Hallam Stevens Date of birth: 30thJuly, 1979 Email: Cell phone: +65 9674-4600 Office Phone: +65 6790-5691 Citizenship: Australia, Great Britain. Publications: Books: Life out of sequence: bioinformatics from the ARPANET to post-genomics. [Under contract, University of Chicago Press] Biotechnology and society [Under contract, University of Chicago Press] Postgenomics (working title, edited volume with Sarah Richardson) [Under contract, Duke University Press] Articles and chapters:
“Network: a metaphor for postgenomics” in Postgenomics edited volume, above. “Networking biology: the origins of online data sharing in genomics” Technology and culture [Under review] (2012) “Dr. Sanger, Meet Mr. Moore: Next generation sequencing is driving new questions and modes of research” Bioessays 34(2): 103-105. (2011) “Coding sequences: a history of sequence comparison algorithms as a scientific instrument” Perspectives on science 19.3: 263-299. (2011) “On the means of bio-production: bioinformatics and how to make knowledge in a high- throughput genomics laboratory” Biosocieties (Online 21 February). [Google Scholar citation count: 1] “From bomb to bank: Walter Goad and the introduction of computers into biology” in Biology outside the box, Oren Harman and Michael Dietrich, eds. [In press, University of Chicago Press] (2003). ‘Fundamental physics and its justifications, 1945-1992’ Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences 34(1), 151-197. [Google Scholar citation count: 7] Natural sciences: Laura Gonzalez, Jaehong Park, Lihua Zou, Yanhui Hu, Zahra Moradpour, Joseph Pearlberg, Jacqui Sawyer, Hallam Stevens, Ed Harlow, Joshua LaBaer (2011) “High throughput ectopic expression screen for tamoxifen resistance identifies an atypical kinase that blocks autophagy” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108(5): 2058-2063 (Published online, 13th January 2011, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1018157108) [Google Scholar citation count: 10] Hallam Stevens, Robert F. Considine, Calum J. Drummond, Robert A. Hayes, and Phil Attard (2005).‘Effects of degassing on the long-range attractive force between hydrophobic surfaces in water’ Langmuir 21, 6399-6405. [Google Scholar citation count: 37] Book reviews: Review of: Joseph November (2012) Biomedical computing: digitizing life in the United States (Johns Hopkins University Press), Isis (forthcoming). Education: PhD, Department of History of Science, Harvard University (March 2010)
Dissertation: ‘Life out of sequence: an account of bioinformatics from the ARPANet to post-genomics.' PhD Committee: Peter Galison (Chair), Sarah Jansen, Stefan Helmreich (Department of Anthropology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology). General Examination Fields: history of modern physics (Peter Galison), history of modern biology (Sarah Jansen), 20th century United States history (Nancy Cott), phenomenological sociology (Steven Shapin).
MPhil, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, 2004.
Thesis title: Disordering the enemy: radio countermeasures thinking in World War II and the cyborg sciences (Supervisor: Jon Agar).
AB, Magna Cum Laude, Harvard College, 2002.
Thesis title: Symmetry, aesthetics, accelerators (Supervisor: Sam Schweber).
Funding, prizes and awards Start-Up Grant, Nanyang Technological University, 2012 (SGD 30000) Graduate Society Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Harvard University, 2009 Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Derek Bok Center, Harvard University, 2007 National Science Foundation Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, 2007. Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, 2007. Work experience: Current position:
Assistant Professor, History Group, Nanyang Technological University (September 2011 - )
Graduate studies coordinator Co-coordinator, “Humanities, Science, and Society” (HSS@HSS) Cluster
Lecturer, Department of History of Science, Harvard University (until June 2011). Classes: Biotechnology in Society; Computers and organisms; Cybersociety; Nanocultures; Cyberpunk. Sessional Lecturer, “Biotechnology and Modern Society,” School of Philosophy, Anthropology and Social Inquiry, University of
Classes: Biotechnology in Modern Society.
Teaching assistantships, 2006-2009:
Harvard: History of Science 130: History of Biology, Sarah Jansen, Fall 2006; History of Science 97a: Sophomore tutorial in the History of Science, Steven Shapin, Fall 2006; Science A-41: The Einsteinian Revolution, Peter Galison, Spring 2007; History of Science 137v: History of Biotechnology, Hannah Landecker, Fall 2007. University of Melbourne: Plato to Einstein: A History of Natural Philosophy, Semester 1, 2009; Asian Civilizations and Science, Semester 1, 2009.
Talks and conference papers: “Ecodesign and the city: managing space and information in Singapore’s Fusionpolis,” Society for the History of Technology Conference, Copenhagen, 4-7 October 2012. “Genetimes and Lifetimes: how DNA makes history,” New Media, memories, and History, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 4-5 October 2012. “Hawker centers and food sustainability in Singapore” (with Lily Kong), Designing for the Anthropocene: Climate, food, and health, National University of Singapore, 21st September 2012. Session organizer and chair, “Bodies, colonies, and stem cells,” History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 4-6th November, 2011. “Stem cells and the colonial metaphor,” History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 4-6th November, 2011. “Dr. Sanger, meet Mr. Moore: next-generation sequencing and its consequences” International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 10-14th July, 2011. Co-organizer and session chair, “Information and explanation in physics and biology,” conference at Harvard University, 13th and 16th December 2010.
“What it means to be productive: seeing and doing in a high-throughput genome sequencing center” STS Circle at Harvard, February 8, 2010. “From the Boston Red Sox to the BASH Shell: How to follow biologists through laboratories and networks” Australian Association for the History Philosophy and Social Studies of Science, Emmaneul College, University of Queensland, July 11-12, 2009. “Coding Sequences: Computing biology from genes to genomics” Making Sequences Matter, conference organized by Bruno Strasser and Marianne Sommer, Yale University, July 20-21, 2008. “Living in an Information World: What might bioinformatics learn from the social sciences?” Exploring a Biosocial Framing: Pandemic Flu and Other Examples, W.H.R. Rivers Symposium, Thursday May 15th 2008, Weatherhead Center, Harvard University. “Seeing sequences, picturing proteins: visualization techniques in bioinformatics.” History of Science Society, Annual Meeting, November 1-4, 2007. “Genetimes and lifetimes: how DNA is used to make history,” Life and Environmental Sciences Working Group, Department of History of Science, Harvard University, April 2007. “Secrets of nature, secrets of state: quantum computers and the writing of the ultimate code,” History of the Physical Sciences Working Group, Department of History of Science, Harvard University, November 2005. Megan T. Valentine, Andreas Bausch, Hallam Stevens and D.A. Weitz. “Measuring local mechanical response with multiple particle tracking” American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Diego, April 2001. Professional Activities:
Graduate Studies Coordinator, History Group, Nanyang Technological University, 2011- Co-coordinator, Humanities, Science and Society Cluster (HSS@HSS), Nanyang Technological University, 2011- Participant, “Roundtable on Science and Nature in Europe and Asia,” organized by the International Institute of Asian Studies, Leiden, Netherlands, October 19-21, 2011. Keynote speaker, New Silk Road Workshop and Strategy Meeting, Changi Village Hotel, March 22-23, 2012. Article referee, Perspectives on science.
Nombre de la asignatura: Práctica Forense ICarga académica: 4 CréditosModalidad: SemipresencialClave: DER-439Pre-requisito: DER-324/ DER 325Fecha de elaboración: _______________Responsable de elaboración: _______________Presentado a: Lic. Luis A. Luna Paulino Directora Escuela de DerechoModificaciones:1ª: Fecha: Mayo, 2005 Responsable: Lic. Jaime King2ª: Fecha : ____________ Responsable: _
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