Kerman university of medical sciences, kerman, iran.
Antimicrobial resistance pattern of Escherichia coli causing urinary tract
infections, and that of human fecal flora, in the southeast of Iran Author(s): Mansouri, S (Mansouri, S); Shareifi, S (Shareifi, S) Source: MICROBIAL DRUG RESISTANCE-MECHANISMS EPIDEMIOLOGY AND
DISEASE Volume: ٨ Issue: ٢ Pages: ١٢٣-١٢٨ DOI:١٠.١٠٨٩/١٠٧٦٦٢٩٠٢٧٦٠١٩٠٦٦٢ Published: SUM ٢٠٠٢ Times Cited: ٥ (from Web of Science) Cited References: ٢١ [ view related records ] Citation Map Abstract: Sensitivity of ٥٠٠ Escherichia coli isolates from urinary tract infections (UTIs, ٣١١ isolate) and fecal
samples (١٨٩ isolates) was tested against ١٢ antimicrobial agents using the standard disk diffusion method. Although
the rate of resistance to antimicrobial agents was higher in the UTIs, in comparison with the fecal samples, the only
significant difference was found in cases of tetracycline (p = ٠.٠٠٨), nalidixic acid (p = ٠.٠٣٨), and trimethoprim-
sulfamethoxazole (Sxt, p = ٠.٠٥). The pattern of sensitivity to antimicrobial agents with respect to statistical y
significant difference in the number of sensitive isolates (p less than or equal to ٠.٠١) was: ceftizoxime (٩٩.٤%) and
ceftriaxone (٩٩.٢%) > gentamicin (٩٧.٨%), ciprofloxacin (٩٣%) and nitrofurantoin (٩٢%) > cefazoline (٨٥.٢%) and
nalidixic acid (٨٤.٦%) > chloramphenicol (٧١.٦%), cephradine (٦٩.٦%) and tetracycline (٦٣.٢%) > Sxt (٤١.٦%) >
ampicil in (٢٣.٢%). Sensitivity of the isolates in respect to sex and age was also determined and compared during this
study. Resistance to three or more antimicrobial agents (multidrug resistance, MDR) was found in ٢٠٩ (٤١.٨%) of the
isolates. The high rate of resistance to Sxt and the presence of a high rate of MDR isolates in this area suggest that a
reevaluation of the first-line therapeutic may be necessary for the treatment of UTIs in this area. Accession Number: WOS:٠٠٠١٧٦٦٣٢١٠٠٠٠٦ Document Type: Article Language: English KeyWords Plus: SUSCEPTIBILITY; CIPROFLOXACIN; TRAVELERS; DIARRHEA; EFFLUX Reprint Address: Mansouri, S (reprint author), Kerman Univ Med Sci, Dept Microbiol, POB ٤٤٤, Kerman
٧٦١٦٩١٤١١١, Iran Addresses:
١. Kerman Univ Med Sci, Dept Microbiol, Kerman ٧٦١٦٩١٤١١١, Iran Publisher: MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL, ٢ MADISON AVENUE, LARCHMONT, NY ١٠٥٣٨ USA Web of Science Category: Infectious Diseases; Microbiology; Pharmacology & Pharmacy Subject Area: Infectious Diseases; Microbiology; Pharmacology & Pharmacy IDS Number: ٥٦٩YZ ISSN: ١٠٧٦-٦٢٩٤
Roma, 13 Dicembre 2006 Progetto Genitorialità Costituzione di un rete di informazione e assistenza per coppie sieropositive discordanti e non, con desiderio di genitorialità. Premessa L’infezione da HIV coinvolge, un numero sempre più crescente di donne in età fertile che si accompagna ad un rinnovato desiderio di genitorialità favorito anche dalla possibilità di
PGD-CET 2014 QUESTION BOOKLET Day and Date : Sunday, 5th January, 2014 Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes Time: 10.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Total Marks : 100 This is to certify that, the entries of PGD-CET Roll No. and Answer Sheet No. have been correctly Instructions to Candidates 1. The Question Booklet has one seal sticker. Examinee should open the seal at 10.00 a.m. 2. This questio