Emergency management of cardiac chest pain: a review Emerg. Med. J. doi:10.1136/emj.18.1.6
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Emerg Med J 2001;18:6–10
Emergency management of cardiac chest pain: areview
Chest pain accounts for 2%–4% of all new
fer to coronary care, and also to limit the
attendances at emergency departments (ED)
impact on the patient and healthcare resources.
in the United Kingdom.1 2 Chest pain can be
The diagnosis of chest pains less than 12
the presenting complaint in a myriad of disor-
hours in duration is an important challenge.
ders ranging from life threats such as acute
This is for three reasons. Firstly, individual
myocardial infarction (AMI) to mild self limit-
biochemical markers cannot eVectively rule
ing disorders such as muscle strain. Possible
out myocardial infarction in the initial 12 hour
cardac chest pain can be viewed as a con-
period.13 14 Secondly, aspirin and the fibrino-
tinuum, ranging from total global AMI to sim-
lytic agents are at their most potent during this
ple short lived angina. Within this spectrum lie
period,8 15 and finally the majority of AMI
the acute coronary syndromes with critical car-
related deaths occur in the first 12 hours.4
diac ischaemia and minimal myocardial dam-
identifies all AMIs immediately and confi-
Nationally over 129 000 deaths a year are
dently excludes all non-AMIs. No perfect test
attributable to ischaemic heart disease.3 AMI
exists; instead tests are combined initially to
case mortality is currently 45% with over 70%
rule in myocardial infarction (RIMI), and then
of these dying before they reach medical care.4
to eVectively rule out myocardial infarction
One in eight patients with unstable angina will
(ROMI). The clinical eYcacy of diagnostic
infarct within two weeks without appropriate
tests is evaluated using sensitivity and specifi-
treatment. In the UK around 30% of patients
city. To be certain of the diagnosis (in this case
RIMI) a test must be have very few false posi-
discharged from the ED1 while in the United
tives (high specificity). However, to confidently
States 60% are admitted and 40% discharged.4
rule out a condition (in this case ROMI) the
Despite such high admission rates 3%–4% of
test must have minimal false negatives (high
EDs. In the UK significantly fewer patients are
admitted; while the number of missed AMIs is
evidence base underlying diagnostic and treat-
unknown, recent evidence suggests that some
ment strategies for patients with cardiac
6% of patients discharged from EDs may have
prognostically significant myocardial damage.5
The initial approach to cardiac sounding chest pain
accounts for 20% of US emergency medicine
Patients with cardiac sounding chest pain must
related litigation dollars.7 Many interventions
have rapid access to appropriate care. This
including drug therapy and surgery reduce
requires robust recognition of the problem,
mortality in patients with AMI.8–11 However,
the patient can only benefit if correctly identi-
trained to assess clinical risk. This is summa-
Although it is essential to identify all patients
Department of Emergency Medicine,
important to control costs and not subject
Accident and
patients to unnecessary investigations, in-
Emergency, Manchester Royal
patient care and resultant psychological stress. Infirmary Oxford
Forty per cent of patients admitted to CCU
Road, Manchester
with chest pain will have all ischaemic heart
M13 9WL, UK
disease ruled out.12 The emotional, physical
and economic impact on the patient, their
family, their friends and the limited resources
of the healthcare system should not be under-
estimated. The process of chest pain evaluation
must therefore be both timely and accurate in
order to facilitate early thrombolysis and trans-
Emergency management of cardiac chest painHistory suggesting unstable cardiac ischaemia
The first clinical contact between the patientand the ED is usually at nurse triage. It is
Cardiac sounding chest pain and any of:
essential that cardiac sounding chest pain is
identified at this stage, and accorded an appro-
+ Pain not relieved by standard treatment in standard time
priately high (very urgent) clinical priority.17
+ Pain occurring with increasing frequency over the previous
This will ensure that an appropriate early path-
way of care is followed. Once this group of
+ Pain within six weeks of AMI or revascularisation
patients have been identified subsequent man-agement should be presentation sensitive—
tion. This will allow appropriate decisions
very urgent cardiac pain patients should be
ischaemic changes not known to be old predictboth a high risk of myocardial infarction and
also a high risk of complications. If the ECG is
The initial ECG is performed to RIMI, and
normal then clinical risk factors are sought.
should be recorded as soon as possible—and
Firstly, any history consistent with unstable
certainly within 10 minutes. The ECG is an
ischaemic heart disease is elicited—a practical
excellent tool for RIMI as it is highly specific
(77%–100%) depending on the criteria used.
Secondly, any findings of either hypotension
However, the sensitivity of ECG is poor (28%–
(systolic blood pressure less than 120 mm Hg)
54%) in the first 12 hours,11 18 and the presence
or significant heart failure (crepitations not just
including the bases) are noted. If more than
provides suYcient assurance to discharge the
two clinical risk factors are present then the
patient from the ED. At this stage, therefore,
the ECG is a tool to identify patients for
If only one risk factor is present or there are
consideration of fibrinolytic drugs.18–20
none at all, then the history should bereconsidered to see whether one of two
CLINICAL RISK STRATIFICATIONAcute MI patients with ECG changes should
particular scenarios that go along with a mod-
therefore be spotted straight away and should
erate risk of myocardial infarction are present.
then be treated appropriately (see below). The
patients who remain will range from those with
The whole approach to clinical risk assess-
unstable angina to those with musculoskeletal
pain. While the particular diagnosis in indi-
vidual patients may take some time to estab-
multicentre chest pain study19 20 and provides
lish, the risks of either myocardial infarction or
an objective, evidence based tool for use in the
of later complications can be rapidly assessed
by considering the ECG, by taking a focused
patients are identified rapidly and provides a
history and by carrying out a brief examina-
framework for subsequent care of all thoseremaining. Clinical scenarios indicating a moderate risk of myocardial infarction in patientsManagement
Typical cardiac pain in a patient over 40 years old where the pain is not
The management of the patients will depend
reproduced by palpation, is not stabbing in nature and does not radiate
on the outcome of the initial screen. Some
A history of anginal pain lasting longer than one hour that was either worse
patients will have an ECG positive diagnosis of
than usual angina pain or as bad as the pain of a previous AMI.
myocardial infarction and will need immediateintervention. Others will be at high risk andwill need admission for both treatment and
further diagnosis. Those at moderate and low
risk will need myocardial infarction ruled out,
ST elevation (>1 mm in two limb leads or >2
mm in two chest leads) or acute left bundlebranch block in a patient with chest pain arediagnostic of AMI and indicators for the use of
Patients should receive aspirin unless they
have a major contraindication (active pepticulceration, bleeding disorders and severe al-lergy).21
dependent platelet activity—taking one hour toinduce
oxygenase.22 Therefore the earlier aspirin isgiven the greater the eVect. Aspirin given
immediately and continued for one monthafter AMI prevents 25 deaths and 13 other vas-
Clinical risk assessment overview.
cular events per 1000 patients treated.10
Contraindications to the use of fibrinolytic drugs
MODERATE RISK GROUPThe care of the moderate risk group is moot at
Bleeding disorders, for example, haemophilia, severe liver
History of bleeding, for example, cerebral bleed, GI bleed
managed by admission as high risk patients, or
by entry into a ROMI protocol (see below).
Cavitating lung diseaseAcute pancreatitis
LOW RISK GROUPSome 65% of all patients presenting to an ED
Indications for the use of t-PA in patients withST segment elevation or acute LBBB
with cardiac sounding chest pain fall into thelow risk group. These patients do not have a
clear cut clinical diagnosis, the risk of AMI is
less than 7% and the risk of a major complica-
Aged under 75Anterior myocardial infarction
tion is around 2%. All patients should bescreened for evidence of myocardial dam-age.19 20
admitted to hospital for a ROMI protocol—
are streptokinase and recombinant tissue plas-
minogen activator (rtPA). Fibrinolytic agents
others are discharged without further investi-
work by direct action upon the coronary artery
gation. This approach results in a proportion of
thrombosis leading to recanalisation and reper-
patients with AMI being inadvertently dis-
charged. Matching the clinical resource with
artery.23 Fibrinolytics and aspirin used in
the clinical need has led to the development of
conjunction result in a reduction in mortality
of 52 deaths per 1000 AMIs.10 The indications
purpose of these is twofold—firstly, to identify
and contraindications for fibrinolytic agents
patients with myocardial damage rapidly and
secondly, to facilitate discharge for the rest as
Individual hospitals have defined guidelines
quickly as safely possible.25–30 All this must be
on the use of these drugs taking into account
the cost diVerential and the relative clinicaleYcacy; currently rtPA costs up to eight times
A variety of strategies currently exist for
The benefit of thrombolysis is not age or sex
ROMI. These include cardiac enzyme assays,
dependent and fibrinolytics should be given to
all indicated patients with no contraindica-
approach of serial ECGs and enzyme testing
tions. The benefits are greatest in the sickest
(also known as the World Health Organisation
patients, those with hypotension and tachycar-
criteria) is still the most commonly used
dia. However, benefit is time dependent and
rapid identification and initiation of treatment
once two samples have been taken, the WHO
criteria are 96% sensitive.31 In low risk patientsin whom no further pain has occurred the sen-sitivity is 99.4%.30 This test is relatively cheap
but not timely, requiring the patient to remain
Patients at high risk of either myocardial
infarction or complications will require emer-gency treatment and admission. Many of these
patients have ST-T segment changes suggestive
The traditional markers of creatinine kinase
of myocardial ischaemia or subendocardial
myocardial infarction, while others have a
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are being super-
history strongly sugggestive of unstable ischae-
seded by newer tests. Entirely new markers
mic heart disease. This group has around a
such as the cardiac troponins have been devel-
25% chance of AMI, and a moderate to high
risk of major complications developing.19 20
In common with all patients with possible
cardiac chest pain they should receive aspirin
The two new tests for troponins (cTnT and
be started unless specifically contraindicated
cTnI) are both highly specific and sensitive.
(by the presence of significant conduction dis-
order, definite asthma or overt heart failure) as
tropomyosin regulatory complex (TRC). The
should antithrombotic therapy. Low molecular
TRC regulates the actin-myosin complex in
weight heparin is more eVective than unfrac-
muscle. Troponin T and I in cardiac muscle
tionated heparin at reducing the incidence of
are unique in that they are virtually only
ischaemic events and the need for revasculari-
produced by cardiac myocytes.32 The test iden-
sation procedures. The incidence of major
tifies the amount of each protein in the blood.
bleeding complications is the same for both
Testing for either TnT orTnI is both cost and
forms of heparin. Thus all patients who fall
clinically eVective after 12 hours, but misses
into the high risk chest pain group who are not
the early diagnostic window available to EDs.
eligible for fibrinolytic drugs should receive
These enzymes are therefore better as late
markers and not as ROMI tests in a six or nine
Emergency management of cardiac chest pain
combination of CK-MB assay and ST segment
monitoring has been extensively used in this
way; a prospective randomised controlled trialhas shown this approach to be safe, when com-pared with inpatient care.28
One approach is the six hour CPAU protocol
CPAU protocols can deliver high sensitivity
and specificity and provide a rapid evidence-based protocol for ROMI in the ED. A negativetest eVectively rules out significant myocardial
damage and allows safe discharge from the ED.
have been proposed as possible protocol addi-tions for a chest pain service. These includetroponin
echocardiography.36–38 The main problem at
present in including these technologies in EDprotocols is that they are not validated for usein patients with the same spectrum of diseaseas ED patients
All patients attending an ED with chest painthat could be cardiac should be given a hightriage priority to allow rapid assessment andtreatment.
All patients should receive adequate analge-
sia and aspirin. Patients with AMI who require
fibrinolytic agents should be identified and
treatment started. Other high risk patientsneed inpatient care and may need low molecu-
Low risk patients require rapid, cost eVective
patients did not adequately evaluate dis-
and eYcacious ROMI protocols, so they can be
charged patients—the incidence of missed
discharged safely. CPAUs provide the best way
of achieving this. Currently the best early pro-
tocol seems to be serial CK-MB measurementsand continuous ST segment monitoring
CK-MB isoforms and massCK has three isoenzymes (MM, BB, MB).
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