A p r i l 2 0 1 3 V o l u m e 2 , I s s u e 4 NEW HEALTH CONCEPTS WELLNESS & REHAB CENTER New Health Concepts, 2106 N. Ridge Road, Elyria Ohio 44035 NewHealthConcepts.net [email protected] (440) 324-2637 & (440) 277-6743 Fax
people of all ages. Knee pain can be caused
by an injury such as rupture ligament or torn
cartilage but also by medical conditions such
as arthritis, gout & infections. Knee pain can
be referred pain or related to the knee joint.
knee & knee joint. The knee joint consists of
an articulation between four bones such as:
the femur, tibia, fibula & patella. The knee
has four sections which are the medial &
lateral tibiofemoral, the patellofemoral & the
which can increase you risk of knee problems:
pain may vary depending on the cause of the
(a) Age – Certain types of knee problems are
more common in young people, for example:
Osgood-Schlatter & patellar tendinitis.
Osteoarthritis & gout tend to affect older
(b) Sex – Teenage girls are more likely to
Locking or inability to straighten the
experience ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)
greater risk of Osgood-Schlatter & patellar
c) Excess weight – When you are overweight
sharp twists & turns & potential for falls,
or obese that increases the stress on your
basketball’s jumps & the repeat pounding
knee joints, even during ordinary activities
such as walking or climbing stairs. Plus,
increases the chances to get osteoarthritis.
Previous injury – Having a previous knee
(d) Mechanical problems – Certain structural
injury makes it more likely that you injure
abnormalities such as one leg shorter than
the other, misaligned knees & flat feet.
(e) Lack of muscle flexibility or strength –
Tight or weak muscles offer less support for
your knee because they don’t absorb the
(f) Certain sports – Alpine skiing with its
ligaments, tendons or fluid-filled sacs that
surround the knee joint, bones & cartilage.
Some of the more common knee injuries are:
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury
that play basketball or downhill skiing.
knee alignment & stability. This compression
bandage should be tight enough to support the
(Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve &
knee without interfering with circulation.
others) help ease knee pain. Some people find
relief rubbing their knees with oilments or
liniments containing such ingredients as injury, elevating your knee can help reducing
capsaicin, lidocaine or a numbing ingredient.
swelling. Use pillows to prop your leg or sit in
activities reduces repetitive strain on the knee,
gives the injury time to heal and helps prevent
tendons that surround the joint can help with
Ice – Ice reduces pain & inflammation.
Physical therapy – Physical therapist use
Although ice therapy is safe & effective, don’t
different techniques to increase strength,
use ice for longer than 20 minutes at a time
regain mobility & help patients to their pre-
because of the risk to damage your nerves &
accumulation in damaged tissues & maintains
difficult but if you follow these suggestions
exercises & suffered from osteoarthritis
you may be able to prevent injuries & joint
Keep extra pounds off – Maintaining a
& low impact activities few days a week
Glucosamine & Synergy – These two
relieving osteoarthritis knee pain & joint
Get strong, stay agile – Weak muscles
are the leading cause of knee injuries.
words “Maybe it will go away”. Make an
appointment today; don’t wait for your
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Int Urogynecol J (2011) 22:395–400DOI 10.1007/s00192-010-1252-8Treatment choice, duration, and cost in patientswith interstitial cystitis and painful bladder syndromeJennifer T. Anger & Nasim Zabihi &J. Quentin Clemens & Christopher K. Payne &Christopher S. Saigal & Larissa V. RodriguezReceived: 12 June 2010 / Accepted: 4 August 2010 / Published online: 2 September 2010#