Motor driver ICs
Reversible motor driver BA6246N / BA6247 / BA6247N / BA6247FP-Y
The BA6246N, BA6247, BA6247N and BA6247FP-Y are monolithic ICs incorporating two reversible-motor drivers. TheICs differ in the control logic and output mode.
FFeatures1) Two reversible-motor drivers in each unit.
4) Available in a compact SIP10pin package
2) Built-in thermal shutdown circuit.
(BA6246N, BA6247N) or a HSIP10pin package with
3) Output voltage can be set arbitrarily.
5) Available in a HSOP25pin surface-mount package
Motor driver ICs BA6246N / BA6247 / BA6247N / BA6247FP-Y Motor driver ICs BA6246N / BA6247 / BA6247N / BA6247FP-Y
FElectrical characteristics (unless otherwise noted, Ta = 25_C and VCC = 12V)
Motor driver ICs BA6246N / BA6247 / BA6247N / BA6247FP-Y
be specified, so if the IC is to be used in applications
(1) The input threshold voltage is positively correlated
where parameters may exceed the absolute maximum
retings, then be sure to incorporate fuses, or other physi-
Depending on the ambient conditions, environment, or
motor characteristics, the back-rush voltage may fluctu-
(2) The input pins of the BA6246N are pulled up through
ate. Be sure to confirm that the back-rush voltage will not
a resistance of about 15kΩ (see Fig. 1). To secure the
adversely affect the operation of the IC.
LOW level input, the interface to these pins should have
a current-sink capability of at least 700µA
Large currents are carried by the motor power supply and
motor ground for these ICs. Therefore, the layout of the
(3) The maximum input voltage is 6V. Make sure that the
pattern of the PC board and the constants of certain pa-
input will not exceed this value. Also when the voltage
rameters for external components, such as the capacitor
VCC is not applied to the IC, do not apply voltages to the
between the power supply and ground, may cause this
large output current to flow back to the input pins, result-
ing in output oscillation or other malfunctions. To prevent
When reversing the rotational direction of a motor, make
this, make sure that the PC board layout and external cir-
sure to go through the brake or open mode in-between
cuit constants cause no problems with the characteris-
The duration of brake mode should be more than the
braking time, which is defined by the time required for the
The power dissipation will fluctuate depending on the
potential of the LOW level output pin to become less than
mounting conditions of the IC and the ambient environ-
the ground potential by the electromotive force gener-
ment. Make sure to carefully check the thermal design of
ated when the mode is switched from rotation to brake.
the application where these ICs will be used.
The duration of open mode should be 1 ms or more.
Due to the effects of capacitors C2XC5, the motor
The power consumption by the IC varies widely with the
that is not being driven could be momentarily driven dur-
power supply voltage and the putput current. Give full
ing mode switching. Check for this problem when design-
consideration to the power dissipation rating and the
thermal resistance data and transient thermal resistance
It is recommendable to arrange your design so that
data, to provide a thermal design so that none of the rat-
voltage rises at VCC1 prior to VCC2 when turning on the
power, and voltage falls at VCC1 after VCC2 when turning
Make sure that the output current and supply voltage do
When the thermal shutdown circuit is activated, the out-
puts are left OPEN. The circuit is activated when the IC
There are no circuits built into these ICs that prevent in-
junction temperature rises above 170_C. The tempera-
rush currents. Therefore, it is recommended to place a
ture difference between the activation and deactivation
current limiting resistor or other physical countermeasure.
(13) Factors regarding the thermal, power supply, and
The quality of these products have been carefully
checked; however, use of the products with applied volt-
If the potential of the output pin sways greatly and goes
ages, operating temperatures, or other parameters that
below the potential of ground, the operation of the IC may
exceed the absolute maximum rating given may result in
malfunction or be adversely affected. In such a case,
the damage of the IC and the product it is used in. If the
place a diode between the output and ground, or other
IC is damaged, the short mode and open modes cannot
Motor driver ICs BA6246N / BA6247 / BA6247N / BA6247FP-Y Motor driver ICs BA6246N / BA6247 / BA6247N / BA6247FP-Y
Datasheets for electronics components.
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Attendance/Guests: Our Speaker Last Week: Total attendance last week was 34: 32 Optimists and 2 guests; Jerry Larson, guest Cindy (Cid) Skaalrud , Ma spoke to our Club about Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disease that of Doug Waller and Dick Hughes, guest of Jay Hermann. Singing was led by Robert leads to a lack of the brain chemical called dop