Excerpts from the Full Book: Properties and Actions from N through P By Steve Blake AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Available from LifeLong Press Medicinal plants are now becoming more widely used by people all over the world. People understand the gentle strengthof these natural remedies. Doctors and scientists are validating the wisdom of traditional plant use. Although a few ofthe remedies are strong, most can be used safely and without the side effects of drugs. Furthermore, these naturalremedies can be used to cure problems rather than just mask symptoms.
Much of the information about medicinal plants is in the form of their actions. Rather than saying a plant is used forinsomnia, many references will state that it has the action “sedative” or “hypnotic”. Properties and actions of medicinalplants describe the action of the plant on the body. This book has a companion volume, Medicinal Plant Actions, which listseach plant with the properties and actions for that plant.
In natural medicine, medicinal plants are often chosen to balance a person. There is usually a long list of plants availablefor a specific symptom. To find the best plant on the list, certain desired properties are needed. For instance, suppose theproblem is a headache. If the person is overly warm and over-stimulated, a cooling, sedative medicinal plant is chosen. Ifthere is nervous agitation and a headache, a nervine tonic action will be desired from those medicinal plants which arealso helpful with headaches.
One of my goals in compiling this guide is to find what I call “cross-cultural convergence”. This is where the same actionis found in different cultures for the same medicinal plant. For instance, hops is noted to have the action “sedative” byfourteen authors with information from Amsterdam, America, Germany, Nepal, England and Native Americantraditions.
The use of hops in such diverse cultures suggests that hops is indeed effective as a sedative. In this guide there arenumbers in parenthesis, which indicate the number of agreeing references. Where there is a higher number in parenthesis,there is more agreement as to the actions of a remedy. Remedies with only one reference may also be effective inproducing the desired action. The references have been chosen to represent diverse cultures.
Doctors will find this reference invaluable for finding medicinal plants with the actions desired. Schools and Universitieswill find it a necessary reference on medicinal plant actions. Libraries and researchers will find unique knowledge listedhere. Pharmacists and pharmaceutical companies can find medicinal plants with their pattern of actions. Herbalists willfind this information intriguing and useful.
This excerpt lists 64 of the 862 actions, properties, or effects of medicinal plants in the full book. It is intended to help usfind plants that have a specific action. The action definitions help with the less familiar actions and properties used byherbalists.
This volume is based upon the extensive database, Natural Healing Solutions. There are over 20,000 footnotes associated withthe information in the full book. A list of references is included. Please refer to the database for the individual footnotes.
This volume would become unwieldy and unreadable with the footnotes included in this text.
Disclaimer: For information only, see a licensed professional for medical care.
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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1. Any substance producing stupor associated with analgesia. 2. Specifically, a drug derived from opium oropium-like compounds, with potent analgesic effects associated with significant alteration of mood and behavior,and with the potential for dependence and tolerance following repeated administration. 3. Capable of inducing astate of stuporous analgesia. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Narcotic’ Are:Datura(9), Henbane(6), Bogbean(3), Bugleweed(3), Horse Chestnut(3), Mullein(3), Nutmeg(3), PassionFlower(3), Wild Lettuce(3), Bittersweet(2), Bloodroot(2), Catha(2), Celandine - Greater(2), Mistletoe(2),Pink Root(2), Wormseed(2), Bay Leaves, Belladonna, Christmas Rose, Daffodil, Dill, Fringetree,Hydrangea, Jamaican Dogwood, Kava Kava, Larkspur, Lobelia, Morning Glory Seeds, Rue, Spikenard,Uva Ursi, Valerian Root and Wormwood.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Narcotic - Feeble: Bittersweet.
Narcotic - Mild: Fennel Seed, Mugwort, Bugleweed.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Narcotic’ Are:Tonka Bean Oil(2), Jasmine Oil and orange Blossom Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Narcotic’ Are:Aconite and Marijuana Seeds.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Narcotic’ Are:Ashwaganda(4), Saffron(3) and Gotu Kola(2).
Rhinal; relating to the nose. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Nasal Passages Opening
The Definition of Nasal Passages Opening is: Reduce swelling in the nose, eliminate phlegm from the nose, stop runny nose, facilitate easy breathing. Usefulfor allergies or colds. Alok Koch, M.S. TCM.
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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An agent that kills nematode worms which includes roundworms and threadworms. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medicaldictionary, 16th ed., F. A. Davis.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Nematicide’ Are:Tagetes Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Nematicide’ Are:Brucea Javanica.
Nerve Tonic
An herb that strengthens, restores and feeds nerve tissue. The Herbal Handbook, David Hoffmann, Healing ArtsPress.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nerve Tonic’ Are:Licorice and Strychnos.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nerve Tonic’ Are:Gotu Kola(2).
Acting therapeutically, especially as a sedative, upon the nervous system. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nervine’ Are:Valerian Root(10), Hops(9), Chamomile(8), Catnip(6), Black Cohosh(5), Crampbark(5), Skullcap(5), WoodBetony(5), Calamus(4), Celery Seeds(4), Gravel Root(4), Mistletoe(4), Passion Flower(4), Fennel Seed(3),Lemon Balm(3), Rue(3), Sage(3), St. John’s Wort(3), Arnica(2), Black Haw(2), Fenugreek Seeds(2),Garlic(2), Gelsemium(2), Lady’s Slipper Root(2), Lily of the Valley(2), Lobelia(2), Motherwort(2),Mullein(2), Oatstraw(2), Peppermint(2), Primula(2), Yarrow(2), Angelica, Basil, Bay Leaves, BlessedThistle, Blue Cohosh, Blue Vervain Liquid Herb, Bogbean, Borage, California Poppy, Camphor, CascaraBark, Christmas Rose, Cotton Root, Couchgrass, Damiana, Datura, Echinacea G.S.R. (Np), Feverfew,Ginger, Ginseng - American, Goldenrod, Goldenseal, Linden Flowers, Lobelia Essence, Lovage,Meadowsweet, Melilot, Mugwort, Nutmeg, Oat Grain, oregano, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Pleurisy Root,Pulsatilla, Pumpkin Seeds, Rauwolfia, Rose Flowers and Fruit, Seneca Snakeroot, Skunk Cabbage, SweetViolet, Tansy, Thuja Seeds, Thyme, Vervaine, Wild Cherry Bark, Wild Lettuce, Wild Yam Root andWormseed.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Nervine (Flowers): Mullein.
Nervine - Sedative: Blue Cohosh, Skullcap(6), Chamomile(5), Lobelia(2), Thyme(2).
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Nervine’ Are:Rosemary Oil(4), Lavender Oil(3), Valerian Oil(3), Chamomile Oil(2), Peppermint Oil(2), Rose Oil(2), BasilOil, Castor Oil, Clary Sage Oil, Hyssop Oil, Juniper Oil, Lemon Verbena Oil, Marjoram Oil, Melissa Oil,Orange Blossom Oil, Pine Needle Oil, Spearmint Oil and Thyme Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Nervine’ Are:Ho Shou Wou(3), Ginseng(2), Bitter Apricot, Dong Quai, Ephedra, Ligusticum Wallichii, Lotus Leaf, LotusPlumule, Lotus Root, Marijuana Seeds, Mulberry Fruit, Peony Root, Pimpinella and Reishi.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nervine’ Are:Gotu Kola(6), Bala(2), Shankapushpi(2), Asafoetida, Ashwaganda, Bhringaraj, Galangal, Gokshura,Guggul, Haritaki, Henna, Jatamansi, Mandukaparni, Saffron, Sandalwood, Shankha Pushpi, Shilajit andTagar.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Nervine - Heart: Saffron.
Nervine Stimulant: Asafoetida.
Nervine Tonic: Gotu Kola, Bala, Jatamansi, Saraswati, Kapikacchu(2), Tulasi, Betel Leaves.
Nervine - Calms Mind
The Definition of Nervine - Calms Mind is: Acting therapeutically, especially as a sedative, upon the nervous system and calms the mind. Stedman’s MedicalDictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Nervine - Sedative
An herb that has a sedative effect upon the nervous system. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams andWilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nervine - Sedative’ Are:Skullcap(6), Chamomile(5), Lobelia(2), Thyme(2) and Blue Cohosh.
Nervine Tonic
Herbs that strengthen, restore and feed nerve tissue. The Herbal Handbook, David Hoffmann, Healing ArtsPress.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nervine Tonic’ Are: HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nervine Tonic’ Are:Kapikacchu(2), Bala, Betel Leaves, Gotu Kola, Jatamansi, Saraswati and Tulasi.
A condition of being nervous or anxious. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
1. Exhibiting no positive properties; indifferent. 2. In chemistry, neither acid nor alkaline. Stedman’s MedicalDictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Neutral’ Are:Benzoin and Slippery Elm.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Neutral Energy: Yarrow, Flaxseed, Psyllium, Echinacea, Yellow Water Lilly, Coriolus Versicolor, Fu Ling,Parsley, Plantain, Knotgrass, Watermelon Seeds, Uva Ursi, Radish, Agrimony, Lady’s Mantle, Peach Seed,Calendula, Myrrh, Licorice, Suma, Dodder Seeds, Blackberry, Slippery Elm, Black Sesame Seeds, Cranesbill,Witch Hazel, Oak Bark, Horse Chestnut, Amaranth, Jambul, Rose Hips, Eyebright, Pomegranate, Oak Gall,Lady’s Slipper Root, Thuja Seeds, Chamomile, Lily of the Valley, Lobelia, Coltsfoot, Ginkgo.
Neutral Energy (Seeds): Coriander.
Neutral to Cool Energy: Hydrangea, Vitex.
Neutral to Warm Energy: American Ginseng.
Neutralizes Mucus Forming: Marshmallow Root.
Essential Oils With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Neutral Energy: Castor Oil, Sesame Oil, Basil Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Neutral’ Are:Matrimony Vine, oriental Arborvitae Seed, Sweet Apricot and Water Lily.
Chinese Herbal Remedies With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Neutral Energy: Marijuana Seeds, Lotus Plumule, Lotus Leaf, Reishi, Rice Sprouts, Lotus Stamens, Dragon’sBlood, Dioscorea, Lycium Berries, Privet, Alum Root, Ephedra Root, Lotus Seed, Glutinous Rice Roots,Platycodon, Locquat Leaves.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Neutral Energy: Saffron, Shakti Prana.
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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Neutral Energy
The neutral heat energy of an herb. 1. Exhibiting no positive properties; indifferent. 2. In chemistry, neither acidnor alkaline. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Neutral Energy’ Are:Agrimony, Amaranth, Black Sesame Seeds, Blackberry, Calendula, Chamomile, Coltsfoot, CoriolusVersicolor, Cranesbill, Dodder Seeds, Echinacea, Eyebright, Flaxseed, Fu Ling, Ginkgo, Horse Chestnut,Jambul, Knotgrass, Lady’s Mantle, Lady’s Slipper Root, Licorice, Lily of the Valley, Lobelia, Myrrh, OakBark, Oak Gall, Parsley, Peach Seed, Plantain, Pomegranate, Psyllium, Radish, Rose Hips, Slippery Elm,Suma, Thuja Seeds, Uva Ursi, Watermelon Seeds, Witch Hazel, Yarrow and Yellow Water Lilly.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Neutral Energy (Seeds): Coriander.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Neutral Energy’ Are:Basil Oil, Castor Oil and Sesame Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Neutral Energy’ Are:Alum Root, Dioscorea, Dragon’s Blood, Ephedra Root, Glutinous Rice Roots, Locquat Leaves, Lotus Leaf,Lotus Plumule, Lotus Seed, Lotus Stamens, Lycium Berries, Marijuana Seeds, Platycodon, Privet, Reishiand Rice Sprouts.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Neutral Energy’ Are:Saffron and Shakti Prana.
Neutral To Cool
The neutral heat energy of a slightly cool herb. 1. Exhibiting no positive properties; indifferent. 2. In chemistry,neither acid nor alkaline. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Neutral to Cool Energy: Hydrangea, Vitex.
Neutral To Warm Energy
The Definition of Neutral to Warm Energy is: The neutral heat energy of a warm herb. 1. Exhibiting no positive properties; indifferent. 2. In chemistry,neither acid nor alkaline. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Neutral to Warm Energy’ Are: HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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Nourishes Liver Blood
The Definition Of Nourishes Liver Blood Is: An herb that feeds, restores and strengthens liver blood.
Nourishing - Skin
An herb that feeds, restores and strengthens skin. The Herbal Handbook, David Hoffmann, Healing Arts Press.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Nourishing - Skin’ Are:Carrot Seed Oil and Ylang-Ylang Oil.
Nourishing Nerve Tonic
The Definition of Nourishing Nerve Tonic is: An herb that strengthens, restores and feeds nerve tissue. The Herbal Handbook, David Hoffmann, Healing ArtsPress.
A constituent of food necessary for normal physiologic function. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nutrient’ Are:Alfalfa, Barley Grass, Bilberry, Bitterroot, Black Currant, Cacao, Fenugreek Seeds, Longan Berries, Pyrola,Suma, Tulip and Walnuts.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Nutrient’ Are:Dioscorea, Eclipta and Mulberry Fruit.
An herb that is nourishing and building to body tissues. School of Natural Healing By Dr. John Christopher.
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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An herb that is nourishing and building to body tissues. School of Natural Healing By Dr. John Christopher.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nutritive’ Are:Slippery Elm(12), Dandelion Root(3), Alfalfa(2), Chickweed(2), Horsetail(2), Kelp(2), Licorice(2),Parsley(2), Red Clover(2), Amaranth, Black Sesame Seeds, Comfrey Root, Fenugreek Seeds, Hemp-Nettle,Iceland Moss, Irish Moss, Marshmallow Root, Mullein, Nettles, Oatstraw, Pumpkin Seeds, Rose Hips, SeaBuckthorn, Sticta, Tiger Lily, Watercress, Wheat Chaff and Yellow Dock.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Nutritive Tonic: Horsetail, Comfrey Root(2).
Nutritive Yin Tonic: Devil’s Club, Tiger Lily, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss, Slippery Elm, Comfrey Root, BlackSesame Seeds, Pyrola.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Nutritive’ Are:Evening Primrose Oil, Olive Oil and Sesame Oil.
Essential Oils With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Nutritive Yin Tonic: Cod Liver Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Nutritive’ Are:Asparagus Root, Jujube Dates, Marijuana Seeds, Ophiopogon and Privet.
Chinese Herbal Remedies With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Nutritive Yin Tonic: Asparagus Root, Privet, Eclipta, Ophiopogon.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nutritive’ Are:Shatavari(2), Acacia Arabica, Arrow Root, Ghee, Moti Bhasma and Sring Bhasma.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Nutritive (Ripe Fruit): Bilva.
Nutritive Tonic
An herb that is nourishing and building to body tissues; restores enfeebled function and promotes vigor and asense of well being. School of Natural Healing By Dr. John Christopher.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nutritive Tonic’ Are:Comfrey Root(2) and Horsetail.
Nutritive Yin Tonic
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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The Definition of Nutritive Yin Tonic is: An herb that acts primarily to provide nutrients vitamins, minerals, sugars. The Way of Herbs, Michael Tierra.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Nutritive Yin Tonic’ Are:Black Sesame Seeds, Comfrey Root, Devil’s Club, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss, Pyrola, Slippery Elm and TigerLily.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Nutritive Yin Tonic’ Are:Cod Liver Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Nutritive Yin Tonic’ Are:Asparagus Root, Eclipta, Ophiopogon and Privet.
The lysis or destruction of liver cells. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Oncolytic’ Are:Vinca Rosea.
1. Ocular; relating to the eye. 2. An agent that is healing to the eye. (dr. John christopher). Stedman’s MedicalDictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Ophthalmic’ Are:Celosia and Teasel Root.
Saturating The Blood Or Tissues With Oxygen.
1. Hastening childbirth. 2. An agent that induces or accelerates labor. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Williams and Wilkins.
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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Herbs That Have the Action ‘Oxytocic’ Are:Blue Cohosh(3), Cotton Root(2), Aloe, Black Cohosh, Blue Vervain Liquid Herb, Cacao, Fenugreek Seeds,Ginger, Raspberry Leaves, Scilla and Uva Ursi.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Oxytocic’ Are:Dong Quai.
Pain Relieving
Analgesic; a compound capable of producing analgesia, i.e., one that relieves pain by altering perception ofnociceptive stimuli without producing anesthesia or loss of consciousness. Characterized by reduced response topainful stimuli. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pain Relieving For Muscles: Black Cohosh.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pain Relieving’ Are:Jyotismati.
Pain Relieving - Middle Burner
The Definition Of Pain Relieving - Middle Burner Is: Chinese medicine: relieve pain in the middle burner which is the middle part of the body, including the digestiveorgans, spleen, stomach, intestines. Michael Tierra: Chinese-Planetary Herbal Diagnosis, Page 58.
1. A universal remedy. 2. An ancient name for a healing herb or its juice. Dorland’s Illustrated MedicalDictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Panacea’ Are:Calamus, Ginseng - American, Pleurisy Root, Sassafras, Self Heal and Siberian Ginseng.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Panacea’ Are:orange Blossom Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Panacea’ Are:Lotus Stamens.
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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An agent that destroys parasites. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Parasiticide’ Are:Garlic(4), Larkspur(3), Balsam of Peru(2), Oleander(2), Yellow Dock(2), Black Walnut, Cacao, Chaparral,Delphinium, Echinacea, Fennel Seed, Horsetail, Pomegranate, Poplar, Radish, Shephard’s Purse andWormseed.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Parasiticide’ Are:Cajeput Oil(2), Birch Oil, Clove Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Garlic Oil, Geranium Oil, Juniper Oil, Lavender Oil,Lemon Oil, Lemongrass Oil, oregano Oil, Peppermint Oil, Rosemary Oil, Tarragon Oil, Terebinth Oil andThyme Oil.
Essential Oils With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Parasiticide (External Use): Cinnamon Oil, Caraway Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Parasiticide’ Are:Asparagus Root and Cyperus.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Parasiticide’ Are:Shilajit and Turmeric.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Parasiticide - Local: Shilajit.
Parasiticide - External
The Definition of Parasiticide - External is: An agent that destroys parasites when used externally. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams andwilkins.
Parasympathetic Regulator
The Definition Of Parasympathetic Regulator Is: Regulates the parasympathetic nervous system, enhancing immune activity.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Parasympathetic Regulator’ Are:Lemongrass Oil.
HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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1.producing effects resembling those of interruption of the parasympathetic nerve supply to a part. 2. An agentthat opposes the effects similar to those produced by stimulation of the sympathetic nerves. Dorland’s IllustratedMedical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Parasympatholytic’ Are:Henbane(2).
1. Relating to or in the process of childbirth. 2. Herbs that stimulate uterine contractions, which induce andassist labor, and promote and hasten childbirth (dr. John christopher). Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Parturient’ Are:Squaw Vine(7), Raspberry Leaves(3), Black Cohosh(2), Blue Cohosh, Parsley and Trillium.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Parturient’ Are:Jasmine Oil.
1. Relating to the chest. 2. Efficacious in relieving chest conditions such as a cough. Stedman’s MedicalDictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pectoral’ Are:Mullein(6), Licorice(5), Chickweed(4), Hyssop(4), Coltsfoot(3), Wild Cherry Bark(3), Basil(2), Borage(2),Comfrey Root(2), Coriander(2), Couchgrass(2), Fennel Seed(2), Flaxseed(2), Labrador Tea(2),Lungwort(2), oregano(2), Spikenard(2), Sweet Violet(2), Anise Seed, Catnip, Costmary, Deadnettle,Hawthorne Berry, Horseradish, Marshmallow Root, Pennyroyal, Shiso, Slippery Elm, Sundew and Thyme.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Pectoral’ Are:Lemongrass Oil(2), Cypress Oil, Evening Primrose Oil, Jasmine Oil, Lemon Verbena Oil, Myrtle Oil andorange Blossom Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Pectoral’ Are:Astragalus(2), Polypody Fern Root(2), Magnolia Bark, Male Fern, Mulberry Fruit and Schizandra Chinensis.
Destroys lice, an agent that destroys lice. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
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Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pediculicide’ Are:Sassafras(2), Calamus, Hellebore American, Ivy, Larkspur, Star Anise and Wahoo.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Pediculicide’ Are:Cajeput Oil and Sandalwood Oil.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pediculicide’ Are:Ashwaganda.
Peristalsis Stimulating
The Definition of Peristalsis Stimulating is: Peristalsis: a progressive wave like movement that occurs involuntarily in hollow tubes of the body, esp. Thealimentary canal. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 16th ed.
Permeating Wetness
Dampness in spleen with excess mucous and edema. Christopher Hobbs , Summer 1992.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Permeating Wetness’ Are:Buchu, Cleavers, Coriander, Coriolus Versicolor, Couchgrass, Dandelion Root, Fu Ling, Gravel Root,Hydrangea, Knotgrass, Nettles, Parsley, Pellitory of the Wall, Pipsissewa, Plantain, Uva Ursi, WaterPlantain, Watercress and Watermelon Seeds.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Permeating Wetness’ Are:Reishi.
Said of an agent, which in combination with light, will cause a sensitivity reaction. Taber’s Cyclopedic MedicalDictionary 14th Edition.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Photosensitizing’ Are:St. John’s Wort.
Pertaining to or characterized by heightening of the sunburn response to ultraviolet light, without any allergic HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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effect (immune response) being involved. Dorlands Illustrated Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Phototoxic’ Are:St. John’s Wort.
The Definition of Piscicide - Toxic to Fish is: Any substance poisonous to fish. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Piscicide - Toxic to Fish: Hibiscus, Star Anise, Mullein(2), Jamaican Dogwood(3), Water Pepper(2), PsoraleaSeeds, Platycodon.
Essential Oils With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Piscicide - Toxic to Fish: Croton Oil(3).
Chinese Herbal Remedies With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Piscicide - Toxic to Fish: Psoralea Seeds, Platycodon.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Piscicide - Toxic to Fish: Bhumyamalaki.
The fire humor; is hot, light , fluid, subtle, malodorous, soft and clear. It is catabolic and governs thermogenesisand all chemical reactions. Herbs that increase pitta have a warm, moist nature with pungent, sour or saltyflavors. Planetary Herbology, Michael Tierra, Lotus Press.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pitta Rasayana: Comfrey Leaf.
Pitta Soothing: Alfalfa, Squaw Vine, Angelica, Peppermint(2), Catnip, Lemon Balm, Elder Flowers,Chrysanthemum Flowers, Horsetail, Yarrow, Pleurisy Root, Kudzu Root, Rhubarb Root, Cascara Bark, Senna,Butternut Bark, Aloe(2), Psyllium, Poke Root, Mandrake Root, Self Heal, Reed Grass, Marshmallow Root,Echinacea, Red Clover, Blue Flag, Chaparral, Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Yellow Dock, Sarsaparilla,Baptisia, Honeysuckle, Wahoo, Willow, Poplar, Gentian(2), Barberry(2), oregon Grape, Culver’s Root, Centaury,Hibiscus(2), Borage, Wormwood, Coriander, Buchu, Plantain, Gravel Root, Cleavers, Uva Ursi, Pipsissewa,Wintergreen, Black Cohosh, Devil’s Claw, Birch Bark, Dill, Cumin, Raspberry Leaves, Agrimony, BlessedThistle, Shephard’s Purse, Madder Root(2), Vervaine, Motherwort, Calendula, Tansy, Collinsonia, Licorice,Blackberry, Iceland Moss, Irish Moss, Slippery Elm, Cranesbill, Witch Hazel, Oak Bark, Loosestrife, Sumac,White Pond Lily, Bistort, Eyebright, Pomegranate, Skullcap, Hops, Passion Flower, Wood Betony, Chamomile,Lily of the Valley, Wild Yam Root, Comfrey Leaf(2), Chickweed, Horehound, Wild Cherry Bark, Mullein,Coltsfoot, Boneset, Cornsilk, Oatstraw, Pau D’arco(2), Barley Grass, Golden Seal Herb, Bogbean, Chinchona, HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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St. John’s Wort, Tormentil, Mallow, Primula, Lavender, Strawberry Leaves, Solomon’s Seal, Chicory.
Pitta Soothing (In Small Amts): Black Pepper.
Pitta Soothing (Used Fresh): Ginger.
Pitta Soothing In Artav: Aloe.
Pitta Soothing In Meda: Aloe, Madder Root.
Pitta Soothing In Purisha: Aloe.
Pitta Soothing In Rakta: Aloe, Hibiscus, Madder Root, Licorice.
Pitta Soothing In Rasa: Aloe, Coriander, Cumin.
Pitta Soothing In Shukra: Aloe.
Pitta Soothing In Sweda: Madder Root.
Essential Oils With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pitta Soothing: Fennel Oil, Lemon Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Lime Oil, Spearmint Oil, Violet Oil, Mimosa Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pitta - Pro: Bupleurum Root.
Pitta Soothing: Rehmannia(2), Male Fern, Lotus Leaf, Cyperus, Ginseng, Peony Root, Asparagus Root,Ceanothus, Ho Shou Wou, Lotus Root, Coptis.
Pitta Soothing In Majja: Lotus Leaf.
Pitta Soothing In Mutra: Lotus Leaf.
Pitta Soothing In Rakta: Lotus Leaf.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pitta Provoking: Trikatu Plus.
Pitta Rasayan: Guduchi(2).
Pitta Rasayana: Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing: Pippli Long Pepper, Sandalwood, Saffron, Gotu Kola, Amla(2), Bala, Cilantro, Dikamali,Gokshura, Guduchi(3), Haritaki, Jatamansi(2), Neem(2), Punarnava, Shatavari(2), Bhringaraj, Bibhitaki, VamshaRochana, Henna, Vidari-Kanda, Arjun, Ashok, Moti Bhasma, Abrak Bhasma, Yogaraj Guggulu, KaishorGuggulu(2), Kama Dudha, Kutaja, Sudarshan, Red Sandalwood, Shankapushpi, Shankha Bhasma, Shardunika,Shakti Prana, Talisadi, Vidanga, Lodhra, Pashana Bheda, Vasa, White Musali, Mandukaparni.
Pitta Soothing In Artav: Sandalwood, Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing In Artava: Guduchi, Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing In Asthi: Guduchi, Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing In Majja: Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing In Mamsa: Sandalwood, Turmeric, Guduchi, Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing In Meda: Turmeric, Guduchi.
Pitta Soothing In Purisha: Saffron, Amla.
Pitta Soothing In Rakta: Sandalwood, Amla, Guduchi, Shatavari, Bilva.
Pitta Soothing In Rasa: Amla, Guduchi, Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing In Shukra: Amla, Guduchi, Shatavari.
Pitta Soothing In Sweda: Sandalwood, Saffron, Amla.
Pittagenic: Kutaja.
Pittagenic - Long Term Use: Shardunika.
Pitta - Pro
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Increases the fire humor; is hot, light, fluid, subtle, malodorous, soft & clear. It is catabolic and governsthermogenesis and all chemical reactions. Herbs that increase pitta have a warm, moist nature with pungent,sour or salty flavors. Planetary Herbology, Michael Tierra, Lotus Press.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Pitta - Pro’ Are:Bupleurum Root.
Highly acceptable to the mind or senses. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pleasant’ Are:Borage and Hibiscus.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pleasant Taste: Knotgrass, Dodder Seeds, Dragon’s Blood.
Chinese Herbal Remedies With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pleasant Taste: Dragon’s Blood.
Pleasant Taste
A highly acceptable taste. Sweet according to the chinese five basic tastes. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pleasant Taste’ Are:Dodder Seeds and Knotgrass.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Pleasant Taste’ Are:Dragon’s Blood.
Poison Clearing
Chinese medicine: eliminate poison (=toxins) from the body. Symptoms of poison are: redness, swelling, burningpain, pustular lesions, sores, fever, severe sickness in general, epidemic diseases, infections. Bensky & Barolet :Chinese Herbal Medicine - Formulas and Strategies, Page 78, 80.
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Toxic (1); toxicant; toxiferous; venemous; characterized by, having the characteristics of, or containing a poison.
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Poisonous’ Are:Oleander(9), Datura(6), Gelsemium(5), Cocklebur(4), Hellebore American(4), Henbane(4), Ivy(4),Lobelia(4), Peach Seed(4), Foxglove(3), Vinca Rosea(3), Wild Cherry Bark(3), Arnica(2), Belladonna(2),Bittersweet(2), Buckthorne Bark(2), Celandine - Greater(2), Christmas Rose(2), Colchicum(2), Daffodil(2),Ipecac(2), Lily of the Valley(2), Mandrake Root(2), Melilot(2), Milk Thistle(2), Mistletoe(2), Rue(2),Scilla(2), Sweet Violet(2), Tulip(2), Water Pepper(2), Water Plantain(2), Adonis, Black Pepper, Bloodroot,Blue Cohosh, Blue Flag, Cacao, Catha, Cayenne Pepper, Chickweed, Cinnabaris, Condurango Bark,Delphinium, Devil’s Club, Flaxseed, Garden Rhubarb, Goldenseal, Hedge Hyssop, Horse Chestnut,Horseradish, Horsetail, Hound’s Tongue, Impatiens, Jack In the Pulpit, Jamaican Dogwood, Larkspur,Mugwort, Nutmeg, Oak Gall, Oat Grain, Pansy, Pink Root, Pomegranate, Rauwolfia, Rhubarb Root, St.
John’s Wort, Star Anise, Stillingia, Strophanthus, Thuja, Vervaine, Wahoo, White Bryony, Wild Lettuce,Wormseed and Yellow Dock.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Poisonous - Slightly: Euphorbia.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Poisonous’ Are:Croton Oil(5), Cedarwood Oil and Tonka Bean Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Poisonous’ Are:Aconite(6), Brucea Javanica(2), Ephedra(2), Fritillary(2), Male Fern, Mulberry Fruit and Peony Root.
Chinese Herbal Remedies With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Poisonous - Slightly: Male Fern.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Poisonous’ Are:Ashwaganda(2) and Saffron(2).
Poisonous - Slightly
The Definition of Poisonous - Slightly is: Toxic (1); toxicant; toxiferous; venenous; characterized by, having the characteristics of, or containing a slightpoison. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25th Ed. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Poisonous - Slightly’ Are:Euphorbia.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Poisonous - Slightly’ Are:Male Fern.
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Prevents Blood Clots
The Definition Of Prevents Blood Clots Is: Herbs That Have the Action ‘Prevents Blood Clots’ Are:Butcher’s Broom and Ginkgo.
Pitta; the fire humor; is hot, light, fluid, subtle, malodorous, soft and clear. It is catabolic and governsthermogenesis and all chemical reactions. Herbs that increase pitta have a warm, moist nature with pungent,sour or salty flavors. Planetary Herbology, Michael Tierra, Lotus Press.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pro-Pitta’ Are:Angelica, Anise Seed, Bay Leaves, Bayberry, Black Pepper, Blue Cohosh, Bugleweed, Calendula, CayennePepper, Cloves, Collinsonia, Fennel Seed, Frankincense, Ginger - Dried, Horseradish, Lovage, Motherwort,Myrrh, Peach Seed, Pennyroyal, Prickly Ash Bark, Rose Flowers and Fruit, Rue, Safflower, Star Anise,Tansy, Vervaine and Vitex.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Pro-Pitta’ Are:Aconite, Cinnamon Bark and Corydalis.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pro-Pitta’ Are:Galangal, Guggul, Pippli Long Pepper, Saffron, Turmeric and Wild Ginger.
Vata. The air humor; relates most directly to the nervous system and combines the air and ether elements. It isdescribed as being dry, cold, light, mobile, subtle, rough, hard, irregular and clear. .
Herbs that reduce excess vata are demulcent, nutritive tonics with a sweet taste and warm Energy.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pro-Vata’ Are:Amaranth, Bilberry, Bistort, Blackberry, Cranesbill, Eyebright, Ginkgo, Horse Chestnut, Loosestrife, OakBark, Oak Gall, Sumac, Uva Ursi, White Pond Lily, Witch Hazel and Yerba Mansa.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Pro-Vata’ Are:Alum Root, Ceanothus, Ephedra Root and Lotus Seed.
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Pertaining to the splitting of proteins by hydrolysis of the peptide bonds with formation of smaller polypeptides;the process may be catalyzed by proteolytic enzymes, by acids or by bases. Dorland’s Illustrated MedicalDictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Proteolytic’ Are:Ginger.
An agent that kills any member of the kingdom protista, a single-celled organism. Dorland’s Illustrated MedicalDictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Protisticide’ Are:Plantain(2).
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Protisticide’ Are:Rosemary Oil.
Pertaining to or characterized by visual hallucinations, intensified perception, and, sometimes, behavior similar tothat seen in psychosis. By extension, an agent that produces these effects. Dorland’s Illustrated MedicalDictionary 25th Ed.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Psychedelic’ Are:Cayenne Pepper, Datura, Dill and Nutmeg.
An herb that invigorates and increases the general well-being of the brain.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Psychotonic’ Are:Ginseng.
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Affecting the mind, denoting drugs used in the treatment of mental illnesses. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary 25thEd. Williams and Wilkins.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Psychotropic’ Are:Nutmeg and St. John’s Wort.
An agent destructive to fleas. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary 25th Ed.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Pulicide’ Are:Cajeput Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Pulicide’ Are:Brucea Javanica.
Spicy; acrid. Herbs that disperse and move, dispelling phlegmatic stagnation with a tonifying action on the lungs.
Herbalism of the 1990’s - Medicine of the Past - Medicine of the Future, Am. Herbalists Guild.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pungent’ Are:Black Pepper(3), Black Cohosh(2), Buchu(2), Celery Seeds(2), Echinacea(2), Elecampane Flowers(2),Fennel Seed(2), Garlic(2), Ginger(2), Grindelia(2), Star Anise(2), Valerian Root(2), Allspice, Aloe,Angelica, Anise Seed, Arnica, Basil, Bay Leaves, Bayberry, Benzoin, Birch Bark, Boneset, Burdock Root,Calamus, Calendula, Camphor, Caraway, Cardamon, Catnip, Cayenne Pepper, Centaury, Chamomile,Clematis, Cloves, Coltsfoot, Coriander, Cubeb, Cumin, Damiana, Dandelion Root, Dill, Elder Flowers,Eucalyptus, Fenugreek Seeds, Frankincense, Gentian, Gravel Root, Hellebore American, Hops, Horehound,Horseradish, Hyssop, Juniper Berries, Lady’s Slipper Root, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Lobelia, MarshmallowRoot, Motherwort, Mugwort, Mustard Seed - White, Myrrh, Nutmeg, oregano, Osha, Patchouli,Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Pink Root, Plantain, Pleurisy Root, Prickly Ash Bark, Rose Flowers and Fruit,Rosemary, Rue, Safflower, Sage, Sassafras, Savory, Saw Palmetto, Shephard’s Purse, Siberian Ginseng,Skunk Cabbage, Spikenard, St. John’s Wort, Stillingia, Tansy, Thyme, Watercress, Wintergreen, WitchHazel, Wood Betony, Wormseed, Wormwood, Yarrow, Yellow Dock and Yerba Santa.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pungent (Herb): Parsley.
Pungent - Mildly: Hydrangea.
Pungent - Post Digest: Alfalfa, Crampbark, Juniper Berries, Squaw Vine, Hyssop, Sage, oregano, Savory, Basil,Osha, Ginger, Sassafras, Peppermint, Catnip, Lemon Balm, Elder Flowers, Chrysanthemum Flowers, Horsetail,Yarrow, Pleurisy Root, Rhubarb Root, Cascara Bark, Senna, Butternut Bark, Flaxseed, Poke Root, MandrakeRoot, Self Heal, Marshmallow Root, Stillingia, Echinacea, Red Clover, Blue Flag, Chaparral, Burdock Root, HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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Yellow Dock, Baptisia, Wahoo, Willow, Poplar, Gentian, Barberry, oregon Grape, Culver’s Root, Centaury,Borage, Wormwood, Parsley, Coriander, Buchu, Plantain, Gravel Root, Cleavers, Nettles, Uva Ursi, Pipsissewa,Watercress, Wintergreen, Black Cohosh, Devil’s Claw, Celery Seeds, Birch Bark, Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper,Prickly Ash Bark, Anise Seed, Star Anise, Cloves, Bayberry, Bay Leaves, Horseradish, Cardamon, Caraway, Dill,Cumin, Agrimony, Mugwort, Blessed Thistle, Shephard’s Purse, Madder Root, Vervaine, Motherwort, Safflower,Calendula, Frankincense, Myrrh, Pennyroyal, Tansy, Blue Cohosh, Rue, Collinsonia, Fenugreek Seeds, Damiana,Cubeb, Garlic, Cranesbill, Witch Hazel, Oak Bark, Loosestrife, Sumac, Bistort, Eyebright, Nutmeg, ValerianRoot, Skullcap, Hops, Passion Flower, Wood Betony, Chamomile, Camphor, Calamus, Lobelia, Horehound,Yerba Santa, Grindelia, Elecampane Flowers, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Mullein, Coltsfoot, Wormseed, Boneset,Cornsilk, Pau D’arco, Golden Seal Herb, Bogbean, Chinchona, St. John’s Wort, Tormentil, Arnica, Mistletoe,Rosemary, Primula, Lavender, Mustard Seed - White, Allspice, Chicory, Skunk Cabbage.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Pungent’ Are:Aniseed Oil, Basil Oil, Bay Oil, Castor Oil, Croton Oil, Fennel Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Mace Oil, MarjoramOil, orange Oil, Spearmint Oil and Valerian Oil.
Essential Oils With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pungent (Herb): Violet Oil, Tarragon Oil.
Pungent - Post Digest: Castor Oil, Basil Oil, Marjoram Oil, Lemongrass Oil, orange Oil, Bay Oil, Mace Oil,Spearmint Oil, Valerian Oil, Violet Oil, Aniseed Oil, Tarragon Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Pungent’ Are:Ephedra(2), Aconite, Bupleurum Root, Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamon Branch, Cyperus, Ginseng, Green Citrus,Ligusticum Wallichii, Male Fern, Morinda, Psoralea Seeds and Slender Acanthopanax Root Bark.
Chinese Herbal Remedies With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pungent - Post Digest: Ephedra(2), Male Fern, Cyperus, Ceanothus, Apricot Kernel, Sweet Apricot, Coptis.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Pungent’ Are:Chitrak(3), Galangal(2), Guggul(2), Pippli Long Pepper(2), Shilajit(2), Asafoetida, Bilva, Black Musali,Cilantro, Guduchi, Haritaki, Kustha Mula, Kutaja, Lodhra, Saffron, Shankapushpi, Shankha Pushpi, Tagar,Turmeric, Vasa, Vidanga and Wild Ginger.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Pungent (Juice): Bilva.
Pungent - Post Digest: Galangal, Asafoetida, Turmeric, Guggul(2), Wild Ginger, Jatamansi(2), Neem,Punarnava, Henna, Arjun, Shardunika, Tagar, Kustha Mula.
Pungent Flavor: Amla.
Cathartic. 1. Cleansing. 2. An agent that will cause watery evacuation of the intestinal contents such as castoroil. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 14th Edition.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Purgative’ Are: HERBAL PROPERTY DICTIONARY - SAMPLE By Steve Blake, AHG, DSc, Master Herbalist Copyright 2004 Steve Blake
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Aloe(11), Rhubarb Root(7), Mandrake Root(5), Buckthorne Bark(4), Vinca Rosea(4), Celandine -Greater(3), Safflower(3), Senna(3), Damiana(2), Hedge Hyssop(2), Pansy(2), Peach Seed(2), SweetViolet(2), Baptisia, Barberry, Black Cohosh, Blackthorn, Burdock Root, Butternut Bark, Cascara Amarga,Cascara Bark, Condurango Bark, Crampbark, Daffodil, Devil’s Claw, Feverfew, Hydrangea, Milk Thistle,Mistletoe, Nettles, Oleander, oregano, Plantain, Psyllium, Spikenard, Vitex, Wahoo, Watercress, WhiteBryony, Wild Cherry Bark and Yellow Dock.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Purgative (Seeds): Knotgrass.
Purgative (The Powder): Aloe(2).
Purgative - Mild: Rhubarb Root, Barberry.
Purgative - Pitta: Yellow Dock.
Purgative - Strong: Poke Root.
Purgative -Therapy (Virechana): Senna.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Purgative’ Are:Croton Oil(5), orange Blossom Oil(3), Eucalyptus Oil, Lime Oil and Tagetes Oil.
Chinese Herbal Remedies That Have the Action ‘Purgative’ Are:Mulberry Fruit(3), Asparagus Root, Ceanothus, Eclipta, Male Fern and Polypody Fern Root.
Ayurvedic Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Purgative (Root): Punarnava(2), Berberis Aristata.
Purgative - Mild: Banyan.
Purgative - Pitta: Amla.
Purgative - Mild
Mild cathartic. 1. Mildly cleansing. 2. An agent that will mildly cause watery evacuation of the intestinalcontents. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 14th Edition.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Purgative - Mild’ Are:Barberry and Rhubarb Root.
Ayurvedic Herbs That Have the Action ‘Purgative - Mild’ Are:Banyan.
Purgative - Strong
Strong cathartic. 1. Strongly cleansing. 2. An agent that will strongly cause watery evacuation of the intestinalcontents such as castor oil. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 14th Edition.
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Herbs That Have the Action ‘Purgative - Strong’ Are:Poke Root.
Purgative - Warming
The Definition of Purgative - Warming is: Cathartic. 1. Cleansing. 2. An agent that will cause watery evacuation of the intestinal contents such as castoroil. Warming means to increase heat or metabolic activity. Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary 14th Edition.
To rid of impurities. Webster’s New World Dictionary.
Herbs That Have the Action ‘Purifying’ Are:Myrrh.
Herbs With Specific Action Information Are Listed Below:Purifying -Circulatory & Nerv.: Mugwort.
Feverish, febrile, relating to fever.
Essential Oils That Have the Action ‘Pyretic’ Are:Rockrose Oil.
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A Barefoot Doctor’s Manual, Revolutionary Health Committee, 1974, CloudburstA Field Guide to Medicinal Plants, Foster & Duke, Houghton MifflinA Guide to the Medicinal Plants of the United States, Krochmal, 1973A Modern Herbal, Mrs. M. GrieveAntiproliferativo Su Cellule Tumorale, Peluso Et Al, ACTAS II, 1993Aromatherapy Handbook, 1991, Erich KellerAyurvedic Healing, Dr. David Frawley, Passage Press, 1989Back To Eden, Jethro KlossBetween Heaven and Earth, Harriet Peinfield & Efrem KorngoldBlakensen’s New Gould Medical DictionaryChecklist of the Indigenous Woody Plants of British Guiana, Fanshawe, 1949Chinese-Planetary Herbal Diagnosis, Michael and Lesley TierraChinese Herbal Medicine, Formulas & Strategies, D. Bensky, R. BaroletChinese Herbal Medicine, Li, Dhew PublicationChinese Herbal Patent Formulas, Jake FratkinChinese Herbal Remedies, Leung, Universe BooksChinese Herbs, Keys, John D., 1976, Charles E. Tuttle Company, TokyoChinese Medicinal Herbs, Shih-Chem, Li, 1973, Georgetown PressClinical Handbook of Chinese Prepared Medicines, Chun-Han ZhuCodex Vegetabilis, Steinmetz, 1957, AmsterdamComplete Aromatherapy Handbook, Susanne Fischer-RizziComposition of Cereal Grains, Miller, 1958Diccionario Botanico De Nombres Vulgares De La Esponola, Liogier, 1974Dictionary of Economic Plants, 2nd Ed., UPHOF, 1968, VerlagDictionary of Plants Containing Secondary Metabolites, Blasby, 1991Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 25th Ed.
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Hegnauer’s Chemotaxonomie Der Pflanzen (7 Vols.)Herbal Emissaries, Steven Foster & Yue Chong XI, 1992Herbal Handbook Regarding Health Maintenance and Curative Self-Care, James GreenHerbal Medications, SpoerkeHerbal Medicine, Rudolf WeissHerbal Pharmacology in the Peoples Republic of China, NAS, Washington, D.C.
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Nutritional Influences on Illness, WerbachOutline Guide to Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines, Margaret NaeserPakistan Encyclopedia Planta Medica, 1986Phytochemical Flora of Qatar, RizkPhytochemistry of the Horticultural Plants of Qatar, 1989Planetary Herbology, Michael Tierra, Lotus PressPlantas Medicinales El Dioscorides Renovado, Font Quer, 1979, Barcelona, 5th Ed.
Plantes Medicinales Et PhytotherapiePlants Used Against Cancer, A survey, Hartwell 1967-71, LoydiaPrescription for Nutritional Healing, Balch & Balch, 1990Principles of Natural Living, Charles H. GesserProduct Guide, Michael Corrigan, 1991Proherb, Steve Blake, FalcorPycnogenols, Superstar Nutrients, James Krystosik, 1995Raw Vegetable Juices, N.W. WalkerRemedies and Indications, Boiron-BornemanSchool of Natural Healing, John ChristopherScience of Herbal Medicine, John HeinermanSome Folk Medicinal Plants from Trinidad, Wong, Weesley, 1976Stedman’s Medical DictionaryStedman’s Medical Dictionary - ElectronicSummaries on 2,000 Economic Plants, Duke, J.A., USDA, ARSTaber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 14th EditionTextbook of Modern Herbology, Terry Willard, ProgressiveTextbook of Natural Medicine, Pizzorno & Murray, 1985The Aromatherapy Handbook, Erich Keller, 1991The Art of Aromatherapy, Robert Tisserand, 1989The Bichemic Handbook, Chapman and Perry, 1976The Complete Book of Essential Oils, WorwoodThe Dictionary of Modern Herbalism, Simon Mills, ThorsonsThe Essential Book of Tradtional Chinese Medicine Vol. 1, Liu, Columbia U. PressThe Essential Oils, 6 Vols., Guenther, 1948-1952, Van NostrandThe Ethnobotany of the Flathead Indians of Western Montana, Hart 1979, HarvardThe Family Guide to Self-Medication, Boericke & TafelThe Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Giovanni MaciociaThe Herb Book, John LustThe MacDonald Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants, Roberto Chiej MacDonaldThe New American Medical Dictionary and Health ManualThe New Holistic Herbal, David Hoffmann, Element, 1990The Practice of Aromatherapy, Jean ValnetThe Saga of the Cat’s Claw, Fernando Cabieses, Via Lactea, 1994The Way of Herbs, Michael TierraThe Wealth of India, 1948-1976, 11 Volumes, Council Sci. & Ind. Res., New DelhiThe Yoga of Herbs, David Frawley & Vasant Lad, Lotus Press, 1986Therapeutic Herbalism, David HoffmannThree Annual compilations on Essential Oils, Lawrence, B.M.
Touting Tocopherol, Duke, J.A.
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Trees and Shrubs of Mexico, Standley, Paul C.
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