Microsoft word - nada coordinator tr _with publications_.doc
Project Termination Report for the Period
NCRAC FUNDING: $89,000 (July 15, 2004 to August 31, 2009) PARTICIPANT:
(6) Identify existing data and remaining
(8) Encourage and seek opportunities for
(10) Identify potential funding sources for
(4) Seek the support and participation of
Drug Applications is to help obtain drug
coordination of activities. These activities
over the past five years have resulted in a
1NCRAC has funded two National Coordinator projects. The termination report for the first project is contained in the 1999-00 Annual Progress Report. This Termination Report is for the second National Coordinator project. Ted R. Batterson served as the facilitator for this project interacting with a steering committee in overseeing the Coordinator=s activities.
potential for many more in the near future or
Flavobacterium psychrophilum (NADA
closely with the drug sponsor to ensure that
2. Florfenicol (Aquaflor®) for the control
all activities result in approvals. Following
are those drugs and their label claims:2
salmonids due to furunculosis associated
1. Florfenicol (Aquaflor®) for control of
enteric septicemia of catfish associated
3. Oxytetracycline dihydrate (Terramycin®
indication to the label for the control of
viridans (NADA #038-439; approved
4. Oxytetracycline dihydrate (Terramycin®
200 for Fish) for control of mortality in
branchiophilum, and (c) freshwater-
Flavobacterium psychrophilum and (b)
disease associated with Flavobacterium Oncorhynchus mykiss due to columnaris
columnare (Flexibacter columnaris)
disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare. To remove limitation on
treating salmonids in water temperatures
1. Florfenicol (Aquaflor®) for control of
mortality in freshwater-reared salmonids
due to coldwater disease associated with
2 Denotes a new drug that gained approval for
*Denotes drug designations under the Minor Use
343®) for skeletal marking in finfish fry
and Minor Species (MUMS) Animal Health Act of 2004 that gives the sponsors of these drugs seven
years of marketing exclusivity (as of October 27,
2009, the MUMS Office has granted 83 designations,
71 of those are to aquaculture drug sponsors, many of
whom have received extensive help from the
National Aquaculture NADA Coordinator); and
Denotes a drug which is a candidate sedative
(one of the drugs being considered by USDA for
development; it is anticipated that there will be eight
label claims for the selected sedative).
Annual Progress Report 2008-09 Page 2 NATIONAL COORDINATOR FOR AQUACULTURE INADs/NADAs Totals for NADAs and ANADAs (2004 to October 2009) = 11 NADAs and ANADAs for 5 drugs (2 new) and 14 different label ABBREVIATED NADA APPROVALS
1. Formalin (Formacide-B®) for control of
(a) external protozoa (Chilodonella spp., TOTALS for Indexed drugs (2008 to June Costia spp., Epistylis spp.,
2009) = 2 Indexed drugs Ichthyophthirius spp. Scyphidia spp. and
Trichodina spp.) on all finfish, (b)
(Cleidodiscus spp., Dactylogyrus spp.,
and Gyrodactylus spp.) on all finfish, (c)
for control of mortality in (a) freshwater-
all finfish eggs, and (d) protozoan
disease associated with Flavobacterium
parasites (Bodo spp., Epistylis spp., and
branchiophilum and (b) walleye and
Zoothamnium spp.) on penaeid shrimp
2. Copper sulfate (Triangle Brand Copper
channel catfish due to ichthyophthiriasis
CONDITIONAL APPROVAL 1. Florfenicol (Aquaflor®) for control of
3. Emamectin benzoate (Slice)for control
of sea lice on saltwater-reared salmonids
disease associated with Flavobacterium INDEXED DRUGS
disease associated with Renibacterium
(Ovaprim) for use as a spawning aid in
5. Florfenicol (Aquaflor) for control of
with Flavobacterium columnare and (b)
Annual Progress Report 2008-09 Page 3 NORTH CENTRAL REGIONAL AQUACULTURE CENTER Streptococcus iniae (supplemental
6. Formalin (Parasite-S®) for control of
during transport, short-term sedative for
sponsor: Frontier Scientific, Inc.*
AID®) for control of mortality in (a) all
8. 17α-methyltestosterone (Masculinizing
Feed for Tilapia) for masculinization
of female early life-stage tilapia (original
marking in freshwater-reared finfish fry
9. Oxytetracycline dihydrate (Terramycin®
6. Emamectin benzoate (Slice)for control
Totals anticipated for NADAs (in the near future) = at least 9 NADAs for 9 drugs (5 new) and 12 different label claims NADAS UNDER DEVELOPMENT FOR APPROVALS
except freshwater-reared channel catfish,
finfish and to lightly sedate for transport
2. Copper sulfate (Triangle Brand Copper
(d) all salt-water-reared salmonid finfish
Zealand Ltd., Lower Hutt, New Zealand*
8. Fish-eezzz™ for use as a sedative for all
with Flavobacterium columnare, (b)
with Flavobacterium columnare, and(c)
9. Florfenicol (Aquaflor) for control of
Flavobacterium columnare) and (b)
14. Porphyrins (AquaFrin) for control of
mortality in freshwater-reared salmonids
Aeromonas septicemia associated with
Aeromonas spp. (supplemental NADAs);
15. Potassium permanganate (Cairox) for
AID®) for control of Ichthyophthirius
disease associated with Flavobacterium multifiliis, Ichthyobodo necator, and
branchiophilum, (b) freshwater-reared
Gyrodactylusspp in freshwater-reared
disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare, and (c) freshwater-reared
11. 17α-methyltestosterone (Masculinizing
Feed for Tilapia) for masculinization
12. Oxytetracycline dihydrate (Terramycin®
200 for Fish) for control of mortality in
Aeromonas septicemia associated with
Aeromonas spp., (b) freshwater-reared
disease associated with Flavobacterium columnare, and (c) penaeid shrimp due
Totals anticipated for NADAs under development = at least 12 drugs (+ 1 sedative; 5 new drugs) and 34 (+8 sedative) different label claims
Establishment of the National Aquaculture
Ensure that 17α-methyltestosterone gets
has resulted in coordination, consolidation,
INAD/NADA process on high priority drugs
effort is made to extend the approval to
other finfish species (e.g., rainbow trout)
sponsors and other entities have initiated
of interest to the North Central Region.
florfenicol and oxytetracycline dihydrate
are completed so that an approval can be
Aeromonas septicemia associated with
applicants saved time and effort for both the
sector needs in the North Central Region
are met for a sedative or anesthetic that
Coordinator helped alleviate time demands
on CVM staff, thus allowing more time to
process a greater number of applications as
well as increasing the breadth of research
This enhanced coordination will help and
has helped gain original, supplemental, and
abbreviated NADAs (see the listing above
is transferred to researchers for action.
industries to reduce mortalities associated
with infectious and handling diseases and to
See the Appendix for a cumulative output
increase their efficiency by using spawning
for all NCRAC-funded National Coordinator
for Aquaculture INADs/NADAs activities.
sedatives. The domestic aquaculture industry is now better able to compete with foreign producers because there are more legal drugs for producers to use.
Schnick, R.A., and P. Smith. 1999. International
harmonisation of antibacterial agent approvals
and susceptibility testing. EAFP Bulletin 19(6):293-294.
Publications in Print Griffin, B.R., R.A. Schnick, and W.H. Gingerich.
2000. Update on the Federal-State Aquaculture
Schnick, R.A., W.H. Gingerich, and K.H. Koltes.
Drug Approval Project. Aquaculture Magazine
1996. Federal-state aquaculture drug registration
partnership: A success in the making. Fisheries
MacMillan, J.R., R.A. Schnick, and G. Fornshell.
Schnick, R.A., D.J. Alderman, R. Armstrong, R. Le
2006. Stakeholder position paper: aquaculture
Gouvello, S. Ishihara, E.D. Lacierda, S. Percival,
producer. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 73(2-
and M. Roth. 1997. Worldwide aquaculture
drugs and vaccine registration progress. Bulletin
of the European Association of Fish Pathologists
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Chemicals and drugs. Pages
in R.C. Summerfelt, editor. Walleye
culture manual. NCRAC Culture Series #101,
Schnick, R.A. 2005. The need for a zero withdrawal
North Central Regional Aquaculture Center
Publications Office, Iowa State University,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Cooperative fish therapeutic
funding initiative: States in partnership with
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Zero withdrawal anesthetic for
federal agencies to ensure the future of public
all fish and shellfish: need and candidates.
fish culture. Transactions of the 61st North
Schnick, R.A. 2007. News: Fisheries: major
Schnick, R.A. 1997. International regulatory aspects
of chemical and drug residues. Pages 186-194
R.E. Martin, R.L. Collette, and J.W. Slavin,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. News: Fisheries: major
editors. Fish inspection, quality control, and
aquaculture drug approval (Aquaflor®). Fisheries
HACCP: a global focus. Technomic Publishing
Schnick, R.A. 2007. News: Fisheries: Aquaflor®
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Approval of drugs and
approved for furunculosis in salmonids. Fisheries
chemicals for use by the aquaculture industry.
Schnick, R.A. 2008. News: Fisheries: Aquaculture
drug approval for Terramycin for Fish.
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Use of chemicals in fish
management and fish culture: past and future.
Chapter 1, pages 1-14 in D.J. Smith, W.H.
Papers Presented
Gingerich and M. Beconi-Barker, editors.
Gingerich, W.H. and R.A. Schnick. 1997. Federal-
Xenobiotics in fish. Kluwer Academic/Plenum
state aquaculture drug approval partnership
program. 28th Annual Meeting of the World
Aquaculture Society, Seattle, Washington,
Schnick, R.A. 2000. Efficacy data needed for high
priority aquaculture drugs. American Fisheries
Aquaculture drug registration study progress
Schnick, R.A., and R.D. Armstrong. 1997.
report. Meeting of the International Association
Aquaculture drug approval progress in the
of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Inland Fisheries
United States. Northern Aquaculture Supplement
Committee, Washington, D.C. March 16, 1997.
Laurenson, J.P., B.L. Baxter, R.M. Kauffman, J.C.
the U.S. Trout Farmers Association, Twin Falls,
Cleland, and R.A. Schnick. 2005. Development
and use of the Aquaculture Risk Information
Schnick, R.A. 1995. Activities of the National
(AQRRT) for prioritizing import sampling and
Coordinator for Aquaculture New Animal Drug
other activities (poster). 2005 FDA Science
Applications. Annual meeting of the National
Forum, Washington, D.C., April 27-29, 2005.
Research Support Program Number 7 (NRSP-7),
MacMillan, R., and R.A. Schnick. 2005. MUMS
update: Positive impact of MUMS legislation.
Schnick, R.A. 1995. INAD/NADA Coordinators
Organizer and presenter, Rockville, Maryland,
Ringer, R.K. 1993. Workshop on INADs, NADAs,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Status of aquaculture INADs
and the IR-4 Project. California Aquaculture
Ringer, R.K. 1993. INAD workshop: proper drug and
Meetings, Council Bluffs, Iowa, February 6-8,
chemical use in aquaculture. 9th Annual Florida
Aquaculture Association Conference, Fort
Schnick, R.A. 1996. INAD/NADA update. Western
Regional Aquaculture Expo >96, Sacramento,
Ringer, R.K. 1994. National INAD Coordinator’s
role in aquaculture. 25th Annual Meeting of the
Schnick, R.A. 1996. National Aquaculture NADA
Coordinator update. Working Group on Quality
Assurance in Aquaculture Production, Arlington,
Ringer, R.K. 1994. State of current USDA
regulations on drug, therapeutic, and chemical
use. North Carolina Aquaculture Development
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Proper use of fish therapeutants
based on legal requirements-gill lice, bacterial
gill disease, furunculosis, etc. Annual Meeting of
Ringer, R.K. 1994. Investigational New Animal
the Michigan Aquaculture Association, East
Drugs Workshop. Tropical and Subtropical
Regional Aquaculture Center Industry Advisory
Council Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 14,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Status of aquaculture drug
Workshop, La Crosse, Wisconsin, February 28,
Schnick, R.A. 1995. Idaho Aquaculture Association
Annual Meeting, Twin Falls, Idaho, May 19-22,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Advances in therapeutants.
Southeastern Fish Diagnosticians’ Workshop,
Schnick, R.A. 1995. Chemistry in Aquaculture
Mississippi State, Mississippi, March 13-14,
Cullowhee, North Carolina, May 31-June 2,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Report on progress and research
study objectives of the Federal-State Drug
Schnick, R.A. 1995. FWS/INAD Coordination
Registration Partnership. Meeting of the
Workshop. Presenter and coordinator, Bozeman,
International Association of Fish and Wildlife
Agencies, ad hoc Committee on Aquaculture,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Cooperative fish therapeutic
aquaculture INADs/NADAs. Annual meeting of
funding initiativeCStates in partnership with Federal agencies to ensure the future of public
fish culture. 61st North American Conference on
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Aquaculture drug approval
progress for the catfish industry. Catfish Farmers
Nashville, Tennessee, February 27-March 1,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. International regulatory aspects
of chemical and drug residues. International
Conference on Fish Inspection and Quality,
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Aquaculture drugs and
chemicals approvals. Wisconsin Aquaculture
Conference >97, Stevens Point, Wisconsin,
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Aquaculture drug approval
progress in the United States. Aquaculture
Schnick, R.A. 1997. History of the IAFWA drug
Canada ‘96, 13th Annual Meeting of the
approval project; review of FDA’s decisions on
Aquaculture Association of Canada, Ottawa,
drug use in aquaculture; and negotiations by
NADA coordinator. First Meeting of the IAFWA
Drug Approval Oversight Subcommittee, Hot
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Summary of activities of the
National Coordinator for Aquaculture New
Animal Drug Applications (NADAs): (May 15,
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Review of the November 1996
1995 to May 14, 1996). Meeting of the Aquatic
chloramine-T data requirements; Data call-in.
Remedies Steering Committee, American Pet
Chloramine-T INAD Coordination Workshop,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 18-19, 1996.
Coordinator activities. FWS-INAD Coordination
Coordinator activities, International Project
Workshop, Bozeman, Montana, August 7, 1997.
Schnick, R.A. 1997. NADA Coordinator update. JSA
Aquaculture Production, Washington, D.C.,
responsibilities related to the amoxicillin INAD.
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Worldwide aquaculture drug
approvals through partnerships in the United
States. Seminar to Schering-Plough Animal
Schnick, R.A. 1996. Overview of pivotal study
Health, Union, New Jersey, August 26, 1997.
protocol requirements. Chloramine-T Pivotal
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Progress with registration of
Kansas City, Missouri, November 7-8, 1996.
drugs and vaccines for aquaculture: introduction
and the United States. Chair and presenter at
Schnick, R.A. 1997. INAD and drug clearance
update. Midcontinent Warmwater Fish Culture
Registration of Drugs and Vaccines@ and ARound
Workshop, Springfield, Missouri, February 3-5,
Table on Progress with Registration of Drugs
and Vaccines for Aquaculture,@ EAFP Eighth
International Conference on Diseases of Fish and
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Overview of partnerships for
Shellfish, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 14-
aquaculture drug approvals. Partnerships for
Success. Chair of Special Session at 28th Annual
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Role of the national NADA
Meeting of the World Aquaculture Society,
office in aquaculture drug approval activities.
Seattle, Washington, February 19-23, 1997.
Aquaculture Drugs and Chemicals Approval
Update, Arlington, Virginia, September 30,
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Current status and future needs
for drugs in aquaculture: regional needs.
Workshop on International Harmonization for
Schnick, R.A. 1997. Partial support for National
Drugs and Biologics, Seattle, Washington,
Coordinator for Aquaculture New Animal Drug
Applications. WRAC IAC/TC Meeting, Reno,
American Chemical Society, Dallas, Texas,
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Priorities subcommittee report.
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Drug approval partnership.
Workshop on International Harmonization of
Aquaculture Drugs and Biologics, Las Vegas,
Administrator’s Section, Phoenix, Arizona, April
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Upcoming successes for
aquaculture drug approvals in the United States
Coordinator activities. FWS-INAD Coordination
through unique partnerships. Special Session,
AAquaculture drug approvalsBa success story
about to happen,@ 29th Annual Meeting of the
World Aquaculture Society, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Schnick, R.A. 1998. NADA Coordinator update.
Meeting of the JSA Working Group on Quality
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Progress on 5-year plan items
(Plan items 1, 2, 12, and 13). Working Group on
Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production,
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Overview of the activities of the
29th Annual Meeting of the World Aquaculture
National Coordinator for Aquaculture New
Society, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 15-19,
Animal Drug Applications and suggestions for
enhancing dialogue with the Minor Use Animal
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Introduction and discussion of
Animal Drug Program Technical Committee for
INADs and extra-label use. Special Session,
NRSP-7, Rockville, Maryland, September 22,
AAquaculture drug approvals through producer
INADs?,@ 29th Annual Meeting of the World
Schnick, R.A. 1998. The effect of the Animal Drug
Modernization Act of 1997 on approvals of
Schnick, R.A. 1998. INADs and other drug business.
animal health products for minor species/minor
PNFHPC meeting, 29th Annual Meeting of the
uses. 1998 Animal Health Institute Joint
World Aquaculture Society, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Meeting, San Diego, California, November 9,
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Aquaculture drug approval
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Overview of IAFWA Project
update. Meeting of the Aquaculture & Seafood
Aquaculture Drug Approval Project, La Crosse,
Medical Association, 29th Annual Meeting of the
World Aquaculture Society, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Overview of the international
aspects of antimicrobial sensitivity determination
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Progress on aquaculture drug
and the need for harmonization in aquaculture
approvals. Fisheries Management and Habitat
Protection Statewide Training Conference, Green
Weymouth, England, November 24-27, 1998.
Schnick, R.A. 1998. IAFWA Project status and
Schnick, R.A. 1999. National NADA Office
progress. Meeting of the Inland Fisheries
Committee, North American Natural Resources
Aquaculture Drugs and Chemicals Approval
Conference, Orlando, Florida, March 20-24,
UpdateC1999, Arlington, Virginia, January 11,
Schnick, R.A. 1998. Use of chemicals in fish
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Introduction and discussion of
management and fish culture: past and future.
Symposium, AXenobiotic metabolism in fish,@
Aquaculture America >99, Tampa, Florida,
Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production,
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Update on activities of the
Schnick, R.A. 1999. International harmonisation of
National Coordinator for Aquaculture New
antibacterial agent approvals and susceptibility
Animal Drug Applications. Meeting of the Joint
Subcommittee on Aquaculture, Working Group
Association of Fish Pathologists 9th International
on Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production,
Conference, ADiseases of Fish and Shellfish,@
Aquaculture America >99, Tampa, Florida,
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Update on the IAFWA drug
Schnick, R.A. 2000. National Coordinator for
approval process. 1999 Mid-Continent Fish
Aquaculture New Animal Drug Applications
Culture Workshop, North Kansas City, Missouri,
update. Working Group on Quality Assurance in
Aquaculture Production at Aquaculture America
2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2,
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Aquaculture drug approval
progress for the catfish industry. Annual Meeting
of the Catfish Farmers of America, New Orleans,
Schnick, R.A. 2000. Introduction and background to
the MUMS legislation. Special Session AFuture
drug approval process: MUMS opportunities,@
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Advances in fishery chemicals.
AReeling in the next millennium,@ Cheyenne,
Schnick, R.A. 2000. You can make a difference.
Special Session AFuture drug approval process:
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Overview of florfenicol
MUMS opportunities.@ Aquaculture America
approval process. Coordination meeting for
2000, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 2-5,
florfenicol efficacy studies, La Crosse,
Schnick, R.A. 2000. Drug approvals. Mid-Continent
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Progress and issues related to
Warmwater Fish Culture Workshop, Council
the federal-state aquaculture drug approval
Schnick, R.A. 2000. New drug approval progress.
Francisco, California, March 25-28, 1999.
Meeting, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, February
Schnick, R.A. 1999. International cooperation toward
aquaculture drug approvals. 30th Annual Meeting
of the World Aquaculture Society, Sydney,
Schnick, R.A. 2000. Update on the Federal-State
Australia, April 26-May 2, 1999. (Keynote
International Association for Fish and Wildlife
Schnick, R.A. 1999. USA programs related to
Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, March 26, 2000.
aquaculture drug approval development and
issues. Australian Department of Agriculture,
Schnick, R.A. 2004. Brief overviewCRecent
Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra, Australia, May
developments and highlights on drug approval
Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September
Coordination Workshop, Bozeman, Montana,
Schnick, R.A. 2004. Review and Policy Guidance
#5CStrategic plan for end point to IAFWA
Schnick, R.A. 1999. Aquaculture NADA Coordinator
Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey, September
update. Meeting of the JSA Working Group on
America 2005, New Orleans, Louisiana, January
PlanCNational Coordinator for Aquaculture
Approval Working Group Meeting, Atlantic
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Highlights on IAFWA Project
drug approval progress. Drug Approval Working
Group Meeting, Arlington, Virginia, March 16,
Schnick, R.A. 2004. Aquaculture outside of NRSP-7.
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Questions in Strategic Plan for
End Point to the IAFWA Project. Drug Approval
Schnick, R.A. 2004. Drug issue and needs for
Working Group Meeting, Arlington, Virginia,
Southern U.S. Marine Aquaculture. Workshop
Southern United States, Sarasota, Florida,
PlanCNational Coordinator for Aquaculture
November 16, 2004. PowerPoint presentation
New Animal Drug Applications. Drug Approval
distributed to interested entities and placed on
Working Group Meeting, Arlington, Virginia,
the National Aquaculture NADA Coordinator
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Aquaculture drug approval
Schnick, R.A. 2005. An update on the approval of
therapeutants for use in aquaculture. Coolwater
Fish Culture Workshop, Cherry Valley Lodge,
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Upcoming aquaculture drug
approvals. American Fisheries Society Fish
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Need for a zero withdrawal
anesthetic for coolwater fish culture. Coolwater
Fish Culture Workshop, Cherry Valley Lodge,
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Matrices for tracking major
aquaculture drug approval development. 11th
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Drug Matrix Database. JSA
Annual Drug Approval Coordination Workshop,
Aquaculture Production, Aquaculture America
2005, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 17,
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Brief overview—recent
developments and highlights on drug approval
Schnick, R.A. 2005. INAD/NADA OverviewC17 α-
Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, September 15,
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Overview of the status of (1)
Expansion and extension of the oxytetracycline
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Responsible use of therapeutants
(OTC) label claims, (2) Initial label claims for
drugs in aquaculture. Environmental and Ethical
Issues in Aquaculture, Aquaculture America
submissions on these and other aquaculture
2005, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 19,
drugs, and (4) Information on public and private
aquaculture production statistics. Meeting on
Microbial Food Safety Data Requirements for
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Update on product approvals for
Oral Oxytetracycline and Chloramine-T for
fish health. Striped Bass Industry Forum,
Freshwater Aquaculture, Rockville, Maryland,
Schnick, R.A. 2005. Highlights and progress toward
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Internet-based drug matrix
aquaculture drug approvals. Producer Session
database and application. Working Group on
ASuccesses in Drug Approvals,@ Aquaculture
Quality Assurance in Aquaculture Production
meeting at Aquaculture America 2006, Las
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Drug approval status: Why we
are where we are and not where you thought we
should be. 31st Eastern Fish Health Workshop,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. 2005 Survey to determine unmet
Charleston, South Carolina, March 27-31, 2006.
label claims for the IAFWA Project drugs.
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Presentation to NRSP-7. NRSP-
Aquaculture Production meeting at Aquaculture
7 Spring Meeting 2006, Rockville, Maryland,
America 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 13,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Private aquaculture sector
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Drug approvals for salmonids:
survey needed to complete the exciting progress
success soon. US Trout Farmers Association
toward drug approvals. National Association of
Industry Update at Aquaculture America 2006,
State Aquaculture Coordinators, Little Rock,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. 17alpha-methyltestosterone
Schnick, R.A. 2006. History of efforts toward
activities timeline. 17alpha-methyltestosterone:
Approval status and activities overview at
Veterinary Medicine, Rockville, Maryland, June
Aquaculture America 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Overview of Public Aquaculture
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Update on product approvals for
Sector Survey to determine unmet label claims
fish health. Striped Bass Growers Association
Industry Update at Aquaculture America 2006,
Workshop, La Crosse, Wisconsin, August 1-2,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Partnerships toward the approval
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Introduction to non-IAFWA
Industry Update at Aquaculture America 2006,
projects for aquaculture drug approvals. 12th
Coordination Workshop, La Crosse, Wisconsin,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Recent aquaculture drug
“Aquaculture Drug Approval Successes” at
Aquaculture America 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada,
Coordinator’s perspective on non-IAFWA
Project drugs. 12th Annual Aquaculture Drug
Approval Coordination Workshop, La Crosse,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Special funding for aquaculture
drug approvals. Producer Session “Aquaculture
Drug Approval Successes” at Aquaculture
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Update on AFWA Project
America 2006, Las Vegas, Nevada, February 16,
Drugs. AFWA Drug Approval Working Group,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Update and status of IAFWA
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Advances toward drug approvals
Project drugs. Drug Approval Working Group,
for farmed fish. Penn Aqua 2006, Harrisburg,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Brief highlights of the last six
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Advances in aquaculture drug
approvals. NRSP-7, La Crosse, Wisconsin,
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Actual and anticipated NADA
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Drug approval status: Then and
approvals for 2006-2009. JSA Working Group
on Aquaculture Drugs, Biologics, and Pesticides
Charleston, South Carolina, March 27-31, 2006.
Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 25, 2006.
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Microbial Food Safety
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Thoughts on administrative
submissions & acceptances. JSA Working Group
NADA process, Drug Approval Working Group
on Aquaculture Drugs, Biologics, and Pesticides
Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 22, 2007.
Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 25, 2006.
Schnick, R.A. 2007. How Extension Specialists can
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Effect of MUMS designations
help in the aquaculture drug approval process. 4th
on sponsor participation. JSA Working Group on
National Aquaculture Extension Conference,
Aquaculture Drugs, Biologics, and Pesticides
Cincinnati, Ohio, April 30 to May 4, 2007.
Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 25, 2006.
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Dialog with Upper Midwest
Schnick, R.A. 2006. Proposed actions to meet unmet
Environmental Sciences Center on Fisheries
label claims from the Public Aquaculture Sector
Survey. JSA Working Group on Aquaculture
Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Drugs, Biologics, and Pesticides Meeting,
Partner Meetings, La Crosse, Wisconsin, May
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Update on aquaculture drug
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Progress towards aquaculture
approvals. North Central Regional Aquaculture
Convention, Washington, D.C., July 14-18,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Update on new drug approvals
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Possibilities for expediting
for catfish. Catfish Farmers of America Annual
Canadian aquaculture drug approval processes.
Meeting, Orange Beach, Alabama, February 15-
Veterinary Drugs Directorate, Ottawa, Ontario,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Recent aquaculture drug
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Historical background to this
approval successes. Aquaculture 2007, Producer
fabulous partnership. 13th Annual Drug Approval
Session “Aquaculture drug approval successes,”
Coordination Workshop, Bozeman, Montana,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Progress on drug approvals.
Schnick, R.A. 2007. The future of this fabulous
Association Annual Meeting, San Antonio,
Coordination Workshop, Bozeman, Montana,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Progress on drug approvals for
Schnick, R.A. 2007. The AFWA Project: NADA
salmonids. Aquaculture 2007, US Trout Farmers
approvals, label claims under development for
initial and/or expanded NADA approvals, and
status of technical section completions. 13th
Annual Drug Approval Coordination Workshop,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Progress on drug approvals for
Bozeman, Montana, July 31-August 1, 2007.
tilapia. Aquaculture 2007, American Tilapia
Association Session, San Antonio, Texas, March
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Progress on new aquaculture
drug approvals for disease management. Disease
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Status of aquaculture drug
Environment: Alternatives & Innovations. AFS
approvals. NRSP-7 Spring Meeting, Rockville,
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Strategic review of UMESC’s
Remaining requirements and progress September
Fish Management and Drug Research Program.
2006 to March 2007, Drug Approval Working
La Crosse, Wisconsin, September 13, 2007.
Group Meeting, Portland, Oregon, March 22,
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Update discussion of AFWA
Project Drugs. Drug Approval Working Group.
AFWA Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. It’s been a wonderful life.
Onalaska Rotary Club, Onalaska, Wisconsin,
accomplishments: National Coordinator for
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Aquaculture drug approvals:
Aquaculture New Animal Drug Applications.
Center for Veterinary Medicine, Rockville,
Meeting, Washington, D.C., January 26, 2009.
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Introduction and brief overall
Schnick, R.A. 2007. Efforts to gain aquaculture drug
progress toward aquaculture drug approvals, Part
approvals. Center for Veterinary Medicine,
Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, Washington,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Update on product approvals for
fish health. Striped Bass Growers Association
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Overall progress toward
Industry Forum, Aquaculture America 2008,
aquaculture drug approvals, Part II. Aquaculture
Drug Approval Successes, Aquaculture America
2009, Seattle, Washington, February 18, 2009.
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Overall progress toward
aquaculture drug approvals. Aquaculture Drug
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Update on product approvals for
Approval Successes, Aquaculture America 2008,
fish health. Striped Bass Growers Association,
Aquaculture America 2009, Seattle, Washington,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Status report on aquaculture
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Aquaculture drugsStatus
Aquaculture Center Annual Program Planning
report. North Central Regional Aquaculture
Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, February 22-24,
Center Board of Directors and 2009 Program
Planning Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Isoeugenol (AQUI-S) and
sedative issue. Drug Approval Working Group,
Schnick, R.A. 2009. 45 years of efforts toward
73rd North American Wildlife and Natural
aquaculture drug approvals: a perspective. 15th
Resources Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, March
Annual Drug Approval Coordination Workshop,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Update discussion on AFWA
Schnick, R.A. 2009. National Aquaculture NADA
Coordinator perspective on all aquaculture drug
Group,73rd North American Wildlife and Natural
Resources Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, March
Coordination Workshop, Little Rock, Arkansas,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Partnerships: The key to AFWA
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Update on all sedative needs &
Project successes. 14th Annual Drug Approval
what we need to do to meet those needs. 15th
Coordination Workshop, Bozeman, Montana,
Annual Drug Approval Coordination Workshop,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Zero withdrawal sedative
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Humble reflections on the
aquaculture drug approval process and progress:
Approval Coordination Workshop, Bozeman,
a 40-year perspective. 14th European Association
of Fish Pathologists Conference on Diseases of
Fish and Shellfish, Prague, Czech Republic,
Schnick, R.A. 2008. Aquaculture drug approvals:
successes and challenges. U.S. Trout Farmers
Schnick, R.A. 2009. Transition October 2009–April
2010: The National Coordinator for Aquaculture
New Animal Drug Applications, Center for
Veterinary Medicine, Rockville, Maryland, October 15-16, 2009.
Schwaab, E., and R.A. Schnick. 2005. Summary of
IAFWA Project: History and partnerships. 11th Annual Drug Approval Coordination Workshop, Bozeman, Montana, August 2-3, 2005.
Schwaab, E., and R.A. Schnick. 2006. Summary of
IAFWA Project: History and partnerships. 12th Annual Aquaculture Drug Approval Coordination Workshop, La Crosse, Wisconsin, August 1-2, 2006.
Annual Progress Report 2008-09 Page 18
Race Report: USA Ultra Triathlon Double IRON – Tampa, Florida, March 1 & 2, 2013 7.6 km Swim — 360 km Bike — 84 km Run Pre-race Yasmin and I arrived in Tampa on Monday evening. With the race on Friday morning we would have a few days to rent a car, poke around and get to know the area, and just get used to being away from our snowy and cold winter home back in Ottawa. On Thur
Die Cholesterinlügen Das Cholesterin (auch Cholesterol) ist ein in allen tierischen Zellen vorkommender Naturstoff. Der Name leitet sich vom griechischen chole ‚Galle‘ und stereos ‚fest‘ ab, da es – bereits im 18. Jahrhundert – in Gallensteinen gefunden wurde. Generell nimmt der Gesamtcholesterinspiegel mit dem Alter deutlich zu. In der Regel ist er bei jungen Frauen etwas ni