Microsoft word - 2010 dermatology arcp decision aid.doc

2010 Dermatology ARCP Decision Aid
The ARCP decision aid shows how the ARCP panel can review the trainee’s portfolio
for evidence of competence required at the end of each year. The decision aid
should be used in conjunction with the syllabus in section 3.3. The decision aid lists
the minimum number of satisfactory assessments expected. These assessments
should be sampled across the competencies required for that year. For the
progressive elements of the curriculum a trainee completing ST3 (year 1 specialty
training) will be expected to have gained all competencies marked with 1 in the year
column of the syllabus in section 3.3. If a trainee has undertaken one or more
modular elements, then the assessments should have included sampling of these
competencies also. Thus the ARCP decision aid, together with the syllabus describes
how the trainee will build on each set of competencies progressively year by year.
It is not expected that every competence will have been individually assessed, but
that a range of different competencies will have been sampled using the assessment
methods available. It is the trainee’s responsibility to organise these assessments
with their clinical supervisors in a timely fashion throughout the training year.
Year Assessments
ST3 (year 1
Minimum satisfactory assessments sampled across year 1 competencies of
progressive elements of curriculum plus any modules undertaken during the
4surgery DOPS
2 non surgical DOPS*
4 mini-CEX
10 CbD
1 patient survey
1 Teaching Observation
Other documents to be reviewed at ARCP:
1 audit assessment
Attendance record
Educational supervisor’s report
Research supervisor’s report
Minimum satisfactory assessments sampled across year 2 competencies of
progressive elements of curriculum plus any modules undertaken during the
4 surgery DOPS
2 non surgical DOPS*
4 mini-CEX
10 CbD
1 patient survey
1 Teaching Observation
Other documents to be reviewed at ARCP:
1 audit assessment
Attendance record
Educational supervisor’s report
Research supervisor’s report
Minimum satisfactory assessments sampled across year 3 competencies of
progressive elements of curriculum plus any modules undertaken during the
4 surgery DOPS
2 non surgical DOPS*
4 mini-CEX
10 CbD
1 patient survey
1 Teaching Observation
Other documents to be reviewed at ARCP:
1 Audit assessment
Educational supervisor’s report
Research supervisor’s report
SCE attempt/pass
Minimum satisfactory assessments sampled across year 4 competencies of
progressive elements of curriculum plus any modules undertaken during the
4 surgery DOPS
2 non surgical DOPS*
4 mini-CEX
10 CbD
1 patient survey
1 Teaching Observation
Other documents to be reviewed at ARCP:
1 Audit assessment
Educational supervisor’s report
Research supervisor’s report
SCE pass
*Non surgical DOPS can be performed for: • PASI + DLQI scoring • Patch test application • Identification of scabies mite • Microscopy of skin scrapings for fungi • IL Triamcinolone injections • Monochromator In addition to the above for medical dermatology, the following conditions are considered to be ‘core presentations’: Pruritus Eczema Viral Warts Common bacterial and fungal infections Psoriasis Immunobullous disease Lichen planus Acne vulgaris and Rosacea Cutaneous Lupus Connective tissue diseases Urticaria / angio oedema Vasculitis Leg ulcers Cutaneous Lymphoma Systemic diseases presenting in the skin Drug reactions Emergency presentations For the ARCP decision aid the trainee should fulfill the competencies listed in medical dermatology for approximately 50% of core presentations by end year 1; 100% of core presentation by end year 2. In years 3 and 4 the trainee should be consolidating their experience in the core presentations and gaining further experience in the many rarer disorders which may present. It is not expected that the trainee will be experienced in every single disease, some of which may only present once every 5-10 years, but they should be equipped to deal with rarer diagnoses and be able to use clinical and other resources to manage such patients.


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