Aictp august 2013 master small

Thinking about ethics in ICT
Jonathan Sibley and Debra Jinks
explain how AICTP is addressing
the perceived need to have specific
guidance on ethical practice in
integrative coach-therapy
considering each stakeholder, the lowest hurdle is that of avoiding potential harm. sense to consider what might fall within should strive to identify and follow best code of ethics be the final arbiter of ethical practice? What if one adheres to recognise that a client has a history of challenging session. If they also do not realising it, they may lead the client to become critical of integrative practice, professional bodies – or journalists – to integrative coach-therapists. As a first psychotherapy codes of ethics that practitioners may already be familiar with, we are working toward a set of practice – clients, practitioners, the Where coaching, counselling and therapy meet Where on the continuum of potential vulnerability and How is the practitioner working with this client (face to face or A client wants to connect with the
A client invites the practitioner to a
A former client wishes to date the
A client can’t afford the practitioner’s
services and there is the possibility of a There is a potential referral source
and a referral fee might need to be paid
for any referrals to the practitioner.
An integrative colleague is seen to
be practising outside his or her area of ethical dimensions may become clear.
competence or appears to be impaired.
A client is being coached virtually and
might require more psychotherapeutically A coach is hired by an organisation for
executive coaching and it becomes apparent that the client would benefit Universality: Could one recommend
Publicity: Could one justify the action
to one’s peers or expose it publicly?
Justice: Would one take the same
course of action for a different client in issues or other integrative practice issues is ethical? First, let’s consider Brennan2 points out: ‘Ethics instruction operates as if an individual who is expected to adhere to standards of Where coaching, counselling and therapy meet collaboration about the direction of the that leads the practitioner to carefully consider potentially risky situations, disciplines of coaching and therapy were sufficiently different to require practice can be fraught with pitfalls for integrating both disciplines is likely to still in the process of doing so) typical coaching so it might be reasonable to assume that offering an integration of The result of this was that the possible the two could increase the possibility of confusion. If this is not managed well at and the potential for a positive outcome at least possible that for some clients, ‘therapeutic’ and ‘coaching’ work.) balanced in reaching decisions about ethical issues. Client autonomy should framework or code of ethics to better enable them to do this when the seem to assume a greater degree of client and psychotherapy codes of ethics, which typically have to take into account flexing of boundaries to adapt to different types of interventions as very different from the eroding or loosening following the stricter code of ethics. At Where coaching, counselling and therapy meet defended, if necessary, having taken into account the dimensions and criteria mentioned above. For example, if the practitioner makes a decision that might be considered inappropriate for a client who is vulnerable, it may be wise to document how the practitioner References
arrived at the conclusion that this client decision would not put the client, coach LinkedIn group as we continue to explore ethical dilemmas and hone AICTP Position Statement on Ethics
We see the management of the ethical dimension of integrative coach-therapy practice as central to practitioners’ responsibilities, and members should be able to account for the AICTP endorses the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists developed by the International Union of Psychological Science (see We expect our members to adopt these principles as an underpinning for integrative coach-therapy practice. When faced with an ethical dilemma, members should consider their options for resolution in the light of these principles.
Any universal principles are of necessity quite broad. We see these as a foundation and as a basis for further exploration and clarification. It is our intention, in time, to provide more detailed guidance in relation to the specific issues that we consider are raised by integrative coach-therapy practice. Examples are the maintenance of appropriate boundaries, maintaining appropriate relationships and managing the contractual The dimensions of client autonomy and client vulnerability need to be carefully considered and balanced in reaching decisions about ethical issues. Client autonomy should be promoted in integrative coach-therapy practice, but any vulnerability needs to be taken into account in determining appropriate courses of action.
AICTP Ethics working group
Where coaching, counselling and therapy meet


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