UNIVERSITE PARIS 5 (RENE DESCARTES) Poste n° 1248 Numéro dans le SI local : Article : Section 1 :
87-Sc. biologiques, fondamentales et cliniques (ex 41è)
Section 2 : Section 3 :
Biochimie des macromolecules et biochimie metabolique
Job profile : Research fields EURAXESS : Localisation : Code postal de la localisation : Etat du poste : Adresse d'envoi du dossier :
administratif : N° de téléphone : N° de Fax : Date d'ouverture des candidatures : Date de fermeture des candidatures : Date de prise de fonction : Mots-clés : Profil enseignement : Composante ou UFR :
Faculte des Sciences Pharmaceutiques et Biologiques
Référence UFR : Profil recherche : Laboratoire 1 :
Laboratoire 2 : Laboratoire 3 : Laboratoire 4 : Laboratoire 5 : Dossier Papier Dossier numérique physique (CD, DVD, clé USB) Pièces jointes par courrier électronique Application spécifique
OUI URL application http://www.parisdescartes.fr/apps/csged
Le profil détaillé se trouve en page 2 et suivantes Informations Complémentaires Enseignement : Profil : Biochimie des macromolécules et biochimie métabolique Filières de formation concernées :
-Etudes de Pharmacie :
*PAES, 2ème année: enseignements dans la formation commune de base en biochimie desmacromolécules et biochimie métabolique. *Enseignement coordonné « Stress oxydant », 5ème année*Préparation au concours de l’Internat :
* H3B (5ème année), Méthodologies analytiques en biochimie
-Filière Sciences :
*L2, L3*M2 recherche « Biochimie et Pharmacologie cellulaire » :
-UE5 : Aspects biochimiques, métaboliques et cellulaires du stress oxydant. Département d’enseignement : Biologie expérimentale, métabolique et clinique Lieu d’exercice : -Faculté de Pharmacie -UFR Biomédicale des Saints-Pères Equipe pédagogique : Biochimie, responsable : Pr Dominique BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT Nom directeur département : Pr Luc CYNOBER Tel directeur dépt. : 01 53 73 99 45 Email directeur dépt. :
URL dépt. :
Recherche :
Le (la) candidat(e) devra s’intégrer dans l’équipe dont la thématique de recherche porte
sur l’étude des propriétés régulatrices intracellulaires (antioxydantes, anti-inflammatoires.)de
(sphingolipides) dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules endothéliales et des synoviocytes. Sur un plan fondamental, deux axes de régulation sont plus spécifiquement étudiés : laproduction du monoxyde d’azote (NO) et les médiateurs lipidiques pouvant modulerl’inflammation.
Il (elle) devra développer la thématique et son expérience sera d’autant plus
importante que nous assurons l’encadrement d’étudiants de M1, de M2R et en thèsed’Université sur ce thème. Le (la) candidat(e) devra en assurer la co-direction. Lieu d’exercice : Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris Descartes Nom directeur labo : Tel directeur labo : 01 53 73 99 45 Email directeur labo :
URL labo : Descriptif labo :
L’EA 4466 est constituée de 5 groupes de recherche (modélisation métabolique,
citrulline, resvératrol, association nutriments et médicaments et vieillissement vasculaire) etde 4 plates-formes techniques (analytique, culture cellulaire, biologie moléculaire etexpérimentation animale). Objectif du recrutement : Justification du recrutement tenant compte de l’activité du laboratoire :
L’EA 4466 « Stress cellulaire : Physiopathologie, stratégies nutritionnelles et
thérapeutiques innovantes » fait partie de l’IFR-IMTCE (Institut Médicament ToxicologieChimie Environnement) de la Faculté de Pharmacie et de l’école doctorale du médicament« de la molécule à la clinique » (ED-436) de l’Université Paris Descartes.
Le (la) candidat(e) possèdera des connaissances en relation avec la thématique de l’EA
(stress cellulaire et en particulier stress oxydant et nitrosant, dysfonction des voies detransduction et de signalisation). Il (elle) renforcera les compétences méthodologiques dugroupe (immunofluorescence, microscopie confocale, transfection de cellules, siRNA,méthodes de séparation chromatographique, spectrométrie de masse…)
Description activités complémentaires : Co-responsabilité « Hygiène et sécurité », encadrement de personnels techniques Autres informations : Compétences particulières requises : Le (la) candidat(e) devra posséder des connaissances fondamentales sur les voies de régulation du NO, le métabolisme des sphingolipides et les conséquences du « stress oxydant » en pathologie. Principales publications (au cours des 5 dernières années) (Les membres de l’EA sont en caractères gras) I - Publications du laboratoire
BLANC MC, MOINARD C, BEZIEL A, DARQUY S, CYNOBER L, DE BANDT JP. Arginine and glutamine availability and macrophage functions in the obese insulin-resistant Zucker rat.
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2005; 202:153-159.
MOINARD C, NEVEUX N, ROYO N, GENTHON C, MARCHAND-VERECCHIA C, PLOTKINE M, CYNOBER L. Characterization of the alteration of nutritional state in brain injury induced by fluid percussion in rats.
Intensive Care Medicine 2005;31:281-288.
SCHUSTER H, BLANC MC, GENTHON C, THEROND P, BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D, Le TOURNEAU A, De BANDT JP, CYNOBER L. Does dietary ornithine #-ketoglutarate supplementation protect the liver against ischemia-reperfusion injury ?
Clinical Nutrition 2005;24:375-384. HELIES-TOUSSAINT C, MOINARD C, RASMUSEN C, TABBI-ANNENI I, CYNOBER L, GRYNBERG A. Aortic banding in rat as a model to investigate malnutrition associated to heart failure.
American Journal of Physiology 2005;288:R1325-1331. MELIS GC, BOELENS PG, VAN DER SIJP JRM, POPOVICI T, DE BANDT JP, CYNOBER L, VAN LEEUWEN PAM. The feeding route (entéral or parenteral) affects the plasma response of the dipeptide L-alanyl-L-glutamine (Ala-Gln) and the amino acids glutamine, citrulline and arginine, with the administration of Ala-Gln in preoperative patients.
Bristish Journal of Nutrition 2005;94:19-26.
LOI C, KANA G, BLANC MC, GENTHON C, CYNOBER L. Evaluation of a glycine-rich amino acid solution for parenteral nutrition in endotoxemic rats.
Critical Care Medicine 2005 ; 33 :2344-2349.
BOUILLANNE O, MORINEAU G, DUPONT C, COULOMBEL I, VINCENT JP, BENAZETH S, CYNOBER L, AUSSEL C. GNRI (Geriatric Nutritional Risk Index) : a new index to evaluate elderly medical patients at risk.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2005 ; 82 :777-783. BOULETREAU P, CHASSARD D, ALLAOUCHICHE B, DUMONT JC, AUBOYER C, BERTIN-MAGHIT M, BRICARD H, ECOCHARD R, RANGARAJ J, CHAMBIER C, SCHNEID C, CYNOBER L. Glucose-lipid ratio is a determinant of nitrogen balance during total parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients.
Intensive Care Medicine 2005 ; 31 :1394-1400. DECHELOTTE P, HASSELMANN M, CYNOBER L, DASSONVILLE JM, CHASSARD D, COEFFIER M, HECKESWEILER B, MERLE V, MAZEROLLES M, SAMBA D, GUILLOU N, PETIT J, MANSOOR O, PINAUD M, COLAS X, MARTY J, FULACHIER V, COHENDY R, BARNOUD D, GENESTAL M, CZERNICHOW P, BLEICHNER G. L-alanyl-L-glutamine dipeptide-supplemented total parenteral nutrition reduces infectious complications and glucose intolerance in critically ill patients : the French controlled randomised double-blind multicenter study.
Critical Care Medicine 2006 ; 34 :598-604. SCHNEIDER SM, JOLY F, GEHRARDT, BADRAN AM, MYARA A, THUILLIER F, COUDRAY-LUCAS C, CYNOBER L, TROUVIN F, MESSING B. Taurine status and response to an intravenous taurine supplementation in long-term parenteral nutrition adults with short bowel syndrome – a pilot study.
British Journal of Nutrition 2006; 96:365-370. MARCHAND-VERRECHIA C, RICHON S, NAFZIGER J, PLOTKINE M, CHAUMEIL JC, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Impairment of lymphocyte function in head-injured rats: effects of standard and immune-enhancing diets for enteral nutrition.
Clinical Nutrition 2006; 25:832-841.
Benhamouche S, Decaens T, Godard C, Chambrey R, Rickman DS, Moinard C, Vasseur-Cognet M, Kuo CJ, Kahn A, Perret C, Colnot S. Dev Cell. 2006;10(6):759-70.
BELABED L, SENON G, BLANC MC, PAILLARD A, CYNOBER L, DARQUY S. The equivocal metabolic response to endotoxemia in type 2 diabetic and obese ZDF rats.
Diabetologia 2006 ; 49:1349-1359. OSOWSKA S, DUCHEMANN T, WALRAND S, PAILLARD A, BOIRIE Y, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Citrulline modulates muscle protein metabolism in old malnourished rats.
American Journal of Physiology (Endocrinology and Metabolism) 2006; 291:E582-E586. PARLESAK A, NEGRIER I, NEVEUX N, BODE C, CYNOBER L. Arginine does not exacerbate markers of inflammation in co-cultures of human enterocytes and leukocytes.
Journal of Nutrition 2007;137:106-111. LEVILLAIN O, VENTURA G, DECHAUD H, HOBEIKA M, MESEGUER A, MOINARD C, CYNOBER L. Sex-differential expression and distribution of ornithine aminotransferase in the mouse kidney.
American Journal of Physiology (Renal Physiology 2007;292:F1016-1027.
RASMUSEN C, MOINARD C, MARTIN C, TRICOTTET V, CYNOBER L, COUDERC C. L-arginine atorvastatin prevention atheroma formation genetically hypercholesterolemic rabbits.
British Journal of Nutrition 2007; 97:1083-1089.
CYNOBER L, LASNIER E, LE BOUCHER J, JARDEL A, COUDRAY-LUCAS C. Effect of ornithine #-ketoglutarate on glutamine pools in burn injury: Evidence of component interaction.
Intensive Care Medicine 2007;33:538-541.
HAMANI D, CHARRUEAU C, BUTEL MJ, BESSON V, BELABED L, NICOLIS I, LE PLENIER S, MARCHAND-VERRECHIA C, CHAUMEIL JC, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Effect of an immune-enhancing diet on lymphocyte in head-injured rats: what is the role for arginine?
Intensive Care Medicine 2007;33:1076-1084. SEGAUD F, COMBARET L, NEVEUX N, ATTAIX D, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Effects of ornithine #-ketoglutarate on protein metabolism in Yoshida sarcoma bearing rats.
Clinical Nutrition 2007;26:624-630.
MOINARD C, NICOLIS I, NEVEUX N, DARQUY S, BENAZETH S, CYNOBER L. Dose-ranging effects of citrulline administration on plasma amino acids and hormonal patterns in healthy subjects: The citrudose pharmacokinetic study.
British Journal of Nutrition 2008; 99:855-862.
MOINARD C, GUPTA S, BESSON V, MORIO B, MARCHAND-LEROUX C, CHAUMEIL JC, CYNOBER L, CHARRUEAU C. Evidence for impairment of hepatic energy homeostasis in head-injured rat.
Journal of Neurotrauma 2008; 25:124-129. JOURDAN M, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C, BLANC MC, NEVEUX N, DE BANDT JP, AUSSEL C. Splanchnic sequestration of amino acids in aged rats: in vivo and ex vivo experiments using a model of isolated perfused liver.
American Journal of Physiology (Reg. Integr. Comp. Physiol.) 2008; 294:R748-755. OSOWSKA S, NEVEUX N, NAKIB S, LASSERRE V, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Impairment of arginine metabolism in rats after massive intestinal resection: effect of parenteral nutrition supplemented with citrulline versus arginine.
Clinical Science 2008; 115:159-166.
RAYNAUD-SIMON A, KUHN M, MOULIS J, MARC J, CYNOBER L, LOÏ C. Tolerance and efficacy of a new enteral formula specifically designed for the elderly: an experimental study in the aged rat.
Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences 2008; 83A:669-677. KUHN M, NAKIB S, DE BANDT JP, CYNOBER L, LOÏ C. Simultaneous determination of retinol and #-tocopherol in polymeric diets for enteral nutrition.
Journal of chromatography A 2008;1205:186-196. BAHRI S, CURIS E, EL WAFI FZ, AUSSEL C, CHAUMEIL JC, CYNOBER L, ZERROUK N. Mechanisms and kinetics of citrulline uptake in a model of human intestinal epithelial cells.
Clinical Nutrition 2008; 27:872-880.
VENTURA G, DE BANDT JP, SEGAUD F, PERRET C, ROBIC D, LEVILLAIN O, LE PLENIER S, GODARD C, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Overexpression of ornithine aminotransferase: consequences on amino acid homeostasis.
British Journal of Nutrition 2009;101:843-851. DELPIERRE ARNAUD-BATTANDIER F, CYNOBER L. Increasing plasma glutamine in post-operative patients fed an arginine-rich immune-enhancing diet. A pharmacokinetic randomized controlled study.
Critical Care Medicine 2009;37:501-509. EKLOU-LAWSON M, BERNARD F, NEVEUX N, CHAUMONTET C, BOS C, DAVILA-GAY AM, TOME D, CYNOBER L, BLACHIER F. Colonic luminal ammonia and portal blood L-glutamine and L-arginine concentrations: a possible link between colon mucosa and liver ureagenesis.
SCHUSTER H, BLANC MC, BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D, NAKIB S, LE TOURNEAU A, FÜRST P, CYNOBER L, DE BANDT JP. Protective effects of glutamine dipeptide and #-tocopherol against ischemia-reperfusion injury in the isolated rat liver.
Clinical Nutrition 2009;28:331-337. WINER N, BRANGER B, AZRIA E, TSATSARIS V, PHILIPPE HJ, ROZE JC, DESCAMPS P, BOOG G, CYNOBER L, DARMAUN D. L-arginine treatment for severe vascular fetal intrauterine growth restriction: a randomized double blind controlled trial.
Clinical Nutrition 2009;28:243-248. LEVESQUE E, MOINARD C, BESSON V, NEVEUX N, CHAUMEIL JC, CYNOBER L,
CHARRUEAU C, BELABED L, BESSON V, CHAUMEIL JC, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Metabolic response and nutritional support in head injury evidence for resistance in renutrition.
Journal of Neurotrauma 2009;26:1911-1920.
CRENN P, DE TRUCHIS P, NEVEUX N, GALPERINE T, CYNOBER L, MELCHIOR JC. Plasma citrulline is a biomarker of enterocyte mass and an indicator of parenteral nutrition for HIV-infected patients.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009;90:587-594.
BOUILLANNE O, DUPONT-BELMONT C, HAY P, HAMONT-VILCOT C, CYNOBER L, AUSSEL C. Fat mass protects hospitalized elderly people against morbidity and mortality.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2009;90:505-510. HORCAJADA P, CHALATI T, SERRE C, GILLET B, SEBRIE C, BAATI T, EUBANK JF, HEURTAUX D, CLAYETTE P, KREUZ C, JS CHANG, HWANG YK, MARSAUD V, BORIES PN, CYNOBER L, GIL S, FEREY G, COUVREUR P, GREF R. Porous metal-organic-framework nanoscale carriers as a potential platform for drug delivery and imaging.
Nature Materials 2010 ;9 :172-178.
HAMANI D, KUHN M, CHARRUEAU C, WALIGORA-DUPRIET AJ, NEVEUX N, BUTEL MJ, CYNOBER L, MOINARD C. Interactions between #3 polyinsaturated fatty acids and arginine at the nutritional and immunological levels in severe inflammation.
Clinical Nutrition 2010; sous presse.
VENTURA G, MOINARD C, SEGAUD F, PERRET C, LE PLÉNIER S, CYNOBER L, DE BANDT JP. Adaptative response of nitrogen metabolism in early endotoxemia: role of aminotransferase.
Amino Acids 2010 ; sous presse.
CHENEVIER-GOBEAUX C, GUERIN S, ANDRÉ S, RAY P, CYNOBER L, GESTIN S, POURRIAT JL CLAESSENS YE. Mid-regional pro-atrial natriuretic peptide (MR-proANP) for the diagnosis of cardiac-related dyspnoea according to renal function in the emergency department: a comparison with B-type nutriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal pro-BNP (NT-proBNP).
Clinical Chemistry 2010; sous presse.
Savarin P, Barbet A, Delga S, Joshi V, Hamon L, Lefevre J, Nakib S, De Bandt JP, Moinard C, Curmi PA, Pastré D. Biochemical Journal 2010;430(1):151-159.
Mieulet V, Yan L, Choisy C, Sully K, Procter J, Kouroumalis A, Krywawych S, Pende M, Ley SC, Moinard C, Lamb RF. is Science Signaling 2010;3(135):ra61. Cynober L, Moinard C, De Bandt JP. Clin Nutr. 2010 (sous presse) II - Publications de l’équipe BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., PLOTKINE M., MARGAILL I. Lack of iNOS induction in a severe model of transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats. Exp. Neurol. 2005; 195: 218-228. VITRAC H., HAUVILLE C., COLLIN F., COUTURIER M., THEROND P., DELAFORGE M., REMITA S., JORE D., GARDES-ALBERT M. Hydroperoxide characterisation as a signature of tha micellar/monomer balance in radiation-induced peroxidation of arachidonate. Free Radic. Res. 2005, 39: 519-28. BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D. Gamma radiolysis as a tool to study lipoprotein oxidation mechanisms. Biochimie 2005, 86, 903-911. MEKHLOUFI J., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., YOUS S., LESIEUR D., COUTURIER M., THEROND P., LEGRAND A., JORE D., GARDES-ALBERT M. Antioxidant activity of melatonin and a pinoline derivative on linoleate model system. J. Pineal Res. 2005, 39 : 27-33. Bonnefont-Rousselot D., Ratziu V., Giral P., Charlotte F., BEUCLER I., Poynard T ; LIDO Study Group. Blood oxidative stress markers are not reliable markers of hepatic steatosis. Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. 2006; 23: 91-98. MAHROUF M., OUSLIMANI N., PEYNET J., DJELIDI R., COUTURIER M., THEROND P., LEGRAND A., BEAUDEUX J.L. Metformin reduces angiotensin-mediated intracellular production of reactive oxygen species in endothelial cells through the inhibition of protein kinase C. Biochemical Pharmacology 2006, 72: 176-183. JEDIDI I., COUTURIER M., THEROND P., GARDES-ALBERT M., LEGRAND A., BAROUKI R., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., AGGERBECK M. Cholesterol ester hydroperoxides increase macrophage CD36 gene expression via PPAR#. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 2006, 351: 733-738.
HANSEL B., KONTUSH A., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., BRUCKERT E., CHAPMAN M.J. Alterations in lipoprotein defenses against oxidative stress in metabolic syndrome. Curr. Atheroscl. Rep. 2006; 8 : 501-509. THEROND P., KONTUSH A., ZERRAD A., COUTURIER M., NEGRE-SALVAYRE A., A. DE SOUZA J., CHANTEPIE S., CHAPMAN J. Preferential sphingosine-1-phosphate enrichment and sphingomyelin depletion are key features of small, dense HDL3 particles: Relevance to anti- apoptotic and antioxidative activities Arter. Thromb. Vasc. Biol 2007; 27: 1843-9. LEMARECHAL H., ANRACT P., BEAUDEUX J.L., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., EKINDJIAN O.G., BORDERIE D. Expression and extracellular release of Trx80, the truncated form of thioredoxin, by TNF-alpha- and IL-1beta-stimulated human synoviocytes from patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clin. Sci. (Lond.) 2007; 113: 149-155. MEKHLOUFI J., VITRAC H., YOUS S., DURIEZ P., JORE D., GARDES-ALBERT M., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D. Quantification of the water/lipid affinity of melatonin and a pinoline derivative in lipid models. J. Pineal Res. 2007; 42: 330-337.
THABUT D., TAZI K.A., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., ALLER M.A., FARGES O., GUIMONT M.C., MOREAU R., POYNARD T., LEBREC D. HDL administration attenuates liver proinflammatory response, restores liver eNOS activity and lowers portal pressure in cirrhotic rats. Hepatology 2007; 46:1893-1906.
Said T., Dutot M., Christon R., Beaudeux J.L., Martin C., Warnet J.M., Rat P. Benefits and side effects of different vegetable oil vectors on apoptosis, oxidative stress, and P2X7 cell death receptor activation. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2007; 48, 5000-5006.
DE SOUZA J, VINDIS C. HANSEL B., NEGRE-SALVAYRE A., THEROND P., SERRANO C.V., CHANTEPIE S., SALVAYRE R., BRUCKERT E., CHAPMAN J.M., KONTUSH A. Metabolic syndrome features small, apolipoprotein A-I-poor, triglyceride-rich HDL3 particles with defective anti-apoptotic activity. Atherosclerosis 2008; 197 :84-94.
CHARNIOT J.C., Vignat N., Albertini J.P., Bogdanova V., Zerhouni K., Monsuez J.J., Legrand A., Artigou J.Y., Bonnefont-Rousselot D. Oxidative stress in patients with acute heart failure. Rejuv. Res. 2008; 11: 393-398. Hassan-Khabbar S., Cottart C.H., Vibert F., Clot J.P., Savouret J.F., Conti M., Nivet-Antoine V. Post-ischemic treatment by resveratrol in rat liver ischemia/reperfusion : a possible strategy in liver surgery. Liver Transplant. 2008; 14: 451-459. Borderie D, Ekindjian OG. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2008; 11(5): 587-591.
Huet O, Cherreau C, Nicco C, Dupic L, Conti M, Borderie D, Pene F, Vicaut E, Benhamou D, Mira JP, Duranteau J, Batteux F. Crit. Care Med. 2008; 36(8): 2328-2334. THEROND P. Catabolism of lipoproteins and metabolic syndrome. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 2009, 12: 366-71.
TRUDEL S, KELLY M, FRITSCH M, NGUYEN-KHOA T, THEROND P, COUTURIER M, DADLEZ M, DEBSKI J, TOUQUI L, VALLEE B, OLLERO M, EDELMAN A, BROUILLARD F. Peroxiredoxin 6 fails to limit peroxidation in lung from Cftr-knockout mice subjected to oxidative challenge. PLos One 2009, 4 : e6075 ZERRAD-SAADI A, THEROND P, CHANTEPIE S, COUTURIER M, RYE KA, CHAPMAN J, KONTUSH A. HDL3-mediated inactivation of LDL-associated phospholipid hydroperoxides is determined by the redox status of apolipoprotein A-I and HDL particle surface lipid fluidity : relevance to inflammation and atherogenesis. Arterio. Thromb. Vasc. Biol. 2009, 29 : 2169-75. CAMONT L., COTTART C.H., RHAYEM Y., NIVET-ANTOINE V., DJELIDI R., COLLIN F., BEAUDEUX J.L., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D. Simple spectrophotometric assessment of trans-/cis-resveratrol ratio in aqueous solutions. Anal. Chim. Acta 2009; 634: 121-128. SCHUSTER H., BLANC M.-C., BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., NAKIB S., LE TOURNEAU A., FÜRST P., CYNOBER L., DE BANDT J.-P. Protective effect of glutamine dipeptide and
#-tocopherol against ischemia-reperfusion injury in the isolated rat liver. Clin. Nutr. 2009; 28: 331-337. AHMED-ADRAR BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT D., JORE D., GARDES-ALBERT M. Radiolytic yield of cardiolipin peroxidation by gamma-rays in large unilamellar vesicles of phosphatidylcholine. Radiat. Res. 2009; 171: 622-630.
DE SOUZA JA, VINDIS C, NEGRE-SALVAYRE A, RYE K-A, COUTURIER M, THEROND P, CHANTEPIE S, SALVAYRE R, CHAPMAN M, KONTUSH A. Small dense HDL3 particles attenuates apoptosis in endothelial cells: pivotal role of apolipoprotein A-I. J. Cell Mol. Med. 2010 ; 14: 608-620.
HASSAN-KHABBAR S, VAMY M, COTTARD CH, WENDUM D, VIBERT F, SAVOURET JF, THEROND P, CLOT JP, WALIGORA AJ, NIVET-ANTOINE V. Protective effect of post-ischemic treatment with trans-resveratrol on cytokine production and neutrophil recruitment by rat liver. Biochimie 2010; 92: 405-10. Cottart CH, Nivet-Antoine V, Laguillier-Morizot C, Beaudeux JL. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2010; 54(1): 7-16.
COLLIN F, HINDO J, THEROND P, COUTURIER M, COSSON C, JORE D, GARDES-ALBERT M. Experimental evidence of the reciprocal oxidation of bovine serum albumin and linoleate in aqueous solution initiated by #OH free radicals. Biochimie 2010, 92: 1130-1137. NIVET-ANTOINE V., COTTART C.H., LE MARECHAL H., VAMY M., MARGAILL I., BEAUDEUX BONNEFONT-ROUSSELOT BORDERIE
downregulates Txnip overexpression occurring during liver ischemia-reperfusion. Biochimie 2010 Aug 13 [Epub ahead of print]. BEAUDEUX JL., NIVET-ANTOINE V., GIRAL P. Resveratrol: a relevant pharmacological approach for the treatment of metabolic syndrome? Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2010 ; 5 sous presse.
was conducted subsequently and there was widespread belief that adequate amounts of arginine could besynthesized in the body which undoubtedly delayed further research. In the 1930's research showed thatarginine deprivation decreased the rate of growth and/or lead to severe metabolic disorders and evendeath. In the last forty years numerous studies have emphasized the diverse range of argi