Urine drug screening: practical guide for clinicians
Urine Drug Screening: Practical Guide for Clinicians
Drug testing, commonly used in health care, workplace, and
Our goal is to provide clinically relevant information
criminal settings, has become widespread during the past decade.
that can be used to interpret urine drug screens (UDSs) for
Urine drug screens have been the most common method foranalysis because of ease of sampling. The simplicity of use and
commonly abused drugs (ie, alcohol, amphetamines, ben-
access to rapid results have increased demand for and use of
zodiazepines, opioids, marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine
immunoassays; however, these assays are not perfect. False-
[PCP], and tricyclic antidepressants [TCAs]). Proper
positive results of immunoassays can lead to serious medical orsocial consequences if results are not confirmed by secondary
evaluation of urine specimens, including detection times,
analysis, such as gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. The
are discussed, as well as false-positive results and potential
Department of Health and Human Services’ guidelines for the
false-negative results. Interpretation of tests for perfor-
workplace require testing for the following 5 substances: amphet-amines, cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates, and phencyclidine. This
mance-enhancing drugs is beyond the scope of this article
article discusses potential false-positive results and false-nega-
tive results that occur with immunoassays of these substancesand with alcohol, benzodiazepines, and tricyclic antidepressants. Other pitfalls, such as adulteration, substitution, and dilution of
urine samples, are discussed. Pragmatic concepts summarized inthis article should minimize the potential risks of misinterpreting
Urine, blood, hair, saliva, sweat, and nails (toenails and
fingernails) are some biological specimens used to perform
laboratory drug testing, and they provide different levels ofspecificity, sensitivity, and accuracy. Urine is most often
6-MAM = monoacetylmorphine; BAC = blood alcohol concentration;DHHS = Department of Health and Human Services; EMIT = enzyme-
the preferred test substance because of ease of collection.
multiplied immunoassay technique; FPIA = fluorescence polarization
Concentrations of drugs and metabolites also tend to be
immunoassay; GC-MS = gas chromatography–mass spectrometry;MDMA = methylenedioxy-methylamphetamine; NSAID = nonsteroidal
high in the urine, allowing longer detection times than
anti-inflammatory drug; PCC = pyridinium chlorochromate; PCP = phen-
cyclidine; RIA = radioimmunoassay; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant;THC = tetrahydrocannabinol; UAC = urine alcohol concentration; UDS =
Two types of UDSs are typically used, immunoassay
and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Immunoassays, which use antibodies to detect the presenceof specific drugs or metabolites, are the most common
Drug testing beyond the health care and criminal method for the initial screening process. Advantages of
justice systems has increased throughout the past de-
immunoassays include large-scale screening through au-
cade. Common areas for drug testing include the workplace
tomation and rapid detection.2 Forms of immunoassay
(eg, preemployment and random testing), the military, ath-
techniques include cloned enzyme donor immunoassay;
letics, legal and criminal situations (eg, postaccident testing,
enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique (EMIT), a
rehabilitation testing of ex-convicts), and health care (eg,
form of enzyme immunoassay; fluorescence polarization
treatment, compliance monitoring, cause of death). Misinter-
immunoassay (FPIA); immunoturbidimetric assay; and ra-
pretation of drug tests can have serious consequences, such
dioimmunoassay (RIA). In addition, immunoassay tech-
as unjust termination from a job, risk of prison sentence,
niques are used in many home-testing kits or point-of-care
inappropriate exclusion from a sporting event, and possibly
inappropriate medical treatment in emergencies.
The main disadvantage of immunoassays is obtaining
false-positive results when detection of a drug in the sameclass requires a second test for confirmation. Results of
From the Pharmacy School, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City,KS (K.E.M.); Department of Clinical Pharmacy, UCSD Skaggs School of
immunoassays are always considered presumptive until
Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, La Jolla, CA (K.C.L.); and Depart-
confirmed by a laboratory-based test for the specific drug
ment of Pharmacy Practice, Mercer University, College of Pharmacy andHealth Sciences, Atlanta, GA (J.C.K.).
(eg, GC-MS or high-performance liquid chromatogra-
Address reprint requests and correspondence to Karen E. Moeller, PharmD,
phy). Yet even GC-MS can fail to identify a positive spec-
BCPP, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Kansas Medical Center,
imen (eg, hydromorphone, fentanyl) if the column is de-
Mailstop 4047, Room B440, 3901 Rainbow Blvd, Kansas City, KS 66160-7231 ([email protected]).
signed to detect only certain substances (eg, morphine,
2008 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research Mayo Clin Proc. • January 2008;83(1):66-76 • www.mayoclinicproceedings.com
For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
TABLE 1. Federal Workplace Cutoff Valuesa
Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry is considered
the criterion standard for confirmatory testing. The method
is able to detect small quantities of a substance and confirm
the presence of a specific drug (eg, morphine in an opiate
screen). It is the most accurate, sensitive, and reliable
method of testing; however, the test is time-consuming,
requires a high level of expertise to perform, and is costly.
For these reasons, GC-MS is usually performed only after a
positive result is obtained from immunoassay.
a GC-MS = gas chromatography–mass spectrometry.
In postmortem analyses, lactate dehydrogenase and lac-
b Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid.
tate were found to interfere with assays for commonly
abused substances (amphetamine, barbiturates, benzodiaz-
Specimen must also contain amphetamine at a concentration greater than
epines, opiates, and propoxyphene).4 Additional confirma-
tory testing is advised for patients who have illnesses thatincrease the risk of lactic acidosis, such as diabetes melli-tus, liver disease, and toxin ingestion (eg, ethanol, metha-
The first step in evaluating a urine sample is documenta-
tion of the appearance and color. Urine specimens shouldbe shaken to determine whether such substances as soaphave been added to the urine. Excessive bubble formation
that is long lasting can indicate an attempt to adulterate the
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
specimen.13 Liquid drain cleaner, chlorine bleach, liquid
has established specific cutoff levels that define a positive
soap, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, and
result for the workplace (Table 15). These values were
eyedrops have been used to manipulate the urine. Other
developed to help eliminate false-positive results (eg,
commercial products containing glutaraldehyde, sodium or
poppy seeds causing positive opium results). Values below
potassium nitrate, peroxide and peroxidase, and pyridinium
the cutoff levels are reported as negative, which can lead to
chlorochromate (PCC) are being sold to falsify urine speci-
false-negative results. These values from the DHHS were
mens.14 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) assays tend to be the
established for the workplace only, and the role of thesethreshold levels in clinical settings (eg, health care, sub-stance abuse programs) remains controversial because of
TABLE 2. Length of Time Drugs of Abuse Can Be
the potential for false-negative results. Cutoff levels were
developed for adults, and values might need to be lowered
for children because their urine is more dilute than that of
adults.6 All laboratories should evaluate cutoff values for
Several factors need to be considered to determine the length
of time a drug or substance can be detected in the urine.
Pharmacokinetics, presence of metabolites, patient variabil-
ity (eg, body mass), short-term vs long-term use of a drug,
pH of the urine, and time of last ingestion are some factors
that influence detection times. Table 27-12 reports usual detec-
tion times for drugs of abuse discussed in this article.
Adulterating, substituting, and diluting urine samples are
common practices used to avoid detection of drug use.
Understanding specific characteristics of a urine specimencan help in identifying false-negative results. Mayo Clin Proc. • January 2008;83(1):66-76 • www.mayoclinicproceedings.com
For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
most sensitive for adulterants causing false-negative re-
the specific substance for which the person is being tested.
sults.15 Normally, urine specimens range from pale yellow
Several studies have evaluated the risk of false-positive
to clear depending on concentration.16 Urine specimens
results and have found high positive predictive values for
collected in the early morning are the most concentrated
cocaine (92.1; 97.8)82,83 and THC (92.2; 100)82,83 in contrast
and often provide the most reliable information.10 Unusual
to low positive predictive values for opiates (71.2)82 and
colors in urine samples can be due to medications, foods, or
diseases and should be noted on documentation that ac-companies the specimen for evaluation.17
The urine specimen temperature should be recorded
Alcohol, a substance legal for adults in the United States to
within 4 minutes of collection; the temperature should be
ingest, is the most widely used substance of intoxication in
32°C to 38°C initially and can remain warmer than 33°C
the world.7 It is rapidly metabolized in the human body.
for up to 15 minutes.16 Temperatures outside this range can
Approximately 90% to 95% is oxidized in the liver by
indicate that a substituted urine sample was used. The pH
alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenase and the microsomal
for normal urine fluctuates throughout the day but usually
ethanol-oxidizing system before elimination in the urine.84
is in the range of 4.5 to 8.0. Specimen contamination
Only 1% to 2% of ingested alcohol is excreted unchanged
should be suspected if the pH level is less than 3 or greater
in the urine.85 Urine alcohol concentration (UAC) follows a
than 11 or if the specific gravity is less than 1.002 or greater
variable pattern when compared with blood alcohol con-
than 1.020.16 Creatinine concentrations in normal human
centrations (BACs). During alcohol ingestion (ie, the early
urine should be greater than 20 mg/dL. Urinary creatinine
absorptive phase), the UAC is less than the BAC. A 1.0 to
concentrations of less than 20 mg/dL are considered dilute,
1.2 ratio of UAC to BAC is noted during the late absorptive
whereas concentrations of less than 5 mg/dL are inconsis-
phase (ie, >60 minutes after intake). The UAC in the
tent with human urine.10 Urinary nitrite levels should be
postabsorptive phase is always greater than the BAC. Thus,
less than 500 µg/mL.16 If adulteration is suspected or re-
the UAC result from the postabsorptive phase should be
sults fall outside these ranges, another specimen should be
divided by 1.3 to extrapolate a BAC value from the urine
collected under direct, observed supervision.
sample.85 This calculated value is useful in estimating the
Devices such as the Intect 7 (Branan Medical Corp,
BAC at the time of specimen collection but cannot be used
Irvine, CA), Mask Ultra Screen (Kacey, Asheville, NC),
to estimate impairment after alcohol ingestion. Factors
AdultaCheck 4, and AdultaCheck 6 (both from Chimera
to be considered when evaluating the results of a UAC
Research and Chemical Inc, Tampa, FL) have been devel-
include the quantity of alcohol ingested, time between
oped to assess the integrity of urine samples.14 These tests
collection and last alcohol intake, and concentration of
all detect validity parameters, such as creatinine and pH,
urine. In addition to urine screens, several other physi-
but vary in their detection of adulterants, such as bleach,
ologic biomarkers (ie, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine
glutaraldehyde, PCC, nitrites, and oxidants. Two recent
aminotransferase, γ-glutamyl transpepsidase, carbohy-
studies have shown the Intect 7 to be the most sensitive for
drate-deficient transferrin, ethyl glucuronide) are used to
adulterations because it can detect bleach, PCC, and vin-
assess alcohol intake, but these tests entail laboratory
egar.18,19 These devices are often used in conjunction with
analysis of blood.86 In clinical settings, urine alcohol
screens are used far less frequently than breath or bloodtests.15
The DHHS guidelines for workplace urine testing include 5
Amphetamines are among the 5 drug assays required by the
mandated drugs of abuse (amphetamines, cannabinoids,
DHHS. Amphetamines and methamphetamines are avail-
cocaine, opiates, and PCP); however, several other sub-
able by prescription for therapeutic use; however, amphet-
stances can be abused (eg, benzodiazepines), warranting
amines are commonly abused for their stimulant and eu-
screening for more than the 5 mandated drugs of abuse.
phoric effects. Most amphetamine assays are designed to
Urine drug screens for alcohol, benzodiazepines, metha-
detect amphetamine, racemic compounds (eg, dextro-
done, and TCAs could be of interest to clinicians in various
amphetamine, methamphetamine), and illicit analogues
settings and are also discussed in this article. Table 31,8,16,20-81
(methylenedioxyethylamphetamine, methylenedioxyam-
summarizes false-positive results sometimes seen with these
phetamine, and methylenedioxymethylamphetamine
abused substances. Overall risk of having a false-positive
[MDMA]). Unfortunately, other stimulants, anorexiants,
result due to cross-reactivity on immunoassays depends
and chemically related compounds (eg, pseudoephedrine),
largely on the specific test (eg, EMIT, FPIA, RIA) used and
have been shown to produce false-positive results, making
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TABLE 3. Summary of Agents Contributing to Positive Results by Immunoassaya
Coca leaf teaTopical anesthetics containing cocaine
l-Methamphetamine (Vick’s inhaler)d
a MDMA = methylenedioxymethylamphetamine, NSAID = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
b Approved in Mexico. Not approved in the United States.
c Converts to l-methamphetamine and l-amphetamine.
d Newer immunoassays have corrected the false-positive result for Vick’s inhaler.
e Diphenhydramine and verapamil (including metabolites) have been shown to cause positive results in methadone assays only.
f Reports of false-positive results occurred with serum only.
the amphetamine assay one of the most difficult tests to
been reported to interfere with immunoassays. Most of
interpret. The Figure illustrates common medications with
these reports attribute the cross-reactivity to metabolites
structures similar to amphetamines that can produce false-
of these agents, which typically are not assessed in manu-
facturers’ evaluations of immunoassays for interference.
Interpretation of amphetamine assays requires a detailed
Other unique agents found to cross-react with the am-
medication history that includes over-the-counter, pre-
phetamine immunoassay include labetalol,23 isometh-
scription, and herbal medications. Pseudoephedrine, ephed-
eptene,27 ranitidine,24,26,35 ritodrine,32 and trimethobenza-
rine, phenylephrine, and decongestants common in over-
mide.22,25 Structural similarities are the main reasons for
the-counter cold medicines are known to cross-react with
the amphetamine assay.39 Results of amphetamine assays
Another confounding factor for the amphetamine im-
are often positive among patients taking prescription
munoassay is the inability to distinguish between the 2
stimulants for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder,
isomers of methamphetamine, d-methamphetamine and l-
for narcolepsy, and as anorexiants because many of these
methamphetamine (l-desoxyephedrine). The d-isomer is
stimulants contain amphetamines (Table 3). Many psycho-
responsible for the central nervous system stimulant ef-
tropic medications, such as bupropion,33,40 phenothiazines
fects, whereas the l-isomer mainly works peripherally and
(eg, chlorpromazine, promethazine, and thioridazine),29,34
does not possess euphoric effects.15 Vicks nasal inhaler
trazodone,37 and TCAs (desipramine and doxepin),30,31 have
contains l-methamphetamine and did cross-react with older
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cologic properties: (1) sedative-hypnotic, (2) anxiolytic,
(3) antiepileptic, and (4) muscle relaxant activities.90 Ben-
zodiazepines cause sedation, impaired memory, cognitive
impairment, and disinhibition. They have also been associ-
ated with paradoxical effects (such as increased agitation
and insomnia), especially in pediatric and elderly pa-
tients.91 Although all benzodiazepines can be abused,agents that have the shortest half-life with the highest po-
tency (eg, alprazolam, triazolam) and greatest lipophilia
(eg, diazepam) tend to have the most abuse potential.92
Benzodiazepines are often abused for their euphoric effects
(along with other abused substances, such as alcohol).
The widespread use of benzodiazepines makes it diffi-
cult to distinguish between pharmacologic use vs abuse ofthese substances with a UDS. In addition, detection of
FIGURE. Agents that can cause positive results on amphetamine
benzodiazepines on assays will not establish single use vs
immunoassay. Adapted from ChemIDplus Lite. US National Library of
long-standing use, abuse, or dependence. Anxiolytic
Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Available from: http://sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemical.html. Accessed December 7, 2007.
agents, such as lorazepam, are often used in emergencydepartments for sedation and control of acute agitation;
immunoassay tests when used in large quantities. Newer
therefore, a thorough medication history is warranted to
EMIT tests have shown no positive results with the Vicks
prevent misinterpretation of a positive benzodiazepine re-
nasal inhaler when used up to twice the recommended
sult. Detection of benzodiazepines in the urine by commer-
dose.36 Additionally, selegiline and deprenyl, agents used
cially available assays is primarily based on detection of
for the treatment of Parkinson disease and depression, pro-
oxazepam and nordiazepam, the primary metabolites of
duce l-amphetamine and l-methamphetamine metabolites,
many of the benzodiazepine drugs.93,94 Yet assays are un-
which give a positive result on immunoassays.38 Unfortu-
able to distinguish between individual benzodiazepines.
nately, routine GC-MS also does not distinguish between
The standard cutoff levels of benzodiazepines are set by
the 2 isomers and requires chiral chromatography to differ-
DHHS and are listed in Table 1.5 After ingestion, highly
entiate between the d- and l- forms.21
lipophilic agents (eg, diazepam) are detected within min-
An added problem of amphetamine immunoassays is
utes in serum and within 36 hours in the urine.95 Agents that
their low sensitivity for detection of MDMA.87 Common
are extensively metabolized with long half-lives (eg, diaz-
monoclonal amphetamine andmethamphetamine immu-
epam, chlordiazepoxide) can be detected in the urine up to
noassays (eg, EMIT, FPIA, and RIA) can detect MDMA
30 days after ingestion. As noted previously, extensively
because of cross-reactivity; however, sensitivity for
metabolized drugs are detected in the urine as their metabo-
MDMA is approximately 50% less than for amphetamine
andmethamphetamine.88,89 High concentrations of MDMA
Recently, several published reports described the use of
in the urine are needed to elicit positive results on amphet-
hair and urine samples for detection of benzodiazepine
amine immunoassays. However, specific tests have been
drugs in forensic cases (eg, drug-facilitated sexual as-
designed to incorporate 3 monoclonal antibodies specific
sault)96-98; therefore, clinicians need to become more famil-
for amphetamine, methamphetamine, and MDMA, result-
iar with interpreting results from screening tests.
ing in greater sensitivity for detection of MDMA.87 These
Few reports assess agents that produce false-positive or
tests should be considered if MDMA use is suspected.
false-negative results on benzodiazepine screens. Ser-traline and oxaprozin have been identified as agents that
have cross-reactivity with benzodiazepines. Oxaprozin is a
Benzodiazepines belong to a class of prescribed drugs that
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) marketed
are widely used for a variety of medical and psychiatric
for treatment of rheumatic arthritis and osteoarthritis.42
conditions. Benzodiazepines bind to the benzodiazepine
Plasma concentrations of the drug are found within 3 to 6
site at the γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptor, which is the
hours after ingestion.41 In one report, 2 patients tested
main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous
positive for diazepam after taking oxaprozin. Both patients
system. Benzodiazepines, which are structurally similar
had a negative urine panel after discontinuing oxaprozin
with differences primarily in pharmacokinetic parameters
(4-7 days after cessation of the drug).42 In follow-up docu-
(eg, onset of effect, half-life, metabolites), have 4 pharma-
mentation, 1200 mg of oxaprozin for 1 day produced a
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positive result on the benzodiazepine panel, although 600
THC. Some speculate that the metabolite of efavirenz
mg of ibuprofen twice daily and 500 mg of naproxen twice
leads to interference with the antibody complexes in the
daily did not produce positive results. Oxaprozin is not
structurally related to benzodiazepines,41 and whether other
Several studies have evaluated the possibility of testing
NSAIDs can also produce similar positive results is un-
positive for THC via passive inhalation. Perez-Reyes et
known.99 Recently, the prescribing information for oxapro-
al105 evaluated 3 separate scenarios involving UDS and
zin was revised to state that false-positive tests for benzo-
passive exposure to THC. Methods included (1) placing
diazepines have been reported in patients who take the
nonsmokers in a room with participants actively smoking
NSAID. The effect can last up to 10 days after drug discon-
marijuana cigarettes for 1 hour (2.5% THC), (2) placing
tinuation, and confirmatory testing by GC-MS is recom-
nonsmokers in a medium-sized station wagon for 1 hour
mended. Some evidence suggests that compounds with
after 4 participants smoked marijuana cigarettes (2.8%
various differences in chemical structure, such as midazo-
THC), and (3) placing nonsmokers in a room with 4 smokers
lam, chlordiazepoxide, and flunitrazepam, are not detected
who smoked only 1 marijuana cigarette each. Of the 80
in many assays. Detection tends to be manufacturer- and
urine samples collected from 12 nonsmokers in the 24
hours after exposure to marijuana, only 2 had THC concen-trations greater than 20 ng/mL. No samples met the re-
quired 50 ng/mL cutoff concentration mandated by the
Cannabis (hemp plant), also referred to as marijuana, was
DHHS; thus, it is highly unlikely for an individual to test
the most commonly used illicit drug in 2005.102 Cannab-
positive (50 ng/mL) for THC by urine immunoassay
inoids refers to a unique subset of chemicals found in a
cannabis plant believed to have mental and physical effects
Researchers have evaluated whether hemp-containing
on users. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the most psycho-
foods (eg, hemp-seed tea, hemp-seed oil) can produce posi-
active chemical in the cannabis plant. Urine drug screens
tive results from UDSs for marijuana. A study evaluating
are designed to detect 11-nor-delta-9-tetrahydrocannab-
the consumption of a single drink of hemp-seed tea (12-24
inol-9-carboxylic acid (9-carboxy-THC) and other metabo-
oz; to convert to milliliters, multiply by 30) resulted in trace
amounts of cannabinoids in the urine; however, none of the
The substance THC has high lipid solubility, resulting in
urine concentrations met the cutoff concentrations for both
extensive storage of the drug in the lipid compartments of the
EMIT and GC-MS tests.48 Several case reports have shown
body. This lipid solubility is associated with slow excretion
positive results for cannabinoids with the consumption of
of the drug and its metabolites into the urine. A single use of
hemp-seed oil. One study found positive results on RIA after
marijuana can result in positive urine tests up to 1 week after
a daily THC dose of 0.6 mg via hemp-seed oil; however, this
administration, whereas long-term use can produce positive
specimen did not meet the cutoff value for GC-MS.45
results in the urine up to 46 days after cessation.103
People using THC often attempt to manipulate the urine
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have been re-
to produce negative results. Addition of Visine eyedrops to
ported to interfere and cause false-positive results for mari-
urine samples has been shown to cause false-negative re-
juana in EMIT and other assay systems, although conflict-
sults for THC.106 Chemical analysis of Visine eyedrops has
ing results have been reported among studies. Rollins et al46
shown that the ingredients, benzalkonium chloride and the
tested 510 urine samples from patients who received
borate buffer, can directly decrease the concentration of 9-
ibuprofen, naproxen, or fenoprofen at therapeutic dosing
carboxy-THC in the urine with no effects on the antibodies
regimens (one-time and long-term ingestion). Two false-
in the immunoassay. However, these ingredients do not
positive results were found in this study, 1 during the short-
chemically alter 9-carboxy-THC, which will still be de-
term ingestion of ibuprofen (1200 mg for 1 day) and the
other after long-term use of naproxen. In contrast, Joseph etal104 tested 14 different NSAIDs and found no interference
with the cannabinoid assay. Rollins et al46 speculate that
Cocaine and amphetamines stimulate the central nervous
NSAIDs interfere with the enzyme on the EMIT tests,
system and are abused primarily for their euphoric effect.
In addition, they are frequently used to increase attention
Other agents that have been shown to cross-react with
and decrease appetite and sleep time. Immunoassay screens
cannabinoid immunoassays include efavirenz 44,47 and
are most commonly used in clinical practice to detect co-
proton pump inhibitors.43 Efavirenz, a nonnucleoside re-
verse transcriptase inhibitor, has been extensively re-
Urine drug screens used to evaluate cocaine ingestion
ported in the literature to cause false-positive results for
assess the presence or absence of cocaine’s main metabo-
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prescribed opiates, such as sedation, miosis, nausea or
vomiting, and decreased blood pressure, heart rate, andrespiratory rate. Although detection of actual heroin would
be ideal, it is difficult to accomplish because heroin is
Heroin, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxycodone
rapidly metabolized to 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-MAM),
Methadone, propoxyphene, meperidine, fentanyl
morphine, and morphine glucuronide. Heroin can be de-
tected in the serum 3 to 5 minutes after administration, andthe metabolite, morphine, can be detected 2 to 4 days after
lite, benzoylecgonine. Cross-reactivity between this screen
heroin use. Confirmation by GC-MS is necessary for sus-
and substances other than cocaine are nearly nonexist-
pected heroin use, and the presence of 6-MAM is confirma-
ent.15,107 Urine screens for cocaine are very accurate in
tory for heroin. The 6-MAM metabolite is a product of
detecting recent cocaine ingestion. Consumption of tea and
heroin, not morphine or codeine, which makes it ideal for
other natural products created with coca plant leaves pro-
confirmatory testing of heroin. Unfortunately, the metabo-
duces positive cocaine screen results.50,51 Foodstuffs ob-
lite has a short half-life of 36 minutes and is detected in the
tained through the Internet and other sources, and adulter-
urine only up to 8 hours after heroin use.109,110 A potential
ated natural products, could also produce a positive result
problem can arise when street heroin is contaminated with
from a cocaine screen even when the person tested denies
acetylcodeine, which is further metabolized to codeine.20 It
use of cocaine. In addition, children exposed to cocaine
can be difficult to differentiate between heroin, codeine, or
smoke in heavily contaminated environments can have
morphine use among patients with low morphine and co-
positive cocaine screen results even if they had not in-
deine concentrations.111 Ingestion of products that contain
codeine, such as cough medicines and medications fordiarrhea, must also be ruled out before determining abuse.
Opiate screening cutoff levels for DHHS were changed
Opioids are a class of drugs comprising both prescribed
from 300 ng/mL to 2000 ng/mL of morphine in December
and illicit agents. Morphine and codeine are naturally oc-
1998 to avoid false-positive results from poppy-seed inges-
curring alkaloids from the opium poppy seed, Papaver
tion. However, the sensitivity for detecting true opiate use
somniferum. Table 47 categorizes opioid compounds ac-
can be a concern,112 and most clinical laboratories continue
cording to sources of derivation. Opioids can have varying
to use the lower cutoff.53 Positive results for heroin abuse
therapeutic effects, such as analgesic, antitussive, and an-
are caused by use of prescribed opiates, such as codeine
and hydrocodone; however, ingestion of modest amounts
Urinalysis testing for opiates, whether prescribed or
of poppy seeds has been known to cause a positive result
illicit, generally detects the metabolite of heroin and co-
from urinalysis. Ingestion of poppy-seed cookies (contain-
deine, namely morphine. Morphine is further metabolized
ing about 1 teaspoon of poppy-seed filling available com-
to 2 main substances, 3-morphine-glucuronide and 6-mor-
mercially in the United States for baking) produced posi-
phine-glucuronide. The 3-morphine-glucuronide metabo-
tive results for opiates within 2 hours of ingestion among 5
lite accounts for 50% of the morphine that is excreted
patients.62 Codeine was also found in a concentration of 20
renally and can produce hyperalgesia and neurotoxicity.
ng/mL in 2 samples 2 hours after ingestion. Urine samples
Fentanyl is usually not detected in urine screens because of
analyzed after 24 hours were negative for opiates. Similar
lack of metabolites, and oxycodone is not usually detected
results were seen in another analysis in which consumption
because of its derivation from thebaine (a compound that is
of poppy-seed bagels produced positive results for codeine
not detected in the urine).108 Codeine is extensively me-
and morphine up to 25 hours after ingestion.60 A single
tabolized, and 10% to 15% of the dose is converted to
bagel was estimated to contain 1.5 mg of morphine and 0.1
morphine and norcodeine. All 3 compounds are detected in
mg of codeine. Similar results were observed in other
analyses with slight variations ranging from 1 hour for
Whereas prescribed opiates have indications for pain
earliest detection of morphine to 60 hours for the latest
management, illicit agents or semisynthetic derivatives of
morphine are not used for therapeutic effects because of
Rifampin and rifampicin have also been known to inter-
their high abuse potential. Heroin (diacetylmorphine) is a
fere with opiate immunoassays.55-57,61 In one case report
semisynthetic derivative of morphine that is more potent
involving 3 patients, the 1-step chromatographic assay pro-
than morphine with rapid onset of action. Heroin also binds
duced false-positive results when urine samples were
to the opioid receptor as an agonist (µ, κ, δ) and inhibits
tested 1 hour after rifampin administration. All 3 samples
substance P. Further, heroin has effects similar to those of
were negative by urinalysis using the competitive binding
Mayo Clin Proc. • January 2008;83(1):66-76 • www.mayoclinicproceedings.com
For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
immunoassays and GC-MS. The interference occurred in
of 0.025%. Some speculated that, despite the low cross-
concentrations as low as 0.05 mg/L. Rifampicin was shown
reactivity, the combined concentrations of the parent drug
to cause false-positive results in 2 reports56,57 and has 12%
and metabolite could have contributed to the false-positive
cross-reactivity. A single oral dose of 600 mg of rifampicin
has been detected within 18 hours after ingestion (about 24
Phencyclidine is not structurally related to venlafaxine;
hours among patients with renal dysfunction or dehydra-
however, on the basis of other false-positive results with
tion).56 The color of the drug was not shown to interfere
drugs of equally dissimilar structure, the potential risk must
with the reaction. Quinolones also have been known to
be considered. This finding was confirmed by another re-
cause false-positive results on urine screens for opiates.53,59
port, in which a false-positive result for PCP was detected
Methadone is a long-acting opioid that is used as substi-
in a developmentally disabled patient who received 75 mg/d
tution treatment for opioid dependence and chronic pain.
of venlafaxine XR.66 In another report, venlafaxine overdose
Assays for methadone are specific and detect the parent
resulted in a false-positive result for PCP.65 Other cross-
compound because about a third of the drug is excreted
reactivities for PCP are listed in Table 3.
unchanged. In patients with maintenance doses of metha-done, the urine concentrations for methadone and its me-
tabolite (2-ethylene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine)
Although assays for drugs of abuse do not routinely test for
range from 1 to 50 mg/L.54 A confirmatory testing for
TCAs, rapid screening for TCA in the urine is often valu-
methadone use, if suspected, is recommended. Although
able in emergency situations, such as intentional overdose
many urinalysis panels do not routinely screen for metha-
or toxicity. Results of urine screening for TCA have an
done, verapamil metabolites that contribute to false-posi-
important role in determining early management of pa-
tive results for methadone have been reported.58
tients; however, many commonly prescribed and over-the-counter medications can lead to false-positive results from
Phencyclidine is an anesthetic that is abused for its halluci-
The 3-ring nucleus of TCAs is the characteristic struc-
nogenic properties and is often referred to as angel dust.
ture of this class of antidepressants. Several structurally
This noncompetitive N-methyl-D-aspartic acid antagonist
related medications (ie, 3-ringed structures) have been
inhibits the reuptake of dopamine. Its short-term effects
shown to cross-react with TCAs in either serum or urine
can range from dissociation, euphoria, sensory deprivation,
immunoassays. Antihistamine agents (eg, cyprohepta-
decreased inhibition, increased blood pressure and tem-
dine,80,81 carbamazepine,72,74,75 cyclobenzaprine,79 and quetia-
perature, and agitation to loss of appetite. In overdose
pine71,76,77) have often been reported to interfere with the
situations, PCP ingestion can result in combativeness or
serum immunoassay for TCAs because of their 3-ringed
convulsions and can even lead to coma. The psychedelic
structures. Although structurally dissimilar to TCAs, the
effects are seen for approximately 1 hour after ingestion,
antihistamines diphenhydramine,78 hydroxyzine,73 and
and long-term use can lead to symptoms resembling psy-
cetirizine73 (hydroxyzine’s metabolite) have also been
chotic disorders, such as schizophrenia. The detection time
shown to interfere with serum TCA immunoassay in over-
after smoking PCP is 5 to 15 minutes in the serum20 and
dose situations. Unfortunately, these case reports did not
approximately 8 days in the urine.67 Blood concentrations
test for interference in the urine immunoassay, except for
ranging from 20 to 30 ng/mL can produce excitation, and
seizures and death can occur at levels above 100 ng/mL.3Detection of true PCP use is rare because the drug is no
longer widely available in the United States.
In one case report of 3 patients, venlafaxine resulted in
Urine drug screens are valuable tools in health care, the
false-positive results from urine assays for PCP.70 The
workplace, and other settings. Accurate interpretation of
urine samples were collected from 3 patients in the emer-
the validity and reliability of these tools is critical for
gency department, none of whom had a history of PCP use.
making decisions that will ultimately have social and
Venlafaxine was the only medication ingested by all 3
legal ramifications. Understanding how to evaluate UDSs
patients. On repeated testing with gas chromatography, the
for adulterations, substitutions, and potential false-posi-
samples produced negative results for PCP. Pure samples
tive results is complex but vital to interpret these results.
of venlafaxine and the metabolite O-desmethylvenlafaxine
A detailed medication history, including prescription,
were tested using the emergency department’s urine assay
nonprescription, and herbal medications, and proper
test, and again, a positive PCP result was observed. The
knowledge of medications that cross-react with UDSs are
drug had a cross-reactivity of 0.0125% and the metabolite
Mayo Clin Proc. • January 2008;83(1):66-76 • www.mayoclinicproceedings.com
For personal use. Mass reproduce only with permission from Mayo Clinic Proceedings.
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Travel-Acquired Leptospirosis Androula Pavli , MD, FRACGP * and Helena C. Maltezou , MD, PhD † * Offi ce for Travel Medicine and † Department for Interventions in Health-Care Facilities, Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Athens, Greece International travel is rapidly growing worldwide. Microbiology It has been estimated that international travels Leptospi
Ketogene Diät Eine Hilfe für epilepsiekranke Kinder ? D.Fritzenschaft SHG Eltern anfallskranker Kinder Mannheim 1999 Die ketogene Diät (KD) ist eine Ernährungsweise bei der es einer fettreichen und kohlenhydratarmen Kost bedarf. Ziel dieser Diätform ist es eine kontrollierte Ketonurie herbeizuführen. In der Praxis wird diese Diät jedoch nur sehr selten versucht. Hauptindikati