(See Below For Qualifying Restrictions and Important Information Regarding This Offer*) Need some extra cash for the holiday season? Skip your December loan payments!
For a small processing fee of just $40.00 per loan, you can skip your December loan payment(s) and use the extra cash for your holiday needs. It's simple! Just complete the information below, sign and return to Banner Federal Credit Union no later than your December payment due date. Your next payment won't be due until January 2014! Fax to: 480-265-2024 or deliver to any of our branch offices HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM BANNER FEDERAL CREDIT UNION!
Please list your account number and loan number(s) you are requesting to skip and the method of payment for the $40.00 processing fee: ____________Account Number _______________________________ Daytime Phone Number ____________Loan Trailer ____________Loan Trailer ____________Loan Trailer ______________I have enclosed my check for the $40.00 processing fee per loan ______________I authorize Banner Federal Credit Union to deduct the $40.00 processing fee per loan from my SAVINGS or CHECKING account with Banner Federal Credit Union** (Please circle one) **By signing below, you authorize Banner Federal Credit Union to withdrawal the applicable processing fee(s) from your account. ________________________________________________________________ Member Signature Co-Borrower(s)/Co-Signer(s) Signature E-MAIL ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________
*To receive processing status information electronically, please provide a valid e-mail address*
*Qualifying Restrictions and Important Information Regarding This Offer
*Co-Borrower(s) / Co-Signer(s) signature (if applicable) are required to complete this transaction. *Loan(s) must be current. *Home Equity Loans/ Lines of Credit/ PayDay Stretcher Loans/ Share Certificate Loans are NOT eligible for this offer. *Loans with an APR (annual percentage rate) that would exceed 18.00% when the $40.00 processing fee is included, do NOT qualify for this offer. *Accounts that have been granted and extension/modification of terms, do not qualify for this offer. *All other terms and conditions of the loan(s) will remain unchanged. *Interest will continue to accrue on your loan(s) during the month you skip your payment(s). *GAP coverage allows for only 1 (one) skip payment over the full term of the loan. If more than 1 (one) skip payment is granted, you may have a remaining balance due if a GAP claim is paid. *If your loan is insured with Credit Protection including Life and/or Disability or Unemployment protection, your coverage will continue during the month of December 2013 and to the new maturity date of the loan. *If you have met the above requirements and we have processed your request, we will notify you by the email you have provided or by mail within 10 days of processing. *If you have not met the above requirements and are denied for this offer, we will notify you by the email address or phone number you provided. *Your signature(s) above authorizes Banner Federal Credit Union to extend your original loan maturity date. *By signing above, all parties agree to this December 2013 Skip-A-Pay offer.
Practice parameter: Evidence-based guidelines for migraine headache (an evidence-based review) Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology Stephen D. Silberstein, MD, FACP, for the US Headache Consortium* Mission statement. The Quality Standards Subcommittee (QSS) of the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) is charged with developing practice paramete
Packaging. mérité », qui ne mesuraient rien d’autre GENÊT MAYOR Chez Genêt Mayor, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Pour les partisans John Baldessari, Seth Price, Psychopathologie de l’expression – Une collec- que la distance entre écriture et sensua-durs de la structure autant que pour les fans de récits imagés. tion iconographique internationale. Commissariat d’exposit