Cape Regional Physicians Associates 11 Village Dr
Patient Name_______________________ Date__________
Headache History DO YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE HEADACHE TYPE? □ yes □ no ***If yes, please use one history sheet for each. ***
I was: □ younger than 20 □ 20-30 □ 30-50 □ over 50 years old 2. PRECIPITATING EVENT (trigger of first headache): □ None known □ injury □ Menarche (first period) □ pregnancy □ Other: ________________________________________________________ 3. FREQUENCY
They occur: ____ times each □ day □ week □ month
Are they increasing? □ yes □ no □ Weekdays □ Weekends □ Vacation □ spring □ summer □ fall □ winter □ No relation 4. ONSET OF EACH HEADACHE: □ gradual □ sudden □ varies
Onset most frequent: □ morning □ afternoon □ evening □ night
Lasts: ______ □ hours □ days with medication ______ □ hours □ days without medication 6. FREE OF HEADACHE from: _____________ to _______________ □ never free
If never free, when was the last time you went 24 hours without a headache?____________________
Cape Regional Physicians Associates 11 Village Dr
Patient Name_______________________ Date__________
With medication: □ mild □ moderate □ severe □ incapacitating
Without medication: □ mild □ moderate □ severe □ incapacitating (Continued) 8. HEADACHES EFFECT ON ABILITY TO FUNCTION: □ able to function normally □ ability to function slightly decreased □ ability to function severely decreased □ totally bedridden 9. LOCATION:
Starts □ left side □ right side □ either side □ both sides □ behind eye(s) □ neck/back of head □ Other: __________________________________ 10. PAIN TYPE:
□ throbbing □ achy □ pressure □ stabbing □ shooting □ tight □ dull □ burning □ searing □ Other: __________________________________ 11. HORMONAL: Your headaches are affected by: □ your menstrual cycle □ pregnancy How? ____________________________________________________________________________ 12. HEADACHES CAN BE BROUGHT ON BY: □ foods □ fatigue □ physical exertion □ stress □ weather changes □ hunger □ lack of sleep □ menstruation □ loud sounds □ high altitude □ alcohol □ too much sleep □ coughing □ bright lights □ loud sounds □ medications□ sex/orgasm □ chewing or talking □ odors □ Other: _____________________________________________________________________________ 13. WARNINGS THAT A HEADACHE IS COMING: □ light flashes □ numbness □ upset stomach □ zigzag lines □ dizziness □ weakness □ blindness □ lightheadedness □ Other: _____________________________________________________________________________
Cape Regional Physicians Associates 11 Village Dr
Patient Name_______________________ Date__________
14. ASSOCIATED SYMPTOMS: □ nausea/ vomiting □ one eye tears □ sore or stiff neck □ ringing in ears □ sensitive to:□ both eye tears □ lightheaded/dizzy □ increased urination □ light □ diarrhea □ numbness/ tingling □ concentration/memory □ sounds □ constipation □ change in sexual interest □ odors □ odors □ fatigue or weakness □ increased appetite □ blurred vision □ runny or stuffy nose □ insomnia □ decreased appetite □ double vision □ anxiety, tension or irritability □ Other: _______________________________________________ (Continued) 15. DURING A HEADACHE, YOU ARE MORE COMFORTABLE: □ when lying down □ with massage or pressure on scalp □ when pacing □ in a dark , quiet room □ with hot or cold compress (circle one) □ chewing or talking □ Other: _____________________________________________________________________________ 16. PREVIOUS TESTING (Please give date & results): □ MRI: ________________________ □ cervical spine films: _____________________ □ CAT scan: ____________________ □ sinus X-rays: ___________________________ □ EEG: ________________________ □ MRA/MRV: ___________________________ □ Other: ______________________________________________________________________ 17. PREVIOUS EVALUATIONS (Please give name, date & results): □ neurologist: ________________________________________________________________________ □ headache specialist: _________________________________________________________________ □ internist: ___________________________________________________________________________ □ ear, nose & throat specialist: ___________________________________________________________ □ dental evaluation: ____________________________________________________________________ □ eye exam: __________________________________________________________________________ □ psychological testing: ________________________________________________________________ 18. PREVIOUS NON-MEDICAL TREATMENTS & EVALUATIONS: □ biofeedback/relaxation/self hypnosis □ physical therapy □ chiropractor □ nutritional counseling
Cape Regional Physicians Associates 11 Village Dr
Patient Name_______________________ Date__________
□ acupuncture/ acupressure □ allergy testing □ Other: _____________________________________________________________________________ 19. ARE YOU CURRENTLY TAKING MEDICATION or HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY TAKEN MEDICATION FOR HEADACHE? □ yes □ no ***If yes, please complete Medication History on the back. ***
20. WITH CURRENT MEDICATION, HOW QUICKLY DO YOU FEEL ADEQUATE RELIEF? □ within 2 hours □ in more than 2 hours □ relief is never adequate □ not currently taking medication Patient Name: __________________ Date: __________
Please circle all previous headache medications and indicate next to the drug name add h for helpful (long or short
term) and u for not helpful Prophalactics Prophalactics Abortives Narcotics
Cape Regional Physicians Associates 11 Village Dr
Patient Name_______________________ Date__________
Muscle relaxants Anti-anxiety
What You Should Know About Osteoporosis Kristen B. Schnurman, PA-S Overview Osteoporosis is a bone disease that commonly affects older adults; post-menopausal women and elderly men are most often at risk. Osteoporosis means that your bones do not have the strength they used to have. This might be from not having enough bone or not enough minerals in your bone. Your bones go through a natural proce
furunkeloiden, fast karbunkelartigenAbszessen in die Münchner Hautklinik(Abb. 2+3). Er hatte sich bereits vonmehr als zehn verschiedenen Hautärz-ten erfolglos behandeln lassen, bevorbriss leicht zu führen. Mit einer Metro-nidazol-Therapie (tägl. 3 mal 250 mgp.o.) für zwei Wochen gelang den Abb. 2+3: Furunkoloide Abszesse, ausgelöst durch Demodex-Milben. eine bislang über ein Jahr