The List of Environment-Related Substances * For Q&A about Nintendo's CSR, this list is taken from 'The List of Environment-Related Substances', which is distributed to our business partners.
This standard applies to: • All products that are purchased by Nintendo and are subsequently sold or provided as finished goods including
sales promotion goods and maintenance parts to customers as consumers, retail stores, and OEMs (licensees). • Sub-materials contained in the above products or shipped with the above products. The laws and regulations of each country that apply to the substance types, uses, or threshold values shall be complied with regardless of whether regulations for such are included or not in this specification.
Examples of Applicable Items
Electric game equipment (such as gaming systems, software and peripherals), playing
card games, board games (such as Go and Japanese chess), publications, sales
Console or handheld assemblies, PCB assemblies
Semiconductors, resistors, screws, connectors, printed circuit boards (PCBs), pressed
Parts (electrical or mechanical parts, molded parts, batteries, printed materials, plastic bags, retail packaging, inner
(1) If a substance is restricted by the national regulations of a country, those regulations shall take precedence over the
(2) The following conditions must be met for Banned Substances (NA Rank) to be in compliance with this standard.
If a threshold value is specified, the quantity of the substance must be under the threshold value regardless of other reasoning.
If no threshold value has been specified for a substance, it shall not be intentionally added. In addition, the substance must be strictly controlled to prevent accidental contamination.
(3) “Homogenous materials” are materials that are uniform in their composition and cannot be mechanically separated.
Examples include plastics, ceramics, glass, metals, alloys, paper, adhesives, inks, resins, and coatings (paint and metallic coatings).
(4) If a product, part, or material is made up of a composite material (material that is composed of multiple
homogenous materials), the threshold values for NA Rank Banned Substances or NB Rank Substances Subject to Early Withdrawal are applicable to each homogenous material. There are no threshold values for the overall ratio for the entire product, part, or material.
(5) Products and parts subject to “Other Restricted Substances” shall conform to those standards in addition to the NA,
(6) “Accessible parts” refers to the parts that, among those comprising finished assemblies and accessories, will come
in direct contact with end-users. Examples of such parts are molded products, connectors exposed on the outside surface of the product, and the labels and stickers applied to these parts.
(7) “Packaging materials” are the parts used to protect or transport finished assemblies and accessories and include the
shipment case, inner case, printed box, case, shrink wrap, tray, polyethylene bag, etc.
(8) The units used to express the threshold values in this standard comply with representative regulations.
This document is translated from the Japanese original “List of Environment Related Substances” to English. If any differences between the content of the Japanese original and English translation are found, priority shall be given to the Japanese original Banned Substances (NA)
The use of the following materials is restricted by relevant laws or is considered unsuitable by Nintendo.
Attach the Certificate of Non-Use of Banned Substances to the Supplier Specification.
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC) Annex XVII
Product surface coating materials (paint,
American Consumer Product Safety Improvement
Class I Specified Chemical in the Japanese Chemical Substance
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/ EC) Annex XVII
Class II Specified Chemical in the Japanese Chemical Substance
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC) Annex XVII
Class I Specified Chemical in the Japanese Chemical Substance
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC) Annex XVII
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC) Annex XVII
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC) Annex XVII
Taiwan Toy Safety Standard (Chinese National Standard
American Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA)
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC)
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC) Annex XVII
The use of these substances as specifically exempted by the RoHS Directive is allowed.
Denmark’s Cadmium Directive sets the threshold value for Cadmium and Cadmium Compounds at 0.0075 wt%.
However, for products that are also subject to the EU RoHS Directive, the threshold may be relaxed to 0.01 wt%,
which is the threshold for Cadmium according to RoHS.
Dibutyltins (DBTs) and Dioctyltins (DOTs) may not be used in products received on or after 7/1/2011.
Refer to the European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC), Appendix 8 for a list of aromatic amines.
Azocolourants and azodyes which form certain aromatic amines may not be used in parts that may come into direct
contact with end-users for a long period of time.
The applicable ozone depleting substances include all substances subject to the Montreal Protocol except HCFC. This
regulation shall be applied to industrialized nations regardless of the country of manufacture or country of shipment.
Applicable ozone depleting substances may not be contained in products or used for production. Eliminate all
alternative chlorofluorocarbons such as HCFC by 2015.
Products for industry use (test fixtures, development tools, etc.) are exempt as they will not come into contact with
The use of these substances in AC Adapters may be permitted if alternative materials, which guarantee the safety of
These restrictions apply even to “internal parts that cannot be placed in the mouth”, which are normally exempt
according to European REACH regulations.
Refer to the sample list of PFOS related substances in the section on POPs treaties on Japan’s Ministry of Economy,
Applies to PFOS related substances to satisfy the values listed in the EU Directive (1907/2006/EEC) Annex XVII and
to comply with the threshold values defined by the same directive.
The threshold value shall be 0.1wt/% for products or parts.
However, this threshold does not apply to each homogenous material that makes up the products and parts.
Rather this is the threshold for the whole product/part and can be expressed as a ratio in which the amount of the
substance is divided by the total mass of the part. The basic unit for products and parts is defined as their
assembled state at the point of receipt.
If fabric is used in the materials, the fabric coating shall have a threshold value of 1 μg/
wt/% restriction for the overall product/part.
Substances to be made into compounds or base materials shall have a threshold value of 50 mg/kg.
Substances Subject to Early Withdrawal (NB)
The following substances are expected to be classified as NA Rank Banned Substances in accordance with the enactment of future laws and regulations. As part of our risk management and environment preservation efforts, Nintendo plans to switch over to alternative substances and completely remove these substances from our products and production processes as soon as possible.
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
Substances Under Application Control (NC)
The content of the following substances shall be continually monitored.
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
Class II Specified Chemical in the Japanese Chemical
European REACH Regulations (1907/2006/EC)
Items will be added to the NC17: REACH Regulation Candidate
List for Authorization. Be sure to keep current with
the latest version. Refer to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) website below for the latest version.
Other Restricted-Use Substances
These substances are restricted for use in specific products, parts, and materials to ensure the safety of Nintendo’s products. Refer to “proof of compliance” in each section, and provide the appropriate documents for products subject to these restrictions.
Substances Subject to Safety Tests 4-1-1 Phthalates
Be compliant with standards for Banned Substances NA17-NA22.
Attach the Certificate of Non-Use of Banned Substances and the Phthalate Analysis Results Report to the Supplier Specifications.
Applies to all parts that comprise a product. A Phthalates Analysis Results Report is specifically required for the following parts.
Electrical wire, cable, FFC (Flexible Flat Cable) Elastic parts such as rubber FPC
Polyvinyl chloride parts Accessible parts
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
European REACH Regulations (1907/2006/EC)
Taiwan Toy Safety Standard (Chinese National Standard
American Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
4-1-2 Substances Subject to EN71-3 Testing
Be compliant with the European Toy Safety Directive (88/378/EEC) Standard EN71 Part 3.
Attach the Certificate of Compliance with the European Standard EN71 Safety of Toys–Part 3: Migration of Certain Elements and Certificate of Compliance with Testing of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the EN71 Part 3 Analysis Results Report to the Supplier Specifications.
Applies to all accessible parts that may come into contact with end-users.
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
European Toy Safety Directive (88/378/EEC)
Testing Method: Base testing methods on the information
4-1-3 Substances Subject to Testing for PAHs
Be compliant with the testing for PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons).
Attach the Certificate of Compliance with the European Standard EN71 Safety of Toys–Part 3: Migration of Certain Elements and Certificate of Compliance with Testing of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and the PAHs Analysis Results Report to the Supplier Specifications.
Applies to all accessible parts of electronic game related devices (game console, AC adapter, game software, controller, AV cable, other accessories, etc.)
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
Testing Method: Base testing methods and
threshold values on the ZEK 01.2-08 issued by the
German AtAV (Board for Technical Tools and
Consumer Products). Be sure to refer to the
If there are no specific instructions, apply the
The categories and regulations for assembled parts
differ depending on the location and purpose of
Chemical Substance Regulations for Individual Products 4-2-1 Nickel and Nickel Compounds
Be compliant with the conditions of Annex XVII Entry 27 of the European REACH Regulations (1907/2006/EC).
Attach the EN1811 test results to the Supplier Specification.
Applies to accessible parts that (1) have Nickel or Nickel compounds intentionally used in the product and (2) come into direct contact with the end-user's skin for an extended duration.
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
European REACH Regulations (1907/2006/EC)
4-2-2 Chemical Substances Subject to Regulations for Batteries
Be compliant with the European Directive on Batteries and Accumulators (2006/66/EC).
Attach the Certificate of Compliance with European Parliament and Council Directive 2006/66/EC on Batteries and Accumulators Containing Certain Dangerous Substances to the Supplier Specification.
Applies to part assemblies or parts that include batteries.
4-2-3 Chemical Substances Subject to Regulations for Packaging Materials
Be compliant with the European Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive (94/62/EC) and the US Regulations for Heavy Metals in Packaging.
Attach the Certificate of Compliance with the European Parliament and Council Directive (94/62/EC) and the Model Toxics in Packaging Legislations (USA) to the Supplier Specification.
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
US Regulations for Heavy Metals in Packaging
4-2-4 Chemical Substances Subject to Regulations for Fabrics That Come Into Direct Contact with the
Be compliant with the restriction conditions in the European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC) Annex XVII Entry 4,7,8.
Attach the verification report that the chemicals are not purposely added to the Supplier Specification.
Applies to fabrics such as wrist straps that come into direct contact with the skin.
Reference Regulations & Standards Etc.
European REACH regulations (1907/2006/EC)
Urethral Pressures- A New Role in UD Testing Author: Timothy McKinney, M.D., Ph.D. For: Laborie Quarterly Newsletter, 2006 The goal of urodynamics testing is to provide objective confirmation of the signs and symptoms of incontinence and voiding dysfunction. While diagnosis and optimal treatment of lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) requires a careful history and objective evaluatio
Regione Veneto – Ospedale S. Bortolo U.L.S.S. 6 Vicenza Unità Operativa di Medicina Nucleare RICHIESTA DI SCINTIGRAFIA CEREBRALE CON TRACCIANTI RECETTORIALI PRE-SINAPTICI (DATSCAN) tutti i farmaci e le sostanze che si legano ai trasportatori pre-sinaptici della Dopamina possono interferire con la captazione striatale del DATSCAN compatibilmente con le condizioni cliniche del paz