Formatting Your Paper for Evolutionary Computation B. A. Author
Department of Science, My University, MyTown, Zip, Country
D. C. Author2
Department of Science, My University, MyTown, Zip, Country
The abstract goes here. It should be about 200 words and give the reader a summaryof the main contributions of the paper. Remember that readers may decide to read ornot to read your paper based on what is in the abstract. The abstract never containsreferences. Keywords
Genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, genetic programming, evolutionary program-ming, strong causality, Walsh analysis. General Instructions
This document1 is a template which you can use to format your paper in preparationfor publishing in the journal Evolutionary Computation or for just submitting your paperto the journal. Our style file (ecj.sty) is compatible with LaTeX version 2e.
Please provide author(s) first initial and last name(s) for the even-page running
Also provide a brief paper title (45 characters/spaces or less) for the
odd-page running headline. See the ecjHeader section at the top of this document forplacement of these items.
Please make sure your paper is as complete and accurate as possible. The rest of the
document provides a few examples of references and citations, how to set up figures,discusses common problems, and provides some general advice on writing your paper.
1. Give full names for authors. (T. Bones should be Tom Bones or Thomas, unless
your first name is a military secret and everyone calls you “T”.)
2. Be sure to provide 5 to 10 keywords for your paper. See “keywords” section above.
3. Use the Evolutionary Computation format for references. In text citations should use
the authors names (Smith, 1997) or “Smith (1997) states .” The references at the back of the paper should also follow the Evolutionary Computation format. Using a bitex file, with natbib.sty and apalike.bst is highly recommended. You should then use
1 Originally written by Darrell Whitley, and only later modified by Marc Schoenauer, especially regarding
c 200X by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Figure 1: This is a caption below a framebox where a figure might appear. Use epsfig inthe \usepackage{epsfig,ecj.} command to help to insure that we can processyour figure.
• \cite{Smith} states that . to obtain “Smith (1974) states that . . . ”
• as stated in \citep{Smith}, . to obtain “as stated in (Smith, 1974)
If you don’t use natbib, be sure to follow the rules:
• multiple authors: (Reeves et al., 1990)
• multiple citations: (Antonisse, 1989; Juliany and Vose, 1994)
4. If you use a bibtex file, please submit your bibtex file. In any case, please com-
pletely spell out journal and institution titles. Abbreviations may not be under-stood by all readers. Be sure to provide beginning and ending page numbers. In-clude editor(s) initials and last names(s), volume numbers, page ranges, publishername and location.
See the Reference section of this paper for specific examples. About Figures
Figures potentially cause the most serious problems when processing latex files. Colorfigures are NOT permitted. Make sure that no unusual files are required for processingyour figures. The use of “espfig” is strongly encouraged as well as the format foundin ecjsample.tex used for generating Figure 1 above. The use of the psfig command iscommented out in the latex file; but you can remove the “comment” symbols and usethe commands shown in ecjsample.tex.
Make sure you provide an in-text reference to each of your figures. An example is
Make sure figures are clear and fit within the margins specified in the style file.
Small figures with hard to read labels or hard to see lines are a common problem. Alsomake sure that labels and terms used in figures are defined in either the caption or thetext. (It is best if they are defined in the caption.)
Common Problems and Advice
Avoid the use of too many acronyms. You may know the meaning and significanceof BARF (e.g., Beer, Aspirin, Recreation and Food), but this, in effect, amounts to the
Evolutionary Computation Volume x, Number x
invention of a personal language that makes reading your paper more difficult. Defineeach acronym on its first occurrence it the text; thereafter, you may use the acronymalone.
Avoid run-on sentences. Typically these are very hard to parse. This is also one of
the most common problems. While you are at it, use a spelling tool such as ispell.
Avoid paraphrases - “i.e.”, “e.g.”, “in other words.”, or parenthetical information
Minimize the use of prepositions and adverbs to begin a sentence (“On the other
hand.”, “Conversely.”, “Obviously.”). Vary your sentence structure.
Avoid using excessive supporting information/documentation. Select only the
material that will strengthen your paper and is relevant and necessary.
Finally, we will need all your files in electronic form. This package should include
at least the following files: .tex, .bib, .bbl, .eps, .ps, and any special style files you haveused to create your paper. We also need to be able to LaTeX and generate camera-readypostscript of your paper. Following the examples given in ecjsample.tex will helpensure your LaTeX file can be processed without error.
Thank you for submitting your work to Evolutionary Computation. If you have
suggestions for improving ecj.sty or ecjsample.tex, please send email to [email protected] or to [email protected]. References
Smith, J. (1974). Introduction to Everything. John Doe.
Evolutionary Computation Volume x, Number x
NARRATIVE REPORT FOR AMOR MATERNAL AND NEONATAL HEALTH PROJECT AT KASESE IN MALAWI: REPORTING PERIOD: MAY 2011 Introduction This report has been compiled by Lifeline Malawi and covers the Maternal and neonatal Health services supported by AMOR Foundation. The report is submitted to AMOR for purpose of information, record and feedback where necessary. Achievements This repor
Global Public-Private Partnerships for Pharmaceuticals: Operational and Normative Features, Challenges, and Prospects1,2 Sherri A. Brown3 Abstract Global public-private partnerships (GPPPs) in health have been created, purportedly, as a response to both market and government failure to provide health care goods and services, particularly in developing countries. They have been created to