Research For A Cure
A newsletter of the National Foundation for Cancer Research
New Progress in Cancer Research - Michael Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Each year, over 50,000
confronted with cancer is the ability for with other types of cancer. With NFCR’s Center in California, is working to raise modification, the T-cells are returned to today about your suitability for clinical locating and destroying the cancer cells. information on Dr. Cooper’s research visit heard to say “the body makes its ownmedicine.” They were referring to theamazing ability of our body’s immune Year End Giving
system to heal and defend us fromwithin. However, even the best defensesneed a little reinforcement when a particularly powerful foe, such as cancer, donation to NFCR’s cancer research.
years to come. If you’re planning for the future, don’t overlook the benefits of tax-deductible gifts! Charitable gift annuities, gifts of stock and bequests are all important considerations in 4600 East West Highway ■ Suite 525 ■ Bethesda, MD 20814 ■ 1-800-321-CURE(2873) ■ President’s Message
centers and more than 30 individual laboratories.
The progress they’ve made and the opportunities at first Holiday edition of Research for hand are more exciting than ever, and you have a Cure. In it you’ll find recent updates on our research programs, a new paradigm for To help keep you informed about the advances you are supporting, we will be expanding our make tax-wise, year-end gifts, a delicious newsletter to four editions in 2005. I hope you will continue to read them and provide us with your valuable feedback. Thank you so much for your NFCR. Over the last three months we’ve received annual progress reports from our nine research A Toast to Your Health - Sophia Teng, M.A.
The relatively low incidence of heart disease among the development of tumor cells.
French, whose diet contains high levels of saturated fat, A recent study by Drs. Marty Mayo and Fan Yeung at the is commonly known as the French Paradox. Many have University of Virginia demonstrated that resveratrol can attributed this phenomenon to their consumption of red wine.
facilitate the initiation of cancer cells’ self-destruction by We know now that resveratrol, a compound found in the skins inhibiting the activity of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), which activates genes critical for cell survival. Additionally, its minimal toxicity to blood-forming cells makes it an appealing candidate as an anti-cancer agent. Although present in foods such as mulberries and peanuts, resveratrol can be found most abundantly in the skins of red fermentation process of wine making.
fungus invasion. It is also an antioxidant that can inhibit lipid peroxidation of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), which plays an important role in preventing the occurrence of heart production. Of the different types of red wine, resveratrol disease. Resveratrol also appears to intervene in cancer concentration is the highest in pinot noir, followed by progression by inhibiting enzymes such as COX-1 and cabernet Franc, merlot, and it varies greatly in cabernet ribonucleotide reductase which play important roles in the sauvignon. Grape juice, which is not a fermented beverage, isnot a significant source of resveratrol.
While there are many known benefits associated with Subscribe to Survive !
resveratrol, doctors do not encourage heavy intake ofresveratrol supplements, nor do they recommend a population-wide red wine consumption increase. Currently, we have to your cancer care needs iscritical! That is why NFCR limited knowledge about the absorption and clearance of resveratrol, the identities of its metabolic products, and its effects on the liver. Therefore, you should consult with your physician first to determine the amount of wine intake that can offer you the most health benefits. ■ material, to deliver cancer-specific newsletters on colon, NFCR’s website, is an excellent source for obtaining information on cancer prevention tips, new breakthroughs in cancer issues that concern you. Visit our website today and register to receive NFCR’s free New Frontiers in Cancer Drug Development Targeted Therapies: A New
Paradigm for Treating Cancer
NFCR Fellow, Dr. Stanley Cohen at Stanford University School of Medicine is a leadingresearcher in the field of cancer molecular Biofunding Summit 2004 in October, OSIPharmaceutical’s Colin Goddard, Ph.D.
described clinical trial results which showed homozygous knockout (RHKO) technology that identifies, isolates, and characterizes genes that Pharmaceutical’s Tarceva™, provides a “one-two” Today, with NFCR’s support, Dr. Cohen’s research (NSCLC), the nation’s leading cancer killer. And is focusing on understanding and curing liver that’s not all: results of a phase III clinical trial cancer using microarray (gene chip) technology.
Microarray is a technology that can analyze gene another anti-cancer drug, gemcitabine, also expressions by identifying differences in biological properties between normal and cancerous tissues.
Dr. Daniel Von Hoff, Co-Director of the NFCR Dr. Cohen and his team have identified 703 genes that are highly expressed Center for New Therapy Development remarked in liver cancer. Many of those 703 genes have biological functions related to that these combinations represent a "targeted cell proliferation, cell cycle control, DNA repair, or RNA transcription – all therapy" approach that focuses on the abnormal important steps involved in cancer formation. Researchers can now identify signals that drive cancer cells and lead to the tumor markers, cancer promoting genes, and therapeutic targets for liver cancers. Targeted therapies try to reduce Why are Dr. Cohen’s recent discoveries so important? Liver cancer is one tumors and keep cancer at bay by blocking the of the leading causes of cancer death in the world today. Dr. Cohen’s process by which cancer cells divide, grow and comprehensive approach to analyzing gene expression has allowed scientists spread. Because targeted therapies potentially to quickly extract more detailed information from limited sets of data, target cancer cells while sparing healthy cells, accelerating the pace at which better diagnostics and treatments will become there is great hope for them as a new and more available to help liver cancer patients. effective way to treat cancers with fewer side Until a cure for liver cancer is found, prevention and early detection are still your best defense - if you smoke, quit; and limit alcohol intake. If you’re traveling abroad, make sure to have your Hepatitis B & C vaccinationscompleted. Call NFCR today at 1-800-321-2873 to receive a free Liver CancerFAQ booklet. ■ Giving and Receiving – A Holiday Tradition
Order your Poinsettias for
the Holidays and help

With a charitable gift annuity, you will: Receive fixed payments, guaranteed for life
benefit cancer research
Earn an immediate income tax deduction
Support life-saving cancer research

of every purchase of a Poinsettia or one of arrangements goes to benefit the National You can direct payments to yourself, An Integrated Approach to Treating Cancer
provide solid scientific evidence and shed light on how these approaches work against cancer.
(CAM) to combat cancer. In one year alone, it NFCR supports research that utilizes advanced was reported in the Journal of the American Medical technology to develop new anti-cancer therapies from Association that Americans spent upwards of $21.2 natural herbal substances while following FDA clinical billion on complementary and alternative medicine protocols. NFCR Fellow, Dr. Yung-Chi Cheng at Yale therapies. Not currently regulated by the FDA, these University School of Medicine is exploring the use of approaches include dietary supplements, megadose a Chinese medicine formula as complementary therapy vitamins, herbal preparations, acupuncture and other for the treatment of liver cancer. Dr. Cheng has non-conventional ways to seek help from cancer.
discovered that when used in combination with available drugs, such as Xeloda, this formula can researchers have begun to apply the same standards decrease side effects while enhancing its cancer- of scientific rigor required for conventional medical fighting effectiveness. Please be sure to consult your treatments. One such integrative medical approach physician before taking any natural remedies or combines cutting-edge technologies such as natural products. Not all natural remedies and proteomics and combinatorial chemistry with CAM to products are compatible with chemotherapies. ■ A Gift That Lives On…
Holiday Treat - Apple Maple Brined Turkey
Prep Time: 30 minutes,
plus 12-18 hours brining time
prepare to celebrate with our family andloved ones. Unfortunately for many families, the season may also bring a sense of loss as we remember those who are no longer celebrating with us. Many people want to do something meaningful to honor that person’s 1 Tbsp. coarsely cracked black pepper 6 whole cloves Fund to paytribute to someone who is battling cancer or has lost their fight against this terrible Boil 2 cups of water with salt. Cool to room temperature, and then pour into a large, tall stock pot or sterilized food grade pail just wide enough individual you specify and will serve as a to hold the turkey. Stir in remaining ingredients, except turkey. Set the lasting tribute to your loved one, and an turkey in ensuring it is completely submerged in the brine. Refrigerate ongoing source of support for cancer research.
turkey in brine for 12-18 hours, turning occasionally. Preheat the oven to Some of our donors have chosen to ask their 325°F. Drain turkey well; discard brine. Pat turkey dry inside and out.
family to make gifts to a Rose Fund in lieu of Place the turkey in a roasting pan. Roast turkey, basting with pan juices holiday gifts. Others choose to simply make a occasionally, 3 hours, or until a thermometer inserted into thickest part of gift in honor of someone special, intending to thigh registers 180°F. Rest the turkey 15 minutes before carving. Make occasions in the future. Still others take thisopportunity to begin making monthly Recipe courtesy of Thriftyfoods ( ■ donations through a named Rose Fund to helpsupport cancer research so others may one day Want More Healthy and Delicious Recipes?
live without fear of this terrible disease.
Eating healthy is a primary way to reduce your risk of cancer. As a special There is no limit to the number of people thank you for your support of NFCR, we are offering a free 2005 “To Your who can contribute to your Rose Fund, and Health” Calendar, full of cancer fighting recipes, to anyone who makes a you can set up separate funds for different gift of $15 or more. Simply check the box on the reply envelope to receive establishing a Rose Fund, call Ann Mariani, our Offer valid while supplies last. Thank you for your contribution to cancer research! You can Rose Fund specialist, at 800-321-2873. ■ also view our 2005 recipe collection by visiting us at ■


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Why is the Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) National Congressional Call In Day, Wednesday, September 10, 2008, so important? The answer is simple—we must unite and call members of Congress and urge them to protect women’s access to bio-identical hormones. This issue has been brewing for years between the FDA, big Pharma and compounding pharmacists. As you know, the stake


Original Paper RESEARCH Accepted: July 11, 2006 Published online: August 31, 2006 Psychosocial Functioning, Self-Perception and Body Image and Their Auxologic Correlates in Growth Hormone and Oestrogen-Treated Young Adult Women with Turner Syndrome Katrien Lagrou a Christelle Froidecoeur a Francisca Verlinde a Margaretha Craen b Jean De Schepper c Inge François d Guy Massa a

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