37 Artikel über Forschungsmethoden und Studiendesignvorschläge zu MCS. Publiziert in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitungen (peer-review) bis 10/99. (Publikationen in Zeitschriften von Klinischen Ökologen oder Briefe an Herausgeber ausgenommen) Alphabetisch sortiert nach Autor
1. Anonymous. 1998. NIEHS seeks data on multiple chemical sensitivity [news]. Environ Health Perspect 106:A226 2. Bascom, R., W.J. Meggs, M. Frampton, K. Hudnell, K. Kilburn, G. Kobal, M. Medinsky, and W. Rea. 1997. Neurogenic inflammation: with additional discussion of central and perceptual integration of nonneurogenic inflammation. Environ Health Perspect 105:531-537. 3. Bell, I.R., G.E. Schwartz, C.M. Baldwin, E.E. Hardin, N.G. Klimas, J.P. Kline, R. Patarca, and Z.-Y. Song. 1997. Individual differences in neural sensitization and the role of context in illness from low-level environmental chemical exposures. Environ Health Perspect 105:457-466. 4. Bell, I.R., J.3. Rossi, M.E. Gilbert, G. Kobal, L.A. Morrow, D.B. Newlin, B.A. Sorg, and R.W. Wood. 1997. Testing the neural sensitization and kindling hypothesis for illness from low levels of environmental chemicals. Environ Health Perspect 105:539- 547. 5. Bolla, K.I. 1996. Neuropsychological evaluation for detecting alterations in the central nervous system after chemical exposure. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24:Pt 2):S48-51 6. Cohen, N., H. Kehrl, B. Berglund, A. O'Leary, G. Ross, J. Seltzer, and C. Weisel. 1997. Psychoneuroimmunology. Environ Health Perspect 105:527-529. 7. Cullen, M.R. and C.A. Redlich. 1995. Significance of individual sensitivity to chemicals: elucidation of host susceptibility by use of biomarkers in environmental health research. [Review] [21 refs]. Clin.Chem. 41:Pt 2):1809-13 8. Deyo, R.A., B.M. Psaty, G. Simon, E.H. Wagner, and G.S. Omenn. 1997. The messenger under attack -- intimidation of researchers by special- interest groups [see comments]. N Engl J Med 336:1176-1180. 9. Dietert, R.R. and A. Hedge. 1998. Chemical sensitivity and the immune system: a paradigm to approach potential immune involvement. Neurotoxicology 19:253-257. 10. Doull, J. 1996. Specificity and dosimetry of toxicologic responses. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24:Pt 2):S55-7
11. Dyer, R.S. and K. Sexton. 1996. What can research contribute to regulatory decisions about the health risks of multiple chemical sensitivity? Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24:Pt 2):S139-51 12. Eissenberg, T. and R.R. Griffiths. 1997. Human drug discrimination and multiple chemical sensitivity: caffeine exposure as an experimental model. Environ Health Perspect 105:509-513. 13. Fiedler, N., H. Kipen, B. Natelson, and J. Ottenweller. 1996. Chemical sensitivities and the Gulf War: Department of Veterans Affairs Research Center in basic and clinical science studies of environmental hazards. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24:Pt 2):S129-38 14. Hyams, K.C. 1998. Developing case definitions for symptom-based conditions: the problem of specificity. Epidemiol Rev 20:148-156. 15. Jewett, D.L. 1992. Research strategies for investigating multiple chemical sensitivity. Toxicol.Ind.Health 8:175-179. 16. Kehrl, H.R. 1997. Laboratory testing of the patient with multiple chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect 105 Suppl 2:443-4:443-444. 17. Kiesswetter, E. 1999. 'Multiple Chemical Sensitivity', the relevance of toxic, neurobiological and psychic effect mechanisms [In Process Citation]. Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed 202:191-205. 18. Kipen, H. and N. Fiedler. 1997. Experimental approaches to chemical sensitivity: introduction and overview. Environ Health Perspect 105:Suppl 2:405-7 19. Kreutzer, R. and Neutra, R. R. Final Report: Evaluating Individual Reporting Sensitivities to Multiple Chemicals. #PB96-187646. 1996. Atlanta GA, US ATSDR. 20. MacPhail, R.C. 1997. Evolving concepts of chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect 105:455-456. 21. Mayberg, H. 1994. Critique: SPECT studies of multiple chemical sensitivity. [Review] [40 refs]. Toxicol.Ind.Health 10:661-666. 22. McKeown-Eyssen, G., L. Marshall, C. Baines, and G. Rodin. 1996. Research initiatives at the University of Toronto Environmental Hypersensitivity Research Unit. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24:Pt 2):S126-8 23. Miller, C.S., N.A. Ashford, R. Doty, M. Lamielle, D. Otto, A. Rahill, and L. Wallace. 1997. Empirical approaches for the investigation of toxicant-induced loss of tolerance. Environ Health Perspect 105:515-519. 24. Miller, C.S. and T.J. Prihoda. 1999. The Environmental Exposure and Sensitivity Inventory (EESI): a standardized approach for measuring chemical intolerances for research and clinical applications. Toxicol Ind Health 15:370-385.
25. Neutra, R.R. 1994. Some preliminary thoughts on the potential contribution of epidemiology to the question of multiple chemical sensitivity. Public Health Rev. 22:271-278. 26. Newlin, D.B. 1994. Drug sensitization, substance abuse, and chemical sensitivity. Toxicol.Ind.Health 10:463-480. 27. Newlin, D.B. 1997. A behavior-genetic approach to multiple chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect 105:505-508. 28. Newlin, D.B. 1999. Evolutionary game theory and multiple chemical sensitivity. Toxicol Ind Health 15:313-322. 29. Norseth, T. 1994. Measuring strategies for the nineties. Future needs from the health point of view. Analyst 119:3-7. 30. Salvaggio, J.E. 1996. Understanding clinical immunological testing in alleged chemically induced environmental illnesses. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24:Pt 2):S16- 27 31. Schmidt, C.W. 1998. Environmental health 2000 [news]. Environ Health Perspect 106:A600-A603 32. Selner, J.C. 1996. Chamber challenges: the necessity of objective observation. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 24:Pt 2):S87-95 33. Siegel, S. and R. Kreutzer. 1997. Pavlovian conditioning and multiple chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect 105:521-526. 34. Weiss, B. 1994. Low-level chemical sensitivity: a perspective from behavioral toxicology. Toxicol Ind Health 10:605-617. 35. Weiss, B. 1997. Experimental strategies for research on multiple chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect 105:487-494. 36. Wetherell, A. 1997. Cognitive and psychomotor performance tests and experiment design in multiple chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect 105:495- 503. 37. Wolf, C. 1996. [Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS)--the so-called chemical multiple hypersensitivity]. [Review] [25 refs] [German]. Versicherungsmedizin 48:175- 178. Anmerkung: Bei ErgänzPublizierung der Liste nur mit Genehmigung des Autors.
Heart Disease The purpose of this worksheet is to guide initial and recertification assessments. This is a guide only; clinical judgment is required in each case. This worksheet is completed and signed by the RN and attached to a completed Admission/Recertification Evaluation form. After reviewing the completed paperwork, the
SARCOIDOSIS VASCULITIS AND DIFFUSE LUNG DISEASES 2012; 29; 151-154Sarcoidosis: vaginal wall and vulvar involvement F. Xu1*, Y. Cheng1*, R. Diao1, X. Zhou1, X. Wang1, Y. Ma2, W. Lv2, H. Shen1 1 Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, and 2 Department of Gynecology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang Universi-ty School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China Abstract. Sarcoidosis is a non-c