Material Safety Data Sheet EMERGENCY NUMBERS: (USA) CHEMTREC : 1(800) 424-9300 (24hrs) (CAN) CANUTEC : 1(613) 996-6666 (24hrs) (USA) Anachemia : 1(518) 297-4444 (CAN) Anachemia : 1(514) 489-5711 Protective Clothing TDG Road/Rail Section I. Product Identification and Uses Product name FORMALDEHYDE Chemical formula Synonyms
Methylene oxide, AC-4553, AC-4554, 41860, 41883
Formula weight Supplier Supersedes
255 Norman. Lachine (Montreal), QueH8R 1A3
Material uses Section II. Ingredients Name
Exposure limits: ACGIH Ceiling limit0.3 ppm (0.37 mg/m3):
Exposure limits: ACGIH TWA 200ppm (262 mg/m3) (skin); STEL 250ppm (328 mg/m3) (skin)
Toxicity values of the hazardous ingredients
ORAL (LD50): Acute: 100 mg/kg (Rat). 42 mg/kg (Mouse). ORAL (LDLo): Acute: 108 mg/kg (Woman). DERMAL (LD50): Acute: 270 ul/kg (Rabbit). VAPOR (LC50): Acute: 203 mg/m3 (Rat). 454 mg/m3 (Mouse) (4 hour(s)). METHANOL: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 7300 mg/kg (Mouse). 14200 mg/kg (Rabbit). DERMAL (LD50): Acute: 15800 mg/kg (Rabbit). VAPOR (LC50): Acute: 64000 ppm (Rat) (4 hour(s)). Section III. Physical Data FORMALDEHYDE Physical state and
Clear, colorless liquid with strong formaldehyde odor. appearance / Odor pH (1% soln/water) Odor threshold Percent volatile Freezing point Boiling point Specific gravity Vapor density Vapor pressure Water/oil dist. coeff. Evaporation rate
2.1(n-Butyl acetate = 1) (Methanol). Solubility Section IV. Fire and Explosion Data Flash point Flammable limits
LOWER: 7% (For formaldehyde gas.) UPPER: 73% (For formaldehyde gas.)
Auto-ignition temperature 299°C (For formaldehyde gas.) Fire degradation products Fire extinguishing
Use DRY chemical, carbon dioxide, alcohol-resistant foam or water spray. Wear adequate personal protection to prevent
contact with material or its combustion products. Self contained breathing apparatus with a full facepiece operated in apressure demand or other positive pressure mode. Cool containing vessels with flooding quantities of water until well afterfire is out. Fire and Explosion
Combustible liquid. Vapor may travel considerable distance to source of ignition and flash back, eliminate all
sources of ignition. Vapor forms explosive mixture with air. Container explosion may occur under fire conditions orwhen heated. Contact with oxidizers may cause fire and/or explosion. Sensitive to static discharge. The sensitivityto impact is not available. Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions. Section V. Toxicological Properties Routes of entry
Inhalation and ingestion. Eye contact. Skin contact. Skin absorption. Effects of Acute
May be fatal by ingestion, inhalation, or by skin absorption. Corrosive. Severe lachrymator. Target organs: central
nervous system, liver, kidneys, spleen, eyes, skin, gastrointestinal system, respiratory system, lungs, reproductivesystem, peripheral nervous system, pancreas. 20 ppm (FORMALDEHYDE) is immediately dangerous to life or health.
Vapors causes tearing and severe irritation. Liquid causes severe burns. Eye contact can result in corneal damageor blindness. IRRITATION: EYE-RABBIT 750 ug/24H SEVERE.
Causes severe burns. Prolonged and repeated contact causes hardening or tanning effect. May cause allergic dermatitis. Liquid can be absorbed in toxic amounts through intact skin (massive skin contact can cause visual impairment anddeath). IRRITATION: SKIN-RABBIT 2 mg/24H SEVERE. Inhalation
Highly toxic and corrosive. Vapors are extremely irritating to the nose, throat, lungs and mucous membranes. Bronchitis,bronchopneumonia, pulmonary edema and chemical pneumonitis may occur. Prolonged exposure may result in moresevere irritation and tissue damage. Methanol can cause central nervous system depression (signs and symptoms mayinclude headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, drowsiness and incoordination), coughing, chest pain and dyspnea. Canaffect the optic nerve resulting in blindness. Can cause liver, kidney, and lung damage. See ingestion and chronic effects. Ingestion
Highly toxic. Vapors, mists, and liquid is corrosive to the mouth and throat and stomach. Swallowing the liquidinflames the tissues, causes severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, hematuria, proteinuria, anuria, acidosis, andpossible loss of consciousness. Methanol can affect the optic nerve resulting in blindness. See inhalation andchronic effects. Section V. Toxicological Properties FORMALDEHYDE Effects of Chronic
Repeated or prolonged exposure to spray mist may produce respiratory tract irritation leading to frequent attacks of
bronchial infection. Repeated exposure to an highly toxic material may produce general deterioration of health by anaccumulation in one or many human organs. Rats chronically exposed to 14 ppm formaldehyde contracted nasalcancers. Based on animal data and limited epidemiological evidence, NTP, IARC and OSHA have listed formaldehydeas a probable human carcinogen. Possible reproductive disorders from prolonged exposure (embryotoxic). Mutagen. Passes through the placental barrier in animal. May cause sensitization by inhalation (asthma) and skin contact(dermatitis). Can cause central nervous system depression. May cause damage to the central nervous system,repiratory system, lungs, eyes, skin, gastrointestinal tract, liver, spleen, and kidneys. Repeated or prolonged exposureto the substance can produce target organs damage. Section VI. First Aid Measures Eye contact
Immediate first aid is needed to prevent eye damage. IMMEDIATELY flush eyes with copious quantities of water forat least 20 minutes holding lids apart to ensure flushing of the entire surface. Seek immediate medical attention. DONOT use an eye ointment. Skin contact
Immediate first aid is needed to prevent skin damage. Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 20minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Seek immediate medical attention. Wash contaminatedclothing before reusing. Inhalation
Remove patient to fresh air. Administer approved oxygen supply if breathing is difficult. Administer artificial respirationor CPR if breathing has ceased. Seek immediate medical attention. Ingestion
If conscious, wash out mouth with water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention. Never giveanything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. If spontaneous vomiting occurs, have victim lean forwardwith head down to avoid breathing in of vomitus. Section VII. Reactivity Data Stability
Stable. Conditions to avoid: heat, sparks and flame, temperatures below 20°C. Hazardous decomp. products Incompatibility
May react violently with: acids, alkalis, anhydrides, isocyanates, urea, phenol, oxidizing agents, oxides, organicoxides, reducing agents, ammonia, aniline, magnesium carbonate, performic acid, alkali metals, amines, hydrogenperoxide, nitromethane, nitrogen dioxide, perchloric acid, perchloric acid-aniline mixtures, bases, monomers, waterreactive materials, magnesium carbonate hydroxide. Reaction Products
Reaction with hydrochloric acid may form bis-chloromethyl ether which is a confirmed human carcinogen accordingto ACGIH and carcinogenic to humans according to IARC. Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Section VIII. Preventive Measures FORMALDEHYDE Protective Clothing in Wear self-contained breathing apparatus, rubber boots and heavy rubber gloves. Full suit. case of spill and leak Spill and leak
Evacuate and ventilate the area. Stay upwind: Keep out of low areas. Eliminate all sources of ignition. Dyke the areawith sand or a natural barrier. Absorb on sand or vermiculite and place in a closed container for disposal. Usenon-sparking tools. Transport outdoors. Wash spill site after material pick up is complete. DO NOT empty intodrains. DO NOT touch damaged container or spilled material. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Waste disposal
According to all applicable regulations. Harmful to aquatic life at low concentrations. Can be dangerous if allowed toenter drinking water intakes. Do not contaminate domestic or irrigation water supplies, lakes, streams, ponds, orrivers. Storage and Handling
Store in a cool place away from heated areas, sparks, and flame. Store in a well ventilated area. Store away from incompatible materials. Do not add any other material to the container. Do not wash down the drain. Do not breathe gas/fumes/vapor/spray. In case ofinsufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. Keep container tightly closed. Manipulate under an adequate fume hood. Take precautionary measures against electrostatic discharges. Ground the container while dispensing. Ground all equipment containingmaterial. Use explosion proof equipment. Use non-sparking tools. Watch for accumulation in low confined areas. Do not use pressureto dispense. Storage temperature depends on methanol content and should be controlled to avoid precipitation or vaporization. Lowtemperature storage results in formation of paraformaldehyde, while high temperature storage produces formic acid. Keep away fromdirect sunlight or strong incandescent light. Empty containers may contain a hazardous residue. Handle and open container with care. Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. This product must be manipulated by qualified personnel. Do not get in eyes, on skin, oron clothing. Wash well after use. In accordance with good storage and handling practices. Do not allow smoking and food consumptionwhile handling. Section IX. Protective Measures
Splash goggles. Impervious gloves, apron, coveralls, and/or other resistant protective clothing. Sufficient to protect skin. A OSHA/MSHA jointly
Protective clothing
approved respirator is advised in the absence of proper environmental controls. If more than TLV, do not breathe vapor. Wear self-containedbreathing apparatus. Have available and use as appropriate: face shields, rubber suits, aprons, and boots. Do not wear contact lenses. Makeeye bath and emergency shower available. Ensure that eyewash station and safety shower is proximal to the work-station location. Engineering controls
Use in a chemical fume hood to keep airborne levels below recommended exposure limits. Use explosion-proofventilation equipment. Do not use in unventilated spaces. Section X. Other Information Special Precautions or Combustible liquid! Corrosive! Highly toxic! Carcinogen! Mutagen! Sensitizer! comments
Embryotoxic! Risk of serious damage to eyes. Lachrymator. Possible risks of irreversibleeffects. Readily absorbed through skin. Do not breathe vapor. Avoid all contact with theproduct. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Use in a chemical fume hood. Keep awayfrom heat, sparks and flame. Use non-sparking tools. Handle and open container with care. Container should be opened only by a technically qualified person. Synergistic materials: Alcohols may interact synergistically with chlorinated solvents(example: carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, bromotrichloromethane), dithiocarbamates
(example: disulfiram), dimethylnitrosamine and thioacetamide. Formaldehyde: ethyl acetate. RTECS NO: LP8925000 (Formaldehyde). Prepared by MSDS Department/Département de F.S. Validated 16-May-2012 Telephone# (514) 489-5711 While the company believes the data set forth herein are accurate as of the date hereof, the company makes no warranty with respect thereto and expressly disclaims all liability for reliance thereon. Such data are offered solely for your consideration, investigation and verification. I Maladies Polychondrite chronique atrophiante La polychondrite atrophiante, aussi dénommée polychondrite récidivante par les Anglo-Saxons, est une connectivitecaractérisée par l’inflammation récidivante des cartilages de l’oreille, du nez, du larynx et de l’arbre trachéo-bronchique,parfois suivie d’une atr
South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) Journal Volume 33 No. 2 June 2003 SPUMS Annual Scientific Meeting 2002 Abstract (Batchelor T. Post-travel illness. SPUMS J 2003; 33: 91-97)An estimated 50 million people travel from industrialised countries to less developed areas of the world annually. Between20% and 70% of these travellers will experience ill-health whilst abroad. Althoug