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Soma-Semantics™ Modeling and Academic Excellence! By Jeffrey Leiken, MA • There are many different things people do to their composure even under great duress. This build their confidence, develop their focus “mental toughness” which we admire in great athletes and peak performers is a quality positive affirmations, counting to 10, taking often only attributed to those who’ve gained exercise… Each of these requires eitheringesting something external, or doing Young people who have it we’ll often note something with your time with the hopes that how “mature she is for her age” or how “he at the end of that time, then you will feel would be a great lawyer”, all because of their ability to stand their ground, think “on their feet” and keep calm when many theirage would have withered under pressure. Yet What people rarely seem to get is that the all have moments of it – This is their potential! “feeling good again” is something thathappens inside, not something that happens you’ll get your results.” - Joseph Riggio, accompanying Soma-Semantic shift in their physiology and neurology, and it is the sameshift every time. When a person learns how Prior to a few years ago, we gave most of the to make this shift for themselves, they have credit to a person having these qualities to access to a truly personal power in a way their genetic stock (“it must be in their DNA”).
Cutting edge research though suggests thatnature has much less to do with who we Take this ability into the classroom and what become than previously believed, finding that we get are students who know how to settle DNA is a potential for who we can become, and only a potential. In fact what we are idiosyncratic fine motor muscle adjustments in finding is that who we become - the character their body. One moment they are stressed, traits, the qualities of intelligence, etc. – has the next they are “in their zone”. Like this far more to do with nurture than nature.
their ability to succeed in school increasesdramatically and, because they can, they do.
That being so, it is also true that any one whohas ever had a moment of “peak “Why don’t they teach this kind of stuff in performance” has contained within them the school?” asked Mitch, a 16 old in Los genetic capacity to develop this into the fiber Angeles. “If they did, there’d be a whole less of who they become. Thus every person who has ever had even one moment when theyembodied an extraordinary sense of When we study the success strategies of those confidence and poise, clarity of thinking, and/or a sense of great certainty, etc., can consistently an ability they have to maintain And who hasn’t had at least one moment of “As soon as I learned how to slow myself this in their life? No one I can think of! down and quiet my mind,” he explained, “Irealized that I actually already knew most of The Exquisite Teen Workshop - Using what I needed to know to do well on the test. Soma-Semantic Modeling™ To Teach Studying became easier and being able to Teens How to Excel in School and Life! recall things in the exam room was so simpleit was almost laughable! … This is the greatest Soma-Semantics™ Modeling is the essential thing any one has ever taught me.” tool of the Mythogenic Self® Process. This isthe art of tracking the idiosyncratic How much is the ability to focus worth to a student? What about the ability to stay calm gesture, facial expression, breathing, etc – people have as they are accessing different the self-confidence that comes with being able states of their being. In conjunction with this, to generate those qualities in themselves on Soma-Semantics™ Modeling uses exquisite their own? Surely it is worth one weekend of calibration to track as well the internal your teens’ lives to learn something that will neurological experience that supports what improve the quality of their lives forever! To those teens who have chosen to show up To keep it simple, a person who is “stressing and learn it, the answer is unequivocally YES! out” will have a different idiosyncratic As one teen put it: “This stuff Rocks!” physiological and neurological configurationthan a person who is “in their zone”.
To learn more about the next Exquisite Teen™ Soma-Semantics™ Modeling as used in theMythogenic Self® Process is applied to teach people how to access a most profound stateof internal “readiness, one so useful that it “When I am this way,” said one 17 year old at a recent Exquisite Teens™ Mythogenic Self® program in Dublin, “Mentally I focus somuch better. None of the distractions that usually go through my head are there. It just gets quiet. The best part is that I can remember all the things I need to rememberto do well on tests and everything seems to *** The nature of this work requires that skilled practitioners provide precise input toeach attendee, so space is limited to ensure By the end of the workshop, he knew exactly the highest quality experience for all.
what to do so he could be this way, and he practiced, consistently. Two months later, hereported having gotten the best grades of his


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Microsoft word - biogas faq 090909

Frågor och Svar (FAQ) – Biogas (uppdaterad 090909) A. Olika typer av gas, terminologi B. Gas som drivmedel C. Preem och biogas A) Olika typer av gas, terminologi 1. Vad är fordonsgas? Fordonsgas är samlingsnamnet för biogas och naturgas som används till drivmedel för fordon. Gasen består till största delen av metan. Skillnaden mellan naturgas och biogas beror på råvara och produktio

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