25/01/2013CCO Eligibility Form Required ¨ Grey STR CLINICAL MONITORING: CISPLATIN-ETOPOSIDE Chemotherapy
- Oral examination upon patient complaint of a sore mouth. CISPLATIN
1. Asymptomatic; loss of deep tendon reflexes or paresthesia (including
tingling) but not interfering with function 2. Sensory alteration or paresthesia
(including tingling), interfering with function, but not interfering with ADL 3.
- Mix in 500mL bag Normal Saline; Infuse over 60 minutes.
Sensory alteration or paresthesia interfering with ADL 4. Disabling 5. Death
1. Asymptomatic, detected on exam/testing only 2. Symptomatic, not
- Dose < or =200mg, mix in 500mLNormal Saline; Infuse over 30-60 minutes.
3. Symptomatic, interfering with ADL 4. Life-threatening; disabling 5.
- Dose > 200mg, mix in 1000mLNormal Saline; Infuse over 1 to 2 hours.
- Adjust rate if blood pressure drops. ANTIEMETIC PRE-CHEMO REGIMEN:
- Give Etoposide BEFORE Cisplatin, to hydrate patient.
REPEAT EVERY 21 DAYS For a Total of 4 Cycles
- Ondansetron 8mg PO/IV or Granisetron 1mg PO/IV
- Ondansetron 8mg PO BID for 2-3 days, or Granisetron 1mg PO 12 hours
post chemotherapy, then 2mg PO OD for 2-3 days
- Infuse 1000mL Normal Saline with 20mEq Potassium Chloride IV over 1 hour on Days 1-2. Concurrent: TOXICITIES:
- Physician may order 250mL of 20% Mannitol solution (50G Mannitol) IV.
Infuse through sidearm concurrent with Cisplatin (may give Furosemide
1. If ANC < 1.5 x 109/L, or if PLT < 75 x 109/L, HOLD dose for 1 week. Renal Failure
1. If CrCl = 0.5-1.0mL/sec, or SrCr = 136-185umol/L, REDUCE Cisplatin to
- Infuse 500mL Normal Saline with 10mEq Potassium Chloride IV (2G 50% dose, and Etoposide to 75% dose.
Magnesium Sulfate may also be ordered) over 1 hour after Cisplatin on Days 2. If CrCl < 0.5mL/sec, or SrCr > 185umol/L, OMIT Cisplatin dose.
3. If CrCl < 0.2mL/sec, REDUCE Etoposide to 50% dose. Hepatic Dysfunction Baseline Tests - WBC HB PLT ANC K Na Chloride Mg Glucose
1. If T.Bili = 26-51umol/L, or AST = 60-180 IU/L, REDUCE Etoposide to 25% - WBC HB PLT ANC Cr Urea
2. If T.Bili = 52-85umol/L, REDUCE Etoposide to 50% dose. Test Notes:
3. If T.Bili > 85umol/L, or AST > 180 IU/L, OMIT Etoposide dose.
- Baseline & routine renal function tests, especially if there are other
Male: [140-age(yrs)] x TBW(Kg) / [50 x SCr(umol/L)]
Female: [140-age(yrs)] x TBW(Kg) / [50 x SCr(umol/L)] x 0.85
Baseline Tests - WBC HB PLT ANC K Na Chloride Mg Glucose - WBC HB PLT ANC Cr Urea Baseline Tests - WBC HB PLT ANC K Na Chloride Mg Glucose - WBC HB PLT ANC Cr Urea
A publication of Pikes Peak Citizens for Life LifeLine April 2012 “Preventative Care?” $1.00 Abortion Payment The “birth control” pill – along with all its The Dept of Health and Human Services (HHS) injectable and implantable counterparts – IS has issued a “final” rule regarding the establish-ment of the state health care exchanges required und
Double Edge in Actos del Habla exhibition Museo de Arte. Universidad Nacional de Colombia In De Doble filo [Double-Edged] we come once again face to face with performatory language at work. Performatory language – as stated already – is a constant concern in Clemencia’s work. The language that appeals to her is one that is not useful for telling, for narrating, for describing, for th