History Project of Bangladesh Governme

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“ Parkvillen am Kickerlingsberg“ Ehrensteinstraße 3 - 5 / Lumumbastraße 25 Ausstattungsbeschreibung 1. ANSCHLÜSSE: Die Versorgung mit Fernwärme, Wasser, elektrischen Strom, Telefon und Breitbandkabel erfolgt zentral über das öffentliche Netz und für jedes Haus separat. 2. ABWASSER: Die Schmutzwässer werden ebenso wie die Oberflächen- und Dachwässer mittels Sc


Additional inf Issue dat Issue dat Gebrauchsinformation: In Einzelfällen wurden insbesondere bei Klein- Information für den Anwender kindern Krampfanfälle und eine Verminderung der Atemtätigkeit gesehen, weshalb Kleinkinder nach der Einnahme von SILOMAT gegen Reiz-husten Pentoxyverin Tropfen sorgfältig zu Einnahme von SILOMAT gegen Reizhusten Pentoxyverin Tropfen zusa


Working Paper Research Unit Middle East and Africa Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik German Institute for International and Security Affairs Yasmin Ghrawi / Peter Sass The Political Reform Debate in the Middle East and North Africa Arabic Newspapers and Journals June 2004 – February 2005 Working Paper FG 6, 2005/01 Working papers are papers in the subject area of a


Pioneering R&D Centers and Cutting-Edge Products Lithium Tantalate (LT) Wafers for Mobile Phones Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) filters, which use lithium tantalate wafers, contribute to the Shin-Etsu continues to enrich life through new technologies and products. The Shin-Etsu high functionality of today’s mobile phones. Group has more than eight R&D centers th

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Blanket Student Accident and Sickness Insurance Plan for The University of Tennessee 2012-2013 The University of Tennessee is pleased to offer an Accident and Sickness Insurance Planunderwritten by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company. All international students attendingUniversity of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Knoxville, Martin and Tullahoma are automaticallyenrolled in this plan on a

• It is difficult to find an all-inclusive definition for ‘mental illness’. Cultural and societal norms mean that there is no clear consensus as to what it means. In addition, further confusion often surrounds the ways and contexts in which terms like ‘mental health problems’, ‘mental illness’ and ‘mental health’ are used. • According to the charity, The Mental Health Foundat


British Medical Bulletin Advance Access published July 11, 2007 Repetitive shock wave therapy for lateralelbow tendinopathy (tennis elbow): asystematic and qualitative analysis†OrthoTrauma Evaluation Center, Hans-Zoeller-Str. 83, D-55130 Mainz, Germany, and‡Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Keele University School of Medicine,Thornburrow Drive, Hartshill, Stoke on Trent, ST4 7Q

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NEWS RELEASE SDK to Merge with Marusho Kogyo Showa Denko K.K. (SDK) decided at its board meeting today to merge with its wholly owned subsidiary Marusho Kogyo Co., Ltd. (Marusho Kogyo). (Since this is a case of “simplified merger” involving SDK and its wholly owned subsidiary, part of the details are omitted from the scope of disclosure.) 1. Purpose of merger Marusho Kogyo, as a

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Exclusions and Limitations No benefits will be paid for: a) loss or expense caused by, contributed to, or resulting from; or b) treatment, services or supplies for, at, or related to any of the following:1. Acupuncture; except as specifically provided in the policy;Nicotine addiction, except as specifically provided in the policy;Cosmetic procedures, except cosmetic surgery required to

Chiarimenti del 5 marzo 2012

Affidamento della fornitura di farmaci e servizi connessi in favore delle Aziende del Servizio Sanitario della Regione Piemonte (gara 06-2011) RISPOSTE AI CHIARIMENTI N° 1 del 5 marzo 2012 Con riferimento all’oggetto ed a riscontro delle richieste di chiarimenti pervenute a questa Società si osserva quanto segue. In merito al quesito 1: 1) in riferimento alla pubblicazione del Ba

FinanÇas pÚblicas e orÇamento participativo: a experiÊncia municipal brasileira

V Congreso Internacional del CLAD sobre la Reforma del Estado y de la Administración Pública, Santo Domingo, 24-27 Oct. 2000 Finanças públicas e orçamento participativo: a experiência municipal brasileira Eduardo de Lima Caldas Curso de Mestrado em Administração Pública e Governo Introdução O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a experiências de elaboração de orçamen

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Psychosis discovery a big leap forward ANTIDEPRESSANTS could prevent the onset of schizophrenia if prescribed before the first psychotic episode, a ground-breaking study by a Sydney researcher has found. The research found that the brains of people who showed early signs of the disorder, such as impaired thinking or reduced social skills, had less of a protein which helps produce and

Microsoft word - coumadin 4.doc

Coumadin (warfarin) is prescribed for people at increased risk of forming harmful blood clots that can block the flow of blood to the heart or brain. Coumadin works by prolonging the time it takes for a clot to form. That is why it is sometimes referred to as a “blood thinner.” Vitamin K is a nutrient naturally found in foods that helps clot your blood and prevent bleeding. So eating food

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ORGANIZA MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS NURSES Multiple Sclerosis Nursing in 2004: A Global Perspective Fostering Hope Hope and Health How Can the MS Nurse in MS Patients Inspire Hope? a patient’s level of hopefulness, Ms. ill-equipped to plan for the future. IOMSN Update patient’s emotional well-being.” The nurse also may help TABLE 1. NURSING MEASURES to facilitat


A Lebanese foodlover is bringing his country's glorious fare to the limelight, writesAllegra McEvedy. I hit the streets of Beirut on a crisp, sunny morning, knowingexactly where I am heading. But in less than a minute, the smell of baking has luredme off my route. Following my nose down a side alley, I come to Ichkhanian inBeyham Street, a bakery with an unassuming shop front, behind which is th


MT-Fortbildung Medical Tribune 41. Jahrgang · Nr. 46 · 14. November 2008 Raucherentwöhnung – eine Aufgabe für den Hausarzt Wie spreche ich das Thema an? ITTINGEN – Sprechen Sie Ihre Patienten auf einen Rauchstopp an? Hatten Sie mit Ihrem Vorgehen Erfolg? Häufig scheitern Hausärzte in ihren gut gemeinten Bemühungen, weil ihnen ein strukturiertes Konzept fehlt. Warum

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Optimizing Pharmacologic Treatment of Psychotic DisordersMEDICATION SELECTION, DOSING, AND DOSEEQUIVALENCE Guideline 1: Selecting Initial Pharmacologic Treatment1A. First-Episode Patient For a first-episode patient with predominantly positive symptoms , the experts consider oral risperidone the treatment of choice. Other recommended medications for this clinical situation are aripiprazole,

Supl-1-2005 trat antimicro

SUPL-1-2005 Trat antimicro 11/2/05 12:06 Página 1 Tratamiento antimicrobiano frente a la colonización pulmonar por Pseudomonas aeruginosa en el paciente con fibrosis quística R. Cantóna, N. Cobosb, J. de Graciab, F. Baqueroa, J. Honoratoc, S. Gartnerb, A. Álvarezb, A. Salcedod,A. Olivere y E. García-Quetglasc, en representación del Grupo Español de Consenso del TratamientoAntimicr


REVIEW ARTIKEL Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, Vol. III, No.1, April 2006, 01 - 07 PEMANFAATAN OBAT TRADISIONAL DENGAN PERTIMBANGAN MANFAAT DAN KEAMANANNYA Lusia Oktora Ruma Kumala Sari Staf Pengajar Program Studi Farmasi Universitas Jember ABSTRACT Herbal medicines in general are safer than modern drug. This matter is caused by the less side effect of herbal medicines than modern drug. Side


Verordnung des Bundesministers für soziale Sicherheit und Generationen über eine Liste betreffend Tierarzneimittelanwendung unter Einbindung des Tierhalters (Tierarzneimittel-Anwendungsverordnung 2002) Auf Grund des § 7 Abs. 1 des Tierarzneimittelkontrollgesetzes (TAKG), BGBl. I Nr. 28/2002, wird Oral und äußerlich anzuwendende Arzneimittel § 1. (1) Im Rahmen der Bestimmungen na


C E C O M P L I A N C E C E N T R E N AT I O N A L C O N T I N U I N G E D U CAT I O N P RO G R A M • O C TO B E R 2 0 0 4 >Statement of Objectives After reading this lesson you will be able to: 1. Identify the need for special counselling attention in geriatrics 2. List factors contributing to drug-use www.novopharm.com problems in the elderly 3. Describe specific facto

Microsoft word - calculs de doses

1. Le médecin a prescrit à Mr X. une injection de vitamine K en intraveineuse directe. Vous disposez d’ampoules de vitamine K de 1 ml contenant 50 mg de produit actif. Quel volume (en ml) devez-vous injecter ? 2. Vous devez injecter par voie intramusculaire 250 mg de vitamine B1 par jour, en une seule fois. Vous disposez d’ampoules de 2 ml de vit. B1 dosées à 100 mg. Quel volume (en ml)


Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 19 (2006) 386–390Sildenafil improves hemodynamic parameters in COPD—anS. Alp, M. Skrygan, W.E. Schmidt, A. BastianÃDepartment of Internal Medicine 1, St. Josef Hospital, University Hospital of the Ruhr-Universita¨t Bochum, GermanyReceived 13 July 2005; received in revised form 13 September 2005; accepted 26 September 2005Pulmonary hyperte

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Specialty Pharmacy Drug List Providing one of the broadest offerings of specialty pharmaceuticals in the industry If you are a plan member or health care provider, please contact Specialty Customer Care toll-free at 1-800-237-2767 or visit www.cvscaremarkspecialtyrx.com. With nearly 35 years of experience, CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy provides quality care and service. We have a

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Caffeine’s Effect on Appraisal and Mental Arithmetic Performance: A Cognitive Modeling Approach Tells Us More Sue E. Kase ([email protected]), Frank E. Ritter ([email protected]) College of Information Sciences and Technology, Pennsylvania State University Michael Schoelles ([email protected]) Cognitive Science Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Abstract observati

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Según confirma un artículo de revisión publicado en el New England Journal • Cada vez existe un consenso mayor en el hecho de que las terapias orales deberían sustituir a las opciones intravenosas tradicionales. • Capecitabina es al menos igual de eficaz que la quimioterapia intravenosa, menos tóxica y más cómoda para los pacientes. • El cáncer de estómago causa cada año 140

Somerset school

Somerset School Parent/Student Handbook 2008-2009 Somerset School Noon Supervision Line: 777-7001 press ‘3’ E-Mail: Website: www.cbe.ab.ca/b252 Principal: School Hours Monday – Thursday Kindergarten Friday Kindergarten – Alternating Fridays School Staff Administrative Team: Principal: Sandy Teachers: Kindergarten Room 3 Support Staff:


UBS Arts Forum in Seepark.Thun "Sein und Schein: Die Kunststars von morgen" 31. Oktober - 1. November 2011 Raïssa Venables, Red Stairs, 2005, C-Print/Diasec, courtesy Galerie Wagner + Partner Wie positioniert man sich als aufstrebender Künstler am besten? Wie viel Inhalt braucht die Kunst? Was ist Sein und was Schein? Wie wichtig sind Marketingstrategien bei Künstlerkarri


Eur J Clin PharmacolDOI 10.1007/s00228-007-0454-6Predictors of orphan drug approval in the European UnionHarald E. Heemstra & Remco L. de Vrueh &Sonja van Weely & Hans A. Büller &Hubert G.M. LeufkensReceived: 12 September 2007 / Accepted: 19 December 2007Conclusion This study showed that experience of aObjective To encourage the development of drugs for rarecompany in develo


Beneath the Surf Author: Julia Owen Synopsis It’s summer, 1975 and 15 year-old Yasmin is on holiday with her mum and brother. The trio are staying in a bach and the only things on Yasmin’s mind are lying on the beach in her new bikini, working on her tan and meeting cute guys. When Yasmin meets Gail, a 17 year-old surfie chic, her prayers are answered. Gail invites her to a


SERVI - MED 20° aniversario de su BOLETIN INFORMATIVO AÑO 20 NUMERO 117 MAYO 2010 MARCADORES CLINICOS LABORATORIO CENTRAL Miguel Silva No. 64 (centro) DE LA GRAVEDAD DE EVC Tel. 312 32 24 Fax 312 35 30 e-mail: [email protected] Morelia, Mich. C.P. 58000 SUCURSALES: Sucursal Chapultepec Francisco Márquez No. 421

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European Group for the Study of Insulin Resistance EGIR Meeting 2008 “Insulin resistance: from the cradle to the grave” Johann Wolfgang Goethe University – Frankfurt am Main, Germany Wednesday, 28 May (12:00) to Thursday, 29 May 2008 (18:00) Ludwigstrasse 15, 60327 Frankfurt am Main Tel +49 (0)69 / 242390 Fax +49 (0)69 / 251539 Bristol Hotel is centrally locat


Northern California Area Business Manager Company: Johnson and Johnson, Ortho-McNeil-JanssenPharmaceiticals 8957100416 Function: General Manger Location: South San Francisco OR San Jose CA Description Janssen CNS, Division of Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is currently looking for an Area Business Manager in Northern California. This position is re

Seller ready inspection

Home Inspections Gene Sunstrom 920-421-0699 Sister Bay, WI 54234 [email protected] 1. Clean the House Before the day of the inspection, be sure to give the home a thorough cleaning. This sounds so simple yet home owners often overlook this tactic. Home inspectors are people first and inspectors second. As people, they carry preconceived ideas of how well a

Dexamethasone alters sleep and fatigue in pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Dexamethasone Alters Sleep and Fatigue in PediatricPatients With Acute Lymphoblastic LeukemiaBACKGROUND. Dexamethasone improves the cure rate of childhood acute lym-phoblastic leukemia (ALL) but causes physical and behavioral adverse events. The objective of the current study was to determine the effect of dexamethasoneexposure on sleep and fatigue in pediatric patients with ALL. METHODS. One

2009 nov (89): treatment guidelines - advice for travelers

Published by The Medical Letter, Inc. • 1000 Main Street, New Rochelle, NY 10801 • A Nonprofit Publication IN THIS ISSUE (starts on next page) Advice for Travelers .p 83 Important Copyright Message The Medical Letter® publications are protected by US and international copyright laws. Forwarding, copying or any distribution of this material is prohibited. Sharing a password with a non

Pa id

Physicians Health Choice Total (HMO) and Select (HMO SNP) plans STEP THERAPY ALGORITHMS – Physicians Health Choice Total (HMO) and Select (HMO SNP) plans Treatment Group Description Step 1 : One of the following Tier 1 or Tier 2 or Tier 3 antidepressants: a. SSRI b. SNRI c. Bupropion d. Mirtazepine Step 2 : Emsam Step 1 : Irinotecan 20 mg/mL injection (generic) S


low-dose medicine Naltrexone has been shown to help heroin and alcohol addicts kick the habit. But, in much smaller doses, it holds tremendous promise in treating autoimmune disorders By Dr Craige Golding MBChB (Cum Laude), FCP(SA), ABAARM, FAARM, ACAM-Certified Chelation Therapist, FICT, MS (Magna Cum Laude), NUGO-certified T endorphins the body produces. This deficiency worsens over time


American Association for Respiratory Care Initiates School Asthma Management/Awareness ProgramThe American Association for Re- and Pediatrics, Medical Director of The National Asthma Education and Information on asthma and other allergic diseases is available by calling the ACAAI toll-free number at (800) 842-7777 or vis- Visible Mold Puts “Albuterol is the most effective treat- Infants

Pii: s0028-3908(02)00042-4

Mechanisms of GABA receptor blockade by millimolarconcentrations of furosemide in isolated rat Purkinje cellsSergey N. Kolbaev ∗, Irina N. Sharonova, Vladimir S. Vorobjev, Vladimir G. Skrebitsky Brain Research Institute, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow 103064, Russia Received 29 October 2001; received in revised form 27 February 2002; accepted 13 March 2002 Abstract The ac

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Persoonlijk Naam : Speksnijder, Jan Hendrik Roepnaam Geboortedatum : 11 oktober 1968 : Lingedijk 137 4191 VD, Geldermalsen Telefoon : 0345 – 511613 (privé) : [email protected] : www.speksnijdermarketing.nl Burgerlijke staat : gehuwd, 1 dochter Nationaliteit : Nederlandse Militaire dienst : buitengewoon dienstplichtig

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Gulf War Syndrome and the Ethics of Experimental Drugs© Copyright 2006 Kos Semonski. All rights reserved. Brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, grandsons, granddaughters, friends, neighbors… we all havesomeone close that participated in the military exercise labeled Desert Storm. This was another Americanpatriotic sacrifice. Send the kids off to war. They will fight for our freedom. They all

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Agenzia stampa su "Cessione di ramo d'azienda Pfizer". I sindacati si ribellano: "I lavoratori corrono il rischio del ricatto occupazionale" La casa del Viagra taglia 440 informatori medico-scientifici Pfizer Italia riorganizza la propria struttura attraverso la cessione di un ramo d'azienda - La Pfizer Italia riorganizza la propria struttura di informazione medico-scientifica,


US Product Ingredients This list is compiled based on product information provided by Subway® approved food manufacturers. Every effort is made to keep this information current however it is possible that ingredient changes and substitutions may occur before this list is updated. This list does not include regional or special promotional items as ingredients vary. BREADS 9-


Steven M Nickels, D.C., D.A.C.B.N., N.M.D. 9891 San Jose Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32257Phone: (904) 262-8600 Fax: (904) 262-3899 NUTRITION EVALUATION: 07/19/2010 PATIENT INFORMATION DATA USED FOR ANALYSIS Height: 5'6"Weight: 145Blood Pressure: 139 / 95O2 Level: 83%Heart Rate: 98 PRIMARY SYMPTOMS 1. Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol)2. High blood pressure3. Tachycardia (High He


BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR GEBRUIKERS SEROQUEL XR® 50 mg, 150 mg, 200 mg, 300 mg, 400 mg tabletten met verlengde afgifte Lees goed de hele bijsluiter voordat u dit geneesmiddel gaat gebruiken want er staat belangrijke informatie in voor u. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Misschien heeft u hem later weer nodig. - Heeft u nog vragen? Neem dan contact op met uw arts of apotheker. - Geef


Lithium Battery power Delivers Electric Vehicles to Market As increased energy efficiency, and particularly fuel Hybrid Technologies Inc., a manufacturer and efficiency, becomes a greater concern, hybrid and marketer of lithium-ion battery-EVs, based in Las Vegas, electric vehicles gain greater prominence in the Nevada, and with research and manufacturing facilities market. Electric veh

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LE CONTAMINANT Module maladies transmissibles : Ghislaine Béchamp Nicole Bouchard Chantal Boulé SURVEILLANCE DE L’INFLUENZA La saison de l’influenza débute doucement. Entre Il est encore trop tôt pour prédire l’ampleur de le 20 novembre et le 4 décembre, le virus de type A l’activité grippale pour la saison 2004-2005. La a été trouvé chez 11 personnes dans l


The Contest Winner: Gifted or Venturesome?Otto von Guericke Universit¨at Magdeburg and CESifoWe examine the chance of winning a contest when participants dif-fer in both their talent and their attitude towards risk. For the case ofCARA preferences, we show that the agent’s probability of winning isincreasing (decreasing) in the own (opponent’s) skill level but decreas-ing (increasing) in t

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UNIVERSITAIRE ZIEKENHUIZEN LEUVEN Oftalmologie FAQ on floaters Q: How are floaters removed? A: By vitrectomy. Three small incisions are made in the eyeball through which the vitreous gel is removed, while simultaneously the eye is filled with a clear salt solution. Q: What’s the difference between 25G and 20G (and 23G) surgery? A: In “classic” 20G vitrectomy, the conjunctiva i


U.S. NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS U.S. NAVY LEAGUE CADET CORPS REPORT OF MEDICAL HISTORY AUTHORIZATION, CONSENT AND RELEASE Upon enrollment, the information requested below is required to provide the medical examiner an accurate history of illnesses and injuries that may affect the applicant's ability to perform the strenuous physical exercise and exposure to living and working environments t


Nacho is fast becoming Nacho again, despite chronic kidney disease Find out how your cat’s kidney disease can be managed with Semintra Finding out Understanding your cat has chronic kidney chronic kidney disease in cats WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE suffer from chronic kidney disease but it KIDNEYS? is always a real shock to hear that your As


20130826 11/10/2013 A & R MULTIMEDIA SRL20130833 11/10/2013 ACTIV CARGO GROUP SRL20130834 11/10/2013 ACTIVE-TRADE IND. SRL20130835 11/10/2013 ACTUAL CONSULTING SRL20130839 11/10/2013 ADI & LUCI TRANS SRL20130840 11/10/2013 ADI & NEL TRANS SRL20130383 11/10/2013 AFTENIE TRANS COM SRL20130389 11/10/2013 AGROMIXTA DEALUL OCNEI SA20130393 11/10/2013 AKA DESING & CONSTRUCT SRL2


RELATO DE CASO PAPILOMATOSE CONFLUENTE E RETICULADA DE GOUGEROT- CARTEAUD: RELATO DE CASO 1 CONFLUENT AND RETICULATE PAPILLOMATOSIS OF GOUGEROT-CARTEAUD: CASEFernando Augusto Ribeiro CARNEIRO2 , Laiane Moraes DIAS3 e Alex Cézar Massoud Salame da SILVA4 Objetivo: descrever a evolução, as manifestações clínicas, o diagnóstico e o tratamento de um caso de Papilomatose Confluente

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Therapieprotokolle Rotkreuzklinikum München gGmbH (Frauenklinik) Indikation Kurztitel Vollständiger Titel der Studie Was wird gemacht Ansprechpartner CAVE! (z.B. Random-Arm) Intraoperative Randomisation: Strahlentherapie Arm A: Intraoperative Bestrahlung des Tumorbetts mit 5 Gy (Intrabeam™) (+ 46 Gy perkutane Radiatio (Linearbeschleuniger) Arm

Microsoft word - oral sedation consent.doc

Informed Consent for Oral Conscious Sedation The following is provided to inform patient, or the parent/guardian of a patient under the age of 18 years, of the choices and risks involved with having treatment under conscious sedation. This information is presented to enable them to be better informed concerning their treatment. The type of sedation administered will be determined on an in


Title: HAZARDOUS DRUGS (Non-Chemotherapy) – ADMINISTRATION AND PRECAUTIONS I.D. Number: 1044 Scope: Saskatoon City Hospital Royal University Hospital St. Paul’s Hospital Any PRINTED version of this document is only accurate up to the date of printing 3-Apr-12. Saskatoon Health Region (SHR) cannot guarantee the currency or accuracy of any printed polic


aDivision of Toxicology, Albert Einstein Medical Center, 5501 Old York Road,bThomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAcChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAdPhiladelphia Poison Control Center, Philadelphia, PA 19141, USAThe term salicylate refers to any of a group of chemicals that are derivedfrom salicylic acid. The best known is acet


CONFIDENTIAL SEVERN ANESTHESIA ADVANCED PAIN MEDICINE HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE Thank you for arranging to visit one of our physicians. When you come for your first visit, please bring this completed form along with any medical records, X-rays, CT or MRI scans, medication bottles and other medical information related to the problem for which you are being seen. Should you have any

Msds m10

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET - NO. M10 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Beryllium Solid Transportation Emergency Other Emergency 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION 2.1 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Metallic product which poses little or no immediate hazard in solid form. See label in Section 16. If the material is involved in a fire; pressure-demand self-contained breathing app


LOUIS IGNARRO Tutti lo conoscono come “il Nobel del Viagra”, la famosa pasticca blu contro l’impotenza, ma i meriti di Louis Ignarro vanno ben oltre la scoperta che ha portato alla creazione di un singolo farmaco, seppure di fama mondiale. Le sue ricerche hanno aperto la strada allo sviluppo di una classe intera di medicinali: per la cura dell’ipertensione, dello scompenso cardiaco,

New global opportunities

NEW GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES JIM STORM’S opportunities and develop a plan for yourFebreze was rebranded as a post-cleaningreward and now turns over one billion Dig Your Well Before You Are Thirsty: The only networking book you will ever need , • When Arista Records introduced radio to OutKast’s Hey Ya! in 2003, listenersdisingenuous. The author delivers a solidweren’t int


Al colloquio la paziente arriva accompagnata dalle figlie. Deambula autono-mamente, non evidenzia problemi di marcia e di equilibrio nella postura seduta e alzata. Tende a non parlare spontaneamente, risponde alle domande in maniera stereotipata e perseverante. Sollecitata a raccontare come svolge la sua giornata, risponde: “mi alzo, mi vesto” e nulla più. Riferisce di una sua paura di “es

Application proforma.qxd (page 1)

S u s t a i n a b l e s c h o o l s a w a r d This document is a copy of the Sandwell Sustainable School self-evaluation audit tool and lists the evidence that will be required to become a Sustainable School. Using the on-line application form at www.sustainableschoolsaward.com schools can identify where sustainable development education takes place in teaching, good practice and manageme


Drug Safety and Availability > FDA Drug Safety Communication: New restr…imitations for Zocor (simvastatin) to reduce the risk of muscle injury FDA Drug Safety Communication: New restrictions, contraindications, and dose limitations for Zocor (simvastatin) to reduce the risk of muscle injury This information has been updated in the December 15, 2011, FDA Drug Safety Communi



Microsoft word - pickmeupprfinal_27.02.12.doc

Pick Me Up Contemporary Graphic Art Fair at Somerset House 22 March – 1 April 2012 Pick Me Up, the UK’s first annual contemporary graphic art fair and festival, celebrating graphic arts in all its forms, returns for its biggest edition yet this spring. Open from 22 March to 1 April, the fair will showcase the very best illustrators, graphic novelists, cartoonist

Policy hiv & needleprick.doc

Labour Broker, Payroll Administrator & Nursing Agency P O Box 74028, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040 Tel (012) 804 8039 Fax (012) 804 4862 POLICY: PROCEDURES TO FOLLOW IN EVENT OF HEALTH CARE WORKERS EXPOSED TO BLOOD & BLOOD STAINED BODY FLUIDS Background: The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) are serious public health threats and Skills Hire is c


NASCER E CRESCER revista de pediatria do centro hospitalar do porto ano 2012, vol XXI, n.º 3 Resumo dos Posters TALASSEMIA β HETEROZIGÓTICA COM FENÓTIPO DO SONO AO DIAGNÓSTICO – UM CASO PRADER -WILLI- José Fraga1, Clara Machado1, Isabel Guerra1, Emília Costa1, Joana Magalhães¹, Natália Oliva Teles², Sílvia Pires², Bárbara Marques², João Lopes³, M Guilhermina Re

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Silvia Steuck SHG Pilze Endogene Mykotoxikosen Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe für Menschen mit Pilzerkrankungen Chronische Dysbiosen – verursacht durch Antibiotika Fallstudien Einleitung Der Glaube, dass sich Antibiotika bedingte Störungen der Darmflora in jedem Fall rasch regenerieren, ist ein Irrtum, wie die hier vorgestellten Krankengeschichten und Befunde unserer Mitgl

Diabetes medication table (shssr march 2013)

SHSSR Diabetes Oral and Non-Insulin Injectable Medication Overview Revision 5.17.2013 References OnlineTM, Pediatric Lexi-Drugs OnlineTM , Hudson, Ohio: Lexi-Comp, Inc.; Facts & Comparisons. Facts & Comparisons Web site. http://online.factsandcomparisons.com.ezproxy.samford.edu/. Clinical Pharmacology Web site. http://cpip.gsm.com.ezproxy.samford.edu/. Pharmacist’s Letter. Drugs

Nombre del paciente:______________________________________________

SkylineDental Leland L. Yee, DDS NOMBRE DEL PACIENTE:______________________________________________ DECLARACIÓN DE LA HISTORIA MÉDICA Y CONSENTIMIENTO PARA PROCEDER: Yo certifico que las respuestas al cuestionario médico son correctas y veridicas a mi conocimento. Porque un cambio en la historia médica ó medicamentos puede afectar mi tratamiento dental, yo comprendo la importan

Microsoft word - medication formulary april 2011.doc

Dear Prescribers, April 2011 Welcome to the Saint Vincent Healthcare Medication Formulary. This formulary was designed to provide you with the most current information possible pertaining to Formulary listings and drug-related policies. Please review this booklet at your leisure so you are familiar with which drugs are approved for use at Saint Vincent HOW TO USE THIS BOOKLET

Malignant hyperthermia

MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA What is Malignant Hyperthermia? MH is a chain reaction of signs (a syndrome) triggered in susceptible individuals by commonly used general anesthetics (halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, desflurane, sevoflurane) and the muscle relaxant succinylcholine. The signs include a greatly increased body metabolism, muscle rigidity, and high fever. Death or brain damage may


Westonka Animal Hospital & Laser Surgery Center Mound, MN Phone: (952) 472-4900 “Where Smart Pets Bring Their People” www.westonkaanimalhospital.com Hypoadrenocorticsm Also referred to as “Addison’s Disease” Adrenal The adrenal gland is so named because it is located just forward of the kidney Gland ("renal" means kidney). The cente

Sbm074 1.20

Schizophrenia Bulletin Advance Access published July 7, 2007 Schizophrenia Bulletindoi:10.1093/schbul/sbm074Molecular Targets for Treating Cognitive Dysfunction in Schizophreniasymptoms have been effectively treated.3 Indeed, a meta-analysis of cognitive deficits suggested that indices of cog-Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Fran-cisco, CA; 3Department of Pharmacolog


- Informatorische Übersetzung - NADA – Nationale Anti Doping Agentur für Deutschland Welt-Anti-Doping-Agentur DER WELT-ANTI-DOPING-CODE DIE VERBOTSLISTE 2009 INTERNATIONALER STANDARD Die offizielle Fassung der Verbotsliste wird von der WADA bereitgehalten und in eng-lischer und französischer Sprache veröffentlicht. Im Falle von Unstimmigkeiten zwi-schen der engli


LISTE DES ACTES ET PRESTATIONS AFFECTION DE LONGUE DURÉE SCLÉROSE LATÉRALE AMYOTROPHIQUE Protocole national de diagnostic et de soins Actualisation Janvier 2010 2 avenue du Stade de France - F 93218 Saint-Denis La Plaine CEDEX Tél. :+33 (0)1 55 93 70 00 - Fax :+33 (0)1 55 93 74 00 Ce document a été validé par le Collège de la Haute Autorité de Santé en Janvier 2010 ©

Pii: s0302-4598(99)00073-2

Eva Nilsson a,), Henrik von Euler b, Jaak Berendson a, Anders Thorne cIngemar Naslund d, Anne-Sofie Lagerstedt b, Kristina Narfstrom b, Jerker M. Olsson ea Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Applied Electrochemistry, Royal Institute of Technology ( b Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, Swedish Uni Õ ersity of Agricultural Sciences ( c Department of Surgery, Hu

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SHARON FERGUSON Jamaican born Sharon Ferguson enjoys a career that is as varied as are her talents. A rare and true Triple Threat , she is an accomplished Actress, Singer, and Dancer . She has appeared in films, T.V. shows, commercials, music videos, live stage performances, and magazine ads and articles. Sharon’s FILM credits include supporting acting roles in Blue Lagoo


PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY & DIVISION OF NUTRITION 1. Sen B, Mahalanabis D,Shaikh S, Kurpad AV , Bose K. Evaluation of equations for fat – free mass based on Anthropometry in infants and young children in South Asia Br. J. Nutr. 2008, 30:1-72. Kulathinal S. Gasbarra D, Kinra S, Ebrahim S, Sil anpaa MJ; Indian Migration Study Group. Estimation of

Acms 2010 s4b1_hanna_et al

Extended Abstracts – 21st Australian Clay Minerals Conference – Brisbane, August 2010 The effect of clay mineralogy on the transport of bromide and nalidixic acid in water- saturated soil columns K. Hanna1, E. Clervil1, 2, M. Usman1, E. Emmanuel2, C. Ruby1 1Laboratoire de Physique Chimie et Microbiologie pour l’Environnement, LCPME, UMR 7564 CNRS Université Henri Poincaré, 4


RELATION En gennemgang af patienter med kronisk iskæmisk hjertesygdom i danske ambulatorier Ahmad Sajadieh Overlæge, dr. med Kardiologisk Afd. Bispebjerg Hospital Baggrund: Trods de seneste års fremskridt i behandlingen af og forbedring af pro-gnosen af iskæmiske hjertesygdomme er de stadig nummer et på listen som årsag til dødeligheden i den vestlige verden. Den for


SHELL GADUS NAMING SYSTEM BEST PRACTICE The Shell Gadus grease names are designed to help you Shell recommends the following best practice approach:make the right choice. They include a let er that indicates 1. Check the thickener compatibility guide in this leaflet to the thickener type. Before changing greases, check the ensure you take a proper course of action. compatibility o


ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Canada Red Cross Used HIV Blood Charcoal is an amazing substance. It adsorbs moreWar I; and it effectively counteracted poison gas. poisons than any other substance known to mankind. Bad odors, caused by skin ulcers, have been elimi-It can adsorb lead acetate, strychnine, DDT, manynated by placing charcoal-filled cloth over plastic casts. drugs (including cocaine, iodi

Microsoft word - champix professional briefing_jan13_update.docx

PROFESSIONAL BRIEFING CHAMPIX® (VARENICLINE TARTRATE) 1. What is Champix? Varenicline’s trade name is ‘Champix’ in the UK and Europe. It is the newest medicine licensed to help people over the age of 18 to stop smoking (licensed in the UK in 2006). Champix is a nicotine receptor partial agonist. It partially mimics the effect of nicotine in stimulating a moderate release of dopamin

Microsoft word - mandatory forms booklet 2013-2014 2

Please Fill Out and Return Forms by September 6th REQUIRED FORMS FOR ALL STUDENTS: 1. *Emergency Contact Form 2. *Medical Information Form (both sides to be completed and signed by a physician. This form was previously mailed to you in June.) Students in JK-Grade 8 whose required Emergency Contact and Medical Information Forms are not on file by September 6 will


Lila L. Schmidt, MD OB/GYN, Reproductive Endocrinology/Infertility 3969 4th Avenue, Suite 207 San Diego, CA 92103 619/295-4050 SanDiegoMommyMaker.com EMBRYO TRANSFER Procedures, Instructions and Expectations How is the embryo transfer performed? A speculum is placed in the vagina to provide access to your cervix, much like the way it is during your annual pap s

Microsoft word - app & medical release form 2011.doc

UPLIFT 2011 Camper Registration Form Grade (entering) : T-Shirt Size: CAMPER’S GENERAL INFORMATION Session (Circle) (1) 6/11-16 (2) 6/18-23 (3) 6/25-6/30 Youth Group: EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Mother’s Info Name: (or guardian) Father’s Info Name: (or guardian) Address: Youth Min./ Sponsor Info Emergency Contact (if above B:____/_

Microsoft word - skype session 2(nov2013).doc

Skype Training Session for SRI Community Health Workers Date : 8th Nov 2013; Friday Time : 2:30- 3:30 pm Session Number: 2(11/2013) Instructor: Dr. Ambreen N Haq Attendees: Community Health Workers Location : SRI Office .Saidu Sharif Swat Facilitators : Mr. Sardar khan, Mr. Irfan Ali SUBJECT: POST NATAL CARE (SESSION-I) Summary General: Definition Aim of the visit Visit o

Microsoft word - interim committee chairman communique march 2007 _0.1_.doc

SAATCA Interim Committee Chairman's Communiqué March 2007 To all SAATCA registered auditors, training course providers and other interested parties. This is the third communiqué issued by the SAATCA Interim Committee, please refer to previous communiqués for published information on the committee’s work to date. The committee continues to take good strides forward towards handing t


South Waikato District Council Operative District Plan APPENDIX G Hazardous Facility Screening Procedure South Waikato District Council Operative District Plan THE HAZARDOUS FACILITY SCREENING PROCEDURE This section works through a step-by-step guide on how to use the Hazardous Facility Screening Procedure , following the steps shown in Figure 2 and using a series


Safe Fertilisers – Crop Info CUCUMBER Cucumis sativus Origin: Asia and Africa Edible Portion: Fruit SOWING AND PLANTING Climatic Requirements: Frost tender crop that can only be grown outdoors after the last frost has passed. Preferred Soil Type: Well structured, high organic matter, free draining loams and silt loams. Seed Required: 1.1-1.7kg/ha. O

April_may-12 [1-2] final by sathyavathi.p65

Code No: R9501 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad B.Pharmacy III Year II Semester Examinations April/May-12 April/May - 2012 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks Discuss the role of parameters like lipophilicity, chelation and hydrogen bonding in biological activity ofdrug. Explain the concept of prodrug with examples. Write the

Microsoft word - naet treatment guidelines.doc

NAET Post-Treatment Guidelines The following is a list of items related to the specific allergen treated. The avoidance period is 25 hours after treatment, unless otherwise indicated by your practitioner. Please prepare your home, and your meals prior to your treatment, as a successful treatment depends on the avoidance of the allergen. 1. EGG MIX: (egg yolk, egg white, chicken, tetracycli


Concurso Externo Extraordinário Proposta da reunião da Mesa Negocial de 15.11.2012 As alterações introduzidas encontram-se a “negrito” 1- O presente decreto-lei estabelece um regime excecional destinado à seleção e recrutamento de pessoal docente nos estabelecimentos públicos da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário na dependência do Ministério d

Stry-lase 2006-manuscript 051212.pdf

Compact Tunable Diode Laser with Diffraction Limited 1000 mW in Littman/Metcalf configuration for Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy Swen Thelenb Peter Heringb, Manfred Mürtzb aSacher LasertechnikGroup, Hannah Arendt Str. 3-7, D-35037 Marburg, Germany Phone: +49-6421-305-0, FAX: +49-6421-305-299, email: [email protected] bUniversitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Institut für Lasermedi

Tppc100772 193.200

PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL, 2003, VOL. 14, NO. 2, 193–200Aligning organizations and their informationtechnology infrastructure: how to makeinformation technology support businesscepts are: information technology infrastructure, informationdevelopment, information systems, information managementtechnology application, communication, message transmission,learning and knowledge, especial

Disparities in the treatment of dementia among medicare beneficiaries

Copyright 2008 by The Gerontological Society of AmericaRacial and Ethnic Disparities in the Treatment ofIlene H. Zuckerman, Priscilla T. Ryder, Linda Simoni-Wastila, Thomas Shaffer,Masayo Sato, Lirong Zhao, and Bruce StuartLamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging, Department of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research,University of Maryland School of Pharmacy, Baltimore. Objectives. Numerous stu

Interpretation of skindex-29 scores: cutoffs for mild, moderate, and severe impairment of health-related quality of life

cytes via transcriptional control of the Akt1The authors state no conflict of interest. Jiang YJ, Lu B, Kim P et al. (2008) PPAR and LXRWe thank Ms Aoyanagi for her technical assistance. This work was supported in part by a grant-in-aidMitsutake S, Suzuki C, Akiyama M et al. (2010)from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports andglucosylceramide accumulation during kerati-Culture of Japa


New recommendations for the treatment of tuberculosisJoseph P. MyersThe aim of this article is to give practicing physicians aWhile the incidence of active tuberculosis in the Unitedpractical approach to the treatment of latent and activeStates continues to decrease, it is estimated that there aretuberculosis and to review newer recommendations andeight million new cases per year worldwide a

February 2011.doc

February 2011 Volume 18 Issue 3 In This Issue: Looking Back and Moving Forward When I first came to work here in February of 1991, I didn’t think or even imagine that I would still be here 20 years later! Those years have gone by quickly while both St. Jude’s and my personal life have seen great changes. How well I remember my first day here. The contractors were still hanging

Microsoft word - boletín nº 26.doc

Aprendiendo a cuidar el Cuerpo Mente | Nº 26 | “El Yoga Y La Salud” | Dic. 2002 EL YOGA Y LA SALUD La importancia de una visión integral La vida se torna cada vez más compleja, es difícil establecer vínculos sólidos, el planeta está en crisis, cada vez más sequías e inundaciones, miles de especies desaparecen diariamente, la inseguridad laboral es una constante y las person

Sujet age et adaptation posologique en fonction de la clairance renale

SUJET AGE ET ADAPTATION POSOLOGIQUE EN FONCTION DE LA CLAIRANCE RENALE . LES SUJETS ÂGÉS SONT : Plus souvent atteints d’insuffisance rénale1 Importance +++ d’une adaptation des posologies à la fonction rénale Salive me, Jones ca, Guralnik jm. Serum creatinine levels in older adults: relationship with health status and medications. Age Ageing 1995; 24:142 -50 . Auvray L,


Technical data and operating instructions Vivaspin® Turbo 15 – Introduction Storage conditions|shelf life Equipment Required For use with centrifuge 1. Centrifuge with swing bucket or fixed Introduction Vivaspin® Turbo 15 centrifugal concentrators offer the optimal solution to any concentra- Carrier Required tion or buffer exchange application with Highest flow rates


Articolo di AggiornAmento Trattamento farmacologico e non farmacologico della demenza di Alzheimer: evidenze Parte I. Trattamento farmacologico Pharmacological and non pharmacological treatment for Alzheimer’s disease: an update Part I. Pharmacological treatment C. FAGHERAZZI, P. STEFINLONGO, R. BRUGIOLOUnità Operativa Geriatria, Unità Valutativa Alzheimer, Azienda ULSS 12 ter


SOV -SOVEREIGN FOOD INVESTMENTS LIMITED -FINALISATION ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING Publisher: JSE Securities Exchange -SENS Date: 01 Feb 2011 4:48:00 PM SO V SOV -Sovereign Food Investments Limited -Finalisation announcement regarding the proposed rights offer by sovereign Sovereign Food Investments Limited Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa Registration number 1995/003990/06 JSE


SAFETY DATA SHEET Conforms to Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (REACH), Annex II - United Kingdom (UK) METALLIC ZINC 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1 Product identifier Product name Synonyms : Zinc Metal Sheets; Zinc Metal Shot; Zinc Metal Strips REACH Registration Chemical Formula 1.2 Relevant identified uses o

Microsoft word - neurosarkoidose.doc

Wenn der Alltag ausgebremst wird Die Erschöpfung schränkt Arbeitsfähigkeit und Lebenslust ein - Der Weg einer Neurosarkoidose - Ich bin ein Mensch mit Gefühlen, Ängsten, Hoffnungen und Sehnsüchten. Und leider auch mit dieser Krankheit namens Sarkoidose. Sie hat nicht nur durch ihre Symptomatik, sondern auch einfach durch ihr Dasein mein Leben verändert. Das erste mal hat mir die

Microsoft word - may1swine.doc

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Rich Harris, 860-524-7313 May 1, 2009 Governor Rell: CDC Says One of First Two ‘Probable’ Cases Positive for H1N1 Influenza Tests on Second Case Inconclusive; Another ‘Probable’ Case Identified as Additional Antiviral Medicine Arrives in State Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced that one of two samples sent from Connecticut to the federal C

Charlotte strandkvist, curriculum vitae: curriculum vitae

Currently - 2014 University College London. Studying for an MRes and PhD in Biophysics at CoMPLEX (Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology) 2008 - 2010 University of Cambridge (Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK) M.Sci. and BA in Natural Sci- ences. Finished with 1st Class Honours. Specialised in Experimental and Theoretical Physics. 2007 - 2008 Unive


ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE PERMISSION FORM AND RELEASE Home Phone:____________ Work Phone: ____________ Emergency Contact (name and telephone number): As parent or guardian of my son/daughter, I do hereby agree to allow my son/daughter to participate in the following activity (event/date/time): D.C. Pentecost Pilgrimage/ (5/26/2012)/ 9:30am-7:30pm I acknowledge receipt of the attached info

Material safety data sheet

SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT ID: LIDOCAINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND EPINEPHRINE INJECTION SECTION 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Lidocaine hydrochloride 2% and Epinephrine 1:50,000 Injection Lidocaine hydrochloride 2% and Epinephrine 1:100,000 Injection OCTOCAINE® 50 (Lidocaine Hydrochloride 2% and Epinephrine 1:50, 000 Injection) LIGNOSPAN® FORTE (Lidocaine Hydrochloride


Israel bedeckt eine Fläche von rund 20 000 lands), hat eine Bevölkerung von 7,6 Mio. Energie und Ressourceneffi zienz gehören zu Menschen (neun Prozent der Bevölkerung den Kernpunkten der Kooperation zwischen Deutschlands) und ein BIP von 200 Mrd. der EU und Israel. Die Zusammenarbeit fi n-Dollar (sechs Prozent von Deutschland, nach det im Rahmen der Euro-Mediterranen Part-Marktwechsel

Microsoft word - shl-communication policy 2012 _r1_.doc

(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability) Starlite Holdings Limited (the “Company”) is committed to enhancing long-term shareholder value through regular communication with its shareholders, both individual and institutional (the “Shareholders”). To this end, the Company strives to ensure that all Shareholders have ready and timely access to all publicly available information o


Functional Brain Imaging Alterations in Acne Patients Treated With Isotretinoin J. Douglas Bremner, M.D. Objective: Although there have been after 4 months of treatment with isotreti-case reports suggesting a relationship be-noin (N=13) or an antibiotic (N=15). Negar Fani, M.S. Results: Isotretinoin but not antibiotic Ali Ashraf, M.D. depression and suicide, this topic rem

Bone health is a family affair

Department of Biostatistics is conducting a research project on osteoporosis. If you are eligible to participate you would receive at no cost to you a Bone Health Assessment which includes a bone density test. You will receive compensation for the one-time, 2 hour visit. Weekday, evening, and weekend appointment times are available. Eligible subjects must meet the fo

Microsoft word - aqha multiple medication violation system _mvs_.docx

AQHA MULTIPLE MEDICATION VIOLATION SYSTEM (MMVS) 1. The AQHA Multiple Medication Violations System (MMVS) sets forth penalties for trainers, owners and horses subject of positive drug tests, and, in particular, is designed to assess penalties against trainers, owners and horses subject of multiple positive drug tests. This system is for AQHA’s use only and is not intended to be a subst


Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Halschirurgie Otorhinolaryngol Nova 2002–03;12:161–174Erhalten: 13. Juni 2003Angenommen: 27. Juni 2003 Antibiotikatherapie der Infektionen an Kopf und Hals (Konsensusbericht)1, 2 Im Auftrag des Präsidiums herausgegeben von P. Federspil, Homburg/Saar Mitglieder der Konsensuskonferenz:3 P. Federspil, Hom

Microsoft word - medical asthma and the competitive swimmer march 2007.doc

Asthma and the competitive swimmer Introduction One in seven children and one in 25 adults in Great Britain have asthma and the number is growing. Thus every swim squad or club will have a number of asthmatics and it is important for coaches and club officials to have at least a basic knowledge of the condition. Asthma is a disorder of the small airways of the lungs which become se


Stephanie Rice bubbling for world title tilt | The Australian The Australian Stephanie Rice bubbling for world title tilt • Nicole Jeffery • From: The Australian • July 14, 2011 10:27PM STEPHANIE Rice is lean and mean again as she goes into the world championships in Shanghai next week. Rice announced on Twitter that her skinfold (body fat) level was back down to her


• Universidad: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. UNED • Nº de volúmenes/títulos: 358.534 (biblioteca central)• Naturaleza jurídica: Universidad Pública de ámbito estatal, creada por • Rectora: Juan Antonio Gimeno Ullastres • Prácticas en empresas (%) alumnos: 0.04% • Nº de convenios de colaboración educativa para prácticas de • Nº de alumnos que se


Comparison of Three Fluid Solutions for Resuscitation Bridget A. Wills, M.R.C.P., Nguyen M. Dung, M.D., Ha T. Loan, M.D., Dong T.H. Tam, M.D., Tran T.N. Thuy, M.D., Le T.T. Minh, M.D., Tran V. Diet, M.D., Nguyen T. Hao, M.D., Nguyen V. Chau, M.D., Kasia Stepniewska, Ph.D., Nicholas J. White, F.R.C.P., and Jeremy J. Farrar, F.R.C.P. b a c k g r o u n d Dengue shock syndrome is characterized


|HF1A_161109KS~ FINAL 16A |HF1A_161109Y-~ FINAL 16A |HF1A_161109CZ~ FINAL 16A |HF1A_161109Mk~ FINAL 16A 16A I SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2003 THE AMERICAS I MORE COVERAGE, 17-24A THE OPPENHEIMER REPORT New Latin American poll spells trouble for U.S. TAINTING AMERICA WHAT’S THE REASON? RESENTMENT ‘‘significant increase’’ in Latin IN MY OPINION OPPENHEI

Oral thrush (oral moniliasis or oral candida albicans infection)

Oral Thrush (Oral Moniliasis or Oral Candida Albicans infection) Copyright © 2010 South Florida Institute for Post-Graduate Health Education, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this workbook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission. Course developed by: Reda A Abdel-Fattah, BDS, MS, MPS and Mervat Alattar, BDS C E Credit: 3 CreditsTest time limit: Unlim


This article was downloaded by:[Hong, Sae-Yong]On: 29 June 2008Access Details: [subscription number 794486449]Publisher: Informa HealthcareInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:Association between plasma

Microsoft word - litsl95calibrations



ONLINE FIRST Postoperative Antibacterial Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Infectious Complications Associated With Tube Thoracostomy in Patients Undergoing Elective General Thoracic Surgery A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Trial David A. Oxman, MD; Nicolas C. Issa, MD; Francisco M. Marty, MD; Alka Patel, PharmD; Christia Z. Panizales, BS;Nathaniel N. Johnson, BS; J. Humbert

Renxiao wang, ph

Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Wen Liu, Ph.D. Research  Natural Product Biosynthesis (Genetics, Biochemistry and Chemistry) Interests  Combinatorial Biosynthesis for Production Improvement and Structural  Genome and Transcriptome Mining for Discovery of Novel Microbial Natural Professional 2003–present: Professor, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemi


ST. JOHN’S PARISH WEEKLY January 17, 2010 Second Sunday after the Epiphany THIS WEEK AT ST. JOHN’S 9:30 am – Choir Practice 10:30 am – Holy Eucharist, with Child Care and Church School during the service and Coffee Hour afterwards 7:00 pm – Night Song (see announcement) 6:30 pm – Yoga (in the Parish Hall) 8:00 pm – AA Women’s Step Group (in the Gui


CLIENT CONSULTATION AND RELEASE FORM Please read carefully, complete, sign and date this form prior to your treatment. Name: __________________________________ Phone: (______) __________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: ______ Zip: __________________ �HYDRAFACIAL �MICRODERMABRASION �BLUE


Expected Completion of Content Assignment Due (by 11:59 P.M.): Directions: In completing these Exercises, use the SAS tools presented in class. You may find the SAS Help useful. Where appropriate, you may perform calculations by hand. Note that neatness and format (including SAS code in an appendix) will contribute 10 points to the total score. This assignment will be graded out of 75 poi

Postop instructions-acl repair

SAN RAMON SURGERY CENTER 200 PORTER DRIVE, SUITE 100 SAN RAMON, CA 94583 925-838-6880 Postoperative Instructions for Patients Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Repair Day of Surgery Before leaving the surgery center, you will receive a femoral block and 60 mg of Toradol. Post-op medications will be prescribed as needed after your surgery. You may require a second


Inleiding weerstand. De patiënt,drager van het MRSA MRSA infektie in het ziekenhuis Hygiene is afgeleid van het franse woord ‘hygiène’ In een ziekenhuis is kans op besmetting groter als en van het griekse woord ‘hygieinos en betekent gevolg dat mensen door hun ziekte een verlaagde de gezondheid bevorderen.In grote lijnen betekent weerstand hebben en daardoor gevoeliger zijn e

Microsoft word - 051212 managing the control of rhizoctonia root rot -may 2012

      Managing The Control of Rhizoctonia Root Rot: Quadris Timing and Mixing   Rhizoctonia root rot has reared its ugly head as being one of the more devastating production problems that the sugar beet industry has had to address on an annual basis. Rhizoctonia solani survives in the soil for many years. Rhizoctonia solani attacks seeds of plants below the soil

131897spums inside

South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) Journal Volume 33 No. 2 June 2003 SPUMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2002 Abstract (Batchelor T. Post-travel illness. SPUMS J 2003; 33: 91-97)An estimated 50 million people travel from industrialised countries to less developed areas of the world annually. Between20% and 70% of these travellers will experience ill-health whilst abroad. Althoug

Introduction to python\'s django

 Introduction to Python’s Django This article is part 1 of 12 in the series What is Web DevelopmentWeb development is a broad term for any work that involves creating a web sitefor the Internet or an intranet. The end product of a web development projectvaries from simple sites composed of static web pages to complex applications thatinteract with databases and users. The list of tasks


Übersichtsartikel Praxis 2005; 94: 1555–1560 Vizepräsident der Eidgenössischen Kommission für Alkoholfragen, Forel Klinik, Ellikon1Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich2 1Th. Meyer, 2R. Stohler Der ambulante Alkoholentzug Outpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Zusammenfassung lung eine Hierarchie der Dringlichkeit je-weiliger Therapieziele zu beachten. Diesereichen von der Siche

Microsoft word - dental and medical information form

DENTAL AND MEDICAL INFORMATION Date_______________ Patient’s Name __________________________________________ DENTAL INFORMATION Have you ever had any serious trouble associated with previous dental treatment? If so, please describe _____________________________________________________________________ Does dental treatment make you nervous? ___ No ___ Slightly ___Moderately ___Ex

Acupuncture and fertility

Contents 1. Introduction 2. Acupuncture and Fertility Management 2.1 Fertility Management without assisted conception 2.1.1 Female benefits 2.1.2 Male Benefits 2.2 Assisted Reproductive Techniques 2.2.1 Effects when performed on day of embryo transfer 2.3 Psychological Impact on Patients undergoing ART 3. Gynecological Problems 3.1 Polycystic Ovary

Microsoft word - ~6859113.doc

Omsorgs- och socialförvaltningen Avd Individ- och familjeomsorg Chatarina Plomér Projektledare Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal Beroendemottagningen i Ljusdal (BiL) smygstartade den 2 mars 2009. BiL har sina lokaler i bottenplanet på Ljusdals Närsjukhus. Verksamheten består av två sjuksköterskor om 75 procent vardera, läkare om 25 procent (från


Safety Data Sheet Colchicine 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Colchicine Synonyms/Generic Names: N-(5,6,7,9-Tetrahydro-1,2,3,10-tetramethoxy-9-oxobenzo[alpha]heptalen-7- yl)Acetamide SDS Number: 206.00 Product Use: For Educational Use Only Manufacturer: Columbus Chemical Industries, Inc. For More Information Contact: Ward's Science

Microsoft word - knee_hipreplacementpostopscottmartinmd.docx

What to Expect with Knee & Hip Replacement Initial Preparation • If you smoke, it is VERY IMPORTANT to stop before your surgery  Smokers can have difficulty under anesthesia and an increased risk of developing complications with healing • If you have a complicated medical history:  Please visit your Primary Care Physician for any special clearance tests you may need Pre-Oper

Ibuprofen and nsaid cautions

Ibuprofen and NSAID Cautions (Sometimes spelled ibuprophen) This fever reducing, pain relieving, blood thinning compound was introduced in 1974 and is often used where pain relief is needed without a large anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen is in a class of drugs called nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs . Ibuprofen works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body.


VII. HÄLSA Fråga 130 avser att ge ett sammanfattande mått på hur IP bedömer sitt hälsotillstånd. åddhet efter en språngmarsch på 100 m räknas inte som besvär. Om IP normalt springer 100 m utanstörre besvär men tillfälligt har t ex vrickat foten kodas 1 (=ja). Frågan avser således mer stadigvarande förhållanden ochinte besvär som klart är tillfälliga. Om IP är osäker e


President’s Message Congratulations on choosing Sacramento City College as a path in your education journey! Since 1916, SCC has proudly supported student success, innovation in academic and student service program areas, and continued to serve the higher education needs of our region. With an increasingly challenging fiscal climate, these accomplishments are evidence of a steady

Microsoft word - os 8 artigos mais lidos em 2011.docx

8 artigos mais lidos deOncologia em 2011: Axillary dissection vs no axillary dissection in women with invasive breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis: a randomized clinical trial. Giuliano AE, Hunt KK, Ballman KV, Beitsch PD, Whitworth PW, Blumencranz PW, Leitch AM, Saha S, McCall LM, Morrow M. Abstract CONTEXT: Sentinel lymph node dissection (SLND) accurately identifies nodal m

In hereditary sensori-motor neuropathy types i+ii (charcot-marie-tooth)

Neurology MCQs 1) In hereditary sensori-motor neuropathy types I+II (Charcot- Marie-Tooth) a) the axonal form (type II) is characterised by very slow motor nerve conduction b) the axonal form is associated with hypertrophic peripheral nerves commonly palpable clinically c) both forms are usually inherited as an autosomal dominant condition d) pes cavus is a frequent clinica


Magnesium is an essential mineral with multiple uses in the body. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body - it can be found in human bones, teeth and red blood cells. More than 70 % of the population is deficient in Functions of magnesium Many of magnesium’s functions are due to its interactions with calcium. These functions include:  Muscle relaxation - calci


Hjørring rørteknik A/S Hjørring rørteknik A/S [email protected] · www.hrtas.dk Hjørring rørteknik A/S in bathrooms. Thus, the company offers project In regards to pipe or sewage damages, Hjørring Hjørring Rørteknik A/S was founded in 1991 has management, from selection of bathroom fur-Rørteknik A/S cooperates with all insurance com-since then grown into

(microsoft word - \305rsrapport 2005.doc)

% endring av legemiddelkj øp % endring i pris per DDD SAMMENDRAG UNN kjøpte legemidler for kr 95,4 mill i 2005. Dette utgjorde en økning på 13,9%, 11,7 mill. kroner, i forhold til 2004. Volumendringen utgjorde en økning på 6,5 % mens pris per dose økte med 7 %. Den totale rabatten som er oppnådd gjennom Legemiddelinnkjøpssamarbeidet utgjorde i 2005 17,7 mill

Wessel_adhs und sucht.pdf

ADHS und Sucht Wissenschaftsgeschichte, (Differential-)Diagnose und Therapie in der differenzierten Komplexbehandlung ADHS findet sich bei Kindern in einer Häufigkeit von bis zu 10%, wobei von einer Persistenz von Symptomen im Erwachsenenalter von bis zu 66% aus- zugehen ist (Krause, Krause, 2005). Rückblickend können Symptome von ADHS Grundlage für antike und mittel- alterliche

Microsoft word - pt health questionare.doc

ANUBHA SINHA, M.D. Hunterdon Digestive Health Specialist Location 1: 170 Route 31 Flemington, NJ 08822 Patient Health Questionnaire Please fill out as much as possible to help with your medical care. Use the back of the sheet if you run out space. For medications, please include the dosage. Date: ___________ Patient Name: ________________________________________ Date of Birt


ECLIPSE DE DIOS Cubierta diseñada por Christian Hugo MartínTradujeron Luis Miguel Arroyo y José María Hernándezsobre el original alemán: Gottesfinsternis © de la Introducción y las notas de esta edición de Luis Miguel Arroyo© 2002 by the Martin Buber Estate. First German Publication 1952© Ediciones Sígueme S.A.U., 2003C/ García Tejado, 23-27 - E-37007 Salamanca / EspañaTel.: (


/Translated from Russian to English/ /Stamp: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OF MOSCOW CITYSCIENTIFIC & PRACTICAL CENTER OF MEDICAL CARE FOR CHILDREN WITH CONGENITAL ABNORMALITY OF CRANIOFACIAL AREA AND INHERENT DISEASES CASE RECORD Nr. 622/10 Full name : Sidorin Georgy Vasilievich Age : 2 years old 7 month Date of birth : 09.07.2007 Settlement : Moscow city He stayed at Psychoneurolog


ZENTRUM FÜR KINDER- UND JUGENDHEILKUNDE Fachartikel und –arbeiten, pflegewissenschaftliche Arbeiten der letzten 10 Jahre Baraka, Arabella Mundhygiene in der Pädiatrie. Ö Pflegezeitschrift; 63. Jg., Nr. 10, 2010. S23 - 24 Vécsei A, Innerhofer A, Graf U, Binder C, Giczi H, Hammer K, Bruckdorfer A, Hirschl AM, Makristathis A Helicobacter pylori eradication rates in childr


Mohamed Hassan Fayed, M.Sc. PERSONAL INFORMATION: ACADEMIC EDUCATION AND DEGRESS:  Master of pharmaceutical science ( Pharmaceutics ), King Saud University, College of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutics department, 2011, GPA, ( 4.72 out of 5)  Thesis title : Evaluation of Carbopol 71G for development of extended release dextromethorphan tablets, Supervisor, Prof. Adel Sakr  Bachelor


FDA-approved patient labeling STAXYN® (stax-in) • Or any family members have a rare heart condition known as prolongation of the QT (vardenafil HCl) orally disintegrating tablets • Have liver problems. • Have kidney problems and require dialysis. Read the Patient Information about STAXYN before you start taking it and again each time you get a refill. There may be new in

Microsoft word - new patient endocrine history form ii.doc

Medical and Reproductive History—Endocrine MEDICAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HISTORY—ENDOCRINE FEMALE PATIENT: (Legal) Last name:________________________ (Legal) First name:________________________ Middle initial ________ Age: __________ Soc. Security #: _______-_______-_______ Marital Status: _____single _____married ______domestic partner Legal Guardian (if patient is a minor):__


RAADSVOORSTEL De raad der gemeente Sliedrecht. Agendapunt 10 Sliedrecht, 2 december 2005 Onderwerp: Het slopen van de voormalige peuterspeelzaal "Jip en Janneke" en het herbestemmen van Een tweetal peuterspeelzalen gevestigd aan “t Orleans 25 (“Jip en Janneke”) en aan de Baan-hoek 77 (“Ziezo”) zijn bouwkundig in een dusdanige slecht staat, dat de Stichting De

Microsoft word - application_form_suscos

Master Course under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Events APPLICATION FORM 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Identification Address for correspondence You need to have a valid e-mail address for contact and you must make sure that you spell it correctly. Permanent/home mailing address (if different from above) Master Course under Natural Hazards and Catastrophic Event

Politique nationale cysticercose

PREFACE Bien que la cysticercose soit une affection connue depuis l’Antiquité et dénommée Voavary chez le porc, cette maladie qui peut affecter également l’homme, est présente à Madagascar. La cysticercose humaine se rencontre partout dans le monde mais la fréquence est surtout élevée dans les pays en voie de développement. Affection extrêmement liée à la promiscuité et a

Microsoft word - health history rev 05012013.docx

Patient Name______________________________________________ Today’s Date____________________ Age:________________ Mail Order Pharmacy Name/Address : __________________________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________ Local Pharmacy Name/Address: ______________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________


CRITICAL CARE PHARMACOLOGY LITERATURE UPDATE  This monthly review of select articles has been compiled and prepared as a service to the members of the Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology (CPP) Section of the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM). The content below is for information purposes only, and is intended to highlight recent articles that may be of interest to the CPP membershi

1086 h+r handout

JULIE EVANS (TVN) Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board, Rehab Engineering Unit, Morriston Hospital, Swansea, UK. [email protected] Introduction: Patients may succumb to infections from a variety of ÂopportunisticÊ bacteria as a result Table 1 -Sequence of intervention and associated wound response of concurrent co-morbidities. The Centers for Disease Cont


tion Classes for 2008/09 - R.E. Classes for Grades 1 - 6 will meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoons from 3:45 - 4:45 PM. Grades 7 & 8 will meet on Thursdays from 6 - 7 PM with 7th and 8th Grade Youth Group to follow from 7- 8:30 Saturday PM.Registration Forms may be found online on theParish website (www.stmarkstratford.org). Pleaseprint out a form and mail your

Contra costa public health

BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Jack Dilles Mr. Aaron Hinde Mr. Arnold Levine Mrs. Kathy Mann Mr. Vic Marani Mr. Dana M. Sales Mr. George “Bud” Winslow Michael C. Watkins, Superintendent • 400 Encinal Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 • 831-466-5600 • FAX 831-466-5607 • www.santacruz.k12.ca.us Dear Parents and School Community Members: The Santa Cruz County Office


Demande de prise en charge pour Myfortic® et CellCept® Ne pas oublier:  remarques et signature du patient en page 2  seules les demandes dûment complétées, bien lisibles et signées pourront être traitées  Ce formulaire pourra également être imprimé sous www.svk.org Date de livraison souhaitée ……………………………. Date de livraison souhait�

Microsoft word - symchem product list april 2012 .doc

MISSION “To build a world class custom synthesis and contract manufacturing company that uses its own R&D and can deliver products conforming to highest standards of process validation using optimal resources and with equal emphasis on technology, quality, safety with a NO COMPROMISE attitude on ethical, ecological, moral and social values” SYMCHEM serves Pharma

Shedding light on insomnia

SHEDDING LIGHT ON INSOMNIA Dr Larry Lytle Sleep disorders are increasingly becoming a more serious problem. Over 60 million Americans suffer from insomnia or some type of sleep disorder. Diagnostic Sleep Disorder Centers are found in most major cities, many connected with Universities, hospitals and research centers. It is not unusual to have sleep troubles from time to time. People wi

Microsoft word - life sciences paper 1 memorandum _web_.doc

LIFE SCIENCES PAPER MEMORANDUM 1 Tissues, cells & molecular studies and Life Systems SECTION A: QUESTION 1 1.1.1 C 1.1.2 D √√ 1.1.3 A √√ 1.1.4 A √√ 1.1.5 C √√ 1.2.4 bivalent or homologous chromosomes √ 1.2.5 amniocentesis 1.3.3 B √ 1.3.4 A √ 1.3.5 D √ 1.4.1 C,E, D, B, F, A √ mark each 1.4.2 crossing over increases variation √


Scarning VC Primary School Policy on Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions The policy wil be given to al parents when their child starts school, copies wil be sent out atintervals, to remind parents of this school policy and a copy is kept in the Head teacher’s of ice forinspection at any time. However, it must be emphasised that primary responsibility for a child’s

Microsoft word - schistosomiasis.doc

Objectives 1. To encourage development of a sustainable schistosomiasis control programme in To reach at least 75% of school-age children and other high-risk groups with chemotherapy - praziquantel and albendazole. Reduce schistosomiasis-related morbidity in high risk groups. Reduce prevalence and intensity of schistosomiasis infections. Reduce burdens due to intestinal helminths in the targ


CURRICULUM VITAE DR. RAFFAELE SACCO CURRICULUM FORMATIVO-PROFESSIONALE Nato a Lanciano (CH) il 26 aprile 1958 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, conseguita il 24 ottobre 1986 presso l'Università degli Studi di Milano con il voto di 101/110. Tesi di laurea: Chirurgia exodontica in pazienti affetti da emofilie e da malattie di Von Willebrand: possibilità di trattamenti senza emoderivati Abilita

Microsoft word - blascovich mccall attitudes in virtual reality revised 15 feb 09.doc

The Research Center for Virtual Environments and Behavior To appear in: Forgas, J., Crano, W. & Cooper, J. (Eds.). Attitudes and persuasion. Rapid and continuing enhancements of digital virtual reality technologies have important implications for research in social psychology. These advancements provide behavioral scientists, including social psychologists, with continually improving and

Utarbetad av:_bac_godkänd av:_Åb_giltig från:_97

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY (CSR) Policy för företagets sociala ansvarstagande, Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (CSR) Vi är skyldiga att möta organisationers behov överal t, samtidigt som vi skall minimera vår påverkan på människor och miljö, att främja social skälighet och att försäkra vår ekonomiska vitalitet. Syftet med vår Corporate Social Respo


BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU RECOGNIZES STARTEX POWER WITH CUSTOMER CARE AWARD Houston-based retail electric provider lauded for superior commitment to excellence in HOUSTON (June 1, 2012) – StarTex Power, aretail electric provider based in Houston, has been awarded the Better Business Bureau Winner of Distinction Award. The achievement marks the third consecutive year the BBB h

South somerset healthcare federation

South Somerset Healthcare Federation Minutes of Federation meeting held at Queen Camel Surgery 15 October 2013 at 7:00pm In attendance Dr Orla Dunn Consultant in Public Health, Somerset County Council Present Dr Iain Phillips (Chair) Apologies: Dr Lindsay Smith, Margaret Gulliver 1 SSHF PUBLIC HEALTH NEEDS ASSESSMENT 2013 Dr Orla Dunn gave a pr

Microsoft word - effects of smoking and methods of cessation

Effects of Smoking and Methods of Cessation By Chetan Kaher Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. It accounts or almost 500,000 deaths per year, or one in every five deaths. Cigarette smoking contributes to a remarkable number of diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, peripheral vas


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Relazione mariotti.convegno2010

ALLEVAMENTO: Riproduzione e sanità Con il mio intervento al convegno SIAYT ho cercato di chiarire alcuni punti pratici al fine di ottimizzare le fasi dall’accoppiamento, fino allo svezzamento dei cuccioli. Punto principale è l’individuare il giorno in cui la femmina in fase estrale è maggiormente feconda, in modo da aumentare sia le probabilità di gravidanza, sia il numero di ovuli f


Bone Marrow Transplantation (2003) 32, S57–S59& 2003 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0268-3369/03 $25.00Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe Crohn’s diseaseDivision of Immunotherapy, Northwestern University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USAcorticosteroids that are broad-spectrum anti-inflammatoryagents;2–9 cytokine suppression or stimulation that work onIt

Microsoft word - microbiology.doc

MICROBIOLOGY MI-P1 INTEGRITY OF JNK PATHWAY IS REQUIRED TO PROTECT AGAINST CYTOTOXICITY TRIGGERED BY Vibrio cholerae EL TOR HAEMOLYSIN Saka Héctor A, Andreoli V, Sola C and Bocco José L Dpto. de Bioq. Clínica, Fac. de Cs. Químicas, Univ. Nac. de Córdoba, CIBICI-CONICET. [email protected] MI-P2 Brucella abortus LUMAZINE SYNTHASE IS A NOVEL VIRULENCE FACTOR Marchesin

Microsoft powerpoint - hypertriglyceridaemia-05v2.ppt

Case Report: Massive Hypertriglyceridaemia Graham RD Jones1, Alan Ting2, Kathy Samaras2, Don Chisholm2, David Segara3Departments of Chemical Pathology1, Endocrinology2 and Surgery3, St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney. 2 years prior Hospital Admission admission Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 7 admission Total Cholesterol Presented to Emergency Department wit

Microsoft word - stagegroup gmbh_trade fair_event_profil.doc

trade fair construction and event management CEO: Dipl-Ing. Architekt (FH) Andreas Röhlk 1987 – formation of stage & service 1992 – formation of stage & service GmbH für Bühnen und Veranstaltungstechnik 1998 – focusing on our core competences trade fair construction, light, sound and video 2000 – acquisition of our headquarters in Zorneding near Munich, Germany 2001 –

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Donation supports more successful futures for young people Young people who have struggled to get on in school have received a helping hand from local company, Procter & Gamble (P&G). The Weybridge-based business has made a major donation to the Surrey Care Trust and its education work. P&G, whose UK head office is at Broorlands, owns many of the world’s leading brands of consum

Microsoft word - 1.7.5 contents

Sewage Sludge Contents / Tip of Iceberg Heavy Metals, Pathogens, Synthetic Chemicals, Hydrocarbons, Petrochemicals & Organochlorines, Pharmaceuticals, Steroids & Hormones. This list of contents represents only the “tip of the iceberg” of toxics concentrated in sewage sludge. Federal and most state and local land application regulations limit concentrations of only nine heavy me

Microsoft word - document

Putting Behind the Pain to Gain Olympic Gold Rowing Canada Aviron and TYLENOL® join forces to get Gold at 2008 Beijing Olympics The road to Olympic Gold is paved with pain, sacrifice, and perseverance. In order to overcome these obstacles and achieve Olympic success, Canadian athletes require a tremendous amount of resources and support. Rowing Canada Aviron is pleased to announce t


2011 117: 4696-4700Prepublished online February 3, 2011;doi:10.1182/blood-2010-10-300970 Consensus recommendations for risk stratification in multiple myeloma: report of the International Myeloma Workshop Consensus Panel 2 Nikhil C. Munshi, Kenneth C. Anderson, P. Leif Bergsagel, John Shaughnessy, Antonio Palumbo, Brian Durie, Rafael Fonseca, A. Keith Stewart, Jean-Luc Harousseau, Meletio

Chat transcript 1/19/06

It is with great pleasure that I welcome Mr. George Lynn to STARFISH Advocacy Association. From the first time I opened the book Genius! – I felt as if Mr. Lynn was a kindred spirit. Mr. Lynn’s Seven Criteria of the Field of Nurturing are simple steps to ensure that the 4 assumptions of invitational education – Trust, Respect, Optimism, and Intentionality that are the basis of creating

Soma_ccw pressemitt.neueröffnung

Pressemitteilung zur Neueröffnung 01.März 2010 Am 01.März 2010 wurde das neue SOMA Caravaning Center Warendorf offiziell eröffnet. Das Caravaning Center Warendorf ist im Gewerbegebiet Warendorf Ost, Am Holzbach 32 angesiedelt. Es befindet sich im Autohaus Hankemeier, einem bekannten Toyota- und Ford Händler im Kreis Warendorf. Herr Hankemeier, Besitzer einer Reihe von Autohäuse


Összeállítás az ESUR 2006-os ajánlásai alapjánKovács Balázs, Karlinger Kinga, Molnár Andrea Ágnes,Balázs György, Bérczi ViktorA jódtartalmú kontrasztanyagok beadásának kedése), amely az intravascularis kontrasztanyagpotenciális veszélyeit minden radiológus beadását követô három napon belül megjelenik, ésismeri. Az újabb kontrasztanyagok kifejlesz-nincs egyéb isme


Hygienemaßnahmen bei Vorkommen von MRSA in Altenheimen MRSA = Multi-Resistente Staphylococcus aureus. Es gibt gesunde MRSA-Träger sowohl bei den Heimbewohnern wie auch beim Personal. Das Personal und die behandelnden Ärzte müssen über MRSA informiert sein. Nur eingewiesenes, informiertes Personal soll MRSA-positive Bewohner/Patienten betreuen. Informationspflicht über MRSA-Tr�

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Vita Food™ is a multi-vitamin, mineral, herbal,enzyme complex, with super green food. It is anoutstanding daily vitamin to help support theimmune system and general health. It wasdesigned as the basic component of the entire lineEnzyme supplements have two major health-producing effectsdepending on when they are taken. First, when high-quality digestiveenzymes are taken with m


Information on the prize draw for shareholders of Siemens AG Register now with an Access Password chosen by yourself! Don’t miss out on this opportunity: Siemens AG will run a prize draw for a chance to win one of 10 iPad mini with Retina Display (64 GB, WiFi) (without network usage agreement). Help us save money and protect the environment by registering for el

Condiciones cognitivas para un desarrollo sostenible. (literatura)

Condiciones cognitivas para un desarrollo sostenible Literatura de referencia. ( En castellano:) El Capitalismo en la era de la Globalización . Paidos 1999. La condición humana. Editorial Paidos 1992. Las etapas del pensamiento sociológico. Siglo XX. 1970. Teoria Social de Giddens. Prometeo, 1999. La formación del espíritu científico. Siglo XX. 1974. El desorden, La t

Microsoft word - nota20121129_ae_calidad_2012_ca.doc

STAR Servicios Lingüísticos renova el seu segell de qualitat Nota de premsa STAR Servicios Lingüísticos renova el seu segell de qualitat Des del novembre del 2007, STAR Servicios Lingüísticos ostenta la certificació ISO 9001:2008 pel seu sistema de gestió de la qualitat i la certificació segons la UNE-EN 15038, norma europea per a la prestació de serveis de traducció. L’


December 18, 2008 December 18, 2008 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -California Prevention Col aborative -California Friday Night Live Partnership Administrators of California -Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, California Sparks Alcoholic Energy Drink -Day One, Inc., Pasadena -Charles R. Drew University of to be Drained of Stimulants Urban Public Health, Los Angeles -Dr. Ju


Hannah Digital unterschrieben von Hannah 20703640-8_Neuroplant_Aktiv_GI_20703640-5_Neuroplant_Aktiv_GI 23.07.12 09:15 Seite 1 Gebrauchsinformation Was ist bei Kindern und Heranwachsenden zu berücksichtigen? Zur Anwendung von Neuroplant® AKTIV liegen keine ausreichenden Untersuchungen vor. Es darf deshalb bei Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage/Gebrauchsinformation sorgfältig durch, d


ENGINE, EMISSIONS, AND VEHICLE RESEARCH DIVISIONSwRI Energy Storage System Evaluation and Safety (EssEs) Consortium Member Feedback Questionnaire Dear EssEs Member: The purpose of this questionnaire is to seek a consensus on selecting cells of interest and to identify a common area of interest for the EssEs Consortium’s Year 2 proposed research project. We would like to receive your res

Clipping semerj 20-10-11.pub

Clipping 20/10/2011 Fontes: Agência Brasil, MEC, O Globo e UOL. SEMERJ, visite nosso site Projeto da Consolidação da Legislação Educacional Brasileira e descubra as vantagens permanece sem avanços na Câmara dos Deputados Mantenedoras do Estado Um dos mais importantes projetos de lei que versam sobre a educação - o Projeto de Lei 678, de 2007 - permanece sem ava

Answers to frequently asked medical questions

ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED MEDICAL QUESTIONS What inoculations, if any, should a practitioner administer to my child before departure? SYA sends a special “Medical Care and Inoculations” document to SYA China families. For students going to Europe, we do not have firm recommendations. Therefore, we suggest you use the CDC Web site as a reference and consult with your personal physici


Articles Scientifiques 1. Atkins, Peter et Julio de Paula. Physical chemistry. New York: Oxford University Press, 2. Viala, A., Éléments de toxicologie . Tec et Doc, 1998. 3. Schmitt, Y.; A. Ott und J.D. Kruse-Jarres. Bestimmung der Konzentrationen von Zink, Kupfer und Chrom in korpuskulären Bestandteilen des Blutes bei Patienten mit Non- Hodgkin-Lymphomen . In: 6. Colloquium A

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Smaato @Mobile World Congress Hall 7 App Planet #7C38 New Android & iPhone SDKs for Mobile Advertising with free Analytics Smaato Leading Ad-Optimizer with largest iPhone inventory in Europe – 4+ billion ad requests, 2500+ publishers & 35 ad network partners worldwide Free Apple iPad give-away for new signed up publishers during MWC 2010 Redwood Shores, CA February 10, 2010 – Smaato I

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Gesundheitspraxis SanaVital __________________________________________________ Syncrometer Test for ________________________, ________________________, ________________________ on ______________ 200 _ Explanation: Usually a toxin or pathogen is looked for in general before narrowing it down to a specific organ tissue. That would be an “overall positive” or “overa

Microsoft word - 11_11_07_use_it_or_lose_it.doc

Hymns: 210, 456, 207/316, 208 (v. 4) Luke 19:11-27 While they were listening to this, he went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once. He said: "A man of noble birth went to a distant country to have himself appointed king and then to return. So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. 'P


THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 10, Supplement 1, 2004, pp. S-103–S-112 © Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Placebo Research: The Evidence Base for Harnessing HARALD WALACH, Ph.D.,1 and WAYNE B. JONAS, M.D.2 ABSTRACT Placebo effects are often considered irrelevant at best and a nuisance at worst for determining what is valu-able in medicine. In this paper, we arg

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Generic name: the name of the main ingredient of a product. Often similar across a drug group (PIs, penicillins). Brand name: name chosen by each company producing the product. Often more memorable and easier to say. Under patent (~20 years from product registration)Advantages: quality guarantee; encourages research and development of new products within same regulated system.


Information about the main diseases treated at the St John’s facilities (hospital and care center) HIV/AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus infection / Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[1] The il ness interferes with the immune system, making people with AIDS much more likely to get infe


SOAH DOCKET NO. 515-09-2498 TEXAS STATE BOARD OF BEFORE THE STATE BOARD PHARMACY, Petitioner OLUWAFEMI AWE, LICENSE NUMBER 30310, Respondent ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS PROPOSAL FOR DECISION Staff of the Texas State Board of Pharmacy (Staff/Board) seeks to suspend the pharmacist license of Oluwafemi Awe (Respondent), impose probationary conditions, and asse

New edition newsletter-march-april 2012-updated

SPRINGTIME SPECIALS An Important Nutrient VITAMIN D3 New Product! 5,000 units per soft gel. Vitamin D3 has been classified as a “steroid hormone precursor? Vitamin D3 is important for absorption of calcium from the stomach and for the functioning of calcium in the body. This nutrient has been found to be effective: ♦ In reducing the risk of breast, ovarian, co

Nv_billing_ndc_reference o110707-wip090908.doc

National Drug Code (NDC) Billing Reference (for Nevada Medicaid and Nevada Check Up Claims) Fee For Service Billing Requirement Effective January 1, 2008 The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 requires State Medicaid programs to collect rebates for physician/outpatient-facility administered drugs by January 1, 2008. To facilitate this, beginning January 1, 2008, Medicaid will requi

Microsoft word - sintrade pu.doc

SINTRADE PU Insecticid in solutie lichida gata de utilizare pe baza de permethrin, tetramethrin si piperonyl butoxide Dotat cu inalta putere de ucidere imediata, cu persistenta buna de actiune Produs Medical – Chirurgical. Inr. Ministerul Sanatatii Italia nr. 18849. Institutul de Sanatate Publica Bucuresti. Comisia Nationala pt. Produse Biocide. nr.27 Bio. Compozitie: 100g de fo


Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Volume 9 Number 3 May / Jun 2002Factors Associated withSuccess in Searching MEDLINE and ApplyingEvidence to Answer Clinical QuestionsWILLIAM R. HERSH, MD, M. KATHERINE CRABTREE, RN, DNSC, DAVID H. HICKAM, MD, MPH, LYNETTA SACHEREK, MLS, CHARLES P. FRIEDMAN, PHD, PATRICIA TIDMARSH, JD, CRAIG MOSBAEK, DALE KRAEMER, PHD A b s t r a c t Object

Microsoft word - document

Shul Weekly Calendar for Sun., January 4, to Sun., January 11, 2009 (8-15 Tevet, 5769) Shul President: Mark Lillianfeld January Sisterhood Co-Presidents: Jo Gartenhaus/Sonya Garfinkel ---------------------------- CALENDAR January 9 --11: Rabbi Rascoe will be in Lafayette Jan. 9: Friday: 8 p.m. Shabbat Evening Services Jan. 10: Saturday, 10 a.m. Shabbat Morning


H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu)  General Information The Facts Swine influenza, also called “swine flu,” is a contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs. Just like humans, pigs can get the flu. The swine flu can be passed from pig to pig by direct contact, indirect contact (e.g., a pig coming in contact with a surface that has the virus), or through tiny particles in the air. Strain



Microsoft word - jaarverslag sac 2009.doc

Jaarverslag 2009 Sectie Analytische Chemie SECRETARIAAT Dr. G.W. Somsen, Universiteit Utrecht, Disciplinegroep Biomedische Analyse, Postbus 80082, 3508 TB Utrecht. Tel: 030-2536951, Fax: 030-2535180, email: [email protected]. LEDENBESTAND Per 31-12-2009 bedroeg het aantal leden van de Sectie Analytische Chemie 595, waarvan 7 jonge leden t/m 24 jaar en 588 gewone leden. De SAC telde op

Premature ejaculation

SPECIALIZED UROLOGIC CONSULTANTS, SC 10400 Southwest Hwy 16632 S. 107th Ct. Chicago Ridge, IL 60453 Orland Park, IL 60467 Premature Ejaculation Treatment Treatment options for premature ejaculation include sexual therapy, medications and psychotherapy. Two or more of these treatment approaches often are used in combination. Sexual therapy In some cases, sexual thera

Plida c2_mods_corr3.qxp

SEZIONE 1 – IL PLIDA Che cos’è il PLIDA? Il PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) è un diploma di certificazione rilasciato dallaSocietà Dante Alighieri in base ad una convenzione con il Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Esso attestala competenza in italiano come lingua straniera secondo una scala di sei livelli, che rappresentanoaltrettante fasi del percorso di apprendiment


mercoledì 19 febbraio, 19 marzo, 16 aprile, 14 maggio, 25 giugno 2014 – ore 14.30-18.00 GRASS. Laboratorio “in erba” di pratiche e sguardi sistemici in contesti educativi Laura Formenti e Andrea Prandin con la collaborazione del gruppo GRASS Ciclo di incontri centrato sulle pratiche sistemiche nel lavoro educativo e pedagogico. Per crescere professionalmente e pro

Microsoft word - iontopath.vs.ionto.doc.doc

Evaluation of Anderson et al., (2003) Effects of iontophoresis current magnitude and duration on dexamethasone deposition and localized drug retention. Physical Therapy 83:161-170 The Anderson et al. (2003) paper may be broken into two sections. The first part evaluates the efficiency of dexamethasone delivery using a model of the human body. The second part, unrelated to the first


ONCOLOGY. Vol. 26 No. 12 December 18, 2012 Richter's Transformation in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Challenging Situations in the Management of Leukemias By Preetesh Jain, MD, DM, PhD , Susan O'Brien, MD1Department of Leukemia, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas ABSTRACT: Richter's transformation, or Richter's syndrome, is an uncommon clinicopathological

Microsoft word - 1999hb-05950-r000159-fc.doc

House of Representatives File No. 159 January Session, 1999 House of Representatives, April 7, 1999 The Committee on Insurance and Real Estate reported throughREP. AMANN of the 118th Dist., Chairperson of theCommittee on the part of the House, that the substitute billought to pass. An Act Requiring Health Insurers to Cover Prescription Birth Control. Be it enacted by the Senate an

Microsoft word - case_0910_student_brochure.rtf

S t u d e n t M e d i c a l P l a n 2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0 Sponsored By: Extending Eligibility To: Administered By: TELEPHONE DIRECTORY University Health Service 2145 Adelbert Road .216-368-2450 University Counseling Services Sears Bldg., Room 201 .216-368-5872 Appointments: General Clinic . 216-368-4539 Women’s Clinic. 216-368-2453 Mental Health. 216-368-2510/5872 Dear Stu

Microsoft word - vih-sida.doc

GUÍA BÁSICA VIH/SIDA INFECCIÓN POR VIH VIH es la abreviatura de Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana (en inglés HIV). El VIH ataca el sistema de defensa natural del organismo, que le permite luchar contra todo tipo de agresiones, en particular contra los gérmenes. Este sistema de defensas se llama sistema inmunitario . Se habla de infección por el VIH cuando el vir

Microsoft word - eia-2693.doc

DRG® Estradiol ELISA (EIA-2693) REVISED 23 MAY 2005 1 INTRODUCTION The DRG® Estradiol Enzyme Immunoassay Kit provides materials for the quantitative determination of Estradiol in serum and plasma. This assay is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only. Estradiol (1,3,5(10)-estratriene-3,17β-diol; 17β-estradiol; E21) is a C18 steroid hormone with a phenolic A ring. This


$10,000 SAVITAIPALE, FIN 03 Aug 2010 - 08 Aug 2010 Last Updated: 25 Jul 2010 Main Draw Date of Birth Ranking Spec'l Information Priority Main Draw Wild Cards Date of Birth 32 Qualifying Date of Birth Ranking Spec'l Information Priority Rank Date: 12 Jul 2010 All players who compete in ITF Pro Circuit tournaments must have a valid IPIN and sign-up to


MARCH 2013 – ISSUE 162 CONTENTS ANTI-AVOIDANCE INTERNATIONAL TAX 2172. Share repurchases 2178. Exit charge on ceasing to be resident CAPITAL GAINS TAX ADMINISTRATION 2173. Vesting of dividend rights in exempt 2179. Tax liability and recovery 2180. Voluntary disclosure programme COMPANIES TRANSFER PRICING 2174. SARS and business rescue 21


¨ offenporige, farblose Holzimprägnierung ¨ Holzschutzmittel gegen Bläue und Insekten ¨ für den Aussenbereich, wasserverdünnbar Eigenschaften Lignol WAB ist eine wasserverdünnbare, oxidativ trocknende, feuchtigkeitsschützende Holzimprägnierung. Lignol WAB wirkt vorbeugend gegen holzverfärbende Pilze (Bläue) und gegen holzzerstörende Insekten. Das Produkt besitzt eine gute Pene


ECOCARDIOGRAFIA IMPACT OF HETEROZYGOUS FAMILIAL HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA ON LEFT VENTRICULAR MORPHOLOGY AND FUNCTIONS IN PEDRIATIC POPULATION: A SPECKLE TRACKING STUDY A. D'Aiel o 1, G. Di Salvo 2, A. Rea 1, R. Sorrentino 1, I.J. Romano 1, M. Carrozza 1, C. Iacono 1, G. Santoro 1,M.G. Russo 1 1 Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Napoli,ITALY, 2 King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Riyadh, SA

Microsoft word - schulausschluss_aug07[1].doc

RICHTLINIEN FÜR DIE DAUER DES SCHULAUSSCHLUSSES BEI ÜBERTRAGBAREN KRANKHEITEN Soweit nicht besondere Verhältnisse vorliegen und durch ärztliche Verfügung anderes bestimmt wird, sind Kinder und Jugendliche mit einer übertragbaren Krankheit wie folgt von der Schule fernzuhalten. 1. Bakterielle Infekte Krankheit Schulausschluss des/der Erkrankten Massnahmen bei Person


LAZARD LTD REPORTS SECOND-QUARTER AND FIRST-HALF 2013 RESULTS Highlights • Net income per share, as adjusted1, of $0.45 (diluted) for the quarter ended June 30, 2013, excluding charge2, compared to $0.25 for the second quarter of 2012 • Record second-quarter operating revenue1 of $511 million, up 12% from second-quarter 2012; first-half operating revenue of $925 mi

Newsletter 051127b

Inside this issue: Greetings to all and welcome to issue three of the YDPSA newsletter. The YDPSA has progressed tremendously since the elections of this current committee. This new committee hopes to achieve the unity and goals of the tawheed faith. To do this we have organised certain events for the term of this committee. Some of the forthcoming events include a trip to the Riverland


(Acta Anaesth. Belg., 2008, 59, 103-105) A patient with haloperidol induced laryngeal dystonia Abstract : We discus the case of a forty-nine year old Firstly, we considerd an atypical epileptical insultpatient with haloperidol induced laryngeal dystoniaor psychiatric problem. A CT-Cerebrum and EEGwere performed and revealed no abnormalities. TheLaryngeal dystonia is a life threatening, ve

Microsoft word - protocolo tramadol.doc

Dirección de Bioquímica, Farmacia y Droguería Central Comisión Provincial de Medicamentos PROTOCOLO DE USO PARA TRAMADOL CATEGORIA: Analgésico de acción central, con un doble mecanismo de acción MECANISMO DE ACCION: Es un agonista puro, no selectivo sobre los receptores opioides μ, δ, ĸ con mayor afinidad por los receptores μ. Tanto el tramadol como su metabolito

Microsoft word - 16. subcutaneous infusion v1.3l.doc

___________________________________________________________________________ CLINICAL GUIDELINES for SUBCUTANEOUS INFUSION (HYPODERMOCLYSIS) Clinical Policy Folder Ref No: 16 APPROVED BY: Policy and Guideline Ratification Group (PGRG) Date of Issue: July 2010 Version No: 1.3 Date of review: May 2012 Author: Alison Griffiths. Matron District Nursing NHS South Glouces

Analyse critique des diffrentes circulaires et recommandations qui concernent les psychotropes

ANALYSE CRITIQUE DES DIFFÉRENTES CIRCULAIRES ET RECOMMANDATIONS QUI CONCERNENT LES PSYCHOTROPES Sousse le 26/1/03 Les psychotropes constituent une préoccupation récente des pouvoirs publics qui essayent d’en limiter l’usage abusif. Pourquoi cette préoccupation soudaine alors que jusque là et pendant des années on a prescrit sans restriction aucune, ces médicaments incr

La fitoterapia método integral de la medicina naturopática empleado por el médico naturista bromatólogo profesor narváez a sus

La Fitoterapia método integral de la medicina naturopática empleado por el Médico Naturista Bromatólogo Profesor Narváez a sus pacientes, les incluía un tratamiento de fitoterapia, método de tratar las enfermedades mediante plantas o sustancias vegetales, empleado por antiguas generaciones y por nuestros antepasados. Te aromático modo de preparar el té. Dentro de una amplia gama de plan

Décompte régate

Classement Général provisoire FVLJ « Lourds 2008 » Classe L1 CVN 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 3.0 3.0 5.7 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 6.016.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 12.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 5.7 65.716.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 8.0 72.0 Classe L2 Classe M1+M2 29.0 29.0 14.0 29.0 25.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 126.029.0 29.0 10.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 29.0 126.029.0 29.0 11.7 29.0 29


MEDICATION GUIDE SEROQUEL XR (SER-oh-kwell) Read this Medication Guide before you start taking SEROQUEL XR and each time you get a refill.There may be new information. This Medication Guide does not take the place of talking to your healthcare provider about your medical condition or treatment. What is the most important information I should know about 3. High blood sugar (hyperglycemi

A fall can be a life changing event

Your Pills, the Heat and Sun of Summer By Lynn Harrelson, R.Ph., FASCP Senior Pharmacy Solutions Medication Therapy Management Services Everyone is eager for the warmer, sunny months of summer. We can’t wait for the warmth of spring and then, in a blink, we have the hotter, sunnier summer months. Our bodies adjusted better to these changes when we were y

Part ib summary of product characteristics

SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Ismo 20 QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION In terms of the active ingredients: Ismo 20: 20mg isosorbide-5-mononitrate. 3 PHARMACEUTICAL Ismo tablets are white, circular, uncoated and contain isosorbide-5-mononitrate. Lactose is present in the formulation. Ismo 20 tablets: Marked with a score line and BM

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Requires: Professionals in Electrical Engineering Disciplines on Contract RITES Ltd. is an ISO-9001 certified International multi-disciplinary consultancy organization rendering comprehensive professional services in various sectors including Metro Rail Systems, Railways, Highways, Airports, Ports & Harbours. RITES requires dynamic and result oriented Electrical Engineering professional

Bijsluiter menofort

bijsluiter MENOFORT 13-11-2007 13:09 Pagina 1 Zilverkaars op een milde en doeltreffende len (oa. tamoxifeen, raloxifeen en aroma- Streptococcus thermophillus) 500.106 CFU - NL wijze bij overgangsverschijnselen zoals tase-inhibitoren). Bij inname van deze extrait sec de Soja (Glycine max) 50 mg stan- opvliegers, nachtelijk transpireren en inner- middelen gelieve steeds het advie


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Comparision chart

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Maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis with the probioticEscherichia coli Nissle 1917 is as effective as with standardmesalazineW Kruis, P Fricˇ, J Pokrotnieks, M Luka´sˇ, B Fixa, M Kasˇcˇa´k, M A Kamm, J Weismueller, C Beglinger,M Stolte, C Wolff, J Schulze. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ratgeber medikamente

Wenn überhaupt Medikamente, welche? Symptom Allgemeine Tipps Medikament 1. Trimenon 2./3. Trimenon Stillzeit Unruhe Entspannungsübungen Baldrian-T 20–40 Tr. pro Tag 20–40 Tr. pro Tag 20–40 Tr. pro Tag Yoga Hova-Dragée (Hopfen u. Baldrian) 3 x 1 Drg. pro Tag 3 x 1 Drg. pro Tag 3 x 1 Drg. pro Tag Blähungen Blähende Nahrungsmittel meiden Flatulex-Tbl. 3 x 1 Kautbl. 3 x 1 Kaut

Microsoft word - feb_05_2009_moh_sitrep_on_gaza[1].doc

Ministry of Health Emergency Operation Room Sitrep on Gaza 5th February 2009 (Local Time 13:00) Press statement MOH and UNICEF 5 February 2009 The Palestinian Ministry of Health and UNICEF are concerned about the poor state of infant and young child feeding in Gaza communities currently experiencing attacks. Reports from Gaza have revealed that families are receiving donated suppl


URBANO FERRER* SOBREELEVACIÓN DE LA SOLIDARIDAD A CUERPO DE CRISTO La relación del Corpus Christi con la solidaridad pertenece a la concien- cia católica general y es lo que voy a tratar de fundamentar en este artículo. Para ello comenzaré la exposición con los usos filosóficos e incluso coloquiales que son más comunes en el término “solidaridad” para desde ellos efec


Who Was this Jesus? John 18:1 - 19:37 Good Friday, April 22, 2011 St. Alban’s, Hickory, NC Our Lenten journey, our Holy Week journey is almost over. This week juxtaposes the extremes of Jesus’ earthly ministry and the human reaction to it: waving of palms and welcome cries of Hosanna, followed by cries to crucify him and rejection and denial, contrasted with Jesus’ steadily, purposefully

T.27e red blood cell milk replacers

Red Blood Cell Milk Replacers An Economic Alternative in Calf Nutrition Around the world research has been conducted analyzing the value of spray-dried animal plasma and spray-dried blood. These products have become critical ingredients in diets for young animals. Spray- dried whole blood has also been used for a number of years as a high-quality feed ingredient. Red blood cells


Embargo Date: May 26, 2005, 5:00 a.m. ESTMay 26, 2005, The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 118, No. 6The American Journal of Medicine (2005) 118, 569 –570 EDITORIAL Viagra: The risks of recreational use Viagra (Sildenafil) has become one of the most com-Zoloft, and acetaminophen. Since sexual activity is asso-monly prescribed and abused pharmaceuticals availableciated with sign

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PASS APPLICATION IN R&D OF NEW PHARMACEUTICALS Usually, research and development of new pharmaceuticals are carried out step-by-step: 5. Chemical synthesis and/or purchase of samples for biological testing. 6. Ligand finding (leads): in vitro testing of the required specific biological activity. 7. Ligand optimization (drug-candidates): in vivo confirmation of the required specific bio

Microsoft word - 02144802.doc

GRANT PROGRESS REPORT SUMMARY 01602: Longitudinal Study Investigating the Progression and Pathogenesis of Atypical Hyperadrenocorticism in Scottish Terriers Principal Investigator: Research Institution: Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Grant Amount: Start Date: 1/1/2012 End Date: 12/31/2013 Progress Report: Mid-Year 2 Report Due: Receiv


Arzneimittel mit erhöhtem Selbstbehalt (Art. 38a KLV) ACCURETIC 10/12.5 Filmtabl 10 mg 100 Stk Clamoxyl RC Compr. solubile 750 mg 20 Compr. solubile 750 mg Clamoxyl Sirup. 25 mg/ml 80 ml Sirup. 25 mg/ml ACCURETIC 20/12.5 Filmtabl 20 mg 100 Stk Clamoxyl Sirup. 50 mg/ml 80 ml Sirup. 50 mg/ml Adalat Compr. 20 mg 100 Compr. retard 20 mg Adriblastin Solution Amp. 10 mg 1 Amp. 10 mg Adri

Special/atypical bacteriology

1. Last Name First Name DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE N.C. Department of Health and Human Services State Laboratory of Public Health 2. Patient Number Submitter Laboratory/Medical Record #: _____________________ 3. Address _ t _ e _ _ o _ f PLEASE GIVE ALL Month Day Year INFORMATION REQUESTED 5. Race  1. White  2. Black  3. American Indian  4

267171 influenza vaccine and human papilloma virus vaccines given november 10 about 11:45 am

267171 INfluenza vaccine and Human Papilloma VIrus vaccines given November 10 about 11:45 AM. Patient woke up with numbness on right side of face on November 11. Presented to Emergency Room on November 12 with Bells Palsy of right side of face. Unable to move right side of face. Unable to close right eye. Previously healthy, no symptoms on day of vaccine administration. Received MR from pediatrici


ROBOTIC-ASSISTED LAPAROSCOPIC PROSTATECTOMY Introduction 2000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year in Western Australia. Robotic-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy is performed to treat localised prostate cancer in men with a life expectancy of 10 years or more. The aim is to remove the cancer and prostate completely to achieve cure. What does the procedu


IN THE SECURITIES AND FUTURES APPEALS TRIBUNAL IN THE MATTER OF a Decision made by the Securities and Futures Commission under sections 194 and 198 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap. 571 AND IN THE MATTER OF section 217 of the Securities and Futures Ordinance, Cap. 571 ----------------------------------------------------- DETERMINATION -----------------------------------------

Companies producing formulated grain-fruit products that

COMPANIES PRODUCING FORMULATED GRAIN-FRUIT PRODUCTS THAT MEET FNS SPECIFICATIONS FOR FORMULATED GRAIN-FRUIT PRODUCTS (7 CFR PART 220 APPENDIX A) Bake Crafters Associated Bakeries Apple Spice Muffin Hagerstown, MD 21742 Labels bearing the above product name will have the following ingredient statement: Enriched flour, sugar, apples, soy oil, whole eggs, water, non fat dr


Brazilian Journal Brenner et al. of Videoendoscopic Surgery Total Ressection of the Mesorectum with Laparoscopic Endo-Anal Pull-Through in the Treatment of Distal Rectal Cancer Ressecção Total do Mesorreto com Abaixamento Endo-Anal Videolaparoscópico no Tratamento do Câncer do Reto Distal ANTONIO SÉRGIO BRENNER1; JOSÉ EMÍLIO A. MENEGATTI2; PATRÍCIA RAUEN3; SÉRGI

Slashdot | social consequences and effects of rfid implants?

Slashdot | Social Consequences and Effects of RFID Implants?http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/05/04/0030212 Slashdot News for nerds, stuff that matters Social Consequences and Effects of RFID Implants? Posted by Cliff on Wednesday May 03, @11:45PM from the chips-in-my-head dept. kramdam asks: "Even with all the talk about privacy and security, there seems to be a growi

Solutions for wellness

MEDICATION MANAGEMENT FOR A BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL PAIN /FATIGUE-MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Almost all the patients referred to my program are on a drug-management plan that is appropriate for medical management of pain in the absence of a behavioral program. But behavioral pain-management is so effective that it adds a new dimension to the management of chronic pain. It requires a separate approach to

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R. Mennes, voorzitter (burgemeester) G. Rottiers, N. Moortgat, K. Van Hoofstat, schepenen A. Ams, G. Van Frausem, L. Haucourt, D. Backeljauw, V. Goris, J. Van Wijnsberghe, R. Jacobs, R. Wilms, P. Van Bellingen, S. Billiau, F. Sleeubus, R. De Clerck, raadsleden K. Moulaert, secretaris A. Boen, schepen van rechtswege I. Barbier, D. Bollé, L. Van der Auwera, raadsleden OpeGelet op artikels 117, 11


A “Magic Box” that has Evolved So Far The Lithium Ion Polymer Rechargeable Battery According to Japan’s Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, as of Julybatteries are no longer acceptable. The thick-1999, there were over 50 million PHS (Personal Handyphone System)ness of most of the lithium ion rechargeableand cellular telephone subscribers in Japan. batteries currently used in ce

Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat u een tumor in de blaas hebt

Prostaatoperatie (TURP) Er is een afspraak voor u gemaakt om een prostaatoperatie via de plasbuis te verrichten. De uroloog heeft u daar over ingelicht. TURP is de afkorting van de woorden Trans Urethrale Resectie Prostaat. Transurethraal betekent: via de plasbuis. Resectie betekent: weghalen. De ‘P’ staat uiteraard voor Prostaat. In de folder komen de ingreep, de rede

Microsoft word - indoor spraying in cats.doc

INDOOR SPRAYING IN CATS What is spraying? Urine spraying is part of the cat's normal scent-marking behavioural repertoire which also includes scratching, rubbing, chinning, bunting (depositing secretions from head glands on twigs etc., and middening (leaving faeces uncovered). Using these scent markers cats can deter others from their range and cats which share a hunting range can avoi


Orale Cortisonstufentherapie zur Behandlung der Frozen shoulder Ein neues stadiengerechtes konservatives Therapieschema von Peter Habermeyer, Sven-Oliver Dietz und Petra Magosch Frozen shoulder unter dem Begriff „peri-arthritis scapulo-humerale”. 1934 definier-immer nicht bekannt. Sie wird häufig beidas Liegen auf der betroffenen Seite ver-hormonelle Einflüsse schließen lä�

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C/O Sydney Colorectal Associates 37 Gloucester Rd Hurstville NSW 2220 Medal of the Order of Australia in the General Division (2010) Current Appointments: Visiting Medical Officer (1977- ) Clinical Associate Professor UNSW Senior Clinical Advisor NSW Health (2010-) CoChair Strenghtening Local Decision Making Implementation Group NSW Health (2009-) Chair, Governing Council Illawarra and Shoalha


Spring 2008 ECON 2302 Microeconomics Syllabus Fundamental principles of economics emphasizing the roles and decision-making of the industry, firm and individual. To better illustrate this, the instructor uses many real-world business examples. Course Objectives: Enable the student to analyze basic microeconomic issues and develop of basic understanding of: 1. How a “mar

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International Learn to Swim Programme Resource Manual ILSP Assessment Standards – STAnley Stanley 1 - Learning outcomes Stanley 1 - Assessment Standards Be able to point to or name the teacher. Use ladder, platform ramp or swivel or assisted sitting entry. 3. Splash the feet on the surface, whilst holding the Stretch body across the water, move the water with the rail, troug


ritti, perché le restrizioni sono incompatibilidell’articolo 2 del Protocollo n. 1 in combinatocon il dovere dello Stato di rispettare la neutra-disposto con l’articolo 9 della Convenzione. lità nell’esercizio del servizio pubblico, in par-ticolare nel campo dell’istruzione. [ La sentenza è oggetto di un’Opinione infra , Parte se- 58. Di conseguenza, vi è stata una violazione


This article was downloaded by: [Gouic, sabine le][Content Ed Net]On: 3 September 2009Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 908611115]Publisher Informa HealthcareInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKJournal of Dermatological TreatmentPublication details, including instructio

Microsoft word - curriculum vitae-word.doc

Dr Stephen B. Etheredge Consultant Vascular Physician Clinical Assoc. Professor University of Wollongong CURRICULUM VITAE STEPHEN BRUCE ETHEREDGE PERSONAL BACKGROUND University of New South Wales, Sydney and : Distinctions in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics : High Distinction in Anatomy (2nd in Year) Credits in Microbiology, Pharmacology, Patholo

Notices - 76 fr 51037 - determination that halflytely and bisacodyl tablets bowel prep kit (containing two bisacodyl delayed release tablets 5 milligrams) was withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness

Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 159 / Wednesday, August 17, 2011 / Notices The OMB-approved ABCs MRSA form take about 5 minutes and the telephone patients to be contacted for a telephone Daniel Holcomb, Reports Clearance Officer, Centers for Disease [FR Doc. 2011–20919 Filed 8–16–11; 8:45 am] SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In 1984, BILLING CODE 4163–18–P Congress enacte


Sicherheitsdatenblatt 1. Stoff- / Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Artikelnummer: Artikelbezeichnung: Gonokokken-Selektiv-Supplement Supplement zur Herstellung von mikrobiologischen Nährmedien Hersteller/Lieferant: SIFIN Institut für Immunpräparate und Nährmedien GmbH Berlin 2. Zusammensetzung / Angaben zu Bestandteilen Chemische Charakterisierung der Zubere

Comunidade de sant’egidio, associação centro astalli, federação das igrejas evangélicas na itália, fundação migrantes, cárita

Homilia do Arcebispo Monsenhor António MariaVegliò Presidente do Pontifício Conselho para osMigrantes e Itinerantes, por ocasião da Vigília deoração para a Jornada Mundial dos Refugiados Estou contente por estar aqui convosco nesta Basílica de Santa Maria em Trastevere junto dos Representantes das várias Igrejas Cristãs para recordar homens emulheres, crianças e jovens que, procuran

Giu’ le mani dai bambini

“GIU’ LE MANI DAI BAMBINI®” CAMPAGNA NAZIONALE PER LA DIFESA DEL DIRITTO ALLA SALUTE DEI BAMBINI COMUNICATO STAMPA 26/04/05 Interdetta dall’Agenzia Europea per i Medicinali (EMEA) la somministrazione di psicofarmaci antidepressivi a bambini ed adolescenti: favoriscono il suicidio nel minori L’Agenzia Europea per il Farmaco (EMEA) ha terminato gli s


 Year of birth : 1952  Nationality : Greek .  E mail :Assoc.Professor of Microbiology - Neuroimmunology, Medical School, Director, Microbiological and Biochemical Laboratory, “Eginition” Hospital, Medical School, University of Athens  Research coordinator of the Neuroimmunological laboratory, Department of Neurology, “Eginition” Hospital, Medical School, University of Ath


ISSN 0025-7680 CONFERENCIA MEDICINA (Buenos Aires) 2006; 66 (Supl. II): 27-33 ELIZABETH JARES-ERIJMAN Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina El desarrollo de las nanopartículas semiconductorastrol sobre las propiedades ópticas de estas nanopartículas,conocidas como quantum dots ha evolucionado en las doscon un énfasis en las aplicaciones


Schulcurriculum Biologie Sekundarstufe II Schulcurriculum Biologie Sekundarstufe II Einführungsphase: Cytologie und Physiologie – Zelle, Gewebe, Organismus Fachinhalte 1. Zelle – Gewebe – Organismus • Pflanzliche und tierische Zellen im Lichtmikroskop (Zwiebelhaut, Wasser-z.B. Arbeiten im biologischen Strahlengang, Vergrößerung, Labor • funktionsbezogene Zell- und Gew

Top court in india rejects novartis drug patent - nytimes.com

Top Court in India Rejects Novartis Drug Patent - NYTimes.com Low-Cost Drugs in Poor Nations Get a Lift in Indian Court NEW DELHI — People in developing countries worldwide will continue to have ac-cess to low-cost copycat versions of drugs for diseases like H.I.V. and cancer, at leastfor a while. Production of the generic drugs in India, the world’s biggest provider of cheap medi-cines, w

Microsoft word - c-txtapublier.doc

Chapitre 1 Les éléments de l’iconographie Les vêtements (Voir annexe 2) Traditionnellement, les apôtres sont vêtus d’une robe et d’un manteau dit « apostolique », règle strictement observée lorsqu’ils sont réunis en collège, à l’exception de saint Jacques qui, dans 35 % des cas, revêt des vêtements différents, comme nous le verrons. Hors du collège d

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SOUTH ASIA VULTURES: CATASTROPHIC DECLINES AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT The Meeting Rooms, The Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RY Chair: Andrew Routh, Chief Veterinary Officer, ZSL Declines in large raptors Jemima Parry-Jones MBE, Director of the International Centre for Birds of Prey Global y the large raptors are under threat. Habitat decline, inc

Feb 25

HIGHLAND TERRACE’S WEEKLY BULLETIN “RESPONSIBILITY, RESPECT, KINDNESS, AND SAFETY” Shoreline School District Website - www.shorelineschools.org Highland Terrace Website –http://schools.shorelineschools.org/highlandterrace/Kid News February 25, 2014 9:15am Grade 1 FT to Seattle Children’s Theater to see Pinocchio 10:00am District Global Reading Challenge at Shorel

Sagene june 15

Sagene Pharmaceuticals Announces Issuance of US Patent for Erectile Dysfunction Oldsmar, FL, June 15, 2010 – Sagene Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing combinations of FDA- approved drugs to treat diseases associated with aging, today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued US Patent 7,737,147 covering methods an


Kanton St.Gallen Gesundheitsdepartement Fachkommission Infektion und Hygiene Empfehlungen Schutzimpfungen beim Medizinalpersonal Einführung Das Medizinalpersonal1 hat ein erhöhtes Risiko bestimmte Infektionskrankheiten zu erwerben. Einer- seits ergibt sich ein Infektionsrisiko durch den direkten Kontakt mit Patientinnen und Patienten, ande- rerseits können Medizinalpersonen a


Annals of Oncology Advance Access published November 14, 2012 Maintaining success, reducing treatment burden,focusing on survivorship: highlights from the thirdEuropean consensus conference on diagnosis andtreatment of germ-cell cancerJ. Beyer1, P. Albers2, R. Altena3, J. Aparicio4, C. Bokemeyer5, J. Busch6, R. Cathomas7,E. Cavallin-Stahl8, N. W. Clarke9, J. Claßen10, G. Cohn-Cedermark11, A.


MRSA Peritonitis Secondary to Perforation ofSigmoid Diverticulitis B y S h a w n M . V u o n g , M S I V; J a m e s E . A p p e l w i c k , M D Abstract: The occurrence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is well documented, but the pathology is usually associated with post surgical infections or long-term peritoneal dialysis. We report the case of a 50-year-oldCaucasia


Basic Requirements Be in generally good health and feel wellBe at least 17 years of age -- no upper age limit Donation Frequency Whole blood donors may donate every 56 daysPlatelet donors may donate every 48 hours (up to 24 times per year)Double red cell apheresis donors may donate every 112 days Immunizations Flu, Pneumonia, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Hepatitis B -- can donate if feeli

Microsoft word - northwood.doc

Incorporated: 1773 Origin: This territory was first settled in 1763, and known as the North Woods, a parish of Nottingham. It was incorporated as a separate town upon agreement with Nottingham in 1773. In 1791, the General Court of New Hampshire authorized a committee to survey and lay out a road between Durham and Concord, which became the First New Hampshire Turnpike. The ro


Liver - 03327 Original Paper Immune-related Effects of Local Hyperthermia in Patients with Primary Liver Cancer Valentina V Ostapenko1, Hiroto Tanaka2, Motoshige Miyano1, Takahiro Nishide1, Hiroki Ueda2 Iwao Nishide1, Yoshimasa Tanaka1, Masatoshi Mune2, Susumu Yukawa2 1Shouseikai Nishide Hospital, and 2Third Department of Internal MedicineCorresponding Author: Dr. Valentina

Microsoft word - camper medical info and release form.doc

Please use a separate form for each camper. Camper Name ____________________________ Age _______ Boy Girl Home Address __________________________________________________ City _____________________________State ________ Zip _____________ Telephone: Home _(____)______________ Other_(_ __)__________________ Each Camper must be immunized against the following: Polio, Measles, Rubella, Diptheri


St Ives Shopping Village.My Favourite Place Back to School Health Tips - Increase Activity and Improve Posture Back to School Health Tips - Hidden Danger Surrounding Kid's Feet Back to School Health Tips - Restore your Hearing Back to School Health Tips - Make Sure Your Child's Eyes Are Classroom-Ready Back to School Health Tips - Coping with a Can of Worms

Drug eluting stents

Drug Eluting Stents Balancing Risk and Benefits Prof. Alfredo E. Rodriguez Director Cardiovascular Research Centre (CECI) Head Cardiac Unit/Otamendi Hospital Postgraduate Buenos Aires School of Medicine Buenos Aires, Argentina [email protected] Pull quotes: “New randomised trials with the latest DES generation are showing significant improvements in safety/efficacy”,


2. La efectividad del método disminuye a un13.- COUSINS M. An Additional Dimension to theefficacy of Epidural Steroids. Anesthesiology 2000;3. Las HNP del nivel L5-S1 responden mejor14.- CUCKLER J M. The use of epidural steroids in thetreatment of lumbar radicular pain: A prospective4. Las HNP de situación medial respondenrandomized, double blind study. J Bone Joint Surg5. Las HNP de tam


Infection, Genetics and Evolution xxx (2003) xxx–xxxIdentification of Trypanosoma brucei circulating in a sleepingsickness focus in Cˆote d’Ivoire: assessment of genotypeVincent Jamonneau , Christian Barnabé , Mathurin Koffi ,Bocar Sané , Gérard Cuny , Philippe Solano a Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), UR 035, Laboratoire de Recherche et de Coordination s


Lo-Call 1890 20 22 60 Sex and Spina Bifida can go together and many men with Spina Bifida are happy with their sex lives. This information is for those who may be having some difficulties. There’s a lot of general information out there for disabled people on general topics such as managing continence, positions for sex etc. and we won’t duplicate this information – see our Spina R

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Portfolio Media. Inc. | 860 Broadway, 6th Floor | New York, NY 10003 | www.law360.com Phone: +1 646 783 7100 | Fax: +1 646 783 7161 | [email protected] Product Liability Group Of The Year: Sidley Austin By Martin Bricketto Law360, New York (January 18, 2011) -- Last year, Sidley Austin LLP helped AstraZeneca PLC win dismissal of a putative class action over heartburn dr

Microsoft word - sugg2013soyc.docx

SUGGESTIONS FOR DEGREE PAPER FOR CIVILEKONOM BY SVEN-OLOF COLLIN I supervise in several areas, corporate governance, auditing, accounting (except for studies about specific norms) and some finance. I prefer frequent supervision, i.e., normally one personal meeting each twice/third week, and students that invest in their dissertation. If you find any of my suggestions interesting, or if you

Smsf applicaton

SOLANO MIDNIGHT SUN FOUNDATION 795 Alamo Drive, Suite 106 · Vacaville, CA 95688Phone: (707) 469-9909 Fax: (707) 320-0018 Website: CLIENT APPLICATION FORM Candidates for financial assistance must have been diagnosed with breast cancer, and must have a treatment plan and be pursuing that treatment plan or recovering within 2 months of the end of the treatment plan. If you have a diagnosi


What is Parkinson's Disease What Is Parkinson's Disease? Parkinson's disease (PD) is a progressive disorder of the nervous system. With an annual incidence of approximately 20 new cases per 100,000 people, the prevalence is 200 cases per 100,000 people or 0.2%. There are 1,000,000 or more people with PD in the United States; more patients than with multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic latera


O “PRO-JETO” PEDAGÓGICO EM FOCO: UM ENSAIO SOBRE O DEVIR DA FORMA-AÇÃO Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus Rio Claro, Brasil Neste ensaio buscamos, por meio de um estudo bibliográfico, tecer considerações sobre nossa compreensão de pro-jeto pedagógico e seu movimento de atualização . A tessitura do texto foi desenvolvida a partir de um viés filosófico, amparada

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P.O. Box 173460 • Montana State University • Bozeman, MT 59717 (406) 994-2670 • [email protected] ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EDUCATION Dissertation: Evaluating alternative approaches to identifying wildlife corridors M.A. Biology: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology University of Califor

Microsoft word - prescribing guidance 2013 04 07.docx

April 2013 Prescribing in General Practice INTRODUCTION This guidance was put together by the Clinical and Prescribing subcommittee to meet the increasing demand from individuals and organisations for information relating to prescribing in general practice. Doctors have specific clinical rights and responsibilities in relation to prescribing, and as most general practitioners wo


I N S I G H T S THE UK PHARMACY MARKET 2009 UK INTERNET AND MAIL ORDER PHARMACIES ON THE VERGE OF SUCCESS When asked about their shopping experience and knowledge of the internet or mail order pharmacies most Britons generally have to admit having no experience at all. In fact, only 3% of UK consumers have shopped at an internet or mail order pharmacy before, according to a survey cond

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Approaches to the Treatment of PTSD Introduction Terrifying experiences that rupture people's sense of predictability and invulnerabilitycan profoundly alter the ways that they subsequently deal with their emotions and withtheir environment. The syndrome of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can followsuch widely different stressors as war trauma, physical and sexual assaults, accidents,a

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For the use of a Registered Medical Practitioner, Hospital or Laboratory Clinical Pharmacology Endogen-HP administered for 7 to 12 days produces ovarian follicular growth in women who do not have primary ovarian failure. Treatment with Endogen- Endogen HP HP in most instances results only in follicular growth and maturation. When sufficient follicular maturation has occurred, hCG (Pubergen J

Capitolo decimo

Capitolo 10° PROFEZIA La manciata di giorni, notti, ore e minuti di fine d’anno passarono ovattati senza fare rumore; poi, allo stesso modo, in alleanza col silenzio, arrivò il mattino del trentun dicembre: il giorno di Profezia. Un giorno importante che una volta in scena viziò il silenzio e prese a fare cigolare il passaggio delle ore e dei minuti togliendo l'ovatta ai rumori e r


Science Focus Vol. 18 (1) 2013 pp 57 - 62 Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, LAUTECH, Printed in Nigeria ANTIPLASMODIA EFFICACY OF METHANOLIC EXTRACT OF LEAF OF MORINDA LUCIDA Tajudeen O. OSENI and *Kuranga I. AYINLA Department of Chemistry, Institute of Basic and Applied Sciences, Kwara State Polytechnic, P.M. B. 1375, Ilorin- Nigeria. Abstract Methanolic leaf extract o

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Questionário - Spine Center HCor – Página 01/04 Por favor, complete todas as 4 páginas do questionário. Sua resposta cuidadosa nos ajudará a entender e formular um diagnóstico para seu problema e prescrever o melhor programa de tratamento para você. Todas as informações contidas neste formulário serão guardadas de forma segura e sigilosa. ! Recomendação de ou


Sphinx BeautyCare Verklaring permanente make-up Sphinx BeautyCare ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Ver


Post Concussion Injury Fact Sheet and Recovery Guide What is a concussion? A concussion is an injury to the brain caused by a blow to the head. This injury causes the brain to not function normally for a period of time. Concussions may be referred to as mild traumatic brain injuries and get better with time. However, occasionally there can be more significant problems, and it is impor


Press Release Zostavax™ reduced the Incidence, Severity and Duration of Shingles Pain in a New Study Published in The New England Journal of Medicine In the Study, Zostavax™ Also Reduced the Incidence of Both Postherpetic Neuralgia and Shingles Lyon, June 2, 2005 – ZOSTAVAX™ (zoster vaccine live [Oka/Merck]) a shingles vaccine currently developed by Sanofi Pasteur


SINGLE HERBS EVERGREEN Folium Artemisia argyi (60%)Corn Starch (40%) Folium Artemisia argyi charred (60%)Corn Starch (40%) Morindae Officinalis Radix (60%)Corn Starch (40%) Akebia fructus (60%)Corn Starch (40%)Akebia quinata (Thunb.) Decne. (Mu Tong)Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) koidz. (San Ye Mu Tong)Akebia trifoliata (Thunb.) Koidz. var. australis (Diels) Rehd. (Bai Mu Tong) Stemo


20. Nisbet AP, Foster OJ, Kingsbury A, Eve DJ, Daniel SE, Marsden40. Berkowitz BA. The relationship of pharmokinetics to pharmaco-CD, Lees AJ. Preproenkephalin and preprotachykinin messengerlogical activity, morphine, methadone and naloxone. Clin Pharma-RNA expression in normal human basal ganglia and in Parkinson’sdisease. Neuroscience 1995;66:361–376. 41. Ngai SH, Berkowitz BA, Yang JC


Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis Autorin: Dipl.-Päd. Nicole Rolfsmeier Datum: 04. November 2005 (aktualisiert 16. Dezember 2013) Vorbemerkung Die Hashimoto-Thyreoiditis gilt al gemein als harmlose Bagatel erkrankung, die keine oder kaum Beschwerden verursacht und die beobachtet, aber nicht unbedingt behandelt werden muss. Oft ist sie tatsächlich nur ein Zufal sbefund bei einer umfangreicheren Ro


Normativa Legge Privacy Il Titolare dei trattamenti dei Suoi dati personali è il Sig. Raimondo Bruschi per SERVIZI INTERNET S.r.l. Sede Legale: via Cipro 114 - 25124 BRESCIA - P.IVA 03488920178 - Fax +39.030.51031199 Tel. +39.030.6591591 Norme e diritti 1) Qualunque operazione o complesso di operazioni, svolti con o senza l'ausilio di mezzi elettronici o comunque automatizzati, conc


1.1 Nerve cells The technical name for a nerve cell is a neurone. These are the basic units of the nervous system. The connections between these nerve cells are called synapses. Nerve impulses travel like waves through this system. These waves are electrical signals that arise when tiny channels open in the cell membrane allowing ions (electrically charged atoms) to move in and out of the cell.

Domperidon zur milchmengensteigerung

Domperidon zur Milchmengensteigerung bei stillenden Frauen Gudrun von der Ohe, Ärztin und IBCLC aus Hamburg Hintergründe Medikamente oder traditionelle „Hausmittelchen“ zur Milchmengensteigerung bei stillenden Frauen gibt es in allen Kulturen. Sie werden als Galaktogogen bezeichnet, sind in den meisten Fällen pharmakologisch wenig hilfreich, stehen aber immer mit einer

Listado comunicaciones seimc 2011 - 30.05.2011 - listado web orden autor

Apellidos Firmante Nombre Firmante presentaci presentac presentación BACTERIEMIAS/FUNGÉMIAS ASOCIADAS A CATÉTERES EN EL Aspectos microbiológicos y clínicos de la Descenso en la incidencia de las bacteriemias relacionadas con catéteres Aspectos microbiológicos y clínicos de la enfermedades infecciosas de un hospital de dispositivos intravascularestercer nivel. Eficacia “i


The Rap Sheet Legal News for Law Enforcement in Brevard and Seminole Counties June 2002 Volume XVIII, Issue 1 Message from Once again, I am pleased to provide you with State Attorney this issue of the Rap Sheet devoted to a Norm Wolfinger summary review of the legislation passed during the 2002 regular session of the Florida legislature. I hope that this review w


Pha rma Circ ula r 09 /03 Preisempfehlungen für Nicht SL-Arzneimittel In einer kürzlich abgeschlossenen Untersuchung ist das Sekretariat der Wettbewerbskom-mission zum Schluss gekommen, dass die Preisempfehlungen für Viagra, Cialis und Levitra gegen das Kartellrecht verstossen. Mit diesem PharmaCircular informieren wir Sie über die Hintergründe dieses Verfahrens und zeigen Ihnen auf,

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O novo rito do Tribunal do Júri e o juiz inquisidor Resumo: O processo penal brasileiro sofreu, recentemente, reformas pontuais. A Lei n. 11.689/08 tratou, especificamente, do Tribunal do Júri, promovendo modificações nas duas fases de seu rito escalonado. Dentre elas estão a antecipação do primeiro ato de defesa técnica e a admissão expressa, no judicium accusationis – reduz


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curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE Texas A&M Health Science Center (TAMU 1266) E-ma EDUCATION: University of Houston, Houston, Texas Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, College of Rural Public Health, Texas A&M Health Science Center, College Station, Texas. Scientific Advisor, U.S. Health Economics, Oxford Outcomes, Ltd., Morristown, New Jersey. Professor, Department of Health Man

Depression and antidepressant use linked to sudden cardiac death in women

Nutrition and Mental Health This article first appeared in Brainwaves Magazine, Winter 2007, author not accredited. Mental ill health is believed to be the result of a combination of several factors, including age, genetics and environment. For decades the prevalent treatments for mental health problems have been medication and psychotherapy. It is now emerging that one of the most obvi

Scotia-glenville central school district

SCOTIA-GLENVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT DISTRICT OFFICE Regular Meeting of the Board of Education Monday, May 13, 2013 6:00 PM – Audit Committee Meeting 7:00 PM - Open Session Library Media Center Middle School Scotia-Glenville Mission Statement The Scotia-Glenville Central School District is committed to providing an environment which allows students to realize

Medications that may delay treatment (asa) -revised 12-12-201

Stone Institute of the Carolinas, LLC Medications That May Delay Your Treatment – Aspirin Products Below is a list of some of the medications that may interfere with blood’s ability to clot because they contain aspirin or salicyclic acid derivatives. These medications must be stopped for at least 7 days prior to receiving lithotripsy therapy. Failure to stop these medications f

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14-16 maggio 2009 Sede del corso : Centro di Diagnosi, Cura e Riabilitazione dell’Asma Infantile Istituto Pio XII° Via Monte Piana, 4 Misurina (BL) Giovedì 14:30-15:30 Consegna del materiale, introduzione e metodologia del corso 15:30-16.00 Pretest 16:00-17:30 Lettura magistrale live event Infezioni e asma F. Bernardi 17:30-18:15 Discussione 18:15-19:00 Drug Delive


Le lundi 06 Août 2006 Chers Mesdames et Messieurs, Par la présente, et au nom de la SMEL (Société M édicale E uro L ibanaise), on sollicite votre aide pour recevoir des médicaments en échantillons, en urgence, à titre humanitaire afin d’aider la population civile libanaise en détresse. Le nombre des civils tués au Liban augmente de jour en jour et a déjà atteint pl

На основу чл

Pursuant to Article 10, paragraphs 4, 27 and 105 of the Law on Scientific Research (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia” No 110/05, 50/06-corr. and 18/10), the Minister of Science and Technological Development hereby establishes the following PROGRAMME OF BASIC RESEARCH, PROGRAMME OF RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT, PROGRAMME OF CO-FUNDING OF INTEGRATE

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La triade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . equences ventilatoires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . emodynamiques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facteurs de risque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Signes cliniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! Asthme suraigu : . . . . . . .

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From Medscape Education Clinical Briefs HSV2 Viral Shedding Not Removed With Antiviral Suppressive Drugs News Author: Emma Hitt, PhD CME Author: Hien T. Nghiem, MD Authors and Disclosures CME Released: 01/09/2012; Valid for credit through 01/09/2013 Clinical Context Skin and mucosal herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV2) shedding episodes predominantly occur in short subclinical episodes. HSV sheddi

Patient commonly asked questions

Alberta Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Common Questions about Preparing Your Bowel for a Colonoscopy Preparing for your colonoscopy starts at home by going on a clear liquid diet and drinking the bowel prep solution (often called “prep”) the day before your test. Preparing your bowel (colon) so that it is clean for your colonoscopy is important so that the doctor (end

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Post-Operative Care for Face, Neck and/or Brow Lift At Home After Procedure: • On the first night, sleep with your head elevated on 2 pillows or on a • You may climb stairs or go to the bathroom with assistance. • It is normal to be drowsy from the anesthetics. Try to eat only a light, soft meal the evening following your procedure. Avoid excessive chewing. • Swelling, and tightness of



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                                Heart Disease The purpose of this worksheet is to guide initial and recertification assessments. This is a guide only; clinical judgment is required in each case. This worksheet is completed and signed by the RN and attached to a completed Admission/Recertification Evaluation form. After reviewing the completed paperwork, the


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8. Modelos experimentais em pesquisa1 Lydia Masako Ferreira2, Bernardo Hochman3, Marcus Vinícius Jardini Barbosa4 1. Trabalho desenvolvido no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia Plástica da Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Escola Paulista de2. Professora Titular da Disciplina de Cirurgia Plástica e Coordenadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Cirurgia Plástica da UNIFESP �


Pediatr Allergy Immunol 2003: 14: 140–143Hypersaline nasal irrigation in childrenwith symptomatic seasonal allergic rhinitis:A randomized studyGaravello W, Romagnoli M, Sordo L, Gaini RM, Di Berardino C,Angrisano A. Hypersaline nasal irrigation in children with symptomaticseasonal allergic rhinitis: A randomized study. PediatrAllergyImmunol2003:14:140–143.Ó2003BlackwellMunksgaardand Alf


Introduction 760 MANAGEMENT OF SERVICES provides the knowledge base and conceptual frameworks to facilitate the deliveryof service excellence. Building on concepts from management and marketing, the subject explores the increasingcontribution of service industries to the global economy. The subject identifies the specific challenges associated withservices, to encourage new ways of thinking

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International Journal of PharmTech Research CODEN (USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304 Vol. 3, No.2, pp1169-1173, April-June 2011 Development and Validation of Densitometric Method for Metronidazole and Tetracycline hydrochloride in capsule Dosage form S. Sharma1, M. C. Sharma* 1Department of Chemistry Chodhary Dilip Singh Kanya Mahavidyalya, Bhind (M.P) India *School of Pha

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TEMAS LIVRES FREE THEMES Análise bioética do Código de Ética Odontológica brasileiro Bioethical analysis of the Brazilian Dentistry Code of EthicsMonique Pyrrho 1Mauro Machado do Prado 1Jorge Cordón 1Volnei Garrafa 1 Abstract The Brazilian Dentistry Code of Ethics Resumo O Código de Ética Odontológica (CEO) (DCE), Resolution CFO-71 from May 2006, is an brasileiro, Reso

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Preferences for rural credit systems and their impact on the implementation of credit unions in Georgia Despite newly implemented agricultural credit systems in Georgia designed to enhance farmers’ access to financial means, the share of agricultural loans compared to all loans remains low. This severely limits the availability of loans (Brown, Coles, Heron et al. 2000; IFAD 2007; Kor

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IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ PART III: CONSUMER INFORMATION What the medicinal ingredient is: Pr Lozide® (indapamide tablets) What the non-medicinal ingredients are: Read this carefully before you start taking glycerol, hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose, lactose Lozide® and each time you get a refill. This leaflet monohydrate, macrogol 6000, magnesium stearate, is a summ

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Injury, Inflammation, and Sepsis: Laboratory andOFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SHOCK SOCIETY, THE EUROPEAN SHOCK SOCIETY,THE INDONESIAN SHOCK SOCIETY, THE INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF SHOCKSOCIETIES, AND THE OFFICIAL AND INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE JAPANChristoph Schmidt, Birgu¨l Kurt, Klaus Ho¨cherl,Inhibition of NF-.B Activity Prevents Downregulation of !1-AdrenergicReceptors and Circulator

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Case: Early Preterm Infant (23 5/7 weeks)• 560 gm male delivered via NSVD after 1 course celestone. Apgars 2, 3, 6 and 7 at 1, 5, 10, 15 min• Intubated in delivery room and placed on HFOV (very • On DOL 129 was placed on room air. Case: Early Preterm Infant (23 5/7 weeks)• Retinopathy of prematurity: grade 3, left eye; grade • Given a trial of food; developed rectal bleeding abdo

Dossier espagnol 201

Carta a los Profesores Tenemos el honor y el placer de informarles que la 6ª edición del Concurso Internacional de Acordeón tendrá lugar los días 15 y 16 de octubre de 2011, en el Ayuntamiento de Roubaix. Esta gran manifestación artística, que no está vinculada con ninguna asociación ni referencia, se dirige a todos los acordeonistas a partir del 1er ciclo de aprendizaje, solista


SAFETY DATA SHEET IDENTIFICATION OF THE PRODUCT AND OF THE MANUFACTURER Potassium tetrafluoroborate Registration number (ECHA) Classification categories / hazard indications Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised For the text of R-phrases/H-phrases and classification abbreviations Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture: IDENTIFICATIO

Management hypertonie

MANAGEMENT HYPERTONIE JOURNAL BY FAX Ein Projekt des Herz-Kreislauf-Telefons der Hochdruckliga mit Unterstützung von Servier Deutschland GmbH Wissenschaftlicher Beirat: Prof. Dr. G. Bönner, Bad Krozingen; Prof. Dr. H.-D. Faulhaber, Berlin; Prof. Dr. M. Middeke, München; Prof. Dr. R. Schmieder, Erlangen; Dr. P. Stolte, Münster 7. Jahrgang 2007; Nr. 16 Die ADVANCE-S


Concurso Externo Extraordinário Proposta da reunião da Mesa Negocial de 15.11.2012 As alterações introduzidas encontram-se a “negrito” 1- O presente decreto-lei estabelece um regime excecional destinado à seleção e recrutamento de pessoal docente nos estabelecimentos públicos da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário na dependência do Ministério d

What is pots

Midodrine Midodrine is a drug that can be used to treat people with disorders of the autonomic nervous system which include low blood pressure, neuro-cardiogenic syncope (fainting) and postural tachycardia syndrome. It is used only after other measures have been ineffective in controlling symptoms (eg high fluid intake, additional salt in some patients, counter manoeuvres, small frequent


Ask Dr. K®: Writings For Your Mental Health ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND SEXUAL SIDE EFFECTS His doctor placed my husband on an antidepressant. He feels better but our sex life is now non-existent. It wasn’t so good when he was depressed and I expected that to change with his feeling I’m happy to hear that your husband is feeling better. Many people never seek help for their depression (becau

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Dr. Mark Sywak FRACS Dr. Mark Sywak FRACS Suite 1, Level 2, 27 Belgrave Street Dr. Mark Sywak FRACS 69 Christie Street, St. Leonards 2065 Open Parathyroidectomy Wound Care: Your wound will be covered with In addition, if you have been placed on calcium tape, which should be left in place for about 2 supplements, you need to be seen by your local weeks. The tape will b

Science magazine

Kansas Standards Evolve Again UC Balks at Campus-Wide Ban on Eighteen months after its state educationboard adopted science standards promotingthe teaching of intelligent design (ID), Kansas Tobacco Money for Research is set to toss them out. Next month, a newlythe grant do not violate university policyaligned board expects to adopt standards thatUniversity of California (UC) has d


Preventive Effects of Rosiglitazone on Restenosis after Coronary Stenting in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Donghoon Choi, MD, PhD Cardiology Division Yonsei University College of Medicine, Background 1. Cardiovascular disease is one of the important leading cause of deaths in Type 2 diabetic patients. 2. As a result of dramatic increase in implantation numbers, in

National formulary grp1631 e.qxp:travelmedi pass_gb00200-e.qxd

Helping you make the most of your drug coverageYour group benefit plan covers drugs listed on the National Formulary. Although it covers approximately 85% of the mostfrequently prescribed drugs in Canada, you may find yourself with a prescription for a drug that isn’t on the list. This isimportant to understand because non-formulary drugs are either covered at a lower percentage, or not covered


Staatsanzeiger für das Land Hessen — 8. Januar 2007Der Klage und allen Schriftsätzen sollen Abschriften für die übri-gen Beteiligten beigefügt werden.“ Bekanntgabe nach § 3a UVPG Eine Durchschrift dieses Genehmigungsbescheides liegt vom Tage nach der Bekanntmachung an zwei Wochen vom 9. Januar 2007 bis Die Thermphos Deutschland GmbH, Industriepark Höchst, 65926 22. Januar 2007


Lisa Cookston ROP Career Specialist Orange County Emergency Medical Services • Goal to understand and participate in supplementing current EMT curriculum with new nationwide standards. • I chose to explore Orange County’s EMT program because I work with many students who are interested in EMT and Fire service. • I also work with Coastline Regional Occupational Program’s EMT co


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REV CHIL OBSTET GINECOL 2004; 69(2): 157-162 EN LA ANTICONCEPCIÓN DE. / HORACIO CROXATTO A. y cols. MECANISMO DE ACCIÓN DEL LEVONORGESTRELEN LA ANTICONCEPCIÓN DE EMERGENCIAHoracio Croxatto A.1, María Elena Ortiz S.1,a1Investigadores asociados, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de ChileEn esta revisión se actualiza el mecanismo de acción del levonorgestrel


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COMO SEGUIR AS PACIENTES COM CÂNCER DE MAMA ? Dr. José Luiz B. Bevilacqua DECLARAÇÃO DE CONFLITOS DE INTERESSE COMO SEGUIR AS PACIENTES COM CÂNCER DE MAMA ? • Novos estadiamentos são necessários?• Qual o benefício do diagnóstico precoce de • Exames ou conversa: o que as pacientes Follow-up em Ca de mama – Aspectos da Abordagem • Sintomas comuns associados ao t

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Raccomandazioni per l’esecuzione della curva standard da carico orale di glu- cosio (OGTT) per la diagnosi di diabete mellito Paolo Andreani1, Anna Caldini2, Mariarosa Carta3, Ferruccio Ceriotti4, Alberto Falorni5, Grazia Ferrai 6 , Franco Ghiara7, Elvino Giordani8, Maristella Graziani9, Annunziata Lapolla10, Giuseppe Lippi11, Claudia Lo Cascio9, Italiano Maccaroni12, Lucia Malloggi13, Mauri

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