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Expand beyond your current business with our advanced Leadership development offering.
How would you benefit from having a recognised,
proven leadership offering in your toolkit, to develop
As a LeaderShape Associate, you will
If you have a background as a Senior Executive with private
sector experience, we would love to hear from you to explore
Being a member of a team of like-
how we can mutually benefit from joining forces.
We would welcome responses from trained coaches with the
right background, who are keen to grow their capability and
their business, by working to develop the best leaders for the
LeaderShape’s Faculty enjoy high level credibility because of
their background at CEO or Board level, or in senior executive
roles – this differentiator underpins our excellent track record
working with individuals, groups, teams and organisations.
We are members of leading business think tank, Tomorrow’s
Company. Our client portfolio includes electrical retailer Dixons
opportunity to catch up with your
Group and the Motivcom Group (includes P&MM), plus work
Pharmaceutical Society, Disney, M & S and award winning
LIFT company, Renova. Tata Group and the Chartered
Institute of Management Accountants are sponsoring our
Transpersonal Leadership Publication; we also deliver seminars and “first 100 days mentoring” for HAYS.
We wish to build capacity in areas that are attracting the
access to marketing materials and
attention of potential clients such as our:
accounting services for LeaderShape business.
1. University accredited postgraduate suite of leadership
2. Robust and proven methodology for mapping Return on
3. Defined journey toward Transpersonal Leadership (beyond
In the first instance, please email your interest together with a brief profile to
How could I develop my relationship with
You can of course learn more about
This could be a first step towards Faculty membership, or even
How would it fit in with my existing practice?
You may have a well-established practice but come across
opportunities that require increased resources and capacity or
We look forward to hearing from
you may wish to be involved in a blend of workshops, master
you and working with you!
classes and development techniques which you cannot currently fulfil. We provide an infrastructure to help you win and deliver that business. Many of our Associates maintain their own coaching practice and introduce LeaderShape to help client organisations develop leadership capability. This might be where a blended approach delivers the best return on investment, or where it would be inappropriate for a coach to be working with all the clients in the organisation.
11 February 2013 MEDIA SUMMARY REPORT HEALTH ISSUE : Investor Daily : 11 February 2013 : 11 February 2013 Circulation : 60,000 Tone : Neutral Understand the facts and myths of cancer This year’s World Cancer Day commemoration is focusing on the fifth target of the World Cancer Declaration, which is to dispel misleading myths about cancer, through a
Le lundi 06 Août 2006 Chers Mesdames et Messieurs, Par la présente, et au nom de la SMEL (Société M édicale E uro L ibanaise), on sollicite votre aide pour recevoir des médicaments en échantillons, en urgence, à titre humanitaire afin d’aider la population civile libanaise en détresse. Le nombre des civils tués au Liban augmente de jour en jour et a déjà atteint pl