Corel office document

Basic Requirements: Provisions of Section 15010, BASIC MECHANICALREQUIREMENTS are a part of this Section.
General: Provide those piping specialties which are required for the pipingsystems specified in other sections of these specifications.
Related Sections: Other Sections of Division 15 which relate to therequirements of this Section may include but are not limited to thefollowing: 1. 15050, BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS2. 15060, PIPE AND FITTINGS3. 15100, VALVES4. 15250, THERMAL INSULATION5. 15410, PLUMBING PIPING SYSTEM 6. 15483, FUEL PIPING SYSTEM 7. 15510, HYDRONIC PIPING SYSTEM 8. 15520, STEAM PIPING SYSTEM 9. 15990, PERFORMANCE VERIFICATION General: Refer to paragraph entitled "SUBMITTAL" in Section 15010. Include the following data: a. Catalog cut with picture of each of the following items: (1) Thermometers and thermometer wells.
(2) Temperature/pressure test plugs.
(3) Pressure gauges and gauge cocks including snubbers.
(5) Each type of strainer including strainer material and (6) Air vents with capacity and pressure limitations.
a. For each pressure vessel listed, submit the manufacturer's b. The compression and expansion traverse for each type of a. Manufacturer's printed installation instructions for the water totalizing meters including copies shipped with the equipment.
b. Manufacturer's printed installation instructions for the expansion compensators including copies shipped with the equipment.
General: All equipment, material, accessories, methods of constructionand reinforcement, finish quality, workmanship and installation shall be incompliance with the paragraph entitled "Code Compliance" in Section15010.
ASME: Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, UnfiredPressure Vessels, shall govern the design, materials and methods ofconstruction of all pressurized tanks. Air separators and expansion tanksshall be tested, stamped and registered with the National Board of Boilerand Pressure Vessel Inspectors.
General: Refer to paragraph entitled "MANUFACTURERS" in Section15010.
Separable Sockets: Provide for each thermometer in piping system. Thermowell sockets shall be brass or stainless steel with extension neckto suit thickness of insulation and finish and with 3/4 inch NPT. Portion ofsocket surrounding bulb shall not be more than 1/16 inch thick. Socketsshall be filled with thermal conducting compound similar to GeneralElectric No. G641.
Test Wells: Brass or stainless steel with threaded plug or cap with chain,1/2 inch NPT, and extension neck where necessary to extend above theinsulation.
Material: Body of brass or 316 stainless steel; valve core of neoprene forapplications to 200 degrees F. and of Nordel for applications to 275degrees F. Rated for pressure to 1000 psig. Screwed hexagonal cap andgasket. Size 1/4 inch NPT or 1/2 inch NPT as applicable. Length 1-1/2inch or 3 inch as required to penetrate and allow for insulation. Ports shallbe designed for temperature and pressure readings when used withrecommended probes.
General: Pressure gauge, 4-1/2 inch diameter with white lithographbackground and black graduations, cast aluminum black baked crystallinelacquer finish flange-less case and brass slip ring.
Bourdon tube: Tube shall be phosphor bronze, silver soldered to socketand tip.
Socket: Socket shall be forged brass bottom outlet type.
Movement: Stainless steel rotary type movement with delrin sector andbushings and micrometer type pointer, accurate to within 0.5 percent offull scale range.
Range: Select range to read center scale at normal operating conditionsunless otherwise indicated.
1. Where Permanent Gauge is Installed: Brass, needle valve, round knurled handle, 1/4 inch male x 1/4 inch female NPT. 2. Where Permanent Gauge is Not Installed: Brass gate or ball valve Snubber: Brass, 1/4 inch male x 1/4 inch female NPT.
Glycerin Filled: Pressure gauge as specified above, factory-filled withglycerin to prevent vibration and dampen pulsation impact shock.
General: Wye type shall be full line size of the connecting pipe. Cast ironASTM A126-B, ductile iron ASTM A-395 Class 60-40-18, cast or forgedsteel shall be used in steel piping and all bronze in copper piping systems. Flanged Y-type shall have bolted covers in 2-1/2 through 8 inches andhinged covers in 10 inch and larger. Threaded shall have threadedgasketed caps 2 inches and smaller with NPT blowdown outlet. Provideblowdown valve where indicated.
Screen: 304 stainless steel or monel, cylindrical shape with reinforcedends. Free area not less than three times inlet area.
1. Perforations: Unless otherwise indicated provide 3/64 inch mesh for steam systems, 1/16 inch mesh for sizes to 4 inch on condensateand hydronic systems, 1/8 inch on sizes 5 inch and larger.
Automatic: Brass or stainless steel float type, brass body, check valve to prevent air re-entry, 300 degrees F. operating temperature, 150 psi working pressure.
Manual: Bronze body with non-ferrous internal parts, 150 psig workingpressure, 225 degrees F. operating temperature, 1/2 inch inlet, 1/8 inchdischarge, brass manual thumbscrew or screwdriver cock.
General: Pressure reducing valves shall have a means of externallyadjusting the outlet pressure. All internal parts subject to ware shall bereplaceable without removing the valve from the piping. Valves shall havean integral low inlet pressure check valve, and shall maintain outletpressure with varying flow and inlet pressure.
2-1/2 Inch and Smaller: Valves shall be diaphragm actuated, self-contained, single seated, direct acting, spring loaded, with bronze bodyand stainless steel trim.
3 Inch and Larger: Valves shall be external pilot operated, cast iron body,stainless steel trim, with bronze diaphragm and composition disc.
1. Watts Regulator Company2. McDonnell & Miller3. Spirax/Sarco General: Water totalizing turbo or compound meter with single-poledouble throw form "C" dry contact closure. The meter shall have a non-resettable counter with a protective cover. Dry NO/NC contact pulse shallhandle 24 VDC or 115 VAC 2 ampere resistance closure, and shall closea minimum of once for every 100 gallons delivered. Electrical connectionsshall be made under a waterproof cover with O-ring seals for moistureprotection. The impulse contactor shall be a separate magneticallycoupled hermetically-sealed unit.
1. Kent2. Rockwell3. Data Industrial4. Hersey Products, Inc.
General: Backflow preventer assemblies shall be designed to meet therequirements of Foundation of Cross Connection Control and HydraulicResearch: AWWA Standard C506.
Limitations: The maximum working pressure shall be 150 psig at 110degrees F. The total head loss through the backflow assembly shall notexceed 10 psig at rated flow.
Construction Material: Backflow preventers up to 2 inches in size shall beconstructed with a bronze body. Assemblies larger than 2 inches shall begalvanized steel or have a FDA-approved epoxy-coated cast iron body.
Isolation Valves: Isolation valves shall be provided for all backflowpreventers. Gate or full port ball valves with screwed ends shall befurnished for assemblies up to 2 inches and OS&Y gate valves withflanged ends for assemblies larger than 2 inches. OS&Y gate valves withflanged ends, provided with integral tamper switch assemblies, shall beprovided for all backflow preventers in fire protection service.
Atmospheric vacuum breaker shall be constructed of cast iron orbrass body with plastic poppet float action as a check valve. Theopening to atmosphere at a minimum pressure of 1 psig. All internalparts shall be corrosion resistant and shall be removable orreplaceable without removing the unit from the line. The unit shall besuitable for temperatures up to 210 degrees F.
The reduced pressure backflow preventer shall be a complete assemblyconsisting of two independently acting spring-loaded toggle lever checkvalves, an automatic pressure differential relief valve located between thetwo check valves, two shut-off valves and four test cocks. The operationshall be completely automatic. All internal part sof the toggle lever checkvalves and pressure differential relief valve shall be removable andreplaceable without removing the backflow preventer assembly from theline.
General: Expansion compensators shall be provided in the steam andcondensate lines where indicated. Expansion compensators may be usedin lieu of expansion loops provided they meet the temperature andpressure requirements and have sufficient expansion capacity.
Construction: Unless otherwise indicated, expansion compensators shallbe constructed of steel with welding ends. The multi-ply bellows shall beconstructed of stainless steel. The steel housing shall be provided with ameans of preventing torsion, squirm, and misalignment. Eachcompensator shall be provided with a removable factory setting to insureproper positioning during installation.
Temperature and Pressure Rating: The expansion compensators shall bedesigned for a working pressure of 150 psig at a maximum temperature of500 degrees F.
Installation: Install all piping specialties according to the manufacturer'sshop drawings and instructions. Provide dielectric isolating connectorswhen connecting copper or brass pipe or piping specialties to steel pipe orweldolets.
Access: Install piping specialties with adequate clearance to permit easyoperation and servicing.
Strainer Blow Down: Provide blow down gate or ball valve on 1-1/2 inchand larger strainers (except refrigerant piping). Use valve not less than1/2 strainer blow down outlet size.
Strainer Location: Provide strainers at the inlet to each control valve,steam trap, pump and where otherwise indicated.
General: Install test wells, separable sockets, and thermometers inaccordance with manufacturer's instructions. In horizontal piping theinstallation shall be on the top of the pipe not greater than 45 degreesfrom horizontal. Locate and adjust mounting angle as required to permiteasy reading of all thermometers associated with a single device from asingle accessible point.
Piping Systems: Install to permit accurate reading of actual conditions. Make allowance for unrestricted flow by installing sockets in oversizedfitting for line sizes 2 inch and under. Sockets, wells and thermometerstems shall extend at least halfway into the pipe but shall not impinge onthe opposite pipe wall.
Duct Systems: Install the thermometer sensing element into the fullyblended and developed profile of the airstream to give an accurate readingof actual conditions.
Protection: Protect equipment from damage from time of receipt until finalacceptance. Thoroughly clean thermometers, wells and sockets of all dirtand construction debris prior to final inspection.
Condenser Water: Thermometer sockets and wells in condenser waterpiping system shall be stainless steel.
Location: Provide a temperature/pressure test port at the followinglocations: 1. Inlets and outlets of each water coil for: a. Every duct mounted heaterb. And where otherwise indicated Test Kit: Provide Owner with one companion test kit suitable for takingtemperature and pressure readings with test ports. Provide to Architectwritten certification of delivery of test kit to Owner; certification shall besigned by Owner's authorized representative.
General: Install pressure gauges, gauge valves, test plugs and snubbersin accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Locate and adjust topermit easy reading of all gauges associated with a single device from asingle accessible point. Provide compound gauges where operatingconditions will produce pressures below atmospheric (i.e. open-loopsystem pump suction).
Installation: Install to permit accurate reading and to permit easy accessto gauge and gauge valve. Where mounting location does not permitrotation of the gauge for removal, install using a union type gauge valve.
Gauge Valve: Install using brass nipples of sufficient length to raisegauge valve clear of insulation and finish.
Snubber or Glycerin Filled Gauge: Provide on all gauges at suction anddischarge of all pumps and elsewhere as required to prevent pulsationand damage to gauge.
Locations Required: Provide permanent gauges, with gauge valves, atthe following locations: a. Each water coil in each air handling unit b. Main hydronic system strainers c. Each heat exchanger d. Each pump 2. Where otherwise indicated or required.
Valve Only Locations: Provide gauge valves to permit temporary orpermanent installation of gauges for pressure indication at the followinglocations: Location: Install automatic air vents with inlet isolation cock at locationsindicated on drawings and at high points of hydronic piping systems. Pipevent discharge to drain pan, plumbing trap or to outside of building. Manual air vents shall be used in concealed locations. Provide airchamber where venting is required but inaccessible, extend dischargetubing to an accessible location with 1/4 inch copper type L tubing andterminate with a brass needle valve with pipe discharge to drain. Airchamber shall be an 8 inch long pipe, vertical rise from top of piping, onepipe size larger than piping to a maximum of 3 inches.
Required Locations: Install water totalizing meter in the make-up line to allclosed-loop systems and other locations as indicated. Water meters shallbe installed in the reduced pressure line downstream from the bypassconnection to monitor only the water delivered to the system through thepressure regulator assembly.
General: Backflow preventers shall be installed according to themanufacturer’s printed instructions. Where discharge from the vacuum breaker is likely to occur provisions shall be made to prevent any kind ofwater damage. Backflow preventers shall be installed no higher than 6feet above the finished floor.
Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers: The bottom of the vacuum breaker bodyshall be a minimum of 6 inches above the flood rim of the fixture orappliance. When the vacuum breaker is used on an appliance with a hoseconnection the bottom of the vacuum breaker shall be installed a minimumof 6 inches above the highest point to which the hose outlet can reach. Awater supply valve shall only be located in the supply side upstream of thevacuum breaker.
Reduced Pressure: The reduced pressure backflow preventer shall beinstalled in a horizontal position unless otherwise indicated. Provision fordrainage shall be provided.
Anchor and Guides: The expansion compensators shall be provided withanchors and guides as required and as recommended by themanufacturer.


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