Oral Agents Revised 2006:Use of oral agents for glycemic controlduring pregnancy complicated by GDM
Over the past few years, oral agents have been reintroduced in themanagement of diabetes during pregnancy.30 There are several reviews ofsulfonylureas, biguanides, and glucosidase inhibitors used primarily inpregnancies complicated by gestational diabetes.9, 14, 32, 36, 39, 40 Oral agentswere once thought to be associated with an increased incidence ofcongenital malformations.8, 21, 33, 36 However, the issue of malformationsmay be more related to hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia is a knownteratogen. Inadequate blood glucose control using oral agents prior topregnancy usually continues into the first trimester of pregnancy.24, 38 Forthose women on oral agents with inadequate blood glucose control priorto conception, it is the hyperglycemia that is thought to be the teratogen. A meta-analysis of the safety of oral agents in the first trimester supportsthis contention.19 Human insulin and insulin analogs (with the exceptionof glargine) do not appear to be teratogens in human pregnancies 4 andthus, continue to be recommended by ACOG and the ADA as the onlypharmacologic antihyperglycemic agent for use during pregnancy.1, 2
Firm recommendations for oral agent use in pregnancy are limited by thepaucity of level 1 evidence. Some providers do not believe these agentscan achieve adequate glycemic control.25, 35 As beta cell destructionincreases, oral agents lose their ability to maintain euglycemia. Onlyglyburide has been studied in a prospective randomized control trial30demonstrating that it did produce comparable maternal and neonataloutcomes to insulin in about 200 patients. Placental transfer of glyburidehas been shown to be insignificant.11, 12
Metformin has widespread use among infertility specialists as a treatmentfor insulin resistance associated with the infertility experienced by womenwith polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). When metformin is continuedthrough the first trimester to avoid miscarriage, no increase inmalformation rates have been reported.16, 22 Women using metformin forfertility are generally insulin resistant but may not be hyperglycemic earlyin pregnancy thus eliminating the concern for glucose-mediatedteratogenicity. Metformin is thought to cross the placenta but does notalter placental metabolism of glucose.13 Several other studies ofmetformin use throughout pregnancy in women with PCOS imply areduced rate of GDM and preeclampsia without adverse effects on thefetus and newborn, up to 4 years of age.17 Breastfeeding with metforminappears to be safe with no difference between infants breastfed by womenwithout metformin.3, 20
In 2000, there was a 0% utilization of oral agents reported by theCalifornia Diabetes and Pregnancy Program affiliates. Data summaries
from 2003 reveal a 5% utilization of oral agents. The long-term effectsof these medications are not fully known. CDAPP continues to trackthe use of oral agents during pregnancy and has begun to link outcomeswith certain agents. (2005 CDAPP data base)
During the recent 5th International Gestational Diabetes Workshop, glyburide was included as an option for treating gestational diabetes. It may be prudent to keep in mind that:
Most of the published data concern utilization of oral agentsin pregnancy is in the GDM population. Oral agents alonemay be effective in women with type 2 if the degree of betacell impairment is minimal. No randomized control trials have been published concerningoutcomes with glyburide use for type 2 women duringpregnancy.
If glyburide is used, consider the following:
1. Discuss and document risks and benefits of the agent's use
2. Establish and maintain diet and exercise therapy. 3. Comply with recommended SMBG schedule. 4. Conduct fetal surveillance as recommended for patients utilizing
Be aware that hypoglycemia can occur Adhere to MNT meal and snack regimen to avoidhypoglycemiaEnsure that the woman can recognize and treathypoglycemiaMonitor weight and assess for appropriate weight gain
Recommendations regarding the use of metformin in pregnancy arereserved until outcomes of the metformin in GDM (MIG) study areavailable in 2006.5
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2. American Diabetes Association: Clinical Practice Recommendations
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