Kinder- en Gesinseenheid Child & Family Unit
B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Voorligting / Counselling), H.O.D. / H.D.E
Voorligtingsielkundige Counsel ing Psychologist
functioning of the child in usual activities, a child is
that their parent will be involved in an accident or taken
diagnosed as having an "anxiety disorder."
ill, or in some other way be“lost” to the child forever.
The nature of anxiety
The combined prevalence of the group of disorders
Their need to stay close to their parent or home may
make it difficult for them to attend school or camp, stay
Anxiety is one of many normal human emotions that
known as anxiety disorders is higher than that of virtually
at friends’ houses, or be in a room by themselves. Fear
can fulfil an very helpful and motivating role. It urges the
all other mental disorders of childhood and adolescence.
of separation can lead to dizziness, nausea, or
individual to strive for the best possible effort and
Causes of anxiety
motivates him to produce at his best. When, however,
anxiety becomes excessive, it can inhibit the effective
Separation anxiety is often associated with symptoms
of depression, such as sadness, withdrawal, apathy, or
difficulty in concentrating, and such children often fear
Although anxiety disorders affect an estimated 13
that they or a family member might die. Young children
percent of children and adolescents during any given
experience nightmares or fears at bedtime.
six-month period, making them the most common class
of psychiatric disorders in that age group, the disorders
About 4 percent of children and young adolescents
are often not recognized, and most who have them do
Separation anxiety
suffer from separation anxiety disorder. Among those
who seek treatment, separation anxiety disorder is
Although separation anxieties are normal among
equally distributed between boys and girls.
infants and toddlers, they are not appropriate for older
Common signs of anxiety disorders in children are
children or adolescents. To reach the diagnostic
The remission rate with separation anxiety disorder is
excessive worrying about ordinary activities. At times,
threshold for this disorder, the anxiety or fear must
high. However, there are periods where the illness is
there are physical symptoms such as palpitations, cause distress or affect social, academic, or job
more severe and other times when it remits.
sweating, trembling, stomach ache, or headache. There
functioning and must last at least 1 month
Sometimes the condition lasts many years or is a
may be avoidance of certain situations that are
precursor to panic disorder with agoraphobia. Older
perceived by the child to be sources of anxiety. This
Children with separation anxiety may cling to their
individuals with separation anxiety disorder may have
avoidance can cause social withdrawal. When these
parent and have difficulty falling asleep by
difficulty moving or getting married and may, in turn,
symptoms cause extreme distress and interfere with the
themselves at night. When separated, they may fear
worry about separation from their own children and
Promed Park, Hibiscusstraat 1A Hibiscus Street, 1792, DURBANVILLE 7551
(021) 975-2230 975-2231 975-2237
Family changes such as birth of a sibling,
The child, depending on age, can benefit from play
Normal Development of Separation
therapy of cognitive-behavioural therapy (Therapy that
Change in caregiver or routine at day care
is focused of changing the child’s beliefs and
Most common times for separation fears: eight months,
associated behaviours in such a way that he can better
twelve months and anywhere between 18 months to
cope with the anxiety). Relaxation techniques and
Parents usually are not the cause of the separation
hypnotherapy is also effective with some children.
anxiety, but they can make things worse or better.
Separation anxiety generally emerges around nine
months of age and peaks around 12-24 months. The
Warning signals
child's crying and clinging can express two different
Medication is needed for a minority of children who
messages: they fear that the parent will be gone
Child is inconsolable for more than 2 weeks.
have persistent symptoms, resistant to behavior
forever or they begin to cry when the parent returns.
Repeated physical complaints in the morning
This reminds the child of how he or she felt when the
Separation anxiety continuing into elementary
Psychiatrists or other physicians can prescribe
school years and interfering with activities that
medications for anxiety disorders. These doctors often
Separation anxiety generally decreases between 2 and
other children do at that particular age.
work closely with psychologists, social workers, or
3 years of age. The child often tends to be shy with
strangers, but morning separations become easier. The
School refusal in an older child or adolescent is
degree of separation difficulty may vary from day to
Although medications won't cure an anxiety disorder,
they can keep the symptoms under control and enable
Diagnosis and Symptoms of a Separation Anxiety
For toddlers, those who have had either very few or
very frequent separations from loved ones experience
There have been significant strides in knowledge of
Severe, persistent anxiety about being separated
from home or parents. The anxiety must be severe
Adults too experience anxiety when separated from
enough to interfere with normal activities. The child Trycyclic Anti-depressants:
loved ones, but it is usually not so overwhelming. The
generally shows distress when separated from
Antidepressant medications called tricyclics are started
adult has a better concept of time and has had more
parents, and worries that the parents may suffer harm
at low doses and gradually increased. Tricyclics have
experience dealing successfully with separation.
when away from the child. When separated, the child
been around longer than SSRIs and have been more
may have nightmares and sleep problems. Physical
widely studied for treating anxiety disorders. For
Factors that may contribute to separation anxiety symptoms such as nausea, headaches and abdominal
anxiety disorders other than OCD, they are as effective
pain may occur before or during a separation.
as the SSRIs, but many physicians and patients prefer
the newer drugs because the tricyclics som etimes
Treatment – A wholistic approach
cause dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth, and weight
After a stress such as death or illness in the
Imipramine (Tofranil) can help separation anxiety
Trauma, especially physical or sexual assault;
disorder. However, one needs to follow EKGs (heart
Parents, child and family may benefit from therapy.
tests) and blood tests for safety reasons. Sometimes,
Parent education and family therapy are often
high doses were necessary for improvem ent.
beneficial. Coordination is a key factor.
SSRI: (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors): In the Anti-Anxiety Medications. Symptoms and Features of OCD
past 10-15 years, a new class of antidepressant
diazepines relieve symptoms quickly and have few side
effects, although drowsiness can be a problem.
In order to meet DSM-4 criteria for OCD, the individual
depression and anxiety disorders safer and more
Because people can develop a tolerance to them - and
must have either obsessions or compulsions. In
would have to continue increasing the dosage to get
actuality, most children and adolescents have both.
the sam e effect - benzodiazepines are generally
The SSRIs, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil etc., when used
prescribed for short periods of time. One exception is
Obsessions: Recurrent and persistent thoughts,
carefully and monitored closely, can help separation
panic disorder, for which they may be used for 6
impulses or images that are experienced, at some time
anxiety disorder. At this point, an SSRI would be the
months to a year. People who have had problems with
during the disturbance, as intrusive and inappropriate
medication of choice instead of Imipramine.
drug or alcohol abuse are not usually good candidates
and that cause marked anxiety or distress. The
for these medications because they may become
thoughts, impulses, or images are not simply excessive
worries about real-life problems. The person attempts
If your doctor prescribes an antidepressant, you will
to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or
need to take it for several weeks before symptoms start
Some people experience withdrawal symptoms when
images, or to neutralize them with some other thought
to fade. So it is important not to get discouraged and
they stop taking benzodiazepines, although reducing
or action. The person recognizes that the obsessional
stop taking these medications before they've had a
the dosage gradu-ally can diminish those symptoms.
thoughts, impulses, or images are a product of his or
her own mind (not imposed from without as in thought
Buspirone, a member of a class of drugs called
These medications act in the brain on a chemical
azipirones, is a newer anti-anxiety medication that is
messenger called serotonin. SSRIs tend to have fewer
used to treat GAD. Possible side effects include
side effects than older antidepressants. People do
Compulsions: Repetitive behaviors (e.g. hand
dizziness, headaches, and nausea. Unlike the
sometimes report feeling slightly nauseated or jittery
washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g.
benzodiazepines, buspirone must be taken consistently
when they first start taking SSRIs, but that usually
praying, counting, repeating words silently) that the
for at least two weeks to achieve an anti-anxiety effect.
disappears with time. Some people also experience
person feels driven to perform in response to an
sexual dysfunction when taking some of these
Other Medications.
obsession, or according to rules that must be applied
medications. An adjustment in dosage or a switch to
propanolol, are often used to treat heart conditions but
rigidly. The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at
another SSRI will usually correct bothersom e problems.
have also been found to be helpful in certain anxiety
preventing or reducing distress or preventing some
disorders, particularly in social phobia.
dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or MAOIs, are the oldest
or mental acts either are not connected in a realistic
class of antidepressant medications. The most
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
way with what they are designed to neutralize or
commonly prescribed MAOI is phenelzine, which is
helpful for people with panic disorder and social phobia.
Tranylcypromine and isoprocarboxazid are also used to
The obsessions or compulsions cause marked distress,
treat anxiety disorders. People who take MAOIs are put
Community surveys of adolescents have suggested
are time consuming (take more than 1 hour per day), or
on a restrictive diet because these medications can
that at any given time, 1% to over 3% are experiencing
significantly interfere with the person's normal routine,
interact with some foods and beverages, including
symptoms of OCD. Children as young as 5 or 6 can
occupational (or academic) functioning, or usual social
cheese and red wine, which contain a chemical called
show full-blown OCD. Between 30% and 50 % of adults
tyramine. MAOIs also interact with some other
with OCD reported that their symptoms started during
medications, including SSRIs. Interactions between
or before mid-adolescence. Fortunately, there are now
Consequences of OCD
MAOIs and other substances can cause dangerous
elevations in blood pressure or other potentially life-
If not treated, OCD tends to be a long-term disorder.
Some individuals experience waxing and waning
progressive worsening of their OCD until they are
anxious feelings, clarifying cognitions in anxiety-
prevention. It may have to be done gradually because it
housebound and spend much of their days involved in
provoking situations,12 developing a plan for coping,
can cause the child to experience significant anxiety.
obsessions and rituals. Chronic anxiety disorders may
and evaluating the success of coping strategies. A
The child himself should have an important role in
lead to depression. If a child spends a great deal of
more recent study in Australia added a parent
determining how quickly he wants to move through
time obsessing or engaging in mental rituals, he or she
component to CBT, which enhanced reduction in post-
these steps. The parents can help with this too by
may have trouble focusing on the school lessons.
treatment anxiety disorder significantly compared with
reducing and then eliminating reassurances when a
Individuals who need to repeatedly erase and rewrite
CBT alone (Barrett et al., 1996). However, none of the
child asks obsessive questions. At the same time, they
assignments may need to spend hours of time of
interventions identified above as well-established or
should be supportive and avoid blaming the child if he
homework and lose time for friends and family. This
probably efficacious has, for the most part, been tested
is unable to avoid performing some of the compulsions.
same individual may not be able to finish projects
because the work is never "just right." Some children
The child may benefit from learning relaxation
and teens may becom e oppositional if others attempt to
In addition, psychodynamic treatment to address
techniques and learning mental self-monitoring.
interrupt their rituals. For the large number of
underlying fears and worries can be helpful, and
individuals who m anage to hide their symptoms, the
behavior therapy may reduce the child’s fear of
Other specific techniques may help individual children
cost may simply be years of anxiety and low self-
separation or of going to school; however, the
tolerate the anxiety engendered by the exposure and
experimental support for these approaches is limited.
Preliminary research suggests that selective serotonin
When the symptoms are eliminated or at least reduced
reuptake inhibitors may provide effective treatment of
to a tolerable level, the therapist should talk to the child
separation anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders
and parents about the future. Symptoms may start to
Although anxiety disorders are the most common
of childhood and adolescence. Two large-scale
come back at a later date. They should review the
disorder of youth, there is relatively little research on
randomized controlled trials are currently being
symptoms and discuss how to deal with them. Some
the efficacy of psychotherapy (Kendall et al., 1997). For
undertaken (Greenhill, 1998a, 1998b). Neither tricyclic
individuals come in for intermittent refresher sessions.
childhood phobias, contingency management10 was the
antidepressants nor benzodiazepines have been
only intervention deem ed to be well-established,
shown to be more effective than placebo in children
according to an evaluation by Ollendick and King
(Klein et al., 1992; Bernstein et al., 1998).
(1998), which applied the American Psychological
Recent advances in medication have added to our
Association Task Force criteria (noted earlier). Several
treatment options. In the past few years there have
psychotherapies are probably efficacious for treating
Moderate to severe OCD may merit starting with a
phobias: systematic desensitization11 ; modeling, based
combined approach of psychotherapy and medication.
on research by Bandura and colleagues, which
capitalizes on an observational learning technique
Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy
Clomipramine, (Anafranil) ages 10 and up
(Bandura, 1971; see also Chapter 2); and several
cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches
Near the beginning of this type of therapy, the child and
family are educated about the biological basis of OCD.
The symptoms are the fault of the disease, not the
Fluoxetine, (Prozac) approved for adults, but may soon
Paroxetine (brand nam e Paxil) approved for adults.
CBT, as pioneered by Kendall and colleagues (Kendall
As the therapy progresses, the child should begin to
et al., 1992; Kendall, 1994), is deemed by the Am erican
expose himself to the anxiety-provoking object or
The main medications used for OCD are Clomipramine
Psychological Association Task Force as probably
situation and then try to avoid performing the usual
(brand name Anafranil) and the Selective Serotonin
efficacious. It has four major components: recognizing
compulsion. This is called exposure and response
medications that may be added if those medications
important for them to continue the education process. A
Generalised Anxiety disorder
good understanding of the disorder can help the child
and family feel a greater sense of mastery and control.
Children with generalized anxiety disorder (or
Clomipramine is chemically similar to the older tricyclic
overanxious disorder of childhood) worry excessively
antidepressants. Its efficacy in OCD seems to be
The process of education should extend on after the
related to its ability to decrease serotonin reuptake. It
end of the therapy. It can occur through reading age-
occurrences. They worry unduly about their academic
used to be the only effective drug for OCD. At this
appropriate books, attending support groups or having
performance or sporting activities, about being on
point, it is usually not the first line drug for children with
group therapy with peers. I have listed some
time, or even about natural disasters such as
OCD. This is because of several potential side effects.
recommended books and support groups at the end of
earthquakes. The worry persists even when the child
It can be sedating. It can also cause dry mouth and
the article. Secrecy and shame are common in
is not being judged and has always performed well in
eyes. It has been associated with som e changes in
individuals with OCD. Education and the support of
the past. Because of their anxiety, children may be
EKGs. (A measure of the heart rate and the electrical
others can help the individual keep the disorder in
overly conforming, perfectionist, or unsure of
conduction within the heart.) Because children may be
themselves. They tend to redo tasks if there are any
more sensitive to this cardiac effect, we usually monitor
imperfections. They tend to seek approval and need
EKGs and heart rate in children on Clomipramine.
Children and families should be aware that OCD can
constant reassurance about their performance and
Despite this, when used carefully, it has helped many
be chronic and that symptoms may return months or
their anxieties (DSM-IV). The 1-year prevalence rat e
years later. Some children will schedule "check up"
for all generalized anxiety disorder sufferers of all
sessions every six months or each year. If symptoms
ages is approximately 3 percent. The lifetime
There are now several SSRI medications. They include
reoccur, they may return to therapy for a shortened
prevalence rate is about 5 percent (DSM-IV).
Fluoxetine (brand name Prozac) Fluvoxamine (brand
name Luvox) Paroxetine (brand name Paxil) and
About half of all adults seeking treatment for this
Sertraline (brand name Zoloft). All seem to be effective
disorder report that it began in childhood or
Associated disorders
at reducing the symptoms of OCD, but different ones
adolescence, but the proportion of children with this
may be best for individual patients. Fluoxetine has the
disorder who retain the problem into adulthood is
advantage of being available in liquid form. Using the
Tourette's Disorder is more likely to be present in
unknown. The remission rate is not thought to be as
liquid, one can start at very small doses and titrate the
boys and in children who develop OCD at a younger
high as that of separation anxiety disorder.
age. It is important to identify this disorder because
Social Phobia
headache, GI complaints, tremor, agitation, drowsiness
treatment may need to be modified. Children and
and insomnia. These medications may affect how other
adolescents with OCD are more likely to have
Children with social phobia (also called social anxiety
drugs are broken down in the liver. One must use
caution when mixing medications. If a child taking an
oppositional behavior, separation anxiety disorder
SSRI, it is a good idea to consult one’s physician or
and other anxiety disorders. Some of the anxiety
performance, or if they have to speak in class or in
pharmacist before taking other prescription or even
disorders have similarities to OCD and are called
public, get into conversation with others, or eat, drink,
non-prescription medications. Many children take a
obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders. These
or write in public. Feelings of anxiety in these
long time to achieve a good response to medication. 10
include tricotillomania, (compulsive hair pulling and
situations produce physical reactions: palpitations,
to 12 weeks is not uncommon. Som e children will
twirling, ) body dysmorphic disorder (the obsession
respond to one medication but not to another.
that part of one's body is unattractive or misshapen)
tension, etc. Sometimes a full-blown panic attack
and habit disorders such as nail biting and scab
ensues; som etimes the reaction is much more mild.
Dealing with Recurrences
picking. The exact relationship between these two
Adolescents and adults are able to recognize that
spectrum disorders and true OCD is not yet entirely
their fear is unreasonable or excessive, although this
Education about OCD often an early part of the
recognition does not prevent the fear. Children,
therapy. Both parents and child are included. It is
however, might not recognize that their reaction is
Kindergarten or First grade for the first few
excessive, although they may be afraid that others
will notice their anxiety and consider them odd or
When leaving, give a quick kiss and hug and
Positive experiences with caregivers, short
Don't prolong your departure or come back
Young children do not articulate their fears, but may
cry, have tantrums, freeze, cling, appear extrem ely
timid in strange social settings, shrink from contact
surroundings and people before actually leaving
Even if you feel that a strict teacher or a bully
with others, stay on the side during social events, and
might be part of the problem, keep your child
try to stay close to familiar adults. They may fall
going to school while these problems are being
behind in school, avoid school completely, or avoid
"Lovie" or "Cuddly" Represents closeness to
social activities am ong children their age. The
parents. If possible, allow the child to take the
If your child does stay home, do not make it an
avoidance of the fearful situations or worry preceding
the feared event may last for weeks and interferes
Do not give in. Let the child know that he or she
with the individual’s daily routine, social life, job, or
school. They may find it impossible to speak in social
Remind the child of previous brave things he or
situations or in the presence of unfamiliar people (for
she has done. Talk about how a fictional
review of social phobia, see DSM-IV; Black et al.,
Start occasionally using a babysitter by six m onths
understand that you appreciate how distressing
of age. This helps the child tolerate short periods
Social phobia is common, the lifetime prevalence
it must be to be separated from loved ones.
away from the parent and encourages him or her to
ranging from 3 to 13 percent, depending on how
great the fear is and on how many different situations
Even though children of this age do not engage in
induce the anxiety (DSM-IV; Black et al., 1997). In
Never make fun of a child's separation distress.
cooperative play, start contact with peers by 12
survey studies, the majority of those with the disorder
months. By age three, the child should be
were found to be female (DSM-IV). Often the illness
Do not bribe child to m ask the distress. If you
is lifelong, although it may becom e less severe or
plan a special activity after you pick the child up,
Some form of preschool may be helpful by age 3 or
completely remit. Life events may reassure the
4. This is especially important for children who
individual or exacerbate the anxiety and disorder.
Focus on the positive things that happened in
A model for supporting children with anxiety
daycare. Don't let them dwell on fears or
Affirming the child’s capacity to take charge of the
Taking stock of our own model of thinking and actions
Minimize fears by limiting scary TV shows
If it is an older child, consider introducing him or
her to some of the children who are to be in the
class and arranging play dates in advance.
Suggested Books
Preparing the child--reading books about going
The Good-bye Book by Judith Viorst
Willingness to bear and manage discomfort
Into the Great Forest: A story for children away from their
Make shopping for school supplies a special
parents for the first time by Irene Marcus
problem-focussed approach whilst retaining
Expect a child to be more tired and possibly
more irritable than usual when he or she starts
Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior by Jeffrey M. Schwartz 1996, Regan Books.
Blink, Blink, Clop, Clop: Why Do We Do Things We Can't Stop? by Moritz and Jablonsky, ChildsWork, ChildsPlay
OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive-Behavioral Manual by John March and Karen Mulle1998, The Guilford
Determination of resorcinol and salicylic acid content in cosmetics byreversed - phase high performance liquid chromatographyGAO Xiao - xuan1 MU Min2 DONG Yin - mao1 HE Cong - fen1 ZHANG Peng - xiang1 YIN Jia - zhen1 WANG Shuo1 ZHAO Hua11. Beijing Technology and Business University Beijing2. China Association of Fragrance Flavor and Cosmetic Industries BeijingAbstract A revers
Abstracts of poster presentations at the DDT World Congress 1) Toxicogenomics in Flutamide-treated Rats and Chimeric PXB-mice with highly humanized liver Chimeric PXB-mouse with highly humanized liver is a unique animal model to mimic human-type drug metabolism. This animal model has the potential to explain the difference of drug-induced hepatotoxicity in rodents and humans. Flutamid