How to assess an asthma attack
Asthma First Aid
Mild Attack
Sit the person upright, remain calm and provide reassurance. Do not leave the person alone.
soft wheeze
minor difficulty breathing
no difficulty speaking in sentences
Without delay shake a blue reliever puffer* and give 4 separate puffs, 1 puff at a time, preferably through a spacer device. Moderate Attack
Ask the person to take 4 breaths from the spacer after each puff. persistent cough
loud wheeze
obvious difficulty breathing
able to speak in short sentences only
Severe Attack (dial 000 for an ambulance)
If there is still little or no improvement repeat steps 2 and 3. very distressed and anxious
If there is still little or no improvement, or you are concerned at any time – call an ambulance immediately (dial 000) and state gasping for breath
that the person is having an asthma attack. Continue to repeat unable to speak more than a few words in one breath
steps 2 and 3 whilst waiting for the ambulance. pale and sweaty
may have blue lips
What if it is the first attack of asthma?
If someone is having difficulty breathing and is not known to
If a person has an asthma attack or breathing difficulty, have asthma, call an ambulance immediately (dial 000) and follow the person’s Asthma Action Plan or the standard follow the Asthma First Aid Plan. No harm is likely to result Asthma First Aid Plan. If you assess an attack as severe, or from giving a blue reliever puffer even if the problem is not if in any doubt at any time call an ambulance (dial 000) immediately whilst administering Asthma First Aid.
If a spacer is not available then follow the 4 step
Asthma First Aid plan using just the reliever puffer.
Use the person’s own reliever puffer if possible.
If not, use the asthma emergency kit reliever or [email protected] or visit our website * Names for reliever puffers include Airomir, Asmol, Epaq or Ventolin.
How to use a spacer
What to do next
1. Assemble the spacer.
1. Record medication given and contact parent/guardian if
2. Remove cap from the blue reliever puffer.
2. Every time a puffer and/or spacer are used for Asthma First
3. Hold puffer upright and shake it.
4. Fit puffer mouthpiece into the spacer (at the opening
5. Place the spacer mouthpiece in the person’s mouth
Ensure the canister is removed from the puffer container
or position the mask over nose and mouth.
(the canister must not get wet) and the spacer is separated into sections as appropriate.
6. Press the puffer to release one puff into the spacer
Wash the spacer and puffer container in hot water and
and ask the person to breathe in and out through Do not rinse.
Allow to ‘air dry’. Do not rub dry.
When dry, wipe with a 70% alcohol swab (e.g. Medi-Swab™
available from pharmacies) paying particular attention to the inside and outside of the mouthpiece.
When completely dry, ensure the canister is replaced into
the puffer container and check it is working correctly by firing one or two puffs into the air. A mist should be visible upon firing.
If any device becomes contaminated with blood,
Al instructions on this card relate to Victorian policies and practices only. Victorian schools can purchase a blue reliever puffer for first The cleaning protocol is based on the recommendations aid purposes from a pharmacist on written authority of the school contained in the Department of Health and Ageing Infection Control Guidelines cleaning protocols for community use.1 principal. Other organisations must have staff trained in Emergency Asthma Management and hold a Bronchodilator Accreditation 1 Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing (2004) Number to purchase and hold a blue reliever puffer in their asthma Infection control guidelines for the prevention of transmission of infectious diseases in the health care setting. Part 3, 17.6


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Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 22, No. 5 : 756 - 764 Perinatal Nutrition of the Calf and Its Consequences for Lifelong Productivity* P. C. Wynn1, ** , H. M. Warriach1, 2, A. Morgan3, D. M. McGill1, S. Hanif1, 2, M. Sarwar4 A. Iqbal5, P. A. Sheehy3 and R. D. Bush3 1 EH Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation (Charles Sturt University and NSW Department of Primary Industries)


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