Diltiazem for nocturnal leg crampsSIRÐIn the prevention ofnocturnal leg cramps, quinine
sulphate is the most frequently used drug; it has a modest
effect [1, 2] but, because of toxicity associated with its
use, an alternative is needed. Verapamil can relieve the
leg cramps resistant to quinine [3]. Having properties of
neuromuscular transmission inhibition [4] and calcium
channel blockade in the sarcolemma [5±7], diltiazem
hydrochloride may be worthy ofinvestigation.
We have carried out a double-blind, randomized,
placebo-controlled, crossover trial on 13 patients
(11 women; aged 64"10 years) with typical leg cramps
two or more times per week. Subjects with clinically
important electrolyte disorders, second- or third-degree
atrioventricular block, sick sinus syndrome and uncon-
trolled congestive cardiac failure were excluded. We
prohibited concomitant use ofquinine sulphate, vitamins
E and B complex and calcium-channel blockers.
This trial had four phases of observation, each lasting
2 weeks. Patients took a tablet containing 30 mg of
diltiazem hydrochloride or a placebo tablet before going
to bed. Placebo treatment was given during the run-in
period (phase 1) and during the washout period (phase
3). We used a random numbers table to randomize the
patients and neither the patients nor the investigators
(except the assistant) knew to which subgroup the
Division of Cardiology, Department of Internal Medicine,
patients were randomized. Patients assigned an even
Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan
number took placebo during the second phase and
diltiazem hydrochloride during the fourth phase, whereas
those assigned an odd number took diltiazem hydro-
chloride during the second phase and placebo during the
1. Man-Son-Hing M, Wells G. Meta-analysis of efficacy of
fourth phase. A nightly diary was kept to record each leg
quinine for treatment of nocturnal leg cramps in elderly
cramp and an estimate ofits intensity from their own
experience with a scale ofone (low) to three (high).
2. Man-Son-Hing M, Wells G, Lau A. Quinine for nocturnal
The subjects tolerated diltiazem hydrochloride well
leg cramps: a meta-analysis including unpublished data. J Gen
and none reported side effects. As one patient took
felodipine from another doctor to control her very high
3. Baltodano N, Gallo BV, Weidler DJ. Verapamil vs quinine in
blood pressure, only 12 patients were included in the
recumbent nocturnal leg cramps in the elderly. Arch Intern
®nal analyses. There was no signi®cant randomization
group difference in the frequency [95% con®dence
4. Chang CC, Lin SO, Hong SJ, Chiou LC. Neuromuscular
interval (CI), ±16.96 to 4.96 cramps per phase;
block by verapamil and diltiazem and inhibition ofacetyl-
P = 0.250)] and intensity (95% CI, ±0.709 to 0.142;
choline release. Brain Res 1988; 454: 332±9.
P = 0.166) ofleg cramps. There was also no carryover
5. Rivet M, Cognard C, Rideau Y et al. Calcium currents in
effect on the frequency (95% CI, ±14.85 to 9.52 cramps
normal and dystrophic human skeletal muscle cells in culture.
per phase; P = 0.636) and intensity (95% CI, ±2.57 to
1.01; P = 0.352) ofleg cramps. Moreover, as for the
6. Triggle DJ. Calcium channel antagonists: mechanisms of
frequency and intensity of leg cramps, there was neither
action, vascular selectives, and clinical relevance. Cleve Clin
signi®cant period effect between phases 2 and 4 (95%
CI, ±4.51 to 4.51 cramps per phase; P = 1.000 and 95%
7. Arreola J, Calvo J, Garcia MC, Sanchez JA. Modulation of
CI, ±0.42 to 0.77; P = 0.551, respectively) nor signi®cant
calcium channels of twitch skeletal muscle fibres of the frog by
sequence effect (95% CI, ±5.80 to 3.13 cramps per
adrenaline and cyclic adenosine monophosphate. J Physiol
phase; P = 0.542 and 95% CI, ±0.97 to 0.19; P = 0.175,
respectively). The combined data ofphases 2 and 4
8. Keidar S, Binenboim C, Palant A. Muscle cramps during
showed a statistically signi®cant difference (95% CI,
treatment with nifedipine. Br Med J 1982; 285: 1241±2.
À5.84 to À0.16 cramps per phase; P = 0.040) in the
9. Grossman E, Messerli FH. Effect of calcium antagonists on
frequency of leg cramps between those on diltiazem
plasma norepinephrine levels, heart rate and blood pressure.
hydrochloride and those on placebo. There was no
signi®cant difference (95% CI, ±0.30 to 0.11; P = 0.347)
in the intensity ofleg cramps between those on diltiazem
The mechanisms ofleg cramps are unknown. It is
interesting that nifedipine [8] may induce but verapamil
[3] and diltiazem may relieve leg cramps. Diltiazem and
verapamil (but not nifedipine) can block neuromuscular
transmission via inhibition ofneurotransmitter release
[4]. Nifedipine, diltiazem and verapamil can block the
L-type calcium channels in the sarcolemma [5, 6] and
interfere with entry of calcium ions into the sarcoplasm
via the T tubules, and with calcium-induced calcium
release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Nifedipine
may induce stronger re¯ex adrenergic stimulation than
diltiazem and verapamil [9]. It will then enhance the
entry ofcalcium ions through the dihydropyridine-
insensitive T-type calcium channels [7] and thus nullify
its net effect on calcium-channel blockade. Such dif-
ferences either alone or in combination may explain
the heterogeneous effects of calcium-channel blockers
In conclusion, this small study suggests that diltiazem
is effective and safe in the prevention of nocturnal leg
5ª Reunión científica de la APapCLM y 7ª Reunión anual de la AEPap Guadalajara, 11 y 12 de noviembre de 2011 Relación de comunicaciones aceptadas para su presentación durante la Reunión Título Comunicación Autor que lo envía Síndrome de "Alicia en el país de las maravillas" en probable López Andrés, Nerea; Bernal Vañó, Esther relación con el uso de mon