ORIGINAL RESEARCH—PEYRONIE’S DISEASE Use of Penile Extender Device in the Treatment of Penile Curvature as a Result of Peyronie’s Disease. Results of a Phase II Prospective Study
Paolo Gontero, MD,* Massimiliano Di Marco, MD,† Gianluca Giubilei, MD,‡ Riccardo Bartoletti, MD,§Giovanni Pappagallo, MD,¶ Alessandro Tizzani, MD,* and Nicola Mondaini, MD§
*Urology Department, University of Torino, Torino, Italy; †Urology Department, Silicato Hospital, Rome, Italy; ‡UrologyClinic, University of Florence, Florence, Italy; §Urology Clinic, Hospital S M Annunziata, University of Florence, Florence,Italy; ¶Oncology Unit, Noale Hospital, Noale, Italy
A B S T R A C T Introduction. Pilot experiences have suggested that tension forces exerted by a penile extender may reduce penile curvature as a result of Peyronie’s disease. Aim. To test this hypothesis in a Phase II study using a commonly marketed brand of penile extender. Methods. Peyronie’s disease patients with a curvature not exceeding 50° with mild or no erectile dysfunction (ED) were eligible. Fifteen patients were required to test the efficacy of the device assuming an effect size of >0.8, consistent with an “important” reduction in penile curvature. Changes in penile length over baseline and erectile function (EF) domain scores of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) constituted secondary end points. Main Outcome Measures. Patients were counselled on the use of the penile extender for at least 5 hours per day for 6 months. Photographic pictures of the erect penis and measurements were carried out at baseline, at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months (end of study). The IIEF-EF domain scores were administered at baseline and at the end of study. Treatment satisfaction was assessed at end of study using a nonvalidated institutional 5-item questionnaire. Results. Penile curvature decreased from an average of 31° to 27° at 6 months without reaching the effect size (P = 0.056). Mean stretched and flaccid penile length increased by 1.3 and 0.83 cm, respectively at 6 months. Results were maintained at 12 months. Overall treatment results were subjectively scored as acceptable in spite of curvature improvements, which varied from “no change” to “mild improvement.” Conclusions. In our study, the use of a penile extender device provided only minimal improvements in penile curvature but a reasonable level of patient satisfaction, probably attributable to increased penile length. The selection of patients with a stabilized disease, a penile curvature not exceeding 50°, and no severe ED may have led to outcomes underestimating the potential efficacy of the treatment. Gontero P, Di Marco M, Giubilei G, Bartoletti R, Pappagallo G, Tizzani A, and Mondaini N. Use of penile extender device in the treatment of penile curvature as a result of Peyronie’s disease. Results of a phase II prospective study. J Sex Med 2009;6:558– 566. Key Words. Peyronie’s Disease; Nonsurgical Treatment; Penile Extender Introduction
plaints, including penile curvature, painful erec-tions, erectile dysfunction (ED), and penile
P eyronie’sdiseasecanbedefinedasanacquired shortening leading to significant detrimental psy-
penile deformity of the erect penis, which is
chological effects [1–4]. A conservative medical
caused by a fibrous plaque. Men with Peyronie’s
treatment is usually advocated as the first-line
disease may present with a combination of com-
therapy, particularly in the early inflammatory
2008 International Society for Sexual Medicine
Penile Extenders in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease
phase, although there is little evidence that this is
It is particularly useful for quantifying effects mea-
effective [5]. If such management proves unsuc-
sured on unfamiliar or arbitrary scales and for
cessful, a more invasive surgical approach may be
comparing the relative sizes of effects from differ-
contemplated once the disease has been stabilized,
ent studies. Cohen [12] defined the effect size “d”
usually after 1 year from onset [1]. The long-term
as the difference between the means, M1–M2,
results of surgery are not devoid of complications,
divided by standard deviation, s, of either group.
particularly following graft procedures, with ED
By convention, the subtraction, M1–M2, is per-
and penile shortening being not unusual com-
formed so that the difference is positive if it is in
plaints [6,7]. It has been claimed that the penile
the direction of improvement or in the predicted
extender, a nonsurgical device that employs pro-
direction, and negative if in the direction of dete-
gressive mechanical traction to the penis, produces
rioration or opposite to the predicted direction.
a significant improvement in penile length [8,9].
Thus, effect size quantifies the size of the differ-
Two preliminary pilot experiences have sug-
ence between groups, and may therefore be said to
gested that the tension forces exerted by a penile
be a true measure of the significance of the differ-
extender could also reduce penile curvature as a
ence. Effect sizes were defined as “small, d = 0.2,”
result of Peyronie’s disease [10,11]. The combina-
“medium, d = 0.5,” and “large, d = 0.8”. Effect
tion of these effects may provide an intriguing
sizes can also be interpreted in terms of the
treatment option in selected Peyronie’s disease
percent of non-overlap of the experimental
patients. We tested this hypothesis in a Phase II
group’s values with those of the control group: a d
study designed to assess whether a penile extender
of 0.8 indicates a non-overlap of 47.4% in the
produces significant improvement in penile curva-
two distributions; a d of 0.5 indicates a 33%
ture as a result of Peyronie’s disease.
non-overlap; and a d of 0.2 a 14.7% non-overlap.
It was assumed that with 15 evaluable patients,
the finding of a “relevant” reduction in penile cur-
Materials and Methods
vature, defined by an effect size Ն0.8, would havea statistical power of 80% and a probability of
a false negative result of less than 5% (2-sided).
Patients with a penile curvature as a result of Pey-
Changes in flaccid and stretched penile length,
ronie’s disease were considered eligible for the
plaque size, treatment tolerability, patient comp-
study if they met the following inclusion criteria:
liance and satisfaction, as well as changes in the
(i) a penile curvature not exceeding 50°, sustained
IIEF-EF domain scores at last follow-up com-
by fibrous plaques detectable through genital
pared with the baseline measurements constituted
palpation or ultrasound (US); (ii) a history of the
disease lasting at least 12 months; and (iii) nopenile pain in the flaccid state. Previous medical
treatment did not contraindicate study participa-
Baseline patients’ assessment included full medical
tion. The exclusion criteria were a history of major
and sexual history, and physical examination. The
psychiatric disorder, reduced manual dexterity that
EF domain scores of the IIEF were administered
might prevent the correct use of the device, pre-
at baseline and at the end of the study (6 months
vious penile surgery, or severe ED based on the
after treatment discontinuation). Patients scoring
erectile function (EF) domain scores of the Inter-
severe abnormal values (IIEF-EF Յ 10) were
national Index of Erectile Function (IIEF).
excluded [13]. A penile US was required for studyentry in order to record the size of plaques (deter-
End Points and Sample Size Statistics
mined as the product of length and width in
Changes in penile curvature during erection com-
mm[2]) and the location and sonographic app-
pared with the baseline after 6 months of treat-
earance (calcified, hypoechoic, hyperechoic) of
ment and durability of the response 6 months after
the plaques. Fibrous nodules undetectable sono-
treatment discontinuation were considered the
graphically were measured manually using a
primary study end points. Given the objective
caliper. The same measurement method was used
difficulty of estimating the standard deviation of
in each patient for the posttreatment determina-
baseline penile curvature, calculation of the sample
size was based on the “effect size” [12].
The degree of curvature was documented using
Effect-size is a standardized, scale-free measure
photographic pictures taken by the clinician from
of the relative size of the effect of an intervention.
three angles (frontal, lateral, and dorsal) during an
in-office intracavernous injection test with 20 mcg
In cases of concomitant untreated ED, patients
alprostadil or, for patients refusing the injection,
were advised to postpone the use of erectile aids
by self-photographs during an at-home full erec-
until the end of study. Sexual activity was not inter-
tion. The former was strictly required for patients
dicted at any time during the study. It was sug-
scoring abnormal IIEF-EF domain scores.
gested that patients wear the device for up to 9
The magnitude of curvature on photographs
hours/day and it was explained that, based on the
was determined by placing a goniometer in the
available evidence [10,16,17], the magnitude of
angle formed by the intersection of two drawn
both the straightening and the elongating effect
segments running parallel to each of the two
would be proportional to the traction time. The
bended portions of the shafts. Following pharma-
minimum daily use for testing treatment efficacy
cological erection, the center of the goniometer
was assumed to be 5 hours and this was the
was placed over the point of maximum curvature
minimum requirement for entry into the study.
and the limbs were positioned along the shaft,proximal to and distal to this point. Posttreatment
curvature was determined in each patient using the
Follow-up visits were scheduled at 1 (t1), 3 (t3), 6
same method they had chosen at baseline. Penile
(t6), and 12 months (t12) (end of study, after a wash-
measurements (t0) were obtained employing the
out period of 6 months) to record side effects,
standard technique validated by Wessells et al.
treatment compliance, calculations of curvature
[14]. Using a taper ruler to the nearest 0.5 cm, the
using fresh photographs, and to carry out genital
penis was initially measured in the flaccid state and
examinations and take penile measurements. At
then while applying tension to maximally stretch
the end of the study, the EF domain scores of the
it, from the pubopenile skin junction to the
IIEF and a satisfaction questionnaire were admin-
meatus. The circumference was measured at
istered. The latter consists of a set of five questions
midshaft. Inter-operator agreement was assessed
designed by the investigators that ask patients
by performing a set of measurements on a small
to assess subjective improvements in penile curva-
sample of young volunteers (N = 8) with individual
ture (Q1) on a 0–4 scale (0 = worsening, 1 =
variability always falling below 0.5 cm.
unchanged, 2 = mild improvement, 3 = significantimprovement, 4 = complete resolution), as well asto assess flaccid penile length (Q2), erect penile
Device Description and Treatment Schedule
length (Q3), and overall results (Q4) on a 0–3
After signing the informed consent form, patients
result). Lastly, Q5 addresses overall results on a
penile extender, the Andropenis® (Andromedical,
0–4 scale (0 = no result, 1 = very mild, 2 = accept-
Madrid, Spain), a device designed to exert a
able, 3 = good, 4 = optimal results). Plaque size
continuous and gradually increasing traction force
was also calculated at the end of study using
on the penis. The device consists of a plastic ring,
a caliper or a penile US. The study protocol was
where the penis is introduced, and from where two
granted Ethical Committee approval in February
dynamic metallic rods originate the traction.
In the upper part there is a plastic support
where a silicone band holds the glans in place.
Detailed instructions on how to increase the trac-tion force from 600 g during the first month, 900 g
Out of a set of 40 patients referring with a com-
during the second month, up to 1200 g during
plaint of penile curvature between February 2005
the fifth and sixth months were provided following
and May 2006, 19 met the inclusion criteria and
the manufacturer’s leaflet. Briefly, the traction is
entered the study. Reasons for exclusion were con-
rendered a dynamic process by means of the rigid
genital curvature (N = 2), concomitant penile pain
rods combined with the action of “compression
(N = 6), disease history lasting less than 12 months
springs” (springs that react by exerting a traction
(N = 6), a curvature exceeding 50° (N = 4), and
when compressed). As the tissues are stretching
refusal to undergo the proposed treatment (N =
throughout months of treatment, more and more
3). Baseline characteristics of the sample for age,
elongations of the two metal rods of Andropenis®
disease features, EF domain scores of the IIEF,
combined with the action of the “compression
and penile measurements are listed in Table 1.
springs” are needed to achieve the needed traction
None of the eligible patients was taking ED
Penile Extenders in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease
Baseline patient characteristics (N = 19)
One patient discontinued treatment with the
penile stretcher after a few days because of discom-
fort caused by the device and three patients did
not attend the scheduled follow-up visits and were
lost to follow-up. Data on the 6-month treatment
period and follow-up were available for all 15
remaining patients. Median time of daily use of the
device was 5.5 hours (minimum–maximum: 3–6
hours) at 1 month, 5 hours (minimum–maximum:
3–6 hours) at 3 months, and 5 hours (minimum–
determination: US N = 13or calliper N = 6)
maximum: 2–8 hours) at 6 months, respectively
(P = 0.191; Greenhouse–Gasser corrected, repea-
Penile curvature decreased from a mean base-
line value of 31° (SD 1.55) to 27° (SD 2.79) after
6 months of treatment (P = 0.059) (Figure 1).
The degree of curvature worsened (+10°) in
one patient, remained unchanged in eight, and
decreased in six (-20° in 2/6, –10° in 2/6, and –5°
in 2/6). Curvature values remained unchanged in
each patient after the 6 months wash-out period.
Figures 2 and 3 report the box plots related to the
changes in the flaccid and stretched penile length,
respectively at 6 months. After 6 months of treat-
ment with the penile extender, a significant
IIEF-EF domain score N (%) Normal (26–30)
(Wilcoxon Z = –2.852, P = 0.004 and Wilcoxon
Z = –3.068, P = 0.002) and overall mean gain of
1.3 and of 0.83 cm for the flaccid and stretched
penile length, respectively was observed. Table 2
US = ultrasound; IIEF-EF domain = erectile function domain of the Interna-tional Index of Erectile Function; ED = erectile dysfunction.
reports the changes which occurred across all timeintervals in penile curvature and length. The gainin length was maximal in the t0–t1 time interval
Figure 1 Plots
changes over baseline in the penilecurvature after 6-month treatmentwith the penile extender and at 12months (after 6 months of treatmentdiscontinuation). Figure 2 Box plot showing changes over baseline in the flaccid penile length after 6-month treatment with the penile extender and at 12 months (after 6 months of treatment discon- tinuation).
and showed progressive declines in t1–t3 and t3–t6
showed only marginal improvements, from a mean
intervals. Curvature degrees and penile length
baseline value of 23.8 (SD 4.07) to 24.7 (SD 4.11)
remained stable at 12 months (t6–t12). Changes in
at 12 months (P = 0.23). Specifically, 6 months
penile girth were negligible and not significant
after treatment, the IIEF-EF domain score nor-
(mean value of 9.86 cm at baseline and of 9.96 cm
malized in three out of six patients with mild ED at
baseline, while two patients with normal pretreat-
Plaque size did not show significant changes
ment EF scored IIEF-EF values consistent with
during the study period (1.35 cm vs. 1.30 cm,
P = 0.4). No patient requested treatment for ED
Mean patient satisfaction scores for the 5-item
during the study period. IIEF-EF domain scores
questionnaire are reported in Table 3. The treat-
Figure 3 Box plot showing changes over baseline in the stretched penile length
with the penile extender and at 12months (after 6 months of treatmentdiscontinuation). Penile Extenders in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease
treatment will produce a beneficial effect [20].
stretched and flaccid penile length at different time
At this stage, surgery may be contemplated as the
intervals and corresponding 95% confidence intervals
last remaining option to restore successful sexual
intercourse [7]. All the currently available surgical
techniques are essentially unable to provide a cura-
tive effect of the disease; rather, they aim to palliate
its side effects by restoring a straight shape to the
curved penis. Strict selection criteria (i.e., highly
motivated patients with severe curvature impair-
ing sexual intercourse) are mandatory as tunical
lengthening surgical procedures carry a significant
risk of complications leading to a high patient
dissatisfaction rate. On the other side, tunical
shortening procedures such us the Nesbit cor-
poroplasty, in spite of the low morbidity, may
result in a significant loss of penile length [21]. We
selected a study population of patients with clini-
cally stable Peyronie’s disease and a mild to mod-
erate degree of curvature (not exceeding 50°) and
no severe ED as defined by the EF domain scores
t0 = baseline; t1 = 1 month of treatment; t3 = 3 months of treatment; t6 = 6months of treatment; t12 = 12 months from treatment onset corresponding to 6
of the IIEF [11]. No specific treatment is currently
months of follow-up after stopping the treatment; NA = not applicable.
available for this disease subgroup as surgery mayprobably turn out to be an overtreatment whilenonsurgical options are unlikely to be effective
ment was generally well tolerated, with only three
once the disease is stabilized [22]. Notably, the
patients reporting bruising (N = 2) or itching
majority of our patients had previously failed
Based on the preliminary evidence reported by
Scroppo et al. [10] of a 50% reduction in the cur-
Several treatment options, including oral com-
vature of the shaft after the application of progres-
pounds, intralesional and topical agents, have been
sive mechanical traction forces on the penis over
proposed for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease
a 6-month period, these patients may be ideal
but the evidence that any of these may be effective
candidates for a trial with a penile extender device.
remains weak, such that observation alone is
In our series, the mean curvature of the shaft
considered a viable option [7,18,19]. The lack of
decreased by 4° (13% of the baseline value) fol-
precise data on the pathogenesis of Peyronie’s
lowing a 6-month treatment period using the same
disease is probably one key element that prevents
brand of penile extender. Albeit of borderline
the development of appropriate treatment strate-
significance, the magnitude of improvement did
gies for this disease. Some data suggest that the
not meet the expected “effect size” necessary to
currently available nonsurgical options may have a
state that the treatment was effective. Interestingly
window of opportunity in the acute phase of the
enough, these results were comparable with the
disease. Once the disease has stabilized, typically
average absolute improvement in penile curvature
after 12–18 months, it is unlikely that any medical
(13.5%) reported in a recent meta-analysis on
Mean scores of the 12-month satisfaction questionnaire (N = 15)
Q1: How would you rate your penile curvature?*
Q2: How would you rate your flaccid penile length?†
Q3: How would you rate your erect penile length?†
Q4: How would you rate your sexual life?†
Q5: How would you rate the overall result achieved?‡
*Q1 scores: 0 = worsening; 1 = unchanged; 2 = acceptable improvement; 3 = significant improvement; 4 = complete resolution. †Q2, Q3, Q4 scores: 0 = reduced; 1 = unchanged; 2 = acceptable improvement; 3 = significant improvement. ‡Q5 scores: 0 = no result; 1 = very mild; 2 = acceptable; 3 = good; 4 = optimal.
intralesional injection therapy, one of the most
risk of study dropout from patients with a severe
popular treatment modalities for Peyronie’s
curvature that could have been less compliant to
disease [5]. Measurable reductions in curvature
ranging from 5° up to 20° were recorded in 6 out
Variations in plaque size constituted a second-
of 15 (40%) evaluable patients, the remaining
ary study end point. The lack of significant post-
patients having stable (8/15) or progressive (1/15)
treatment changes in the current study is likely
disease. Although spontaneous improvement in
to be clinically irrelevant and it does not affect the
the degree of bending has been reported [2,23],
potential efficacy of the device as no correlation
this is less likely to occur when the disease is
between the extent of the plaque and the severity
stabilized, as in our series. Of note, no changes in
of curvature has been demonstrated so far. Besides,
penile curvature were detected after 6 months
it is possible that the two different methods
of treatment wash out. If it seems reasonable to
employed in the current study to obtain plaque
state that the treatment proved effective in some
size (US or caliper) may not be equally accurate.
patients, the small sample size did not allow us to
Whether the application of the device in the
identify predictors of response. In a subgroup of
acute disease phase may reduce the plaque size
our patients refusing an in-office intracavernous
remains to be proven. The application of a penile
injection, the curvature was calculated based on
extender in the current study caused only minimal
at-home photographs, a methodology that has
and self-resolving side effects, leading to discon-
been recently found to underestimate the degree
tinuation of treatment in only one case. Mean
of penile bending as compared with trimix intrac-
baseline IIEF-EF domain scores were consistent
avernous injection[24]. This may have led to inac-
with mild ED as we deliberately excluded patients
curate measurements, given the inability of the
with severe ED that may be less amenable for
investigator to assess the rigidity of the erection.
conservative treatment of Peyronie’s disease.
It may be speculated that the shorter daily use of
Sexual dysfunction is a common complication in
the device in our study in comparison with the
the presence of fibrous penile plaques with both
study of Scroppo et al. [10] might account for the
psychological and organic factors contributing
lower degree of curvature reduction.
to its pathogenesis [22]. Currently, there is no
The mean time of daily use of the device in
evidence that any medical treatment may have
our study tended to be close to the minimum
beneficial effects on the sexual function of Pey-
required for study entry. It is likely that a more
ronie’s disease patients [5]. An average 5-point
strict protocol requiring a minimum of 8 or 9
improvement of the IIEF-EF domain scores has
hours of daily use would greatly reduce patients’
been recently reported in a pilot experience on
compliance [10,17]. Our results were overall
a penile traction device [11]. Posttreatment
lower than that reported in a recent pilot study
IIEF-EF domain scores in our study showed
where an average 33% curvature reduction was
marginal, nonsignificant changes compared with
baseline scores. It is possible that the lower degree
Differences in selection criteria, device proper-
of baseline sexual dysfunction in our series as
ties, and treatment schedule may account for these
opposed to the one of the Levine et al. study [11]
discrepancies in outcomes and represent limita-
(mean IIEF-EF domain score of 23.8 vs. 18.3) may
tions of the current study. For instance, the require-
account for the lower degree of improvement.
ment of a “clinically” stable disease for study entry
Notably, our finding corroborates the safety
may have led to select a subgroup of patients with a
profile of the penile traction device as opposed
disease less amenable to plastic changes following
to the detrimental effect on sexual function some-
the application of traction forces as opposed to a
times reported following graft surgery [6].
Peyronie’s plaque in the acute phase. The reason
The Andropenis® produced an effective and
for these strict inclusion criteria was to minimize
durable (over the 6-month off treatment period)
the possibility of self-improvement of the curvature
lengthening of the penis both in the flaccid and the
that could more likely occur during the acute
stretched state. The elongating effect was of a
disease phase. Also, by restricting the limit of penile
lower magnitude than that observed in our previ-
bending to 50°, we may have reduced the chances to
ous study where dysmorphophobic and postsur-
obtain an effect of significant magnitude. Baseline
gery short penises underwent the same treatment
mean curvature in our study was 31° as compared
protocol [9]. A reduction in penile elasticity as a
with 51° in the study by Levine et al. [11]. With
consequence of the reduced content in elastin
these inclusion criteria, we aimed to minimize the
within the fibrous plaques could explain why
Penile Extenders in the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease
Peyronie’s disease patients are less susceptible to
caused negligible side effects. Overall results were
the elongating effects of the penile extender [25].
self-reported as “acceptable,” making this mini-
Even though baseline penile size in our patients
mally invasive treatment modality a potential new
falls within the normal range based on the criteria
treatment option in selected Peyronie’s disease
outlined by Wessells et al. [14], penile lengthening
was probably the most notable clinical findingof the current study. Penile shortening, a bother-
Corresponding Author: Paolo Gontero, MD, Senior
some symptom of Peyronie’s disease, cannot be
Lecturer in Urology, C.so Dogliotti, 14, 10126
addressed as an end point by any medical treatment.
+3900116334202; E-mail: [email protected]
Restoration of penile lengthening would involve acomplete reversal of the fibrotic process, a finding
Conflict of Interest: None declared.
that has never been proved to occur with anyspecific treatment modality in Peyronie’s disease. Statement of Authorship
Besides, it is usually significantly worsened bysurgery, no matter which procedure is employed,
leading to a high dissatisfaction rate [7]. From this
(a) Conception and Design
perspective, the penile extender could play an
essential role as part of a multimodal treatment
(b) Acquisition of Data
strategy. In the absence of validated instruments to
Paolo Gontero; Massimiliano Di Marco; Gianluca
assess the patients’ perception of the efficacy of the
Giubilei; Riccardo Bartoletti; Nicola Mondaini
(c) Analysis and Interpretation of Data
device, we designed a specific posttreatment 5-item
Paolo Gontero; Giovanni Pappagallo; Alessandro
questionnaire. Average scores for the two questions
about the flaccid and stretched penile length wereconsistent with “acceptable results,” meaning that
patient self-judgment of the gain in both the flaccid
(a) Drafting the Article
and the erect penile length somehow substantiated
Paolo Gontero; Giovanni Pappagallo; Alessandro
the objective changes we recorded through mea-
surements. While improvement in sexual function
(b) Revising It for Intellectual Content
and penile curvature were rated as intermediate
Paolo Gontero; Riccardo Bartoletti; Giovanni Pap-
between “no changes” and “acceptable,” the overall
pagallo; Alessandro Tizzani; Nicola Mondaini
results were surprisingly assessed by the patients as“acceptable.” Our satisfaction assessment is limited
by the absence of a comparative pre- and posttreat-
(a) Final Approval of the Completed Article
ment analysis, and lack of validation. Notwith-
Paolo Gontero; Massimiliano Di Marco; Gianluca
standing these limitations, it hints at favorable
Giubilei; Riccardo Bartoletti; Giovanni Pappagallo;
acceptance of the device that warrants further study
to explore the clinical utility of this noninvasivetreatment modality in Peyronie’s disease. References
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Victoria E. O’Collins, B.Sci,1 Malcolm R. Macleod, MRCP, PhD,3 Geoffrey A. Donnan, MD, FRACP,2Laura L. Horky, MD, PhD,2 Bart H. van der Worp, MD, PhD,4 and David W. Howells, PhD1 Objective: Preclinical evaluation of neuroprotectants fostered high expectations of clinical efficacy. When not matched, the question arises whether experiments are poor indicators of clinical outcome or whether t