Sleep Medicine Reviews (2008) 12, 153–162
aSleep Disorders and Research Center, Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 W Grand Blvd, CFP-3, Detroit,MI 48202, USAbDepartment of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, School of Medicine, Wayne State University,Detroit, MI, USA
Caffeine is one of the most widely consumed psychoactive substances
and it has profound effects on sleep and wake function. Laboratory studies have
documented its sleep-disruptive effects. It clearly enhances alertness and
performance in studies with explicit sleep deprivation, restriction, or circadian
sleep schedule reversals. But, under conditions of habitual sleep the evidence
indicates that caffeine, rather then enhancing performance, is merely restoringperformance degraded by sleepiness. The sleepiness and degraded function may bedue to basal sleep insufficiency, circadian sleep schedule reversals, reboundsleepiness, and/or a withdrawal syndrome after the acute, over-night, caffeinediscontinuation typical of most studies. Studies have shown that caffeinedependence develops at relatively low daily doses and after short periods of regulardaily use. Large sample and population-based studies indicate that regular dailydietary caffeine intake is associated with disturbed sleep and associated daytimesleepiness. Further, children and adolescents, while reporting lower daily, weight-corrected caffeine intake, similarly experience sleep disturbance and daytimesleepiness associated with their caffeine use. The risks to sleep and alertness ofregular caffeine use are greatly underestimated by both the general population andphysicians. & 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
coca, candy bars, and soft drinks. It also is aningredient in various over-the-counter drugs (OTCs)
Caffeine is one of the most commonly consumed
including headache, cold, allergy, pain relief, and
psychoactive substances in the world. It is available
alerting drugs. The caffeine content of some of the
in a variety of dietary sources such as coffee, tea,
various beverages, foods, and OTCs is provided in. The table is not to be consideredexhaustive. The caffeine content of foods, com-
ÃCorresponding author. Sleep Disorders and Research Center,
mercially prepared beverages, and OTCs is constant
Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 W Grand Blvd, CFP-3, Detroit,
and documented, but the caffeine content of
MI 48202, USA. Tel./fax: +1 313 916 5177.
brewed beverages can vary depending on the bean
1087-0792/$ - see front matter & 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:
pharmacology of caffeine and the well-documented
Caffeine content of drinks and foods.
sleep disruptive effects of caffeine and studies
suggesting that caffeine’s performance-enhancingeffects are for the most part restoring performance
degraded by sleepiness, this review will evaluate
the degree to which caffeine dependence interacts
with its sleep–wake effects. Finally, evidence from
population-based studies on the role of daily
dietary caffeine in disturbed sleep and impaired
daytime function will be assessed and the risks ofcaffeine associated sleep disruption and daytime
sleepiness in children and adolescents will be
Orally ingested caffeine is absorbed rapidly, reach-
estimated that 80% of plasma caffeine levels arepresent in human brain, based on animal studies
that have compared plasma to brain concentra-
tion.Caffeine is metabolized to paraxanthine
(80%) and to theobromine and theophylline (16%).
With higher caffeine doses, and the repeated
consumption typical of regular caffeine users, the
plasma levels of paraxanthine accumulate and this
paraxanthine accumulation reduces caffeine clear-
ance. Paraxanthine shares many of the effects of
caffeine and consequently regular caffeine con-sumption leads to both accumulated caffeine andparaxanthine levels, both of which are biologically
used and the method of brewing. This variability
active. The half-life of single dose caffeine is 3–7 h,
requires that investigators estimate the caffeine
but with higher levels of intake the duration of
content of brewed beverages when assessing self-
action is extended, likely due to the accumulated
reported caffeine consumption and introduces
paraxanthine and retarded caffeine clearance.
error variance when relating caffeine doses to any
Caffeine’s primary mode of action is adenosine
receptor blockade. The A1 and A2A adenosine
Caffeine’s effects on laboratory assessed sleep in
receptors are those primarily involved in caffeine’s
double-blind placebo controlled studies have been
central effects. A1 receptors are distributed widely
well documented. Laboratory studies have also
throughout the brain including hippocampus, cere-
documented its alerting and performance-enhan-
bral and cerebellar cortex, and thalamus, while A2A
cing effects. However, the extent to which regular
receptors are located in striatum, nucleus accum-
dietary caffeine intake affects sleep and daytime
bens and olfactory tubercle. Adenosine receptors
function in the population is not fully known. Such
are also present in blood vessels, kidneys, heart
information is important since there is evidence
and the GI tract. Adenosine decreases neural firing
suggesting the use of caffeine in society is expand-
rate and inhibits most neurotransmitter release.
ing, both in terms of increased daily dosages and
The mechanism(s) by which adenosine inhibits
earlier ages for the initiation of regular daily
neurotransmitter release have not been resolved.
The putative role of adenosine in sleep homeostasis
To understand the effects of caffeine and its
discontinuation on sleep and daytime alertness and
postulated mechanism for adenosine’s role in sleep
its tolerance and dependence liability we will first
homeostasis is inhibition of cholinergic neurons in
review its pharmacology. After reviewing the
the basal forebrain which normally produce arousal.
Thus, adenosine promotes sleep and caffeine
regarding dietary caffeine intake and cardiovascu-
blocks adenosine’s sleep promoting effects.
lar health.Peripheral pressor responses to caf-
The extent of tolerance development to caf-
feine were assessed in the cortisol study cited
feine’s effects is controversial and not clearly
above using the same caffeine administration
methodologyCaffeine elevated blood pressure
due to methodological limitations. Studies compare
relative to placebo and the blood pressure response
caffeine naı¨ve to habitual caffeine consumers, or
was not abolished after 5 days of 600 mg daily. The
habitual consumers before and after caffeine
sympathetic nervous system has an important role
abstinence. Given that 80% or more of the popula-
in regulating blood pressure. A study assessed
tion report regular use of caffeine, non-caffeine
sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure in
consumers are a very self-selected, atypical sub-
habitual and non-habitual caffeine drinkers.Re-
population. Response differences may merely re-
lative to placebo, caffeine (250 mg) increased
flect genetic or other trait differences between
blood pressure in the non-habitual drinkers, but
non-caffeine and habitual consumers, or an atypi-
not the habitual drinkers. In contrast, sympathetic
cal response to caffeine that led to the non-
system activity was similarly increased in both
consumer’s caffeine avoidance. Very few studies
groups. Importantly, plasma caffeine concentra-
have directly administered caffeine repeatedly
tions did not differ between the two groups. Thus,
with parallel placebo controls. The available data
tolerance to the peripheral effects of caffeine may
do suggest that caffeine tolerance development is
be differential, depending on the response system
partial and may differ with regard to caffeine’s
assessed, but appears to be less consistent than the
As to central effects, a study measured human
brain metabolic response to caffeine using rapidproton echo-planar spectroscopic imaging in reg-ular caffeine useBrain lactate during 1 h
following caffeine (10 mg/kg) was elevated in
caffeine naive relative to regular caffeine users. In the regular caffeine users after a 4–8 weeks
A number of polysomnographic studies have as-
abstinence, caffeine re-exposure raised brain lac-
sessed the sleep effects of caffeine administered
tate to a level similar to that of the caffeine naı¨ve
within 1 h of sleep. An early study administered
subjects. A study of caffeine (400 mg administered
0, 1.1, 2.3, or 4.6 mg/kg (77–322 mg for a 70 kg
three times a day) effects on nocturnal sleep and
person) caffeine 30 min before sleep to healthy
daytime alertness attempted to model the physio-
normals with a reported average daily 3-cup
logical arousal of chronic insomnia in healthy
caffeine consumption history.Caffeine reduced
normals.The caffeine was administered for 7 days
total sleep time, increased latency to sleep, and
and over the 7 days partial tolerance to the sleep
reduced percent stage 3–4 sleep in a dose-related
disruptive and daytime alerting effects of caffeine
was observed. It is possible that more clearly
In a study of the hypnotic effects of temazepam,
defined pharmacological tolerance occurred, but
methylphenidate (10 mg) and caffeine (150 mg)
that was offset by the increase in homeostatic drive
were used to model insomnTo establish the
resulting from the nightly sleep disruption. The
insomnia model, healthy young adults with an
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA) is
unspecified caffeine history received each drug
activated by caffeine administration and cortisol
alone 30 min before sleep. Compared to placebo
secretion has been used to mark this HPA activa-
both drugs prolonged sleep onset and reduced total
tion. Salivary cortisol response to a caffeine
sleep time, but did not affect sleep stages.
challenge (250 mg) was assessed before and after
Caffeine 150 mg had a greater effect on sleep
5 days of 0, 300, or 600 mg daily caffeOn day 1
latency and total sleep time than methylphenidate
relative to placebo cortisol was elevated in a dose-
related manner. By day 5 partial tolerance devel-
Another study of young adults (21–31 yr) with an
oped in the daily 300 mg group and complete
unspecified caffeine drinking history compared the
tolerance in the daily 600 mg group. Thus, most of
effects of 000, 100, 200, and 300 mg of caffeine
the evidence suggests either complete or partial
taken at ‘‘lights-out’’.In a dose-related manner
tolerance to caffeine’s central effects.
all caffeine doses reduced total sleep time and
The peripheral effects of caffeine and possible
percentage of stage 3+4 sleep. Sleep onset was not
tolerance development to its peripheral effects
affected, probably because of the ‘‘lights-out’’
have received more attention because of concerns
drug administration used in the study and caffeine’s
30–70 min time to plasma peak. In a second
stimulants, and are consistent with its mechanism
study, done with the same participants, the sleep
of action, adenosine blockade. Stage 3–4 sleep is
effects of caffeine 300 mg were compared to
decreased and EEG slow wave activity is suppressed
methylphenidate 10 and 20 mg and pemoline 20
by caffeine. In contrast, the psychomotor stimu-
lants are more likely to suppress REM sleep.
methylphenidate and pemoline reduced total sleeptime relative to placebo, with no differences intotal sleep time among the drugs. Sleep onsetand percent stage 3+4 sleep were not affected
by any of the drugs. The high dose of methylphe-
nidate prolonged REM latency and reduced REMpercent, which was not found with caffeine or
Laboratory studies of the effects of caffeine on
performance and mood have a long history dating
A study attempting to model the physiological
to the late nineteenth century. The acknowledged
arousal of insomnia in healthy young men adminis-
first placebo controlled study was published in
tered 400 mg caffeine three times a day (800, 1600,
1907.The investigators reported that 500 mg
and 2300 h) for 7 consecutive days.Relative to
caffeine improved finger muscle strength. The
baseline, total sleep time was reduced and sleep
classic review article of Weis and Laties summar-
latency was increased. The percentage of stage 4
ized the pre-1960s literature and concluded that
sleep was reduced, but the percentage and latency
the evidence clearly indicates that caffeine en-
of REM sleep was not affected. As cited above, this
hances a wide range of performance with the
study showed partial tolerance development over
exception of ‘‘intellectual’’ Weis and Laties
then raised the critical question whether caffeine is
Given adenosine’s putative role in sleep home-
actually producing superior performance or merely
ostasis several studies have assessed EEG slow wave
restoring performance ‘‘degraded by fatigue, bore-
activity during sleep after caffeine administration.
Caffeine (100 mg) or placebo was administered to
The post-1960s literature provides additional
young men with a caffeine drinking history of 1–3
information regarding the two issues raised by
cups daily.Caffeine or placebo was administered
Weis and Laties: does caffeine affect ‘‘intellec-
at bedtime and relative to placebo it prolonged
tual’’ performance and does caffeine restore or
sleep latency and reduced sleep efficiency and
improve performance. First, as to whether ‘‘in-
visually scored stage 4 sleep. EEG spectral power
tellectual’’ performance is improved, Weis and
density in the 0.75–4.5 Hz band was reduced.
Laties were probably referring to what is currently
Salivary caffeine was 7.5 mmol/l and declined to
described as cognitive performance, which includes
3.5 mmol/l by the seventh hour of sleep. A parallel
various types of memory and problem solving
study administered placebo or caffeine 200 mg at
performance. A recent review of the effects of
0700 h and assessed its effect on the subsequent
caffeine on human behavior included a review of
night of sleep (2300–0700 Immediately prior to
the effects of caffeine on cognitive performanc
sleep at 2300 h salivary caffeine levels were
The literature supporting a positive effect of
3.1 mmol/l and relative to placebo sleep efficiency
caffeine on complex cognitive processes is not as
was reduced and EEG spectral power density in the
strong as that for attention and psychomotor
0.75–4.5 Hz band was suppressed. As degree of
performance. Methodological issues, discussed in
sleep fragmentation was not quantified in any of
more detail below, may explain some of the negative
these studies it is difficult to determine if the
results. Without completely reviewing this litera-
decrease in stage 3–4 sleep and slow wave activity
ture, several illustrative studies can be cited.
is a direct pharmacological effect as seen with
A recent study in non-consumers and habitual
drugs like the benzodiazepines, or is secondary to
consumers, reporting 218 mg per day on average,
the sleep disruptive effects of caffeine as seen in
administered 0, 75, and 150 mg caffeine.In
addition to improving attention and reaction time
In summary, the sleep disruptive effects of
performance, the caffeine also improved numeric
caffeine, even at doses equivalent to a single
working memory and sentence verification accu-
cup of coffee, have been well documented.
racy performance. The magnitude of caffeine-
Both sleep onset (i.e., when taken early enough
associated improvements did not differ between
before sleep to allow adequate absorption) and
consumers and non-consumers. Another study
sleep time are adversely affected. The sleep stage
administered a larger caffeine dose (4 mg/kg–
effects are unique, when compared to other
280 mg for a 70 kg participant) to young adults with
an unspecified caffeine drinking history.Caffeine
population-based study (n ¼ 259) of adults aged
improved performance on semantic memory, logi-
21–65 yr, 15% of the sample had a daily average
cal reasoning, free recall and recognition recall
sleep latency of 6 min or less and 20% had an
performance. In summary, while there are a
Epworth Sleepiness Scale score of 11 or greater, a
number of negative studies, studies with positive
score generally considered pathological.A
effects of caffeine on complex cognitive function
complete caffeine intake history was not done in
are available. Negative studies have to be cau-
this study and a daily caffeine intake is not
tiously interpreted because of the various metho-
available for these participants. A study compared
the psychomotor performance of sleepy young
The second issue raised by Weis and Laties is
adults, defined as a MSLT of 6 min or less, with
whether caffeine is restoring or improving perfor-
their alert counterparts, defined as a MSLT of 16 min
mance. There is no question that caffeine acutely
or greater, who did not differ in daily caffeine
restores performance and mood under explicit
intake (i.e., p200 The sleepy individuals
conditions of sleep restriction, sleep deprivation,
showed degraded performance relative to the alert
and sleep phase reversals as seen in shift work,
individuals. Finally, an extended bedtime of 10 h
where prior performance impairment is clear. The
nightly for 6 consecutive nights improved the
literature assessing the use of stimulants, including
performance of the sleepy individIn fact,
caffeine, to improve performance during periods
even 8 h in bed across several nights produced
of extended wakefulness was recently reviewed
an increase in alertness in healthy volunteers, who
by a Task Force of the American Academy of
Sleep Medicine.Similarly, a large number of
the evidence suggests that in the typical caffeine
laboratory and field studies have documented
study there could be increased sleepiness (i.e.
performance impairment associated with night
reduced alertness) and degraded performance
work and have shown that caffeine can minimize
among ‘‘normal volunteer’’ study participants.
the performance impairment that is associated
The increased sleepiness and degraded perfor-
mance in such individuals is likely due to a chronic
But, what of performance under conditions of
sleep insufficiency relative to that individual’s
habitual sleep without explicit sleep loss or
circadian disruption? Is there evidence that there
Other important considerations are the time-of-
is fatigue and degraded performance in the typical
day and the homeostatic sleep load (i.e., the level
caffeine study of normal healthy volunteers? And if
of sleepiness) at which the caffeine is administered
so, what is the cause of the sleepiness and
and its effect assessed. Under conditions of
degraded performance? Identification of the prob-
habitual sleep, a circadian rhythm of sleepiness
able causal factor(s) is necessary to determine
has been described with increased sleepiness over
whether or not performance is degraded. The
the midday as the homeostatic sleep drive has
factors that might be considered and discussed
increased as a function of the accumulated time
are: (1) a high rate of basal sleepiness in the typical
awake. Studies have found that the sedative
study participants (i.e., young adults specifically
effects of alcohol differ as a function of time-of-
and the general population more broadly), (2) a
day and under differing basal levels of sleepiness at
rebound sleepiness following acute discontinuation
the same time-of-day; the effects are greater with
of caffeine as required in most studies, and/or (3) a
greater sleepiness and over the midday than in the
withdrawal syndrome associated with caffeine
evening. The same may be the case with the
alerting effects of caffeine (i.e. they are clearly
A high rate of basal sleepiness, and potentially
present over the midday, but less so in the
degraded performance, in the typical study parti-
cipants is an important consideration. An early
It is unlikely that basal sleepiness alone explains
study assessed the level of sleepiness in a large
degraded performance in studies of caffeine’s
sample (n ¼ 129) of young adult volunteers for
performance enhancing effects. In the large sample
studies of the effects of caffeine, alcohol, and
studies cited above approximately 20% of the
benzodiazepines.These volunteers reported an
sample had excessive sleepiness. The latter two
average 7.2 h of nightly sleep, no daytime sleepi-
factors mentioned above, rebound sleepiness and/
ness, and habitual daily caffeine intake of 200 mg
or a withdrawal syndrome, appearing as a result
or less. Yet 20% of these young adults had a daily
of the caffeine discontinuation required in almost
average sleep latency on the Multiple Sleep
all caffeine studies, must be discussed. These
Latency Test (MSLT) of 6 min or less, which is
two factors suggest the possibility of caffeine
considered a pathological level of sleepiness. In a
drowsiness-sleepiness, decreased contentedness,depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, irritabil-
Caffeine dependence is evident by the signs of
ity, and fogginess. In addition, flu-like symptoms,
behavioral and physiological dependence.These
nausea and vomiting, and painful joints and
two dependences often co-exist, but can be
stiffness were also considered as probable valid
differentiated. Physiological dependence is a state
symptom classes. While this review did not differ-
induced by repeated drug use that results in a
entiate rebound sleepiness (i.e., an isolated symp-
withdrawal syndrome when the drug is discontin-
tom) from a withdrawal syndrome, drowsiness-
ued or an antagonist is administered. Among
sleepiness was found in 78% of studies, second only
discontinuation effects, withdrawal should be
to headache. The symptoms appeared after 12–24 h
differentiated from rebound phenomenon. With-
of abstinence and after as little as 100 mg of
drawal is a collection of signs and symptoms that
differs from rebound phenomenon in that there are
As to whether degraded performance is asso-
multiple signs and symptoms and the signs and
ciated with the caffeine discontinuation, the
symptoms are new, not present prior to drug
standard practice in most placebo controlled
administration. Rebound is the expression of a
caffeine studies is to require discontinuation of
single sign or symptom that is the reverse of the
caffeine use the evening prior to entrance to the
drug effect (i.e., for caffeine, rebound sleepiness)
laboratory and the next-day caffeine or placebo
and with intensity beyond the basal state. Rebound
administration. Given the half-life of caffeine (i.e.,
can occur after single administrations of high drug
3–7 h) and the previously cited time-course for the
doses, while withdrawal typically requires re-
appearance of withdrawal symptoms (12–24 h), in
peated drug administration and can occur with
most studies that employ an over-night abstinence
moderate or low drug doses.Behavioral depen-
placebo or caffeine is being administered in the
dence is a pattern of behavior characterized by
midst of a potential withdrawal or at the very least
repetitive and compulsive drug seeking and con-
a rebound sleepiness. It has been argued by James
sumption. The drug acts as a reinforcer either by
and Rogers that caffeine’s effects on performance
reversing an ‘‘aversive’’ state or producing a
‘‘positive’’ state. Behavioral dependence can be
James and Rogers argue that the most definitive
studied by assessing the likelihood of self-adminis-
method to assess caffeine effects is to require a
tering the drug and concurrently measuring its
prior long-term abstinence before assessment.To
make their point, they compared placebo con-
What then is the evidence for rebound sleepiness
trolled caffeine effects after a long-term absti-
and withdrawal during caffeine discontinuation,
for sleepiness/withdrawal associated degraded
abstinence.The young adult study participants
performance, and then for continued caffeine
reported 400 mg daily caffeine intake on average.
self-administration to reverse the sleepiness and
Relative to the long-term abstinence, the overnight
performance impairment? A critical review of the
abstinence was associated with degraded perfor-
literature regarding caffeine withdrawal was re-
mance including cognitive performance. Caffeine
cently conducted.A total of 57 experimental and
in a 1.2 mg/kg dose improved performance relative
9 survey studies could be identified. The experi-
to placebo in the overnight abstinence condition
mental studies were conducted as double-blind
only. After the chronic abstinence no performance
placebo controlled studies. To assess the presence
enhancement was found. Therefore, the Weiss and
and nature of the various withdrawal symptoms,
Laties hypothesis that performance is impaired
the studies employed several common methodolo-
during caffeine discontinuation due to withdrawal
gies and comparisons including: (1) acute absti-
related sleepiness and that caffeine restores the
nence versus preceding caffeine baseline, (2) acute
performance impairment is directly supported by
abstinence versus caffeine, (3) acute abstinence in
caffeine consumers versus non-consumers, or (4)
The final question raised is whether reversal of
caffeine withdrawal or rebound sleepiness en-
The symptoms and signs that were reported in
hances the likelihood of self-administering caf-
the comparisons (i.e., acute abstinence versus
feine. Early caffeine self-administration studies
preceding caffeine baseline) of the 57 studies were
reported that 25–50% of participants reliably self-
then classified and a given class was considered as
administered caffeThese studies suggested
valid if it appeared in six or more studies. The
that caffeine functioned as a reinforcer for some
symptom classes considered valid were headache,
individuals, but not others. The variable suggested
fatigue, decreased energy, decreased alertness,
to explain these individual differences was caffeine
withdrawal. A study examined caffeine’s with-
280 mg for a 70 kg person) caffeine per day from all
drawal effects in moderate caffeine consumers
(379 mg/day on average) and assessed choice
Using the values of 85 mg/5 oz cup of coffee,
between money and capsules that contained
40 mg/5 oz cup of tea, and 40 mg/12 oz cup of soda,
a survey of caffeine intake in Vermont reported
caffeine rather than $0.38 on caffeine days, but
that 83% of respondents currently used one or more
forfeited $2.51 to avoid the capsule on placebo
caffeinated beverages weekly and the average
days, suggesting that avoidance of withdrawal
daily intake was 186 Forty-one percent of
promotes caffeine choices. The implication of this
respondents had stopped use of at least one type of
study is that the primary reinforcing function of
beverage and 14% stopped all caffeine use.
caffeine is reversal of a negative state rather than
Insomnia was among the health concerns leading
the production of a positive state. A final study in
to cessation or reduction of use. A survey of a
this series of studies directly manipulated caffeine
Southern California community found that among
lifetime coffee-drinkers, women were more likely
(300 mg/70 kg per day) and placebo in counter-
to curtail caffeine use than men and did so because
balanced study phases of 9–12 days. After the
of sleep problems.A recent survey of seven
caffeine phase they chose caffeine two times as
European countries evaluated factors contributing
frequently as after the placebo phase. These
to reports of nonrestorative sleep.Daily caffeine
studies suggest that caffeine functions as a nega-
intake contributed to nonrestorative sleep as a
tive reinforcer by reversing caffeine withdrawal. It
bivariate, but not an independent predictor. How-
should be noted that these effects were seen in
ever, the assessment of caffeine intake in this
moderate caffeine consumers with a daily caffeine
survey merely consisted of a yes/no response to a
intake similar to the mean intake seen in popula-
question regarding daily use of caffeine. Yet, these
tion-based studies as reviewed below.
limited data suggest that in the general population
The major problem with all of the laboratory
sleep problems are associated with caffeine use.
studies of caffeine and caffeine discontinuation is
However it is important to remember that the
that the study participants are volunteers. Caffeine
relation can be bi-directional. Disturbed sleep
study volunteers may represent a highly select
leads to sleepiness and hence increased caffeine
sample of individuals who have various biases and
consumption. Similarly, as previously discussed
expectancies regarding caffeine effects relative to
caffeine consumption can, as well, lead to dis-
their own level of daily caffeine intake. The critical
turbed sleep. Thus, it is not difficult to imagine that
question is whether in the general population daily
in some individuals this can be a vicious circle
dietary caffeine intake is associated with nocturnal
leading to elevated caffeine consumption.
sleep and/or daytime sleepiness problems.
Several population-based studies have also sug-
gested that high caffeine use is associated withdaytime sleepiness. A representative sample of theBritish population assessed daytime sleepiness and
Dietary caffeine in the population: sleep
associated factors.Those with the most severe
sleepiness, meaning daily sleepiness for a month orgreater, reported high daily caffeine consumption
Accurate survey data on caffeine consumption in
defined as 7 or more cups of tea or coffee per day.
the general population are difficult to collect due
The prevalence of severe sleepiness was 5.9% in
to the variety of caffeine sources and the varia-
moderate caffeine users, while it was 10.6% in the
bility of caffeine content in various beverages.
high caffeine consumers. A questionnaire and
A survey of the caffeine content reported by
diary-based study assessed sleep habits and caf-
various authors found a range of 64–124 mg
feine use of workers in the French National Gas and
reported in a 150 ml (5 oz) cup of brewed coffe
Electricity Company.Time-in-bed was associated
This variability is a problem in attempting to
with caffeine use such that, as caffeine use
associate caffeine consumption with indices of
increased time-in-bed decreased. The association
sleep and daytime alertness and requires that
suggests caffeine is shortening sleep and/or is being
investigators assign a caffeine content value to a
used to counter the sleepiness associated with
reported cup of coffee. The value suggested by
short time-in-bed. The latter explanation is the
Barone and Roberts is 85 mg per 150 ml for brewed
more likely since caffeine use was not associated
coffee and they also provided values for other
Sleep problems and sleepiness associated with
adults in the US daily consumed 4 mg/kg (i.e.,
caffeine use is also found in children and adolescents
as reported in multiple studies. Several surveys
found among some children. Even at the lower
from the 1980s reported children and adolescents,
caffeine daily intake levels, and without clear
aged 5–18 yr, consumed 37 mg or 0.9 mg/kg caf-
indications of dependence, an association of sleep
feine daily.The majority of the caffeine intake
disturbance and daytime sleepiness with caffeine
was derived from soda, chocolate, and tea and
between 75% and 98% of respondents consumedcaffeine. Caffeine intake in children and adoles-
cents was estimated to be about 1.0 mg/kg daily inSome smaller sample studies of teenagers
1. Assessment of patients’ caffeine intake
have reported much higher daily caffeine intakes
and have found caffeine dependence, defined as
the observation of withdrawal signs and symptoms
26–40% of participants showing dependence, daily
2. Regular use of even low caffeine doses can
caffeine intake was 2.4–3.2 mg/kg. Among the
more common withdrawal signs in these teenagers
3. Sleepiness is a common discontinuation
The US National Institute of Child Health and
effect of caffeine and could be a factor in
Human Development conducted a US survey in 1998
of children in grades 6–10.Sixty-eight percent
drank one or more soda or coffee drinks per day.
4. Caffeine use should be considered in asses-
After adjusting for socio-demographic factors those
sing sleep disturbance or daytime sleepi-
reporting high caffeine intake were 1.9 times
more likely to report difficulty sleeping and 1.8
5. Persistent caffeine use and inability to
times more likely to be tired in the morning.
Two-week sleep diaries were collected in a large
sample of 7–9 grade students from Columbus,
gradual reduction of caffeine intake.
6. Discontinuation of caffeine within a day or
consumed daily and 20% of the sample averaged
contributing factor in patients complaining
study did not correct for body weight and thus
these data cannot be compared to the earlierstudies. The data clearly show high caffeine intakewas associated with increased wakefulness duringthe sleep period and with a shortened bedtime.
The authors speculate that the caffeine is being
used to counter sleepiness associated with the
1. Further study of the disruptive effects of
shortened sleep and bedtime. A survey of Italian
high school students specifically assessed daytime
alertness in the population is important.
sleepiness and found high use of caffeine was
2. Further study of the extent of sleep and
associated with increased daytime sleepiness.
daytime alertness problems associated with
However, the association was only found in evening
caffeine use in children and adolescents is
types, as defined by the Morningness–Eveningness
scale adapted for children.In other studies it has
3. Studies determining the degree to which
been shown that evening types sleep less than
sleep restriction or restriction of time in
To summarize, population and large sample
4. Further studies are needed to determine
studies find an association between daily dietary
caffeine intake and sleep problems and daytime
sleepiness. The levels of daily caffeine intake in
adult population studies are comparable to the
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