The Kirkland Project News
Special Kirkland Project 2003 – 2004 Program Technology, Science and Democracy
We ended the fall term with a festival of films
illustrating popular fears of science and
O benefits from it, and who does not? Our first guest of the spring term was Alex
How can we use technology to work for social
environmentalist group Riverkeeper, speaking
traditional concepts of privacy, freedom, etc.?
about “The Truth About Our Nuclear Neighbor:
Our first guest, Dr. Vandana Shiva, addressed
a large crowd in the Chapel with her lecture,
In February, we invited two guests to look at
“Alternatives to Globalization and War.” Vandana
the U. S. penal system with us. Joy James,
Shiva is a physicist, ecologist, activist, author of
activist and writer, is a political theorist and
numerous books, and winner of the prestigious
Professor of Africana Studies at Brown University.
Right Livelihood Award, known as “the alternative
Susan Rosenberg, a human and prisoner rights
activist, teaches at CUNY’s John Jay College of
Members of the Hamilton faculty considered
Criminal Justice. We screened Through the Wire
our topic at our annual Opening Panel and
Reception. Stuart Hirshfield (Computer Science),
provocative panel, “Democracy and Captivity:
Carl Rubino (Classics), and Bonnie Urciuoli
Human Rights, Technology and the ‘Science of
(Anthropology) spoke, with Martine Guyot-Bender
(French), moderator, and Vivyan Adair (Women’s
Sandra Harding, who is a leader in feminist
philosophy of science and Professor of Education
and Women’s Studies at UCLA, spoke about
Communities Across the Digital Divide.” Panelists
“Science and Technology Studies in a Postcolonial
were Mary Bernadine Dias HC ‘98 (Robotics
Institute, Carnegie Mellon), on the use of robotics
In partnership with the Emerson Gallery we
sponsored the exhibit “Suzanne Anker: Origins
(Anthropology, SUNYIT), Open Source computing
and Futures.” Suzanne Anker is a visual artist and
in the North Atlantic and Nusantara; Ellen
theoretician working with genetic imagery. Anker
McDermott, a founding partner of BusyInternet,
visited campus and led a gallery tour and talk.
Finally, Nalo Hopkinson read from her work
Telecommunications Program, NYU), a master
and led a writing workshop. Hopkinson’s award-
teacher, multimedia artist and consultant.
winning science fiction is written from a feminist
Author Dick Teresi guest lectured on “Whose
perspective and informed by the author’s Afro-
Science?” Challenging the received wisdom, Dick
Teresi traces the origins of contemporary science
It was exciting to work with many departments
and programs to develop these lectures, exhibits
Rachel P. Maines engaged our audience with
and panels. Co-sponsors were the departments of
her lecture, “Vibrators and Viagra: The Double
Africana Studies, Biology, Comparative Literature,
Standard.” She discussed a forgotten chapter in
English, Environmental Studies, Philosophy, and
late 19th- and early 20th-century medical history,
Women’s Studies; Levitt Public Affairs Center;
when an assortment of women’s maladies was
Faculty for Women’s Concerns; Office of the Dean
of Faculty; and the Emerson Gallery.
“hysteria” or “pelvic hyperemia” — congestion of
Student Cultures Conference: “Let’s Talk About Sex” at Hamilton
it was a resounding success. All the panelists
were well informed on their topics and offered
great information. The discussion that followed
T “Student Cultures,” and the subtitle was was lively and thought provoking.
“‘Let’s Talk About Sex’ at Hamilton.” We wanted
At lunch the conversations continued with a
to create a space where students and faculty
roundtable discussion on the Vagina Monologues
could talk frankly about sex as it intersects with
led by Professor Kristina Boylan from SUNY-IT
gender, race, class, and sexual orientation in a
and students from both Hamilton and SUNY-IT
larger theoretical framework and within the
who had been involved in the Monologues at their
Hamilton community. Our goal was to come up
respective schools. It was interesting to see the
with some concrete recommendations on how to
contrast between how the play was received at
improve the campus climate. The conference
Hamilton, where it has been performed for the
past four years, and at SUNY-IT, where this was
from the Kirkland Project Research Associates.
After lunch we had a small yet enthusiastic
Mark Castro ‘05, Haley Reimbold ‘06, Brian Tilley
group return for Dean Marc David’s “Sex and
‘05, and Nesa Wasarhaley ‘04 all gave very
Gender” activity. We were asked questions about
informative talks about where they were in their
the atmosphere on campus, and to consider ways
various research projects. Marsha Joachim ‘06
in which different sexual identities and gender
also presented research that she has been doing
identities were privileged or not privileged. This
in collaboration with several other students and
gave way to some really amazing discussion and
brainstorming to address some of the problems we
experiences of students of color in the Hamilton
had identified on campus. Suggestions included
working with the Health Center and the Dean of
Students to provide free rape kits to students and
students, Lizzie Fazio ‘04 and Janeen Knight ‘05,
better access to emergency contraceptives on the
followed with a presentation entitled “In Someone
Else’s Eyes: The Hyper-(In)visibility of Black
Grievance Board to create a more student friendly
Women’s Sexuality.” The panelists addressed the
policy and method of dealing with harassment and
issue of black women’s sexuality within a
assault on campus; and working with the Sexual
Assault Center to create a proposal for improving
the campus climate. We also have agreed to form
Our large panel on the issue of “Sex and
a coalition of concerned students and faculty
Sexuality: Theory and Practice” was intended to
members to try to address these problems and
bring out some issues related to the Hamilton
continue working for positive change on campus.
campus in a theoretical context and more directly;
CNY Consortium Initiative
and William Smith, Colgate, Utica College and
Ithaca College to join us for a luncheon meeting
on campus. As a result of a spring meeting, we
T somewhat like our own. First, the plan to organize a collaborative leadership session
Director went to Hobart and William Smith
for students committed to social justice and to
Colleges to visit their Fisher Center. Then, we
invite the consortium “members” to present at our
invited the directors of four centers from Hobart
spring 2005 conference of faculty/student work.
EDUCATION Ed.D., Doctor of Education in Higher and Adult Education. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York, 1990. Doctoral Dissertation Title: Facilitating Adult Learning Through Technology Based Distance Education. M.A., Master of Arts in Higher and Adult Education. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York, 1990. Masters Degree Essay: Philosophi
ST. STEPHEN’S ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3669 HIGHLAND AVE., HFX., NS B3K 4J9 TEL: 493-5155 FAX: 493-5158 [email protected] PRINCIPAL VICE PRINCIPAL Makiko Chiasson Rebecca Campbell November 19, 2013 Dear Parent/Guardian : We are noticing with more frequency, cases of head lice in the school. As head lice can be spread from person to person, we r