________________________________________________________________ N° 44-45, OCTOBER 2008__
The new BFHI training package
The Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was launched in 1991. Since then, more than 15,000 facilities in 134 countries have been awarded Baby-Friendly status. However, after the initial exponential growth in the number of designated hospitals, progress slowed down everywhere after 1996, with notable differences between and within countries. Based on the figures reported by UNICEF, since 1991 less than seven hospitals per country have been designated Baby Friendly each year. Weighed against the global number of hospitals and of births taking place in hospitals, this rate is low. Moreover, there are no figures on the proportion of Baby Friendly hospitals reassessed to verify whether they maintain their standard over time.
To revitalize the BFHI in both quantitative and qualitative terms, WHO and UNICEF have developed a new package, based on a revised 20-hour course for maternity staff. In the revised package: •
Step 4 is re-formulated as to “place babies in skin-to-skin contact with their mother immediately following birth for at least an hour and encourage mothers to recognize when their baby is ready to breastfeed, offering help if needed”.
Step 10 is updated to emphasize the importance of early support (preferably 2-4 days after birth and again the second week) at the facility or in the community by a skilled breastfeeding support person, if possible a peer counsellor associated with a mother-to-mother support group.
New criteria are introduced for the assessment of compliance with the International Code.
Optional alternative criteria are given for areas with high prevalence of HIV/AIDS.
Additional optional criteria are specified for Mother Friendly care during labour and childbirth.
To fulfil Step 2 of the BFHI, the goal is to train at least 80% of the clinical staff members that are in contact with mothers and/or infants and that have been employed 6 months or more. This is quite a challenge! A never ending activity to be planned twice a year, given the turnover of staff and the inadequate and outdated breastfeeding knowledge and skills that most health professionals acquire during their pre-service training. By the time they graduate from health schools, most doctors, nurses and midwives have been flooded with hi-tech diagnostic and treatment approaches, and are primed to address disease with a purely medical approach. Few learn to deal with pregnancy and childbirth as a physiological event, and to communicate with people and counsel them. Moreover, it is not uncommon, even during pre-service training, to be exposed to promotional material and activities provided by manufacturers of breastmilk substitutes, with the consequent bias as to the knowledge and attitude towards infant and young child feeding. It is extremely difficult to change the attitude and practice of these health professionals, and to train them in the basics of the BFHI: to protect breastfeeding as normal and natural throughout pregnancy and after birth, to promote early skin-to-skin contact, to avoid unnecessary separation of the mother from her newborn infant, to prevent the unnecessary use of bottles, teats and breastmilk substitutes, etc.
Will it be possible to revitalize the BFHI and return to the enthusiasm of the early days? Will the revised BFHI package, centred on the in-service training of professionals, increase the rate of Baby Friendly hospital certification. We believe that applying the revised package and training materials alone will not bring about the changes needed to accelerate the progress of the BFHI, currently static in many countries. In addition, we would suggest the following: •
Give priority to large teaching hospitals. These play an important role in the training of doctors, nurses and midwives. Only by learning the good practices in a Baby Friendly teaching hospital will these health professionals be able to replicate them when they are posted in other hospitals.
Include the scientific bases of the 10 Steps and the risks of not breastfeeding in the curriculum of health schools. Include as well the International Code and knowledge of some of the commonmarketing practices of manufacturers of breastmilk substitutes.
Promote the use of active teaching methods in BFHI courses and health schools. These methods should be based on adult learning theory that uses trainee knowledge and experience as the basis for successful acquisition and practice of new knowledge and skills.
1 Four sections of the package are downloadable from http://www.who.int/nutrition/topics/bfhi/en/index.html
Breastfeeding why
Kuhn L, Sinkala M, Kankasa C et al. High uptake of
exclusive breastfeeding and reduced early post-natal
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Becquet R, Ekouevi DK, Menan H et al. Early mixed
To test the hypothesis that exclusive breastfeeding
feeding and breastfeeding beyond 6 months increase the
is associated with a lower risk of postnatal HIV
risk of postnatal HIV transmission: ANRS 1201/1202
transmission than non-exclusive breastfeeding, 958
Ditrame Plus, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Preventive
HIV-infected women and their infants were
recruited in Lusaka, Zambia, as part of a
randomized trial of early weaning; all were
In 2001-2003, HIV-infected pregnant women
encouraged to breastfeed exclusively to 4 months.
received peri-partum antiretroviral prophylaxis and
Single-dose nevirapine was provided to prevent
were counselled antenatally regarding infant
transmission of HIV. Uptake of exclusive
feeding options: formula feeding or exclusive
breastfeeding was high with 84% of women
breastfeeding with early cessation from 4 months
reporting only exclusive breastfeeding cumulatively to 4
of age. Of 622 live-born infants who were HIV
months. Postnatal HIV transmission before 4
uninfected at or after 30 days, 15 were infected
months was significantly lower among exclusively
post-natally, 13/324 among breastfed, and 2/298
breastfed (4%; 2.4% to 5.5%) than non-exclusively
breastfed infants (10.2%; 4.7% to 15.7%). There
probability of remaining free from HIV infection
were no significant differences in the severity of
was respectively 95% (92–97%) and 99% (97–
disease between exclusive and non-exclusive breast-
100%) in the breastfeeding and formula-feeding
feeding mothers and the association remained
groups. In adjusted analysis, breastfeeding for
significant after adjusting for maternal CD4 count,
more than 6 months and mixed feeding during the
plasma viral load, syphilis screening results and
first month of life were independently associated
low birth weight. Programmes to support exclusive
with a 7.5- (2.0–28.2) and a 6.3- (1.1–36.4) fold
breastfeeding should be expanded universally in low
increase of postnatal transmission among breastfed
resource settings. Exclusive breastfeeding is an
children. Mixed feeding during the first month of
affordable, feasible, acceptable, safe and sus-
life and breastfeeding beyond 6 months should be
tainable practice that reduces HIV transmission,
avoided when replacement feeding after breastfeeding
thus providing HIV-infected women with a means
cessation can be safely and sustainably provided.
Piwoz EG, Humphrey JH, Tavengwa NV et al. The
Leroy V, Ekouevi DK, Becquet R et al, for the ANRS
impact of safer breastfeeding practices on postnatal
1201/1202 DITRAME PLUS Study Group. 18-month
HIV-1 transmission in Zimbabwe. Am J Public Health
effectiveness of short-course antiretroviral regimens
combined with alternatives to breastfeeding to prevent
This study assessed the association between
HIV mother-to-child transmission. PloS One 2008;3:e1645
exposure to an educational intervention that
The 18-month effectiveness of short-course
emphasized safer breastfeeding practices and
antiretroviral peripartum regimens combined with
postnatal HIV transmission among 437 HIV-
alternatives to prolonged breastfeeding to prevent
positive mothers in Zimbabwe, 365 of whom did
mother-to-child transmission of HIV was assessed
not know their infection status. Mothers were
in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. HIV-infected pregnant
tested for HIV and were encouraged, but not
women received from 32-36 weeks of gestation
required, to learn their HIV status. Cumulative
short-course zidovudine, with or without lamivudine, and
postnatal HIV transmission was 8.2%; each
with or without single-dose nevirapine at delivery;
additional intervention contact was associated with
neonates received single-dose nevirapine plus 7-day
a 38% reduction in postnatal HIV transmission.
zidovudine prophylaxis. Two infant-feeding interventions
HIV-positive mothers who were exposed to both
were systematically offered free of charge: formula-
print and video materials were 79% less likely to
feeding or exclusive breastfeeding with early
transmit HIV to their infants compared with
cessation at 4 months. The control group was an
mothers who had no exposure. These findings were
earlier cohort of pregnant women exposed to short-
similar for mothers who did not know their HIV
course zidovudine from 36 weeks, then to
status. This article provides an important new
prolonged breastfeeding. Among 926 live-born
insight in the area of HIV and infant feeding and
children enrolled, 107 (11.6%) were HIV-infected
concludes that the promotion of exclusive
at 18 months. Cumulative transmission risks were
breastfeeding has the potential to reduce postnatal
22.3% (16–30%) in the 238 children of the control
HIV transmission among women who do not know
group, 15.9% (10–27%) in the 169 of the zidovudine +
nevirapine breastfed group, 9.4% (6–14%) in the
195 of the zidovudine + nevirapine formula-fed
Coutsoudis A, Coovadia HM, Wilfert CM. HIV, infant
group, 6.8% (4–11%) in the 198 of the zidovudine
feeding and more perils for poor people: new WHO
+ lamivudine + nevirapine breastfed group, and
guidelines encourage review of formula milk policies.
5.6% (2–10%) in the 126 of the zidovudine +
Bull World Health Organization 2008;86:210–14
lamivudine + nevirapine formula-fed group. Each
This paper explores infant feeding policies in
combination had a significantly higher effectiveness
relation to broader socioeconomic issues in the
than the control group except for the zidovudine +
light of the new WHO guidelines on HIV and infant
nevirapine breastfed children, ranging from 51% (20-
feeding (2006). In order to accumulate evidence on
70%) for the zidovudine + nevirapine formula fed
the increase in rates of malnutrition, morbidity and
children to 63% (40-80%) for the zidovudine +
mortality associated with the avoidance or early
lamivudine + nevirapine breastfed children, after
cessation of breastfeeding by HIV-infected
adjustment for various factors. It is concluded that
mothers, and the unanticipated hazards of formula
substantial reductions of the risk of mother-to-child
feeding, it is necessary to better assess the
transmission are reachable in Africa, even in short-
measures leading to optimum policies on infant
term breastfed children, with long-term benefits
and child nutrition and the reduction of poverty.
until age 18 months and without increasing
Piecemeal interventions that increase resources
directed at only a fraction of a family’s impoverishment,
Chopra M, Rollins N. Infant feeding in the time of HIV:
such as basic materials for preparation of hygienic
rapid assessment of infant feeding policy and programmes
formula feeds and making flawed decisions on
in four African countries scaling up prevention of
choice of infant feeding, are bound to fail. Providing
mother to child transmission programmes. Arch Dis
formula to poor populations with high HIV
prevalence is justified neither by evidence,
humanitarian considerations, respect for local
To assess the infant feeding components of
traditions or economic outcomes. Exclusive
prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission
breastfeeding – even threatened by the HIV
programmes, an assessment was performed in all
epidemic – remains an unfailing anchor of child
health facilities of 29 randomly selected rural and
urban districts of Botswana, Kenya, Malawi and
Uganda. The facility level manager and the senior
nurse in charge of maternal care were interviewed;
334 randomly selected health workers completed
Child mortality
self-administered questionnaires; 640 counselling
observations were carried out; and 34 focus groups
Jakobsen MS, Sodemann M, Biai S et al. Promotion of
exclusive breastfeeding is not likely to be cost effective
Irrespective of exposure to training, most health
in West Africa. A randomized intervention study from
workers (234/334, 70%) were unable to estimate
Guinea-Bissau. Acta Paediatr 2008;97:68-75
correctly the transmission risks of breastfeeding.
Infant feeding options were mentioned in 307 of
In order to evaluate the impact of health education
the 640 (48%) observations of counselling sessions,
on infant health in a region characterised by high
and in only 35 (6%) of these were infant feeding
mortality rates, widely practised breastfeeding and
issues discussed in any depth. Moreover, of these
low exclusive breastfeeding rates, the 1,721 infants
35, 19 (54%) were rated as poor. Several health
of a birth cohort were randomized and their mothers were
workers also reported receiving free samples of
informed about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding
infant formula – in contravention with the International
for the first 4-6 months. All children were followed
Code. National HIV managers stated they were
from birth to 6 months. Introduction of both water
unsure about infant feeding policy in the context of
and weaning food was significantly delayed in the
intervention group (IG). There was no reduction in
mortality in the IG compared with the control
Finally, almost all participants believed that an
HIV-positive mother who breastfeeds will always
significantly lower in the IG (7.10 vs 7.25 kg).
infect her child and that a mother who intentionally
There was no difference in diarrhoea morbidity
avoids to breastfeed indicates that she is HIV-
and hospitalization rates. Although mothers wanted
positive. These findings underline the need to
to follow the new breastfeeding recommendations,
implement and support systematic infant feeding
these had no beneficial impact on infant health in
policies and programme responses in the context of
this society with traditional, intensive breastfeeding.
Edmond KM, Kirkwood BR, Amenga-Etego S et al.
Greer FR, Sicherer SH, Wesley Burks A and the
Effect of early infant feeding practices on infection-
Committee on Nutrition and Section on Allergy and
specific neonatal mortality: an investigation of the
Immunology. Effects of early nutritional interventions
causal links with observational data from rural Ghana.
pediatric care on the development of atopic disease in
infants and children: the role of maternal dietary restriction,
breastfeeding, timing of introduction of complementary foods,
This study assessed the effect of different early
and hydrolyzed formulas. Pediatrics 2008;121:183-91
infant feeding practices (delayed breastfeeding
initiation, prelacteal feeding, established neonatal
This report of the American Academy of Pediatrics
breastfeeding) on infection-specific neonatal mortality. A
reviews the nutritional options during pregnancy,
cohort of 10,942 breastfed singleton neonates born in
lactation, and the first year of life that may affect
Ghana between 1 July 2003 and 30 June 2004 and
the development of atopic disease (atopic
who survived to day 2, was examined. Verbal
dermatitis, asthma, food allergy) in early life. The
autopsies ascertained the cause of death. Of the
documented benefits of nutritional intervention
140 neonates that died from days 2-28, 93 died of
that may prevent or delay the onset of atopic
infection and 47 of non-infectious causes. The risk
disease are largely limited to infants at high risk of
of death as a result of infection increased in
developing allergy (i.e., infants with at least one
parallel to the delay in initiation of breastfeeding
first-degree relative with allergic disease). Current
from hour 1 to day 7. Overall late initiation (after
evidence does not support a major role for
day 1) was associated with a 2.6-fold risk of death
maternal dietary restrictions during pregnancy or
(1.68-4.04). Partial breastfeeding was associated
lactation. There is evidence that breastfeeding for
with a 5.7-fold risk of death (2.75-11.91) as a re-
at least 4 months – compared with feeding formula
sult of infectious disease. No obvious associations
made with intact cow milk protein – prevents or
were noted between these feeding practices and
delays the occurrence of atopic dermatitis, cow
non-infection-specific mortality. This study
milk allergy, and wheezing in early childhood. In
provides the first epidemiologic evidence of a
studies of infants at high risk of atopy and who are
causal association between early breastfeeding and
not exclusively breastfed for 4 to 6 months, there is
reduced infection-specific neonatal mortality.
some evidence that the onset of atopic disease may
be delayed or prevented by hydrolyzed formula
rather than formula made of intact cow milk
protein. There is also some slight evidence that
delaying the introduction of complementary foods
Kramer MS, Matush L, Vanilovich I et al. Effect of
beyond 4 to 6 months prevents the occurrence of
prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding on risk of allergy
atopic disease. At present, there is insufficient data
and asthma: cluster randomised trial. BMJ
to document the protective effect of any dietary
intervention beyond 4 to 6 months of age for the
In this cluster randomised trial, a total of 17,046
mother-infant pairs, of whom 13,889 (81.5%) were
examined again at age 6.5 years, were enrolled in
31 Belarusian maternity hospitals and their affiliated
polyclinics to assess whether exclusive and prolonged
MacArthur AC, McBride ML, Spinelli JJ et al. Risk of childhood leukemia associated with vaccination,
breastfeeding reduce the risk of childhood asthma
infection, and medication use in childhood: the Cross-
and allergy. A breastfeeding promotion programme
Canada Childhood Leukemia Study. Am J Epidemiol
modelled on the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative
(BFHI) had previously been implemented in the
intervention group of hospitals and polyclinics. The
intervention led to a large increase in exclusive
This study examined the effect of postnatal exposures
breastfeeding at 3 months (44.3% vs 6.4%) and a
known to affect early immune functioning - childhood
significantly higher prevalence of any breastfeeding at all
vaccinations, illness, medication and breastfeeding
ages up to and including 12 months. The experimental
patterns - on the risk of childhood leukemia. Children
group of infants had no reduction in risks of allergic
0-15 years of age diagnosed from 1990 to 1994
symptoms and diagnoses or positive skin prick
with leukemia, and residing in the principal cities
tests. These results do not support conclusions of
across Canada were eligible for inclusion. 399
some other studies regarding a protective effect of
cases were ascertained at the time of diagnosis
prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding on asthma
through paediatric oncology centres and population-
based cancer registries. For each case, an age-, gender-,
and area-matched control was randomly selected
from government health insurance rolls. Risk
behaviour. Scales to measure the intelligence
factor information was obtained through personal
quotient (IQ) were applied to the same children.
interviews with each child’s parents or guardians.
Mothers also responded to questions concerning
Use of immunosuppressant medication decreased
their relationships to their partner, their child and
the risk of leukemia by 63% (16-84%), while
breastfeeding of children born subsequently. The
vitamin intake increased it by 66% (18-133%).
BFHI intervention led to a large increase in exclusive
Breastfeeding for more than 6 months was also
breastfeeding at 3 months (43.3% vs 6.4%) and a
protective: milk supplements given more than 50%
significantly higher prevalence of any breastfeeding at
of the time to infants 7-12 months of age increased
all ages up to and including 12 months. No
significant effects of the intervention were
observed on the mother or the teacher ratings of
Ortega Garcia JA, Ferris Tortajada J, Torres Cantero
total difficulties, emotional symptoms, problems of
AM et al. Full breastfeeding and paediatric cancer. J
conduct, hyperactivity, peer problems, or social
behaviour. Nor was there evidence of effects on the
This study investigated the association between
parents’ marriage or on the mother’s satisfaction
full breastfeeding and paediatric cancer in a case
regarding her relationship with her partner or child.
control study in Spain. Maternal reports of full
The intervention group had higher averages on all
breastfeeding, collected through personal interviews,
the scales of intelligence measures, with mean
compared 187 children of 6 months and more who had
differences of +7.5 (+0.8 to +14.3) for verbal IQ, +
paediatric cancer and 187 age-matched control
2.9 (-3.3 to +9.1) for performance IQ, and + 5.9
siblings. The mean duration of full breastfeeding
(-1.0 to +12.8) for full-scale IQ. Teachers’
was 8.43 weeks for the first group (cases) and
academic ratings were significantly higher in the
11.25 for the control group. Cases had 80% (10-
intervention group for both reading and writing.
180%) more probability of bottle-feeding than
These results, based on the largest randomized trial
controls. Cases were also 50% (20-70%) less likely
ever conducted in the area of human lactation,
to have been breastfed for at least 2 and 4 months,
provide strong evidence that prolonged and
and for 24 weeks or more. To conclude, breastfeeding
exclusive breastfeeding improves children’s cognitive
was inversely associated with paediatric cancer, the
protection increasing with the duration of full
_____________________________ Breastfeeding how? _____________________________________ Child behaviour and cognitive development Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)
Kramer MS, Fombonne E, Igumnov S et al. for the
Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial
Reassessment of Baby Friendly Hospitals in Brazil. J
(PROBIT) Study Group. Effects of prolonged and
exclusive breastfeeding on child behavior and maternal
adjustment: evidence from a large, randomized trial.
This cross-sectional study was conducted in 2002
to assess adherence to the Baby Friendly Hospital
Initiative (BFHI) in the 172 hospitals that have
Kramer MS, Aboud F, Mironova E et al. for the
been certified in Brazil in the period from 1992 to
Promotion of Breastfeeding Intervention Trial
2000. Of the 167 hospitals assessed, 137 (82%) of
(PROBIT) Study Group. Breastfeeding and child
hospitals met all ten steps of the Baby Friendly
cognitive development: new evidence from a large randomized08;65:578-84
Hospital Initiative. Steps 2 and 3 presented the
These two papers come from the PROBIT cluster
respectively), followed by Steps 4, 5 and 10, with
randomised trial carried out in Belarus, where
95% each. Steps 7 and 9 reflected the highest
17,046 healthy breastfeeding mother-infant pairs –
adherence rate, at 99%. These findings suggest the
enrolled in 31 maternity hospitals and affiliated
need to intensify regular training programmes for
polyclinics, half of which had a BFHI intervention
professionals working in Baby Friendly Hospitals
– were followed for several years with the aim to
assess various outcomes. Approximately 82% of
implementation of Steps 3 (inform all pregnant
the mothers and children were assessed at age 6.5
years to examine child behaviour and cognitive
community), to further promote and support
development as well as maternal adjustment. Mothers
breastfeeding before and after delivery.
and teachers completed the questionnaire on
Rosenberg KD, Stull JD, Adler MR, Kasehagen LJ,
Kronborg H, Vaeth M, Olsen J et al. Effect of early
Crivelli-Kovach A. Impact of hospital policies on
postnatal breastfeeding support: a cluster-randomized
breastfeeding outcomes. Breastfeed Med 2008;3:110-6
community based trial. Acta Paediatr 2007;96:1064-70
This study explored the association between the
Kronborg H, Vaeth M, Olsen J et al. Health visitors and breastfeeding support: influence of knowledge and self-
Ten Steps of the BFHI and breastfeeding at 2 days
efficacy. Eur J Public Health 2008;18:283-88
and 2 weeks in each of the 57 birthing hospitals in
Oregon through a 65-question institutional survey.
This community-based cluster randomized trial
Breastfeeding outcomes were obtained from the
was conducted in Western Denmark to assess the
newborn metabolic screening forms. Overall hospital
impact of a supportive intervention on the duration
breastfeeding support scores ranged from 49.4 to 98.2
of exclusive breastfeeding to 6 months. Fifty-two
(possible total score of 100). Hospital compliance
health visitors and 781 mothers were allocated to
with individual steps ranged from 5.3% for Step 2
the intervention group (IG), 57 health visitors and
(staff training) to 93% for Step 4 (helping with
816 mothers to the comparison group (CG). In the
breastfeeding initiation) and Step 8 (encouraging
former, health visitors received an 18-hour course
feeding on demand). After controlling for
that addressed maternal psychosocial factors and
institutional differences, increases in overall
focused on knowledge about lactation and how to
hospital breastfeeding support scores were
guide the mother to learn the mechanisms of
associated with increases in breastfeeding rates at 2
breastfeeding. Mothers in the IG had a 14% (1-
days and at 2 weeks. In analyzing each step
25%) lower cessation rate; they received their first
individually however, only the presence of a
home visit earlier, and received more visits and
written hospital policy was independently
practical breastfeeding training within the first 5
associated with increases in breastfeeding rates.
weeks; they also reported having received more
This evaluation suggests that hospitals with
support than mothers in the CG. Babies in the IG
comprehensive breastfeeding policies are likely to
were breastfed more frequently; fewer used
have better breastfeeding support services and
pacifiers; and their mothers reported being more
confident about not knowing the exact amount of
milk their babies had received when being
breastfed. Health visitors in the IG demonstrated
significantly higher scores regarding knowledge
questions and reported significantly higher
Bassichetto KC, Rea MF. Infant and young child feeding counseling: an intervention study. J Pediatr (Rio
guidance self-efficacy in three out of five
breastfeeding problems. It was concluded that
home visits in the first 5 weeks following birth
prolong the duration of exclusive breastfeeding.
This randomized study, carried out in São Paulo,
Postnatal support should focus on both the
Brazil, aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of an
psychosocial and the practical aspects of
integrated infant and young child feeding counselling
breastfeeding. An interactive course increased the
training course. The study included 29 health
health visitors’ knowledge of breastfeeding
professionals in the intervention group (IG), and 27
practice and increased their self-efficacy in helping
others in the control group (CG). Interviewers
mothers with common breastfeeding problems.
collected data from the professionals before and 2
months after the intervention. Regarding the
Creedy DK, Cantrill RM, Cooke M. Assessing
specific level of knowledge, the results showed
midwives’ breastfeeding knowledge: properties of the
significantly improved outcomes in the intervention
Newborn Feeding Ability questionnaire and
group for the overall questionnaire, as well as regarding
Breastfeeding Initiation Practices scale. Int Breastfeed J
specific questions on breastfeeding, HIV and infant
and young child feeding, complementary feeding
There are few reliable and valid tools to assess
and counselling in infant and young child feeding.
lactation and infant feeding knowledge and
Also, in terms of performance, the professionals in
practices. This study tested the properties of two
the intervention group significantly improved the
new scales, the Newborn Feeding Ability (NFA)
way they took feeding histories. On the other hand
questionnaire and the Breastfeeding Initiation
there was no improvement in their counselling
Practices (BIP) scale, to assess midwives’
breastfeeding knowledge and practices specific to
breastfeeding initiation. The postal survey was
conducted with 3,500 Australian midwives in October 2001. The response rate was about 32%.
Five factors on the NFA questionnaire were
Peer counsellors
congruent with knowledge about effects of skin-to-
skin contact, physiological stability, newborn
Curtis P, Woodhill R, Stapleton H. The peer-professional
innate abilities, work practices and effective
interface in a community-based, breastfeeding peer-support
breastfeeding. The BIP revealed three factors related to
observing pre-feeding behaviour, mother/baby care
and attachment and positioning practices. Midwives with
high knowledge scores were more likely to report best
This study explored key elements of the peer/professional
practice when assisting mothers to initiate breastfeeding.
interface in a breastfeeding peer-support community
Midwives with more personal breastfeeding experience
project based in Doncaster, England. Data was
scored higher on all scales. The questionnaires could
generated from focus-group discussions with seven
be used to identify individual learning needs and to
volunteer peer supporters and nine health
professionals (community midwives and health
visitors). Both volunteers and health professionals
highlighted the benefits associated with
Lasarte Velillas JJ, Hernández-Aguilar MT, Pallás
participating in the breastfeeding peer-support
Alonso CR et al. A breastfeeding e-learning project
scheme. Volunteers experienced enhanced social
based on a web forum. Breastfeed Med 2007;2:219-28
support and increased self-esteem and personal
development. Health professionals benefited from
Internet has introduced new ways of learning that
being able to “spread the load” of breastfeeding
may complement medical training during the
support; some also learned from the volunteers’
residency period. This paper describes the
specialist experiential and cultural knowledge. On
experience with a new method of e-learning for
the other hand, health professionals were concerned
training in human lactation and breastfeeding
about volunteers “transgressing” boundaries; and
counselling. Paediatric residents participated in the
both volunteers and health professionals described
“gate-keeping” activities and surveillance
Spanish Paediatric Association Breastfeeding
behaviours practised by health professionals as
Committee, a site on the Internet where parents may
efforts to control the volunteers’ access to, and
write in for paediatric advice on breastfeeding. From
work with, breastfeeding women. It became clear
April 2005 to May 2006, 42 paediatric residents from
that in order to reduce tension at the peer-
four hospitals received a month of intensive
professional interface, and optimise relationships
theoretical training on breastfeeding. Afterward,
between volunteers and health professionals, an
they took weekly turns answering parents’
ongoing process of development involving both
questions in the forum. Before and after the
groups was essential. Such a process would need to
experience, they completed a pre-post knowledge
proactively identify and diffuse the concerns of
test and an opinion post-experience questionnaire
professionals while addressing both the vulnerabilities
with open questions. The mean age of participants
of the volunteers and their potential for semi-
was 28.3 years; 88% were women, and 80% were
autonomous development within and beyond the
in their third or fourth year of residency. The
percentage of correct answers was higher after
participation in the programme. The residents estimated that nearly half of their patients needed
Neonatal weight loss
breastfeeding advice, and they thought that the
programme improved their knowledge of breastfeeding
Van Dommelen P, van Wouwe JP, Breuning-Boers JM
and their communication skills with mothers. On
et al. Reference chart for relative weight change to
average, they spent 2.9 hours daily answering the
detect hypernatraemic dehydration. Arch Dis Child
questions. The learning experience was positively
evaluated by the participants and contributed to
increase their knowledge and skills in breastfeeding
Neonatal hypernatraemic dehydration (NHD) in
the first days of life is a rare but potentially serious
condition. In otherwise healthy full-term breastfed
babies the cause is poor milk intake with consequent
weight loss that must be detected early. The
validity of the rule that infants may lose 10% of
their weight in the first days after birth goes
unproven. This study assessed the validity of this
rule to detect breastfed infants with NHD. A reference chart for relative weight change obtained
by a retrospective cohort study was constructed
as markers for the maturation of oral feeding
and used to analyse 1,544 healthy, exclusively
muscles. Infants born at 26/27 and 28/29 weeks of
breastfed infants born in the Netherlands. In all,
gestational age were at similar postmenstrual ages
there were 3,075 weight measurements and 83
when taking 1-2 and 6-8 oral feedings per day.
cases of breastfed infants with NHD. The
Over time, feeding efficiency and several skills
sensitivity of the rule that infants may lose 10% of
improved, while some others decreased and still
their weight in the first days was 90.4%, its
others remained unchanged. This study demonstrates
specificity was 98.3% and its positive predictive
that, despite similar oral feeding outcomes, differences
value was 3.7%, because of too many false positive
in functional stability of particular feeding skills
results. A chart for relative weight change can be
depend on gestational age rather than on
Iyer NP, Srinivasan R, Evans K et al. Impact of an early
Akerstrom S, Asplund I, Norman M. Successful
weighing policy on neonatal hypernatraemic dehydration and
breastfeeding after discharge of preterm and sick
breastfeeding. Arch Dis Child 2008;93;297-9
newborn infants. Acta Paediatr 2007;96:1450-4
In Swansea, Wales, a policy of weighing infants at
This hospital-based follow-up of 1,730 infants
72–96 hours was introduced from 1 July 2004.
born in 1996, 2001 and 2004 in Sweden, and
Two time periods – pre- and post-policy – of 18
studied from discharge to 6 months of post-natal
months each, were studied to ascertain the effect of
age, was carried out to determine the extent and
early weighing on the detection and severity of
duration of breastfeeding in preterm and sick
NHD and on breastfeeding rates in the short and
newborn infants. At discharge, 98% of term (n =
medium term. Babies of 28 days of age referred to
945) and 92% of preterm (n = 785) infants were
hospital because of plasma sodium concentrations
e x c l u s i v e l y o r p a r t l y b r e a s t f ed . Exclusive
145 mmol/l or higher, were identified. Age, plasma
breastfeeding increased at 2 months of corrected
sodium concentration, percentage loss of body
post-natal age and 78% of term infants were still
weight at presentation, breastfeeding rates at
exclusively or partly breastfed at 6 months of
discharge and at 8 weeks, and complications due to
corrected post-natal age. Duration of breastfeeding
hypernatraemia or its management were compared
among preterm infants was significantly shorter
between the two periods. Sixty cases of NHD were
than in term-born infants. However, even among
identified: 23 before and 37 after introduction of
extremely preterm infants with a gestational age
the policy. After the policy, there was earlier
<28 weeks, 41% were still breastfeeding,
recognition of NHD (median 3 vs 6 days), lower
exclusively or in part, at 6 months of post-natal
percentage weight loss (11% vs 15%), lower
age. There was no difference between 1996 and
increase in sodium (147 vs 150 mmol/l), and
2004 in breastfeeding after intensive neonatal care.
higher breastfeeding rates both at discharge (73%
Moreover, the study showed that breastfeeding
vs 22%) and at 8 weeks (57% vs 22%). There was
after intensive neonatal care differed only slightly
one death in the pre-policy group, and none in the
from data concerning all infants in Sweden.
post-policy group. Weighing babies early, coupled
with appropriate lactation support, results in the
Flacking R, Wallin L, Ewald U. Perinatal and
early recognition of NHD, with less dehydration, less
socioeconomic determinants of breastfeeding duration
severe hypernatraemia, and higher breastfeeding rates
in very preterm infants. Acta Paediatr 2007;96:1126-30
This article describes the impact of prematurity, size at birth, neonatal disorders and the families’
Low birth weight infants
socioeconomic status (SES) on breastfeeding
duration in mothers of very preterm infants in
Amaizu N, Shulman RJ, Schanler RJ et al. Maturation
Sweden. Data on breastfeeding, registered in two
of oral feeding skills in preterm infants. Acta Paediatr
Swedish counties in 1993-2001, were matched
with data from two national registries. Mothers of
225 very preterm singleton infants were identified
Safe and successful oral feeding requires proper
and included. Seventy-nine percent of the mothers
maturation of sucking, swallowing and respiration.
breastfed at 2 months, 62% at 4 months, 45% at 6
To test the hypothesis that oral feeding difficulties
months, 22% at 9 months and 12% at 12 months.
may result from different temporal development of
Prematurity, size at birth and neonatal disorders
the muscles implicated in these functions, 16 stable
did not show an effect on breastfeeding duration.
preterm infants of 26 to 29 weeks’ gestational age
Being adversely exposed to any of the SES factors
were recruited. Specific feeding skills were monitored
(maternal education, unemployment benefits, so-
cial welfare and equivalent disposable income in
for fewer than 10 weeks than women who had not
the household) was significantly associated with
received the packs. The distribution of commercial
earlier weaning up to 6 months of the infant’s
discharge packs to mothers is not allowed under
postnatal age. This study shows that the duration of
the International Code and should be banned
breastfeeding in mothers of very preterm infants
everywhere in light of its negative impact on
was affected by SES, and highlights the need for
improved support of socioeconomically disadvantaged
mothers, during and after their hospital stay.
McInnes RJ, Wright C, Haq S et al. Who’s keeping the code? Compliance with the International Code for the
marketing of breastmilk substitutes in Greater Glasgow.
Maternal smoking
Public Health Nutrition 2007;10:719–25
To evaluate compliance with the International
Code in primary health care in Glasgow, an audit
Breastfeeding and smoking: short-term effects on infant feeding and sleep. Pediatrics 2007;120:497-502
form was sent to all community-based health
professionals with an infant feeding remit.
Walking tours were conducted in a random sample
This study sought to determine what effects
of community care facilities. The results showed
mother’s smoking had on the breastfed infant.
that contact with company personnel was minimal,
Fifteen mother-infant dyads were tested on two
usually unsolicited and mainly to provide product
different days, each separated by a one-week
information. Free samples of breastmilk substitutes
interval. Mothers smoked (in the absence of their
or feeding equipment were rare, but child care or
infant) on one test day and refrained from smoking
parenting literature was more prevalent. One-third
on the other. During the 3.5 hours that followed the
of facilities were still displaying materials non-
smoking episode, they breastfed their infant on
compliant with the Code, such as weight conversion
demand. Despite the taste change in the mothers’
charts and posters. Due to the high level of bottle-
breastmilk, there was no significant difference in
feeding in Glasgow, primary-care staff stated a
breastmilk intake. On the other hand, the infants
need for information about breastmilk substitutes.
slept significantly less during the hours immediately
following their mother’s smoking episode (53.4 minutes), than they did following the non-smoking
Systematic reviews
day (84.5 minutes). The reduction was attributed to
a shorter period of the longest sleep bout, and to a
Boyd CA, Quigley MA, Brocklehurst P. Donor breast milk
reduction of time spent in both active and quiet
versus infant formula for preterm infants: systematic review and
sleep. In other words, less time was spent in active
meta-analysis. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2007;92;169-
sleep when greater doses of nicotine were delivered to
the infant. It was concluded that acute episodes of
smoking by lactating mothers alter infants’ sleep/wake
This systematic review of trials and observational
patterns. Concerns that their milk may taste like
studies compared the effect in pre-term infants of
cigarettes and their infant’s sleep patterns may be
donor breastmilk with infant formula. The main
disrupted may motivate lactating mothers to
outcomes were death, necrotising enterocolitis
(NEC), infection, growth and development. Seven
studies (including five randomised controlled
International Code
trials), all from the 1970s and 1980s, fulfilled the
inclusion criteria. All studies compared the effect
Rosenberg KD, Eastham CA, Kasehagen LJ et al.
of sole donor breastmilk with formula (combined n
Marketing infant formula through hospitals: the impact of commercial hospital discharge packs on
= 471). One of these also compared the effect of
breastfeeding. Am J Public Health 2008;98:290-5
donor breastmilk with formula given as a
supplement to the mother’s own milk (n = 343).
In the USA, commercial hospital discharge packs
No studies examined fortified donor breast milk. A
are commonly given to new mothers. This study,
meta-analysis based on three studies found a 79%
carried out in Oregon between 2000 and 2001,
(24-94%) lower risk of NEC in infants receiving
analyzed data from a survey of 3,895 postpartum
donor breastmilk compared with formula. Donor
women (response rate = 72%). Among women
breastmilk was associated with slower growth in
who had initiated breastfeeding, 67% reported
the early postnatal period, but its long-term effect
having received commercial hospital discharge
was unclear. Further research is needed also to
packs. Women who received these packs were
measure the effect of fortified or supplemented
about 40% more likely to exclusively breastfeed
Flint A, New K, Davies MW. Cup feeding versus other
scores, but no significant difference in the duration
forms of supplemental enteral feeding for newborn
of crying time and oxygen saturation change. To
infants unable to fully breastfeed. Cochrane Database of
conclude, in order to alleviate pain in neonates
Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD005092
undergoing painful procedures, breastfeeding or breastmilk, if available, should be preferred to
Some newborn infants may not be able to fully
placebo, positioning or no intervention. It should
breastfeed and may therefore require supplemental
also be noted that in this study, the administration
feeding. Traditionally, bottles and nasogastric
of glucose/sucrose had similar pain reduction
tubes have been used for this purpose. This review
was carried out to determine the effects of cup
feeding versus other forms of supplemental feeding
Hannula L, Kaunonen M, Tarkka MT. A systematic
on weight gain and achievement of successful
review of professional support interventions for
breastfeeding. After searching several databases
breastfeeding. J Clin Nurs 2008;17:1132-43
for randomised or quasi-randomised controlled
The objectives of this systematic review were to
trials, and after quality assessment, four studies
describe how breastfeeding is professionally
were eligible for inclusion. There was no significant
supported during pregnancy, at maternity hospitals
difference in the incidence of not breastfeeding at
and during the postnatal period, and to find out
hospital discharge and at 3 or 6 months. There was
how effective interventions are in supporting
a significant difference in not fully breastfeeding at
breastfeeding. Several databases were searched and
hospital discharge, but not at 3 and 6 months, in
two reviewers independently analysed 36 articles.
favour of cup feeding. There was no significant
Interventions expanding from pregnancy to the
difference in weight gain from one study that
intrapartum period and throughout the postnatal
reported this outcome. In the one study that
period were more effective than interventions
assessed it, there was a significantly increased
concentrating on a shorter period. In addition,
length of hospital stay in the cup fed infants. Time
period were more effective than interventions
to full breastfeeding was not assessed in any study.
concentrating on a shorter period. In addition,
It is concluded that cup feeding cannot be
intervention packages using various methods of
recommended over bottle feeding as a supplement
to breastfeeding because it confers no significant
professionals were more effective than interventions
benefit in maintaining breastfeeding beyond
concentrating on a single method. During
hospital discharge and carries the unacceptable
pregnancy, the effective interventions were inter-
consequence of a longer stay in hospital.
active, involving mothers in conversation. Postnatally effective were home visits, telephone
Shah PS, Aliwalas L, Shah V. Breastfeeding or
support and breastfeeding centres combined with
breastmilk to alleviate procedural pain in neonates: a
peer support. The BFHI programme is effective
systematic review. Breastfeed Med 2007;2:74-82
and it would be wise to include the core components of
the programme in breastfeeding promotion
This systematic review and meta-analysis
compares breastfeeding and breastmilk with
various controls (placebo, no treatment, sucrose,
Spiby H, McCormick F, Wallace L, Renfrew MJ,
glucose, pacifiers, and positioning) to measure
D’Souza L, Dyson L. A systematic review of education
their effectiveness in reducing pain in neonates.
and evidence-based practice interventions with health
Eleven eligible randomized and quasi-randomized
professionals and breastfeeding counsellors on duration
trials were identified from electronic databases and
of breastfeeding. Midwifery 2007 Epub ahead of print
hand searches. There were marked differences in
control intervention and pain assessment measures.
To examine the effects of interventions (training,
The breastfeeding group had a significantly lower
education, practice change) with health professionals
increase in heart rate, a reduced proportion of
and lay breastfeeding educators and counsellors on
crying time, and a reduced duration of crying
duration of breastfeeding, this review selected
compared to the swaddled and pacifier groups.
from appropriate databases nine studies undertaken
Infant pain scores were lower in the breastfeeding
in high income countries and published between
group when compared to the placebo group and the
1980 and 2003. All were before-and-after studies
group placed in the mother’s arms, but were
that included the education of health professionals;
similar to the no-treatment and the glucose groups.
no studies related to breastfeeding counsellors. In
Compared to the placebo group, neonates in the
six of the studies, the participants were working
supplemental breastmilk group had a significantly
with mothers and babies in hospitals (three in the
lower increase in heart rate and facial coding
UK, two in Italy and one in France); in three
studies, the participants were working in
Evidence from these studies was insufficient to
community settings (Canada, Spain and the USA).
draw conclusions about the overall benefit or harm
Two UK studies and two non-UK studies (Spain
associated with the interventions. From the studies
identified, there seems to be no single way that
disadvantaged areas. Most interventions aimed to
consistently achieves changes in breastfeeding
increase knowledge and change professional
duration. From one of the more methodologically
practice in support of breastfeeding. Many of the
robust studies, it seems that the UNICEF/WHO
studies reviewed had methodological limitations.
BFHI training might have the potential to influence
Study settings and contexts varied and lacked
comparability. Prepared by the Geneva Infant Feeding Association (GIFA), an affiliate of the International Baby Food Action Network
(IBFAN). Editors: Adriano Cattaneo, Marina Ferreira Rea. Elaine Petitat-Côté revised and edited the text.
Hard copies of issues 1-43 of Breastfeeding Briefs will be sent upon request (GIFA, 11 Ave de la Paix, 1202 Geneva,
Switzerland, Fax: +41-22-798 44 43, e-mail [email protected]). Issues from no 44 are available online:
Available also in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.
POISONS ACT An Act to regulate the importation, possession, manufacture, compounding, storage, transport and sale of poisons Commencement: 1st July 1957 [S 61/57] Citation. 1. This Act may be cited as the Poisons Act. Interpretation. 2. In this Act, and in any rules made thereunder, unless the context otherwise requires -- "dentist" means a dentist licensed under the Medical Prac