Core measure memo cards

Core Measures Memo Cards
Congestive Heart Failure
Pneumonia - patients 18 & older
● Physician orders complete on CHF standing order set ● Obtain blood cultures before administering first antibiotic ● ECHO ordered or previous copy to chart and
● Initial antibiotics received within 6 hours of arrival; Acute RN to ask ED RN if cx and abx completed ● ACE Inhibitors/ARBS for LVSD prescribed at DC ● Physician orders completed on Pneumonia standing ● Review physicians orders for correct antibiotic ● Contraindications for not prescribing ACE/ARBS
selection for admission(non-ICU pt or ICU pt) correct must be documented in medical record
antibiotic must be administered within 24 hours of arrival ● High creatinine ● Angioedema with ACE/ARBS
● Bilateral renal stenosis ● Hypotension
● Hyperkalemia ● Patient/family refusal

● Adult smoking cessation advice/counseling including anyone who has quit within 12 months
● CHF booklet reviewed with patient - document on DC ● Pneumococcal vaccine (year round) / Influenza (October 1 through March 31); document on DC orders ● Adult smoking cessation advice/counseling including
anyone who has quit within 12 months
● Pneumococcal vaccine/Influenza (October 1 through ●●DC instruction must be reviewed by a CN
before the patient leaves!
March 31) document on DC orders when completed ● DC instructions include:
● Diet ● Activity ● Follow-up appt ●●DC instructions must be reviewed by a CN
before the patient leaves!●●
Acute Myocardial Infarction
Children's Asthma Care
● Aspirin at arrival and DC
● Review physician's orders for reliever medications (Contraindication for not prescribing ASA must be ordered (e.g., Atrovent, Maxair, Albutol Sulfate) ● Review physician's orders for corticosteroids ordered ● Physician orders completed on AMI standing order set (e.g., Decadron, Prednisone, Solu-Medrol) ● Adult smoking cessation advice/counseling ● Home management plan of care MUST be completed by
including anyone who has quit within 12 months
physician with documentation that the patient/caregivers
were given a written plan of care that addresses ALL of
● LV Function assessment/documentation ● ACE Inhibitors/ARBS for LVSD prescribed at DC ▪ Arrangements for follow-up care
▪ Environmental control and control of other

● Contraindications for not prescribing ACE/ARBS
must be documented in medical record
▪ Method and timing of rescue actions
● High creatinine ● Angioedema with ACE/ARBS

▪ Use of controllers
● Bilateral renal stenosis ● Hypotension
● Hyperkalemia ● Patient/family refusal
▪ Use of relievers
●●DC instructions must be reviewed by the CN
● Pneumococcal vaccine/Influenza (October 1 through before the patient leaves!●●
March 31) document on DC orders when completed ● Beta-blocker prescribed at discharge (or documentation
in medical record for contraindication for not

●●DC instruction must be reviewed by a CN
before the patient leaves!●●


Tax relief provided since 2006

Tax Relief Provided Since 2006 Budget 2006 Individuals  Reduced the GST rate to 6% from 7%, effective July 1, 2006.  Reduced lowest personal income tax (PIT) rate to 15.5% from 16%, effective July 1, 2006i.  Increased the basic personal amount to $8,648 from $8,148 for 2005, to $8,839 from $8,428 for 2006, to $8,929 from $8,713 in 2007, to $9,299 from $9,278 in 2008, and to

Tips collected from Australian online role-playing designers during an email ice-breaker activity preceding our National Summit on Online Role Tips for Moderating Online Role Play A. Life Cycle of Online Role Play Establish boundaries in using outside contacts (including the real person if the role-play is based on real people) Mark Freeman, UTS Explain total approximate time lear

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