Child Development, September/October 2004, Volume 75, Number 5, Pages 1418 – 1434
Longitudinal Development of Family Decision Making: Defining Healthy
Behavioral Autonomy for Middle-Class African American Adolescents
Judith G. Smetana, Nicole Campione-Barr, and Christopher Daddis
The development of decision-making autonomy was examined in 76 middle-class African American earlyadolescents (M 5 13 years) and their mothers, who were followed longitudinally for 5 years. Adolescent deci-sion-making autonomy over conventional, prudential, multifaceted, and personal issues increased over time butat different rates. Mothers viewed prudential and conventional issues as parent decisions, but adolescents in-creasingly viewed them as joint. Adolescents viewed multifaceted and personal issues as increasingly decidedby adolescents (with parental input), whereas mothers viewed them as joint. Greater autonomy over multi-faceted issues in early adolescence was associated with poorer adjustment. Controlling for background variablesand earlier adjustment, increased autonomy over personal and multifaceted issues predicted less depressionand better self-worth in late adolescence.
A great deal of theorizing and research on adolescent
and interdependence rather than independence
development has focused on the development of
(Shweder et al., 1998). Similar distinctions also have
autonomy, or the process of becoming a self-gov-
been drawn between majority and ethnic minority
erning person (Steinberg, 1990, 2002; Zimmer-Gem-
families in the United States, with ethnic minorities
beck & Collins, 2003). Although different aspects of
such as African Americans considered more com-
autonomy have been identified, the development of
munalistic and as valuing interdependence more
behavioral autonomy, or the ability to make inde-
than do European American families (Garcia Coll
pendent decisions, has been of particular interest
et al., 1996; Parke & Buriel, 1998). A recent meta-
(Collins, Gleason, & Sesma, 1997; Hill & Holmbeck,
analysis has indicated, however, that African Ameri-
1986; Silverberg & Gondoli, 1996; Steinberg, 1990;
cans are more individualistic than are European
Zimmer-Gembeck & Collins, 2003). There has been
Americans (Oyserman, Coon, & Kemmelmeier,
considerable conceptual confusion, however, about
2002). More recent research has suggested the im-
how to define healthy autonomy, particularly in
portance of defining adolescent autonomyFfor
minority youth. The aim of the present study was to
majority and ethnic minority youth alikeFin terms
identify healthy behavioral autonomy across ado-
of interdependence and relatedness (Collins et al.,
lescence in middle-class African American families.
1997; Silverberg & Gondoli, 1996, Zimmer-Gembeck
Researchers have disagreed as to whether auton-
& Collins, 2003). According to Hill and Holmbeck
omy development constitutes a culturally specific
(1986), behavioral autonomy ‘‘pertains not to free-
socialization goal. Research from cultural psycholo-
dom from others (e.g., parents), but freedom to carry
gy has proposed that the focus on autonomy as a
out actions on one’s own behalf while maintaining
positive developmental outcome reflects the indi-
appropriate connections to others’’ (Collins et al.,
vidualism of American culture and that in more
1997, p. 78). Thus, recent definitions of autonomy
collectivist cultures, individuals value relatedness
have focused on self-governance of behavior in thecontext of supportive guidance, relational ties, andsocial commitments. Moreover, recent research hasindicated that a balance between autonomy and
Judith Smetana, Nicole Campione-Barr, and Christopher Dad-
relatedness is optimally related to adolescent ad-
dis, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences in Psychology,University of Rochester.
justment (Allen, Hauser, Bell, & O’Connor, 1994;
Christopher Daddis is currently at the Ohio State University at
Several recent studies have examined adolescents’
We are grateful to the many families who participated in this
self-governance in the family in terms of adolescents’
research and to the William T. Grant Foundation for their support
participation in family decision making (Dornbusch,
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
Ritter, Mont-Reynaud, & Chen, 1990; Fuligni & Eccles,
Judith Smetana, Department of Clinical and Social Sciences inPsychology, Meliora Hall, RC 270266, University of Rochester,Rochester, NY 14627. Electronic mail may be sent to smetana@
r 2004 by the Society for Research in Child Development, Inc.
All rights reserved. 0009-3920/2004/7505-0008
1993; Lamborn, Dornbusch, & Steinberg, 1996). Us-
decision making (Lamborn et al., 1996) all have been
ing a large and diverse sample of 14- to 18-year- old
associated with healthy adjustment for African
high school students, Dornbusch et al. (1990) exam-
American adolescents. Although some researchers
ined the impact of youth-alone (where adolescents
have asserted that parent-unilateral decision making
make decisions without any parental input), parent-
protects adolescents against the dangerous neigh-
unilateral (where parents make decisions without
borhoods in which poor African Americans often
any adolescent input), and joint decision making on
live (Baldwin, Baldwin, & Cole, 1990), Lamborn et al.
adolescents’ school performance. They found that
(1996) found that parent-unilateral decision making
youth-alone decision making was associated with
also was positively associated with adjustment for
poorer academic performance, whereas joint deci-
middle-class African American adolescents. Thus,
sion making was associated with more positive ac-
more research focusing on variation in African
ademic outcomes. The findings also varied by family
American families is needed and would address the
structure, gender, and ethnic background, however.
call for more research on normative developmental
Relationships between family decision making and
processes among well-functioning minority families
academic performance were strongest for European
(Garcia Coll et al., 1996; Graham, 1992; McLoyd,
Americans, and few significant associations were
1998; Spencer & Dornbusch, 1990).
In most of the research on family decision making
A study by Lamborn et al. (1996), which included
(Brody et al., 1994; Dornbusch et al., 1990; Lamborn
another large sample of high school students varying
et al., 1996), there has been little attempt to specify
in ethnicity and socioeconomic status, expanded on
theoretically the different types of behaviors where
these findings by examining the impact of youth-
self-governance is sought. Autonomy has been ope-
alone, parent-unilateral, and joint decision making
rationalized in terms of expectations for family de-
on a broader set of adjustment variables, including
cision making or youth involvement regarding such
psychosocial development (including self-reliance,
issues as how to spend money, which friends to go
self-esteem, and work orientation), deviance (in-
out with, when to do homework, how late to stay
cluding drug and alcohol use, school misconduct,
out, and what clothes to buy. These items appear to
and antisocial behavior), and academic competence
have been chosen on an ad hoc basis, but from the
(including grade point average, time spent on
perspective of social domain theory (Nucci, 2001;
homework, and academic expectations). In general,
Smetana, 1995a; Turiel, 1998), they can be seen as
Lamborn et al. found that across different ethnic
primarily personal issues. Personal issues have been
groups, joint decision making consistently predicted
defined as comprising the private aspects of one’s
less deviance over a 1-year period, whereas youth-
life and as entailing issues of personal discretion or
alone decision making was consistently associated
choice pertaining to friends or activities, the state of
with negative outcomes. However, the findings were
one’s body, and privacy (Nucci, 1996, 2001).
moderated by ethnicity and community context. For
Other research examining the desired pacing of
instance, Lamborn et al. found that the negative
behavioral autonomy has indicated that across cul-
impact of youth-alone decision making on psycho-
tural and ethnic groups, autonomy is expected earlier
social development was greater for African Ameri-
(e.g., in early to middle adolescence) for personal is-
can youth growing up in predominantly White
sues such as deciding what books and magazines to
communities than for African American youth
read, how to spend money, and when to do home-
growing up in ethnically mixed communities. This
work than for responsibilities such as doing chores
was in contrast to other ethnic groups, where only
(Feldman & Quatman, 1988; Feldman & Rosenthal,
joint decision making predicted positive outcomes.
1990). Household responsibilities can be conceptual-
This research, as well as the broader research on
ized as primarily social-conventional issues or as
adolescent autonomy, leaves several questions un-
arbitrary and agreed-on behavioral norms that
answered. First, although the previous research has
structure social interactions (such as etiquette and
consistently demonstrated that teen-unilateral deci-
manners) in different social contexts (Turiel, 1998).
sion making is associated with negative outcomes
Research indicates that autonomy is typically granted
(Lamborn et al., 1996), there is a need for more spe-
later for conventional issues than for personal issues.
cificity in defining the types of family decision
Furthermore, autonomy is expected even laterFin
making associated with positive outcomes for Afri-
late adolescence or young adulthood, if at allFfor
can American youth. Youth involvement in decision
issues that have negative consequences for adoles-
making (Brody, Moore, & Glei, 1994), joint decision
cents’ health and safety, such as when to drink alco-
making (Lamborn et al., 1996), and parent-unilateral
hol, smoke cigarettes, or have sex (referred to as
prudential issues; Daddis & Smetana, 2004). These
Eccles (1993) found that sixth graders who reported
findings suggest that parent decision making over
few opportunities for involvement in decision mak-
conventional and prudential issues may be associat-
ing with parents, as well as no changes over time in
ed with healthy adjustment throughout adolescence.
these opportunities, sought less advice from parents
Adolescents and parents of different ethnicities
and become more peer oriented, choosing activities
have been found to agree that parents legitimately
with peers over more developmentally positive ac-
have the authority to regulate some conventional
tivities, such as doing homework. Longitudinal
and prudential issues and that adolescents legiti-
analyses based on a nationally representative sample
mately should be able to decide some personal issues
of 11- to 16- year- olds (Brody et al., 1994) indicated
(Fuligni, 1998; Smetana, 1988, 2000; Smetana & As-
that more adolescent involvement in decision mak-
quith, 1994), but research also has shown that ado-
ing during these years predicted greater value sim-
lescents and parents do not always agree on where
ilarity between parents and young adults 6 years
the boundaries of adolescents’ personal jurisdiction
later. These studies suggest that youth involvement
should be drawn. Parents treat some issues (such as
in family decision making in early adolescence, at
when the adolescent’s bedroom should be cleaned,
least for personal issues, may be associated with
whether the adolescent should get a tattoo or get his
or her body pierced, whether the adolescent should
Furthermore, recent research suggests that per-
see undesirable friends, or when the adolescent
ceived parental overcontrol of the personal domain is
should date) as social-conventional (or prudential),
associated with psychopathology. Hasabe, Nucci, and
whereas adolescents treat them as personal (Sme-
Nucci (2004) examined Japanese and U.S. (primarily
tana, 1989). Furthermore, research has shown that
European American) high school students’ judg-
these multifaceted issues, which entail overlaps be-
ments of idealized control (who should control or
tween conventional and personal (as well as psy-
determine things) and perceived control (who actu-
chological and prudential) concerns, have been
ally controls or makes decisions) over prudential/
found to lead to adolescent – parent conflict, and
conventional, overlapping, and personal issues in
conflict in turn has been proposed to expand the
relation to psychological symptoms. (Although con-
boundaries of adolescents’ personal domains (Sme-
ventional and prudential issues differ conceptually,
tana & Asquith, 1994; Smetana & Gaines, 1999). The
Hasabe et al. found that judgments of parental control
research on family decision making (Dornbusch
for these two types of issues were not differentiated,
et al., 1990; Lamborn et al., 1996) suggests that there
and thus they were combined in their analyses.)
may be corresponding shifts during these years to-
Judgments of idealized control were not significantly
ward more adolescent input into family decision
associated with psychological symptoms in either
making, at least for personal issues.
sample, but as hypothesized, more internalizing
It is also unclear whether the patterns of family
symptoms were associated with greater perceived
decision making associated with better adjustment
parental control over personal issues in both Japanese
shift over the course of adolescence. Maccoby (1984)
and U.S. students and with greater perceived paren-
has asserted that healthy autonomy development is a
tal control over overlapping issues in Japanese youth.
gradual process entailing parental and child coreg-
Thus, as has been found previously (Smetana &
ulation in childhood and adolescence, with more
Daddis, 2002), Hasabe et al. demonstrated that ado-
independent decision making occurring in young
lescents viewed greater perceived parental control of
adulthood. The previous findings (Dornbusch et al.,
the personal domain as psychologically intrusive and
1990; Lamborn et al., 1996) are consistent with this
that overcontrol of the personal domain had delete-
proposition in that youth-alone decision making in-
rious psychological effects. However, more research
creased with age but was associated with negative
is needed to examine how different domains of de-
adjustment. However, these studies are limited in
cision making relate to both healthy and unhealthy
that they included only high school students and
focused primarily on family decision making re-
The present study examined family decision-mak-
garding predominantly personal issues.
ing autonomy for conventional, prudential, multifac-
Although there has been little research examining
eted, and personal issues in relation to healthy and
family decision making associated with early ado-
unhealthy adjustment in a sample of middle-class
lescent adjustment, there is some evidence that ad-
African American families with early adolescents,
olescents’ supportive involvement in family decision
who were followed longitudinally for 5 years. Al-
making also is beneficial in early adolescence. For
though most of the research on adolescents’ partici-
instance, in a 1-year longitudinal study, Fuligni and
pation in family decision making (Dornbusch et al.,
1990; Fuligni & Eccles, 1998; Lamborn et al., 1996) has
years, SD 5 1.29), nearly evenly divided between
focused only on adolescents’ reports, we examined
boys and girls, and their mothers (n 5 93). Families
both African American adolescents’ and mothers’
were followed for 5 years, with Time 2 occurring 2
perceptions of family decision-making autonomy to
years after Time 1 and Time 3 occurring 3 years later
examine congruence in different informants’ views, as
(5 years after the initial assessment). Attrition be-
well as the relation of each to adjustment.
tween Time 1 and Time 2 was 10%, resulting in a
Based on previous research (Dornbusch et al.,
Time 2 sample of 85 families with middle adoles-
1990; Lamborn et al., 1996), we expected that ado-
cents, including 83 families with mothers and ado-
lescent decision-making autonomy would increase
lescents (M 5 15.05 years, SD 5 1.28; 41 males and 42
with age, but we also hypothesized that increases
females). Attrition over the 5 years of the study was
would vary according to the domain of the issue.
17%, resulting in a Time 3 sample of 76 adolescents
Based on the previous research on conceptions of
(M 5 18.43 years, SD 5 1.39; 38 males and 38 females)
parental authority (Fuligni, 1998; Smetana, 1988,
and their mothers. The analyses reported here are
2000) and the desired pacing of behavioral autonomy
based on 76 adolescents and their mothers for whom
(Feldman & Quatman, 1988; Feldman & Rosenthal,
data were available at Time 3. (Five families partici-
1990), we expected that African American adoles-
pated at Time 1 and Time 3 but not at Time 2, and
cents’ decision-making autonomy would be greater
their scores for Time 2 were imputed so as not to
for personal issues than for all other issues and for
multifaceted than for prudential and conventional
In all participating families, both parents were
issues that, based on Hasabe et al. (2004), were not
Black and nearly all (more than 95%) were African
American. At Time 1, mothers were, on average, 40.63
Based on previous research (Hasabe et al., 2004;
years of age (SD 5 6.33 ) and had 14.86 years of for-
Smetana & Daddis, 2002), we hypothesized that how
mal education (SD 5 2.27). Marital status was stable
adolescents and mothers draw boundaries over the
over the study period for 80% of the sample; 51% of
personal domainFand changes in those boundaries
the families (39) were stable, two-biological-parent
with ageFwould influence adjustment in late ado-
families; 10% (7) were stable, stepparent families; and
lescence. Previous research (Smetana, 1995b) has
20% (15) were stable, single-parent families (either
shown that authoritative parents draw clearer
divorced or never married). The frequency of boys
boundaries among the domains than do other par-
and girls living in stable versus changing family
ents; authoritative parents granted adolescents per-
structures did not differ significantly.
sonal jurisdiction over personal issues but treated
Parent-reported family income was highly stable
multifaceted issues as legitimately subject to parental
across time, from Time 1 to Time 2, r(70) 5 .88 (alpha
authority. In contrast, authoritarian parents were
was set at po.05, and thus all results reported as
more likely than other parents to view multifaceted
significant are po.05 or better), and from Time 1 to
and personal issues as legitimately controlled by
Time 3, r(69) 5 .79. At Time 3, 16% of the sample
parents, whereas permissive parents treated both
earned between $25,000 and $40,000/year, 28%
multifaceted and personal issues as under adoles-
earned between $40,000 and $70,000/year, and 55%
cents’ legitimate authority. These findings led us to
earned more than $70,000/year, with 30% reporting
expect that more parent input into decisions about
annual incomes of more than $100,000/year. Fami-
multifaceted issues, particularly in early adoles-
lies lived in a moderately sized Eastern city and were
cence, would predict better adjustment in late ado-
nearly evenly split between urban and suburban
lescence. We also expected that more adolescent
dwellers. Analyses of census tract data indicated that
autonomy over personal issues, particularly in late
neighborhood composition varied widely for par-
adolescence, would be associated with better ad-
ticipating families; the percentage of White families
justment in late adolescence. Sex differences in
in their neighborhoods ranged from 2% to 98%. So-
family decision making also were examined, but no
cioeconomic status, as assessed by maternal educa-
tion and family annual income, was moderatelyassociated with neighborhood composition, rs(73) 5.25 and .27, respectively; families with more educated
mothers and higher annual incomes lived in neigh-borhoods with higher percentages of White families.
Adolescents who did not participate at Time 3 did
The original sample at Time 1 consisted of 95
not differ significantly at Time 1 from those who
African American early adolescents (M 5 13.10
continued their participation on any of the adjust-
ment variables (described later), and there were no
on the adolescent’s most recent grade point average.
sex differences between adolescents continuing and
Their scores were highly correlated, r(71) 5 .63, and
discontinuing study participation. Mothers’ age, edu-
they were averaged for the analyses. Scores were
cational attainment, and family income also did not
reverse-scored so that higher scores indicated better
differ significantly between attrited and nonattrited
Deviance. At each time, adolescents rated their
involvement in problem behaviors using the Prob-lem Behavior Survey (PBS; Mason, Cauce, Gonzales,
& Hiraga, 1996), a 19-item report of problem be-
Using procedures developed by Dornbusch et al.
havior adapted from Jessor and Jessor (1977). In
(1985; Dornbusch et al., 1990), adolescents and
addition, at Time 1 and Time 2, adolescents also
mothers rated family decision making for each of 20
rated how often their friends participated in each
issues. There were four conventional items (whether
behavior, assessing association with an antisocial
to do assigned chores, how to talk to parents,
peer group. Adolescents rated items focusing on
whether to use manners, and what type of language
drug and alcohol use, gang activity, vandalism,
to use), four prudential items (whether to smoke
stealing, truancy, precocious sexual activity, and
cigarettes, drink alcohol, do drugs, and have sex),
fighting with or without a weapon on a 7-point scale
and four personal items (what time to get up, what
ranging from 1 (never happens) to 7 (happens very of-
clothes to wear, how to spend free time, and how to
ten). Alphas for own behavior were .97 for Time 1, .55
spend allowance money). We combined two types of
for Time 2, and .72 for Time 3. The low alpha at Time
overlapping items (multifaceted and multifaceted
2 was partly due to lack of variability, as adolescents
friendship issues) to form the multifaceted category,
in our sample indicated that they never engaged in
which included eight items (choosing whether to
four of the behaviors. Alphas for their friends’ in-
clean bedroom, what TV shows to watch, what
volvement in problem behaviors were .93 for Time 1
music to listen to, how late at night to stay out, who
and .92 for Time 2. Ratings of own and peers’ in-
should be friends, how much time to spend with
volvement in problem behavior were positively and
significantly correlated, rs(72) 5 .45 and .54 at Time 1
Each issue was rated on a 5-point scale ranging
from whether parents decide each issue without
At Time 2, adolescents also were administered a
discussing it (coded as 5), ask the adolescent’s
20-item inventory assessing the frequency and types
opinion but retain the final say (coded as 4), make
of alcohol and drug use, including beer, wine, and
the decision together (coded as 3), leave the decision
different soft and hard drugs (Winters & Henley,
up to the child after discussing it (coded as 2), or
1989). Thus, adolescents rated the frequency of use of
leave it entirely up to the adolescent (coded as 1).
each of 10 items on a 4-point scale ranging from 0
Responses were reverse-scored for the current anal-
(never) to 3 (often) and then indicated how many
yses so that higher scores indicated more adolescent
times each item was used on a scale from 0 (0) to 3
decision-making autonomy. Mothers’ and adoles-
(11 – 19 times). Winters and Henley (1989) originally
cents’ mean ratings of family decision making for the
proposed a 6-point scale for number of times of use,
total set of items were uncorrelated at Time 1 and
but we employed a 4-point scale here, as adolescents
Time 3, rs(75) 5 .17, .19, ns, and moderately corre-
in our sample never endorsed higher values. The
lated at Time 2, r(75) 5 .29. Given these findings, we
alpha was .91. Adolescents’ reports of alcohol and
examined mothers’ and adolescents’ ratings of fam-
drug use were significantly associated with their
ily decision making separately for conventional,
reports of their own and peers’ involvement in
prudential, personal, and multifaceted issues. Mean
problem behavior, rs(72) 5 .71 and .34 , respectively.
decision-making responses for each rater and for
Scores for these measures were standardized, and a
mean composite score for deviance was obtained. AtTime 3, only the mean score for the PBS was used. Means for these measures are in Table 1.
Self-worth. At Time 1 and Time 2, the seven-item
Academic performance. At Time 1 and Time 2,
global self-worth scale from Harter’s (1982, 1985)
parents reported on their adolescents’ grade point
Rating Scales of Perceived Competence and at Time
average during the current semester on a 5-point
3, the global self-worth scale from Harter’s (1988)
scale ranging from 1 (mostly As) to 5 (mostly Fs). At
Perceived Competence Scales for Adolescents were
Time 3, adolescents and parents separately reported
used to assess self-worth. For each item, adolescents
Table 1Means and Standard Deviations for Decision-Making Autonomy
Note. Decision-making autonomy was scored on a 5-point scale, where higher scores indicate greater autonomy. Subscripts (a vs. b)indicate means that differ significantly.
were first asked to decide which of two statements
ministered the questionnaires in separate rooms. To
describing other children are more like them, and
ensure full comprehension, the interviewers read all
then they were asked to indicate whether the state-
questionnaire instructions to adolescents and were
ment is really true or just sort of true for them. Fol-
available to answer their questions.
lowing Harter (1982), responses were scored on a
Families were recontacted 2 years later and in-
scale ranging from 1 (least competent) to 4 (most
vited to participate again in the project. At Time 2,
competent). Alphas were .78 for Time 1, .77 for Time 2,
families were sent the same set of measures as part of
and .80 for Time 3. We obtained a mean score for
a larger packet of questionnaires to complete; they
were collected during a home (or university) visit.
Depressed mood. At Time 3, adolescents completed
Incomplete questionnaires were finished at that time.
the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression
Parents were contacted by phone to solicit their
Scale (CES – D; Radloff, 1977), a well-known 20-item
participation at Time 3. In addition, at Time 3, all
measure of depressed mood. For each item, adoles-
adolescents were contacted individually to invite
cents responded about how they felt during the past
them to participate. Because many adolescents were
week on a scale ranging from 1 (rarely or none) to 4
living away from home and several families had
(most or all of the time). Cronbach’s alpha was .89.
moved out of the area, adolescents and parents weremailed questionnaires with instructions for comple-tion and a return envelope to mail them back.
Families were initially recruited through Black
churches and Black social and professional organi-
zations as part of a larger project on adolescent –
Domain Differences and Age-Related Changes in
parent relationships. Prospective families were
identified through these settings, and their partici-pation was solicited. Because the present study
Means and standard deviations for adolescents’
focused on middle-class families, family income
and mothers’ ratings of decision-making autonomy
(minimum of $25,000/year as assessed in 1995) was
over conventional, prudential, multifaceted, and
employed as a criterion for participation.
personal issues are shown in Table 1. In the first
At Time 1, all questionnaires were completed
analysis, we examined hypothesized changes over
during a home visit (or in some cases, a visit to the
time in adolescents’ and mothers’ ratings of adoles-
university) conducted by two African American in-
cent decision-making autonomy in the different
terviewers. The research was briefly explained to the
domains. A 2 (adolescents’ gender) Â 3 (time) Â 2
participants, and participating families were ad-
(generation: mothers vs. adolescents) Â 4 (domain:
conventional, prudential, multifaceted, and person-
tonomy over multifaceted and personal issues
al) repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA)
increased significantly from Time 1 to Time 3. Nev-
with gender as the between-subject factor, and time,
ertheless, at each wave (and except for ratings of
domain, and generation as within-subjects variables
conventional issues at Time 1), adolescents rated
were performed on the mean ratings of decision-
themselves as having more autonomy over each type
making autonomy for conventional, prudential,
The analyses revealed significant main effects for
Associations Between Decision-Making Autonomy in
generation, F(1, 73) 5 56.35; time, F(2, 146) 5 48.37;
Different Domains and Adolescent Adjustment
and domain, F(3, 219) 5 320.11. Adolescents viewedthemselves as having more decision-making auton-
The means for the adjustment measures are pre-
omy than did mothers. Post hoc Bonferroni t tests
sented in Table 2. As adolescents’ and mothers’ rat-
indicated that overall, adolescents’ decision-making
ings of decision-making autonomy did not differ
autonomy increased significantly from Time 1 and
significantly for conventional and prudential issues
Time 2 to Time 3. Participants rated adolescents as
for five of the six comparisons, scores for these issues
more autonomous over personal than all other issues
were combined for the next set of analyses. Based on
and over multifaceted than prudential or conven-
Lamborn et al. (1996), we examined concurrent as-
tional issues (see Table 1 for means). These findings
sociations between family decision-making autonomy
were qualified, however, by significant Time  Do-
for (combined) prudential/conventional, multifacet-
main, F(6, 438) 5 16.92; Generation  Domain, F(3,
ed, and personal issues and the different measures of
219) 5 9.09; and Time  Generation  Domain , F(6,
adjustment. Bivariate correlations between the four
438) 5 5.42, interactions. Gender was not significant
adjustment measures and the ratings of decision-
as either a main effect or in interaction with other
making autonomy in the different domains were
tested separately for mothers and adolescents at each
Like Hasabe et al. (2004) and consistent with hy-
wave. The results are presented in Table 3.
potheses, we found that adolescents’ and mothers’
As can be seen, at Time 1, African American early
ratings of decision-making autonomy over conven-
adolescents’ ratings of greater decision-making au-
tional and prudential issues did not differ signifi-
tonomy over the combined conventional and pru-
cantly at each wave except at Time 3, when
dential issues were significantly associated with
adolescents viewed themselves as more autonomous
poorer self-worth, whereas early adolescents’ ratings
over prudential than conventional issues. Further-
of greater autonomy over multifaceted issues were
more, adolescents’ ratings of their decision-making
significantly associated with poorer academic per-
autonomy over conventional issues and adolescents’
formance, lower self-worth, and greater deviance.
and mothers’ ratings of adolescents’ autonomy over
Mothers’ ratings of family decision making were not
prudential issues increased significantly from Time 1
significantly associated with any of the adjustment
and Time 2 to Time 3, but mothers’ ratings of ado-
lescents’ decision-making autonomy over conven-
At Time 2, African American middle adolescents
tional issues did not increase significantly over time.
who rated themselves as having more autonomy
In contrast, adolescents’ and mothers’ ratings of au-
over conventional and prudential issues also reported
Table 2Means and Standard Deviations for Adjustment Variables
Note. GPA was scored on a 5-point scale where 5 5 mostly As. At Time 3, current GPA 5 parents’ report. Problem behavior was scored on a7-point scale where 7 5 happens very often. Drug and alcohol use were rated on a 5-point scale where 0 5 never and 4 5 used often.
Table 3Associations Among Adolescent Adjustment, Decision-Making Autonomy, and Sociodemographic Background
Note. Worth 5 self-worth, neighborhood 5 neighborhood composition (% White).
more deviance. However, when mothers’ ratings
tional (or prudential issues) and personal issues, we
were considered, deviance was greater among ado-
expect multifaceted issues to be significantly associ-
lescents whose mothers viewed them as having more
ated with both the combined prudential and con-
autonomy over multifaceted and personal issues.
ventional issues and personal issues, but ratings of
At Time 3, adolescents’ ratings of more decision-
the combined prudential and conventional issues
making autonomy over multifaceted issues were
should not be strongly associated with personal is-
significantly associated with greater deviance and
sues. Table 4 shows this expected pattern.
more depressed mood. More autonomy over per-
The final set of analyses focused on predicting
sonal issues was marginally associated with better
African American adolescents’ adjustment at Time 3
academic performance and less depressed mood.
from adolescents’ (and mothers’) earlier ratings of
Mothers’ ratings of family decision making were not
their decision-making autonomy. We used hierar-
significantly associated with any of the adjustment
chical regressions to examine the hypothesis that
adolescents’ and mothers’ boundaries over the per-sonal domainFand changes in those boundaries (asassessed in terms of family decision-making autono-
Longitudinal Influence of Autonomy on African
my)Fwould influence adjustment at Time 3. All
analyses controlled for the effects of adolescents’ sex
First, we examined stability in domain ratings
(girls coded as 1 and boys coded as 0). As in previous
over time and cross-domain associations. Because
studies (Dornbusch et al., 1990; Lamborn et al., 1996),
few associations were obtained between mothers’
we controlled for the effects of adolescents’ age and
ratings of adolescents’ decision-making autonomy
family socioeconomic status, using mothers’ educa-
and adolescent adjustment, only the correlations for
tion as a proxy for socioeconomic status. Because
adolescents’ ratings of decision-making autonomy
Lamborn et al. (1996) found that adjustment for Af-
are presented in Table 4. However, analyses of the
rican American youth varied as a function of
influence of maternal reports of adolescents’ deci-
whether they were growing up in predominantly
sion-making autonomy on adjustment also were
White communities , we controlled for the effects of
performed; the results are summarized briefly , and
neighborhood composition, defined here as the per-
interested readers may contact the first author for a
centage of White families in their census tract. In
addition, Collins, Maccoby, Steinberg, Hetherington,
As expected, adolescents’ ratings of decision-
and Bornstein (2000) have asserted that in examining
making autonomy in each domain were moderately
outcomes, it is important to control for preexisting
to strongly stable over time. Because multifaceted
differences among adolescents. Therefore, in each of
items by definition entail overlaps between conven-
the analyses of Time 3 adjustment (except depressed
Table 4Associations Among Adolescents’ Ratings of Decision-Making Autonomy
wpo.10. Ãpo.05. ÃÃpo.01. ÃÃÃpo.001.
mood, which was not assessed before Time 3), we
the analyses of maternal reports of adolescent deci-
controlled for Time 1 levels of the variable so that the
sion-making autonomy; mothers’ ratings of adoles-
analyses focused on change in the dependent varia-
cents’ decision-making autonomy over multifaceted
ble over time. All control variables were included in
and personal issues did not significantly predict
the first step of the analyses. Then, decision-making
autonomy at Time 1 was added in the second step.
Academic performance. Adolescent gender and
Two successive steps followed, first adding Time 2
neighborhood composition significantly influenced
and then adding Time 3 decision-making autonomy.
late adolescents’ academic performance. Academic
These latter steps assessed the influence of change
performance was higher in girls than in boys, and
over time in autonomy on later adjustment.
controlling for socioeconomic status, early adoles-
The analyses were performed separately for each
cents living in neighborhoods with more White
of the four adjustment measures (deviance, academic
families had better academic performance 5 years
performance, self-worth, and depression). The anal-
later than did adolescents living in more integrated
yses also were performed separately on decision-
neighborhoods. Not surprising, better academic
making autonomy over multifaceted, personal, and
performance in late adolescence was also predicted
(combined) conventional and prudential issues. (Al-
by better academic performance in early adoles-
though the bivariate correlations indicated that au-
cence. Together, these variables accounted for 23% of
tonomy over personal and multifaceted issues were
the variance. After controlling for these variables,
significantly and positively associated, we examined
neither adolescents’ reports of decision-making au-
them separately to determine whether they had dif-
tonomy over personal or multifaceted issues nor
ferential effects on adjustment.) As the analyses
changes in adolescents’ ratings of autonomy over
yielded no significant effects for decision-making
these issues significantly influenced African Ameri-
autonomy over (combined) prudential and conven-
can adolescents’ academic performance at Time 3.
tional issues, these results are not discussed further.
Similar results were obtained in the analyses of ma-
The results of the analyses for adolescent-rated au-
ternal reports; background variables were significant
tonomy over multifaceted issues are presented in
in the analyses, but maternal reports of decision-
Table 5, and the results for adolescent-rated autono-
my over personal issues are presented in Table 6.
Self-worth. In the analysis of adolescent-reported
Deviance. As can be seen in Tables 5 and 6, neither
decision-making autonomy over personal issues,
adolescent-reported decision-making autonomy nor
adolescents’ age and, in both analyses, Time 1 self-
changes in adolescent-reported autonomy signifi-
worth had significant influences on self-worth in late
cantly influenced deviance in late adolescence. Fur-
adolescence. Younger adolescents and adolescents
thermore, deviance in early adolescence did not
who reported better self-worth at Time 1 reported
significantly predict later deviance. Only adoles-
greater self-worth at Time 3. In both analyses there
cents’ gender was significant in these analyses; in
were trends indicating that African American ado-
late adolescence, there was more deviance among
lescents who lived in neighborhoods with fewer
boys than girls. The same results were obtained in
White families and who had more educated mothers
Table 5Regressions of Late Adolescent Adjustment on Decision-Making About Multifaceted Issues
Note. AutM 5 autonomy over multifaceted issues. Betas are for the final step in the model.
wpo.10. Ãpo.05. ÃÃpo.01. ÃÃÃpo.001.
had better self-worth at Time 3. Controlling for these
In the analyses using maternal reports, neither
effects, the analyses revealed that increased decision-
mothers’ ratings of adolescents’ decision-making
making autonomy over personal and multifaceted
autonomy over multifaceted issues nor changes in
issues from Time 2 to Time 3 led to better self-worth
those ratings over time had significant effects on
in late adolescence. Increases in autonomy from
adolescents’ self-worth. However, with background
Time 2 to Time 3 accounted for 6% of the variance
variables and Time 1 self-worth controlled, increas-
(total model R2 5 .19) in the analysis of multifaceted
es between Time 1 and Time 2 in mothers’ ratings
issues and 13% of the variance (total model R2 5 .21)
of adolescents’ decision-making autonomy over
personal issues led to better self-worth in late
Table 6Regressions of Late Adolescent Adjustment on Decision-Making About Personal Issues
Note. AutP 5 autonomy over personal issues. Betas are for the final step in the model.
wpo.10. Ãpo.05. ÃÃpo.01. ÃÃÃpo.001.
adolescence, b 5 .32, F(8, 66) 5 2.01 (total model
cused on what we considered here to be multifaceted
and personal issues. Adolescents also must become
Depression. Finally, none of the demographic
autonomous regarding conventional and prudential
background variables had a significant effect on late
(as well as moral) rules. Indeed, understanding the
adolescent depression. Adolescents’ ratings of au-
bases for social rules and expectations, having a set
tonomy over personal issues at Time 1 had a signif-
of principles regarding right and wrong, and resist-
icant influence on depression at Time 3, with more
ing pressures to go along with others’ demands have
decision-making autonomy over personal issues in
been defined as the hallmarks of autonomous func-
early adolescence predicting greater depression 5
tioning in the moral and conventional domains
years later. A similar trend was found in the analysis
(Steinberg, 2002). However, the analyses indicated
of maternal reports. Mothers’ ratings of adolescents’
that parent involvement in decision making is con-
autonomy over personal issues at Time 1 had a
sistently greater across adolescence for conventional
marginally significant influence on adolescent de-
and prudential issues than for other issues and,
pression at Time 3; mothers who viewed their early
conversely, that adolescent autonomy is greater for
adolescents as having more decision-making auton-
omy over personal issues had adolescents whotended to report more depression 5 years later,
Domain-Differentiated Autonomy and African American
Furthermore, in the analyses of adolescents’ rat-
ings of both multifaceted and personal issues, in-
It has been proposed that parent-unilateral deci-
creases in decision-making autonomy from Time 2 to
sion making is beneficial primarily because it protects
Time 3 led to less depression at Time 3. Increases in
poor African American youth from the high-risk en-
autonomy from Time 2 to Time 3 accounted for 14%
vironments and the dangerous neighborhoods where
of the variance in depressed mood (total model
poor families typically reside (Baldwin et al., 1990;
R2 5 .19) in the analysis of multifaceted issues but 8%
Kelley, Power, & Wimbush, 1992). Lamborn et al.
of the variance (total model R2 5 .18) in the analysis
(1996), however, found that parent-unilateral deci-
of personal issues. Similar findings were not ob-
sion making (where parents make decisions without
tained the analyses of mothers’ ratings, however.
adolescent input) predicted positive adjustmentamong middle-class African American youth as well,perhaps because middle socioeconomic status does
not protect African American adolescents from the
The present study examined changes from early to
pervasive risks of racism and prejudice (Spencer &
late adolescence in African American adolescents’
Dupree, 1996). In the present study, parent decision
decision-making autonomy regarding prudential,
making (either alone or with adolescent input) was
conventional, multifaceted, and personal issues.
normative in our African American middle-class
Healthy family decision making was identified here
sample, but only for conventional and prudential is-
by examining concurrent associations and longitu-
sues (and was reported more frequently by mothers
dinal influences of autonomous decision making on
four measures of psychosocial adjustment: deviance;
Moreover, our results are consistent with Hasabe
academic performance; self-worth; and at Time 3,
et al. (2004) in showing that except for late adoles-
depression. The results indicated that healthy deci-
cents, adolescents and mothers did not differentiate
sion-making autonomy differs by domain and shifts
between conventional and prudential issues in their
ratings of family decision-making autonomy, al-
Although there have been significant theoretical
though prudential and conventional issues have
advances in defining the different components of
been found to differ conceptually on a variety of
adolescent autonomy, the assessment of autonomy
other measures. That late adolescents viewed them-
has not kept pace. In the present study, we drew on
selves as having more decision-making autonomy
social domain theory (Nucci, 2001; Smetana, 1995a,
over prudential than conventional issues is consist-
2002; Turiel, 1998) to examine distinctions among
ent with some research indicating that high school
conventional, prudential, multifaceted, and personal
students, and particularly adolescents who engage in
issues in family decision-making autonomy. In most
more drug use, view prudential issues pertaining to
research on adolescent autonomy, the items used to
risk behaviors (such as drug and alcohol use) as
assess behavioral autonomy have been chosen on an
under personal jurisdiction, even though they may
ad hoc basis, although most of this research has fo-
view such behaviors as foolish or harmful to the self
(Nucci, Guerra, & Lee, 1991). Consistent with Lam-
The results of the present study indicated that
born et al. (1996), we found that adolescents’ reports
having limited autonomy (with parental guidance)
of more parental decision making over conventional
in early adolescence over a clearly specified set of
and prudential issues was associated concurrently
personal issues (such as choice of music, clothes, and
with better self-worth in early adolescence and
hairstyles, and how to spend money) was not sig-
less deviance in middle adolescence, but in both
nificantly associated with adjustment (although the
adolescents’ and mothers’ reports, parental deci-
correlation between early adolescents’ ratings of
sion making over prudential and conventional
personal issues and deviance approached signifi-
issues was not associated concurrently with adjust-
cance). In contrast, mothers’ ratings of middle ado-
ment in late adolescence. Thus, the findings sug-
lescents’ greater autonomy over personal issues was
gested that for middle-class African American
associated concurrently with greater deviance. Even
youth, healthy adjustment was associated with con-
for personal issues, however, decision making was
tinued parental decision making, at least through
described as youth supported (where adolescents
middle adolescence, for prudential and conventional
make decisions after seeking parental advice) rather
than youth alone (where adolescents make decisions
The analyses indicated that there were significant
without parental involvement). The longitudinal
increases from early to late adolescence in autono-
finding (obtained in analyses of both adolescents’
mous decision making over multifaceted issues, but
and mothers’ ratings) that greater autonomy over
on average, and even in early adolescence, both ad-
personal issues in early adolescence was associated
olescents and mothers reported that decisions about
with more depression in late adolescence is consist-
these issues were jointly made rather than decided
ent with previous research, which has consistently
by parents, with a greater tilt over time toward ad-
indicated that too much youth-alone decision mak-
olescent decisions with parental guidance. Further-
ing has negative effects on adjustment (Dornbusch
more, the results of the concurrent analyses with
et al., 1990; Lamborn et al., 1996).
adjustment indicated that more adolescent-reported
The results also indicated that there were signifi-
autonomous decision making regarding multifacet-
cant increases over time in adolescents’ reports of
ed issues was associated with poorer adjustment,
their autonomous decision making (adolescent de-
including lower school grades, greater deviance, and
cisions with parental input) over personal issues
poorer self-worth in early adolescence and with
between early and late adolescence. Although
more deviance and more depression in late adoles-
mothers viewed parents as having more input into
cence. Although adolescent-rated autonomy over
decision making regarding personal issues than ad-
multifaceted issues was not significantly associated
olescents acknowledged, mothers likewise viewed
with adjustment in middle adolescence, maternal
decision making over these issues as shifting from
ratings of greater adolescent autonomy over these
jointly made to adolescent-made decisions with
issues were associated with more deviance in middle
parental guidance. Therefore, these findings are
consistent with Maccoby’s (1984) theorizing that
Previous research with European American fami-
parental guidance and parent – adolescent coregula-
lies has indicated that authoritative parents are dis-
tion may facilitate healthy development, at least until
tinguished from other parents primarily in their
adolescents have acquired the competence to make
belief that parents should retain legitimate parental
mature and safe decisions about these issues.
authority over multifaceted issues but grant adoles-
It has been proposed that defining a domain of
cents personal jurisdiction over personal issues
personal discretion is necessary for psychological
(Smetana, 1995b). The present findings are consistent
well-being and the healthy development of self and
with this previous research but extend the findings
identity (Nucci, 1996, 2001; Smetana, 2002). Never-
by suggesting that granting adolescents too much
theless, as with multifaceted issues, the means sug-
autonomy over multifaceted issues too early in de-
gested that on average, African American families
velopment (in early adolescence, according to ado-
granted adolescents some personal jurisdiction, but
lescent reports, and in middle adolescence, according
in the context of parental input and guidance. This
to maternal reports) is associated with poorer ad-
may seem to contradict the notion that having a
justment. The present findings indicate the impor-
domain of personal freedom is a psychological need
tance for African American adolescents’ psychosocial
that is essential for the development of agency and
adjustment of continued parental involvement across
effectance (Nucci, 1996, 2001), but in our view, it does
adolescence (in the context of joint decision making)
not. Previous research on the personal domain has
in decisions over multifaceted issues.
focused primarily on children’s and adolescents’
assertions of the legitimacy of personal jurisdiction,
pression) for African American youth. Some caution
whereas the present research focuses on how those
in interpreting the findings for depression is war-
needs are negotiated in the context of family decision
ranted, however. Because depressed mood was as-
making. Changes over time in family decision mak-
sessed only at Time 3, we could not control for earlier
ing over personal issues may be due to the interact-
levels, and thus we cannot be certain whether these
ing influences of adolescents’ expressed desires for
findings reflect changes in family decision making or
greater personal jurisdiction over personal issues
preexisting differences in depression (Collins et al.,
(Smetana, 2000), parents’ (culturally influenced) be-
liefs about the appropriate timing for granting
The present results are consistent with Hasabe
autonomy (Daddis & Smetana, 2004), and parents’
et al. (2004) in demonstrating the importance of some
assessment of adolescents’ abilities and competence
adolescent autonomy over personal issues for ado-
to assume more privileges and responsibilities. For
lescent development, but our findings extend their
African American parents, judgments about adoles-
research in two ways. Hasabe et al. found that pa-
cents’ decision-making competence may be based on
rental overcontrol of the personal domain was as-
their assessments of adolescents’ developing matu-
sociated with more internalizing symptoms, whereas
rity, as well as their awareness of the everyday re-
our findings demonstrate that autonomy over per-
alities of living in a social environment where racism
sonal issues may also influence more positive aspects
and discrimination remain pervasive (Spencer &
of adjustment (e.g., better self-worth). However, our
Dupree, 1996) and, thus, where the consequences of
findings also highlight the need for considering these
rash or immature decisions may loom large (Boyd-
findings within a developmental framework that
Franklin & Franklin, 2000). In such a context, pa-
specifies the developmental periods when expansion
rental involvement and guidance in decision making
of the boundaries of the personal domain may be
over personal issues may be very important for
particularly important. The present study indicated
that greater autonomy over multifaceted and per-sonal issues had negative consequences in early ad-olescence, whereas increases in the boundaries of
Longitudinal Influence of Decision-Making Autonomy on
personal issues in middle to later in adolescence fa-
cilitated better adjustment, as assessed using multi-
The longitudinal analyses indicated that adoles-
ple indexes. Finally, previous theorizing and
cents’ developing autonomy over personal and
research has described psychological control and
multifaceted issues, as well as changes over time in
overcontrol as particularly relevant for self and
those variables, significantly influenced self-system
identity development (Barber, 1996, 2002; Nucci,
processes (self-worth and depression) in late ado-
1996; Smetana & Daddis, 2002). Our findings are
lescence. Controlling for background factors and
consistent with this assertion in that changes in de-
prior self-worth, increases in African American ad-
cision-making autonomy over personal and multi-
olescents’ ratings of autonomy over multifaceted and
faceted issues influenced self-worth and depression
personal issues from middle to late adolescence
(both self-system processes), but not deviance or
predicted both better self-worth and less depression
in late adolescence. Moreover, similar findings for
Although decision-making autonomy (or changes
self-worth were obtained in maternal reports of ad-
in autonomy over time) did not predict either devi-
olescents’ autonomy over personal issues, except
ance or academic performance in the longitudinal
that significant increases in autonomy were found at
analyses, decision-making autonomy was signifi-
earlier ages (e.g., between early and middle adoles-
cantly associated concurrently with both of these
cence). The concurrent analyses indicated that low
adjustment outcomes. Like a great deal of other re-
levels of (adolescent-reported) autonomy over mul-
search, we found that academic performance was
tifaceted issues were associated with better self-
higher among girls than among boys, and late ado-
worth in early adolescence, whereas the longitudinal
lescent boys engaged in more deviance than did
analyses revealed that more autonomy over multi-
girls. Overall, however, the rate of problem behavior
faceted (but not personal) issues in early adolescence
in this middle-class African American sample was
predicted more depressed mood 5 years later. Taken
low. This, as well as the lack of stability in deviance
together, these findings suggest that less autonomy
over time (as indicated by the failure of Time 1 de-
in early adolescence, coupled with increasing au-
viance to predict Time 3 deviance) may have ac-
tonomy in middle to late adolescence, predicts
counted for the nonsignificant findings in the
optimal adjustment (better self-worth and less de-
Furthermore, our findings for neighborhood
also included mothers’ perceptions of family deci-
composition differed from Lamborn et al. (1996),
sion making and found that African American
who found that youth-alone decision making had a
mothers consistently viewed parents as having more
more negative effect for African American youth
input into family decision making than did adoles-
living in primarily White communities than for Af-
cents. Previous research has shown that adolescents
rican American youth living in ethnically mixed
and parents have differing views of family relation-
communities. Controlling for mothers’ education (as
ships (Noller & Callan, 1986; Smetana, 1989). Ado-
a proxy for socioeconomic status), we found that
lescents’ desires for greater autonomy may lead
African American adolescents living in neighbor-
them to overestimate their input into family decision
hoods with more White families had better academic
making, whereas parents’ greater investment and
performance. This could be because in our study,
‘‘generational stake’’ in the family (Noller, 1994) may
White communities were more likely to be in sub-
lead to underestimates of adolescents’ role.
urbs, with better quality schools. Our findings also
Although the present data cannot shed light on
could reflect peer group influences on academic
whose views of family decision making were more
achievement. Steinberg, Dornbusch, and Brown
accurate, it is possible that accuracy varies according
(1992) reported that peer support for academic suc-
to social-cognitive domain. Although parents may
cess is very limited for high achieving African
set clear expectations for adolescents’ behavior re-
American youth. African American adolescents who
garding prudential issues of risk (such as drug and
go to primarily White schools may escape the con-
alcohol use or having sex), adolescents spend in-
flict that high-achieving African American students
creasing amounts of time away from parents and in
often feel between doing well in school and being
the company of peers. As adolescents may not fully
popular with their African American peers (Ford-
disclose their involvement in risk behaviors to par-
ham & Ogbu, 1986). However, it is notable that the
ents (Kerr & Stattin, 2000), they may have greater
analyses for self-worth yielded trends in the opposite
decision-making autonomy over these issues than
direction. Better self-worth was associated with liv-
parents are willing to acknowledge. Likewise, par-
ing in neighborhoods with fewer White families.
ents also may overestimate their involvement in
Establishing a strong ethnic identity may be easier
decisions over personal issues, as many of these
for African American adolescents living in more in-
decisions (such as how adolescents spend their al-
tegrated neighborhoods, and being more ethnically
lowance) may occur beyond parental purview. Ac-
identified consistently has been linked to better self-
curacy may be greater over multifaceted issues,
esteem (Martinez & Dukes, 1997; Phinney & Chavira,
which are frequent sources of conflict and disagree-
ment in parent – adolescent relationships (Fuligni,1998; Smetana, 1989; Smetana & Gaines, 1999) andthus may be more actively negotiated and debated in
Study Limitations and Directions for Future Research
the family context. A strength of the present study
In assessing decision making as a continuous
was that we obtained both adolescents’ and mothers’
variable, the present study differed from previous
ratings of family decision making. Associations be-
research, which has examined decision making in
tween the informants were weak, but similar pat-
terms of the percentages of responses endorsing
terns of results for adolescents’ and mothers’ ratings
parent-unilateral, joint, and youth-alone decision
were found in the longitudinal analyses, although
making (Dornbusch et al., 1990; Lamborn et al.,
the findings were more robust for adolescents’ than
1996). Although the method used here has some
mothers’ ratings of decision-making autonomy.
limitations in that we could not determine the exact
These findings should not be dismissed as merely
percentages of these different types of family deci-
reflecting an informant bias, as the assessment of
sion making, our strategy provided a parsimonious
academic performance was based on parent, not
approach that eliminates statistical dependencies in
adolescent, report. It is interesting that significant
the assessment of different decision making styles.
concurrent associations between mothers’ ratings of
Although family decision making reveals how
family decision making and adjustment occurred
families communicate, interact, and solve problems
only for middle-adolescent deviance, as deviance
together (Grotevant & Cooper, 1986; Lamborn et al.,
normatively increases in middle adolescence (Jessor
1996), previous research has assessed family decision
& Jessor, 1977; Mason et al., 1996). Although in-
making almost exclusively in terms of adolescents’
cluding mothers was a significant advance over
reports (Dornbusch et al., 1990; Fuligni & Eccles,
previous research, future research should include
1993; Lamborn et al., 1996). In the present study, we
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Dornbusch, S. M., Carlsmith, J. M., Bushwall, S. J., Ritter,
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